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Imperial Romance

Imperial Romance


The Emperor of a war-like nation has died. Leaving his young son to rule the empire. However before he can become emperor he needs to find a bride. This presents the other nations a chance to bind themselves to the empire and protect their sovereignty.

1,822 readers have visited Imperial Romance since RogueSage created it.


For 300 years the Iron Empire of man has waged war with its neighbors. But now something that has not happened since then has occurred. The Emperor has died leaving his unmarried son to rule the empire. However, before he can be crowned the Iron Emperor, by tradition he must marry. The call for eligible girls has gone out, and each of the neighboring kingdoms has responded each hoping to unsure their safety, with a marriage alliance once the new Emperor is crowned. However things may not be as simple as the girls initially believe....

Ferrum-A.K.A The Iron Empire. This land is the largest of the human kingdoms. It possesses a bizarre fusion of magic and technology. The most notable of which is the Iron Knights strange automatons with a primitive intelligence. The width of this land stretches form the Black Coast to the forest realm of the elves. To the north of it is the Obsidian Wall, and to the south the Endless Dunes.

Lunaris-This is the once mighty Elven kingdom. Now it has been ravaged by war with the Empire. The capital is a clearing in the the forest surrounded by mighty oak trees. At its center is the Is the elves most sacred ground the Grove of the Moon, where stands the temple of Lunis their goddess. The elves rely on their speed and simple forest magics to keep their cities from the Imperial armies. However, if they are successful on marrying their princess to the Imperial heir they know they can end the war.

Duran- Deep in the Endless Dunes lies this kingdom. This place is devoted to the study and development of magic. It's great glass cities glide gently around the dunes. Of all the neighboring kingdoms this is the one that has suffered the most frequent attacks by the Empire. However due to the fact that the last empress was from this kingdom it has enjoyed almost 30 years of peace. The Mage-King of this land would like to enjoy a longer era of peace and so would sends his daughter to unsure it.

Albion- This island nation is home to the angelic Seraphim. Although not true angles these people are descended from them. Little is known about their lands, and this nation has only experienced minor skirmishes with the Imperial Navy. What is known is that they possess some sort of techno-magic that grants them incredible powers. A marriage alliance with the Empire will secure the islands safety for a long time to come.

Lilith- This is the queendom of the Succubi. This is all that is left of the once mighty Obsidian Empire. The demon empire use to spread deep into what is now the Iron Empire. However, now the only thing that remains are the Succubi and their small nation in the Obsidian Wall. This nation is practically unscared by war as the Obsidian Wall is smooth and glass like making it prohibitive to attack . They send a princess to unsure that Albion does not turn the human empire against them.

Prince of the Iron Empire: Victor Khan
General: The Judge
Court Witch:Rowan de Luca

Courtier:Rasha Falls
Guardian:* (Reserved by Just Sayin')

Kingdom of Duran:
Princess:Aluise Daspaen
Guardian:Byron Shiner

Lands of Albion:

Queendom of Lilith
Princess:Helecate Lilium
Guardian:Orias Naberius


Char. Skeleton:
Description:(not optional if no Pic) should be around a paragraph in length
Short Bio: (Sentiments on the Empire should be included. Does not need to include likes and dislikes. these should come out in RP.)
Magic:(if any)
Other Supernatural abilities: (if any)

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors

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GM: The Iron Citadel stands ready to recive its young master's guests. The Imperal Road, the highway that conects all cities in the Emprie to the capitial, is lined with soldiers of the Imperial army. Once inside the fortress one would note that the Black Guard, the personal protecters of the Imperal family are at parade rest.

It becomes overcast, and a short while later it begins to rain...

Victor: Victor Khan paced the Grand Hall of his fortress home. He was begining to display an unsual anxety. He knew he should have nothing to wory about but, He could not help himself, today he was going to meet the daughters of his nations traditional enemies. He had put his most trusted general, an Iron Knight known as the Judge, at the gates to welcome them to his home. He had assigned his Court Witch to the entrence hall. She was to bring the girls after their arrival to the Grand Hall. Still, even with all the preperations complete, he was concered. Maybe it had to due with the fact that he had broke with tradion in how he dressed to meet his guests. Instead of wearing the tradional dress armor, and uniform of an Imperal host he had decided to wear his favored black robes. In the end all he could do is try to relax and wait.

