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Ria Marie Valkyrja

0 · 349 views · located in Kingdom of Teirwen

a character in “Game of Thrones: You either win or die.”, originally authored by Armageddon, as played by RolePlayGateway



Gender: Female

Age: 18

Rank: Lady to the Northern Queen


Personality: Ria at first glance is warm, charming, inquisitive, kind and clever. She loves to converse with those around her, dance and make friends and would eventually like to explore the kingdom. Many consider her to be the adventurous type - always reading tales about war, heroes, and things of that nature. In truth, while she plays the perfect lady she is a competitive and ambitious girl, make no doubt of that. She prides herself in doing her best in all of her activities, whether it be studying the history of the kingdom, languages, dance, music, weaponry, hawking or riding. All that she does, she does with a purpose - to groom herself into the perfect lady, kind, beautiful, witty and elegant but also interested enough in the affairs of men as to not appear typical. Much of this is in hopes of finding a suitor. She is no hopeless romantic though, she sets her eyes on only the finest as she simply can't bear the prospect of being stuck with some balding old man who wants to squeeze as many heirs out of her as possible like she's some old sow or broodmare. She quickly analyzes and sizes up those around her whether they be potential suitors or not, making sure to take note of their strengths, weaknesses and general characteristics - she can probably spot a bastard a mile away and will probably not bother with them in most cases as she has her sights set on legitimate heirs in order to take her closer to the crown. She is not afraid to use seduction to her advantage when she sees fit and would not hesitate to poison or assassinate someone if she thought she could do it successfully. She is a somewhat selfish creature, while she is an excellent conversationalist and is willing to play the caring friend she is usually more concerned about herself than anyone else around her though she always remembers to make note of it and inquire later as to how that person is doing. She does this so well many think she is truly an hones, kind girl who would never dream of going against anybody. She is good at whatever role is assigned to her and it just so happens that she is playing the role of the Queen's lady and so she plays at being their loyal friend. She likes to think of everything she does as a dance, exchanging words, courtesies, glances and smiles at the appropriate times. She's good at this and is hoping she will know who to trust, who to make alliances with and when to trust her head or her heart.

As I said before, she is a somewhat selfish and vain creature. Some of this may be attributed to her own competitive nature while some of it has been drilled into her head after years with her family. She is not a completely heartless creature, though sometimes she can be cold and calculating. What kind of a person is she beneath all of this though? She is actually capable of warmth and over time I think she could grow to be close to someone - that is after she has decided they are not a threat to her. When she is comfortable with someone is when you truly begin to see the good characteristics as what you see when you first meet her is not entirely a facade. Some of it is her not showing you what she thinks you wouldn't like, some of it is her being a good actress and at times, some of it is genuine.


Appearance: Ria is perhaps of average height (Around 5'4"), maybe a little less with a slender, petite frame and less womanly curves than she would like and fair, creamy skin. Her eyes are a light blue which are framed by her light, golden brown hair which hangs in loose waves down the length of her back when worn down. Ria carries herself with the elegance and grace of a woman who is confident in herself. She always wants to look her very best and makes sure she is made up for the day with an appropriate outfit - one that showcases the womanly curves of her body but that doesn't make her appear like a harlot, that her jewelry is tasteful and that her hair is in an orderly fashion and wouldn't end up looking like a rat's nest if she were out and about doing more than just being some ornament at court.

History: Ria was born into a relatively small family in the North. Her mother was from a quite wealthy family, but when the family's money began to dwindle away over the years, she was married off to an older, wealthier lord. He was twice her mother's age and he left her mother with much to wish for in a husband. Unfortunately, Lady Callia bore him no sons, only three daughters. Ria being the eldest.

She had quite a happy childhood, given nearly anything she wanted by her father who delighted in her quick wit, mischievous nature and humor. From an early age her competitive and clever nature was apparent when she would race the boys on the fastest horse in her father's stable (that was quickly put to an end by her mother) and be playing 'knights' with the other children (also put to an end by her mother). She had always enjoyed studying and would read nearly everything she could get her hands on and she was of course given the finest teachers available as well as whatever books or maps she desired, which were many.

As Ria began to grow older though, her mother decided it was time to educate her beyond her normal studies, as she didn't want what happened to her to happen to her daughter. This sparked the young, ambitious girl's interest. Her mother how to walk and talk like a queen, catch a man's eye and keep his interest by any means necessary. Naturally however, Ria's interest didn't stop there and she wasn't content to just land herself's as some rich, young lord's wife. She had her eye on a handsome crown (and whoever's head it might happen to be under). She was taken on as the Northern Queen's lady and has done well so far, now as they travel to go meet Queen Isabelle's betrothed, Ria is ready to play the game of thrones.

So begins...

