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In Time

In Time


Everyone stops aging at 25. You use time to buy everything. Though you're not eligible to use your own time until your 25th birthday. When your time gets to 0, you're dead.

2,222 readers have visited In Time since Sunflower created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

in time movie



|Game Master|
Sunshine and Whiskey

Accepting Reservations || Started: July 16, 2015

This roleplay's idea belongs to the popular movie In Time. I love this movie so much and just figured that I mind as well give the roleplay a shot. I hope this roleplay goes well.


ImageMany years into the future, everything has changed. All money has become useless, human bodies became genetically engineered to stop aging at the age of 25 and they have a clock on their left arm, showing how much time they have left.

You thought life was difficult before all of this, try being able to know how much time you have left to live, but also having to use it as currency. Though you're not able to give or receive time until your clock starts on the day of your 25th birthday. Everything after that is up to you. How long will you have left? How much will you be able to receive?

There will be three classes of civilians, the rich, middle class, and the poor.

|The Rich|
ImageName: Bianca Marie Salazar

Age: 25

How long were you 25?: 3 years

Hometown: Mexicali, Mexico

Dialogue Color: #ff0055

Sexuality: Bisexual

Job: Famous Author

Face Claim: Cassie Steele

Played by Sunshine and Whiskey

ImageName: Vivienne Alexandria Moss

Age: 21

How long were you 25?: 0

Hometown: San Francisco, California

Dialogue Color: #8a0886

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Job: Private Investigator

Face Claim: Ksenia Solo

Played by Jynxie Blue

|Middle Class|
ImageName: David Brock

Age: 25

How long were you 25? 2 years

Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts

Dialogue Color: #408080

Sexuality: Bisexual

Job: Musician

Face Claim: Aaron Johnson

Played by Izzyvamp

|The Poor|
ImageName: Seth Michael Hogart

Age: 25

How long were you 25?: 2 years

Hometown: New York, New York

Dialogue Color: #cc00ff

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Job: Factory Worker

Face Claim: Julian Morris

Played by Sunshine and Whiskey

ImageName: Toby Grant

Age: 25

How long were you 25? 2 years

Hometown: Mount Kisco, New York

Dialogue Color: Red

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Job: Smuggler

Face Claim: Aaron Paul

Played by museman

Site Rules: This is very simple. Just follow all of the guidelines and rules of the site.

Reservations: Give me the name of your face claim, which class you're in, their job, and dialogue color. Also, please try to give a size 500x270 picture or gif. If you can't find one, let me know and I'll get one found or made.

Character Sheets: After reserving, you have 24 hours to send in a WIP and 48 hours to finish the WIP.

Starting: I hope to get this roleplay started within a week at least. If there are enough characters before then I'll start it early.

Drama: Please try to add drama and problems in the roleplay. KEEP IT OUT OF OOC!!!!!

This is what is needed in the sheet. Feel free to use this if you want and add things to it or use a completely different sheet.

Code: Select all
[b]How long were you 25?:[/b] If you aren't 25 yet, just put 0 or N/A
[b]Hometown:[/b] City, State or Country
[b]Face Claim:[/b]
[b]Dialogue Color:[/b]

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vivienne Moss Character Portrait: Bianca Salazar Character Portrait: Toby Grant Character Portrait: David Brock Character Portrait: Seth Hogart
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #ff0055 || Location: Cafe

Bianca sat outside in front of the book store, signing autographs for a bunch of fans, many of them were just flat out crazy and surprisingly a couple of them would give her free time. Most of the time she would pass up their offer, but they insisted so there was no way to get out of it. Bianca was never the kind of girl to just take it from people, especially the ones who needed it much, much more than she did.

As she sat there, signing autograph after autograph, she felt herself beginning to get dizzy. It was probably from being dehydrated. The last time she had something to drink was a couple hours ago and in this heat, that was never a good idea. With a soft sigh she stood to her feet, pausing the book signing. "I'm sorry everyone, but I need to take a break. The signing will resume in an hour," she stated before turning on her heels and hearing everyone clearly state that they weren't happy with it. But her health was a lot more important than signing books at the moment.

