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Isac Bellaloa

"A king must do as best he can to serve his kingdom."

0 · 1,229 views · located in Kingdom of Teirwen

a character in “Game of Thrones: You either win or die.”, as played by ShykKedid



|Full Name|
Isac Michal Bellaloa

Sir, King, Highness, Isac


38 Years

King of Teirwen




Hair Color:
Dark brown, sometimes streaked with white.

Eye Color:

Skin Complexion:
Slightly Tanned

Clothing Style:
Elegant robes and fine, elaborate clothing. Nothing but the best.

Has slight beard just on his chin and well taken care of mustache.


Being a king, it is obvious Isac must have a kingly personality. He posses traits from both his own mother and father, being strict about schooling and kingly duties like his father, yet loving and understanding like his mother. He's not a cold person, and actually cares about his families well being, but cross him once and he'll be colder than ice for a short while. He's a king of second chances, and no harm. If a small peasant child was to be caught stealing and brought into court, he would let the child go with no less than a warning, letting her keep what ever scrap she was attempting to steal, paying for the penchant in his name. But, god forbid, someone be caught attempting harm or murder upon anyone, they'd be thrown to prison for an undefined amount of time.
Upon all this, I regret to inform that he, also telling his guards this, believes in guilty until proven innocent. This can lead to many problems, and many hatred, but someone must be charged for said crimes.

Born into a royal family was Isac Bellaloa, second eldest of his fathers three sons and young daughter. Life as a prince was easy enough for the boy, focusing most of his time on his schooling and learning how to wield a sword, ride a house, and address a court of people. He, of course, wasn't next in line for the crown, as his older brother was, but he would be sent off at the ripe age of seventeen to marry into a family and take the crown or, what his father hoped he would do, conquer his own kingdom. And he did just that. It was a small, troublesome war between his army and the army of the current king of Teirwen. It was a hard battle from the start, lasting just about a year. Leaving his army in the hands of his general to return home to give word to his father, he founded something terrible. Somehow, someway, someone had attempted to kill his father. His father became deadly injured. The injury became infected and he passed away mid-winter. Crushed at the loss of his father, Isac summoned that thirst of revenge to command his troups to successfully take over Teirwen.
Once in charge of a kingdom of his own, Isac took care of the kingdom like he himself had birthed it. Of course, there would be some people who didn't appreciate his hard work, but he did his best to get all off the streets and into homing with fresh food, water, and clothing. A few monthes after conquering Teirwen and getting it into better shape at the ripe age of just 18, it was time to find himself a queen. It was awkward at first, but he grew to love his queen, bearing her with two sons to whom he personally helped raise, being strict as his own father, but loving as his mother.

|Theme Song + Lyrics|
'Fight For Your King' - Fairyland

"Now I pledge alliegeance
to my all mighty king
My sword will serve thy majesty
armies of the dark, servants of hell preparing to fail
no turning back, not even death could change my mind

As the world will fall in war again
all of mankind will gather and fight (and fight again"

The scream of revenge burns in my heart
We'll fight together and see another day again

"Search for altars of gods around the world" he said
to find them is the only way
Altars for the stones, guardians of hope created by gods
united now to face the dark and evil throne

The scream of revenge burns in my heart
We'll fight together and see another day again

Carved in the stones lies my tribute to universe
my words speak in vain for a silent poetry
hear me all mighty I ask for your wisdom
Your path will be mine when I reach eternity

armies of the dark, servants of hell preparing to fail
no turning back, not even death could change my mind

Is that what I feel deep in my heart
The stones now scream and say mighty one fight for your king

Mighty one fight for your king

As the world will fall in war again
all of mankind will gather and fight

The scream of revenge burns in my heart
We'll fight together and see another day again

Carved in the stones lies my tribute to universe
my words speak in vain for a silent poetry
hear me all mighty I ask for your wisdom
Your path will be mine when I reach eternity"

For surely a king is first a man. And so it must follow that a king does as all men do: the best he can.

- Cameron Dokey, The Storyteller's Daughter

So begins...

Isac Bellaloa's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isac Bellaloa Character Portrait: Sinead Morrigan Character Portrait: Isabelle Catherine Delphine Character Portrait: Amelia Victoria Bellaloa Character Portrait: Nathaniel Charles Bellaloa Character Portrait: Damien Isac Bellaloa
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"Brother, I'm surprised you actually came." Nathan smiled at Damien. "A good evening to you as well Damien." Nathan was fully aware that his brother was not impressed by his actions, and tended to be a little less forgiving especially when it was matters such as these. "Have you seen your Fiancee Nathaniel?" Nathan looked around the room. "I would have thought she would have been here by now. I'm sure she will be along." Nathan turned to Isabelle. "As for you Queen Isabelle, you look stunning." He said with a charming smile, he had basically promised to be on his best behaviour and he intended to be, if he was going to be a king the minute he wed Sinead he probably should start acting like one.