Ria Marie Valkyrja's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sinead Morrigan Character Portrait: Isabelle Catherine Delphine Character Portrait: Adelaide Emeline Dellagore Character Portrait: Ria Marie Valkyrja
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"Good evening. I'm Ria Valkyrja, lady in waiting to Queen Isabelle. And you are?" Adelaide reluctantly looked at Ria, she had seen her with the northern Queen Isabelle, she was the one who had been amused by the younger Prince Nathaniel's behaviour. "Adelaide Dellagore, Lady In waiting to Queen Sinead." She replied quietly, she wasn't one for making friends she preferred to stay out of the crowd keep her head down stay out of trouble, especially if she wasn't in her own home. Ria seemed to be the more outgoing type, the type that might get into a little bit of trouble now and then.

"Queen Isabelle seems kind." Adelaide looked back at Ria, she had noticed that Isabelle was being very friendly to everyone much like Sinead she thought, Sinead was usually quite kind. "I should probably go find my Queen, excuse me Lady Ria." She said moving past her and through the crowd, she went and sat back down beside Sinead who was still talking to Nathaniel, Adelaide was surprised at the young Princes sudden attitude change, though she was certain he had been talked to by his parents.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isac Bellaloa Character Portrait: Sinead Morrigan Character Portrait: Isabelle Catherine Delphine Character Portrait: Amelia Victoria Bellaloa Character Portrait: Nathaniel Charles Bellaloa Character Portrait: Damien Isac Bellaloa
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Isabelle thanked Damien for the wonderful night before entering her room, she was surprised to find that all of the candles were out and a majority of the servants were probably still in the ballroom, she opened her door and turned to her guard. "Would one of you mind finding a lit candle for me?" One bowed and went off to search, Isabelle closed the door a cool breeze was also blowing through her room, she shook her head slightly going into her study the window was open, she was sure she had shut it, she closed it. Before she could turn around there was a hand over her mouth and a knife at her throat.
"If you make a sound, I'll cut your throat." Her attacker uncovered her mouth. "My guard will be back any minute with a candle, you'll lose your head for this." Isabelle snapped at him.
"Please your majesty, you don't scare me. Your just a little girl with a crown upon your head..." He trailed off pulling her up against the wall hearing the door open.
"Your Grace, I found a candle for you." The guard said stepping in closing the door. "Your Grace." Isabelle felt the mans hand go over her mouth again as she started to struggle, she knocked over one of the candle holders with her foot, her attacker pushed her forward and made for the window, the guard came running went to help her up.
"I'm fine. Just get him." Isabelle looked at the man at the window. "Always a pleasure Queen Isabelle." He said before slipping out the window, Isabelle stood up her hands shaky. "Send someone to check on Queen Sinead, I may not have been the only one with a unwanted guest in my room." Her room was filled with guards fairly quickly.

"The King and Queen have been informed your grace." One of the guards said as she sat down on the bed. Isabelle nodded slightly she was still shaking by the time the King and Queen had arrived in her room, Amelia came over to her. "I'm fine." She said. "Just startled." The guard walked the King through what happened. "When I came back into the room, Queen Isabelle wasn't answering, she knocked the candle holder over, her attacker pushed her to the ground, fled to the window and then slipped out." Isabelle sighed rubbing her neck where the knife had been, the attacker had pressed hard enough that it did leave a cut just not a very deep one.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isac Bellaloa Character Portrait: Sinead Morrigan Character Portrait: Isabelle Catherine Delphine Character Portrait: Amelia Victoria Bellaloa Character Portrait: Nathaniel Charles Bellaloa Character Portrait: Damien Isac Bellaloa
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Sleep didn't come easy to Isabelle even though there were guards in her room, after a few hours she gave up and went into her study and started working a Guard at her side. She rubbed her neck wearily and sighed a little, it was going to be a long night.

When morning finally came, the maids were quick to dress Isabelle and prepare her for the day, she met up with Ria before attending breakfast with the rest of the royals praying it wasn't to obvious she was absolutely exhausted, it wasn't the first time she had been attacked, it came in the job description of being royal or royal born, it was the first time however she wasn't able to convince herself she was safe and get to sleep, she thought it had something to do with what the attacker had said. I'm not scared of you, your just a little girl with a crown on your head. Something about that bothered her, it was certain she wasn't as experienced as Amelia or Isac at being a ruler since she had only been actually ruling her kingdom for a few years. was that what he meant that she was a little girl in that way, inexperienced perhaps even a little naive. Isabelle took a sip of the tea that was in front of her, she placed it back on the table with shaky hands. It was going to be a very very long day, she could tell, she was exhausted and in all honesty despite the fact she was being followed by at least six guards, she felt very unsafe, and vulnerable all of a sudden. Something about what had happened the night before distressed her, she just couldn't put her finger on what.