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After the massive economical collapse and outbreak of both psychological and chemical warfare, where will your morals stand to survive?

1,888 readers have visited GLASS since DeviousWolf created it.


β€œThis is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.”
― T.S. Eliot

In the near future, sudden economical collapses of nearly every country in the world lead to a global Great Depression. Rioting breaks out about the streets as massive death rates and plagues sweeping major countries begin. No matter where in the world, both psychological and chemical warfare is fought like tooth and nail as bombs explode and leave any survivors to make do with all that remains. Nature takes back what was once it's own, covering cities with jungle-like terrain as they expose land to the elements once more. Higher powers step down from the podiums holding hope for society, abandoning believers to the dust with silence. All alone with nothing but the world around to continue life, years go by to no result with the world as known eroding in tears. Welcome to GLASS, or Global Apocalyptic Survival Session.

Where will your morals stand when the world falls to it's knees? Will you band together with those you hold dear (or those you meet along the way) and endlessly raid or murder civilians who refuse to fight back; or hold on to moral value and do what is possible to survive? The choice remains to you, for you are the chisel that carves a path of suicide or survival.




Family: (Having family on your journey is not a requirement, but keep in mind you will have to play their roles unless another user decides to play one of them.)

Appearance/Clothing: (Pictures are great.)

Equipment: (Be realistic as to how much a real person could carry.)


Location: (Can be anywhere on the globe.)



~Have reasonable vocabulary/spelling/grammar

~It is the apocalypse, but don't take sexuality/language to high lengths.

~Be reasonable and realistic with your character. Could you really kill fifteen men with a shard of glass?

~Portray how someone would truly act during the apocalypse.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Stanton Character Portrait: John D. Stanton
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0.00 INK

"So where are we going next?" The cityscape that Alice saw out of window was just a desolate shell of what Knoxville had once been. The sky was grey and weeping, the only sounds John could hear was the tapping of water droplets against the windshield and the humming of the Escalades engine. In the trunk lay compiled the food that they had found so far, extra ammo along with the fire arms that they had. In the back row of seats were the extra clothing they had scrounged up, blankets and pillows, books and other miscellaneous objects, and finally there packs with the essentials Alice's was loaded with water bottles and medicine. "We can siphon what gas these cars have left, there seems to be a pool of rainwater where part of the road collapsed." John stopped the SUV, got out opened up the trunk and handed Alice a homemade purifier and a bucket, "Remember run it through three times and watch your six." Ali nodded, accepted the tools, and made for the pool. Just as John had said there was a giant hole in the road, filled with algae green rain water. As Alice went for water, John took a rubber tube from the back of the rig as well as a red plastic gas can. The first vehicle was a weathered taxi cab which only gave him a gallon of usuable fuel. The second car was a mid-sized sedan, from it he got eight gallons.

"I've found water, and I also found a back road leading out of this shit hole, and it has no giant holes in the road or vine growth. Alice explained the direction in which the road was and after refilling their four canteens and fueling up with the five siphoned gallons of gas. "Okay lead the way little missy." They took the exit 95 that said it would lead to Addison in 46 miles. "You can sleep if you want Ali, it's been a busy day for us all." Taking her uncles advice Ali dozed off, her dreams were more pleasant than usual. In her dream John and Alice were miles away from DC, but when they reached the military built wall the man at the check-in station had no face, instead what she saw was what the face of death must look like. He had an obsidian skull for a head and his eyes were two purple lights shining intensely, from his mouth erupted purple flames as he said in a reptilian like voice "welcome to hell my dear!" And the walls crumbled away leaving just the two of them alone in the world.

