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Nixie Palus

"Suck it, bitches, because there's no way that any of you can ever be better than me - at anything."

0 · 712 views · located in Cornwall, England.

a character in “Insanity Forsakes Us: A Netherworld Story”, as played by Kura Ravengade



"I am by far one of the most narcissistic people you could ever meet. But I'm also the most glorious, beautiful, and amazing one. I could put even Aphrodite to shame!"


"You want to know about me? Why, who wouldn't! Of course I'll tell you about myself! What's more interesting than a subject that centers wholly around me?"


Full name: "My name? Oh, please, as if a mediocre person such as yourself could handle a glorious name such as mine. But, I suppose I can give you the benefit of the doubt, just this once, and tell you it. It happens to be Nixie Lorelei Melody Muirgen Ondine Deema Coralia Palus. A glorious name for a glorious person such as myself!"
Nicknames: "I have many nicknames, due to the fact that my given name is quite long. Nyx, Nixiton, Lee-Lee ... But if you call me Lee-Lee, you should be prepared to have your fingernails plucked off one-by-one. Also, any of my middle names, and oddly enough, Melonic. I have no idea as to where that name came from, or if it's even a real name, but it's one of my many nicknames nonetheless."
Age: "Ah, now that is an excellent question indeed. According to foolish human mythology, we only die if a person were to hear our beautiful songs and go unmoved and about their day as though nothing had occured. That, however, is false; we do not kill ourselves for such petty reasons. We have no certain life-span, but can still be killed. I happen to be at the impressive age of 879 years, and still look as beautiful as ever, masquerading as a 21 year old 'human'. Disgusting, the word; humans. As if they could ever be as glorious as me."
Birthdate: "Doesn't a pathetic worm such as yourself have anything better to do other than ask me how hold I am? Besides, if you were paying attention, I already told you that. But I suppose that I can tell you the day and month in which the now-used Aztec calender refers to as my birthday. It happens to be July 21st, thank you very much."
Race: We both may be royalty, but I'm far more important than you could ever be. I happen to be the Princess of the Sirens, the eldest offspring of seventeen total children to the Queen. Oddly enough, I happen to have two true forms. The one that I use to entice strapping young men ... And the one that I use to devour said delicious boys. Beautiful, aren't I?"
Sexuality: "As if I could ever be anything other than Heterosexual. Men are my passion. The fruit of my eye. My food. Without them, I cannot sustain, and without me ... Well ... Let's just say that their lives would be boring. Each man has their own unique taste. The different races, however, are easily expected to taste a certain way. The more evil of ones, such as Demons, are spicy or sour to the taste buds, and the sweeter tasting ones happen to be Djinns. And the most delectable male that I have encountered? It's quite funny that you should ask that ... Because it happens to be of the Incubi variety. Due to all of the disgusting women that he had killed and taken for himself, he happened to have a variety of flavors, some delicious, and others disgusting, but the combination was quite a treat for me. And he was easy to seduce, too; foolish men, following their pants instead of their brain at nearly all times. It's positively laughable!"