Bianca stepped into the book store, letting the owner know that she was taking a break and asked if she could look over her book stand. Afterwards, she grabbed her purse from behind the counter and headed out the door, pushing past all of the agitated fans to get to the cafe that was just down the street.

Upon arriving, she stepped inside and took a seat near a window before ordering herself a glass of sweet tea and a cheeseburger and fries.

Dialogue Color: #cc00ff || Location: Factory

Seth found himself running late for work as he ran down the street. He pushed passed many people, a couple of them turning back towards him yelling nasty things to him but he just ignored them. He couldn't believe he woke up late. Everything was beginning to go down the drain for him. If it weren't for him having to take care of his mother all night, he would have woken up early enough to get to work on time.

Once he reached the building, he paused and took a deep breath before stepping inside. He clocked in and got straight to work. This went on for about six hours before it was time for him to collect his time and head home. Seth stood in line waiting on his turn to get paid. He held his left arm under the scanner and waited for his time to be added before checking to see how much he had. Three days, twelve hours, five minutes, and four seconds. At least it was more than he left with, that's all that really mattered.

Seth headed through town, pushing past all of the Bianca Salazar fans who seemed to be a bit agitated before getting home. Honestly Seth had no idea what the point was about this book signing. But then again he had never read any of her books because he had a lot more important things to worry about. Not only did he have to take care of himself, he had to take care of his mother as well until she was able to find herself a job.

Upon arriving back home, he stepped inside, finding his mother laying of the couch. He immediately ran over to her and checked her time, thankfully finding that she was still alive. He gave her half of what he made today before beginning on his way through town. Seth needed a walk, a moment to clear his head, maybe even stop to see Vivienne sometime tonight. It's been a couple weeks since he had stopped by. Besides, she was probably wondering why he hadn't been answering his phone these past few days.

If it weren't for Vivienne being there for him, he wasn't sure how he was going to deal with his complicated times that he was going through. She's always been a good friend of his.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bianca Salazar Character Portrait: Toby Grant
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0.00 INK

#, as written by museman
Dialogue Color: #990000
Location: Cafe

Sweat dripped from Toby's forehead. The backside of his hand met with the liquid and he wiped it away. He knew his work day was just beginning. He parked the stolen car he had right outside of a cafe in the city. He had a shipment for the owner. Toby walked around to the back of the mustang and popped the trunk. A large brown box was laying right inside. The contents were a mystery to Toby. The only information he was given was that he had to smuggle it into the country from Canada. A short run in with the cops didn't bother him. He kept on moving. He took a hold of the box and carried it into the cafe. As he was walking past a crowd of people who seemed insane, Toby saw someone. Someone he knew was famous. He knew she had a lot of time. Toby checked his wrist and saw what life he had remaining: One day, two hours, and five minutes to go. Toby struggled to even get that. He knew the shipment he was carrying would give him maybe a few more hours. He made his way to the back room where he met with the owner. Without any exchange of words the man took the box and transferred over twelve hours to Toby. His eyes widened in amazement. Toby thought that shipment must have been important. He turned and as he was leaving he stopped by the table Bianca Salazar sat at. He interrupted her peace and quiet "Hey... are you Bianca Salazar?" He leaned over the table and shot a glance at her wrist.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Vivienne Moss Character Portrait: Bianca Salazar Character Portrait: Toby Grant Character Portrait: Seth Hogart
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0.00 INK