The setting changes from The Iron Citadel to Ferrum the Iron Imperium

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#, as written by Thorait
Judge stood at the gate just in front of it to in complete silence like he wasn't alive that was partially the truth. His gaze looked to the road as his small but intelligent mind worked on the emperor's dead and his new heir's bride. Judge knew that it would be a catastrophe if one of the brides would go home without any honer left but the prince wasn't stupid and these princesses were not a fool well he hoped so. The succubi would probably send the best fitted there skills in charm would be great so he had of course advised that to the prince, the Lunaris princess would be a bad bride elven blood was not meant to be mixed and a forest would bring new resources. Duran was slowly getting in the way as there power would increase and Judge didn't want to have to fight a empire like the demon again. Albion was the most logical choice a good blood line and not too much hostilities wile there islands would be mostly useless and they didn't care about the human's so he had also said that pure logic was his mind no emotional bonds were in there.

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"Rasha...I am worried about this...", Shalendra, the Princess of Lunaris, spoke quietly to her companion as they neared the fortress that was the capital city of Ferrum, the feared Iron Empire. She had always hated the thought of this place: it sounded so different to her forest home, so alien to her on the whole...she was especially saddened that it was this land that had slaughtered so many of her father's people, and had done so with an unholy combination of magicks and metal, two things which in her opinion, should never be mixed...

She adjusted her dress as she approached the gates with her favourite Courtier, who was also her best friend, if such a thing were appropriate, Rasha being the daughter of an Outcast from the Elvish people, although this had happened so long ago that she did not know the cause of her mother's punishment. In any case, that her friend should rise so far in Court, given this history, was an incredible feat, and one for which Shalendra was glad: without this good fortune, Rasha Falls would not have been permitted to accompany her to assisst with the Princess' mission: to end the war between their two nations, a war that had been going on for so long that Shalendra doubted that anyone knew how it had begun. The best outcome that could come of this visit was that she would unite the two lands with her marriage to the Prince of the Iron Empire, therefore ending the conflict before any more blood from either side was spilled. The worst outcome...she didn't want to think about...the concequences of failure just didn't bear thinking about...

They were now at the gates, where Shalendra had to force herself to stand tall, even though in her heart, she only wanted to turn around and leave this horrible place. The first thing she had noticed was what she had been told was an 'Iron Knight', a sinister contraption made of metal, but powered through an magick unknown to her race...the very thought of the sacred arts being used in such a way chilled her to the core...Still, she held herself as she had been taught: back straight, eyes forward, every inch a future Queen of Lunaris, and hopefully her kingdom's saviour, if all went as she hoped it would...

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Rasha nodded silently for a moment as her eyes latched on to the Iron Citadel's structure. It gave Rasha an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach to be walking towards a place owned by the Iron Kingdom, even stepping on their land made her feel a churning in the deepest part of her soul. This is where everything began and ended, Rasha thought to herself. Where many of her people fell in cold blood. She could feel the lands longing and woe for what it once was through the soles of her bare feet. It sung a melancholy wail with it sprouting plants and leaves. Though all this passed through her mind Rasha's face held no evidence of what was being remembered and said in her mind. She turned to the princess then with a small smile of encouragement. "All will be well, my dear princess. You have a good head atop those shoulders of yours and you know how to use it well." she said quietly.

She watched as Shalendra straightened and stood like a true Queen. Her smile turned to that of proudness. Shalendra ould be, in her opinion, the best Queen their kingdom could ever ask for. She had grown fond of the little princess many years ago and has stuck to her side for as long as she can remember. She watched her grow into a kind, intellegent and strong woman. "Rmember, dear. Even though there is the posibility that you are not chosen at least we have tried. We shall manage, if it comes to that, some way or other. But you must never lose hope. Our ancester's whisper to us fron the lands below and they shout encouragement."

Rasha took hold of Shalendra's hand and gave it a little squeeze before turning back around and squaring her own shoulders. She knew to many of the Iron kingdom her people were just an irritation and lower in their standered but she didnt care for their petty insults. We are proud spiritual people of nature, wise in the old ways and some of the new. She watched as they reached the Iron knight that guarded the gaates. Never one to be disrespectful to anyone Rasha inclined her head to show her respect even if the knight didnt return it as well. Most elven were raised learning to respect and mind others even if they didnt return the same sentiments. Rasha stared ahead, at her princess's fate and her peoples future.

