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House of Demons

The Rouge Camp


a part of House of Demons, by Mischief Managed.

The rouge camp

Mischief Managed holds sovereignty over The Rouge Camp, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

725 readers have been here.


The hiding place where Jane rules over the rouge colony.
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The Rouge Camp

The rouge camp


The Rouge Camp is a part of House of Demons.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Ethan Johnson
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Originally when Jane had told me to go out in the storm to find the source of the noise, I had been honored with the task. Then the road seemed longer, the storm got harder and the scent got weaker. It was almost a full 5 hours before I noticed a red coat in the sea of white. I ran over to the wolf and changed quickly so I could kneel next to it and get a better wolf.

Its a she-wolf, I thought with distaste. Neither my wolf nor I trust she-wolves, being that the one that changed me had lured me into trusting her then abandoned me to die in the forest. My wolf stayed silent at my comment.

I picked her up and began the long walk back to the camp, she began to stir and I looked down.

"Um, excuse me," she began before slipping back into unconsciousness.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Ethan Johnson
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I wake up in a white room, the bed was hard and the sheet covering my naked body was too think to keep me warm. I must've blacked out very badly if I shifted back while unconscious.

There was a strange, alluring scent on my body that I hadn't smelled before, it felt like a drug.

"She's awake" I heard a male voice but decided not to move.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Ethan Johnson
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I sat in the rouge's hospital tent waiting for the girl to wake up, let me explain; the first and only time I tried to leave, my wolf screamed at me every second for a good ten minutes for me to go back, resulting in the biggest migraine of my life. I returned. Now I'm sitting in an uncomfortable folding chair next to what I'm sure is an even more uncomfortable cot next to what happens to be a very gorgeous girl with long, raven hair and skin that is just a shade too pale from being out in the storm, she smells like fresh mint and sage, I avert my eyes to the dirt ground because the sheet that covers her does almost nothing to hide the fact that she is bare naked underneath and Jane hasn't returned from the meeting she is in to get her some clothes, since she's the only female at the camp I have no other option than to sit and wait.

And wait..

And wait...

Then I feel a change in the air and glance at the girl to see her stirring, standing up I went over to the door of the tent and yelled for the doctor-

"She's awake!"

I turned back to the girl and she hadn't moved but she was still awake from her abnormal breathing. I went back over to her and put my hand on her shoulder, giving her a slight shake.

"There's no point in pretending, sweetheart."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Ethan Johnson Character Portrait: Jane Delaney
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"There's no point in pretending, sweetheart." said a female voice, for some reason it made my wolf angry and I let out a warning growl, making the female shut up.

I took the way too thin blanket to cover myself and sat up slowly. Two pair of eyes bore into me, a girl and a boy.

"What you staring at? Never seen a girl before?" I snapped, making my wolf growl at me, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"What the hell is your problem?" I growled at her in my mind. I snapped back only to make eye contact with the guy, he had brown hair, something about his eyes made me feel safe, I couldn't take my eyes of him, like legit I couldn't.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Ethan Johnson Character Portrait: Jane Delaney
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I felt drawn to stare at her, which I felt I could morally do now that she holds the sheet to her exposed body. The color came back to her cheeks and she looked like a goddess, her skin was all but glowing and her eyes were on fire. I was about to retort to her comment on my staring when Doctor Kingsly and Jane came in.

"Jane," I said, standing and bowing my head.

"You brought it back," Jane said, nodding at the girl," I'm impressed, Ethan."

"Thank you," I cast another glance at her before returning my gaze to Jane," I don't suppose you could help her out of her 'predicament'?"

Jane simply glanced at the girl before smiling at her.

"Of course," she turned toward the door before stopping and glancing over her shoulder at the girl," Any preferences?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Ethan Johnson
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The boy from earlier came in through the door or whatever it even was the material, and I screamed. I might have scared him off, but he threw a hoodie at me and I smiled.

"Sorry" I yelled and took the hoodie and put it on. It smelt a lot like him, but also a faint smell of a another male. I went back to bed and took a big breath, smelling the shirt, it smelled amazing. I heard the boy still outside.

"You can come in now" I had yelled, knowing he had good hearing being a wolf.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Ethan Johnson
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I came back into the tent to find the girl sitting on the bed with the hoodie on. I gave her a strained smile before sitting in the chair next to her.

"How are you feeling?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Ethan Johnson Character Portrait: Rodrick Colton
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I sat quietly and watched as he made his decisions.

"He's not going to reject us is he?" asked my wolf, looking for hope.

"No no, it'll be, fine," I said trying to convince myself it was really going to be fine.

"I'm sorry that it came falling down on you, it's okay if you reject me, I'll understand, I mean I wouldn't want myself as a mate either and you know what? I'm gonna go outside, I need fresh air yeah?" I ranted while pulling on the blanket to wrap it around me and started going out of this, tent? I didn't notice, I was about to leave when I crashed into someone, his skin was cold and I bowed my head, sensing his power.

"I heard there was a new rogue in the camp." He said with a cold voice, I was afraid of vampires, I know my wolf hated it when I obeyed, I do too, I knew he's stronger than us so therefore I can't risk it.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Rodrick Colton
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She bowed her head as I spoke. I let out a low chuckle.

"And what a pretty little rouge wolf as well. What are you doing so far from home, little one?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Ethan Johnson Character Portrait: Rodrick Colton
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When he let out a chuckle, I gained confidence and looked up at him.