She woke up to peculiar smells and a rough wet thing rubbing against her face, a tongue that's it. But who the fuck was licking her. Before she opened her eyes she reached up to feel hair, not human hair no it was too soft to be human. She opened her eyes and saw two pairs of blue puppy dog eyes, a snout nuzzled against her cheek, and the shaggy black mane of a very friendly black-lab. "Mornin' Alice, this here is Buck. I found him in this ranch house all alone, still guarding his masters property waiting for him to return. He isn't a very good guard dog though, he is too damn friendly for that." THe dog must have been 130 pounds, he gave a another big lick at Alice's face and a soft friendly bark. "Where are we, have we reached that Addison place yet?" Alice yawned and stretched her arms over her head. "We are at the Addison community ranch, a nice little town there is a small group of survivors a few miles into town, when you were out I bargained and traded with them. I gave them two double A batteries and offered to sharpen their knives and blades in exchange for a local map and extra fuel."

Alice had found a few musty old blankets and a cardboard box and made a bed for buck that could fit in the rig. Also there was some preserved dear meat that they finished in the three days that they were there. John found a bolt action 44' magnum rifle and a little 22', "Here is something for you, it's more your size and doesn't kick too bad. It is a 22caliber semi auto, it has a scope so that's always good." The rifle that John chose was less petite and more monstrous, a 44caliber magnum with a suppressor on the muzzle, and as scope that probably made the gun foot out to a thousand yards, and it could probably still fly for another thousand.
They fed Buck scraps is deer meat and bone each night, and in just three days he had become a member of their family, the two of them laughed a lot and were much more happy than they had been in a awful long time.

"We'll we should pack up, make sure Buck does his business now and that goes for you too Ali." In an hour they had fully packed all the belongings that they needed, they left a frying pan and a few spices behind."The local survivors say that there is a large group of survivors who are headed to Maryland, they are staying in Birmingham so that's where we are going." John said this with more confidence than usual in his decision making ability. From what they said there was woman and children among them, they have an custom armored bus and stack piles of food, fuel, and weapons. And being in a large group for more than half of the remaining journey was an offer that he wouldn't let slip away. "We'll it settles it then, we are off to the magic city."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Stanton Character Portrait: John D. Stanton
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0.00 INK

John, Alice, and Buck had been on the road for two days and a rusty road sign said that Birmingham was 32 miles away. The days seemed to stretch on forever, they rarely stopped but when they did they searched the area for hunters and restocked their supplies. When the sun was setting they stopped and started a fire with the flint and steel that was in Alice's pack. "John, do you ever wonder if things will ever go back to normal?" Alice asked as she stared at the stars in all their glory. "It really depends on what your opinion of what 'normal' is I guess, and eventually a new government might rise or the military some how wins. I believe it will all things have an end even the end itself."

And with that she fell asleep, John picked her up and put her in "shotgun". He drove for what seemed to be four hours. But then he saw the worn sign reading: Birmingham 1 mile. All of a sudden an armed man stepped into the middle of the road a put a hand motioning for him to stop the vehicle. He gently applied the breaks and got out of the car. "What is your purpose here? Are you here to intercept our journey? State your business!" The man had a short beard and seemed to be frightened of John he pointed a shotgun at John's head.

"My name is John Dale Stanton, I am ex navy seal I served for twelve years, my niece is in the Escalade her name is Alice. We heard of a group of survivors heading to Maryland, we are headed to DC. We have weapons in the car, Alice has a switch blade on her and I have a Bowie on my left leg." The man checked the weapons and food supply and told John to follow him. The man mounted a Harley and motored ahead dodging the obstacles easily.

John was escorted into a large building that seemed to be an old shopping mall, one of the survivors offered to park the car in the underground parking center for him, John accepted when they told him that Alice would be taken care of. He was lead into a old candy store, sitting at the counter was a group of people all eyes turned to John, so you're the tourist who would like to join our group."

Alice woke up in a soft bed with a full belly it felt so good not to worry any more, they had been with the group for only eight days and yet they were already at the border of Alabama and Tennessee, with Nashville in their sights. There were about four other children about Alice's age but she was the type who rather hang out with those much older than her. It almost seemed as if everything was going to be okay.

