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Lucifer's Throne

Lucifer's Throne


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2,868 readers have visited Lucifer's Throne since Ever created it.

Gyrfledgeling are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.


.:. GM .:.

.:. Co-GM .:.

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Soulmates; does such a thing really exist?
Maybe, I doubt it all
How could I ever expect someone
To fall in love with something
That, simply put, cannot be loved?

Hell. It is, seemingly, a place reserved to oppress those of biblical faith into submission, as well as to provide a fearful guidance. However, to the populace outside of that dominion, “hell” is concept used to express urgency and disbelief, nothing more than a mere word to toss about in banter. Though..perhaps it is for the best of mankind to remain blissfully unaware of its existence. Who is to say, after all, chaos wouldn’t descend once the nightmare’s truth is exposed?

In all actuality, Hell exists, looming in the background of Earth’s mortal plane. Though, contrary to what many believe, it is far from the fiery inferno depicted in mass media; instead, the dimension is one of ice and bitter cold. And, much like the human world, Hell experiences territorial problems of its own.

To keep order within the kingdom, there are 5 branches to support the infrastructure of the underworld. First, sitting atop the mighty throne, is Lucifer, the feared and omnipotent “Satan”. Following his authority are 4 major princes, demons bestowed special powers by the devil himself, with each one responsible for a separate portion of the realm. However, not even the feared Devil is destined to rule forever…a successor must be chosen. And, naturally, it would have been from the group of 4...if only she didn’t appear.


In this day and age, the common misunderstanding is that evil things, such as it is their nature, are incapable of love. But love, such as its nature, is possible in most all things, no matter how tainted the heart. The damned king was no exception.

18 years ago, almost to date, Lucifer fell deeply in love with, you guessed it, a young mortal woman. His affections were returned...even when she understood the true origins of her newfound lover. The idea of living her days by his side in the very kingdom she was taught to fear was more of a thrill to her than anything else, and the pair were soon married. It was mere days later when the new queen found she was with child. Once Lucifer learned of his only offspring on its steady path to life, he became not only overjoyed, but also especially protective of his first and only love. She lived happily throughout her pregnancy by her king’s loving side, hidden away from the four prince’s jealous eyes.

Perhaps inevitably, the princes learned of Lucifer’s unborn child and grew outraged, feeling as though their own shot at power had been wrongfully swept out from underneath them. The king and creator of the jealous demons knew it was up to himself to keep his wife and future heir as safe as possible. The child, a ebony haired baby girl, was born on the last minute of December 21st, a winter solstice. Of course, in life, there exists death...the queen who had just bore her legacy fell gravely ill. Her body collapsed under the stress of carrying such a foreign being, and she passed not hours after her daughter's birth. Due to the fact that her body remained mortal in the immortal plane when she died, her soul was stuck in limbo, never to inhabit heaven nor hell.

Ridden with grief, Lucifer took it upon himself to keep his only daughter and blood heir of his kingdom hidden from the four princes before her coming of age. But where would one hide a half-demon girl from her own kind? The answer was in plain sight. Lucifer took the memories of a young couple, and simply “replaced” them with new ones. These memories where of conceiving, nourishing, and birthing the baby girl they believed to be their own. As she grew into a healthy and seemingly normal toddler, child and teen, the couple cared for her like convenient hosts. That is, until her 17th year came to a close…

Following the forced return of the heir, a “battle” of sorts will commence between the princes’ and their helpers. In the end the winner of each test of strength, wit and overall mannerism will be awarded the princess’s hand, and the power that comes after.

