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Karakuri Burst

Myst, the Heiwa Era


a part of Karakuri Burst, by Monochrome.

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Monochrome holds sovereignty over Myst, the Heiwa Era, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

298 readers have been here.


A nice area, as far as the people know. Disappearances are occurring and villages nearby are vanishing without a trace.
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Myst, the Heiwa Era

Welcome to Myst!


Myst, the Heiwa Era is a part of Karakuri Burst.

8 Characters Here

Diane Roux- Kimiko [0] "When the government finally falls, I'll be the one to strike the final blow."
Sarah Rochet [0] "What we do is for the good of the people."
Larissa Bell [0] "It's not about your scars. It's all about your heart."
Alessia Costa [0] "Wait, just wait, we cant just rush in there."
Wilhelmina Bismarck [0] "Democracy is the abuse of statistics."
Dakota Sanchez - Koda [0] Dont ask me questions about my past.
Temperance Sarane [0] "Secretly this is hell on earth, and we are the puppets of someone looking down on us, laughing. It's like a chess game, no one here was meant to win."
Oliver [0] What d'you say James? We kill him? No, no, you're right. Let's have dinner first!

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Oliver laughed as he placed his gun on the man's head. He grinned at the Right Hand Woman's assistant. "So, Mr Winn, has life in the Government been fun lately? A little birdie, not James, told me that another village went 'Poof'! Is this true, Mr Winn?" James tweeted chirpily as Oliver got closer. "Is this true?" he looked the man dead in the eye as Mr Winn tried to scamper free. Oliver kicked him onto the floor and sat on him.

"What do you say, James...? We kill him? Oh, no, you're right. We need information." Oliver stroked the bird on his shoulder, taking his hat off. He looked down to Mr Winn. "In-for-ma-tion!" he giggled in a singsong voice. "I'll give you three seconds, okay? Three... Two... O-"

"Yes! Yes, it's true! It was us!" Mr Winn shouted, his voice raspy from being beaten up. Oliver grinned, his golden eye gleaming while the other stayed safely under the bandage. He placed his hat back on his head. The sound of a gun is heard from a cafe far away, where the waitresses and waiters all gasped and shook their heads.

It was easy for Oliver to walk down the street. The alley in which he had seriously injured, but not killed, Mr Winn was far away and the only three who knew were him, James and Mr Winn. And soon the Government. Oliver made sure he left the mark of the Karakuri, a cut in the shape of a puppet, clear as day on the right side on Mr Winn's neck. Oliver whistled happily as James joined in and they both did the same tune. Walking into a cafe, Oliver could see the waiters and waitresses were unnerved by something, and Oliver grinned. It was quite funny how these people could become nervous from the smallest of things. Oliver sat, ordering a tea with five and a half sugars and sat down. He was meant to be meeting a few people here, but they weren't there yet so he relaxed in the comfy sofas at the back.

"Tick-tock, tick-tock, goes my clock. What time is it, Mr James?"

James tweeted in response.

"I see. The clock says otherwise. Tick-tock, tick-tock, goes my clock. It's time for tea, obviously."

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Wilhelmina Bismarck
(Undisclosed Location)

One dimly lit room amongst many. They were more like concrete boxes with doors; no windows, no ventilation, no contents other than the worthless throw aways of society. It was in this particular monotone box where there sat two people on two chairs, one of which had a shortened leg, with a steel table being the only physical thing between them. The difference between the two people was that one was dressed in some street walker trash while the other wore an officer's uniform. Many scenes like this occurred in this particular room but what was different between those and this is that there was a distinct lack of chains, she didn't need them. No, a type of person drawn to Karakuri doesn't warrant the use of chains in this situation, they could replace this random pick up with any of those bratty teenagers and there would be no increase of threat.

Eventually the officer broke the silence and the recurring sound of the prisoner's shaking. "I want you to sit there quietly, Michael J. Lamarck." He started a bit at the mention of his name but she continued without so much as a stutter or a provoked glance. "I want you to sit there, because we really have no need for you, or any of you really. You see, what makes a successful domestic terrorist group isn't their motives or overall resources, those are certainly important, but what allows their longevity is that they normally know how to be subtle with things they don't want to be known." She tossed a set of photographs and type onto the desk of a young man with one eye. "Like this idiot. Claims to be a sword prodigy and walks around with a bird and an annoying smugness about him. Do you know how easy it is to follow such a person to each one of those important places the rest of you likely put a lot of effort into creating?" She stood up, walked over to the other side of the table, and placed her hand on the boys back, all to the chorus of his rattling. "The answer's obvious really. After all, he's the reason we've added around thirty new names to the execution list. He's the reason you're in this chair right now. But don't blame him only, you should make sure to save some of your blame for Allessia Costa and Diane Roux, they're just as much responsible for your fate as any executioner." Her hand still resided on Michael's back as the names rung through his ears over and over.

