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Heartland Industries

Heartland Industries


The world has changed so much, and in it's new, futuristic state, the biggest sale object is artificial human beings. As the industry brings back souls to place inside their product, the result is hardly something sale-worthy. (dead)

884 readers have visited Heartland Industries since Ashes-6695 created it.


As you die, the world keeps turning. The future keeps winding. The clock keeps ticking. An apocalyptic nightmare long since lived; the loss of humanity long over; the rebuild of culture long perfected. Events come and go, and the wheel keeps turning. It has been thousands of years since what civilization had once been. The world as you had known it has not existed for a long time. It is little more than a simple legend in the back of a history book, a warped story to tell a child at night. You belong to the past, and the future belongs to a new generation. Let the past be forgotten, for now, a new trouble rises in society's newest money maker.

And that is exactly where you come in.

You have been one with earth for so long, you'd completely forgotten what it was like to have your very own thoughts. But you knew, somehow, that suddenly, for the first time in thousands of years, you were dreaming. Not a nightmare, or even of images, but of vivid colors and feelings flashing through your synapses. This isn't right, you thought to yourself. Something is wrong, but you can't remember. What was it like to be dead? What was the afterlife like? Were you with heaven or hell? Its gone, you think. My peace, my rest, it's all gone. But suddenly, you begin to forget that, too. Your death is slipping away as if it had been nothing but a short sleep, and you were just now going into your REM sleep. You loose your sense of death, your sense of peace, and instead, it is replaced with something you have not had in a long time; a sense of life. You can feel your hand slowly ball up into a fist, your toes wriggle, your eyelids twitch. Sensation is flooding into your mind, and you forget about what is missing for the time being. You don't want to go back to being dead anymore. Not when it feels so good to be alive.

But you're happiness is not long-lived. Suddenly, the soft dreams and slow sensations are shoved aside, blinded by a bright light that shines straight through your eyelids. You flinch, immediately curling up to shield your vulnerable, exposed body from the threat. Your dream is gone. Your pleasure is gone. A firm hand grabs you by the jaw and turns your face towards the light again, and a set of fingers pry open your eyelids.

Fear sets in. You are surrounded. You are naked. The bright light hurts your eyes and every touch feels like a hit.

Whats happening? you think. Why am I here? What are they doing to me? Why won't they leave me alone? Your body shakes and all you want is to curl up and hide, but the hands on your body won't let you. Suddenly, all you can remember is being dead. Your soul at peace, your world completely without pain. You forget wanting to be alive. All you want is to be dead. Why do you have to be alive again? The hands leave your face and you shut your eyes again. You want to go back to dreaming, you want to go back to peace. But none of that comes. It is gone, and you know it will never come back. Your very core begins to ache as you feel yourself hefted from the cool metal examination table, off to the next unpleasant sensation of being alive. Why? Why are you alive again?

Welcome to Heartland Industries...

For six years now, Heartland has been manufacturing a new product that is at the top of the market, and goes for the highest possible price. Their product? People. Artificially created humans that are perfect in every way possible. These creations hold no imperfection, and some are even specially designed models. They are grown and harvested, and shipped off to the people who commissioned for them. The artificial humans, called "Dolls" are available in anyway the buyer wishes, allowing them to choose gender, appearance, and disposition. For extra money, buyers can purchase these Dolls with designer features, such as tattoos, piercings, and sexuality (where most dolls are asexual). Virtually, the only real way to distinguish a Doll from a human is the trademark, a metallic outline of a heart embedded in the skin on the front of the Doll's neck.

Heartland has made millions on their "product," but their experimentation doesn't stop, even with the success. Their newest ploy has been to create Dolls with souls, as the Dolls on the market are little more than empty shells, programmed to walk and talk a certain way. The top scientists used their experimentation to imprint eight dolls with the essence of humans that have long since been dead. Four kings whose relics could still be found, and four knights, who stood each with their own king. The relics were a necessary part of the puzzle, in order to draw back the essence of the person. It hadn't mattered to Heartland who was brought back at the expense of their experiment, only that it be done. It hadn't even mattered to the company that the essence be placed in the correct gender of Doll. Perhaps a King was placed in a standard female body, or perhaps a female knight had been placed in a male Doll.

