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Touya Khan

"Therian's are not the threat that you think we are."

0 · 1,866 views · located in Artamus

a character in “Kindles of War”, as played by Siryn


Touya Khan


Name: Touya

Age: appeares 26 but is really around 100 or so (having slept for so long)

Race: Therian

Personality: Touya is soft spoken, doesn't like large crowds and doesn't like people asking him too many questions. He puts on a cold look to put people off, putting distance between himself and others. He is very honor bound and has a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong. Touya believes in equality and will do what he can to gain that, despite his being cold towards others. His reasoning is that he doesn't know quite how to act around people that are different from him, and it doesn't help that the races of Artamus have shunned him and his people.

Abilities: Touya can shapeshift into the form of a large wolf, he can also take the shape of other people that are the same height and size as he is. However, he doesn't like to use his shifting ability all that much. He is a healer amongst his people, can conjure water and pure energy whenever he needs it. He fights with two swords that fold together, snapping outwards upon a single hard flick of his wrists. The blades are each different and unique in their own style. Along with his ability to shapeshift into a wolf, he can command nearby wolves to scout for him, or even attack if he so wished, but he doesn't do this often.

Equipment: His two swords that fold down and hook into sheathes at his lower back. His metal claws that fold backwards when he's not fighting. The metal along his arms also have sharpened blades that can extend outwards, only used when he doesn't have his swords. The metal on his arms are a part of his body.

Strengths: Touya is nimble and light on his feet, making him a hard target to hit. He is a very good swordsman, and can fight hand to hand combat if he were to lose his weapons.

Weaknesses: He isn't the easiest to talk to. Tends not to think things through thouroughly.

History: Touya doesn't remember much from his home land, he was one of the first to leave the world that had been crumbling around them, and one of the first to go into the cryo-sleep. The only thing he knows about is the world he's woken up to that is filled with new technology that has just barely begun to take shape and a civilization that hates his race. He doesn't understand this, confused most times on why they despise the Therians so much. He dislikes people asking him questions about his body, the way the metal is formed to his arms and how he can control it to form more weapons when needed.

He especially dislikes the names that the inhabitants of the new land have given him and his people, most especially 'Faceless'. Touya is anything but 'faceless' and despises the fact that they would even think that the Therian's were such beings. He has had terrible experiences with the residents of the land, mostly getting into fights that he did not start and having to be punished by his own people because of it. This is why he hates crowds and tends to stay away from the larger cities.

Touya knows the man who is leading the rebellion against the inhabitants and is trying to gain all of the technology for their own race. Though he does not neccisarily disagree with taking the technology, Touya disagree's with the man's way of doing things. He doesn't think that adding to the conflict is going to do them any good in the end. With that as his ideals, Touya has set out to try to convince the leader of the Therian rebellion to cease his plans and hopefully talk some sense into the man.

So begins...

Touya Khan's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt Character Portrait: Damea Reese Character Portrait: Val
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April Rosevolt

She drove in ferociously, thrusting her sword out of pure survival instincts. Fight or die. That’s what her mother had told her. Planning to end the therian’s life while he reeled back from her cross bolt, April’s intentions were utterly squashed. Regarding the bolt in his shoulder, Val snapped of stem, discarding the end like some minor inconvenience before lunging at her.

Impossible. Most men would be screaming in agony, forget about swinging a sword. Yet Val defended her strikes impeccably, meeting her head on without pause. Her soul trembled as it dawned on her just how outmatched she was in terms of skill. April had always trained of course. Pride in one’s own abilities was vital to success, but that was only a portion of her fighting skill. The error was glaringly obvious, she had underestimated Val, and now she was about to pay for it. On the third swing her blade was deflected. The recoil of their weapons sent her arm flying, leaving her core dreadfully exposed to his sweeping strike.

“You monster,” she snarled.

For the second time that day Touya intervened, saving her life. April reared back in astonishment and self-loathing. How pathetic of her. Fortunately both Damea and Touya picked up on her slack and brought their assault to bear. Sensing their numbers would work against him, Val span away on deft feet, dodging the incoming blades with precise maneuvers. Shielded behind both men now, April released a deep sigh, welcoming the chance to compose her nerves. Expecting another attack, she withdrew her mace, dual wielding. Val apparently had other ideas. Securing his distance between them, his gaze swept over their team.

"You're interesting, Touya. I wonder why you're so insistent to help those humans. She looks familiar. Wasn't she the one who was taking you to her leaders a while ago? Wasn't she taking you to your death? Why do you protect someone who wishes for you to die?" Val said, somehow possessing the audacity to chat mid-battle. April only knew of a few select individuals in all of the empire who could afford such nonchalant attitudes, and even they rarely did so in battle.

"It doesn't matter. I only wish to stop you."

"Useless. I doubt she really cares all that much for you. Maybe she just wants to keep you alive long enough so that she can enact revenge on me for destroying her unit of soldiers. She'll dispose of you right after, I'll have you know."

Grounding her teeth over, April bristled with barely contained fury. Did he simply not consider them a viable threat? The insult to April and her company left a sore spot in her heart. Worst of all was the realization that she was in no state to stand up to Val. Glancing over at her crossbow in the dirt, she counted the distance between them. Ten? Maybe fifteen feet? In that time Val could order his men to turn her into a pin cushion. The only thing which had kept them alive so far was Val’s over confidence, did she dare threaten it?

"The only one whose going to be disposed of is you," Damea returned rather petulantly. For such a colorful mercenary, his vocabulary was woefully deplorable. It did the job though and Touya and Damea both leapt charged with renewed vigor.

Their combined strengths, though admirable, were not enough to break the rebel’s defenses. Damea was the first to go as the air was pumped full of magic. The blast dislodged the mercenary completely before propelling the man several feet over the barren earth. Seeing this inspired Touya to fight evermore fervently. Closing in, his claws shot out, extracting tendrils of red liquid from Val. Stumbling back from the blow, the rebel snarled and then circled around, heading in her direction.

“Just like a predator,” April sneered, sniffing as her legs spread out to adopt a defensive posture.

Val assailed her with a horizontal cleave aimed at her midriff. The blow would have disemboweled her entirely but April had the advantage of preparation. She swung out, countering the stroke with all of her might. Reverberations ran along the entire length of her arm, jarring her bones as she strained to hold Val’s twin swords in place. It felt like an immense pressure had been applied to her hands, one that could crush her in an instants notice.

Touya materialized behind Val, attempting to deliver a fatal blow. April gasped as the weight was lifted from her. The therians grappled for dominance until one yelped out in defeat. Crumbling to floor, Touya‘s body flattened the grass beneath him as blood gushed out from his side. April paused mid-swing as the grass caught on fire, the heat reaching her first before the smell did. It grew into a raging inferno instantly, feeding on the dried pasture beneath it.

“Oh balls,” she cussed, fretting over their latest predicament, “We need to leave! Now!”

April hesitated when hurrying over to where Damea supported Touya, her legs freezing mid-way. They needed to retreat and recuperate someplace where they could hide from the rebels, the problem was, where? Nothing was preventing Val from sending another hunting party, and if tracking for them was as easy as it was for Touya tracking the therian tribe, what then would they do? As long as Touya was around, they would be able to sense him.

The flames roared closer, encroaching on dangerous territory now. She felt her reservations growing, fueled by the boiling temperature. Abandon the others to pursue her revenge? Or stay and help?

April did something then she never expected herself to do. Starting with a backpedal, her reroute quickly evolved into a run. April ran with her back turned, not daring to look at their expressions of betrayal.

She ran, directionless, until her feet gave away and collapsed from under her. Panting, she stared down at the earth whilst her heart pounded against the extremities of her rib-cage. Touya was right, she was untrustworthy. No, she was worse than that. Who repays someone that saved their lives with a back-stab? In a moment of panic she had abandoned them both to Val, all for petty revenge.

April rolled on to her back, raising a hand to shield her tears from the sun. What had she done?

"Miss Rosevolt. Fancy finding you out here."

Damea Reese

In the ensuing panic there was little time to consider the implications of everything. Before Damea and Touya were two options, yet fate chose to intervene then. Emerging out of nowhere, a business man with red hair and formal attire waltzed by. Nonsensically, he held an umbrella, despite the fires and complete lack of rain. Pausing upon seeing Damea and Touya, his eyes widened ever so slightly, as if he had just bumped into a friend on a street.

"Oh my, good day chaps!" he exclaimed, though the voice was muffled by the green gas mask securing his mouth, "Where you about to head in that direction perhaps?"

With his free hand he pointed in the direction April was last seen fleeing towards. "Well, if you were, I regret to inform you that a terrible storm is heading here from that direction," the man said before jerking his thumb in the opposite way to Creeid forest. His gestures compelled them to look at the vicinity he designated. "I'd avoid the forest especially, forest storms are particularly volatile this time of the year. My humble advice is, run while you can."

By the time they looked back, the man had disappeared without leaving a trace. On the other hand they could now hear the faint marching of hundreds of footsteps approaching the plains. They came to a resounding halt and were swiftly followed by the roar of gunpowder discharge.

The human army had commenced their bombardment of Creeid forest.

William Benedict

The former lieutenant had barely spoken a word since they found her. William resided over her in his command tent, alone. Out of courtesy he offered her a hot mug of black weed, the chosen poison among the men of the 42nd Legion. Hot, bitter and rotten in taste, it served as a surprisingly invigorating energy drink, particularly on cold days.

“So?” she muttered at last, drawing circles around the rim of her mug. Watching her fidget, William frowned at her lack of composure. The last time they met was several weeks ago, during the terrorist incident as his men carried the Lieutenant to a hospital ward.

“So what?” he said, leaning against work desk. Upon it was topographical map arrayed with numerous tiny blue and red flags. The flags highlighted likely enemy positions, as well the movement of the human troops.

“I expected questions,” April responded, blunt as ever.

“Why yes. I suppose something of an interrogation is in order. We did wonder where you went after you fell off the grid,” William mused, stroking his imaginary beard, “But I imagine I can already guess the reason why you’re here.”

April looked up from her mug, appearing thinner than normal. Admittedly, it was his first time seeing the Lieutenant outside of her armored uniform. Dressed in a near skin-tight leather suit, he wondered what happened to induce such drastic changes in her. Her lips pursed, mocking a frown of her own as she refused to answer.

“You’re here for the same reason we are, yes? Vengeance?” William announced, “HQ has mobilized over ten of our Legions to bring justice to the rebels. Currently we’re laying siege to their forest. Level the terrain and then charge in, you know how it rolls.”

It was a standard approach to high density forests, one which they had even used in prior engagements against beastmen, so William saw no reason to hide it from April. Any former officer would have been smart enough to figure out what was occurring themselves. More honestly, he was beginning to grow concerned about her mental health. The medics informed him that she was free of serious injuries, aside from a few cuts and bruises. Despite her good health, she wore defeat like a retired wrestler. But the most telling fact was her drinking of the black weed without even a flinch.

"That bush fire have something to do with you?" he mentioned at last.

“How did you know to come here?” April murmured, shaking her head despondently, “As far as I was last aware, HQ had no idea where the therian rebels were.”

“Heh, you’re asking the wrong person on that account mam,” William grinned, “You know how things go, the higher ups find the information, we follow their orders.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt Character Portrait: Damea Reese Character Portrait: Val Character Portrait: Monday
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#, as written by Siryn

April's voice telling them to leave echoed what Damea had said. However, Touya couldn't move all that much from the pain in his side and he was still loosing a lot of blood, making him dizzy as he stood there leaning on Damea. Reaching out with a shaking hand, gold light filled his palm and extended to his deep wounds. He had to heal them, and quickly if he wanted to get away from Val still breathing. The light sunk deep into his body and began rebuilding his organs, muscles and tissue. It took a little while longer than he wished, but it did the job.

However, what he hadn't expected was what happened while he was healing himself. April had turned and run. She'd left him and Damea, taking the chance as soon as it was offered to her. Damea, not quite understanding what was going on stretched his hand out towards her, "April! Wait!"


Damea looked up to Touya in shock as he continued to give the Therian support. Touya's pale blue eyes were icy with rage, but mostly with hurt. I doubt she really cares all that much for you. Maybe she just wants to keep you alive long enough so that she can enact revenge on me for destroying her unit of soldiers. She'll dispose of you right after, I'll have you know. Val's words came back to haunt him, though Touya didn't think that they would so soon. He had been right in the first place to doubt human's and their words. Even for Damea, he doubted the man. Every second they spent together he figured that the words slipping passed the overly talkative fire mage's lips were nothing but lies.

"I won't abandon you, my friend," Damea said softly, his eyes down cast as he glared at the ground. Touya shifted his gaze to the man but didn't say anything. He wondered what it was the human was thinking, but then shrugged it aside. He didn't care at that moment. Touya slowly lifted himself off of Damea's shoulder and started forward with Damea right next to him. They didn't get far though, as a peculiar looking man appeared before them. Damea reached down for his blades while Touya stood still, unsure of what this human wanted.

"Oh my, good day chaps! Where you about to head in that direction perhaps?" The man asked, pointing in the direction that April had gone. The woman was long gone, having gotten a head start while Touya had been busy healing his life-threatening wound.

"Well, if you were, I regret to inform you that a terrible storm is heading here from that direction. I'd avoid the forest especially, forest storms are particularly volatile this time of the year. My humble advice is, run while you can."

Touya's gaze shifted towards the forest behind them and the raging fire that Damea had started. By the time he looked back to regard the man, he was startled to see nothing there. Unsure of things he glanced to Damea who shared the same look he did.

"Did you see him too?" Damea asked. Touya frowned and continued scanning the plains for the man whom they'd just spoken to. However, he was cut off in his search by the sounds of gunfire and boots in the distance. His gaze shot up to see a black mass of soldiers coming towards the fire and the forest. He cursed under his breath and gripped Damea's arm tightly. He pulled the fire mage behind him as he started running out of the way of the human's army and also away from Val and his own group. His heart clenched as he began thinking about why April had left him and Damea. It was too convenient for her to run in that direction and then have an army come from there.

She must have planned it from the start. Perhaps that was why Reginald had left them that morning when they first started out to find the clan. She had sent him to warn the army that they were leaving and going in search of the Therian's. April had betrayed them from the start. Why he even thought that she had been truthful to him in the beginning was beyond him. He had lead her right to the Therian's... the Therian's camp... Touya's heart nearly stopped. Far from the ensuing battle now, he slowed in his head long rush with Damea panting behind him.