.:. Key .:.
Name | Gender | Age {looks to be} | Role | Race | FC: | Reserved by:

- | Male | {20-28} | The Teacher | Demon | FC: Sebastian | Reserved by: ℰℯℯ℘
The brother of Lucifer himself, this man has been appointed as the official "etiquette" teacher to the {Princes} in hopes of turning her into the perfect Queen and bride. However… his adoration for his niece stems beyond the normalcy of a "student-teacher" relation. Due to holding a strong love for his brother's human wife when the Queen was alive, he views the {Princess} as a daughter of his own...the one that he should have had in stead of his brother. In terms of the {Guardian of the Heir}, this man holds a wary distrust for the other demon and has, unfortunately, assumed the authority of guardianship instead. On the note of the competition, however, the man he is rooting for is the {Twilight Prince}, a demon he views that would be a suitable match for the throne and as a husband….and he just despises everyone else.
- | Male | {18-25} | Guardian of the Heir | Demon | FC: Glibert Nightray | Reserved by: angelwolf123
The loyal servant and guardian of {The Heir}. A careful, purpose oriented man who would readily lay down his life in order to fulfill his one purpose for his existence; to bring her back to Lucifer’s domain. While the girl is his primary concern, he doesn’t quite understand her fear of him and the other demons...especially since she possesses a power of her own. He doesn’t care nor associate with the princes on his own accord, often thinking of them as far too fickle and immature. Not to mention the fact that they are each fighting tooth and nail to win the hand of the very girl he is sworn to protect. In terms of his relationship with the {Teacher}, he holds a distaste for the man due to his constant butting in.
Baalberith | Male | {18-25} |The Twilight Prince | Demon | FC: Luka Crosszeria| Reserved by: ઽ૮૨α
The eldest and, arguably, most mature of the princes. His desire to win the hand of the {Heir} is among the strongest of his brothers...though, whether he views her as anything more than a prize is debatable. He firmly believes that, in the event the girl was never born, he would have obtained his rightful place as the king. While each of the princes yearn to rule more than just their own kingdoms, none have more of a driving force than him. As the son of a previous Prince that had challenged Lucifer for the throne, this young demon has always felt he had more to prove than his peers with the low expectations from others making him rise.
Apollyon Abaddon | Male | {18-25} | The Red Prince | Demon | FC: Dantalion Ouji| Reserved by: Revu-ErU
The second youngest and most fierce tempered of his demon brothers, “Red Prince” is a title that suits his bloodied nature quite well. Always of a hot-headed mentality, he is quick to make accusations and act on impulse...even against those who hold a higher authority than himself. His goal oriented {Servant} is, in fact, the one who has been crafting his strategies, as well as making sure he doesn’t overreact at the wrong time and place. Being extremely competitive, he loves the idea of proving his strength to his brothers, especially when the prize includes the hand of a pretty girl.
Crocell | Male | {18-25} |The Serpent Prince | Demon | FC: Uroko-sama | Reserved by: RinSai
By far the oddest in appearance out of the princes, it’s not terribly common a demon comes into existence with light hair, or two for that matter. Quite aware of his little sister’s hate towards the {Heir}, he has chosen to ignore such spite due to the own he possesses under his chilled demeanor. Hating the girl for snatching away his birth given rule, the only reason why he tolerates her is because of her bloodline and father. In fact...the only perk, in his mind, from receiving her marriage hand would be to flaunt it in front of his brothers as a smug victory.
Loki | Male | {18-25} |The Mad Prince | Demon | FC: Loki Laevatein | Reserved by: moahi
While “mad” might be a slight exaggeration, there is definitely something not quite right in the head with this one. He never quite takes thing seriously, his state constantly one of childish mischief. Among his brothers, he is the wildcard for sure, with little to no obligations as he holds the smallest of the four kingdoms. The Heir is little more than a side prize to the challenge of achieving the throne, he’s not interested in her whatsoever. Not that he truly needs one, his {Bodyguard} is by far his favorite companion, thinking of her as more fun than any other person in the kingdom.
