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DON'T call him a freak. "Control freak" is fine with him, though.

0 · 779 views · located in Hellborne Valley

a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by MrAuthor3DS



Crimson Viper's Theme - Marvel vs Capcom 3

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Specie: Halvanr

Physical Description: Appears human at first, but bears a robotic head and tail much like a serpent, a clawed mechanical right hand, and swivel-jointed robot feet - all this with a red/gold color scheme. He has a mane of long auburn hair, mechanical wings that somewhat resemble a cobra's hood, a red obi, and a beige furred cloak. Nobody has seen his human face.

Personality: Grudging. Some incident from long ago has made him resentful of mankind to the point of denying his own human side. Besides that, he's caring for anyone that qualifies as his kin. He doesn't deny that he can be a "total control freak".

History: A Halvanr - the child of a human and a Vandroid - that suddenly appeared and took Socrates by storm, followed by a legion of Falvanir (humans that were artificially made into Halvanir). His goal: change the world. He would do so by subduing or killing the top leaders, and by capturing and converting more people into loyal Falvanir. Why does he hate humanity so much? Well, there's a clue in his past - a vague clue...

Equipment: Besides his Halvanr sections, Zeta controls a (oddly non-sentient) Vandroid named Sigma. Sigma is quite literally a weapon - its lower jaw unfolds into two serrated blades to dig into enemies, and it emits powerful Z-rays. Zeta hold Sigma by a chain handle within the back of its head.

Abilities: Zeta has the uncanny ability to control others - he can hypnotize living things (even if temporarily), command machines to act to his will, even replicate others' actions for his use later. Such a power makes him dangerous and unpredictable.

Other: Despite his controlling powers, he can be a little emotional if struck just right. Even if he claims he hates humanity, some part of him isn't sure he means that.

Specific Moves
  • Manipulate: Hypnotizes the target, making him/her act to his will. He can do this with multiple targets.
  • Turnabout: Conjures a portal that sucks in incoming projectiles and casts them somewhere else - like the caster.
  • Voodoo Doll: Focuses as an attack is incoming. If used right, he'll suddenly be replaced by a hard-light replica of the attacker, making all damage from the attack go to him/her.
  • Stop Hitting Yourself!: A quick, simple mind control trick that makes the target harm him/herself.
  • Sigma Ray: A Z-ray shot from Sigma's maw. Phases through solids, but will dissipate after some distance.
  • Sigma Cutter: Zeta swings Sigma around on its chain, letting its jaw-blades slice about.
  • Sigma Chomp: Sigma lunges forth like a disobedient dog, pulling Zeta along as it chomps at the ground. This leaves a trail of spatial tears in the ground, which will heal in time.
  • Sigma Buster: Sigma fires a huge Z-ray beam forth.
  • Doppel Zeta: Manifests a shadow of himself, acting alongside him.
  • Zeta Tag Team Special: Zeta joins with an ally, granting him/her the power for a tag-team attack. What it is depends on whether said ally specializes in strength, speed, or force.

  • Magneto (X-Men)
  • Kuja (Final Fantasy 9)
  • Sonny (I, Robot)
  • Nastasia (Super Paper Mario)
  • Jafar's cobra form (Aladdin)
  • Solidus Snake (Metal Gear Solid 2)

  • Zeta is a Greek letter that symbolizes offerings. It also relates to the archangel Michael - this is also Zeta's real name.
  • Of the two zodiacs, Zeta is drawn from Ophiuchus and the Cat. Both are excluded, or extra, signs.
  • The letter that his weapon, Sigma, is named for symbolizes psychopomps, or guides of souls to the realm of the dead.
  • Zeta has some aesthetic similarities to Disney's Jafar - namely, his cobra-like appearance and his ability of mental suggestion.
  • Zeta's fur cloak is meant to resemble a lion's mane.
  • Whereas Xi has a blue color scheme, Zeta has a red color scheme. Alternatively, Xi mostly has "cool colors", while Zeta has "warm colors". Zeta is also an initial rival for Xi.
  • Zeta's mind control isn't always for his own purposes. It can also be used to stimulate another's courage or control their movements, making them capable of taking on the task before them and sometimes for Zeta to be a second set of eyes for them. This is something that Zeta does late in Primal OMEGA's story.

So begins...

Zeta's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa Character Portrait: Camilia Character Portrait: Mario
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"That's classified information, hedgehog," interjected a Majestic trooper.

The sound of jet engines once again fills the air as the troops look up and see more airships coming to pick them up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa Character Portrait: Camilia Character Portrait: Mario
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"Didn't you know?" Kokonotsu chimed. "It was rumored that if Alex or Morbul defeated the other, then the victor would return to the distant cosmos that they first came from."

"But that just happened when he stabbed one of their troops!" Damian said.

"Exactly. {to Lucas} You mentioned something on the way - that assailant taking a blood sample from Alex?"