Nathan quite enjoyed their meal. "You look lovely your Highness." He addressed Queen Sinead when he had finished his meal, he watched as his brother led Isabelle for a dance and after a bit a few couples had joined them, it was clear however that both Queens were tiring quickly and by the end of the night he could tell both were very ready for bed, his brother lead Isabelle out of the room. Nathan escorted Sinead making sure she was alright before excusing himself politely and heading to his own chambers.

Nathan took the crown off his head and threw it onto the table, he was very quick to change, he despised the outfits they had to dress up in, he went to his window once changed and sighed looking out into the forest, the place he loved the most.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isac Bellaloa Character Portrait: Sinead Morrigan Character Portrait: Isabelle Catherine Delphine Character Portrait: Amelia Victoria Bellaloa Character Portrait: Nathaniel Charles Bellaloa Character Portrait: Damien Isac Bellaloa
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Amelia was pleased that Nathan was being well behaved, she giggled slightly when Isac lead her to where everyone was Dancing after dinner, Isabelle and Damien were still dancing as well, of coarse it was a ballroom dance, like most of them were, but Amelia liked those most of all, Isac always held her close, it made her feel safe protected. She kept an eye on Nathan who was still at the table talking with Sinead they both looked generally amused obviously by something Nathan had said. When their dance had concluded they started to converse with Lords and Ladies. As the night was coming to a close both of the boys had escorted the Queens out, at this point Amelia was fed up with pointless chatter, she wanted a moment alone with Isac but everyone wanted to get a word in with the King.

Amelia was thrilled when they got away. "Come on, come on!" Amelia led him through the halls like an excited child, she led him our through the gardens to where the pond was, sitting there was a blanket with an assortment of deserts and wine all lit by candle, she led him to the blanket and they sat down. "You've been so busy the past few weeks preparing the Isabelle and Sinead's arrival. We have barely had any time to ourselves without at least one advisor constantly talking to you." Amelia took one of the desserts. "I thought I could steal you for one night." She smiled mischievously at her husband taking a bite of the dessert she had in her hand, it was some sort of lemon thing Amelia wasn't to sure what exactly, she had just told them to put a bunch together. "Just get away from everything, sneak off like we used to, everyone used to panic when we disappeared for a few hours." Amelia smiled fondly at the memory, she clearly missed when they were able to spend more time together without being swarmed by the advisors, Isac always made time for her, but she missed when they did things like this, small or large shows of their affection for each other.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isac Bellaloa Character Portrait: Sinead Morrigan Character Portrait: Isabelle Catherine Delphine Character Portrait: Amelia Victoria Bellaloa Character Portrait: Nathaniel Charles Bellaloa Character Portrait: Damien Isac Bellaloa
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Isabelle thanked Damien for the wonderful night before entering her room, she was surprised to find that all of the candles were out and a majority of the servants were probably still in the ballroom, she opened her door and turned to her guard. "Would one of you mind finding a lit candle for me?" One bowed and went off to search, Isabelle closed the door a cool breeze was also blowing through her room, she shook her head slightly going into her study the window was open, she was sure she had shut it, she closed it. Before she could turn around there was a hand over her mouth and a knife at her throat.
"If you make a sound, I'll cut your throat." Her attacker uncovered her mouth. "My guard will be back any minute with a candle, you'll lose your head for this." Isabelle snapped at him.
"Please your majesty, you don't scare me. Your just a little girl with a crown upon your head..." He trailed off pulling her up against the wall hearing the door open.
"Your Grace, I found a candle for you." The guard said stepping in closing the door. "Your Grace." Isabelle felt the mans hand go over her mouth again as she started to struggle, she knocked over one of the candle holders with her foot, her attacker pushed her forward and made for the window, the guard came running went to help her up.
"I'm fine. Just get him." Isabelle looked at the man at the window. "Always a pleasure Queen Isabelle." He said before slipping out the window, Isabelle stood up her hands shaky. "Send someone to check on Queen Sinead, I may not have been the only one with a unwanted guest in my room." Her room was filled with guards fairly quickly.

"The King and Queen have been informed your grace." One of the guards said as she sat down on the bed. Isabelle nodded slightly she was still shaking by the time the King and Queen had arrived in her room, Amelia came over to her. "I'm fine." She said. "Just startled." The guard walked the King through what happened. "When I came back into the room, Queen Isabelle wasn't answering, she knocked the candle holder over, her attacker pushed her to the ground, fled to the window and then slipped out." Isabelle sighed rubbing her neck where the knife had been, the attacker had pressed hard enough that it did leave a cut just not a very deep one.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isac Bellaloa Character Portrait: Sinead Morrigan Character Portrait: Isabelle Catherine Delphine Character Portrait: Amelia Victoria Bellaloa
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Amelia sat up when she heard a guard calling for them, he stopped in front of them gasping for air. "Queen Isabelle was attacked." He managed to get out Amelia sat straight up now. "What do you mean she was attacked?"
The guard took a deep breath. "In her chambers your Grace, she was attacked by a man, only a few moments ago." Amelia stood up followed by Isac she walked beside the guard. "Is she alright? Was she hurt?" The guard shook his head, Amelia let out a sigh of relief, when they arrived her chamber was filled with guards.