His eyes were wide as he turned to look back in the direction of the clan's camp and where the army had come from. It was too convenient. It was too... too much. He couldn't bear to think of it any longer, but he had to know. His hands flexed into fists as he stood there staring into the distance. His teeth ground together and next to him Damea looked out that way as well, curious as to what the Therian was doing.

"What is it?"

"The clan."

"What about them... You don't... No, no, no. They wouldn't, they couldn't have..." Damea's voice shook with realization at what Touya was implying.

"I will find out."

"I'll come with you," Damea insisted.

"No!" Touya shouted his anger at its peak. He whirled on Damea who shrunk back slightly from the sight, "I've had enough with you humans!"

"Touya, think rationally now, there must have been a reason for her to lea-" Damea was stopped in mid sentence as Touya reached out and back handed the fire mage, sending him to the ground. The human looked up at him in shock, but then his face smoothed as he sat there. Blood trickled down the corner of his lips from where Touya had struck him, but the fire mage made no move to retaliate. It took the Therian a moment to calm down and realize what he'd done. His hands clenched again and it took him some time to retract the blades in his arms.


"It's alright. I understand your anger," Damea cut in, saving the Therian from speaking further. Slowly the fire mage stood again and brushed himself off, "I would like to come with you. I want to see if they are alright too. I care about them just like you do."

Touya didn't say anything, but started in the direction where they had come from originally. He moved quickly, figuring that the swift human would be able to keep up with him. It was obvious that Damea had lived with Therian's for quite some time as he knew so much about them and fought like they did as well. Touya moved across the plains as fast as he could, his heart heavy with betrayal, fear, and anger. Was this how Val felt?


The fire that broke out before him startled him and he was brought back to the day that he had ambushed the humans. Almost all of his company was lost then and the sight of it right then drove a stake of fear through his chest. He slowly backed away, his eyes on the flames only. The fire moved, directing him back to his own people where once there, a huge wall of flames erupted out before them. Val stretched his hands out to keep his people from approaching the flames or trying to go around them. The fire lasted for some time before it began to die out.

When it did, it was too late for Val to comprehend what had happened. Shots rang out and several of his men fell from them in the first wave. Val's gaze shot around quickly to try to figure out where the attack was coming from. He couldn't see Touya or the two humans that had been with him. What Val saw only was a black mass of human soldiers coming after them in a rush across the open plains. Their destination was both towards Val and his company and also to the forest. The Therian felt rage and fear wash through him.

The forest was filled with children as well as their old and women. He gripped his weapons tightly, ignoring the burn across his stomach from where Touya had injured him. He would heal the wounds later. A sharp motion from his sword alerted his company what he wanted, "Protect the village at all costs! You five, get the village into the caves beyond the forest!" He yelled out, pointing at a group of Therian's who nodded and sprinted towards the trees. The rest of his company prepared themselves and rushed the oncoming army. Val lead the charge, his weapon twisting around in his hand. He'd lost the second sword upon having Touya attack him earlier. Not that it mattered, he was more than enough to take on the humans.

In a matter of seconds the two opposing groups collided and Val charged in with a blood curdling war cry. His arm swung out, slicing through several men, sending them flying backwards from the shear strength he possessed. His magic followed after and exploded in the midst of the humans. Several other explosions followed as his men enacted their own magic. Even with his group of powerful Therian's, some of his men died and many of the human's slipped passed to get into the forest. Val growled in rage and pushed forward, his eyes flashing wildly with rage. Every intent was to wipe out all the human's before him, even if it cost him his own life.


Now far behind the army that had thundered across the plains, there in the distance was smoke rising. Damea felt his chest clench tightly as he witnessed it. Touya was ahead of him, leading the way back to the clan that had been not but a few hours from the forests of Creeid. It took them only twenty minutes to reach the clan's village, but it seemed like hours to Damea. The tents that had been pitched and perfect the night before were burned and smoldering on the ground. Fires still raged and the villagers were destroyed.

Touya slowed down and stood on the edge of the destruction, his eyes wide and his body rigid. Damea stood next to him in just as much shock as the tall Therian was. How could this be? The village had been bustling with activity not but a day ago... he couldn't believe his eyes at the sight. Once he took in the destruction as a whole, Damea began looking more closely. His heart was breaking as he witnessed the horrifying devastation. Something moved underneath one of the fallen tents and Damea rushed over there, hopeful that someone was alive.

He pushed the tent's burning pieces aside and uncovered a woman who was bleeding and burned. He rolled her over and the familiar face of Sheree looked up at him. Her bright eyes were dimming as she lay there in his arms. Damea twisted around and shouted for Touya to come to him. The Therian was next to him in a moment, kneeling down beside Sheree who coughed and reached up to try to touch Damea's face in her burned hands. Blood and soot covered Damea's cheek as her fingers brushed him.

"Ninia..." Sheree croaked and turned her head sideways, tears streaking her face. Damea looked to where she was though he didn't want to afraid of what he would see. Damea quickly turned away the moment his eyes caught sight of what Sheree was looking at. The little girl was face down in the dirt with an arrow to keep her down. Next to him, Touya was beside himself with rage. Damea could tell as he could feel the pure energy rising in dangerous levels around the Therian.

"They... came... thought we... rebels... scouts for... rebels," Sheree tried to speak, but Damea rocked her gently next to him and shook his head, tears streaming down his face.

"Don't talk, Sheree..."

"I tried... to stop them... we all did," Sheree's voice cracked as she cried, "Took many... of us... Don't know where," her eyes were staring off into the distance, possibly the direction in which the army had taken the captives. Damea doubted that any of the children were alive, and if they were they were now captives to the humans and subject to whatever they saw fit. The head quarters of the human army were not know for their mercy.

"Can you heal her?" Damea asked, his voice shaking. Touya glanced to him, his icy orbs cold and deadly. The Therian slowly shook his head. Sheree was far too gone for him to heal. There was nothing he could do. Even as he'd asked, the Therian woman grew still in his grip, her eyes still staring off into the direction of the human cities, tears falling from her eyes. Damea fell over her, sobs taking over his frame. Next to him Touya stood and moved across the burning village. Damea looked up just long enough to see through his blurry vision where the Therian had gone.

Touya turned Ninia over and stared at her for a long time. Damea felt hot tears explode forward anew as he watched. Touya's frame was highlighted by the fires around him and from the flickering light, Damea noted that the Therian was also crying. Turning to the fire mage, Touya stood with Ninia in his arms.

"We bury them, so they may reach Thriy."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt Character Portrait: Damea Reese
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#, as written by Siryn

By the time they had finished digging up graves for the fallen Therian's, the sun was sinking in the west. Touya straightened himself and wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. They had buried more than half of the villagers that had been there the day before. Those included were Sheree, Ninia, Zear and Invashi. Filiea was no where to be seen as were a lot of the Therian children and some of their parents. Touya didn't know what to think of that, but refused to think that they were dead.

"Touya," Damea's voice was soft, hoarse almost from his continuous crying, "What do we do now?"

"I want an answer."

The fire mage turned his head sideways, eyes red and puffy, but at least his tears had stopped, "What do you mean?"

"I want to know why," the Therian's voice cracked slightly, "Why she did this..."

Damea only nodded in agreement, his gaze shifting to look at the ground, "Touya, I agree, but I think we should wait. It's too dangerous to go waltzing into an encampment of human soldiers. They'll catch you and if they do... they'll kill you."

"Let them."

"Touya!" Damea exclaimed, astonished that the Therian had so little care for his own life. Maybe it was because of the betrayal, too many betrayals that were weighing heavily on his shoulders. Val betrayed him and his kin, and now April betrayed him as well, leading to the deaths of good Therian's. He couldn't believe it really, only that night before had she been sitting with the children, a smile on her lips as she spoke with them all. Touya's fingers curled into fists once more as his thoughts turned to that night. How pleasing she'd looked across the fire from him, her obvious enjoyment with the children as they coddled her and she them.

Looking down he raised his other hand and gazed at the contents lying in his palm. He'd cut a small lock of hair from both Ninia and Zear, the darker color belonging to the boy while the lighter one was still braided. Slowly, Touya tightened his hand over the hairs and put them under the breast plate of his armor. Turning to Damea, his gaze was sharp and cold. The fire mage watched him carefully before finally nodding because he knew exactly what it was that the Therian was up to.

Touya eyed the freshly turned ground before them, the mounds of dirt that marked the place of burial of all the Therian's who had died. His voice was deep and rich as he spoke in his own language, the words were simple but they held power all the same. He prayed to them that they live well in Thriy and that they never look back. With that done, he turned away from the small village and started on a course back the way they'd come earlier that day. It wouldn't be hard for them to find the camp where the human's had begun siege, it only made sense to do so.

"What do you plan to do when we get there?"

"Find her. Then ask her if this was what she really wanted."


His men were falling faster than he'd anticipated. The human's had crafted a new weapon to oppose them. Even so, they still lacked devastatingly when it came to close combat. Had the human's not had their long ranged weaponry, even Val and his small numbers could have easily wiped out the army that rushed them. Even so, they were still fighting hard against the Therian's, which gave him a sense of pride and hope that the village behind him would be saved.

As they fought, Val continued to order his men, sending some retreating into the trees while others stayed with him. His magic was growing low, but his energy was still enough to keep swinging his swords. The Therian fought furiously as the human's began to encircle them. For a moment he wondered how he was going to get his men out of the predicament that was slowly encasing them, but he knew what he was going to do all the same. It was a matter of timing, really. Slowly, he worked his way back, letting the human's push forward to seem like they'd gained the advantage on him and his group. Even so, it was a dangerous ploy to work because the forest was to his back and on either side were the enemy.

As he fought, his swords swinging relentlessly and fluidly with a deadly grace, he could hear the sounds of gun shots and then a rain of metal struck his company. Several of his companions fell and it enraged him even more to see it happen. He was loosing good men, how was he supposed to explain that to the families left behind in the forest? His eyes narrowed and he twisted around one of the soldiers trying to reload his crossbow. His blades cut into the human easily, tearing him apart. As he pulled free from that attack and whirled around for another, a sharp burn pulsed along his cheek. His head twisted sideways from the impact and he stumbled slightly.

Composing himself, his gaze narrowed further and he looked swiftly through the group of humans to see who it was that had shot him. In a matter of seconds he spotted the bright blue eyes and blonde hair not too far off. She was aiming a gun at him and had just fired the thing. He glowered at her in rage. Hadn't she been with Touya? Why was she now with a group of humans? Certainly she hadn't turned on him so soon... Val wiped at the blood along his face and slowly backed away with his companions. Of course she'd turned on him. It was what human's did. They were never trust worthy, never loyal but to themselves only, and the lot of them were liars.

Val extended his arms outwards to either side where the humans were closing in on them. He expelled his magic into them groups of on rushing humans in one final stretch to gain his people freedom from their clutches. The magic exploded across the earth tossing both people and clumps of rocks and debris. With the distraction, he turned and entered the forest with his men right behind him. As they rushed through the trees, they made their way to the camp. Val wanted to see if the children and women had made it out of there before moving on to the caves beyond.

It took them several minutes to enter the small village that they'd built, and when they did, no one was there. Satisfied with that, Val glanced behind them and noted the sounds of pursuit through the trees. His distraction had done its job and given them some time. Turning to his companions, he began barking orders, "Pull those lines there. Get ready to activate that trip wire. On my mark..." he waited until the sounds were a bit closer before unleashing the trap that they'd built a long time ago for a time such as this.

"Now!" He cried and the men that had readied themselves did as they were told. Two large ropes were pulled down, raising a shield like wall between Val and the oncoming rush of humans. Those that had readied the tripwires, pulled them up and waited. It only took a few seconds before the first of several human soldiers rushed into the forest and broke the wires. Another second lasted and then the explosion came. The spell trap was triggered and a wash of flames and pure energy engulfed the area, Val and his company protected by their screen.

"Tie it there. Follow me!" He ordered and turned to race back to the caves at the far end of the forest. Running, it took them only half of an hour to get there and by that time, they'd caught up to the rest of the villagers who were just barely entering the mouth of the cave. Once they were all inside, Val stood at the entrance, looked out to make sure there were no Therian's left behind and disappeared into the darkness. Several seconds later and another explosion rocked the earth, this one triggered inside the mouth of the cave. Rocks fell, tumbling into place to cover the hole, an effective stopping point to the human army.


By the time they'd reached the army encampment, the moon was beginning to take it's zenith in the sky. The night was cooler than the day and the sounds of crickets were a constant. A chill spread across Damea's arms as he followed after Touya silently. The Therian had been alarmingly silent the entire time they'd made their way back to the camp. Damea hadn't even engaged in conversation like he usually did. No, he was still to grief ridden to even think about talking all that much. He just wanted it all to end, all of it.

Touya stopped dead then, and Damea fell in beside him silently. They both dropped down as firelight from several camp fires threatened to reveal their presence. Touya turned slowly to Damea and took a breath to speak to him. The Therian had switched to his own language knowing full well that Damea would understand.

"If anything goes wrong, find Reginald."

"Why?" Damea asked in the same language.

"I thought about it a lot. I believe that he might be able to help us, even if April was never on our side to begin with."

Damea raised an eyebrow, "You're certainly an interesting Therian."

"As you are an interesting human..." Touya shot back.

"Well... I'll give you that," Damea sighed then looked back into the camp. The fires reflected his mismatched gaze and he shifted his body, "Don't suppose you know where I can find him?"

"My best guess would be back to the city where April used to live."

"Right.. of course. Do me a favor," Damea said, taking Touya's arm as he had started forward. The Therian glanced to him, a frown on his lips, "Try not to get caught. It'll make things easier on me..."

Damea had been sitting on the outskirts of the camp for quite some time, fidgeting because he could never sit still to begin with. He hated the fact that Touya had left him behind and he doubly hated that he didn't know what was going on. It was as he was worrying and fussing that he heard a loud sound within the camp. He groaned softly as he figured that something terrible had happened.

"Sir!" A shout went up in the night. Damea peered into the camp, but couldn't see much as he was in a terrible spot, "We found a Therian sneaking around the camp!"

"Damn it, Touya... I said don't get caught!" Damea hissed in protest. He slowly started backing away from the camp knowing full well that the human's were not stupid and would send out a small search party to see if anyone else was lingering by. Damea didn't want to leave the Therian, but knew that if he stayed there would be no helping either of them. So he slipped into the darkness and quickly made his way back to the main road. If he was lucky he would make it to the city within a few days. If luck were really with him, he would find Reginald on the road. Damea growled in frustration, since when was luck ever with him?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt
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William Benedict

“Forty-second! Take the enemy!”