The setting changes from Ferrum the Iron Imperium to The Iron Citadel

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It is time. Heaving a drawn out sigh, Rowan de Luca tugged her purple plaid shawl tighter around her shoulders. She smoothed down her jade dress with her skinny hands – almost too skinny, she mused – and allowed a maid to adjust the black witch’s hat that sat upon her head. She had been forewarned that she was to appear presentable, as not to tarnish the Empire’s reputation. For today, in a matter of hours, the four princesses – each hailing from each of the neighbouring kingdoms – would arrive at the fortress, as marital candidates. When she had received the order, she had been angered that yet another thing was expected of her, when she had already given up her livelihood for the Empire but she had obeyed, like the loyal dog she was.

“It sickens me,” Rowan murmured to herself, as she exited her bed chamber. “That anyone would consider marrying him.” Victor Khan. She pursued her lips at the thought of the prince of the Iron Empire, as she walked down the long, empty hallway, her footsteps echoing softly. Victor Khan was the son of the man who had executed her mother and stolen her sight, and she hated him with a burning ferocity. If it was not for the generations old alliance between the Empire and the de Lucas, she would have murdered him without hesitation. However, she was the Court Witch and it was her duty to carry out Victor Khan’s orders without complaint. Not to mention she would be promptly executed if she dared to slay the heir to the throne.

Arriving at the Grand Hall, Rowan carefully slotted herself into her usual position – between two pillars, hidden within the shadows. She observed silently as Victor Khan paced the room, the sound of his pacing indicating that he was unusually anxious today. Smirking, she folded her arms and leaned against a pillar, the cool stone chilly against her back. Although she could not see, she could still ‘observe’ her surroundings, by listening to the sounds around her. She also knew the layout of the fortress inside out, from living within its walls so many years. “I hope something interesting will happen…” Rowan muttered quietly to herself, as she waited dutifully, in case she was given any orders.

The setting changes from The Iron Citadel to Ferrum the Iron Imperium

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#, as written by Thorait
Judge watched the elf's he didn't return the respect as he didn't knew how Judge couldn't bow his neck it was attached to his torso only being able to rotate not bend. His voice was machine like as always "I'm Judge general of Ferrum, I greet you princes of Lunaris and other unnamed being. Hand over your weaponry." Judge slowly removed the bow form the princes he didn't want to seem respectable as that would anger his new master. "Follow."Judge stepped trough the gate into the welcoming hall seeing Rowan from the start he was good in observation "Rowan your job is now." Judge wasn't for Rowan's position as she wasn't for it she couldn't be trusted nor expected to be loyal. "Court witch is Rowan she will guide you further, bow will be in armory." Judge gave the bow to a man that quickly brought it to where it belonged "No weapons nor magic will be allowed punished by dead." Judge looked to the other elf "Stay, why are you here? Your not going to meet master not safe you will stay with me at the gate until she get's you back." Judge said this but he also added "Ignoring a order is punished by torture or dead in your case torture." He marched back to the gate his feet made the sound of heavy steel smashing on stone

The setting changes from Ferrum the Iron Imperium to The Iron Citadel

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Rowan tilted her head towards the sound of Judge’s voice – a rough and mechanical sound. She greeted Judge with a curt nod before slowly shifting her blank gaze in the direction of the sound of shuffling feet, presuming that the scuffling sound belonged to the royal party she was required to escort to Victor Khan. “I greet you most humbly, your majesty,” Rowan purred, pulling a strained smile as she greeted the royalty with a stiff curtsy. Straightening herself, she gestured towards the Grand Hall. “His… majesty, anticipates your presence. If you will follow me.” With one last blank glance, she slunk out from the shadows and led the royals to into the Grand Hall. “Your majesty.” Rowan lowered her empty gaze towards the floor, as one of lower status was expected to do. Although she was blind, she did have a vague recollection of the prince’s appearance as a child, before the accident had occurred. He was such an ugly child. “If you will excuse me, your majesties.” Rowan curtsied once before standing up and returning to her original position – between two pillars, hidden within the shadows.

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Victor turned abruptly at the entrence of his first guest, and was suprised to see it was the elven princess that had arrived. He had believed that she would mearly spurn his offer. However, upon regaining his composure, he behaved in the maner he had been taught. He bowed low to the princess, and introduced himself. Casting a glance at his Court Witch to thank her for her services, he noticed the hostility radiating from her. It was well conceled and if not for his long relationship with her it would be conceled. He knew at some point he would need to confront her on this issue, however he had guests arriving and they to priority. So, the only thing he said, and coldly at that, was "Thank you Rowan, your Loyal service is appriated." Returning his attention to his guest he gestures to a seat at one of the tables in the Grand Hall, and says, "please have a seat."

