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Let's Talk Nerdy

Let's Talk Nerdy


Four clueless Nerds, Four not-so-clueless Jocks. When a bet arises between four football players on "Who can make a 'Nerd' fall in love with them first," what will happen? [FULL!!]

975 readers have visited Let's Talk Nerdy since YoshiFTW created it.

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What You Don't Know Won't Hurt You. . .


How It All Began. . .

Like in every high school, you have your cliques. There's the Goths, Scenes, Preps, Jocks, and then there's the Nerds. In Melbourne High they have a specific group of nerds. Four girls which have been friends since the third grade. Unlike what some call "nerds," which are your typical smart people who get "the grades," these girls match the Nerdy part perfectly. They dress in not up to date, don't take time with what they wear; Meaning they just slap their hair up, throw on random that sometimes doesn't even match, and go. Grant you, they do have excellent grades. Nothing below a A-, it having been that way since they were nine; They're the type of nerds you see in the movies.
People around Melbourne High have a tendency to call this group of girls the "Nerd Herd." Every morning, it never fails, once one steps foot into the school someone of higher social status yells down the hall, "Nerd Herd member alert!" Always, been that way since the beginning of their Freshman year. They all have learned to ignore it quiet well.

On one particular morning, October fifth, 2010 to be exact, a group of four jocks were sitting in the cafeteria of Melbourne High. Conversing like usual, mostly about the up-coming football game against Harrington or the girls they had recently "scored," when a group of nerds walked in; More like..Stumbled in. It was none other than the Nerd Herd. One of the jocks, more or less the "Leader-figure," thought up a quick bet. It had been awhile since they had had one anyway. He bet his three friends fifty dollars that he could make one member of the Nerd Herd fall in love with him first. Even though they were a bit disgusted by the idea of having to act like they were actually interested in one of the "geeks," all three friends agreed to the challenge. They had until Halloween night to accomplish this goal. It was on...

The Entire Plot To This Role Play. . .

Well, I hope I made the "plot" sort of clear in the whole "story line," but if not this surely will help.(If it doesn't please ask me any questions you have in the OOC Forum.)

The Plot is extremely simple. Basically four well-known, popular Jocks at the school of Melbourne High agreed to a bet of making one of the four Nerds fall in love with them first before Halloween night arrives for the hefty amount of fifty dollars(From each person in the bet, add it up! Hundred fifty dollars if you win! ;D). However, I was thinking that the four girls do start to really like the guys, thinking they were trying to be nice and generally get to know them as people, so, they all do this huge "transformation" after a few days of talking to the jocks. As in, they all four go to the mall together, get a completely different wardrobe, hairstyle, buy some make-up, and get those eyebrows waxed!!(xD)
Upon seeing the transformation at school the next day, everyone starts treating the "Nerd Herd" differently; To their huge surprise. That means many guys start to fawn over them which in return make the four jocks extremely jealous. Come to find out they actually begin to fall for the girls themselves, not just for their new looks though, their personalities. Make of it what you may.. :P

The Roles..

The Nerd Herd:

Girl One- She is like the leader of the "Herd." Extremely smart, Thinks things through, kind of Shy, but Stands up for what she believes in, Witty. {TAKEN)}

Girl Two- Extremely Smart, Funny, Likes to Joke around, A little Shy like all of them.{TAKEN}

Girl Three- Extremely Smart, Very Shy, Clumsy, Stutters tremendously when she's nervous. {TAKEN}

Girl Four- Slightly Shy, Has a Short Temper, Sarcastic, but usually doesn't say anything rude aloud to people. {TAKEN}

The Jocks:

Guy One- He's the quarterback of the Football team, so is naturally more like the leader of his small "Group." Bossy, Sarcastic, Full-of-Himself. {TAKEN}

Guy Two- A little more laid-back then Guy One, Cocky, A jokester, Nice when he wants to {TAKEN}

Guy Three- Out-going, Loud time-to-time, Sarcastic, Secretly a Sweetie and Caring.{TAKEN}

Guy Four- Doesn't get mad too easily, Nice, Understanding, Can be Cocky sometimes. {RESERVED}

Okay, so I gave a tiny description of each character, but you can add or subtract things as you please, it's your character.(: I would like the Jocks to be a little stuck on themselves, but not horribly bad(Unless that's what you want.) And the Nerds to be, well, Dorky. Sorta shy since people don't really talk to them, you get the drill. Have fun with it!! :D

The Pairings. .
This should be easy enough!