They had them by the ropes now. William led his soldiers from the front, as was his preferred style. Lead by example. Cob was besides him, rifle in hand as they advanced on the dwindling therians who had their backs up against the forest. The pursuit was imminent, and William had half a mind to burn the entire forest down if not for that fact that valuable evidence still likely remained at the terrorist’s hideout.

Abruptly, an explosion tore through their ranks. William span away on instinct, shielding himself from the falling debris. Clods of dirt impacted the ground as a mottled dust cloud stalked the plains in front of him. It took several seconds before his hearing returned, replacing the dull ringing that affected his ears.

“Empire’s teeth! Medics! Front and center!” William roared, spotting the men who had been tossed aside like ragdolls. Cob was on all fours, a nasty gash leaking blood down his face. Shooting would be impossible for the boy with his sight impaired. What on earth just happened?

His vision swam up, identifying the fading silhouettes of retreating therians through the receding dust. A diversion tactic? William snarled and brought his own rifle to bear. He snapped of a shot ahead of him, releasing his anger.

“Advance by fire! Don’t let the enemy escape!” William bellowed, encouraging his men forwards with a flourish of his rifle.

“That’s not a good idea,” April murmured beside him. The former Lieutenant was crouched over a wounded soldier. Drenched in blood not of her own, she was applying pressure in a frugal attempt to stem the bleeding. “They looked awfully eager to retreat. There may be a trap ahead.”

“Are you kidding me Rosevolt?”

Glancing up from her grisly work, she gave him a stern glare. “Did you not just see what I saw? They were slaughtering us despite our numbers but a few moments ago. Something tells me they want you to go in that forest.”

William’s lips pulled into a tight frown, “Cob! You’re not fit to fight at the moment. Go warn the other officers!”

Just then, something horrendous roared in the far off distance. A billowing fire rose over the canopy, reaching its peak in the sky before combusting over itself. The resultant blast doused the immediate vicinity with burning flames.

“Mother mercy…pull back! Pull back! Get those men out of the forest!”

Jerry & Cantus

“My eyes must be deceiving me, Cantus.”

“Is that who I think it is, sir?”

Jerry and Cantus were performing their routine night patrol when they happened upon a most peculiar sight. It was peculiar because either of duo could scarcely believe what it was they were witnessing. Calmly approaching them out of the darkness was a faceless, but not any old faceless. Both Jerry and Cantus were certain that this faceless was in actual fact the exact same faceless they had discovered several weeks ago in the alleyway. The faceless walked on the war camp as if visiting a human garrison in the middle of a war zone was the most normal thing in the world.

Remembering who and where they were, both men took the only course of action they knew how to take against a faceless.

“Stop immediately you faceless scum! Do not advance any further or we will be forced to fire!”

They shoved Touya through the encampment, leading him directly to the command tent. Iron cuffs were tightly wound over the faceless’ bracers and wrists, ensuring that the concealed blades would never be drawn.

“Walk faster filth!” Jerry scolded.


The shout brought their relentless hustling to a pause just outside of the tent. Turning around, Jerry had to squint to identify the approaching figure of Captain Benedict. Despite the poor field of vision incurred by the encroaching darkness, the Captain was an easy man to recognise. Tall and gaunt in a way which reflected a knife, he was clearly a product of countless wars.

“Excellent job on…capturing him,” Benedict said as he rounded on the trio, not sounding like he entirely believed it. Switching gazes, he offered a cautionary glance towards Touya, “What’s the story with this one Sergeant?”

“We found this one ere’ loitering around the we-” Cantus winced as he received a sharp slap from Jerry.

“We found this one spying around the west quadrant, sir!” Jerry reported.

“The west quadrant?” Benedict murmured, his brows knitting together in deep thought, “That’s in the direction of the tribe we passed. Has he said anything so far?”

“No, sir!” Jerry replied.

“Okay, throw him in cages along with the others,” Benedict directed.

Dean ‘Havoc’ Reginad

“Dispatch from 9, 5th Cross, Hampton Street! This is an emergency. Please send an ambulance immediately. My Grandfather has had a fall!”

“Dispatch from 22nd Boulevard! Please help! My mother is suffering from a fever!”

Resting his drink on a desk table, Reginald mused as he read transcript before him. Surrounding him was a backdrop of frenzied turmoil as messenger pigeons zoomed in and out through the windows. Chasing them was a small army of dispatch workers, men and women who were tasked with the handling of vital information.

Some lives depended on their direct response. For Reginald, this was his part-time job, or at least until the army decided to reassign him. Returning to the city over a week ago, Reginald had promptly decided to find work in order to sustain himself.

No word had arrived from either April or the others since their departure. Still rather smitten at being deceived however, he thought no better of it. It was an outcome he had little effect over, unfortunately. As his thumb flicked through the pages, it took no time at all for the former medic to get the gist of the report.

“That truly is a shame,” Reginald said, frowning at the contents of the record.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt
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#, as written by Siryn
Touya Khan and April Rosevolt

He'd already decided his course of action even before he had left Damea. Touya hadn't planned to sneak around to try to find April, knowing full well that she was probably within the heart of the camp and more difficult to get to if he stalked about in the shadows. No, Touya figured his best course of action was to walk straight into the camp and let them take him hostage. Besides, he figured it was the easiest way to find the rest of the Therian's from the camp.

So, the Therian waltzed right into the fire light and was spotted by two guards soon after. Both men looked at each other in astonishment before they reacted to his presence. Touya did nothing to provoke them, nor did he say a single word as they shouted at him and took him roughly into the center of camp. With irons clamped over his wrists he allowed them to push him around towards the carriages where he spotted the village Therian's.

Anger pulsed through him, but he didn't make a move to do anything. Someone called to the two guards that had apprehended him and Touya drowned out the exchange between them, hardly interested to hear their petty words. Soon after he was shoved into a carriage where he spotted Filiea and several other children along with some of their mothers. Touya stumbled into the carriage prison, dropping to his knees the moment he was inside.

Braided hair flipped about and fell over his shoulder, the tips of his hair pooled at the bottom of the carriage. Filiea rushed to him, tears streaming down her face, her arms stretched out for him. Touya raised his own arms and pulled her into his chest, covering her with his arms as his hands were still cuffed. She cried hard against him, sobbing in fear and shock. Touya held her, unmoving as she clung to him.

After a moment she lifted her head, her tear stained eyes gazing up at him, "I saw her," she hiccuped, "She... she said... she said that she would... have killed us all," Filiea cried out. The crushed look in her eyes stung Touya deeply and he knew right away who it was that the girl was speaking of. He shook uncontrollably as he knelt there with her. Turning slightly he caught sight of a guard passing by the carriage.

"Guard," he called, his voice barely masking his rage. The human glanced up at him uncaringly, "Find April. I wish to speak with her."

"Why should I?" The man responded angrily.

Touya's body glowed brightly then, his eyes flashing as he turned with Filiea and leaned towards the bars, startling the guard, "Find her, or I'll destroy everything and everyone in this camp."

The man gulped and slowly backed away. Once he was gone in search of the woman, Touya let the energy fade away and his body was returned to normal. Leaning back against the side of the carriage he held Filiea against him. She was soon asleep, having cried so much and Touya was left to his own, deep, angry thoughts.

"Chaplain, if you will," Lieutenant Rhode nodded.

As if on cue, the bugler started to play his trumpet as the funeral procession commenced. Chaplain Morose was solemn as he addressed congregation of soldiers who had gathered to bid their farewells. Dozens were dead, some even to torn up to be identified. The nature of their deaths was no mystery. Attacked by savage, ruthless opponents, the results were horrific. Many had not seen worse since the beastmen wars.

“We gather here today to pay our respects to those who gave their lives in defense of our country,” Morose began, chanting over the rhythmic buzz of the brass instrument.

April observed the blazing funeral pyres from afar. That man she had tried to save was among the dead there, somewhere. She uttered a silent prayer of her own, commending their bravery before standing up to leave.

“Leaving so soon?” William whispered, appearing in the direction she was about to be heading with his arms crossed.

“Aye, not much for me to do here,” April responded.

“I won’t stop you. Damn shame you were summarily discharged though. In my opinion, the army still needs you,” William pondered, “Thanks for the warning earlier today also. I would’ve lost a lot of good men if you hadn’t.”

“Dozens still died in the forest,” April shrugged

Accepting the morbid truth, William exhaled a breath and started to walk past her. The Captain only paused upon catching wind of the conversation behind him. Red face, one of the guardsmen had come running towards them. His flustered attention centralized on April as he spoke, “Err…Are you April? Mam?”

“April Rosevolt,” April nodded, evidently curious of the man’s intentions.

“One of the faceless requested your presence,” huffed the man.

April frowned at the absurd request, “Tell them I’m not interested.”

“The silver haired one seemed quite intent on speaking with you, mam,” the guardsmen insisted.

Her eyes narrowed a fraction, causing the guardsman to wither beneath her gaze. “And why are you taking orders from a prisoner? Tell him I’m not interested.”

A whole two days passed before April put her plan into action. In the dead of night a cloaked figure navigated the camps with purpose. April slipped into the dark blue shadows, skirting along the flanks. Her destination, the cages, where guarded around the clock to ensure the therians did nothing. In order to avoid suspicions she needed to be in and out before detection occurred. In some places she had to stoop or even crawl to remain unseen by the patrols. The frequency in which she had to hide increased after the number of guards had been doubled in response to an intrusion from a few nights ago.

Evading the guards was a relatively simple ordeal for someone with access to inside information. Security routes were generally predetermined to maximize on efficiency and cover more ground. In turn this meant that routes rarely crossed over each other, creating a gap which offered a brief window of opportunity for April to investigate her summons.

Following her eyes, she rounded the corner of a pavilion and stumbled into a sight she wished not to see.

“Touya,” April stammered, “No.”

April stepped out of the shadows she had been hiding in, her footsteps masked by her air magic. She had the chance to walk right up to the cage before speaking, “You fool. You where the intrusion. Why did you get caught?”

She had made him wait for two days. During both days he had grown more and more enraged. The woman had truly abandoned them, her ploy was obvious to him then. He'd been deceived, tricked, lied to. He could hardly contain his rage as he sat in the carriage unmoving. He spoke to no one, the only time having been to the guardsman whom he'd sent to summon April.

Filiea had spent all of her time nestled against him. Touya learned later on that her parents had been killed in the fight when the soldiers arrived. She was now an orphan much like Ninia and Zear had been. So, the Therian found himself yet another cold night in the carriage and his anger still boiling beneath his skin. The only thing that kept him from ripping apart every human that passed and bringing their measly camp to ruins was the fact that he'd yet to get an answer from April. Or maybe it was simply because he knew she was still there and he had a sliver of hope that her intentions hadn't been what he'd thought them to be.

Eitherway, he'd been in the same position since the night he was thrown in there. Leaning against the wall with one leg stretched out before him, the other lifted to help hold Filiea. His head had dropped forward, silver hair framing his face as he was partially sleeping. A soft noise pulled him from his slumber and he raised his head slowly to regard the woman who had addressed him. Touya's pale blue eyes reflected the fire light, making them seem like they were glowing in the darkness.

Framed by pitch black, he was sure he looked every bit a demon at that moment. His temper wasn't going to help either as he regarded April silently, coldly. It took him sometime to answer her in kind, even then his voice shook and his eyes burned as tears threatened him once more.

"I needed to know," he started softly. His voice pitched and grew colder as he continued, "Was this what you wanted? They are dead. Ninia, Zear, all of them," he paused to let it sink in before he continued, his heart beat rapidly and he leaned forward with Filiea against him still, "You deceived me. Lied to me. Lied to them," he put emphasis on every word, his voice growling to her now, "She told me what you said two days ago. Had it been you, you wouldn't have let any of them live," again he let it linger before continuing, "You planned this from the start, didn't you. Planned to bring this army of yours from the city to destroy everything in their path. I may be at odds with Val, but there were children in that forest as well. I... I even protected you from being killed! And this... this is how I'm repayed," Touya stopped himself from going any further, warm liquid already spilling down his face as he stared at her. He didn't know if he really wanted to hear her answer to him, didn't know if he was going to be able to bear it. All the same, he wanted to hear it, needed to hear it.

April recoiled on the spot as every fiber of her muscles tensed at his presence. Caught in a rapture of guilt, his accusations threatened to tear down her soldier’s facade. “I’m… sorry to hear that,” she informed him, reciprocating his cold, hard gaze. Unconsciously she reached for her weapons, every bit aware he was dissecting her mentally. Days without a proper medium for directing his anger left him feral. This was not the Touya she was used to seeing.

“But your questions will have to wait. This is hardly the time or place for idle chit-chat,” she stated. Not waiting for his response, she shifted herself to the lock.

“Did you hear that?” One of the guardsmen murmured, shining his torch over the cages. April darted around, muffling her sound again with air magic.

“Empire’s bowels…I, I need to go to the toilet…” his partner said abruptly. The man’s stomach grumbled and he doubled over, “I think I ate something bad…”

“Now that you mention it…I don’t feel all too great either,” the first guardsman concurred.

Both of them hurried off, desperate to reach the latrines. Leaving April to her devices, she produced a lock pick and unlocked the cage. Isolating the air around the lock mechanism with magic, she once again hid the metal click of the door opening. “Get out. Quick,” she ushered.

He was already enraged about the entire situation that when April regarded him coldly in response to everything he'd said he nearly flew over the edge. His power was writhing just beneath his skin, hardly controlled as his temper flared upon hearing her dead-pan words. Did she not care at all? Had he been wrong about her this entire time? Her next sentence hit him even harder than the first, 'idle chit-chat'? Who called what he just exposed to her 'idle chit-chat'? His body began to glow with the pure energy he was gathering.

However, he was stopped midway when he heard the sounds of the guards. His movement must have attracted them. The glow dissipated and for some strange reason he felt a kind of fear for April getting discovered. Grinding his teeth he leaned back against the wall of the carriage and pretended he was asleep again. When they left, he was oddly curious as to why they were suddenly sick. In the meantime, April had disappeared from her spot next to the cage and Touya glowered at where she had stood moments ago.

