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a character in “Mall Life”, originally authored by peace_of_mind7, as played by RolePlayGateway












Snow is a man that values his distance. He has a mystery about him that makes people want to know more. His stony persona causes others to stay clear of him, though he doesn't even try to drive people away. Effortlessly, Snow manages to seem colder than he means to be because he doesn't remember how to be warm or kind, so he doesn't even try to be. His is extremely blunt and monotonous with a smoldering aura about him that is too strong to ignore. He fights to survive and is determined to figure out who he was.


Snow remembers nothing. He found himself in a dark alleyway, clad in tattered clothing and a massive headache. He was alone and frightened as he wandered the streets in search of answers. He was attacked by a crank, but managed to get away without too much damage. The moment he found the mall was the moment that his prayers were answered.


~ A box of Marlboro cigarettes
~ A Lighter
~ A Swiss Army Knife
~ A Metal Baseball Bat (Looted from a sports shop)

Any other info:

Snow has three tattoos: One on his shoulder blades that says 'With Pleasure Comes Pain', another on his arm of the Grim Reaper, and one of his left breast that says 'Snow'. He doesn't know who he really is, so he just refers to himself as Snow since his tattoo is the only identification that he has.

So begins...

Snow's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley Stoke Character Portrait: Snow
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By the time she got back to her room- their room -, his comment was still floating around her mind. She wasn't sure if he was offended because she called him cute, since a lot of boys associated that with a more feminine sort of word, or maybe he just didn't see himself that way. Though she still couldn't help but think he just didn't want her to think he was attractive, because then he might see things as awkward since he possibly didn't think of her the same way. If that was the case though, she wouldn't bother sticking around. It wasn't that she didn't want too, so far she liked what she knew about her S, but if he was going to get all weird because of the thought of her thinking he was cute, well she wasn't really up to dealing with that right then. There were more important things, like trying to save the non-adults.

He took the pepsi from her and returned to where he probably was before- on his bed. Turning her back to him, she placed all of the things she had taken from downstairs on the little table in their room. After cutting each of them a piece of pie- a pretty large piece for each, she wasn't one of those girls who were afraid to eat in front of guys -she took her own pepsi and went to sit on her own bed. Handing him his piece of pie, she took up the same position he was in, sitting with her back against the headboard except her legs were crossed underneath her. Recalling his earlier questions, she debated about actually answering them. She could have always just rolled her eyes and repeated exactly what he'd said, funny. But, she didn't. "You could call it bonding," she gave a light shrug. "It's whatever you want it to be, I guess." His comment about the romance novels made her smile though. "Light reading my ass, it's more like being brain washed," she teased, pausing again to take a bite of the pie. "They have taught me though, that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley Stoke Character Portrait: Snow
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Snow's 'Almost' smile grew into a 'Halfway there' one. "If this pie sucks then my heart will remain under lock and key," he said. He grabbed his fork and stabbed into the pie. Popping the pastry into his mouth, Snow's eyes widened in surprise. His taste buds were in a frenzy.

"I can honestly say that this is the best thing that I've ever tasted," he spoke with a full mouth. Crumbs framed his lips, but he didn't bother to wipe them away. He looked at Ashley, giving her a thumbs up. "It's official, you've earned the key to my heart." He shoveled another spoonful of pie into his mouth and moaned happily. He took a sip of pepsi.

"So, since we're 'bonding'," he used his fingers to put quotation marks on the word 'bonding'. "Tell me something about you that no one else knows and I'll tell you something about me. This may seem lame, but teen movies at Blockbuster taught me differently."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley Stoke Character Portrait: Snow
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Grabbing the pepsi, Snow opened it with ease then handed it back. "Weak," he said simply, but you could tell that he was joking. He continued to feast on his treat, greedily. The only food that he ever indulged it was in the food court and that wasn't much, so this pie was heaven sent. He listened to her in between sips of soda.