Adelaide Faust | Female | 18 | The Heir | Demon | FC: Sanka Rea | Reserved by: Ever
The daughter of Lucifer who was exiled to the human world for the peace of Hell, it goes without saying that this whole situation is taking it's toll on her mental state. Still unsure about the idea of becoming someone's prize, she opposes any mention of such an affair taking place. In terms of her relationship with the others, the Princess holds a rather deep fear of the demons, her own powers not awakening quite yet. Despite the false smiles she gives, all this girl truly wants is to go home back to Earth. Though, she might be more willing to stay if only her {Best Friend} could be next to her side...unfortunately, that isn't possible.
Quinn Bennett | Female | 18 | The Best Friend | Human | FC: Aiko Rida | Reserved by: Gyrfledgeling
The constant and closest friend of the {Heir}. This girl has been by her side since childhood, and their friendship has remained strong well into highschool. A sporty girl with average grades and an obvious people pleaser. She has a sharp tongue and a tendency to speak her mind. In the turn of events leading to her best friend’s return to her apparent birthplace, she has become a nervous wreck. The idea of losing her is a little much to process in one sitting. Her personality is protective naturally and wishes for nothing more to know what happened when she disappeared. She has gotten to the point of doing whatever it takes to find her…
Alexandra Nero | Female | {18-25} | Servant of the Red Prince | Demon | FC: Saber | Reserved by: Luna Delta
The loyal servant of the {Red Prince}, this woman would lay her life down on the line, in a heartbeat, to protect him from any possible treat. In terms of his partaking in the competition for the {Princess's} hand in marriage, she is providing him endless fact, it has even gotten to the point where she has become his strategy planner and spy. Though, that makes it sound like she is without a heart. Being a fellow woman, she feels compassion and sympathy for Lucifer's daughter due to her unsavory circumstances...however, even that won't stop her from fulfilling her duty.
Lillias | Female | {18-25} |Sister of the Serpent Prince | Demon | FC: Will of the Abyss | Reserved by: Kapento
A rarity within Hell, this demon was actually born and not created....and to a former Prince, nonetheless! As such, can only really blame her haughty attitude and inherent snobbiness? Holding in high belief that the {Heir} is unworthy for the throne (as well as her brother), it has become her sole mission to educate the poor girl on the matter of her hateful opinions. However, even she understands how important it is for the {Serpent Prince} to win this battle and claim the throne… as such, she is, begrudgingly, helping him with planning.
Bastithia | Female | {18-25} | Bodyguard of the Mad Prince| Demon | FC: Black Hanekawa | Reserved by: LostRiver
A loyal pet who guards her master with every inch of her being, this particular demon is plagued with a rather severe case of bipolar disorder. Perhaps one of the most unstable within the kingdom, the only one who that can really get through to her is the {Mad Prince}. On the notes of the entire competition, she enthusiastically is supporting her master...however, there has been a presence of jealousy boiling under her surface as of late. Disliking the idea that, should her Prince win, he would spend most of his time with the {Heir}, this servant has begun to hold a grudge towards the ex-human girl.
- | Female | {18-25} | Maid of the Twilight Prince | Demon | FC: Kuro Usagi | Reserved by: KOKIA
Surprisingly reserved and quiet for a demon, this girl is the ideal image of a maid; supportive and a ghost. Hovering behind the {Twilight Prince} at all times, her readiness to offer a hand to him is quite the admirable trait. Much like the {Red Prince's Servant}, she holds compassion for the newly-arrived Princess...and, as such, she has developed the desire to protect the girl from the {Serpent Prince’s Sister's} spiteful words. Knowing of the {Heir’s} plotting to escape, she, secretly, is wishing for such a success..even if it is hopeless. In terms of her strength, it can be argued that she is among the most powerful of servants.