"They don't care about you Michael, if they did I doubt they'd have recruited you to fight the only thing keeping this country stable. The problem is that since you decided to go against us and we no longer need you since Mr. Jackson led us to dozens of warehouses and homes, we don't care about you either." Seeing his one possible window to freedom close with those last six words, he decided he might as well try as best he could to survive. Unfortunately the moment he sprung up from his seat, the comforting hand slammed his head into the pristine table and, if one was paying close enough attention, they could have heard a slight snapping sound hidden under the loud bang. Walking out of the depressing box, she encountered another officer who immediately saluted the head of state. "Here are the reports of the recent transfers."

The recent village removal; the erasing of an entire populace, something that was never easy on the mind or one's free time. There were plenty of rumors about them and barely any of them held even the slightest bit of validity. Wilhelmina doubted even the Karakuri knew the reasons behind it, but then again, they were a bunch of elitist children who decided to take any misfortune they may have had out on the only source of authority in these time. Of course they didn't know! The majority of government employees didn't know and things weren't that wasn't likely to change anytime soon, especially when indiscriminate killings were happening.

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Dakota Sanchez
(a small pub within the center of town)

A flickering light above a simple wooden table caught Dakota's frustrated attention as he looked up at the old thing trying to survive its last days, the poor excuse for a posh patterned shade hung half off exposing the dim bulb within only making him sigh annoyed. Looking around the old smoky pub Koda couldn't see many other open tables, at least not ones that didnt have another person sitting on. He didnt care how large the table was or how he could stay out of the other persons way he just didnt want to be near anyone, especially anyone who was able to read the papers that were scattered out on the table before him. The light was making it difficult to read them though since he had chosen to sit in a quiet corner, it didnt have much light other than the one above him so that he wouldnt be disturbed.
A decision he was regretting.

The air was pugent with the smell of stale smoke from cigars and pipes, however it wasn't enough to mask the smell of bitter alcohol and the sweat of its drinkers that gathered around a small all purpose bar its bartender bored with his job forcing on a smile for customers. It was a below average bar if any, not much hygenie or care for quality, however koda was limited on his choice of bars within this city, he had been kicked out of nearly every one of them already and this was a last resort.
Picking up his pint of larger he looked at the liquid before swirling it in thought on whether to trust drinking it or not, as he did a group of men in their late twenties rallied around a pool table its green smoothness ripped from extensive playing. Their drunkern cheers and sarcastic comments to a loosing strike were too loud for comfort making Koda frown and grip the handle of his pint intensly before making up his mind and quickly downing the bitter liquid.

It was vile, yet calming.

Knowing he couldn't do much more to find anything he was looking for within the papers he had collected from the government, Koda scooped them up tapping them on the table in order to correct them all before opening a black shoulder bag to slot them into neatly. He was careful to avoid the dozens of small daggers that he had strapped to the sides of the bag and to keep them from the sight of any onlookers. However as he did this something one of the men said around the pool table reached his ears stopping him momentarily.

"Hey, yo' 'ear bou' dat village tha' went missin' other day?" one of them spoke with a thick low class accent.
Another laughed before speaking "yeah, serves 'em right the prissy bastards, thinking they can kick us out for drinkin' too much" suddenly all four of the men laughed wiping their noses and leaning on the snooker sticks.
"Too bad we didn' get a chance to taste' da' women though eh?" another spoke and again a chorus of laughter spread from them so sickening to Dakota's ears that his hand had already gripped into a fist so tight his short nails left imprints on his palms.