There was movement to his left and he looked to where the door now opened silently. His eyes narrowed as Aprils head popped up from the other side and she beckoned to them. Touya watched her carefully for some time before he reached out with his bound hands and woke a few of the Therian's next to him. Soon, all of the ten that were cramped in the carriage were awakened and out the back of the carriage. Touya came last with Filiea clinging to him. It took him some time to convince the little girl to release him and go with another Therian.

Once she was gone with the group into the darkness behind the carriage, Touya directed his power to the clamps around his arms. A soft sound was the only thing heard and the irons split in half from the pressure of his energy pushing against them. Freed from his bonds he whirled on April. The claws that hadn't been used in days extended forward to cover his fingers, the three blades also came out for good measure as he was not in the greatest mood. His hand took her throat and he shoved her against the back of the carriage. The tips of his claws dug deep into the wood as he glowered at her, towering over her smaller frame.

Leaning down, his body glowed dimly in the darkness, "The only reason I did not tear this camp down was because of you. Understand that. If you value your life and those of the people here, prove to me that my next decision will not be the wrong one," he threatened having more than enough to do with humans at that point, "You've a long way to go to win my trust again. You better get started." With that said he released her and retracted all of his weaponry. Stepping backwards into the darkness, his pale blue eyes watched her steadily waiting to see what the next step to her 'plan' was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt
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April Rosevolt

April escorted the survivors out of the cage with Touya’s assistance. She lingered a moment longer to ensure that their tracks were adequately covered. On the way back to rejoin the therians behind the carriage, she was immediately throttled.

Faster than her eye could follow, Touya’s hands snapped out at throat, weaning the air from her lungs. His claws followed and impaled the area behind her, issuing the sound of blades biting into wood. There had been barely any indication that he had broken his metal bindings, and hence, very little warning to prepare herself for the violent assault. Lifted from her feet by his iron grip, April’s eyes widened in a state of bewildered shock. Suffocating, she gasped repeatedly, spitting wordless profanities as she kicked and punched in a desperate attempt to free herself.

Glowering at her struggles, Touya bent over just close enough to hiss in her face, "The only reason I did not tear this camp down was because of you. Understand that. If you value your life and those of the people here, prove to me that my next decision will not be the wrong one. You've a long way to go to win my trust again. You better get started.”

With a salient lack of oxygen reaching her brain, April’s vision diminished, along with her strength. It was fortunate that it occurred then for she would had not liked to beheld the therian’s murderous expression. After dancing on the edge consciousness for what felt like an age, he finally let go of her neck, dropping her thoughtlessly. April fell to the ground in a crumpled heap, sucking in deep breaths of air to alleviate her saturated lungs. Red rings bruised the underside of her chin, leaving a lasting impression of Touya’s attack.

“Screw you,” she wheezed out, no longer caring if he lashed out at her further. Her arms trembled as she struggled to rise and face the man she had once considered a comrade. The saddest part was she sympathized with his anger, but at the same time his aggression was foolish and unwarranted. They were still in the middle of the camp, did he not even have the good sense to realize the risk he was exposing his people to by causing a ruckus?

“Don’t think you can threaten me. You probably just recklessly waltzed in here like you did at Glendale,” April choked, wiping the water from her eyes. “I don’t need your permission to do anything! If you think killing hundreds of soldiers is so easy for you than you’re not better than Val!”

Finding the strength to lift herself finally, April glared up at Touya. “You want to fight in the middle of camp and get all of your people killed? Fine, but the next time you assault me will be the last,” she spat.

Dusting her clothes off, she ran a finger over the tender skin on her neck and winced the moment she came in contact. “I smuggled laxatives into all of the soldier’s food,” she coughed, “Nobody is going to be on patrol for the next few minutes.”

If one were to glance around, a strange phenomenon had indeed taken hold of the camp. Most notably, the sentry posts surrounding them were empty, abandoned by the busting guardsmen. April sighed after a long moment of silence, “I suggest you take a horse and stay of the roads, convoys travelling between the camp and city may spot you. Once you get your people to safety, it’d be in your best interests to head back to Altheim. The other half of the tribe was sent back to the HQ. If you’re fast enough, you may be able to catch up and free them.”

William Benedict

"Sir!" Cantus shouted, bursting through his tent flaps.

"Sir! Don't take another bite out of that bowl there of food!" Jerry followed, immediately materializing after his subordinate.

Quite unperturbed by guardsmen's interruption, William paused like statue frozen in motion. The captain's open mouth hovered over the spoon full of gruel he was about to bite into.

"What's wrong with the food?"

"It seems we're experiencing a virulent outbreak of food poisoning, sir!" Jerry informed.

William dumped the spoon, discarding it like some infected device. It would be one of the rare occasions he could be thankful for the mountains of tedious paper work. "How bad is it?" William frowned, leveling his eyebrows.

"Just about everyone's infected, sir!" Cantus informed.

"But, more importantly sir! We've come to inform ya about our suspicions on that silver-haired faceless we caught two days ago," Jerry continued, "Back in Altheim, Miss Rosevolt was meant to deliver that one to HQ, yet he was reported dead. Then! two days ago he appears out of nowhere and requests to meet her! Coincidence? I think not!"

Standing up with sudden alarm, William opened the window flap of his command tent and glanced over at the cages. "Get the guards to go check the prisoners! Get them now!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt
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#, as written by Siryn

“Screw you. Don’t think you can threaten me. You probably just recklessly waltzed in here like you did at Glendale. I don’t need your permission to do anything! If you think killing hundreds of soldiers is so easy for you than you’re not better than Val!”

He glowered at her at first, partially amazed that the woman still had the gall to keep him enraged. Didn't she realize who it was she was dealing with? A Therian who could just as well break her as destroy everything if he so wished. However, his eyes softened as she continued. Yes, he had just walked in without thought really. He had been to caught up in his own anger to rationalize anything. Her comparison to Val was probably what brought him down from his rampage. Thinking it over right then, she was completely right. He had to get a hold of himself, or lose to it all and he would be another Val.

“You want to fight in the middle of camp and get all of your people killed? Fine, but the next time you assault me will be the last," she continued. Touya frowned again at her and crossed his arms as he watched her. What about the time she assaulted him when he was injured and near death? He didn't voice it though, figuring to bring something like that up right then was probably a bad idea.

“I smuggled laxatives into all of the soldier’s food. Nobody is going to be on patrol for the next few minutes.”

This warranted Touya's gaze to look around them briefly and take in the fact that there was indeed no one around. His question to why the two guards had left so quickly was answered then and he raised an eyebrow at her as he turned to regard April once again. Still he hadn't said anything to her and in the silence he only stared at her. After a moment she sighed and spoke again, softer than before.

“I suggest you take a horse and stay of the roads, convoys travelling between the camp and city may spot you. Once you get your people to safety, it’d be in your best interests to head back to Altheim. The other half of the tribe was sent back to the HQ. If you’re fast enough, you may be able to catch up and free them.”

His eyes narrowed slightly at her as she sat there on the ground, unmoving. What was she thinking, he wondered. Was it possible that she intended to stay there? Did she think he was going to let her just walk away from him that easily? Touya dropped down to the ground in front of her and watched her for a while longer. After a moment he reached out and lifted her chin so that she was looking at him and not away.

"You're going to stay aren't you? What will that accomplish? Are you not going after Val anymore?" He asked her. Tilting his head off to the side he gazed at her before continuing, "You can't take him on your own you know. Or did you forget that he almost killed you several times the other day. Had I not been there you wouldn't be here right now. If you wish to fight a Therian, you must learn to be one. Your fighting as of right now will do you no good at all. I can train you to be better, far better than any soldier here," he told her. If she really wished to take Val down, she would need all the help she could get. Even with being trained, she would still need Touya and Damea. Val was one of their best warriors, it wouldn't be so easy to take him down.

A sound in the camp caught his attention and he glanced over her shoulder into the firelight. A soft growl issued from his lips and he leaned forward, closing the distance between him and April. She wasn't going to like what he was about to do, but he would be damned if he was just going to leave her there. There were too many possibilities, too many things could go wrong and something could happen to her that he would regret later.

"If you think I'll just leave you here, you're wrong. You're not going to like this, but try to behave for once," he told her and abruptly lifted her into his arms. Had he wanted to leave on his own, he wouldn't have taken a horse, but to run with a human in his grip was an entirely different issue. Turning, he maneuvered in the darkness easily enough and soon found a horse, though he was cutting it close. The sounds of searching were growing closer and the alarms had already been run as the soldiers found an empty carriage with no Therian's.

"My people can get through the darkness well enough. We will catch up to them soon," he told her as he hoisted her up onto the horse whether she struggled or not, he got her up and followed her. Securing the woman between his arms, he took hold of the reign's and kicked the horse into a run. He didn't go the same direction as his people did, he went another way, staying close to the camp to draw attention. As he went, he withdrew his sword and snapped it open. Passing by tethered horses he cut their reigns and with a bit of power scared them so that they begun running around rampantly. Once that was done, Touya sheathed his weapon and took off into the darkness.


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Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt
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April Rosevolt

April shrunk away from his approaching hand, anticipating another act of aggression. Surprisingly, he redirected her focus, emphasizing the importance of his next words.

"You're going to stay aren't you? What will that accomplish? Are you not going after Val anymore? You can't take him on your own you know. Or did you forget that he almost killed you several times the other day. Had I not been there you wouldn't be here right now. If you wish to fight a Therian, you must learn to be one. Your fighting as of right now will do you no good at all. I can train you to be better, far better than any soldier here," Touya offered, growing abruptly compassionate. His cold, blue eyes softened their gaze but April was still shaken by all that had transpired. Unequivocally, she stared up at him, a small snarl displacing her pink lips.

“Are you suggesting that my training and experience insofar is inadequate?” she asked, sounding mildly offended. April was far from a stubborn old fool, but the sole suggestion that her decade long service was somehow inferior to whatever Touya had to offer infuriated her. From what she had witnessed so far, the therian lack tactical and strategic acuity. For him, a battle won now could result in a loss in the grand scheme of things, and he would never realize it. What did he have to offer her other than facilitating a means to an end? “Why do you still wish to keep me around? What possible use am I to you if you feel the need to train me? Because you’ve made it abundantly clear that my presence is abominable to you.”

In a fit of rage, she slapped his hand away, unable to bear his humanity. This was hardly the time and place to talk, but at that moment April felt like she would explode if she did not get the expanding guilt out of her chest, “I’ve let my emotions undermine myself for long enough. I was scared Touya, scared of death. So I ditched you in the fields, don’t you understand that?”

The chilling noise of encroaching guards brought her senses back to reality. The former soldier’s body froze along with the breath in her lungs like a rat caught in the act of stealing. This was too soon, far too soon; most of the camp should have been afflicted by the laxatives now. How was it that they had recovered so quickly?

"If you think I'll just leave you here, you're wrong. You're not going to like this, but try to behave for once."

Touya’s sentence was all the warning she got before he bundled her up between his arms. Eyes widening in a state of disbelief, April show stunned amazement at how effortlessly he was able to carry her. She was a soldier of moderate height and well toned muscle, a solid one-hundred and ten pounds, yet he still managed to somehow run with her within his grasps. Any other praise she may have had for him was instantly suspended as the encampment burst into life behind them.

"My people can get through the darkness well enough. We will catch up to them soon," Touya remarked. Noticing they had reached the stables, she prepared herself to be dropped only to be thrown up on the saddle of the closest horse. Before she could give voice to her protest, Touya leapt up behind her and kicked the horse into motion.

They burst out from the stables at a galloping pace, but Touya had a diversionary plan of his own. Forced into the role of a bystander, she watched as he circled around, drawing the guards attention, and then released the horses. Gun fire echoed into the night as guards hurried forwards in the wake of the alarm. Thankfully, it would take precious minutes to calm the terrified stallions, and by that time April and Touya had already melted into the darkness.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt Character Portrait: Damea Reese
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#, as written by Siryn

Touya directed the horse through the night with ease. He hadn't said a word to April since her out burst before his taking her up in his arms and hoisting her upon the stead they now rode. They'd gone some distance from the camp and with the distraction he'd created, the soldiers were sure to be busy for some time. Not wishing to speak over the rushing air from the racing horse, he pulled the reigns gently and slowed the beast to a walk. Leaning forward, Touya spoke to April. He was grateful for their positions for he wasn't sure he could speak while looking her in the eye.

"I'm sorry," he started, "For losing my temper with you. At the time... things looked... different. I understand being scared of death. Everyone is, believe it or not, so am I."

He sighed softly before continuing, "I should have realized then what it was you were running from. I thought you'd abandoned me completely," he let that train of thought fade away, not wishing to relive his earlier emotions at such a loss. It was still too much to think about. Even so, he was hesitant to trust her completely in everything.

"As for your training," he flicked his gaze down at the back of her head. Her hair tickled his nose as it was being windswept at him from the moving horse and the night breeze, "You are probably one of the finest warriors of your people, but that doesn't mean you can take on a Therian head on and by yourself. You may out do you own people, but Val is one of our finest warriors. I can barely take him by myself, doesn't that tell you something? None of your training is going to help you against one of our warriors who has many years more experience than yourself April. I'm offering you a chance to learn how to better yourself. I never said that what you have right now was not worth all of your training. It just makes it easier for me to train you seeing as you already know how to fight. What you need is to refine what you already have."

"As for keeping you around. I never once thought you abominable. Do you remember what Invashi said to us? The night before we left? It took me some time to remember it myself, but I think I know now what she meant when she said not to let 'petty things get between us'," Touya took a deep breath before exhaling it as he attempted to gather his next words properly, "You're human, and you're fragile compared to us. I cannot leave you to your own devices now. We've come to far for that. You may irritate me as well as do things I will never understand, but if I were to leave you now... I fear the worst would happen."


He'd been travelling for two days, stopping only when he couldn't walk any more and sleeping only as much as he possibly needed. Damea could feel the anxiety and fear driving him to continue moving forward as fast as he could. The city was still two days out and he didn't think he could make it there in time before something terrible happened to Touya, or April even. He didn't honestly think that she betrayed them like Touya did, but without much evidence, he couldn't really pass that off onto the stubborn Therian. Of course he'd never seen Touya so angry before so he really feared for April.

He had to get to Reginald as quickly as he could and warn the doctor so that they may start back and get the two of them on better terms with each other. If that was ever going to be possible after what had just transpired. He felt a tightening in his throat and he swallowed the hard lump that had formed there. Damea couldn't afford to think that everything was now an utter impossibility. There had to be a way to fix things, there was always a way. If only there were a faster way to get word to Reginald... It was taking him way to long to reach the city.

