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Gemma Jackson

"Sometimes you reach what's real just by making believe."

0 · 350 views · located in Gaol Academy

a character in “Gaol Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry”, as played by Robinwing


Gemma Jackson

Age: 16
Year: 7th Year
House: Cerva
Wand: Willow, 12.4 inches, kneazle whisker core, has a kitten keyring stuck through the end of the handle due to a mishap.
Patronus: "I'm flattered that you think I can do one." (It's a Saint Bernard)
Familiar: She elected not to have one.

Gemma keeps her head low. She tries to keep her flights of fancy a secret, hide that she's a hopeless romantic who believes in the good in everyone. She's soft hearted and gentle, but she prefers to stay away from others. Partially so they don't learn that side of her, and partially so that she doesn't bother people. She likes to look after the people around her, especially people younger than her, but she prefers to do that from a distance rather than become really prominent. Mostly, what she wants from life is to get through it without anyone looking directly at her, so she constantly downplays even the positive aspects of herself. Gemma likes to take a moment to sit still for a while, whether by caring for the potted flowers she has beside her bed, or sitting staring out a window with her chin in her hands.

However, Gemma isn't all sweetness and security issues. Gemma is hardworking to her core, and deeply curious. She believes wholeheartedly in justice and fair play, even if it takes a while for either to really take hold. She keeps her grades up, but sometimes she feels like some information is useless, and she forgets about it. Such is the case with Astronomy, however, her difficulty with Defence Against the Dark Arts is completely down to the fact that she's just not good at confrontation. Gemma is somewhat irrationally afraid of heights, has been since she was little, and as such she did not learn to ride a broom. She has loyalty that's as unshakeable as a mountain, once you've earned it, you won't lose it, even if you hurt her. She'll follow those she cares about to Hell and back with a smile. And then maybe a little farther.

Gemma... Doesn't have the most welcoming home life. It's hardly as bad as some, she'll be quick to tell you, but it's not the best either. Her parents are both Upstate New York lawyers, who honestly got married mostly as a business agreement, merging their practices, and they never really loved the daughter that resulted either. Gemma spent most of her childhood in the hands of nannies, the first two didn't last long with the 'troubled' child. The third, Ms Kirren, was a witch. She was the first person to realise exactly how little origami people had started being Gemma's little friends. Magic. At first, Ms Kirren wanted to tell Mr and Mrs Jackson about what their daughter could do, but the day after she realised what was happening, she bore witness to how Mr and Mrs Jackson reacted if they got home in time to see their daughter's little tea parties. Gemma's little friends froze and fell to the ground, so it looked like Gemma had just been talking to pieces of paper, and Gemma looked up at her parents with wide, frightened eyes. While Mr Jackson put them in a garbage bag, Mrs Jackson loudly told little Gemma that she was a freak and that she should be better than this. Needless to say, Mr and Mrs Jackson did not find out about their daughter's magic that day.

Instead, Ms Kirren taught Gemma how to hide her abilities from her parents, acted as lookout and accomplice, until Gemma hit 11 and got her acceptance letter from Gaol. Ms Kirren was fired, after she explained the whole tale, but by then Gemma's attendance to Gaol was set in stone. Before leaving for the final time, and kept away with a restraining order, Ms Kirren told Gemma to take care of herself and never let anyone take the light from her eyes. Gemma's had to deal with summers spent alone with her parents ever since, but she was quick to set up an arrangement with Gaol Academy that meant that she could stay at the school until Summer Vacation.

Ever since, Gemma has pretty much kept her head low, and carefully stayed out of trouble.

  • Books
  • Being on her own, she's used to it, and it still feels safer.
  • Looking put together.
  • Fairytales, fantasy stories, tales far removed from reality
  • Order and structure
  • Gardening and flowers, especially tulips.

  • She doesn't really know what to do with anger, her own or that of another.
  • She's a little bit scared of animals, she's never spent much time around them.
  • Being told she should know/be better.
  • Being called a freak.
  • Her parents.
  • Summer Vacation

Password: Specialis Revelio

So begins...