Why were you placed into the Asylum? "They told me that I have 'Narcissistic Personality Disorder', which is stupid, because I'm not narcissistic! There is not a single thing wrong with me! I am completely flawless, and for someone to even think that I have a 'Disorder' of any sort is unbelievable! I'm far more superior to the other races, and just because I know that I am and openly show that I know this, does not mean that anything is wrong with me. I handle criticism well and I do not exaggerate my achievements - although they are quite outstanding, thank you very much! I merely enjoy attention and know that I should be treated with dignity and respect. I also know what I want, and if that is considered to be 'delusions and preoccupations of fantasy of any sort' is absurd! Yes, I agree with the fact that I use others to achieve my own goals, but who doesn't? It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I will be the Alpha!"
What do you think about being in the Asylum? "I can't really complain. Of course, I'm used to better accommodations and believe that I am being treated unfairly, when I am obviously far more important than the other royals that are here with me, but it isn't terrible. But I swear, if I am poked by one more needle, I am going to kill whoever was foolish enough to stick another one into me. I hate needles."
What race do you think could have caused you to become ill? "Honestly, any one of these pathetic excuses for royalty could have been the ones to begin this entire war, but I do not believe that it was anyone that surrounds me at this time. In fact, I doubt that any of them have knowledge of who could have begun the illness, which was undoubtedly created only to plague our worlds and cause mass chaos among the different races. I find it difficult to believe that any one of these creatures could belong to a species intelligent enough to think of a plan such as this, and am almost certain that it was a rogue of one of the races, to whom it belongs not being at fault for it at all."
What power do you have left? "Ah, my powers ... Why, of course I would be more than happy to tell about my beautiful voice! Who wouldn't when one has such lovely of one as mine? I have the ability to entice those who hear my luxurious singing voice, if they are lucky enough, although I tend to save it for men and men alone. At the moment, I can only seduce them into my arms in a sexual manner, but I hope that with time I regain my abilities to change into my true form. Monster or not and apparently hideous to the eyes of those that are not of my kind, I find myself glorious and beautiful in my feeding form. I look forward to the day that I can feast upon the pathetic excuses of male creatures that currently surround me. Sadly, at this current time, if a man is strong enough, he can resist my charm, no matter how hard I try to pull him in. It's frustrating, really, and is beginning to get on my last and final nerves!"
What do you miss most about being in your true form? "It's extremely depressing that I don't have the ability to feast on the one sustenance that I enjoy the most; men. I can still survive on red meats and such, but I would prefer to eat what I am accustomed to, if that would be so kind!"



Likes: "Well, let's see here ... I like a lot of things, myself included! But I suppose that a list is in order ..."
x Food
x Men
x Herself
x Singing
x Enticing/Seducing Others
x Getting Her Way
x Sex
x Love
x Control
x Power
x Success
x Music
Dislikes: "Ugh, I suppose that with every like comes something that a person dislikes ... Even with me."
x Losing
x Denial/Rejection
x Not Getting Her Way
x Women
x Competition
x Succubi
x War
x Being Used
x Children
x Hunger
x Being Insulted
x Hot Days
x Dry Areas
Fears: "As if someone as amazing as myself could be afraid of anything! Even if I was, why would I tell you, you ignoramus!"
Rejection ~ It is only normal for Siren to fear the rejection of a man. Although common mythologies state that the only way a Siren dies is through suicide after being ignored by a person who had heard their song, this is not true. However, most of them do fear rejection of the one that they are attempting to seduce, and Nyx is no exclusion to this.
Love ~ Due to her past encounter with love {explained in her history}, she has a great fear of falling in love with any man, whether he be Human, Demon, Incubi, or some other creature. She tends to avoid caring for men entirely, and instead focuses on them only as food.
Losing ~ Although thought to be quite a silly fear to have, Nyx is extremely afraid of losing anything, whether it be a competition, a meal, or a friendly game with other Sirens. If she loses, she tends to have what is considered a 'meltdown', and will flee to her room to wallow in self-pity.
Personality: Nyx tends to be a bit ... Self-centered. Even before the illness began to sweep throughout the Land of the Sirens, she had a thing for talking about herself, and only herself. She was never really into listening to others and hearing about their problems or happiness, but instead focused on herself and turned conversations around so that they would end up talking about her. And this was before she was infected with the Disease. Now, with the increase in self-priority, she has taken in her illness with open arms, or so it would seem. She's boisterous and loud, becoming bored when speaking to others about anything but herself, whether it be money, economic crisis's, or the other person. When the conversation is turned so that it focuses around her, she becomes animated and haughty, enjoying the chance to brag to others about her many 'great' achievements. Even finding a rare, see-through pebble while resting on her rock was one of those astounding achievements of hers.

Before she became this way, however, she wasn't always focused on her - although that took up quite a lot of her time. She took time out of her day to talk to her siblings and keep them company, enjoying the rare chance to visit with them. Her younger siblings look up to her, and despite her quirks, she is quite the role-model. She has been trained from a very young age to eventually take over as Queen of the Sirens, which has led her to become quite the responsible woman, and she cares about the citizens of the Siren race. In actuality, she would do anything to ensure their safety and happiness, but since the Disease struck, has completely halted her visits to the homes of the Siren Kingdom's subjects.



History: "My, my, my, more interesting facts about me! I'm sure that you'll love this part, because I know that I do! Now, let's see here ... Where to start ...