But the world is just full of surprises and tricks.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Green Character Portrait: Grant Nolan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Creek
The Apartment - Lower Manhattan

Alice and Grant had a small dinner of raviolis, rice, and beans. They ate in complete silence, since Alice's mind was so far away from the small apartment in Lower Manhattan. That day had been one that Alice was sure would change her life. Before, despite the horrible things that had happened, Alice had always held a romantic view of the world, certain that just notions would always prevail. She couldn't help but feel as if she had morphed into a completely different being by shooting that man. Would she lose who she was before all of this? But what if losing the person she was had to be done? Her contemplation was interrupted when Grant spoke.

"Don't worry about a thing, Alice. Everything will be fine because you did what was necessary for us to live... I know you've never had to do that before. Thank you." Grant said.

Grant must have been able to sense that this whole situation was troubling her deeply, because his comforting words seemed to come just at the right time. Alice pushed the ravenous thoughts to the back of her mind, and tried to enjoy their meal.

After a few moments he added, "Your wound is patched up pretty good. In a little bit I'll be able to remove them depending on how well it keeps up." Grant bundled Alice up and carried her to the bed, depositing her gently into the comfortable sheets. He applied new bandages on her wound and bid her to sleep well.

Alice watched from a crack in the bedroom door as Grant laid down on the couch, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep. With a smile, she did the same.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eric Shalder
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0.00 INK

Eric woke up to his alarm clock the next day. He slapped his hand on it, turning it off, it read 5:30. HE groaned and got up from his bed. He did his normal routine, took a shower, brushed his teeth, made a small cup of coffee. Drinking it, he walked into his brother's room. He was surprised to see him propped up reading a book.

"Wow, it looks like the medicine did the trick"

"I do feel a little better" Josh croaked. Eric walked up to him and took his temperature.

"Good, 100 degrees, much better then you had been" Eric took the bottle, took the medicine with a syringe and injected him again. "You just get well, ok?" and he kissed his brother on the forehead.

"I will bro." Eric smiled and left him in his room.

"Eric..... ya there?" came a voice from his radio

"Yes Jeff, what is it?"

"Ya, I was running some tests on the motor and ... lets just say there was some problems and I need some more spark plugs, can you get some while you're out?"

"I can. Do you have an ETA on the boat?"

"A month, maybe two, it still has some hull damage and I have slim pickings to fix it. If you could find me, like, 40 survivors, I could build us an old fashioned wood boat in about 3-4 weeks"

"Lets just stick to 1st plan"

"Cannnn do!". Eric turned his radio to near silence and went over to a map on the dinning table. HE already checked most major buildings in middle Manhattan. He now had to check out lower Manhattan, and he was afraid there would be more survivors down there. He sighed, picked up his gear and weapons, went back down to the 5th floor and exited his tower, going down to lower Manhattan.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Axel Pollock
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0.00 INK


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eric Shalder Character Portrait: Gabriella Smith
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0.00 INK

Gabrielle woke up, the half rotted bed was a welcome change from the hard floor and a thin blanket. She grabbed a bottle of water and took a sip from it before opening a tin of fruit and eating her breakfast. She packed her bag full of the food and water she'd found, hid the rest of the stuff under a floor board and made her way out of the building, once outside she drew a large white X on the door in chalk.

Gabrielle followed the road up and looked up at the sky. She rubbed her eyes and sighed, the days used to be so easy and now, now everyday was the day you were going to die if you made one mistake. Gabrielle clenched her fists, no mistakes. None. She was going to survive, she'd survive the raiders, the every decreasing food and water supplies and the harsh terrain. She'd survive and hopefully make it back to England to pay her respects to her family. She noticed something at the Trump World Tower, a guy was climbing down it. "Please, please be good." Gabrielle ran as fast as she could to the base of the tower. "Hello?" She called out , hoping the guy would hear her. "Please, I have food and water, and know where to get more."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Axel Pollock
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0.00 INK


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eric Shalder Character Portrait: Gabriella Smith
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0.00 INK

Eric had gone only a few steps away when he heard a voice call.