Dialogue Color:#8A0886 Location: Her Apartment/Cafe

It was about mid day when Vivienne returned home from her office, a couple of high powered clients and few pro bono ones had come in but nothing looked promising. It was the same ol' same ol', Cheating spouse? Check, Planning a murder? Duh!, Baby isnt mine prove it? Yes and double yes, the pro bono looked interesting but then again were they really any different then any of the others she had in the past? A couple of factory works had grouped together to complain that the company was shorting them on time, and of course the police wouldnt help out so they sent those poor men her way with a waiver of her fee. Basically saying that the city would pay, and they did alot better then clients normally did but it didnt help her migraine. Groaning, she looked about her cluttered apartment and after dropping her purse and keys into the ornamental bronze bowl by the door she kicked off her heels under the table it sat on in her entrance way and set to picking up. It didnt take long and soon it looked like a respectable person lived in the three bedroom apartment she rented for herself, between her own income and her trust from her parents she wasnt worried about running out of time though her every growing friendship with Seth was. Thinking about Seth, she made her way to her fridge as she pulled off her ever worn black leather jacket and tossed it on to a chair. Groaning out loud at the sight of her barren fridge she did a quick check of her pantry and found it too lacked anything edible, not only now did she have to worry about weather or not Seth would have enough time to take care of himself she now had to go face the mob of Bianca Salazar fans just to get to the grocery story. Which was not going to fun, as it normally wasnt great to begin with. She really should invest in a car.

Running into her room, Vivienne pulled off her sweaty black silk blouse and pulled on a black skin tight crop top and pulled a thin flowy lace top in a mixture of dark purple and violet. Slipped on her dark purple combat boots, snagging her jacket, purse, and keys on her way out she raced out the door. Hoping to make her trip quick so she could watch a slasher film and read a chapter from her newest Romance book before she had to settle in and work on paper work. Zig zagging her way through people she caught wind of coffee and muffins and even though it was well past breakfast time decided to stop into the Cafe before going grocery shopping, anyways going shopping for food hungry really wasnt the best idea. Ordering a oatmeal and cranberry muffin with a iced white chocolate latte she looked around for a seat and caught sight of Bianca Salazar sitting at a table with a sleazy looking man. No not sleazy, tired, broke, and most likely criminal. Sitting where she could watch them and the door Vivienne settled in to eat her snack. Pulling out her phone, Vivienne shot a quick text to Seth even though he probably wouldnt respond as he had been for the past couple of days, briefly she wondered if he had ran out of time some where but she pushed down her panic and sent the message letting him know that if he was planning on stopping by she was out but that he could go ahead and use the spare kept in the secret compartment on her door knocker and that she was at the cafe having a snack if he wanted to join.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bianca Salazar Character Portrait: Toby Grant Character Portrait: David Brock
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0.00 INK

Dialogue color: #408080 Location: Cafe/Street

David glanced around the cafe, not really taking in his surroundings. He was there to play, not watch, after all. His fingers were playing songs mechanically in a way that was practically second nature to him now. He didn't like playing in cafes much, they wanted just some nice background music for costumers. Nothing loud or original, and certainly no singing. But it paid well, and he wouldn't turn down a job. Bored in his current actions, David's thoughts began to wander to the people walking in and out of the cafe. The ones further away were kind of blurry since he'd forgotten his glasses at home. Again. But some of the people sitting and talking closer by he could see. No one really of interest though, some rich man on the phone, a girl with some tea. Someone came in, and even though he couldn't see her very clearly he could tell she had time. Just had that sort of air about her. His suspicions were confirmed when she got something to drink and sat, soon to be interrupted by a man asking if she was Bianca Salazar. David paused, wondering where he'd heard the name. Wasn't she an author? The man sat down, and David quickly lost interest and began scanning the cafe for any other amusement. Not much around.

After a pause David realized his fingers had stopped playing, but the manager hadn't seemed to notice. Deciding it was about time for a break anyways, David slipped off the stool he'd been perched on and slung the guitar over his shoulder. He didn't trust people enough to leave it around, even in the nice part of town. Sure, he hadn't paid for the guitar in the first place since it was a gift, but that didn't mean he was willing to pay for a new one either. After a quick exchange with the manager to make sure the guy didn't think he was just leaving, David stepped outside. Apparently author girl was popular, because he could see literal swarms of people by a bookstore where he was sure she had been signing books. He supposed it could have been a different author in there and her arrival at the cafe was just coincidence, but he doubted it. Especially since the people by the bookstore didn't seem to be moving anywhere- like they were waiting for something.