The setting changes from The Iron Citadel to Ferrum the Iron Imperium

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"Thank you, your Majesty...this is indeed an honour...I realise my promptness in accepting your gracious invitation may have surprised you a great deal, but as you may be aware: we of Lunaris would never turn down an opportunity such as this.", Shalendra recited the introduction she had memorised on the way here, knowing that if she did not, and she had spoken normally, then she would have failed before she had even begun. Instead, she had studied the painfully restrictive formal language of royalty, hoping it would make a good impression, with the result that she had to constantly remind herself that she should not use her own way of speaking. Although she too was royalty, she much preferred to speak as everyone else did, and she hated being so formal all the time. Of course there were times, like this one for instance, where this was impossible, and it made her long for her home, where such formality was little used, except in Court and during official business.
She wanted Rasha to be here with her, but apparently this was not allowed, and she disliked this as much as she did this least if her friend had been with her, it wouldn't have seemed so bad...She fought to sit still, every nerve in her body seemed to want to move, so she occupied herself by watching the prince, but only if she was sure he wasn't watching her. She had been sure that he would have dressed more like she had read: in the formal armour that was a tradition here. Instead he was dressed in simple black robes, the colour almost blending with his dark hair. But it was his eyes that held her most: dark and cold, yet anxious at the same time. She supposed it was natural: he had just lost his father, but still the emotion Shalendra saw in those eyes made her think of the notorious 'Wraith Prince' in a different way than she had been told. He was not a monster, at least not up close in this way. That was what Shalendra tried to tell herself at least...She said a quick, silent prayer to Lunis, the latest of the many prayers she had sent to the Goddess that day, praying with all her being that her mission end well, for all of their sakes...

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Helecate's mind was swirling with the anticipation of the day, still slightly furious about the way mother wanted her to be married off instead of one of her older sisters instead. She wanted nothing more then to curl up in her bed once more and listen to the noises coming from her open window. A thought vaguely drifted past her, reminding her that being the youngest of the Lilith Queendoms Princesses didn't mean she was excluded from the royal business, therefore it was her duty to go through with this. Still her own sense of mind was getting in the way, telling her what a pain this was going to be, and drifted back to why mother couldn't send Mikeli or Medilla. She sighed, looking at the road ahead of her, the gate was up ahead, but she paused to plaster a small charming smile on her face, and stand up straight. Helecate wasn't your normal Succubus, in fact, she was much different from her mother and older sisters who only set out to gain power for themselves and seduce people.

Helecate's long pink hair shone slightly against the light of the sun as she walked towards the gate, her reddish pink eyes trained straight ahead of her. She was dressed in a black, Gray, and white dress that at least covered her somewhat. Having borrowed it from Mikeli meant that of course most of her legs, arms, and chest were showing. The dress itself would have been pretty, it was a lacy black dress with white cuffs and Gray stripes patterned into it. Even though it showed off most of her, it did atleast cover the important parts, and that was okay with her. She kept her smile as she stopped in front of the person at the gate, she curtsied, having been taught to respect people. She straightened out and smiled, facing the pain that this trip would become

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#, as written by Thorait
Judge finally stood again when another guest arrived this one was also a princess but now from the Succubi this was a bad thing for Judge he had hoped they would stay away succubi were specialized in charm and prince that was half a demon would mean disaster for many still he had orders from his new master "I greet you Helecate of the succubi queendom and other unamed being, I see you came unarmed good but still that tail is better left unused or we will be forced to cut it of princess. Judge general of Ferrum follow me." Judge lead her into the castle putting a watching eye on his other visitor. "Rowan, Helecate of the succubi has arrived. Other person will stay with me unsafe just like elfen body guard." Again Judge marched back to the gate expecting both to follow.

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Orias took heavy steps in subtle confidence alongside Helecate. He kept his wings tucked and refrained from flicking his tail in response to his actions, much like a cat would. The mask he wore was secured well, so that he would not have to re-adjust it at any time while accompanying the princess. He deemed it inappropriate to re-adjust clothes while in the company of imperials of any sort, even in his own nation. Helecate was dressed nicely as well. As her guardian, he checked on little things like that as well to be sure there would be no such problems. The dress wasn't hers and revealed more than Helecate usually would have, but it was flattering and he couldn't see the prince (or any man for that matter) turning their gaze away from her. This annoyed him but he kept his face composed behind the white masl. Though Orias was nothing more than a guardian to her, he felt protective over her, much like a father would.