Damea panted as he moved across the dark field of nothing. It was pitch black and getting darker by the second. He was coming up on day three and he'd yet to reach the road. How far out had they gone?! He was tired, hungry and most of all, thirsty. The fire mage wasn't sure how much longer he could keep going. Soon, all Damea could think about were three words, Reginald, Touya and April. He'd even begun muttering the names under his breath as he walked.

Several hours later Damea finally stumbled upon the road, but he was too far gone in delirium to realize it. His gaze was dim as he stared ahead of him and tumbled forward. His body finally gave out completely and he crumpled to the dirt. Collapsed on the ground he shuddered from the cold night air that was slowly turning to day. The fire mage shifted his body and tried to get back up, one thing on his mind now. Find Reginald. The man's name was being uttered beneath Damea's breath as he got back to his feet, took several steps and then fell again. This time he stayed on the ground, unable to move. Slowly his eyes closed and he lay there, passed out in the middle of the main road.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt Character Portrait: Damea Reese
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April Rosevolt

They stopped running after what felt like an age, when they could no longer hear the shrieking gunfire chasing them. Even now April checked behind them with regularity, keeping a vigilant eye out for pursuers. Neither of them had spoken since their hasty escape, though even that was tenuous at best. She felt their change of pace as the wind stopped whipping her hair about and Touya brought the galloping horse to a trot. On the verge on inquiring if they had reach their destination, she paused upon feeling the therian lean against her back.

"I'm sorry, for losing my temper with you. At the time... things looked... different. I understand being scared of death. Everyone is, believe it or not, so am I,” the therian apologized. April turned her neck ever so slightly, just enough so that she could look at him. It was obvious that both of them felt awkward about the nature of their situation. For April, it was a matter of guilt. The former soldier could not tell which was worse, the therian’s compassion, or his anger.

“I appreciate that,” she replied, but Touya was far from finished. His sigh brushed over her cheeks as he formulated the desired words.

"I should have realized then what it was you were running from. I thought you'd abandoned me completely," he murmured, sadness in his tone. Memories reared their ugly head, still fresh in both of them minds. April was quietly stunned at his understanding.

"As for your training. You are probably one of the finest warriors of your people, but that doesn't mean you can take on a Therian head on and by yourself. You may out do you own people, but Val is one of our finest warriors. I can barely take him by myself, doesn't that tell you something? None of your training is going to help you against one of our warriors who has many years more experience than yourself April. I'm offering you a chance to learn how to better yourself. I never said that what you have right now was not worth all of your training. It just makes it easier for me to train you seeing as you already know how to fight. What you need is to refine what you already have."

“I’m a woman, Touya,” April stated without reservation. It was a proud fact that she had even made it this far into the ranks, especially given comparisons to her late mother, a famous general. April on the other hand had to contend with a mediocre education and her father’s debt. Neither was she particularly passionate about war, the prospect of killing was not her chosen path, not at first in any case. “Certainly I’ve trained diligently, but I’m far from being the finest warrior humanity has to offer. That title already belongs to people such as Miles Riverbend. The discrepancy between a therian and human’s power is something no amount of training you offer can amend, Touya. Instead of trying to knock down the stone wall, it’s better to go around it.”

April looked him dead in the eye, “I don’t need raw prowess to defeat Val. There are plenty of other ways to approach a game. Why do you think humans have been successful thus far Touya? We’re not the fastest, the strongest nor the most magically attuned race, yet we thrive.”

Uncertain how the therian would take this, April left a moment of silence for him to respond.

"As for keeping you around. I never once thought you abominable. Do you remember what Invashi said to us? The night before we left? It took me some time to remember it myself, but I think I know now what she meant when she said not to let 'petty things get between us. You're human, and you're fragile compared to us. I cannot leave you to your own devices now. We've come to far for that. You may irritate me as well as do things I will never understand, but if I were to leave you now... I fear the worst would happen."

Reminding of Invashi’s death once again, April averted her gaze of his. Doubts entered her mind, questioning whether she could have averted the outcome somewhere along the line. It was the same question she asked herself whenever one of her kin died. Sometimes she felt as though the weight of their deaths would never be lifted, that one day they would come crashing down like a hammer of justice. The best response she could think of was just not to think about it.

“This from the melodramatic therian who has been closer to death over the last few weeks that I have in my entire lifetime? I’m flattered by your concern,” she responded, sarcasm icing her voice, “But at the same time. Thank you, for believing in me.”

Miles Riverbend

After having successfully delivered the scientist to his facilities in Altheim, Miles was immediately set upon by a new assignment. Much to his chagrin, this time he had been sent to meet up with some of the scientist’s precious ‘cargo’ and ensure that it reached Altheim punctually and safely. Granted command of a small task force of Jaeger Guard, Miles’ suspicions were immediately raised. The Jaeger Guard where the elite of the elite. Each man was a hand-picked veteran who had served in over three campaigns, with some serving as many as twenty. Individually they were tall, many were even taller than him. The most impressive aspect of their being however was their training. They would never use cowardly tactics, such habits having long since been erased during their intensive training. This presented an intimidating sight on any battlefield, one which could strike fear in the hearts of friends and foes alike.

The problem then was what sort of cargo warranted such security? It was bad enough that he was being sent into the godforsaken countryside, but to contend with whatever equaled these men was a disquieting prospect indeed. Miles was in the midst of these musings when they happened upon a curious spectacle.

“What’s this, a stray?” Miles queried his men with a raised eyebrow. “Wake him up.”

Issuing a series of grunts, two Jaeger Guards stepped forwards and manhandled vagrat by the arms until he was standing. One of them produced a flask and twisted the cap before pouring its contents on top of Damea’s head. They waited until he was fully aroused, standing on either side of him to ensure that the delirious man would not waver. Now afforded a perfect view of the mercenary, Miles measured the man up and down from his saddle.

The sell sword looked like he was once in the good graces of fortune. Miles said ‘once’ because of the faded colors that marked the dusty attire of his jacket. As well as a whole trout of collected grime, the man was travelling light, suggesting that the journey was either not by choice, or an emergency of some kind. Further down were two blades sheathed at the leather belt securing his waist. A dual wielder. It had been a while since he last fought a dual wielder, three months if he remembered correctly.

“Hmmmm,” Miles pondered, putting a frown on. “Give the man some water, and food. He looks absolutely famished.”

A third Jaeger Guard followed his command with trained discipline. Promptly, he approached the mercenary and force fed him some water before offering some food.

“This is a dangerous road to pass out on. Never know when a horse could just trample over you,” Miles remarked after watching the Jaeger step back, “What’s your name?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt Character Portrait: Damea Reese
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#, as written by Siryn

“This from the melodramatic therian who has been closer to death over the last few weeks that I have in my entire lifetime? I’m flattered by your concern. But at the same time. Thank you, for believing in me,” Her voice held hints of sarcasm, yet at the end it was more sincere. Touya frowned at her for a moment but didn't comment on her calling him 'melodramatic' and having nearly died several times already. Though he had to admit, she had a point there. How many times had he come so close to death and just barely escaped its clutches? Too many, and all within the short amount of time that he'd known her.

"Of course I believe in you. It is as you said, you human's have learned to thrive despite the many odds against you. You're race is... strange, yet oddly alluring to me. I do not understand half of the things you do or don't do. I don't think I ever will, but none-the-less your people have a way of surviving no matter what it is that is thrown at them. I'm intrigued to see what you will be like in another forty years or so," Touya mused, the last part was mainly to himself though he figured that she could hear him.

After that, he did not engage in conversation with her for some time. He was lost in thought rather, and let the horse take them towards his people. He could feel them in the distance, just over another couple of hills and still moving. They were not heading towards the human cities, but they were getting rather close. He figured that they would change course soon enough, though. As they rode, Touya remembered his order to Damea and wondered how the fire mage was faring in the two days -now three as the sun was being to peek it's golden rays over the mountains- days that he'd left him.

"I sent Damea to find Reginald," Touya said aloud, informing April of the decision and the reason as to why the man was not with them right then, "He should reach the city soon. I did not know who else to inform..." Touya was lost in thought once again, wondering if he'd done the right thing by sending the human on his own to seek out a single man.


He felt arms around his and in a matter of moments he was standing up right, held between two people. He hadn't even heard the groups approach, nor could he really comprehend that he was being addressed. Cold water poured over his head, drenching his hair and clothes. some of the dirt washed away to reveal the bright colors of his mercenary clothing and pale features. His white hair clung to the sides of his face and got in his eyes as it dripped from the water. The men holding him released him and Damea took in the people around him. Guards, maybe... he wasn't quite sure. His vision wavered slightly and it took quite a bit of strength to stay standing.

“Hmmmm. Give the man some water, and food. He looks absolutely famished,” a man up on a horse ordered and Damea found himself almost drowning in water as it was forced down his throat. He winced as it burned going down his throat and coughed harshly as whoever held the flask to his mouth pulled it back. He was released again and he stumbled from the rough treatment. Water poured from his mouth, at least what little that hadn't gone down his throat. Wiping his lips he coughed again and looked up to the man seated on the horse.

“This is a dangerous road to pass out on. Never know when a horse could just trample over you. What’s your name?”

Damea hardly comprehended the words spoken to him, however the water had been refreshing and seemingly woke him a bit from his daze.

"Reginald..." Damea answered softly, his mind still trying to connect two and two with what the man asked him. After a moment his eyes widened slightly as he realized that since the past couple of hours he'd been whispering Reginald's name to himself to remind himself why he was wandering the wilds. Curses... Though the men around him had given him water and bread, their brutish looks and armor set him off. He didn't like their aura at all and didn't think they needed to know where and why he was traveling.

"I'm... Damea, the names Damea," he tried again, hoping that the word that had slipped passed his tongue had not been caught by the intimidating man up on the horse. Everything could be ruined if he said the wrong thing now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt Character Portrait: Damea Reese
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April Rosevolt

"Of course I believe in you. It is as you said, you human's have learned to thrive despite the many odds against you. You're race is... strange, yet oddly alluring to me. I do not understand half of the things you do or don't do. I don't think I ever will, but none-the-less your people have a way of surviving no matter what it is that is thrown at them. I'm intrigued to see what you will be like in another forty years or so," Touya reflected.

“Oddly alluring? Should I take that as a compliment? A confession perhaps?” April scoffed, laughing coyly at his indirect observations, “Don’t worry about the confusion, us humans can’t even tell why most of us do what we do.”

Neither of them talked much after that point. Completely lost, April confided her trust in Touya’s detecting abilities, believing that the therian would lead them in the correct direction. The pacing had evolved to a comfortable jog, and without the constant hailstorm of gunfire to chase them, it was relatively enjoyable. Beyond, sunrise was slowly dawning, awaking from its night long slumber. It shifted into place, divulging its tantalizing rays of luminescence over the mountain’s snowy peak. April shielded her eyes in an effort to adapt herself to the changing light.

Breaking the intimate silence, Touya spoke up again, though she got the impression this time he was making a passing comment. "I sent Damea to find Reginald," Touya hesitated, as if uncertain how to best broach the topic.

“You what?!” April burst out. Whipping her head around at him, April’s hand quivered at some barely restrained impulse to slap Touya. Despite being mystified at the complete lack of colloquial banter, she was hardly eager to re-experience Damea’s badgering anytime soon. Thus, the matter seemed trivial and April had gladly assumed the mercenary to be in hiding as a part of some plan. How naïve of her. Never could she imagine that he had been sent in search of Reginald, but she should have suspected something. Baffling as the choice was, she resigned herself to simply glaring at Touya, knowing that nothing could be done to amend his decision at present.

“Even despite knowing why I tricked him in the first place?” she accused, stressing his negligence. Shaking her head, her gaze drifted back to the rolling scenery, too cross to stare at him. Reconciliation was going to have to wait again it seemed.

"He should reach the city soon. I did not know who else to inform..." the therian trailed off.

“Val and a lot of his tribe are still missing,” April said. Touya probably knew of the fact given his offer to train her, but she needed a diversion from the growing tension. “They killed dozens and escaped despite our numbers. I’m not sure how Altheim will respond now. Nothing is guaranteed. You may have to prepare yourself for a battle on three fronts, Touya.”

A pragmatic woman at heart, April was well aware of the potential repercussions awaiting them. She also felt it was her responsibility to warn Touya, audacious as the therian was. “More to the point, we should hurry to catch-up with the first convoy. It’s already the third day and I estimate that they’re two day’s worth travel from reaching Altheim. After they reach the city, all bets are off,” she reminded him, keenly aware of what dangers existed within the city. “Fortunately, they should stop mid-way for supplies. This should afford us a little more time, as well as a brief window of opportunity.”

Miles Riverbend

Waiting patiently for an answer, Miles inspected the stray’s features while the man recollected his bearings. The mercenary’s focus was a disordered mess, wavering from one spot to the next without rhyme. His circumstances were a shrouded enigma, though it was obvious he had not been recently engaged in conflict due to the lack of wounds. To the man’s credit, he managed to maintain a semblance of calm. Most people would have fled or simply pissed their pants upon meeting a unit of Jaeger Guard, not to mention one led by the infamous Beast Slayer.

"Reginald..." he murmured.

“Reginald?” Miles queried, leaning in closer as if he was unable to hear the vagrant.

"I'm... Damea, the names Damea," the man stammered, correcting himself quickly.

Raising an eyebrow, Miles kicked his horse forwards and brought it right up before Damea. His closing proximity was ever also slightly intimidating, an effect that was amplified by fact that a squadron of Altheim’s best fighters rallied behind him. Stopping just several feet away, Miles glanced down before erupting into a fit of laughter.

“Relax man, no need to be so tense,” he chided, “Rest assured, we’re just passing through on business.”

The Beast Slayer’s assistance may have resembled an act of charity on the surface, but more honestly, Miles was simply attempting to kill time. Desperate to escape the formal conversations he associated with the Jaeger Guard, Miles was willing to settle for even this minor inconvenience.

“Damea, pleasure to meet you. I’m Miles Riverbend, though I’m sure you’re already aware of that,” Miles returned with a smirk that bordered on the verge of egotistical. “It sounds like you’re trying to meet someone. But, word of advice, I’d stop by a tavern or the city to look after yourself first. You’re no used to anyone dead.”