It happened fast then, raising to his feet quickly Dakota moved nimbly and swung his fist right into the face on the guy with a low class accent sending him toppling to the floor out of shock blood pouring all over his face from his nose now reddening.
"Watch your mouths you nauseating mongrols. You know nothing about what your talking about" Koda scowled at the group before turning to go and pick up his bag from the table he had been sat at, however before he had a chance too an arm snaked around his neck pulling him into the back of one of the larger guys of the four.
"I think this guy needs to watch his own mouth, dont you think boys?" the man holding him smirked happily, Koda practically snarled at him in return snapping his head back in order to headbut the man holding him, the man winced but just tightened his hold making Koda see for the first time the real muscles the guy actually had.
"fucks sake" he cursed under a whisper looking up only to find the other three smirking at him gleefully as they cracked their nuckles.
Koda returned their smiles "Bring it" he spat at the floor near their feet. Taking that for invitation the three guys each took turns hitting Koda in his chest and once or twice in his face curtesy of the guy whos nose he made bleed. After a few hits however Koda could tell that they were beginning to tire out, spitting out some blood that was mixing in his mouth koda took this chance as an opportunity.
Suddenly he headbutted the guy holding him again aswell as elbowed him in the stomach making him "oof" and release his hold, Koda then put his agility to use. All four surrounding him he bore a serious expression before setting into motion, quickly he punched one five times on the stomach, then turned and kicked the another, his heightened senses allowed him to duck under their punches but he couldnt avoid all of them. If he had his daggers he would have killed them, but he knew these men didnt deserve to die anyway.

Koda's fight with the four men lasted a time, the bartender tried to intervene but was unable too untill they were all worn out. He didnt waste time in making a decision.
Blood dried along the side of Koda's left cheek, his chin swollen and ribs aching only cried out more to him when he walked out of the rundown pub his black bag over his shoulder. Rubbing the back of his head after pulling a hand through his hair Koda looked up at the sky and saw that it was noon, there was a meeting he had to get too, good thing he remembered.
"Take your things and don't think about showing your face in here again!" a voice from behind him made him turn around to see the bartender angry a broken table leg in his hand. The fight had gotten pretty physical.
"Don't worry, I won't" Koda muttered adjusting his bag before stepping forward onto the cobbled street.

This was the reason he had been banned from nearly all of the bars in town, he couldn't say what it was or why he did it but for some reason he always ended up in pub brawls mostly always started by him. It was a habit he knew he had to kill, especially as he was running out of hangout spots.

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Diane Roux

Diane looked to the door,noticing Dakota was there. Swinging her feet of her seat, she bluntly walked away, abandoning the drunk men she was trying to extract information from. She walked after Dakota, her boots heels making small clicks as she walked. "Got kicked out of another one?" She asked, not really expecting an answer. Diane turned to the side, her eyes observing the passing cars on the streets. "Can't really blame you for this one though. If you hadn't gotten to them first, I probably would have beaten the crap out them myself." Diane said with a small smile. She pondered for a moment, looking at a nearby cafe, before looking at Dakota again. She brought out a small letter with the Karakuri symbol engraved on a small red stamp and passed it to Dakota. "Give this to Oliver or Alessia when you get to that meeting for me, will ya?" In a small voice she added, "I've got something Ive got to check out." Diane whipped around, beginning to walk down she street. As she passed a street lamp, she called out to Dakota, "And don't even try to read the letter! It's in a code I only taught to Oliver and Alessia!" Diane stopped at the street corner. She analyzed the street, before jumping on a cars windshield and leaping onto the sidewalk, landing skillfully in a spin. She then began walking towards an abandoned site, replaying the directions the ban at the bar had given her. She chuckled. 'Drunk men are so easy to manipulate.' She took a turn, whistling for a taxi. She didn't care if the driver knew something was off about her, she could always knock him out if he figured out she was part of the Karakuri. Then again, the chances of that happening were extremely low. Diane made sure every member of the Karakuri was as protective of their identities as they could be it came to being in public. Diane observed her surroundings, making sure she was in the right place. Then, slapping a twenty dollar bill into the drivers hands, she slammed the door open and shut it calmly. Walking another half mile, Diane finally came upon a dreadful sight. A building stood half collapsed, it's remains burning with flames. Diane stared at the sight with a steely gaze. "Hmm. Maybe that guy didn't tell me rumors after all."