Amelia went over to Isabelle while one of the guards filled Isac in on what had occurred. "I'm fine." She said. "Just startled." Amelia gave a kind smile. "I would expect you to be startled my dear." She replied, she noticed the cut on her neck, she wondered if this was just to startle the young Queen perhaps scare her off, an Assassin would have cut her throat and left her. "Did you check on Queen Sinead?" She asked the guard. "Yes your grace, she says she is fine." Amelia nodded, she wondered if maybe they were working on one queen at a time.
"Your Majesty, if it is any help there was an uprising at the edge of the city." Amelia stood up and the guard looked down.
"And why were we not informed of this earlier?" She snapped at the guard.
"It was dealt with your Majesty there was no need-" Amelia laughed a little. "No need? We have two Queens Visiting both from different Kingdoms, that will upset people, if it upsets the wrong people thats when things like this occur. Next time there is an uprising you inform us immediately. Is that clear?" The Guard didn't say anything he just bowed. "I want one of you stationed at each window in this room, and do the same for Queen Sinead, we don't need two attacks in one night." She went back over to Isabelle. "are you going to be alright?" Amelia was a little reassured when she nodded.

Amelia left Isac to whatever he was planning on doing about it and exited the room, the Advisors had heard and she was being asked a million questions, none of which she answered, she slipped into their room and the advisors were wise enough to stay out all but one. "Xavier it has been a long tiring day, I do not wish to deal with what ever it is you advisors are bickering about."
"Of coarse your Grace, but perhaps we should secure your room as well...just in case." Amelia thought about it for a moment. "Very well." She said Xavier left with a bow and guards came in and took their places. Amelia went to the mirror pulling the pins from her hair letting the golden curls fall back into their original place. Since the bathing chamber was the only place there weren't guards Amelia slipped in there she undid the back of her dress relieved to have the thing off, and changed into the thin white night gown, she set her crown down on the table and pulled the covers back crawling into the bed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isac Bellaloa Character Portrait: Sinead Morrigan Character Portrait: Isabelle Catherine Delphine Character Portrait: Amelia Victoria Bellaloa Character Portrait: Nathaniel Charles Bellaloa Character Portrait: Damien Isac Bellaloa
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Sleep didn't come easy to Isabelle even though there were guards in her room, after a few hours she gave up and went into her study and started working a Guard at her side. She rubbed her neck wearily and sighed a little, it was going to be a long night.

When morning finally came, the maids were quick to dress Isabelle and prepare her for the day, she met up with Ria before attending breakfast with the rest of the royals praying it wasn't to obvious she was absolutely exhausted, it wasn't the first time she had been attacked, it came in the job description of being royal or royal born, it was the first time however she wasn't able to convince herself she was safe and get to sleep, she thought it had something to do with what the attacker had said. I'm not scared of you, your just a little girl with a crown on your head. Something about that bothered her, it was certain she wasn't as experienced as Amelia or Isac at being a ruler since she had only been actually ruling her kingdom for a few years. was that what he meant that she was a little girl in that way, inexperienced perhaps even a little naive. Isabelle took a sip of the tea that was in front of her, she placed it back on the table with shaky hands. It was going to be a very very long day, she could tell, she was exhausted and in all honesty despite the fact she was being followed by at least six guards, she felt very unsafe, and vulnerable all of a sudden. Something about what had happened the night before distressed her, she just couldn't put her finger on what.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isac Bellaloa Character Portrait: Sinead Morrigan Character Portrait: Isabelle Catherine Delphine Character Portrait: Amelia Victoria Bellaloa Character Portrait: Nathaniel Charles Bellaloa Character Portrait: Damien Isac Bellaloa
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Damien paced his room, he looked at the guard. "How exactly did they get into her room?" he asked, it was late at night, he was tired but to worried to sleep.
"The window, they went in and out through the window." The guard replied. Damien sighed rubbing his face.
"Is Isabelle alright?" The guard shrugged a little.
"She has a cut on her neck but other than that she is fine." Damien went to his desk.
"Thats all." Damien flipped through his book, he had read it so many times the binding was wearing down.

Damien sighed leaning back in his chair at breakfast, everyone was rather quiet, Isabelle looked exhausted but Damien didn't ask. He took a sip from the tea sitting in front of him he glanced at his father before looking to where his brother was sitting. "Queen Isabelle, I'm planning on going out on the horses later today, if you would like to join me?" He asked softly holding back a yawn