At that, Miles kicked the sides of his horse, compelling his stead to trot past Damea. The Jaeger Guard followed without word, abandoning the mercenary to his devices.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt Character Portrait: Damea Reese Character Portrait: Val
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Siryn

Than man on the horse reigned his stead closer to Damea. The sell sword was well practiced at keeping his calm, even so with the man's intimidating presence his tension was high and it was all he could do to not reach for his swords. The water had refreshed him and brought him some semblance of balance and control. His mismatched gaze watched the man far above him wearily. Even as the man spoke, he wasn't sure he trusted him at all.

“Relax man, no need to be so tense. Rest assured, we’re just passing through on business.”

Damea lifted an eyebrow but didn't say anything more to the man that leaned forward in his saddle. As he watched him, the well dressed man on the horse smiled at him as he continued speaking.

“Damea, pleasure to meet you. I’m Miles Riverbend, though I’m sure you’re already aware of that. It sounds like you’re trying to meet someone. But, word of advice, I’d stop by a tavern or the city to look after yourself first. You’re no used to anyone dead.”

Damea's lips frowned as Miles turn his horse around and canter off into the direction opposite direction he was heading. The group of armed forces followed him, their armor and weapons chinking together softly as they went. It was definitely an elite group that he'd just run into and one that he didn't wish to run into again.

"Yeah, no clue who the hell you are," Damea whispered to himself and turned to look back down the road. He was a day from the city, if he hurried he could get to Reginald quite quickly. Refreshed with the bit of water he'd had and the food shoved at him, Damea started forward again at a quick pace. He finished the food given to him in a matter of minutes not wishing to carry any of it for too long. What a fool he'd been to leave Touya without thinking, mostly because he'd left without having any water or anything else packed on him. Their source of food and water had come from the Therian who had lived off the lands before.

Shaking his head slightly, Damea focused on getting to where he needed to be. At the back of his mind he wondered what kind of business required the attention of such intimidating people. He wasn't entirely sure he wanted to know the answer to that question though.


“You what?!”

Touya winced as her sharp voice reached him. He leaned back away from her, half startled as she whirled around on him. Her eyes were glittering with rage once again and he couldn't figure out why she was so angry. What had he done now? Was it something he said? The Therian couldn't put two and two together and sat in the saddle dumb founded, staring at her with confusion.

“Even despite knowing why I tricked him in the first place?” With a shake of her head, she turned away from him, grumbling. So that was the reason. He'd sent Damea to go get Reginald and she didn't wish for the man to be there at all. Sure Touya agreed with her not wanting to lose more men, but he hadn't planned on her releasing him and the other Therian's like she'd done. So, he'd sent Damea to get Reginald so that the two of them could figure out a plan to help release Touya and bring April back to her senses... or rather, that had been somewhat along the lines of what Touya had been thinking at the time.

“Val and a lot of his tribe are still missing. They killed dozens and escaped despite our numbers. I’m not sure how Altheim will respond now. Nothing is guaranteed. You may have to prepare yourself for a battle on three fronts, Touya.”

She took a breath hardly waiting for him to respond to her before she spoke again. All the while, Touya was more than prepared to do battle with many different factions of people, “More to the point, we should hurry to catch-up with the first convoy. It’s already the third day and I estimate that they’re two day’s worth travel from reaching Altheim. After they reach the city, all bets are off. Fortunately, they should stop mid-way for supplies. This should afford us a little more time, as well as a brief window of opportunity.”

Touya, in the midst of listening to her, pulled the reigns and began redirecting their steed. He would heed her words this time. Instead of going after the group of Therian's she'd released, he would take to the road and head for the city of Altheim. It wouldn't take him long to get back on the track of his kin. With a flick of his wrist he snapped the reigns and the horse moved accordingly, moving forward faster and slowly picking up speed. They were soon racing across the wilds heading towards the main road where they'd branched off from days ago. On horseback they would reach the road in a few hours. Touya hoped that before the end of the day they would reach the caravan that held his kin prisoner.


The caves had exited someways away from the battle front and that was where Val lead his people. Out in the open, he was grateful for the distance between him and the human army. Behind him, women, children and the elderly followed him in a soft commotion of noise. The forest of Creeid was no longer of any use to them and they would have to re-establish their settlement. Fortunately, the men he'd sent ahead of him to help the others leave had done a good job and gathering as much technology as they could to take with them. Mostly it was tools and metal scraps, some devices that the human's had either discarded or were experimenting on, or something that had once been of use to them.

Looking out across the expanse of open fields, the hills cut his vision of where the army lay, but he knew they were too far to be of any concern right then. In the meantime, he would have to find a new forest for them to settle in. Turning, he set his gaze to the south and eyed the horizon. The yellow light of the sun illuminated the hills making them look like gold. The days of summer were quickly turning to cold winter. A couple more months and he was sure they would see snow upon the earth.

"What do you have in mind, Val?"

"We head south. Find a forest or a good place with enough cover to re-fortify and settle our people. You'll lead them, Kaeo," Val said, turning and putting his hand on the other Therian's shoulder. The man named Kaeo nodded his head to Val, his eyes holding his determination steadily.

"I'll send word to you as soon as we find a place."

"Good. I'll be taking a group of fighters with me. I wish to see what those humans are up to."

"Don't engage in a fight with them. They're too many."

"You don't need to remind me of that. I'm simply curious as to what it is they were doing there and how easily they found us. I fear the worst though. To think that Touya might have unwittingly led that woman to us. It's possible she betrayed him and if she has... well we might just win another Therian to our side."

"And what of Ahmeil?"

"She's smart enough to figure out what happened. She won't blunder around into the forest when she see's the army. Besides, she is still busy with her own mission. I don't expect to hear from her for a little while longer. It is also half the reason to go back, I wish to make sure she makes it to us safely."

Kaeo looked off into the distance as Val did and nodded slowly, "Then we'll see you in a few days."

"Be careful and take care of yourselves until I return."

"We will, and you do the same, Val. We would be lost without you."

Val gave a soft grunt of a laugh and called out to a group of armed Therian's. With a slight beckon of his hand, he was surrounded by them and they set off back to the north to spy upon the human encampment that had attacked them. It would be a couple of days, but that didn't matter much. Val was sure the camp would be moving soon and he wished to know where they'd come from and tailing them was one thing the Therian's were very good at.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt
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April Rosevolt

They rode hard and fast for an entire day before reaching their quarry, only pausing to manage the barest of necessities. Stops to hunt, rest and find water compounded the delay, but frankly, April believed they would need all the strength they could get. Murky clouds sat overcast, blotting out the sky and enhancing her sense of foreboding. When they finally caught wind of the convoy it was from a passing local. April had spent much of that time attempting to design an appropriate ambush, a task which eluded her insofar. Without knowing the terrain and composition of the caravan’s forces, she was clueless. It was safe to assume that the convoy consisted of men from the 33rd Legion, and likely no more than fifteen of them.

The convoy was parked along the roadside of the path ahead. Hard to miss, April nonetheless felt the need to direct Touya.

“There!” April indicated helpfully with her pointed finger, “Ease in and fall of the track here in the forests. We don’t want to alert them to our presence yet.”

Touya was a step ahead of her in that regard and guided their horse into the murky folds of the forest edge. The Jouran Road ran flat, wide and through the bountiful lowlands and rainforests east of Altheim. Composed of irrigated crop fields, the lowlands depended on a winding river for their year round water. A fresh, damp smell hung in the air, and the road followed the river for most of the way.

The convoy had their backs to the river. It was a natural response to the tree-lined road and suggested whoever was leading them had a sound, tactical mind. Clambering from their horse, she helped Touya secure it to a tree trunk and then touched his wrist with precaution written into her expression.

“No rushing in this time,” she stated, looking up at his eyes, “We go in and analyze. Keep the noise level to a minimum.”

With her intentions clarified, April led the way, navigating her way through columns of forest hardwood. Above them it was beginning to rain, dousing the duo in droplets of chilling water. Globules peppered the ground, creating the indistinct rhythm of rainfall. April felt strands of her hair cling to her face as they slunk closer enough to observe, but far enough to evade detection.

“Good,” April murmured, taking mental notes of the caravan’s distribution. Normally she would sign language to communicate, but she very much doubted that Touya was capable of understanding that. “Four non-combatants, thirteen guards.”

Close to her estimations, the question remained though, how would they tackle such overwhelming numbers with only two people? Abruptly, April’s crouched figure perked up, growing tense in the wilderness. Picking up the sounds of an approaching horse, April’s blue eyes fell down the road to Altheim. Appearing over the ridge came less than a dozen men. In the gathering mist, it was hard to discern their features from such a distance, prompting her to shift locations laterally.

She rounded another brush to get a better look, only to immediately feel her heart drop. April dropped away, falling onto her back as if she had been rammed by a bull. Her gaze went up to Touya, wide with a mixture of fear and despair.

“Riverbend…” she stammered, “And the Jaeger Guard…”

William Benedict

Over a day had passed. William was reluctant to believe it, but given the accumulated evidence, he had few options. April was a therian sympathizer. The reality begged disbelief, but it also inserted those perilous seeds of doubt. Did she miss hitting the therian on purpose? Did she let the soldier bleed out? Did she free the prisoners? Why only use laxatives then? The situation seemed more complex then he imagined.

“Sir, orders from HQ,” Cob interjected, appearing through the flaps of his command tent. A white dove rested on top of his adjudicates wrist, implying the message was recent. Awoken from his musings, William glanced up from his papers and smiled slightly.

“What is it now?” he frowned, standing up to receive the letter.

“No clue, sir,” Cob responded.

William picked up his letter opener and cut through the red seal of head office. Flipping the top open, he rummaged around and retrieved the awaiting piece of paper.

“I guessed as much,” William said, half-sighing. He looked up from the letter at his awaiting adjudicate and then dropped back to his desk. “We’re being sent back to Altheim.”

“Any word on the lost prisoners?” Cob inquired, curious.

“Nay, they escaped in the night,” William shrugged, “HQ won’t be happy, but at least they should receive half of the batch. Head brass seems awfully eager to get their greasy hands on some live faceless these days.”

“You could inform them of the dangers…” Cob hazarded.

William gave a slight smirk implying he had, “Don’t concern yourself with it Cob. Spread the word to get packing. We head back to Altheim!”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt Character Portrait: Damea Reese
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#, as written by Siryn

“No rushing in this time. We go in and analyze. Keep the noise level to a minimum.”

A soft touch on his wrist caught his attention. He glanced down to the woman who was gazing up at him. Was she... concerned? Probably, well it made sense. He wasn't one to really think things through entirely. To him it made more sense to strike fast and hard whenever you could. Touya took a look at the caravan that they'd caught up to. He counted several men and was assured to his count by April's voice softly reaching his ears.

“Good. Four non-combatants, thirteen guards.”

Non-combatants? What kind of term was that? Well, he didn't have time to reflect on it really as April moved away from him. He wondered where she went and then realized that something must have caught her attention. Even so, it was difficult for him to simply sit there and do nothing. They were only thirteen humans and with his power he could easily take them all out in one strike. Even if he didn't wish to do so, fighting them hand to hand was easy enough as well. To make things even better, he could get to the cage that held the other Therian's and free them. He knew that once freed, they would willingly help him in the fight.

From the corner of his eye he caught April falling backwards. The rain was hard and he thought that she might have slipped in the mud beneath them. However, that didn't seem to be the case as she looked up at him from her spot on the ground. Having fallen, Touya had lunged forward quickly to assess if she was alright or not, worry in his gaze. That was replaced with confusion as she spoke to him, fear in her eyes.

“Riverbend… And the Jaeger Guard…”

"Jaeger Guard?" He asked in response to her words. Looking up from her prone figure he searched through the haze of rain and slowly gathering fog. A group of men were coming towards the camp and they didn't look to be any normal men either. Touya's heart clenched in his chest and he wondered just how easily he was going to win this fight, if at all. His original idea was starting to sound more and more appealing as he sat there. If he could take out the majority of regular soldiers, than taking on these... 'elite' ones would be easier without the pesky little runts in his way.

Once that was done, he would then free the people in the cage giving him five good warriors. Touya was sure the only reason they did not attack the humans was because they were trying to prove that they were not like Val and his men. He also wished to prove that, so how was he going to do that? If he killed them all it wouldn't sit well with April. However, if he didn't kill them they would most assuredly kill him. His eyes narrowed as he watched the camp intently. Finally, after devising a semi-plan he allowed his claws to extend and the blades on his arms to come out.

Reaching to his back he pulled out both his folded blades, but did not engage them. Turning he looked at April for a moment before he said anything to her. He was going to try to keep the casualties to a minimum. After all, they were only there for the Therian's and then they would leave.

"Stay here," he told her simply and started forward through the haze. His power hummed around him as he slowly let it build. The glow was ominous in the rain and as he approached the back of the carriage, he kept low and silent. Once he reached the cage that held his brethren, he reached up with his clawed fingers and easily snapped the flimsy metal lock off. He opened the door of the carriage quickly, knowing that the sound of the metal breaking had probably alerted someone. Looking to his kin he called to them in their own language.

"Hurry, into the trees and don't stop," they stood quickly then and Touya rounded the carriage, making himself seen and becoming the target to the humans. Only then did he snap open the blades of his weapons and attacked the first of several men that came at him. Touya's aim wasn't to kill them, however so his fighting style changed. Still fluent in every move, he was mostly on the defensive and knocked the blades and axes that came at him. His only other concern were the men's newest weapon, the guns that were hastily being loaded and aimed at him. He charged his body and expelled the magic outwards, intending only to knock the men off their feet. Any injuries they sustained upon falling wasn't going to be all that life threatening.

Touya fought carefully, aiming his hits to either cripple or knock out his opponents, but not to kill. Mostly he wanted to show April that he was not Val and that he was capable of being compassionate despite the fact that the men before him were trying to kill him. He worked his way forwards through the mass of thirteen guards and finally set his eyes upon the man seated on top of the horse with his 'elite' guard with him. At that moment, Touya wondered if his decision had been the right one.


The moment he'd set eyes upon the city, Damea had started running. Something was making him anxious and he didn't like the feeling that had followed him since leaving the man named Miles. It was as if fate were telling him to hurry, to go faster than what he was. A bitter taste sat at the back of his mouth and he couldn't get rid of it. The fire mage made the city in the next hour, just as the rain clouds began stretching from behind him. It was an interesting sight to see a sheet of rain following after him as the clouds dispersed from the south.

Damea entered the city, with his chest heaving and the air seeming like it couldn't get into his lungs fast enough. He doubled over as he reached a guardsmen and reached out for him. At this point it didn't really matter who knew whom Damea was looking for so he gripped the man by the sleeve and stopped him from walking away. The guard, unsure as to what to do stood there like a statue. Once the mercenary had gotten enough breath in his lungs to speak, he looked up at the man and huffed out a few words.

