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Aaron Farihen

I wish it was warmer out

0 · 1,292 views · located in Skylar Street, England

a character in “In Skylar Street”, as played by CaesarTheSeventh


Full Name:Aaron Fairhen
*Age: 18
*Appearance: 6'2, shaved head, slightly muscled, brown eyes. Wears tight shirts and skinny jeans
Job/School Level: High School Senior


*Personality: Nice, charismatic, friendly, intimidating, immature.


Red lighter with a samurai painted on the side. Medical mask.


Family: Fairhen
*History: Aaron is a typical high school senior, he's athletic, he's tall, and he comes from one of the wealthiest families in town. He's your typical popular kid at face, but there are a couple of things that make him different. Aaron once was a short nerd about five years back. He took punishment from bullies back then and his parents never really paid him any attention. He doesn't have a close relationship with them. He felt they had ruled him off as social inept and constantly showered him with everything he wanted. He was spoiled, but he was never satisfied with all his things. Aaron had found a lighter outside of his school at one time and it had a samurai drawn on the side. He though it was "wicked awesome" so he kept it. He never got to use it, but he wanted to. He became fixated on finding a way he could use the lighter. He didn't want to smoke because he knew about the risks, so he burned random things in his home, like paper. Burning small things soon bored him and he wanted more. He finally got his wish in the summer heading into high school, when got to burn down a forrest during a hiking trip. His one tiny lighter had caused a wildfire miles away from the town he lived in. No one ever found out it was him and he had evacuated the forrest just in time to escape. The sight of an entire forrest burning down had enticed him knowing that he caused it. Ever since then his whole personality changed and he became popular for some unknown reason, maybe it was because he had stopped caring about things, only fire. Aaron spent his high school years burning down abandoned buildings and still does til this day.

So begins...

Aaron Farihen's Story

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Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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Aaron was a bit mesmerized by the fire when Elizabeth called him. "Huh? Oh yeah it's safe as long as your with me. I've done this enough times and had enough close calls to know when it's time to leave." Aaron said to Elizabeth to somehow ease her fear.

The flames soon crawled up the wall, reaching for the ceiling. "You see how cool that looks" Aaron said to Liz with great enthusiasm.

A couple minutes passed and the flames were making their way to the ceiling. "Alright it's time to go Liz" Aaron said as he snapped himself out oh his trance and made his way to the window. "Ladies first" Aaron said as he waited for her.

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Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
She watched the flames for a moment, and then snapped back into reality. "Alright." She smiled a little, climbing quickly through the window. She waited for him to also climb through the window, stepping back and looking at the outside of the building. "How do you get into arson anyway...? It's not particularly an average teenagers hobby, is it?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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Aaron hopped out the house right behind Elizabeth. He glanced back to see the inside of the house now was bleeding smoke from it's windows. His attention turned back to Liz when she asked him a question. "Well I burned..." Aaron stopped not wanting to reveal that he's incinerated an entire forest by accident "...something by accident when I was young. The way it burned just looked so...beautiful. I know it sounds stupid, but that's how I got into it." Aaron explained to Elizabeth.

"We should get out of here, the fire department will be here in about twenty minutes" Aaron said as he began to walk back into the main part of town, on a lesser used route. "Hey you didn't freak out back there. Normally most people see fire and they get all crazy." Aaron said as he was a bit curious to why Liz was about as calm as him in the house.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
Elizabeth smiled a little bit, looking at him out of the corner of her eye. "I've got a pretty cool head most of the time..." She trailed off, her mind wandering slightly. "And hey! We were friends for years! I trust you! Maybe not with my life, but still. It counts, or would you prefer me not to trust you at all?" She laughed a little as her mind wandered again to his arson. She tried to understand how he saw fire. He didn't see it as a danger or a utility, he.. he kind of saw it as some kind of beautiful work of art.

But it was destructive and dangerous, like a beautiful picture that could come to life and just stab you in the back! Like that episode of the kiddie show she watched a few years back! The Mona Lisa came to life and brought other paintings too, trying to take over--

Her mind snapped back. Jesus, her mind loved to wander, didn't it? "What exactly did you expect me to do? Run screaming?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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"No, don't get me wrong. I appreciate that you didn't freak out. You're the first person I've told this too and it's just really exciting to know that..." Aaron paused for a moment as the excitement in his voice grew. He took a moment to compose himself. Aaron wasn't the type to be excited for things, it was the "cool" thing to do. Elizabeth having somewhat of an acceptance for his hobby made him feel like a kid in a toy store.

"Just thanks Liz, for just being there." Aaron said after he collected himself, smirking a bit.

"So what do you want to do now?" Aaron asked her, he hadn't kept track of time so he didn't know if school had finished yet.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
She smiled at him. "Wow. You really like someone you can't really trust knowing you're an arsonist." Laughing, she started to walk backwards like he had done before, putting her hands in her pockets. "I'm only kidding. You can trust me. Just don't freak out and set me on fire. Oh, and.. No problem."

"What do you want to do now?""Well..." Elizabeth checked her phone to look at the time. "Schools going to be over in... 20 minutes. Concluding that I actually have no idea."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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Aaron frowned a bit when Elizabeth mentioned him liking someone he couldn't trust. Tessa could have seen what Elizabeth did, but the truth was he didn't trust her anymore. She'd started something with him that was great until she forgot to mention she had an adopted child. On top of that he hadn't seen or heard from her the entire day. Aaron didn't want to admit it but their relationship was a flop.

Aaron laughed a big when Elizabeth told him not to set her on fire. "How could I ever do that to you Liz?" Aaron asked as he playfully gave her a soft punch on the arm.