The general, who introduced himself as Judge, was the one two greet them. Orias said nothing as he walked alongside the succubus princess and the Judge. Judging by the fact that the elven guardian was being withheld from the introduction, he assumed that he would soon be ejected from the meeting as well. "Helecate," he addressed, as Judge greeted the two of them. "I have no doubt that you will do well. Keep professional, even in the prince's company, and stay friendly, even if you must act to do so."

As Judge continued to say, "I see you came unarmed, good, but still that tail is better left unused or we will be forced to cut it off, Princess." Orias finally turned to speak to the Iron Knight. Straightening his back and relaxing his wings to make them appear bigger, a natural threat instinct, he turned to face the general without fear. "I don't mean to start something, but if you threaten the princess of the Queendom of Lilith once more, I'll see to it that you're taken apart and I'll use your parts to form my next weapon." As he turned to lead the two into the castle, Orias kept as watchful of an eye on Judge as he did on Orias. Orias didn't say another word as Helecate was introduced to the court witch. He was instructed to remain with Judge, which he did without complaint. Before turning to follow Judge back to the gate of the Iron Empire, he turned to the princess he guarded for two last words. "Good luck," he said through the mask, and then followed behind the Iron Knight that he had already grown to dislike without another word.

The setting changes from Ferrum the Iron Imperium to The Iron Citadel

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Victor kept an eye on the princess of the elven kingdom, using his peripheral vision. He noticed that she was keeping an eye on him, but only when it seemed as if he was not looking. After a quick evaluation of her he realized that she must be as nervous as he was. He had to admit that this brought him a small degree of comfort, as it meant that he had not been the only one thinking about this event. After a brief moment of reflection he decided to start a conversation with her.

Victor walks over to the table with the princess seated at it, and pulls out a chair directly across from her. Once, she finishes her prayer to her goddess he says with a roguish smile," Princess it seems you are as on edge as me. So, I see we have two options we can sit around and look awkward, or we can have a dialog. So, I will go first, whats your favorite color?"

The setting changes from The Iron Citadel to Ferrum the Iron Imperium

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Another? Rowan’s blank gaze shifted towards the sound of footsteps against the cold stone floor. She had her head titled slightly, as she listened to Judge’s heavy steps recede steadily until there was nothing but empty silence. Skulking out from the shadows, she dipped her head in strained respect as she curtsied. “Your majesty. If you will follow me, Prince Victor Khan is waiting in the Grand Hall.” Straightening up, she led the royal to the Grand Hall and hovered in the doorway. “Your majesty. Helecate of the Succubi has graced us with her presence.” She edged away slightly, her head dipped in grudging respect. At least there were only two more princesses to expect. Rowan curtsied briefly before returning to her post. She had no interest in listening to Victor Khan and the other monarchs.

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Shalendra had been ablout to answer Victor's (rather direct) question, when the doors opened and the woman from earlier glided in, with what was unmistakably another royal bride to be. She regarded this newcomer curiously, the girl's black wings and tail fascinating her. After a few moments of this, she realised she was staring and dipped her head, so as not to seem rude. She had never seen such a person, but she had read that this was the normal appearance for those of the Queendom of Lilith, a succubus. This she would have to be fully aware of: a succubus could easily cloud the prince's mind, making it that much more difficult to complete her mission...

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#, as written by Thorait
Judge looked to the guardian of the Lilith princess after he had come back to the gate "I mean no insult or treat and I fully understand your position, she will be alone for quoit some time with the only monarch of Ferrum if he would die then the crown would by tradition have none to suit it no family is there to choose expect The baron of our southern provinces the uncle of Master and the Baron isn't suited." Judge had not too much interest in either guardian's they were just servant's he could slay both of them at the same time but still a little respect was needed and a explanation was in place. Now judge looked to the horizon for other princesses, he didn't see a reason to talk to any one at this moment expect the remaining just he was surprised Duran hadn't arrived yet they had been the first he expected with there magic a trip from there capital to the iron citadel would last a few minute's.

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The sound of hooves mingled with Aluise's laughter in the crisp, morning air. She rode with abandon, her bright eyes and hair wild in her jubilance. The cobbled road turned around a last grove of trees before the Princess could finally see the Iron Citadel in it's entirety. It was a massive Kingdom indeed; the giant walls towering before them, and stretching far in either direction. They had reached the Imperial road; there was no turning back now.