"Reginald... I... need... Reginald," then he dropped to the ground on his hands and knees, panting for air and feeling sick as well as dizzy with weariness and fatigue. He could only hope that the guard would get his point and hurry off to get the doctor. Damea needed the man right then.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt Character Portrait: Damea Reese
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April Rosevolt

"Jaeger Guard?" Touya questioned her cluelssly.

April’s gaze shot to the approaching the party in growing alarm. Her heart was a nervous wreck as fear pumped through her veins, inspired by the stories she had heard. Few career soldiers did not know of the Jaeger Guard. They were the best of the best, each one a veteran of numerous conflicts. Disciplined, strong and effective were three words often associated with them. Their unit won the battle of Red River, culling the beastmen hordes. It was them who led the charge against the Shrouded Rebels and took the head of their leader. April looked at them now, each one as tall and intimidating as Touya.

Furnished with the finest weapons Altheim had to offer, they carried an embroidered version of the standard rifles. April was more concerned about one particularly lethal looking weapon, a multi-barreled rifle of some sort. It was so large that it required the service of two men, one to feed a belt of brass bullets into an ammo box, another to aim. Their presence once inspired her with courage and hope, but at present, that could not be farther from the truth.

“This is bad,” she said, sucking the air through her teeth. There was no time to explain. “I suggest we retreat.”

April’s alarm only increased as she watched Touya reach to the blades hanging across his back. "Stay here," he said before bounding towards the caravan.

“Dammit Touya! What did I say about not rushing in?!” she hissed after him.

April had gotten up in a frugal attempt to restrain the therian, but he was out of her reach instantly, covering the distance between them at the convoy in seconds. Watching with abated breath, she saw the therian work his way over to the lock containing his people. Reaching up, Touya snapped the metal shank like a twig. The loud cracked which ensued from the raid made her wince involuntarily, so did the guards.

Cries of panic were issued immediately. Roused from their recreational break, the guards stood up and unsheathed their weapons with a synchronous wisp.

“The faceless are escaping! Ambush!” screamed one. Collectively they charged towards Touya, weapons raised in an act of aggression. Others combed the surroundings, suspicious of additional collaborators.

Touya met them head on, drawing their attentions away from the fleeing therians. Some of the guards hesitated, reluctant to chase their prisoners when a six foot tall therian was charging directly towards them. If the choice existed, Touya eradicated the notion with a simple flick of his wrists. The loud snap of his blades drawing out caught their awareness and they gathered to address the immediate threat.

“Kill him!” roared another soldier.

Touya danced around them, deflecting blades and axe heads with astonishing grace. His skill was almost unnerving. April cursed and withdrew her crossbow. This was hardly the time to admire his capabilities. Several of the soldiers were in the process of aiming their rifles, meaning Touya was moments away from being riddled by gunfire. Swiveling her aim, April loaded an air bursting cross bolt and blew the closest man off his feet. She loaded again within seconds, but the therian had a similar plan and expelled a wave of magic, knocking the rest to the ground.

She noticed then that the therian was avoiding fatal blows. Every man that fell to the ground was either knocked out or merely crippled. April could hardly believe what she was witnessing. Such excellent self control was unheard of, nay it was impossible. The therian was up against thirteen trained men and he was still beating them. What a monster…no, he was much more than that.

Miles Riverbend

Miles watched the unfolding spectacle with unsettling calm. He waited until the therian was finished disposing of the original guards and then spoke with a smile.

“Wow, it’s a pleasure to make your company therian,” Miles whistled, admiring the man’s handiwork.

Still perched on the top of his saddle, he looked down at the therian with his arms crossed. Seventeen men, all knocked out or crippled, but no dead. It was an impressive show; even he had to acknowledge that. Killing a man in armed combat was far easier than not killing him. Such sentiment spoke mountains of the therian's skill. Miles nodded off to the Jaeger Guard who had so far remained still on his orders. Heeding some silent command, two of them disappeared into the forest, melting in the shadows. The other four remained beside him, utterly obedient.

"So, who gets the honors?" One of the Jaeger Guard, a burlesque ocher man, asked his compatriots.

Each of them looked to each other, drawing mental straws. Eventually they all locked eyes upon Miles who snorted derisively, "Looks like they want me to go first. Sorry therian, no hard feelings."

“You’re rather close to human territory. You’re very brave to venture out here in order to save your kin,” Miles complimented, uncrossing his arms and then scaling down from his horse. “I respect that you avoided killing blows also.”

Miles strode closer, matching the therian’s height and composure. Unbothered by the rain, he stopped a dozen feet away and discarded his soaking jacket.

“But I have a job to do, and a reputation to upkeep,” Miles continued, unsheathing his own sword.

Outstretching his left hand forwards, Miles position his blade parallel to the arm, aiming the blade at Touya. Breath, remember your training. Narrowing his eyes at the silver haired therian, Miles leapt forwards in a vicious lunge.

Dean ‘Havoc’ Reginald

“Corporal Reginald!”

Startled by his name, Reginald looked up from his work desk at the colleague behind him.

“Penelope, how can help?” he smiled amicably. Recognising her heart shaped face, the former medic swiveling around in his seat to address the woman properly.

“You have a message, someone was requesting your aid? Some delirious mercenary?” Penelope frowned as she read the contents of the note.

“Mind if I have a look?” he asked, gazing at the note. Penelope nodded and passed over the dispatch. Humming, Reginald mused over the contents of the message.

“They just requested Reginald?” he remarked, reading off the words. “That’s rather vague. Could be anybody. There’s more than one Reginald in the city, probably best to ignore it.”

Penelope shrugged her tiny shoulders in a helpless fashion. “The dispatch is from a guard by East gate. Says he found a delirious mercenary? Colorful clothes, mismatched eyes?”

“Mismatched eyes? What color? Green and red?” Reginald asked, growing cautious.

“I guess…I dunno,” Penelope said, shaking her head.

“Penelope…do you mind telling Felicia that I’m heading home early? I may have an emergency to tend to.”

Catching the tram, it still took Reginald an hour to venture from the west to eastern suburbs. Reginald rather enjoyed the public service, though much of the population had yet to grow use to this new form of mechanized transport. The foundations for the tram system had only recently been introduced a few months ago. Power lines snaked over the streetlamps, forming a grid work of cables that floated about sixteen feet high. If he remembered correctly, the city guard had a precinct along Collins Street, just right of the Eastern gates.

When he finally located the department, Reginald strode through the double doors and approached the administrative desk. To his utter dismay, there was a long cue of people already present. Reginald let out a sort off strangled moan, cursing the convoluted bureaucracy of city life.

Instead of taking his place in the line, a stomped straight towards the front desk. A guard on duty took notice of the medic and immediately moved to intercept him.

"Excuse me sir, all inquiries are processed at that line over ther-"

Reginald flashed a badge of some kind that instantly shut the man up. "You're hold a mercenary wearing a yellow jacket and red trimmings. Where?"

"Uh, allow me go ask the key keeper," the guard responded.

Confirming his suspicions, the guardsman returned a few minutes later to guide Reginald to the temporary holding cells. Most of the people brought here where just waiting to be transferred to Glendale prison. Damea was in the fourth cell block, though the man was out cold.

"He was brought in for being armed and haggling a guard," the lawman informed him, "What do you want me to do?"

"Open the door, I want to speak with him. Moreover as a medic, its my duty to help."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt Character Portrait: Damea Reese
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#, as written by Siryn

“Wow, it’s a pleasure to make your company therian,” the man on the horse offered as Touya dispatched the last of the soldiers that had attempted to kill him. He turned his attention to the man who was still seated on his horse. Touya lifted an eyebrow as the man commented to him, hardly interested in knowing why this human was inclined to address him at all.

Touya noted that two of the six men disappeared into the haze of the rain, going back into the treeline on the other side of the road. His heart clenched tightly as his thoughts went to April immediately. He did his best to hide any sign that he'd realized that the man was sending his soldiers to look for others, the only thing that might have tipped the man before him was the Therian's slight narrowing of his eyes.

The human looked around before one of his soldiers spoke up, looking to the men that had kept out of the fight the entire time, "So, who gets the honors?"

"Looks like they want me to go first. Sorry therian, no hard feelings. You’re rather close to human territory. You’re very brave to venture out here in order to save your kin. I respect that you avoided killing blows also.”

Touya watched as the man on the horse, apparently their leader thus making him the Miles Riverbend that April had mentioned earlier, dismount. He still did not answer the human as he slipped off the saddle and hit the mud beneath him. As Miles approached him, Touya let his body slid into a defensive stance, keeping up his original plan of not killing any of them.

Miles was just as tall as the Therian as he walked up to him and discarded his jacket in the heavy rain. Touya flicked his gaze to the dark cloth that crumpled into the mud, soaked. His gaze returned to Miles when the man spoke again.

“But I have a job to do, and a reputation to upkeep,” the leader of the 'elite' soldiers withdrew his sword and pointed the blade directly at Touya. The Therian had a dreadful feeling that this man was not like any other he'd faced before. He also knew that Miles was not going to be compassionate, rather he would be the opposite and kill Touya as soon as the chance presented itself.

Touya's eyes darkened as he watched the human before him. A second later and Miles lunged at him. Touya moved quickly, darting around the man to avoid the deadly swing of his sword. Steel scrapped as the Therian deflected the attack with one of his blades. As he came around on the human's side he sent his second weapon downwards towards Miles in an arc, keeping his first blade horizontal and out in front of him in case an attack came at Touya.

Another dual wielder. Just like that mercenary earlier, Miles thought with amusement. The therian's response was anticipated but well executed. A flash of braided hair followed as the man rounded his swing and delved into his flank. One of his swords was up in a defensive position, guarding against potential retaliation as the therian directed his other arm in swift slash.

His mistake was defending. Instead of defending, he should have pressed his advantage and attacked without respite. With only one sword to concentrate on, Miles could maneuver freely. Shifting his sword hand, Miles deflected the the first strike with a grunt, angling his blade to ensure that the parried edges would not gouge into each other.

"Why don't you use your hidden blades?" he quipped, struggling to resist the therian's ferocious strength.

In his left hand, a ball of water and mud congregated before he thrust it in the eyes of the therian. The distraction was an effort to disable his opponents vision, but Miles' true struck had yet to be dealt. "Your head comes next!" Miles hissed.

He span away suddenly, becoming a blur of movement as he shuffled out of the range of the therian's flanking blade. In another moment the butt of his sword came crashing downwards, not aimed at the therian's face though, but at his bracers instead.

Miles whirled around and caught his blade as it descended onto what Touya had thought to be the man's unprotected side. He was highly mistaken and the human's speed was astonishing. The blades clashed together and the human pushed upwards, fighting the Therian's strength commendably. Miles asked him then why he did not use his hidden blades, the answer being that Touya did not wish to kill the man. However, he did not say anything to the human and concentrated on the fight instead.

Water splashed into his face suddenly and his eyes burned immediately after. There had been something in the water and Touya gave a shout of surprise and anger. He stumbled backwards, one hand reaching up with to try to wipe his eyes clear. He heard Miles' growl right after, but it was far too late for him to react. He thought for sure the man was going to strike at his neck, so he twisted his hand that was already up at his face to block with the sword.

It was a terrible mistake and he felt blinding pain rushing through his arm as the man slammed his swords pommel into his forearm. The metal dented and Touya lost all feeling in his fingers. His blade dropped and the Therian stumbled even further away from his attacker. Finally able to see a bit better, he glared at Miles, grinding his teeth in fury. His eyes still burned and it was hard to keep them open, but he did what he could.

The weaponry along his forearm was now useless on his right hand, leaving only his left to fight and defend with. The mechanism's in his arm whirled and he allowed the blades to come forward, the claws to elongate along his fingers that held his sword. He lunged forward, bringing his sword to the left across his body to slice at Miles' chest. This human... he'd underestimated him.

A civilized fighter was in certain respects easier to deal with than a savage one. Miles had dueled with all sorts during his time, the berserker, the over confident, the coward. In doing so he discovered that handling each one often deserved a unique approach all of its own. Though he refused to talk, the therian obviously had a firm grasp on the common tongue. The way his hand shot up in instinctive defense of his neck was evidence enough of that. More than that, Miles could distinguish the subtle nuances each time he addressed the therian directly.

His cunning ploy was rewarded with a resounding crack of bent metal. Experience told him to watch out for the therian’s limbs, a theory that was proven correct as claws burst from the therian’s left bracer. It was also the reason he targeted it first. Had the therian engaged with both arms originally, even Miles would have been uncertain of his victory. Fortune was on his side today for it seemed that the therian wished to avoid human fatalities, Miles just needed to finish him before the therian realized he was being driven within a corner.

“Its offensive to the warrior you’re fighting if you hold back, you know?” Miles remarked as the therian came at him.

The therian’s leap positioned him precisely in front of Miles. Although his right blade had been dropped, Miles’ guard was raised higher than ever. This was a therian, a shapeshifter, a mechanized humanoid, a warrior of no doubt countless campaigns. He could not afford to underestimate him. A sharp pain ripped over his chest as the therian’s sword cut through the fabric of his shirt, edge shining under head. Tendrils of blood followed, but Miles had only reared back intentionally, keeping his sword free for the counter attack.

Few opponents ever suspected that the same trick would be used again, especially amidst the fighting, and Miles was counting on that negligence to facilitate his victory. Precluding his counter slash, another goblet of muddy water flew towards the therian’s face again. Whether or not it hit, Miles committed everything into his next thrust. In an instant, Miles’ blade flashed forwards, going for the therian’s heart before his adversary recovered.

Touya felt his blade cut across Miles' chest and he came forward to move his blade back the other way. However, the human was already moving and his own weapon cut across Touya's upper abdomen. He hissed in pain but ignored it, still intent on driving Miles' to his knees. Another ball of murky water was conjured, but Touya saw it this time before it could do too much damage to his already impaired eyesight. Lifting his injured arm, he blocked the ball of water, some of it still splashing across his face. The move cost him and he caught the flash of steel just before it struck him. Unable to move his sword, he sacrificed the weapon to save his life.