"You want to chill in the treehouse just like old times" Aaron asked Elizabeth. It's been some time since he saw her up there. Aside from yesterday Aaron wasn't too present either.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
Elizabeth's smile faltered a little as she walked normally again. "The.. The Treehouse? No uh.... Yeah, sure, I... I guess." She thought back to when they were younger they'd play there, just mess around. Do whatever the heck they wanted! That was a long time ago from now, though. They'd all grown apart, it seems. They'd walked for a while up the street, exchanging some conversation until the treehouse was just around the corner. "So... Not meaning to pride into your life or anything.. but what's going on with you and Tess?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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Aaron bit the inside of his lip when Elizabeth asked about Tessa. It seemed like she just kept wanting know, she was very persistent. The whole situation was uncomfortable for Aaron and he felt like he shouldn't be telling her secrets to Elizabeth. However it seemed like Elizabeth was just too curious about it. "She has a kid" Aaron blurted out just to get it over with.

"Well it's not hers, like it came from-she adopted a little girl. Apparently she's had this kid for some time and her bother didn't even know. She didn't even mention it to me. I know it was suppose to be a secret, but she could have at least told me before we started a relationship." Aaron said as he held back the feeling of losing out on an oppurtunity with her.

"I texted her this morning, thinking to myself maybe this could work out and she hasn't text me back. Since this morning I've did some thinking and I think I have to break up with her. I'm not ready to be a dad Liz" Aaron said as he turned to Elizabeth with sincerity on his face. This wasn't the popular Aaron talking, this was the true Aaron. He wasn't hiding behind any facade, he exposed his true thoughts to her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
Elizabeth watched the ground by her feet, stunned by his words. She racked her brain for words that would comfort someone in this situation, but Tess? A.. mom? She didn't act like the motherly type... She never seemed like that kind of person, not to Liz, anyway. Smiling at him once again, she said "...I'm... I'm sure everything will be fine, Aaron. Tess wouldn't expect you to be a Father, especially when it had just been thrown onto you like that. Everything will be fine."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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Aaron stood silent for a moment as they approached the treehouse. He wanted to believe Elizabeth, but he couldn't grasp at it no matter how hard he tried. "So what's the deal with you and Kyren?" Aaron asked more so to change the subject rather than interest. Kyren had been drooling over her, since he got here. He was a bit curious as to see if Kyren actually made an impression on Liz. They both reached the treehouse by then and Aaron leaned on the tree with one hand to sort of add some flare to his question. If Elizabeth reacted like he thought she would then, there would be a sign that she did like him.

She still had yet to mention pulling Kyren out of the fire when he collapsed, Aaron was greatful for that. She was giving him a hell of a second chance despite lying to her and nearly burning up one of her friends by accident. Aaron appreciated that from Liz, knowing that most wouldn't do that sort of thing for him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
She laughed a little, rubbing the back of her neck gently. "Me and Kyren? That's quite a strange subject change from you, Tess and a child." She glanced up at the treehouse, then back at Aaron. Feeling slightly weak, she looked at the green grass grabbing at her feet. She couldn't stay around here.. She needs to move. Someone'd find out eventually. It'd destroy the Urio's again, knowing a close friend has killed their mother/wife. Tessa and Travis... She never meant it, she'd change it if she could. "Look, I think.. I think I'll just go. Sorry."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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Aaron had been caught red handed with his subject change. Aaron wasn't giving her due credit for her intelligence. "Wait" Aaron said as he reached for her hand so she wouldn't leave. "I tell you my biggest secrets and you're leaving?" Aaron said a bit disappointed. "We never get to hang out anymore Liz. Chillin' with you was a reminder of how awesome things used to be back then" Aaron expressed sincerely, realizing he was holding Elizabeth's hand and he let go.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
She glanced back at him out of the corner of her eye, guilt stiring in her gut. "You know it's just going to be awkward when we have nothing to talk about, right?" Turning to face him again, she looked at the ground by his feet as images flashed before her eyes. Oh jesus, why am I staying...? Go! Turn around..! She rooted her self to the ground untill she told her legs to move. "Well, come on then! Are we going to stand here all year?" Hoping towards the tree, she climbed up rather quickly and looked down, waiting for him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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Aaron looked disappointed at first as it seemed that she was going to be on her way, but then was once again caught of guard by her. He was now standing on the ground below as she looked down at him, waiting for him to come up. He was glad that she'd changed her mind, because he felt as if she were the only one he could trust at the moment. Having her know his secret instilled a sense of a strengthened friendship for Aaron. He smiled back up at her and made his way up the treehouse and sat across from her. He noticed the empty bottle of alcohol from last night, to his own shame. He tried avoiding eye contact with the object. "So how long's it been since you've been here?" Aaron asked, happy to see her return.

(OOC: College had me swamped for a bit, but I'm back. I should be able to post at least once a week)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
(('Tis ok))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
Images still flashed instantly through her head, blinding her. Snapping back into reality, she looked up at Aaron. "Oh, just a week or two." She laughed. Looking around, Elizabeth's mind started to ache. The good memories and bad connected with the treehouse... When they'd all fallen out, when they'd make up stupid plans and play Truth or Dare. When they'd daydream about what the future, thought they hardly expected this. Aaron an arsonist, Liz a murderer, Tess a mother... The only normal one seemed to be Travis. She glanced at the bottle, then at Aaron. "What'd you guys do last night, hm?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
"Well drunk" Elizabeth laughed slightly.
"Ah. Right." She leant on the wall in the most casual, calm pose she could. Although, she didn't enjoy being back in the Treehouse as much as she made out. She would much rather be standing below it or as far away as possible. "So, Tess has adopted a child, you were kicked out by Travis after a drunken..." She trailed off, rubbing her neck gently. "...and now we're here. How did that.. well how did it happen?"

(OOC: Yeah, we should probably get more characters involved. And it's fine, college's is way more important)