"A scandal," he said. "Interesting. I don't really have an opinion on love, but judging by Titanic, The Notebook, and The Great Gatsby, I've noticed that love is real. It's just not meant for everyone." He took another bite of pie. "Well, I bet you didn't know that I can sing. That's right, get all your jokes in while you can. It surprised me when I found out about my little hidden talent." This pie was making him more open, but he didn't mind. It was nice to actually have someone that wasn't intimidated by him. "Media has been my teenage survival guide since I've been here. I'm debating how accurate it is though..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley Stoke Character Portrait: Snow
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Ash playfully narrowed her eyes at his weak comment, fixing him with a glare before grabbing the bottle out of his hands and taking a sip. Pepsi was never one of her favorite drinks, it had a really weird taste in her opinion, but around here you took what you could get. Usually she just drank water though, actually when she was growing up all she was allowed to drink was water, since it was healthy. All it resulted in was really beautiful skin and no cavities.

"You know Leonardo DiCaprio starred in two of the movies you just listed." She hadn't meant to say it, but ever since finally watching Titanic a year or two ago, she had become a little obsessed with DiCaprio. "Do you think you'll ever fall in love?"

The idea of Snow singing amused her, just because he looked so intimidating and tough all of the time, but then she could imagine him dancing and singing to Taylor Swift. "I really don't think you should rely on the musical media to teach you how to be a teenager," she said, clearly amused. "Don't worry, I'll teach you the proper ways to survive the world of acne-covered losers and short-skirt hoes." With only a little bit of the pie left, she set it on the ground next to her bed, not really hungry anymore. "I wonder if there is a music store somewhere around here. We'll have to look around," she paused. "Well, when you can walk again."

The setting changes from Room 7 to Food Court


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elsy Tran Character Portrait: Ashley Stoke Character Portrait: Hazel King Character Portrait: Snow
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"Yeah," Hazel beamed just as the microwave beeped. She gave Elsy an apologetic smile. "Give me a second please." She scurried to the back, grabbed the hot bag of popped corn, and jetted back to Elsy. "So, how are you liking the mall?" She noticed that Elsy wouldn't look at her. Her shyness was quite cute and it made Hazel want to get her to open up. If she needed a friend then Hazel would be there for her.


Snow sighed, taking the final bite of pie. He wiped his mouth of crumbs then patted his belly. He stretched his arms with a small yawn. He laid on his side while facing Ashley as his hand supported his head. He pondered his feelings towards him love life. "I never truly thought about my love life," he shrugged. "I mean, yeah, some of the girls here are pretty, but I haven't really thought about making a move on any of them. At the rate I'm going, I'll probably end up alone." He kept his face neutral, but on the inside, Snow actually felt a bit lonelier than usual.

He downcast his eyes a bit, but then quickly brought his walls back up. He chuckled a bit without much humor at Ash's comment. "Yeah, teach me the way of the teen. How do I talk to a girl? Why is there hair growing on my body? Is it normal that I like when girl's eat elongated foods?" He said sarcastically. "Please, guide me, oh great one."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley Stoke Character Portrait: Snow
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Ashley copied his movement, switching to lying on her side and curling up. It was sort of amusing seeing him like that, all sideways and such. She even laughed for a moment, before realizing that he had no idea what she was laughing about and probably thought she was crazy. That sort of made her want to laugh more, but she managed to keep herself in check this time. The thought of him seeing some of the other girls as pretty never really occurred to her, making her feel a bit stupid. It wasn't like she was his only friend. "I doubt you'll end up alone," she said, rolling her eyes. "I'm sure that any girl here would be pleased to be able to call you theirs."