He shoved his arm in the way of the incoming blade, taking the weapon with his forearm instead and angling the weapon away from his heart. However, the sword still drove forward, across the top of his arm with blinding pain as the mechanisms were destroyed and then deep into his chest, but thankfully far from his heart. Touya dropped to his knees then, at the complete mercy of his advesary. His breathing was labored as he knelt there, the pouring ran running red with his blood.

He gave the image that he'd been defeated while just beneath the skin he was gathering his power. He only needed a little while longer before he could expel the pure energy and knock back Miles. It depended on how quickly this human wished to kill him, though. Reaching over with his other hand he gripped the sword entirely and held onto it, making sure that the man couldn't disengage from him.


The sound of a door opening woke him from his sleep. The moment he'd been brought into holding he'd crashed out onto the cot that was in the tiny cell. He never heard the door slamming closed behind him, so when it opened he was slightly confused as to where he was. Damea twisted around slowly to see who it was, his vision blurry for several moments. All he could make out was a blurred shape of a man coming to kneel down next to him. Slowly his vision cleared and he made out Reginald's features. The fire mage felt a smile crawl across his lips. He'd made it.

"Reginald," his voice cracked, "Touya... April... they fought. Then there was... an army, and they... killed the Therians," Damea's eyes watered as he recalled the horrid event of the small tribe being wiped out. He didn't know what else to say then, but tried to convey the urgency to Reginald, "April... left us... betrayed us.... Touya's captured..."

Damea shifted his body and attempted to get up. He began pushing himself upwards with both hands as they were cuffed together. The room shifted suddenly and he fell over, "Have to leave... have to help him..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt Character Portrait: Damea Reese Character Portrait: Dean 'Havoc' Reginald
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Miles Riverbend

Miles released a small huff of approval as his sword dug satisfyingly deep into the therian’s chest. Not enough to be an instant kill, but the therian had completely lost function of his right arm in the process. Sacrificing it was a desperate ploy to alter the trajectory of his blade, and a well calculated one given the limb was already damaged, but not for much longer. The two of them stood still in the drenching rain for a moment, breaths steaming. Staring down at his opponent, Miles pulled his blade back and prepared for the finishing blow, but therian intercepted and took hold of it. Crimson liquid welled between the cutting edge and where his fingers had taken their grip, but Miles could not retrieve his sword. Screw the scientist’s orders to take in therians alive, he was going to do this the quick and efficient way. The right way. Miles reached down to his belt to purposefully withdraw his combat knife.

Abruptly, boot steps splashed in the mud behind him. Miles kept his attention on the therian, but realized one of Jaeger Guard had returned from the forests. Something heavier splurged against the dirt, followed by the soft groan of a woman.

“Where’s the other one of you?” Miles asked.

The Jaeger Guard stood to attention, like a hound presenting its prize. In front of him lay April, down on her knees and severely injured. The most telling factors were the giant bruise coating her left cheek and a miniscule bullet wound in her left thigh. A second hole bore into her waist. Trickles of blood ran from her wounds only to be diluted then washed away by persistent drizzle. Though mostly covered by a slick film of hair, April’s face was a mask of barely contained agony and shame.

“We caught this one sir! She killed Sanchez before I could subdue her,” the man reported.

“A fighter, eh? Well that’s not too surprising, you’re average therian is far better equipped than your average huma-”

“She’s human, sir,” the Jaeger Guard interjected. “Ex-military.”

The correction managed to turn Miles’ gaze ever so slightly as he allowed the surprise to show on his features. Humans travelling with therians were essentially unheard of in Altheim. The social backlash alone of assisting the aliens was often enough to dissuade even the kindest of Samaritans. Why then was a former military soldier associating themselves with this therian?

“Proof?” Miles queried, raising an eyebrow as he turned around briefly, even as his sword was held in the grasps of the therian.

The Jaeger Guard held up a crossbow before chucking it to Miles. Snatching it from the air with his free arm, Miles turned back to the therian as he switched between inspecting the weapon and watching Touya. The crossbow was of a standard issue army design, even despite a few personal modifications. An army seal was the missing component, but Miles could see evidence in the metal work that the insignia had been scratched off recently.

“A sympathizer,” he frowned as he tossed the crossbow away casually. The question now was how many of these spies currently resided within their own ranks? How far up the ranks had they infiltrated the chain of command? “Take her to Glendale prison.”

At that point the knife came forwards, a flash of steel aiming for the therian’s jugular.

Dean ‘Havoc’ Reginald

It was Damea alright. Recognizing the man from his clothes, Reginald stepped into the jail cell and walked forwards to the lethargic mercenary wearing a frown. His disheveled appearance conjured a multitude of questions, but Reginald reminded himself to focus on the immediate dangers. Unfortunately he did not possess his med pack with him, having hastily raced down to the guard precinct from work.

“Do you have a medkit available, and water?” he asked the key keeper quickly before crouching besides Damea. The man nodded and hollered to an adjudicate to go fetch the requested materials.

"Reginald…Touya... April... they fought. Then there was... an army, and they... killed the Therians," Damea smiled stupidly, as if he had been blessed by an angel. The words, a cracked shadow of his former enthusiasm was the most concerning aspect of Damea’s delirious condition.

"April... left us... betrayed us.... Touya's captured..."

Reginald was barely listening to his deranged ramblings but the last sentence gave cause to a slight show of astonishment. His hands hovered in suspense above Damea before commencing their routine check-ups.

“You need to rest first,” Reginald stated.

"Have to leave... have to help him..." Damea mumbled, trying weakly to rise. Trembling hands struggled to support his build, but his body was too exhausted for any standard form of movement. Damea looked malnourished, dehydrated and debilitated. The best solution then was to sleep. Reginald caught the sell sword as he fell back before re-positioning him carefully.

“Rest first, you can tell me everything later.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt Character Portrait: Damea Reese Character Portrait: Dean 'Havoc' Reginald
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#, as written by Siryn

“Where’s the other one of you?” Miles asked one of the men that walked out of the forest. A sound caught Touya's attention and he turned ever so slightly to look at what it was. Before him was April and he felt his heart clench. It was now more imperative for him to win this fight than to lose. She was wounded, two bullet wounds, one in her thigh and the other in her waist. He winced inwardly for her.

“We caught this one sir! She killed Sanchez before I could subdue her,” the guard replied.

“A fighter, eh? Well that’s not too surprising, you’re average therian is far better equipped than your average huma-”

“She’s human, sir,” the Jaeger Guard interjected. “Ex-military.”

Touya barely contained his smirk and a short laugh at the man's ignorance about April. He knew that she was a fiery warrior and not one to underestimate as he'd done plenty of times before. Miles' turned his gaze over to eye the woman before asking the guard for proof of her being ex-military. The guard threw her crossbow at the man and Miles' caught it deftly. The slight movement made Touya wince momentarily as the sword shifted in his chest. Just a little longer and he'd have enough energy to blast Miles' backwards, though it wouldn't be nearly as much as he'd originally wanted.

The correction managed to turn Miles’ gaze ever so slightly as he allowed the surprise to show on his features. Humans travelling with therians were essentially unheard of in Altheim. The social backlash alone of assisting the aliens was often enough to dissuade even the kindest of Samaritans. Why then was a former military soldier associating themselves with this therian?

“A sympathizer. Take her to Glendale prison.”

Miles threw her crossbow away and returned his attention to Touya. Had the Therian not been paying attention he would have never seen the knife coming at his throat. Right then, Touya would have lost his life to the human before him. Even so, it was hard to see the movement at all. He dislodged his other arm that had been stuck with the sword in his chest, pulling it down hard and fast. The pain was dizzying and he nearly lost the strength to continue, but her forced himself to do so. He snatched the knife just as it grazed his throat. Touya barely kept it from digging deep enough to kill him. His hands shook as they held each weapon that was threatening to kill him.

"Don't think... you can kill me... that easily," Touya growled at the man. His body glowed brightly as he'd been hiding the fact that he was gathering the energy around him. In the next instant he expelled the magic at Miles', it was meant to simply throw the man away from him, though he'd hoped to kill him. Unfortunately he didn't have nearly enough magic to do that, but shoving the man backwards was more than enough. The magic expelled outwards, throwing the man before him away. The blade in his shoulder pulled free from the attack and he gasped, falling forward as he could feel the blood pouring from his wound.

Touya caught himself barely in the mud, a cough welled up in his chest and expelled a pool of blood onto the ground, mixing with the mud. His power had also reached the guards that stood over April and he slowly made his way over to her. Reaching out he touched her wounds and allowed his magic to heal her. He worked as quickly as he could, knowing that he didn't have much time. Taking her chin in his fingers, her looked at her as he spoke firmly, "Run. Do not argue. Run," he commanded, "You have to get to Reginald and Damea. Go," he released her and reached up to heal what he could of his deep wound in his chest.

Touya stood then and retrieved his sword in the hand that he could still use. The forearm was damaged completely, but the pain was dull. Even so, he could still wield a blade. He faced Miles and leveled his blade, his body still humming in power and glowing slightly around his form. He would keep Miles attention for as long as he could, to give April time to escape. Flipping his weapon once in his hand, he crouched over and lunged at Miles, slicing through the air as he closed the distance between them.


“Rest first, you can tell me everything later.”

"Don't... worry about me, Reginald. You have to help him," Damea reached out and took hold of the doctors sleeve in his grip. His strength was fading as his body was slowly shutting down to sleep once more, "Just go... you have to hurry..."

Slowly his head slipped down onto the cot and his eyes grew heavy. The fire mage's grip on the doctors arm began to loosen as well and in a matter of minutes he was asleep once more, though the look of urgency still plagued his features.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Khan Character Portrait: April Rosevolt
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Miles Riverbend

Miles’ eyes widened as he cursed his naivety. Assuming the therian was too weak to forcefully resist his final slash was a childish mistake. The Beast Slayer’s balance tapered, caught unaware by the sudden pressure opposing his knife. Snarling at the therian’s stubborn refusal to die easy, Miles’ hand quivered with the effort of trying to finish the blow. Just a couple more inches…

"Don't think... you can kill me... that easily."

“Oh, you have no idea how easy it is,” Miles hissed through gritted teeth.

Abruptly, an unearthly glow consumed the body of the therian. Miles staggered, indecision penetrating his composure as the man was caught between fleeing or finishing off his opponent. A few more jolts confirmed his suspicions as the therian’s hand refused to budge.

“Empire damn you’re hide!” howled the Beast Slayer as the energy erupted in an expanding shell around Touya.

Miles barely had enough time to relinquish his weapons as the explosion threw him across the road.

April Rosevolt

She could hear voices beyond the field of pain, vague implications of dark foreshadowing. Somewhere beyond there she hoped that Touya had escaped along with his people. After the arrival of Miles and the Jaeger Guard, April had been too focused on defending herself to keep tabs on the therian. Strangely, the thought of escaping had yet to occur, most likely due to the lingering guilt of prior events.

The first Jaeger Guard that came after her died to an enchanted cross bolt, a remarkably lucky shot considering the damp conditions and hazy fog. The magically imbued quarrel, designed to puncture plate armor, went through the man’s head like wet paper and he crumbled instantly. Reacting with extreme precision, the second Jaeger Guard bore down on her instantly, knowing that at best April could reload her crossbow in fifteen seconds.

With any notion of stealth forgotten, April withdrew her sword, but a bullet round instantly bit into her thigh. It was all over after that. Even as the rain saturated her leather clothing, April was dragged through the mud and displayed like a trophy. Pain screeched through her nerves every time she received a hard shove or reprimanding kick, so much so she cried for an end to it.

“A sympathizer. Take her to Glendale prison.”

Lifting her head at whomever addressed her; April could scarcely contain her horror as the infamous institution’s name penetrated the feverish haze of agony. Whatever reaction awaited was stalled the moment Touya’s shock wave hit her, though the former soldier had not the slightest inclination of the therian’s intentions. The resultant blast whipped her hair back, sending a gushing wave of cold air and stale water into her clenched eyelids. Wounding flat in the dirt, April bemoaned her harsh treatment, wondering what in the world had just occurred.

Wincing, she rolled to her back, greeting the mottled sky and pattering rain. With her arms limited by the restraining cuffs, April was reduced to blinking her eyes of any irritating particles. Touya’s head appeared over hers, his hair, though soaked, was held fast by a hair ring and cascaded over his shoulder as he crouched over her. For the briefest of seconds, she dared hoped he had emerged victorious.

"Run. Do not argue. Run."

She noticed his wounds, still raw and oozing red liquid in places. “What are you doing?” she stammered as Touya leaned in closer, examining her.

Magic seeped into her wounds, replacing the pain with a warm, fuzzy sense of relief. April gasped aloud like a weight had been lifted from her chest. Alert once again, she directed her narrowed gaze at Touya and clambered upright briskly, still conscious of their precious position. Did he intend to fight with those injuries?

"You have to get to Reginald and Damea. Go,” Touya directed, leaving her to go fetch a weapon.

Standing up behind him, April glanced around as the Jaeger Guard and Miles recovered from whatever it was Touya had done to distract them. Stretching her limbs to test the extent of the therian’s healing, her face held a measure of defiance.

“I know you think I’m a coward, but I’m not stupid. Even if I wanted to run, there’s not much point in it at this stage,” April murmured, standing besides Touya. The chains tying her wrists together jingled imperceptibly as April pointed her arms in the direction of the four Jaeger Guard who remained as passive observers. A particularly daunting sight given the hefty chain gun held between two men. Standing well over a dozen meters away, they were unaffected by the concussive blast. “They could have finished us at any point. The only reason they don’t is because they still believe the situation is under their control. The moment we test that…”

Miles clawed his way up from the road and glared at them with a face half frosted in mud. Reaching over, he located his dagger, though the sword was lost to the forests. “You risked an awful lot to assist your woman,” he said, spitting dirt, "I had no idea a human and therian could have that kind of relationship."

“He’d do it for anyone he cares about,” April responded staunchly.

“Yes, what a boy scout,” Miles said, giving her a withering smile before shifting his gaze to the Jaeger Guard who shot April. “You, aim at the therian.”

The man frowned, but picked up his rifle and aimed down the barrel nonetheless. “Sir?”

“Here’s the deal therian. Kill her, and I’ll let you walk free,” Miles said, ignoring the Jaeger Guard’s question. The soldier’s eyes widened ever so slightly at the Beast Slayer’s proposal.

“Sir! This is not the honorable way!”

“Shut it Sergeant Erin! I don't give a crap about your Jaeger Guard morals! Keep aiming, that’s an order!” Miles snapped and then looked back towards Touya, “Both or you, or one of you, which is it going to be therian?”