I was born to the beautiful Queen of the Sirens, Severenility Holace Joanavick Markato Arvillian and a young sailor by the name of Justin Hans-Hellrin Ralicks. Oh, what an interesting future that their meeting planned out ... Me! My birth father had been traveling en route to a place that I have been told is now called 'Italy', in order to deliver alcoholic goods to the ruler of said place. Not that I have really looked into it; humans bore me, as do their cultures and homes. They are good only for mating with and eating.

As I was saying ...

Immediately after my mother mated with the man, she devoured him whole, as is the custom of Sirens. Not too long afterwards, I was the end result of the brief affair between Siren and Human Man. I was immediately written down to become the successor to the Throne if or when my mother passed on to the Ghost Kingdom, and from then-on my training had begun. I was taught in the arts of Enticement and shown how to use my seductive powers to benefit me and only me. Alongside this, I was trained each and every day on how to defend myself and my kingdom, how to interact with the rulers of the other pathetic kingdoms, and the languages of the human world, so as to make it easier for me to reel in my prey.

By the time I was eight, I had successfully killed three men - quite the pedophiles, as the term nowadays goes - and thirty-two boys near my age.

What delicious meals those first few kills had made.

My life was a bit dull after that; a repetitive routine that was unending in it's cycle. Only the births of my younger half-siblings brought excitement to my life. I spent my days assisting my mother in raising sixteen younger siblings - a difficult feat, but one I accomplished nonetheless, for I am quite the amazing person, if I do say so myself.

There was one man, however, who managed to throw from my mind everything that I had learned about men.

A young cabin boy by the name of Edward Johnathon O'Sullivan, who was at the age of nineteen when I saw him. The mere fact alone that I didn't attempt to seduce him with my beautiful appearance or lovely singing voice caused bells of alarm to sound in my head - but I couldn't help myself.

I fell in love.

I committed the ultimate treason for a Siren. Men are food, nothing more. I couldn't control the love that blossomed for the young man, and I soon found myself risking exposure just to speak to him.

At first, of course, he was frightened of me, but he could not resist the mesmerizing beauty of my face. It drew him in until he learned of me - of me, not of who I was supposed to be. My royal personality was completely different from my normal self at that time, and he told me that I was one of a kind - a true star in the sky.

I will never forget the days that we spent together.

I went so far as to follow him miles from my home, disappearing for a total of eleven days just to stay with him, which only earned me wrath from my mother.

Perhaps if I hadn't allowed my heart to pull me, my beloved Edward would still be alive. He was never even given the chance to live the life that he was supposed to. He died, and it was out of my control. I could do nothing to save the one person I truly wanted to.

Once my mother heard of my disappearance, she sent out several groups of guards to search for me, fear of my death looming over her heart. She had given orders to the guards to kill whatever it was that had taken me away from the Kingdom.

That thing, was Edward.

The guards arrived while I was lounging on a rock, watching the boat from afar. Edward was near, rowing towards the rock in order to visit with me, confident that should anything occur, I could save him.

But I could not.

The guards attacked the small rowboat that he had taken, pulling Edward from it and tearing him limb-from-limb. The sickening sound still haunts me to this very day.

Love is not meant for Sirens, only Lust and Hunger. We are not meant to care for those outside of our race, and will mate with men only to continue the lineage.

We are not meant to love.

After Edward's death, I became who I am today. The love I felt for him still lingers, and if I wish to, I can remember his face - but he is a memory, and that is all that he will ever be. If I had even a thought that he may be in the Ghost Kingdom, I would not hesitate to visit it, but it is doubtful that he is there.

Not much occurred after that tragic day in my life. My mother thought that seeing Edward torn to pieces was punishment enough, so I went about my life as before. No one asked of what I did those days that I was gone, and I did not offer up an explanation.

When the Disease supposedly hit, I was none-the-wiser. Instead, it was my mother who noticed it and brought it to my attention. No matter how hard I tried, however, I couldn't fight it off, and soon found myself obsessed with, well, myself. Not too long after, my mother told me that I would be sent to the asylum I am at today, with the children of other Kingdoms at my sides, and although I argued, it was futile.

So, here I am, and I hope that you bitches are praying, because I'm going to make your lives my fucking toys."

So begins...

Nixie Palus's Story