They ignored being considerate. After all, they simply wanted to widen their industry. A new feature meant more money, and that was all that mattered.

The eight Dolls, after having been bombarded by examinations, cleansing, and being clothed, are dragged into the office of the man in change of the scientific department. Their Fragile, day old bodies make it difficult to even stand on their own, and even if most of them had clashed in previous lives, they stood close to each other as the head of the scientific department explained their pointless regained life. They had been brought back without reason, and they were going to live inside of Heartland Industries until the experiment would be deemed successful or failed. In the case of success, the "product" would be placed on the market.

They had been ripped violently from the peace of death only to be faced with a world a slaves and owners. And there was nothing they could do about it.

~ . . . ~

All eight of the dolls with souls are forced into one of Heartland's "houses," to remain under scientific surveillance until the scientists can be sure the product will have no complications. They undergo daily testing and checkups, and the rivals even among the dolls themselves are enough to scream about. But despite their rivalries, they've all agreed; whats been done to them is wrong, and they have to get out. The issue, however, is that with that big trademark in their necks, staying a secret on the outside is going to be difficult, and people will find out about them if it is revealed. Dolls aren't human to the rest of society, and people probably wouldn't think twice about sending them back.


Character Gender, sexuality (or lack there of?), details like their history are mostly free game, but ask me if you have any questions on a character.

King 1~ OPEN His knight is Knight 1, and he rivals the most with King 2. Though he rivals with all of the other kings, #2 has been his adversary the longest, and he is deeply distressed at the idea of having to deal with him. Often, the two refuse to work together, and if it weren't for their common predicament, they'd probably be so at each other's throats that someone would be dead. King 1 has a short temper and is quite hot headed. Things easily anger him, and he absolutely hates not being in charge.

King 2~ TAKEN {Ashes-6695/me} His knight is Knight 2, and he rivals the most with King 1. If it weren't for the fact that the two of them were in the same situation, things between the two could have gotten bloody. King 2 is very go with the flow, for the most part, but King 1 just so happens to be the one that can trigger him the most. Personality-wise, King 2 has a very all-about-me attitude, and loves when the attention is on him. Kings 3 and 4 just happen to be able to tolerate it a bit better than king 1 does.

King 3~ OPEN His knight is Knight 3, and he rivals the most with King 4. Though King 3 can be aggravated by all of the other kings at even some points, he can hardly tolerate King 4's personality type, and how jumps into situations without thinking them through. King 3 is quieter than the others, and a bit more intellectual. He never enters something without a plan and backup plan, and can't stand impulsiveness. He can barely keep his head when King 4 acts out, but he knows that he has to try and keep his head at least somewhat.

King 4~ OPEN His knight is Knight 4, and he rivals the most with King 3. King 4 happens to be a bit impulsive, and often acts out without making a plan. He does things on a whim, and can't stand sticklers like King 3. He often likes to do things spontaneously just to spite the other king, and he does it quite often. Personality-wise, he's pretty selfish, and as well, he has a bit of a problem with greed and taking things that don't belong to him. He doesn't care about other's privacy much, either.

. . .

Knight 1~ TAKEN {starlight77} Originally female in her past life, she serves King 1. She is quiet and strong, but much like her king, she holds a bit of a short temper. She's intelligent, but she still has quite a fighting spirit, and cant stand when someone is taking a shot at her or her king. Being a female Knight, she's always been a little over-kill to show that she's as tough as any man. She rivals the most with Knight 3, as she just cant stand the guy.

Knight 2~ RESERVED {leej10100} Originally male in his past life, he serves King 2. Personality-wise, he is soft-spoken and quite agreeable. He doesn't really rival at all with Knight 1 or Knight 3, and really doesn't want to rival with Knight 4, but can't help that Knight 4 simply can't stand him. Knight 2 often is breaking up fights, but he has trouble pretty often, especially when he has to break up fights between Kings 1 and 2.