"(!) Oh yeah, you did-a say that!" Mario said.

"Something tells me they used that to mimic Alex's compatibility with the blades...among other things."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa Character Portrait: Camilia Character Portrait: Mario
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#, as written by Karasz
"But what matters most is that Morbul is now banished into that other place. So I guess the world is safe for now." Sonic smirked at the moment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa Character Portrait: Camilia Character Portrait: Mario
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"Exactly," said the troops, grabbing onto ropes lowered from the airships and being hoisted onto them. The airships fly out of the area.

"I don't get it," said Terrus. "But we should be getting Alex's swords back, shouldn't w-"

"No," said Alex.

Terrus and Duma turn to Alex, confused.

"Don't you get it?" asked Alex. "I don't want them back anymore."

"But you need them to-" began Terrus.

"To what, fight Morbul?" asked Alex. "Problem solved! The one thing I can do no one else can? Not an issue anymore! What do you want from me now, huh? Do you want to drag me around and throw me at more problems, hoping for the best? Or when you realize I can't do them are you going to sacrifice yourselves hoping I can get better? Morbul was right. You guys do see me as a weapon. I barely even know half of you and still you dragged me here, ignoring my protests, hoping that I could somehow kill Morbul. Guess what? There are twenty or so guys out there now who can do my job better than I can, and whatever's behind them can probably make more. You don't have to bother with me anymore."

Alex walks off.

"Where are you going?" asked Terrus.

"Home," said Alex.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Camilia Character Portrait: Mario Character Portrait: Twilight Sparkle
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~ Stolen Memories - Trauma Team ~

"A-Alex, wait - !" Andy was about to follow, but Lucas stopped him with a hand to his shoulder.

"Let him leave," Lucas said.


"But nothing! He's been through too much hell lately - and you can't say we didn't play a part in most of it. He needs his rest..."

"..." There was so much that Andy wanted to say to Alex, too many to count...but Lucas was right. He shouldn't burden it on Alex.

Zeta merely watched as the airships took off. Something told him that they'll lead him to what he's looking for. Before anyone could look, he was already gone.

"(!) Brother - ??" Xi reacted. No use...he's already left, too.

"Y'know...I don't think he's such a bad guy," Kokonotsu noted. "Upset, sure, but not bad. At the very least, today we saw the end of two nuisances."

"...! Hang on, I just realized what I found before I was taken!" Twilight exclaimed to Mario and Sonic.

The setting changes from The Chamber of Anarchy to Hellborne Valley

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Twilight Sparkle Character Portrait: Xi Character Portrait: Rainbow Dash Character Portrait: Zeta Character Portrait: Fluttershy
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Xi and the three winged ponies were about to leave...

"So...I take it all went well in there?"

The four paused at this voice. Turning, they saw Zeta leaning against a nearby rock spire.

"(!) You again?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"(!) Don't tell me THIS is the guy that nabbed you!" Rainbow Dash growled, leering down Zeta. "Well, have I got some choice words for - !"

"Wait!!" Xi shouted, holding Rainbow Dash back by her tail. "...Sorry about that, brother. She's a bit...well, less likely to relinquish a grudge."

"Understood," Zeta commented. "But I really shouldn't waste any time. It seems that something is about to emerge."

"Emerge...?" Fluttershy responded. "Oh my...What's going to emerge?"

"Xi...I think you know what I'm talking about. What was destroyed in Haven's midst...Its kin are in dire risk as well."

"Its kin...?" Xi asked.

"You two...." Zeta said to Twilight and Rainbow Dash, "you might have seen something similar, I take it? Well, what I speak of is on a grander scale than those little shards of the Bell Tower."

"Grander scale...?" Twilight responded.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Twilight Sparkle Character Portrait: Xi Character Portrait: Thugs-4-Less Leader Character Portrait: Rainbow Dash Character Portrait: Zeta
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Nothing's to stop Leilanie from going there.


Meanwhile, at the surface...

"Like I said, I have to leave soon," Zeta said. "We can only hope that the other seven won't be harmed..."

"Wait!" Fluttershy called. "What happens if the other seven are...?"

"...Well...with one gone, it's said the destroyer can observe all in the world. Two gone...I don't even want to think of what will happen then..."

And with that, Zeta vanished in a blur of solar light.

"(!) Wait - !" Xi cried out...but was too late.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Twilight Sparkle Character Portrait: Xi Character Portrait: Thugs-4-Less Leader Character Portrait: Rainbow Dash Character Portrait: Zeta
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#, as written by Karasz
Leilanie began training at the facility by throwing her shurikens at the training dummies. Some of the dummies have a picture of the ex-ruler of Hellborne, Satan. Ever since he was banished, his former minions posted pictures of his mugshot as the faces of the dummies. They just love to ridicule him for his lack of common sense. Most noticeably, it was because of the tug-o-war challenge he lost years ago.