One x One
Two x Two

Etc, Etc, You get it don't you? :D

Character Sheet-

Appearance: (Realistic please or a extremely detailed description! (: Oh, and if you are playing a "Nerd" character please put looks for Before their "transformation" then looks for After it. Thanks! :D)
Age: (15-18)
Role: (Girl One, Jock Two, etc.)
Grade: (All the Girls[Nerds] should be Sophomores. The Guys[Jocks] should be either a Junior or Senior.)
Personality: (At least Five sentences.)
Bio.: (At least Four sentences please. It doesn't have to be a book, just a brief History of your character.)
Other: (Anything I left out that you want to add?)

The Rules. . .

One: Please Be Respectful To Everyone, No Fighting In OOC.

Two: Reservations On A Character Will Only Be For 24 Hours. Get Those Profiles Up!! :3

Three: No One-Liners. I Want at least Two Five Sentence Paragraphs A Post. Writer's Block Is Completely Understandable, Just Not Everyday.(:

Four: Follow The RPG Rules! :O

Five: Romance Is Encouraged. Do Not Blind Us Though! Thank you. :P

Six: Have A Blast! :X Cheesy Rule, But Follow It!!! xD

I will add to the Rules when I see fit to! ^^


The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors

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#, as written by Thadine
Cael found himself starting at the group of girls like he was watching TV. It all seemed to unfold in front of him, like some old 80's movie where each clique and group of people was way over-done. It was all overkill. The cold glares that the group received from almost everyone in the room. The ones who weren't staring, were either to busy with something else, or hiding away, not wanting to drawn into the scene that was playing out. Following them with his eyes, he rested his elbow on the table, resting his chin on his hand, staring ahead with much interest.

It was almost pathetic. He could see why they would stick up for eachother, obviously they were a tightly packed group of friends like most people in the school. But why even try to save themselves? If they just tried to blend in a bit, rather than stick out with their odd interests. Maybe they should keep it a secret. The only people that deserved to stand out were the ones that were above the rest, not the ones that lacked certain traits. But even the way they tried to defend themselves...their words obviously had no affect on the minds of the attackers here. A deer couldn't scare a wolf.

Cael tilted his head towards Gabriel at the sound of his question. Well, for obvious reasons. They were clumsy, they lacked social skills, when they talked it was only about their happy...fantasy-land games. Plus, people always needed to have someone to pick on. It was human nature, they had the need to feel dominant in whatever situation they could. He had come up with a million reasons in his mind, yet felt no need to put them out into words.

Though he hadn't respond to Gabriel's words, Saber's agreement with him caused Cael to raise an eyebrow in confusion, as well as curiosity. He agreed to that? Really? Though Saber was his friend, he thought that he was the last guy that would stick up for the Nerds. But then he continued on, and from the tone of his voice, and the look on his face, he could tell it was another one of his tricky games.

"Games are fun." He commented, shrugging his shoulders. Cael usually wasn't overly competitive, but it always was nice to win. It was the entire goal of every game.
"How do you play? More importantly, how do you win?" He asked curiously.

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Valentine laughed. "Games amuse me, Saber. You know that I can't resist a good challenge." He looked over at the Nerd Herd, and felt a slight bit of pity. He'd been like them once. But he'd learnt to deal with it, and now he was in a position of social power. He looked back to Saber, smirking. "Tell me what it is that you want me to do and allow me to firmly demonstrate my dominance over all of you in it."

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#, as written by Stilts
Saber's grin grew wider. "First, I propose a bet; so you pansies don't back out halfway through," His eyes flicked back to the girls now exiting the cafe, "Fifty dollars each." Saber leaned in and paused, looking each of his fiends in the eye, then spoke quietly;

"... I bet I can make a member of the Nerd Herd fall in love with me first."

There was silence. Saber couldn't keep his composure after seeing the expressions on his friend's faces, and burst out laughing. "Yeah, you heard me. I said them." He waved towards the doors that were just swinging shut. The volume of the cafe amped up to normal. Saber's confident smile taunted his friends; "We'll see who the real ladies man is." He looked at Gabriel, "Besides," He said teasingly; "They're just your type brother; I'm pretty sure none of them are tramps."