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Alessia Costa

As Alessia walked down the road, she pulled out her phone and looked down at the time, seeing that if didn't hurry up, she would be late for the meeting at some cafĂ© with Oliver, Dakota, and Diane, majorly hoping that Oliver wouldn’t show up. To Alessia, Oliver should be replaced, or atleast his mentality and the annoying chirping bird. Dakota wasn’t that bad, she liked him, but nothing more as a partner, or maybe a friend, the only cool guy in Karakuri, and the only other also. Now Diane, current leader of them, has all of her respect, but only some loyalty. Alessia doesn't like how she think sacrifices are necessary, and that speaking what she thinks, right as she thinks them. Both, to Alessia, are bad, bad moves and traits.

Alessia turned down an alley knowing it would be a shortcut and take her across the street of the said cafĂ©. As she got halfway through the alley and was about to take a turn down another, she latterly sweep from her feet from behind, by the shape of it, by a sword. As she fell, Alessia rolled out of the way from the sword coming down, and pulled the chain off her belt and stood back up. “You here to have some fun with a girl like me?” she said with a chuckle and smirk. ”No, though it would be more fun. I am your worst enemy.” He then swung again, but Alessia kicked the sword, sending it down the alley way. “Too bad you won’t be able to tell your boss you failed
” she threated as she rushed towards the ambusher.

While rushing at this guy straight on with her knife in hand and chain loops around her fingers, the ambusher pulled out a gun. Alessia tried to roll out of the way as the shot, but as the he pulled the trigger, nothing came out, he had the safety lock on. As he went to flip the lock switch, she kicked him in the ankle, making him fall on his face, and drop the gun. Alessia rolled him over onto his back and knelled down next to him, putting her knife up to the man’s neck. “Told ya so. Ok, if you want to live, tell me the top people you’re working for, and you will more than likely get out of here alive.” Alessia put on a smirk.

”Wilhelmina Bismarck, her right hand woman is Sarah, I don’t know her last name.” Alessia laughed as she stood up and sat on the ambusher’s belly. “Thanks, and I know you aren’t lying, you’re new to the job, never say why you’re attacking someone when you’re attacking someone, dumbest thing to do, by the way, have fun in hell.” Alessia said as she covered the man’s neck with his own jacket and slit his throat, covering his neck so she wouldn’t get blood on herself, after a couple seconds she also flipped the jacket over the wound so she could get up without the shirt coming down and blood spying on her, and also wiped the jacket on the knife, to clean some of the blood off. “Now to get the body out of here
” Alessia said, seeing a nearby dumpster and quickly dumping the body into it.

As Alessia went to leave, she clicked her knife chain to her belt loop and putting the knife behind her belt. While doing this she was walking and accidently kicked something, that something being a gun, but the gun that the guy tried to shoot her with, key word being tried. Idiot forgot to turn the damn safety off. she said picking up the gun, checking if it was loaded, and putting it between her belt and her pants, and her shirt barely covering it up. “Might need this later on sometime, when my knife won’t cut it.” Alessia laughed at her accidental pun she just made and continued to walk through the alley and getting to the street, across from the cafĂ©.

Looking in the window of the cafĂ©, Alessia saw the last person she wanted to see there, Oliver and the little annoying chirping bird creature, or what Oliver called him, James. She shook her head and lowered it. “I really hope he can keep that bird quiet, or we might have some fresh chicken for lunch today
” Alessia mumbled as she walked across the street, no cars coming from either direction luckily. Before going through the door to go inside the cafĂ©, she quickly looked over herself in the reflection in the door, dusting some of herself off, along with her hair. When she was finally finished, she opened the door and walked in.

While walking past a waitress Alessia ordered a glass of water and lit a cigarette and sitting across from Oliver. She pulled her knife from her belt, tanking the chain from the belt loop, and stabbed it on the table, edge first right into the wooden table, going maybe an inch into it, oh and along with a little bit of blood showing. After moving the cigarette away from her lips, Alessia let out a breathe and held it between her fingers. “You have any info Olive?” Alessia said calling him olive on purpose, and takin another puff of her cigarette. “I confirmed names on some of the top people of the damned government. Wilhelmina Bismarck, and her assistant, who I want to myself, some girl named Sarah. Just the confirmation on the names.” Alessia said as puffed some smoke in the little chipering birds face.