"I-I was hunting and I was lost and hungry so I blacked out" I said lowly. But I heard a growl from someone, I looked over to see Ethan.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Ethan Johnson Character Portrait: Rodrick Colton
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After she left I stood there for a moment, letting the entire mate thing sink in. Then I realized that if this was true, then I couldn't just let her walk out. I ran after her only to see that she hadn't gone far. She was talking with him. I growled.

"Get away from her," I shouted at him as I pulled her away by the waist. He laughed at my outburst.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Ethan Johnson
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He opened the the tent door, I pulled the blanket over my body, covering my legs fully and took the step out of the tent, the night breeze hit me and I shivered. Ethan looked down at me from his height, he was quite tall. As I walked out he went out after me and showed the way to his tent, I followed behind with bare feet, I think Ethan realized I had no shoes and scooped me up into his arms, carrying me the whole way.

He finally placed me down and opened the "door" I walked in. It was pretty cozy, a caramel colored carpet and caramel everything in general. The lights were dimmed, only the night light shining from his nightstand. He had a brown wardrobe, the only thing that is not caramel. I took a few steps forward and sat on the big bed, it wasn't really a camp, because his room was like any other room I've seen before, but what I realized is that there's only one bed... I looked around to look for anything else to sleep on, there was a little couch, it looked okay, aslo there were two I turned around and opened my mouth to speak but Ethan beat me to it.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Ethan Johnson
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"I can take the couch," I looked down and shuffled my feet," If you're uncomfortable it won't be a problem."

I really, really didn't want to look up for fear of what I'd see written on her beautiful features. Would it be relief from not having to sleep with me? Or would it be sadness at my offer to not be near her?


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Ethan Johnson Character Portrait: Jane Delaney
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I woke up from people running around and screaming at each other, Ethan's strong body wasn't beside me. I opened my eyes to see what was going on, the tent was empty. I sat up and threw my legs over the edge of the bed, rubbing my eyes. By this point I didn't care about my legs and walked over to the "door" of the tent, looking out. People were gathering stuff and I took a look around me. We were in a forest, and to my left, very,very far away you could see a kingdom, or city. I was about to go out completely but a growl cut me off.

In-front-of me was now Ethan, he looked down at my bare legs and growled more, did he see the scars from my hunting? I ignored the growls.

"What's happening?" I asked.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Ethan Johnson
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Michael, one of the vampires in the camp, had woken me up at the crack of dawn, telling me that there was a meeting in Jane's tent. They talked and decided to move our camp about 50 miles east, right away. I went back to my tent thinking I'd find a sleeping Addy, as I'd told Michael not to bother her, but no. I find her standing in the doorway of my tent, watching everyone run about in the usual flurry. But that's not what caught my eye-

No, what caught my eye was the deep, grotesque scars that covered her legs, some didn't even look healed. I went over to her and growled lowly, catching her attention.

"Get. In. The. Tent," I told her lowly.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Ethan Johnson
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He ordered me to go in, his voice nearly sounding like a scary Alpha voice that Alpha's use to get what they want. Of course I listened to my mate, but I hated obeying so I rolled my eyes and growled back.

"What's your problem?" I asked sitting down on his bed.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Ethan Johnson
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"What's your problem?"

What's my problem?

Are you fucking serious right now?

What's not my problem.

"I don't know," I shrugged sarcasticly," Maybe my problem is that for the first time in almost a year, I'm talking to a fellow werewolf, maybe its that I just found out I have a mystical 'soulmate' who happens to be wearing my bastard of a father's hoodie, maybe it's the fact that Rodrick knows where we are and we have to move camp for the seventh time in nine months, maybe, just maybe, it's that said mate happens to have been found half dead out in a damned snow storm and is now standing in the doorway of my tent, half-naked with scars going up and down her legs!"

She was staring at me as I paced the tent on the verge of changing, I could feel my eyes flashing yellow and I was struggling against my wolf. I dragged my fingers through my hair as roughly and hard as I could, leaving them to cover my now surely yellow eyes.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Ethan Johnson
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I hated when people yelled, the rouges I was with we're like a family, but families fight too, I hated it when they yelled at me. Ethan pulled me into his arms and stroke my hair, apologizing over and over again.

"Ethan stop apologizing." I mumbled into his chest, my head started hurting a bit, he stopped, obeying me. "What's happening now, where are we moving?" I asked, I guess I was a part of this camp now.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Ethan Johnson
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"Yeah, we are," I pulled back and looked at her face, the tears long gone and her usual calming look on her face once more," Now that Rodrick knows where we are we can't stay here. We leave," I glanced at my watch," In an hour or so."

I glanced down at her legs before returning my gaze to her.

"I get it if you don't want to talk about- whatever happened, but you can't go out like this. Maybe Jane has a pair of pants you could use? It's not leggings, but I think it'll work."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Ethan Johnson Character Portrait: Jane Delaney
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I gave Ethan a dirty look, why did he have to yell so loudly. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Sure" I said to Jane and left Ethan alone in his bed. I walked beside her in just the sweatshirt Ethan gave me. Some people using Ethan's weird technique to pack, some staring at me, some just reading stuff. We walked into a bigger tent, I assume it's Jane's. She stopped in-front-off a brown walk-in closet and gestured for me to come, I obeyed and followed in.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addy Landes Character Portrait: Jane Delaney
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I've always enjoyed a good game of dress up, unfortunately I spend the majority of my time with men.

I had a daughter once, she was beautiful and smart and kind, but that all died away a long time ago. The same day that Rodrick turned me. I turned to 'Addy' and surveyed her.

"I'm guessing that you'll want to cover up those," I said while pointing at the nasty looking scars that covered what must have once been beautiful legs.