Saber glanced at a poster advertising school Halloween activities on the wall behind Gabriel's head. Come to think of it, if the stakes weren't high enough, it just wasn't any fun.

"We have until Halloween night. Anyone left with the Nerd standing will have to pay up an extra fifty to those who have already made their Nerd swoon." Saber sat back in his chair, satisfied, and laced his fingers behind his head "...Well? You girls man enough to do it?" He chuckled, his eyes fiercely staring them down. This would be a challenge alright- for all of them, but he hated to lose. All there was left to do was win. "... Are you 'girl-magnets' player enough to best me?"

"So," He said, slapping his hand down onto the table, his energy already fired up; "You in?"

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Gabriel was shocked at Saber's idea "You do realise life isn't just one been teen movie right?" he questioned. He had to decide with himself whether his social status and pride could take the hit if he refused though. People already thought he was gay he really didn't want to accidentally confirm their suspicions. So after a short pause he pulled out his wallet and set $50 on the table. "I'm in,"

(sorry it's short)

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Valentine laughed again and threw a fifty down onto the table. One advantage of his father being who he was was that Valentine was never short of money.

"Are you sure you'll all be able to pay up, gentlemen? Or will you have to borrow some money?" He asked, grinning.

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#, as written by Thadine
A bet.

That was his first response. Cael always had bad luck with money, bad luck with most things, in fact. He could almost guarantee that if he put fifty dollars down on the table at that moment, it would never return to him. But the thought changed when Saber continued. That was the bet? That was what he had to do? What kind of a bet was that? He was expecting something stupid, that any brainless person could do. But this...this called for deceiving people. Did it really matter though? The girls weren't a waste of human skin, nothing to that extreme, but he didn't exactly want to get close to them either. And Cael was no womanizer. He could be nice, but never went further, as he found it extremely difficult to do.

He stared at Saber blankly, watching the fifty dollar bills flood to the table in a rush, as every one of his friends agreed. Soon, he was the last one left to make a decision. Fifty dollars was quite a bit. To him anyways. Their family was going through a...rough patch at the time, and fifty dollars was a lot to lose. But then there was even more to win, and he didn't want anyone to know that he was low on money, going through troubles. For a moment, he seemed to be in some sort of trance, thinking but eventually, Cael reached into his pocket, taking out three wrinkled bills. Two twenties, and a ten.

It was just a game. No real emotions would be involved, and he didn't even have to like the person he had to get to like him. It was going to be easy though, most girls would never pass up the opportunity to be acquainted with a member of their group. He had a feeling that the nerds would be like the others as well.

With trouble, he set down the money in the pile already formed, a quiet sigh escaping his lips as the money left his fingertips. Well, maybe something fun would benefit from this. This wasn't exactly his sort of game though, but he could try his best.

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." He uttered quietly, raking a hand through his blond hair nervously.

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Eli let a silent sigh of relief escape her slightly parted lips as her friends agreed with eating outside. Thank God. She quickly paid for her burrito and water, the lunch lady giving her a skeptical look as she handed a her an one dollar bill. "Lunch is four dollars," the elderly lady said in a scratchy voice which sounded that of a high-pitched rasp. Eli's face quickly turned three different shades of red. "I'll pay the rest tomorrow, promise." she whispered with her head lowered just a little. The lunch lady sighed angrily. "You better, Eli, it will be seven dollars," she hissed, Elizabeth just nodding in response as she turned and headed towards the double-doors heading outside. No one sat out there because right outside those doors were the dumpsters; Some chick told Eli one day that she deserved to sit out there, be the "Queen of Garbage." Elizabeth simply scoffed at the idea, tightening her grip on the burrito which she held currently.

"Let's try to find a place farthest away from the dumpsters," she called to her friends as she pushed through the doors, skin meeting the chilly air which gave her slightly exposed arms goosebumps. It felt nice, Fall was her favorite season. In her opinion fall meant hoodies, bonfires, pumpkins, scarecrows, and her favorite holiday.. Halloween. Eli spotted a "nice" patch of dying, yellow-ish brown grass and nodded towards it reluctantly. "There," she said, walking over and plopping down. She sat her water and burrito down, pushing her glasses off the bridge of her nose once more. "I really dislike those people in there," she murmured, glancing at Ares, then Ellie, then Tammy. They were the only ones who understood her, considering they were in the same situation. They were.. The only ones that took time to actually get to know her. In Elizabeth's eyes, in some weird way, they were.. Heroes, helping her fight against the Villains which swarmed Melbourne High.