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#, as written by Fallen
Temperance Sarane

It wasn't normal for her to be late, and it started to get under her skin that she was not going to be the first one arriving at the meeting. She was new to the Karakuri, so being late to anything shouldn't be on her agenda. The Karakuri were hard to get used to, her family had raised her to be so much more...sophisticated, to carry herself with poise and grace. Which even still she did, she found being around them awkward at times, yet still she did not regret her decision. She walked down an alleyway making her way to the cafe, humming softly to herself, she had spent most of the day off collecting information - therefor the sound of a cafe seemed relaxing to her and an overall nice change. Her blonde locks and the bottom of her white dress danced in the warm breeze that came towards her, by this time she was gliding on her feet it seemed - almost dancing.

The alleyways in general were never safe places, but Temperance never paid any mind to what was safe and what was not, going through life scared of anything would be a waste of her time. Soon however, she came upon a dead body - no an injured person, whom she carefully inspected. And not to her surprise it was the doing of someone in the Karakuri, she always thought it sloppy to leave an injured or dead body around but the group seemed to fancy putting their mark on them. Personally, she would rather dispose of a body, if she ended up killing someone at all, as to get rid of any kind of evidence. But who was she to speak? She assumed them some part of the government, therefor some sort of information must have been extracted from them already, she continued walking out of the alley and headed into the cafe.

Her white shoes made tiny clicking sounds upon the floor of the cafe, the cafe which was full of people and some familiar faces. It didn't take her long to spot Oliver and his Companion, along with Alessia. She walked over to the both of them and seated herself next to Oliver, sitting in a very lady like fashion. Alessia, who had just so rudely puffed smoke into that poor little bird's face immediately got under her skin. "You know that's a disgusting habit." she said matter of factly. "It is not proper to smoke it front of others." Immediately she looked around the cafe to see if any of the others were arriving as well, but she didn't see the face of anyone else. "I apologize for my tardiness as well." she added. Her way of speaking was out of place and made her seem all the more awkward. She was horrible at socializing with the members of Karakuri, and probably would never get any better. In the back of her mind she pondered the thought of she, a newcomer should be here in the first place. She turned to Oliver, someone who many of the Karakuri seemed to not like too much, or rather, he was different. Crazy maybe? However he greatly interested her, but beside the current point, she then remained silent waiting for the others to arrive.

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Oliver Jackson

"You have any info Olive?”

Oliver looked up at the sound of a voice, and James chirped. "Shh, James. Alessia doesn't like us." James tweeted quietly. "Yes, I know. I'll never know either." More tweeting. "Haha! I guess so. My name is Oliver, not olive. I thought I mentioned that when we first met. Maybe you just have a bad memory? Olives grow on trees. Olivers don't." Oliver stared at her stonily when she puffed smoke in James' face. He sat James in his lap, sitting cross-legged. It was then he noticed the knife in the table. "Dear, dear." he laughed.

"You know that's a disgusting habit." Oliver turned to the other voice and smiled. He liked Temperance. "It is not proper to smoke it front of others." The boy saw her look around, probably hunting for others. "I apologize for my tardiness as well."

"It's okay. I got here early." Oliver sighed, patting the small bird on the head. "I got proof that the Government was behind Little Haven vanishing the other day. Poor Mr Winn though. Might die in a couple of hours. Wish I were there..." He trailed off, smiling a bit. James chirped, flying onto Oliver's head. "I know, I'll get those later."

He looked around, spotting a waitress staring at them suspiciously. Oliver glared into her eyes and she looked away quickly. He tutted. The Government newbies would give up what they were told to do immediately if they felt their own lives were in danger. How cowardly. Oliver thought. He noticed Temperance was looking at him. A small gleam appeared in his eyes as he realised James had fallen asleep. The place really smelled of coffee, it was warm despite the cold winter outside. Why wasn't Diane and Dakota here yet? Once everyone was there, they were meant to set off to another location. Oliver carefully took James off his head and in his lap again. He looked at both girls, grinning a bit. "Wilhelmina, eh? She must be some sort of genius to trick a whole country into following her ways. I'd love to meet her. I guess I will, someday. You have a pretty dress on." Oliver stated the last part to Temperance.

Really, Oliver never considered it weird to switch subjects in a matter of seconds, but it really seemed others did. Strange. He swung round so his legs were dangling over the chair's arm and his head carefully placed on the other. Looking at Alicia, he pointed to a 'No Smoking' sign and sipped his tea quietly, before stretching across the table to add another three sugars. "That was bitter. I thought I said five and a half... maybe they used brown sugar?"