Knight 3~ Taken {Sound-Of-War} Originally male in his past life, he serves King 3. He's a bit full of himself and can be stubborn. He loves to tell other people what's what and wants everything done his way, or his king's way, and is very stubborn to accept other people's opinions. He can get pissed off easily when things don't go the way he wants them to, and it's not uncommon when someone has to calm him down.

Knight 4~ RESERVED {Djiin} Originally Female in her past life, she serves King 4. She's normally calm and confident, and she loves to voice her opinion. She has a fun-loving side, despite it all, and has a knack for mischief. She can't stand Knight 2, especially because he's so soft spoken. It's like he doesn't have his own voice, and Knight 4 just can't stand it. She's often getting into trouble alongside her king.

. . .

Humans 4/4 OPEN there are going to be 4 humans, as well, which will have more major parts when the Dolls leave Heartland Industries. These characters don't have any set restrictions or outlines, and are free characters. I might allow more than four, if necessary. For human characters, you can also create regular Doll characters that they might own.


Name: {First and last, middle is optional. For Dolls, all that is really necessary is a first name, though you can put more.}
Age: {Ages can vary, but try to keep it reasonable. For dolls, this is just how old they APPEAR.}
Sexual orientations:
Role: {King#/Knight#/Human.... you get the point}
Personality: {full sentences}
History: {just something brief, if you're having trouble. If you want to do some kind of concept about a background between some rivalry, make sure to collaborate.}
Likes: {can list}
Dislikes: {can list}
Crush: {obviously, you're not going to start with one. Mainly because most of the characters hate each other. But this might come in later~.}
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: {don't start with one}
Other: {Anything else you think is necessary}
Looks: {Picture, picture and a description, just a description. Anime vs real doesn't matter to me.}
Distinguishing Features: {tattoos, freckles, beauty marks, you get the idea.}

Toggle Rules

1. Be reasonable with all the themes of the role play.
2. Please respect all other members, and don't exclude. If you notice someone is not interacting with any situations, find a way to bring them into the action.
3. When roleplaying sexual scenes, sensor the content before it gets to far and fade to black or something of that sort i guess.
4. Swearing will probably be well used, and although i'm completely the type to write the full word without discretion (without over-use like a lamo) i think it would perhaps be best to star out the vowel or whatever? If we come to an agreement that it bothers none of us and we can handle the privilege, i guess this rule can be discarded. I'll check with everyone about this before the roleplay starts.
5. No god-modding. Please, we are above making our characters dodge every single attack and bugging everyone about what they can and cannot do.
6. No mary-sues. These make for a two-dimensional character that can be quite predictable. Even if Dolls are "perfect" they are still designed with flaws.
7. No power-playing without permission. Of course. If i find that someone is being terribly inactive, i will decide what will become of their character.
8. Be specific while filling out character skeletons. Everything is subject to my approval, since i want to be sure that that the role play will function well.
9. I understand, SO MUCH READING, but remember to at least keep track of other people's posts, and make sure you're keeping up on announcements and small details of the role play, otherwise, this would become confusing.
10. Please please please let me know if you are dropping out from the role play or will be gone during a certain amount of time. Even if you can't make accommodations for your character, at least this way, i can do so, in order for the role play to continue.
11. Be literate to the best of your ability. Don't go overboard, but don't get by on a minimum either. Try to keep pace with everyone else, but don't attempt to type a certain amount just to post a long bit of nonsense space-filler. I'm more interested in quality, not quantity, and im sure everyone else would feel the same.
12. If you have questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions for the roleplay, just let me know! I won't bite your head off, and i youre suggestion might be helpful~! As well, you might have a question that everyone else has too.
13. Have fun and be creative! We can have a good time, can't we? Idk, maybe sometimes.

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Hayden Valkyrie
Character Portrait: Leilani Rose
Character Portrait: Xavier Forthwind


Character Portrait: Xavier Forthwind
Xavier Forthwind

"I'd prefer if you actually listen to me instead of flying off in your own d*mn direction."