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[url=Url][font=avenir light][color=#color here]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]

[font=avenir light][b]Fighting Theme[/b][/font]
[url=Url][font=timesnewroman][color=#color here]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]

[font=avenir light][b]Emotional Themes[/b][/font] (Many as you like, must have at least 1, delete this )
[url=url][font=timesnewroman][color=#color here]Emotion || Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]
[url=url][font=timesnewroman][color=#color here]Emotion || Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]
[url=url][font=timesnewroman][color=#color here]Emotion || Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]
[color=colorhere][i][font=font here]"QUOTE HERE"[/font][/i][/color]
[right][img]Character%20IMG%20here[/img][/right][font=avenir light]⌈[color=colorhere][b]Full Name[/b][/color]⌋
{Answer here}

{Answer here}

{Answer here}

{Answer here}

{Answer here}

{Answer here}

{Answer here}

⌈[color=colorhere][b]Team Members[/b][/color]⌋
{Answer Here}

⌈[color=colorhere][b]Face Claim[/b][/color]⌋
{Answer Here}[/font]

[color=colorhere][i][font=font choice]"QUOTE HERE"[/font][/i][/color]
[left][img]IMG%20HERE[/img][/left][font=avenir light]⌈[color=colorhere][b]Hair color[/b][/color]⌋
{Answer here}

⌈[color=colorhere][b]Eye color[/b][/color]⌋
{Answer here}

{Answer here}

{Answer here}

⌈[color=colorhere][b]Physical Appearance[/b][/color]⌋
{Scars, birthmarks, tattoos, overall appearance, etc. 1-3 paragraphs at least.}

⌈[color=colorhere][b]Preferred Weapon[/b][/color]⌋
{Let's try and keep it creative, this means look up gun models, etc.}[/font]

[color=colorhere][i][font=font choice]"QUOTE HERE"[/font][/i][/color]
[right][img]IMG%20HERE[/img][/right][font=avenir light]⌈[color=colorhere][b]Skills[/b][/color]⌋
❧ [b]Skill [/b]|| Explain 1-2 sentences
❧ [b]Skill [/b]|| Explain 1-2 sentences
❧ [b]Skill [/b]|| Explain 1-2 sentences {Add more that apply}

❋ [b]Talent [/b]|| 1-2 sentences explaining
❋ [b]Talent [/b]|| 1-2 sentences explaining
❋ [b]Talent [/b]|| 1-2 explaining {Add more that apply}

☢ [b]Power[/b] || 1-2 sentences explaining
☢ [b]Power[/b] || 1-2 sentences explaining
☢ [b]Power[/b] || 1-2 explaining {Add more that apply}[/font]

[color=colorhere][i][font=font here]"QUOTE HERE"[/font][/i][/color]
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⌈[color=color here][b]Strengths[/b][/color]⌋
✔ [b]Strength [/b]|| Explain 1-2 sentences
✔ [b]Strength [/b]|| Explain 1-2 sentences
✔ [b]Strength [/b]|| Explain 1-2 sentences {Add more if needed}

⌈[color=color here][b]Flaws[/b][/color]⌋
☠ [b]Flaw [/b]|| Explain 1-2 sentences
☠ Flaw || Explain 1-2 sentences
☠ Flaw || Explain 1-2 sentences {add more if they apply}

⌈[color=color here][b]Habits[/b][/color]⌋
❖ [b]Habit [/b]|| Explain 1-2 sentences
❖ [b]Habit [/b]|| Explain 1-2 sentences
❖ [b]Habit [/b]|| Explain 1-2 sentences {Add more if they apply}[/font]

[color=colorhere][i][font=font here]"QUOTE HERE"[/font][/i][/color]
[center][font=avenir light]Determined: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Opinionated: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Proud: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Stubborn: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Quiet: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Friendly: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Easygoing: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Affectionate: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Risk-Taking: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Curious: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Emotionally controlled: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Charismatic: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Fearless: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Adventurous: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Daring: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Defensive: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Sarcastic: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Boisterous: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Charming: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Grudge holding: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Persuasive: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Calculating: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Intelligent: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Insecure: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Doubtful: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Humorous: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Selfless: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Secretive: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Honest: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Blunt: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Loyal: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Serious: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Romantic: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Flirty: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Sympathetic: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Brave: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Optimistic: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Pessimistic: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Independent: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Dependent: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Logical: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Hyperactive: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Kind: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Caring: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Jealous: [Yes or No] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Nurturing: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Childish: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Hostile: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Argumentative: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Passionate: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Demanding: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Protective: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Possessive: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color]
Social: [Yes or No here] ||[color=colorhere][i] "Insert quote" [/i][/color][/font][/center]