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Dakota Sanchez

The light was dimming as Dakota rubbed the back of his head his arm aching from the fight in the pub, as he did so he noticed he still had blood on his face since it crackled from his skin dry and hardened from the warm air. Rolling his eyes he moved to rub it off his face, he didn’t like looking injured in front of the other Karakuri, especially the girls. Oliver he could live with, but for some reason he just didn’t want to give any girls a reason to want to nurse after him or something, screaming and crying women always scared him since he was clueless on how to act.

A small smile lingered at the corner of his lips, he really did use to be useless when it came to comforting people, especially back then, when he still had a normal life before the Karakuri.

"Got kicked out of another one?" Suddenly a voice that was so familiar he didn’t even need to look at the owner appeared beside him. He had heard her shoes clicking on the cobbles of the street so expected her to greet him. . "Can't really blame you for this one though. If you hadn't gotten to them first, I probably would have beaten the crap out them myself." Diane continued casually making him frown, it’s not like he wanted to be kicked of pubs all the time, why did he always have to run into the same kind of trouble in his favourite places.

Luck really wasn’t on his side.

Dakota didn’t feel a need to reply, he often didn’t to other people unless there was something he had to report, he liked to keep to himself so he knew Diane wouldn’t be offended by his silence. However when she lowered her voice handing him a letter with the Karakuri symbol he raised an eyebrow suspicious, she was supposed to go to this, isn’t that what leaders did? Oh well, he wasn’t one to question what her where her business took her.

“I wouldn’t even bother opening it Diane unless it was a mission you wanted me to go on you know that.” He said in reply to her comment about it being in code so that only Alessia and Oliver could understand. Before she disappeared from his sight though he managed to mumble a subtle “Be careful” sighing tucking his hands in his pockets as he headed towards the cafe.

A small bell ringed when he entered making him yawn as he stood still for a moment to glance around, he got a few stares, probably because his cheek was beginning to bruise but it didn’t bother him. Sauntering across the Cafe he spotted Oliver, Alessia and a girl he didn’t recognise. This was his first meeting in a while; he’d been on a mission for over a month and had only got back last week, so she was probably a new member.

Slumping onto one of the seat he lifted his chin in greeting instead of speaking then took out the letter and put it on the table “Diane asked me to give you that” he looked to Oliver and Alessia to let them know he meant them. “She had to be somewhere, don’t ask I don’t know” he told them hoping not to get too many questions leaning back as he pulled out a packet of cigarettes and began to light one up.

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Alessia Costa

Alessia ignored what Oliver had to say, something about olives come from trees and he doesn't and other stuff like that, also knowing if that if she actually did listen, it would annoy her and piss her off. Can’t he ever just answer a question, just a plain yes or no with explaining, and not go into some shit about a nickname. Alessia thought as she rolled her eyes at Oliver, right as he finished saying whatever he was saying about olives. "Dear, dear." Alessia looked up, seeing he was talking about her knife in the table. “There’s blood too
” Alessia said as she let out another puff into the air.

Looking at the door hearing it open along with the ring noise it had every time it opened, which was very annoying, Alessia saw one of the new members, her name being Temperance, or Temperature, something like that, she just called her Temp. "You know that's a disgusting habit. It is not proper to smoke it front of others." Alessia gave her a cold look, I really don’t like new members
 She though as she just continued to smoke her cigarette and lean her head back. Listening to Diane talk about being late and stuff, but as Oliver began to talk, then she slightly started to listen.

"I got proof that the Government was behind Little Haven vanishing the other day. Poor Mr. Winn tho- Alessia than ignored the rest of what he was saying and leaned her head back. “We already somewhat suspected that Oliver
” she mumbled, but kinda wanting Oliver, but in all honesty, not caring. Puffing some more smoke into the air above her, it slowly disappearing under the lights. "Wilhelmina, eh? She must be some sort of genius to trick a whole country into following her ways. I'd love to meet her. I guess I will, someday. You have a pretty dress on." “I’m getting the Sarah chick, just remember that.” Alessia said, ignoring the thing about Temperance‘s dress.