Character Portrait: Leilani Rose
Leilani Rose

"Nice to meet you~!"

Character Portrait: Hayden Valkyrie
Hayden Valkyrie

"It's not that I can't, it's just that I don't want to, okay?"


Character Portrait: Leilani Rose
Leilani Rose

"Nice to meet you~!"

Character Portrait: Xavier Forthwind
Xavier Forthwind

"I'd prefer if you actually listen to me instead of flying off in your own d*mn direction."

Character Portrait: Hayden Valkyrie
Hayden Valkyrie

"It's not that I can't, it's just that I don't want to, okay?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Hayden Valkyrie
Hayden Valkyrie

"It's not that I can't, it's just that I don't want to, okay?"

Character Portrait: Xavier Forthwind
Xavier Forthwind

"I'd prefer if you actually listen to me instead of flying off in your own d*mn direction."

Character Portrait: Leilani Rose
Leilani Rose

"Nice to meet you~!"

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Re: Heartland Industries


Re: Heartland Industries

happy easter if you celebrate it ;)

Re: Heartland Industries

well, it seems that the knight's roles were indeed much easier to fill than the kings. Which kind of surprised me, i was thinking it was going to be the other way around originally 0_0

Re: Heartland Industries

@nya-chan, well that could only help ^u^ thanks

fdskkhsdf i really just want this rp to go off well. I'll end up taking whatever character is left over in the end, but i think having people who are willing to double up on characters might be a help, too. just in case. But still! its only been a few days, so there's still hope i think

Re: Heartland Industries

None of my pals would be interested in a rp like this, sorry. >.<

Re: Heartland Industries

I'll Advertise on my RP if ya want me too :)

Re: Heartland Industries

okay so we really need some more people ono; anyone got any friends??

Re: Heartland Industries

Okay, thanks~ c: Alrighty then! I'll start working on my character. I should have her up no later than tomorrow afternoon c:

Re: Heartland Industries

@leej and djiin, okay, I'm glad you guys have made your decisions ^^ ill put those characters down as reserved ASAP~

@starlight, yeah, it's beginning to look like the knights are more popular. But I don't actually plan on starting until at LEAST the kings and knights are both all taken.

Re: Heartland Industries

Yay thanks :) Hmm... we need more kings... >_< I hope the knights' roles down over power the kings'.

Re: Heartland Industries

I'll just have knight 2 ^^ You can have night 4 since you did ask for it first.

Re: Heartland Industries

Yep! Your character is all accepted :3

Re: Heartland Industries

Submitted my charrie, she's just about done. Though I might make a few tweaks here and there, Hope you like her!

Re: Heartland Industries

no problemo! take your time 0u0

Re: Heartland Industries

Sorry my charrie is a work in progress I've got to eat dinner and do a bunch of chores and crap. I'll finish her in an hour or so. =^u^=

Re: Heartland Industries

I KNOW RIGHT, borders was the greatest... their manga section was so big and i seriously cried when they closed. Now i have to tell B&N what books i want and wait around while they get it in cause they have such a limited selection ;n;

You can do anime. I've got no preferences either way ^w^

Re: Heartland Industries

That would explain... I never enter Barnes and Nobel. Never. Me and my cousin have been debating declaring war on Barnes and Nobel. Can you tell we're hardcore Borders girls? Too bad they closed down... >n<

Lol I'm working on my charrie right now. We're allowed to do anime pics right? Because it takes me forever to find a real picture... *shrugs* It takes me forever to find a picture even wen its anime. But it takes ever so slightly less to find an anime apposed to real ones.

Re: Heartland Industries

haha gr8!

And yay for deciding! Now we just wait for Leej's decision. :3

Re: Heartland Industries

I mean, my friends are all pretty into it, but I've been debating it because I have like eight other mangas on my to read list xD But I guess that settles it. Chobits is next as soon as I finish my current series xD

As for the roles, I'd actually decided on Knight 4, but if Leej really wants it, I can take Knight 3 ^^