Aluise slid from her stallion with festive dexterity, not waiting for anyone to help her dismount. As soon as her riding boots touched the ground, the Stallion dissolved into sand. Aluise stared as the pile swirled around her feet, a frown marring her otherwise sunny demeanor. The horse had looked like a horse, acted like one, and had been crafted so perfectly she had not doubted it's authenticity as a real animal. Of course it wasn't; the sand-creature was probably created by the court's magic to make sure she got to her destination and was left with no alternative path. No way to turn back. How she despised her father's court... but that did not matter anymore.

"Byron!" Aluise sang as she kicked the sand, and threw her arms out wide, spinning on lithe feet; "We are free! Finally free!" She giggled, and came to a dizzy stop, using her staff to steady herself. "No more rules, no more lessons in secret, nooo more evil court hags..." She sighed contently, resting her check on the top of her staff, before her gaze drifted to the high intimidating walls of the Iron Citadel. "...Well, maybe." Aluise's merriment waned, replaced with enraptured calm as she mused over what lay in store for her behind the giant distant doors. The princess turned back to her bodyguard; "I suppose we should be on our way-" She said, right before a raindrop landed on her nose. Aluise looked up at the sky in surprise; it was completely clouded over, and as she stuck out her hand, more cold droplets covered it. The Iron kingdom was quite different from her desert home: it seemed wetter, the ground was hard, and there was strange foliage she had never seen. A chill ran up Aluise's spine, causing her to shiver. "Ah, perhaps we should hurry Byron..." She said, before laughing and taking off in front of him on light feet. She ran through the rain, unheeding of the Imperial soldiers lining the road as they watched her with a close eye.

Her excitement finally brought her to the steps leading to the grand metal doors, and as she looked back to see if Byron was following, Aluise collided painfully with something hard and unmoving. The princess cradled her hand as she looked up at the hulking figure. It was an armor clad man, bigger than the other's she had passed, and he was glaring down at her. She took a slight step back, placing her staff in front her; Aluise's voice and mannerisms changing instantly into the cool, calm persona of one raised as royalty. "Greetings honored Knight, I am Princess Aluise Daspaen of the Duran Kingdom." Her eloquent tone did not waver as the small princess stood poised staring up at the giant; "Would you grant us passage hither? I am expected by Ferrum's Prince, and I mustn't tarry."

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#, as written by Thorait
The judge looked at her a Durran a good people never gave real problems but if not for the marriage then Judge would have conquered them personally thinking of how many new magicians he could raise there and spread there blood all over the empire Durran was getting stronger he didn't like that. She ran straight into him but he couldn't see a reason why he would move to help her "I greet you Aluise and Byron." Judge had a good hearing system because he unlike flesh could replace it every year. "No magic is allowed in here without permission punishable by torture no insult or treat meant." Judge stepped away allowing both to pass then he lead them to the main hall "Rowan, Durran has come." He turned his view to the guardian "You will stay here not safe to let you pass with me and elven body guard and." Judge had to think for a second he pointed as the incubus "Him." Judge marched back his way it was raining but he didn't care. "Go stand inside soldiers." He didn't see a reason to let these men be rained under so he relieved them of that pointless duty for morale of course.

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Byron smiled at the princess spirit, seeing on how she was givin this freedom, he only wondered how long it would be till new rules and restrictions were dealt to her. It was sad really, being the the Duran's ways made life as a princess stressful. He tries his best to make her happy but, all the same, once he saw the castle he knew he were to dislike it here. He felt a raindrop on his head, seeing the princess too noticed, just before he could say anything she had suggested that they moved on and off she was. He ran after her, being bitter slow due to his outfit. More rain came, and Byron groaned to himself seeing on how he hated it so.

He notice the princess looking to see if he was following, he smiled then noticing the large armored man, "Princes-" he began to say, though, is warning to late as she pumped into him. Catching up with her, she eyed the large clad man. He stayed behind the princess, his guard up, not feeling trustworthy at the moment with this large figure. His staff in his right hand and a clenched fist in his left. He nodded at his getting and followed him with the princess up to the main hall, making a mental note about the rules in magic. This disappointed him, being that he had no other skill other than magic. If anything he could hardly keep up a fist fight. Byron scrolled seeing that he had to stay in the main hall with the rest. "Be careful now, Princess" he said, the most he had spoken all day. He was very unhappy with being here, mostly because of the temptation he was getting to find trouble. Yet, they just got here how much could happen? He sighed looking at the other guardians then slowly began to relax, even though his clothing seemed to stand out from the rest. Not much to care for at the time.