As Alessia looked back down at the table, she saw Oliver point to the ‘No Smoking’ sign, and continue drinking his tea, she finally had enough for right now of them wanting her to stop smoking. “Fine, fuck. I’ll put my damn cigarette out.” She said as she put her cigarette out using the window pain. After putting it out, she bent the cigarette and flicked it off the window. Unexpectedly, it landed right in Oliver’s tea, which made Alessia smile and give a little chuckle. “Maybe you should try some nicotine instead of sugar?” She said with a smirk, seeing that her water was finally brought to her, and drank some.

Alessia looked up again feeling someone sit next to her, usually no one sat next to her, mainly because they didn't like her or didn't like that she smoked, this someone being Dakota, Dakota Sanchez. Dakota was probably the only person she liked, though she did have respect for Diane. “Diane asked me to give you that” She heard Dakota say as he put the letter on the table. Pulling her knife out of the table with ease, Alessia picked up the letter and cut the top of it to pull out a sheet of paper and read it to herself. Dear Alessia and Oliver, I won’t be able to make it, so I’m putting you in charge. I am investigating some information on a guy who could help us. Good luck; Kimiko. P.S. Alessia, please play nice. Alessia rolled her eyes and threw it across the table to Oliver.

“Oh and Dakota, this is one of the new chicks, Temperance. Temp, this is Dakota.” Alessia said as Dakota lit a cigarette. “Oh and Dakota, she doesn't like smoking, and thinks it is utterly disgusting.” she said, not caring if she just threw the new chick under a bus, but actually thinking it is funny. “Oh Dakota, how bad beaten up were the other guys?” She asked , knowing that he must of gotten into another fight at a bar. “Oh, by the way, me and Oliver are in charge since Diane won’t be here, for business reasons. Just to tell you all.” Alessia said leaning her head back.

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“I’m getting the Sarah chick, just remember that.”

Sure, sure, whatever. James was just starting to wake up anyways, so all of Alessia's 'I call her' chat was rendering useless. James was flying around Oliver's head, tweeting. "I told you! I'll get those later." Oliver sighed, and James seemed to settle. He ignore what Alessia said, up until she flicked the used cigarette in Oliver's tea. He let out a low growl.

“Maybe you should try some nicotine instead of sugar?”

"Maybe you should try some sugar instead of nicotine?" he replied, getting a spoon of sugar and tipping it in her water before she could protest. Oliver picked up the letter, scanning it. He heard Dakota come in, late, and guessed he'd probably been in a bar fight. Again. Dear Alessia and Oliver, I won’t be able to make it, so I’m putting you in charge. I am investigating some information on a guy who could help us. Good luck; Kimiko. P.S. Alessia, please play nice. Oliver scoffed at the last bit. "Alessia, nice?" he muttered. James was back asleep, but Oliver yawned and stretched out as he stood up to talk to the waitress. He needed another tea if he was to stay awake.

“Oh and Dakota, this is one of the new chicks, Temperance. Temp, this is Dakota. Oh and Dakota, she doesn't like smoking, and thinks it is utterly disgusting. Oh Dakota, how bad beaten up were the other guys? Oh, by the way, me and Oliver are in charge since Diane won’t be here, for business reasons. Just to tell you all.” Oliver heard from behind him. Do all your sentences start with 'Oh'? he thought, seeing one of the waitresses.

"Sorry to trouble you. Could I have another- duck."

"Wha-?" But before the waitress had time to actually ask her question, Oliver put his hands on either of her shoulders, tugging down with all force so that she sat on the ground. She seemed rather aggravated, until she noticed a knife fly over her head. Oliver laughed, turning around and drawing his sword. He walked close enough to the thrower and put the end of his sword on his neck.

"Well, I guess you're some type of Government goon, eh?" Oliver giggled a bit, lowering his sword and getting closer. "And one can easily guess you were tracking a few certain people." Oliver burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter as the guy stayed frozen where he was. The boy doubled up, and when the wave finally passed, his shoulders were still shaking a bit with laughter. "Dear, dear." he got out shakily. "They're sending lower people in the Government to track us now? I guess there's a lot more of you dotted around. It's good I didn't drink all my tea, guessing what was in it." Oliver glanced over at Alessia. "And I suggest you don't drink that water."

Gun, or sword? Oliver stood in one indecisive second, before putting his sword back in the sheath it came from. The guy sighed as thought he was spared, and walked past Oliver, before a bullet passed through his head. "Bingo." Oliver giggled to himself. "Now then. I suggest we go. Unless another Government thingy doesn't value their life."