"They really have nothing better to do than stand there?" he muttered to himself while digging a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bianca Salazar Character Portrait: Toby Grant
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #ff0055 || Location: Cafe

Bianca sat there no longer than five minutes before being disturbed by a male. "Hey... are you Bianca Salazar?" she heard him question. The brunette just nodded her head with a soft smile upon her face, "As she is living and breathing," she responded before being interrupted by the waitress with her meal.

Bianca began eating her food as she glanced back over towards the stranger, "So, um, what brings you to speaking with me?" she questioned curiously. All she ever wanted was to just eat in peace, but of course that definitely wasn't going to happen, not ever. It never even happened in her own home...which was kind of sad.

The female leaned back in her seat with a soft sigh before taking a sip from her tea.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bianca Salazar Character Portrait: Toby Grant
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0.00 INK

#, as written by museman
Dialogue Color: #990000
Location: Cafe
From one glance at her Toby knew she wasn't in the mood to talk. He had two options. Either walk away or try and lure her in so she could hand over some time. Toby couldn't do it. He knew his parents wouldn't want him to basically beg. He just stood up straight "Never mind. I just... never mind." Toby simply turned and walked out of the cafe. He walked through the crowd of crazed fans and got to the stolen car. He sat on the hood and slid on his sunglasses. He took a quick look at Bianca through the window, but shot his gaze back to the car in front of his almost instantly. Toby had another delivery to make. He got in the car and started the engine.

He thought to himself about making a scene. A smirk grew upon his face as he revved the engine for a little while. Soon enough a cop car came by. The cop rolled his window down, so in return Toby did the same. The cop pointed forward and spoke "Is that your car?" Toby replied with a simply "No," but added on "Do you think a person like me has enough time to get a car like this? I barely have enough to live." The cop spoke once more "Take that around the block for me." Toby proceeded to roll up his window and he pulled out immediately and started making a break for it. The cop turned on the car's lights and siren. Toby was used to this.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vivienne Moss Character Portrait: David Brock Character Portrait: Seth Hogart
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0.00 INK


Dialogue Color:#8A0886 Location: Cafe/Grocery Store

After the weird guy left and the musician stopped playing the cafe got boring, so sitting quietly going between the door and her phone Vivienne waited for Seth. Nothing came though, so after about twenty minutes of nothingness she stood threw away the half eaten muffin and headed to the store. The mobs of people caused her a brief pause but she kept going, purposefully bumping into the musician and dropping a bank handle with about three days worth of time into his pocket before quickly walking through the crowds in case he noticed while popping a cigarette into her mouth. Working her way to the store Vivienne kept her eyes on the passing faces hoping to see Seth, once the idea of him running out of time had entered her head she couldnt get rid of it and now she was stressing. Every time she saw someone close to his build she would get close only to be disappointed, fighting down her panic she entered the store and kept her head down.

Walking through the store Vivienne grabbed items off the shelves at random, boxed rice, potatoes, a roast, some carrots, onions, hamburger, tuna, boxed cake cookie and muffin mixs, a couple canned soups, lots of bread in all different types, cheese, canned chilis, milk, sodas, batteries because you never know when you might need them, candles, and several other items. After checking out with far too many bags, Vivienne started the struggle of walking five blocks back to her apartment. Head down watching her feet ta make sure she didnt trip and break any of the items on her bags.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vivienne Moss Character Portrait: David Brock
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0.00 INK