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Aluise was not fond of the rules against magic use. Byron's tricks always made her happy, it also meant that he wouldn't be able to teach her light magic within the walls of the city either. As the great doors shut heavily behind her, Aluise could not help feeling she was trapped- a captive in a dark, cold metal fortress. She yearned for the sun, but it seemed hidden in this clouded land. The Knight led them into a wide hall and she relaxed a little, admiring the ornate furnishings of the Citadel, the alienness of such a place uncomfortable and yet fascinating at the same time.

The man announced her to someone named Rowan, but the princess could not see who he might be addressing. Aluise started to protest when the Knight ordered that her bodyguard was not to follow, but stopped when Byron told her to take care. She didn't want to face the Prince alone, the fact that she was a trophy bride- as that was the ugly truth to this endeavor. She didn't want to leave the safety of Byron's side, but she handed over her staff nonetheless. Her duty was not to herself, but to her father's wishes. He had always hoped she would continue the peace between Duran and Ferrum; he even gave his daughter to the hands of his counsel, everything she had ever done was in preparation to be a pleasing bride. She hated it. The charmed pictures of the prince they would force on her, the endless poise lessons, the restrictions. They wanted her to fall in love, but soon found that was one thing the princess would not be subservient about in regards to her personal choice.

But now she was alone, they weren't there to control her every action, she was liberated at last... even if it meant she was bound to please this strange prince. She knew the counsels sweetly spun stories of him of course, although she had never trusted in them. He was a stranger, a unknown force that held her future in his grasp. A passing thought made her shiver once again in her slightly damp clothes; if she was not pleasing to him, and he did not pick her, would she be executed? It seemed all too likely, as the tensions between the two kingdoms were on the rise again despite the alleged peace treaty. Duran was growing stronger, however, Ferrum was still the undisputed warrior nation. She doubted her aged father would regret the sacrifice, but she would always love that man through any circumstance, even to death.

Aluise continued up the carpeted hall, listening to the men retreat back through the metal doors. She stopped and waited, anxiously adjusting her clothing; but as usual no matter how composed she made herself, nothing could tame her wild hair and vivid burning eyes.

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Rasha sighed as she walked along Judges side. Away from her friend, princess, and future Queen. She hated to part with her so soon into this ordeal but she knew Shalendra could deal with herself very well. She was a bit nervous but nerves never stopped anyone before and they wouldnt stop young Shalendra now. They wandered back to the front gates where more princesses and their escorts passed. She hardly paid attention. Her mind buzzing with the lands energy. It was hard to not notice it. It was like an insisting ringing that wouldnt stop unless you listened to it. She managed to thump her foot against the ground to quiet it but it still lingered, and whispered quietly. She grumbled a few elven curse words and then stomped her foot again. It quieted the land then. But she knew it would start up again later. She sighed. Oh the burden!

The setting changes from Ferrum the Iron Imperium to The Iron Citadel

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Victor waited for the princess' response when he heard his next guest arrive. Rising to his feet he tells the elf girl, "you still need to answer the question," almost as an after thought he adds, "Oh, black and the various blues are mine." Turning to his new guest his expression quickly changes to one quite guarded, for his new guest was the princess of Lilith the succubi nation. He distinctly recalled what the Judge had told him, 'that they where not to be trusted, for they possess the power to cloud judgement.' Victor had to addmit to himself he could understand why, her choice of attire was did flatter her form quite well. Never to be one to make his guests stand he guestures to the seat he just vacated and says, "Princess, please come sit here with the my other guests."

The setting changes from The Iron Citadel to Ferrum the Iron Imperium

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"Oh, I'm sorry...I like blues as well your Highness...and I also like white, as you could probably tell, Contrary to popular belief: these colours are what represent the Elven Nation, the purity of our healing magicks and our gratitude to the waters which make our way of life possible...", Shalendra trailed off, the prince would probably know all of this anyway, she just felt silly now, telling him things he already knew.
"And I am sorry fo rmy rudeness, Princess of Lilith. My name is Shalendra, and I am the Princess of Lunaris, the Elven Kingdom. I am delighted to make your aquaintance.", she stated politely to the Succubus, not wishing to seem rude to the girl who would become her rival within the coming weeks...

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Character Portrait: The juge
0 sightings The juge played by Thorait
"I recomend Albion sire, we didn't have many hostilitie's with them making it less likely that you will be killed in the wedding night."
Character Portrait: Shalendra
0 sightings Shalendra played by BekaL101
I shall do is my duty to end this war...

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Victor Khan
Character Portrait: Rowan de Luca
Character Portrait: Byron Shiner
Character Portrait: Helecate Lilium
Character Portrait: Aluise Daspaen


Character Portrait: Aluise Daspaen
Aluise Daspaen

"For you Father. I will do it for you."