"I mean, they don't even know us, yet feel the need to call us nerds.. And yell at us.. And throw things at us, and trip us." Eli went on, her usual rant which she spewed daily. It was annoying though! Those "popular" people were ugly. Not in a physical sense, obviously, but in a "person" sense. Honestly, she didn't care to tell them that to their face, as long as something bullet proof kept them from getting her..

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Ellie skipped after her friends, giving all the populars irritable glances on their way out. She did a mini-twirl once outside, enjoying the cool fall breeze and then eventually flopped on her belly next to Eli on the grass, pulling out her gummy bears and skittles again before proceeding to eat them. She liked the cold weather. She figured it had something to do with her being from Finland, which happened to be in the arctic circle. She remembered as a kid, running around in the snow and catching snow flakes on her tongue. Some Finnish people hated the cold, since they were in it so often, which she didn't quite understand - probably because she was here now and not there. Ellie kind of wanted to return to Finland for a small trip sometime, but right now she was busy right now with school and didn't think they'd have time anytime soon, since her dad was so busy with work as well.

"They feel entitled to pick on us because we aren't made out of the same mold, like a barbie doll." Ellie shrugged, popping another sour powder coated gummy bear into her mouth. "I wish we could show them that we're people too, but..." She sighed. Good luck. She thought. Not a single one of them ever seemed to show signs of humanity. "I don't think it matters to them. I think the world will come to an end before they ever recognize us as the same species." She told her friends.

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Ares laughed as she left the cafeteria, following the group to the patch of grass outside. She opened her lunchbox and took out a tuna sandwich. She eagerly took a bit from it and smiled as Eli and Ellie talked about the popular kids. She swallowed the bite and snickered. "They don't think we're human because we didn't make the 'right' first impressions. Isn't that what always happens? Some kid accidentally trips and everyone thinks they're a nerd. Of course, I have my reasons that I'm not popular." She playfully smirked. "But that is for you guys to find out."

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Having paid for her lunch she rushed to catch up to the rest of her friends and burst forward through the doors. The chilly air caressed her skin and caused the tiny hair on her arm to stand on end. She didn’t dislike it but if it went anywhere to freezing she’d start sneezing her nose off. That wouldn’t be a pretty sight. She sat down on the patch of grass carefully since her lunch was in danger of tumbling out of her arms. She quietly listened and munched on a chocolate chip cookie she had brought. Taking out the whole bag she placed it in the middle so her friends could grab some if they wanted. Tammy always brought something else from home because she never seemed to fill up her stomach with just the cafeteria food. Oddly enough she wasn’t fat or chubby. Thank you fast metabolism! she smiled as she thought of this. She nodded in agreement to what Eli, Ellie and Ares said.

“They judge by only what they can see and not what they cant. We’re not that bad are we?” she asked quietly as she looked at herself. Sure, she had extremely puffy hair and a weird way of dressing but did that make her a bad person? Her brain operated differently and a bit faster than most but that didn’t make her a freak did it? She didn’t think so but… “What is it that is so wrong with being ourselves?”

She blushed realizing she had said that out loud and slumped her shoulders forward. She sighed surmising that no one out here was judging her since it was only her friends and loosened the tension in her shoulders. She leaned back on her hands and stared up at the sky. “They suck. If they can’t see how great you guys are then they’re even dumber than what their assignment papers reveal.” She smiled and continued. “And that’s saying a lot…” She leaned back into her sitting positioned and grabbed another cookie. She made a noise of satisfaction before looking at her friends with a wide smile. “But who needs them anyway when we’ve got each other?”

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Character Portrait: Valentine Knight
0 sightings Valentine Knight played by Zero Reaper
"So wait, I have to get a nerd to like me?" *Smirk* "Pathetic. I honestly expected something harder."

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Character Portrait: Cael Fionn


Character Portrait: Cael Fionn
Cael Fionn

"So do I actually have to like the person I'm suposed to get to like me?"


Character Portrait: Cael Fionn
Cael Fionn

"So do I actually have to like the person I'm suposed to get to like me?"

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Character Portrait: Cael Fionn
Cael Fionn

"So do I actually have to like the person I'm suposed to get to like me?"

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