Gemma Jackson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claudia Gardner Character Portrait: Chloe Hartzel Character Portrait: Jim Malloy Character Portrait: Flavia Gardner Character Portrait: Eden Madsen Character Portrait: Aurora Nickson
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Jim Malloy

"Standin' on a corner, watchin' all the girls go byyy~" Jim sang, accompanying his three elder cousins, Jerry, Jack and Sarah. It was mostly as practice for Jerry and Jack, they were going to be taking part a play as a favour for Aunt Kelly, and it involved them singing that and doing a little dance. As such, all four of them were wearing baseball caps as stand ins for the newsboy hats in the play. However, there was also the fun of getting a little louder and trying to sound a little better whenever some girls passed by. As a pair of especially pretty girls approached the bench the Malloys had claimed, the four of them each took their hats off in turn, holding them to their chests. Jim's voice was pretty much toneless when it came to singing, but hiding it amongst the much nicer voices of his cousins meant that the Malloys earned some blushes and giggles from the passing ladies.

Sarah looked over at the watch Jim was wearing, and nudged him. Puzzled, Jim checked it himself.
"Crud." He muttered, as he passed his hat to Jack. He wasn't even in the right part of New York yet, though he didn't have a doubt that he'd make it. It was a short trip to grab his stuff from home, say his see-you-Thanksgiving-breaks to his ma, da and every Malloy he passed, and hail himself a cab to take him within walking distance of Rhiamon Way.
"You taking a vacation, kid?" The cabdriver asked as Jim climbed in with Mallory's cage and his guitar beside him, after he'd hefted his suitcases into the trunk. He had all the stuff he needed, either by borrowing his ma's old stuff or going out with her and his da to get it from Rhiamon way. They were New Yorkers, it was hardly a journey to Mordor.
"Goin' back to school." He replied with a grin. The cabdriver made a non-committal sound, and soon enough, Jim was walking down Rhiamon Way. Personally, he liked touching base there before he reentered the Wizarding World for the next school year, same as he liked to head to the nearest fast food place when he returned to the Muggle World. It was around then that he noticed the backs of some familiar heads through a store window.

"Aurora! Eric!" He called, as he picked up his pace. However, as he drew closer, he recognised a few other familiar faces, and two strange. One was Liam Madsen, with presumably his little sister on his shoulders, since he didn't seem the type to pick up random children and carry them around. The next was Claudia Gardner, with a kid that could only have been her sister. The last was all too familiar.
"...Hartzel." He greeted in an almost-growl. He walked into the shop himself, and caught Aurora talking to the first years. He decided against talking to Hartzel, and instead focused his attention on Aurora and the first years, trying to completely ignore Hartzel.
"Need a hand there, Aurora?" He chuckled with a grin, popping out from behind her.


Gemma Jackson

Gemma cleared her throat at the table. Her parents were both sitting ramrod straight, faces pinched in annoyance. They knew what today was. They knew what it had been since Gemma was eleven.
"M-may I be excused? I need to pack a couple of last things..." She'd been fully packed and ready to go for the past week, but the breakfast before she finally got back to Gaol was always awkward and scented with resentment and disappointment. Too much so for Gemma to stomach. She'd been careful not to mention what she was packing for, as her parents were less likely to comment if she didn't mention magic at all. Her mother gave a curt nod, and Gemma stood up and carefully didn't hurry towards her room. She sighed as she collected up everything, stood in front of her door and counted to thirty. On twenty eight, she opened the door and quickly crossed the open-plan penthouse, until she was beside her exit out. She didn't call out a goodbye, and she was thankful her parents didn't acknowledge her as she walked out with her suitcases. She gave a sigh of relief as the doors to the apartment building clicked shut behind her, and she was out into the September air.

It wasn't too long until Gemma was finally stepping onto Rhiamon Way, and she let a secretive smile cross her face. She was in the clear until next summer, now, and she eased a little. She could see other Gaol students milling around, excited for the new school year, whether because of learning or seeing friends again. She smiled as she heard a familiar accent rise above the general chatter, shouting two familiar names. Gemma decided against heading toward them, she'd see them on the boat soon enough. Instead, she found herself a bench to rest on, with her potted tulips on her lap and her suitcases at her feet.