Character Portrait: Helecate Lilium
Helecate Lilium

"We see everything through biased eyes"

Character Portrait: Byron Shiner
Byron Shiner

"Ah yes, I advise you mind your tongue around the princess, it just might be cut out."

Character Portrait: Rowan de Luca
Rowan de Luca

"Faith... Loyalty... It's all meaningless, without strength."

Character Portrait: Victor Khan
Victor Khan

I will have to marry the right one if I am going to be a great Emperor.


Character Portrait: Rowan de Luca
Rowan de Luca

"Faith... Loyalty... It's all meaningless, without strength."

Character Portrait: Byron Shiner
Byron Shiner

"Ah yes, I advise you mind your tongue around the princess, it just might be cut out."

Character Portrait: Victor Khan
Victor Khan

I will have to marry the right one if I am going to be a great Emperor.

Character Portrait: Helecate Lilium
Helecate Lilium

"We see everything through biased eyes"

Character Portrait: Aluise Daspaen
Aluise Daspaen

"For you Father. I will do it for you."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Helecate Lilium
Helecate Lilium

"We see everything through biased eyes"

Character Portrait: Victor Khan
Victor Khan

I will have to marry the right one if I am going to be a great Emperor.

Character Portrait: Byron Shiner
Byron Shiner

"Ah yes, I advise you mind your tongue around the princess, it just might be cut out."

Character Portrait: Rowan de Luca
Rowan de Luca

"Faith... Loyalty... It's all meaningless, without strength."

Character Portrait: Aluise Daspaen
Aluise Daspaen

"For you Father. I will do it for you."

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Most recent OOC posts in Imperial Romance

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

good I already considered that this was abandoned

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

I have returned my internet is working again.

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

Hello! not to late to join the party is it? I would like to reserve the lilith courtier please

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

I shall post as soon as my princess does. Seem fair. :)

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

There is no need to ask for forgiveness. I am merciful, plus once you are accepted feel free to start posting.

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

I'm working on my guardian now, just letting you know. :)
Should have him up shortly.

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

Thank you RogueSage for accepting my it okay if I post now? It's just that I want to get this under way asap...although if anyone else wants to post before me, then that's fine. I'll most likely wait a while before I do post, if that's the case...and I would like to thank ChildOfNone for applying as my Character's Courtier, I'm glad my advice was useful to you. ^.^

*EDIT* (approx 6:30pm GMT): I put up my first post anyway...sorry, I'm just really excited about this RP...Magick, Romance, Imperial politics and diplomatic power plays...all combined in a beautiful Fantasy world...sounds perfect...

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

*raises hand* guilty party to being one of those several for the elven princess =')

I saw on the main page the position was still open so... >.<

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

Forgive the wait >.< I am trying to find the Duran Princess a suitable picture...

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

BekaL101: Don't worry, I won't shoot you just know i have several applications to that position and i will take each into account before making the final call

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

Ah, Thanks BekaL101 n.n that was really helpful.

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

I'm working on my character right now. :P I'm making a Guardian, however it's going to be a female. :P Basically, playing the role of her brother that, blah, blah, I'll explain it in the character sheet..

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

Child of None: I'm not an expert, nor am I even involved in this RP yet, but historically Courtiers are female if they're part of a female's Court, and the reverse is true if they are part of a male's Court, since guys are sexist and don't want females involved in 'Male Business', like politics and such, while a female's Court is more about support and guidence, especially if the female whose Court they are in is young...

Sorry if the explaination is long and possibly completly off base, but as I said, I'm not an expert. The short answer is: Yes they would most likely be female.

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

Hi, I wanted to know if courtiers could be female and if so I'd like to reserve the Elven Courtier please. o.o

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

I'd like to reserve the Lilith guardian. :)

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

I would like to reserve Duran Guardian please and thank you. >_>

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

Sorry I didn't reserve the character I posted, but I hope you look at it regardless...sorry again *hides under desk in fear of being shot*

Anyway, I posted a sheet for Elven Princess, I have a feeling I could play her...

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

Just leaving a post to say thanks for accepting my character! ^^/
I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out. :3

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

Ok I have a lot of reservations. To make things clear, I do not mind if anyone reserves a character but I expect to see it within 48 hours. If this is not met the posistion will return to an open availability.

Re: [OOC] Imperial Romance

I have submitted a character I hope he reaches the requirements.