[color=colorhere][i][font=font here]"QUOTE HERE"[/font][/i][/color]

[right][img]IMG%20HERE[/img][/right][font=avenir light]⌈[color=colorhere][b]Romantic Interest & Relationship History[/b][/color]⌋
{Answer Here}

⌈[color=colorhere][b]Most Precious Person[/b][/color]⌋
{Answer Here}

{History here}[/font]

[color=colorhere][i][font=font here]"QUOTE HERE"[/font][/i][/color]
[center][img]IMG%20HERE[/img][font=avenir light]⌈[color=colorhere][b]Other[/b][/color]⌋
{Anything else here}[/center][/font]

  1. {Reservations} || Please reserve characters in the OOC. I won't accept a random submission, no matter how awesome they are. So please, just reserve~ Also, this is not a first come, first serve role-play and you might have to compete for your spot should another person show interest. If you find this tedious and unnecessary, you are free to leave this role-play at any time. And, although you reserve a character, they will be chosen based on creativity, depth, length, and originality. The more creative and detailed your character sheet, the more likely you'll get accepted~

  2. {Two Days} || You only have two {2} days to submit your characters, and four {4} to complete it. If not complete by day four {4}, I will give your position away... unless you contact me beforehand with a good excuse for not being finished, that is.

  3. {Literacy} || Not only will I be looking for details in your character sheet, but proper grammar and spelling as well. This role-play is to be literate, meaning posts are to be kept at a minimum of 150+ words.. Now, I know we are not perfect and we all make mistakes but if you cannot use a proper spell check, it will reflect within your character sheet! So please, be at least semi-literate with the capability to post at minimum one hundred and fifty words {150}.

  4. {Explicit Content & Etc.} || Of course Romance is is the best thing ever! Gore may also pop up in here a few times. Drama is allowed in character >but not in the OOC...unless it is playful< Yes, Swearing can be used, but please don't go overboard..also, that includes "intimate" relationships. Please, take it to the PMs if you wish.. just don't blind us~

  5. {Anime} || Yes, Anime. I will not accept a character if it isn't in anime-style. And please don't use different pictures for a character, I want it to look neat. If you have a problem finding a FC, just ask me for help. Also..when reserving, post the title and a gif of your favorite Disney movie.

  6. {Commitment} || I am aware that we all have lives outside of role-playing and our computer screens. Some of us either attend school or have a full-time job, sometimes both. All I ask is that you post at least twice a week. If, for any reason, you find yourself unable to post for x-amount of time, please notify me. I do not bite, I do not get angry, however; should you fail to notify me of your departure, I will boot you out of the role-play. I am also aware that some of us may be in other role-plays, and I understand those come first. Notification of departure and how much time you'll be gone is all I ask for.

  7. {One Last Thing} || Also add your speaking text colour (both the code and it's appearance in text) alongside the earlier passwords for reserving.

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Hell by Ever


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Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


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The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Lucifer's Throne. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

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The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lillias
Character Portrait: Crocell
Character Portrait: Bastithia
Character Portrait: Adelaide Faust
Character Portrait: Loki
Character Portrait: Dolour
Character Portrait: Astaroth


Character Portrait: Astaroth

۞ One Hell Of A WIP~ ۞

Character Portrait: Dolour


Character Portrait: Loki


Character Portrait: Bastithia


Character Portrait: Crocell


Character Portrait: Lillias

"A crown does not make a princess. It is how you conquer and command."


Character Portrait: Lillias

"A crown does not make a princess. It is how you conquer and command."

Character Portrait: Crocell


Character Portrait: Loki


Character Portrait: Dolour


Character Portrait: Bastithia


Character Portrait: Astaroth

۞ One Hell Of A WIP~ ۞

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Crocell


Character Portrait: Dolour


Character Portrait: Astaroth

۞ One Hell Of A WIP~ ۞

Character Portrait: Loki


Character Portrait: Bastithia


Character Portrait: Lillias

"A crown does not make a princess. It is how you conquer and command."

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