Dialogue color: #408080 Location: Cafe/Library

David finished his cigarette and flicked it to the ground before stomping out what little heat it had left in it. He glanced inside the cafe, seeing there still wasn't much going on inside. Really, he didn't want to keep playing either. He felt like going home and just reading or something, but technically the manager had booked him for another hour. Well, time to see if he can get the guy to pay him anyways. Walking back in the cafe, David immediately walked over to the back room where the manager was. David tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, um, my... sister just called she really needs me to go pick her up. You think I'm good to head out?"
The manager looked up at him, expression bemused but not overly upset. The guy looked at his watch. "Aren't you supposed to stick around longer?"David just shrugged, and amazingly, so did the manager. The guy stuck out his arm which David stared at dumbly for a second before grasping the guys arm. He pulled up his sleeve, watching as the guy gave him 4 days.
"Only four days? I though we agreed on 8?"
"We also agreed you would stay another hour, and I wasn't aware how many smoke breaks you'd be taking," the manager said disinterestedly without looking at David. Holding back a stream of curses, David numbly walked back out of the cafe and started toward the library.

Not long after getting absorbed into the crowd of people, he felt someone run into him. He glanced over to see if someone was trying to rob him- though he only had cigarettes in his pockets- and saw no one frantically trying to get away so assumed he was fine. In fact, his pocket felt heavier. David quickly walked into the library and went to the far side where crazed fans weren't clustered, and dug around his pocket. Sure enough, inside was a bank handle with 3 days. Confused, but not unhappily so, David shoved it back in his pocket and went to find a decent book to take home.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vivienne Moss Character Portrait: Seth Hogart
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #cc00ff || Location: Outside Vivienne's Apartment

Seth sighed as he finally came to his senses and made up his mind on stopping by to see Vivienne. He turned completely around and began heading back in the direction he was coming from. It hadn't taken very long to arrive at the door to the woman's home. Upon knocking a couple times he figured that she wasn't home. So instead of just leaving, he sat down on the stairs to her home and waited for her. She was probably freaking out about not hearing from him so he knew he would end up hearing a mouth full, but it was something he had to deal with.

As he sat there, he leaned his head back against her door and closed his eyes with his arms crossed against his chest. He figured that he mind as well try to get a nap. As he did so, he made sure to open his eyes every once in a while to keep an eye on anyone who would be interested in trying to steal the remainder of time he had left. Which honestly wasn't very much, but it's enough for him to live at least a couple more days.

Besides, a lot can be done in that bit of time.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Vivienne Moss
Character Portrait: Toby Grant


Character Portrait: Toby Grant
Toby Grant

"Looks like you've got a lot of time on your hands... Literally. Now hand it over."

Character Portrait: Vivienne Moss
Vivienne Moss

"Time is a Killer"


Character Portrait: Vivienne Moss
Vivienne Moss

"Time is a Killer"

Character Portrait: Toby Grant
Toby Grant

"Looks like you've got a lot of time on your hands... Literally. Now hand it over."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Vivienne Moss
Vivienne Moss

"Time is a Killer"

Character Portrait: Toby Grant
Toby Grant

"Looks like you've got a lot of time on your hands... Literally. Now hand it over."

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Re: In Time

Hello! May I reserve a character?
FC: (looking for one, sorry)
Class: Middle (that can change if you need the classes more balanced!)
Job: Bartender, Musician
Color: Blue

Thank you for your time! Sorry if I messed anything up, I'm new.

Re: In Time

Hey can I reserve a spot?
FC: Aaron Taylor Johnson
Class: Middle
Job: Musician
Color: #408080


Re: In Time

@Jynxie Blue: Reserved. Don't worry about the photo, I'll get one made or found.

Re: In Time

May I please reserve a middle class spot?

Face Claim: Ksenia Solo
Class: Rich
Job: PI (Private Investigator)
Dialogue Color: #8A0886

Cant Find one in those dimensions...

Re: In Time

@museman: You sure can. c:

Re: In Time

May I reserve a spot please?
Face Claim: Aaron Paul
Class: Poor
Job: Smuggler
Dialogue Color: Red

In Time

If anyone wants to discuss character relations. Feel free to drop me an IM or message.