"Hello, Please, I have food and water, and know where to get more." He turned around to see a women coming towards him. He raised his M14 and fired two shots at the ground in font of her and he quickly dived behind a car to his left.

"Put down your pack, interlock your fingers and slowly come towards me" Eric said, pointed his m14 right at her, while fishing a zip-tie out of his pack. This is the first time in 3 weeks that someone came near his tower. Did she see how he climbed down and used the rope to retract the latter? Who ever she was, if she was smart and just leve him and his brother alone, she would live.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eric Shalder Character Portrait: Gabriella Smith
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0.00 INK

Gabriella let out a shriek when the man fired at her, she crouched behind a post box and listened for him to say something.
"Put down your pack, interlock your fingers and slowly come toward me." Gabriella sighed and shouted back to him.
"Look pal, for all I know you're just going to steal my food, rape me and then kill me." She put her hand up into the air. "I'll keep my hands where you can see them and stay this distance. Okay?" She slowly stood up and turned around to face him, her hand up in the air. "I'm not going to hurt you or cause any trouble. I just... I miss my family, I dunno where they are or if they're even alive." She looked him right in the eyes and blinked back her tears. England was too far for any sort of information to reach her out her in New York.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eric Shalder Character Portrait: Gabriella Smith
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0.00 INK

(OCC: Please excuse the god-modding, I'm leaving for the 150th Gettysburg and won't be around till July 9th. If you want to do small interactions w/ Eric, he won't kill unless he as too, he will scare you off with one of his mounted HMGs + he booby trapped his tower )

"We all lost loved ones." Eric growled and he slowley came towards her. "Put out your arms" he commanded, and she did as she was told and he put a zippy tie around her hands. "Turn around". He commanded. "Now, that zippy tie can be easily cut on a sharp piece of glass, I want you to keep on walking until I don't see you anymore, then I will fire my weapon once. I never want to see you near my tower again." He watched as the girl walked away. They were finally coming up on his territory. Looks like he was stuck in his tower for the time being.

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Earth by DeviousWolf


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Character Portrait: Alice Stanton
2 sightings Alice Stanton played by The5thHorseman
"John isn't a bad guy, he's just sad. But who isn't these days? He has values that he sticks to, But if you threaten his family in any way, run like all hell.
Character Portrait: John D. Stanton
2 sightings John D. Stanton played by The5thHorseman
"To say I'm a good person would be incorrect, to say I'm a bad man would be equally so, so think of me as one who survives.
Character Portrait: Axel Pollock
2 sightings Axel Pollock played by fallbehindme
Axel is a 25 year old boy with no reletives, training and the will to survive.

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alice Green
Character Portrait: Micheal Lantis
Character Portrait: Mallory West
Character Portrait: Eric Shalder


Character Portrait: Eric Shalder
Eric Shalder

The world has turned its back on me

Character Portrait: Mallory West
Mallory West

"I don't understand why I survived...but I did, and I'm here..."

Character Portrait: Micheal Lantis
Micheal Lantis

"Keep living, that's all that matters"

Character Portrait: Alice Green
Alice Green

"We can't turn back..."


Character Portrait: Eric Shalder
Eric Shalder

The world has turned its back on me

Character Portrait: Micheal Lantis
Micheal Lantis

"Keep living, that's all that matters"

Character Portrait: Mallory West
Mallory West

"I don't understand why I survived...but I did, and I'm here..."

Character Portrait: Alice Green
Alice Green

"We can't turn back..."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Alice Green
Alice Green

"We can't turn back..."

Character Portrait: Eric Shalder
Eric Shalder

The world has turned its back on me

Character Portrait: Mallory West
Mallory West

"I don't understand why I survived...but I did, and I'm here..."

Character Portrait: Micheal Lantis
Micheal Lantis

"Keep living, that's all that matters"

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