As soon as his humorless laughter reached her ears, she knew that the momentary bonding moment was over. She tried not to be sad about it though, which meant she just wouldn't think about it. "Well, young grasshopper," she began, grinning. "To talk to a normal girl, you can pretty much say anything and she'll giggle and laugh. To talk to a girl like me, you gotta be real." His next question though, brought the smile back to her face. "The hair is because of puberty, you may also notice your voice crack." It was becoming increasingly difficult to keep a straight face. "Oh, my god. Do you have a 'happy trail'?", she used her hands to make imaginary quotation marks. "That would be so sexy," she said without thinking, and then blushed. After that, she didn't even bother answering the last question.

The setting changes from Food Court to Redbrooke Mall


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elsy Tran Character Portrait: Ashley Stoke Character Portrait: Hazel King Character Portrait: Snow
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0.00 INK


Hazel wiggled the bag in her hand with a smile. "I'm glad that you're enjoying yourself, Elsy." She glanced at the bag then looked back at Elsy. "Both," she shrugged. "My friend, Ade and I were going to go the social area to watch The Titanic. You should join us. It would be fun, besides everyone deserved to a bit of Leonardo DiCaprio. Plus, this popcorn has extra butter, so you cannot refuse this offer."


Snow's lip twitched, almost smirking. "You really have that much faith in me?" He shook his head in slight amusement. "Cute, but I have as much chance with the opposite sex as people in hell receiving cold water." He raised his bronze eyebrows in faux-interest. He pantomimed taking notes and when she was done, he raise his hand like a student in school. "Professor Ashley?" He said. "I believe my happy trail shouldn't be a concern, but thank you for caring. Now, enough about my love affairs. What about you? There is probably one person here that you want to wrap your arms around."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley Stoke Character Portrait: Snow
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Ashley rolled her eyes, almost completely ignoring his first words. Any of the girls here would have been very pleased to know they had obtained his affections. He was that mysterious and sexy guy, what girl wasn't attracted to that? Though most knew that it would probably end horribly, or he was actually a terrible guy. Still, they all fell at his feet. Not Snow's personally but, the mysterious and sexy guy.

"Professor Ashley? I like that," she smiled, though his question caught her a bit off guard. It probably should have been expected, but she really hadn't thought that he would care. "Well," she started slowly, chewing on her bottom lip a moment, carefully picking out what to say. "The only person here that really can stand me is you." Ash shrugged, lips turning up in a smirk. "Though I suppose if you do have a happy trail, I could settle for wrapping my arms around her," she winked, clearly teasing.

The setting changes from Redbrooke Mall to Room 7


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elsy Tran Character Portrait: Ashley Stoke Character Portrait: Hazel King Character Portrait: Snow
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0.00 INK


With a quirk of his eyebrow and a swift look, Snow barely held back his amusement. "You have got to learn the art of sarcasm, 'Professor'," He shifted his position so that he was lying on his back, but his face was turned towards Ashley. "I suggest you don't get use to the name." He shook his head fondly, then half-smirked at her. "If I didn't know any better, Ash, but I'd say you were flirting with me. At least, that's what the media has taught me." He stared right at her, his eyes were unblinking. "


Hazel squealed happily and grabbed Elsy's hand. "Ade is probably there right now, waiting for me. I just came to get the popcorn and refreshments. She jumped over the counter and was at Elsy's side in no time. She practically dragged Elsy by her hand to the soda machines. Hazel kicked it four times, resulting in three cans of Mountain Dew to drop out. She handed one to Elsy then gestured for the girl to follow her. "This move will make you brawl your eyes out, so we have tissues on deck. You'll love it!" This was a start. She had a feeling that soon, Elsy would be breaking out of her little shell. It felt good to help someone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley Stoke Character Portrait: Snow
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Ashley stayed on her side, legs curled up towards her stomach, one hand under her pillow and one propping her head up enough for her to be able to see him. "I'll just find someone else to call me it then," she replied flatly, as if that would be easy to do. When she was little she wanted to be a teacher, until she found out that school sucked. If she had wanted, she could have easily gotten straight A's. School just didn't interest her enough. For a moment, she tried to hold his unwavering gaze, but ended up dropping her eyes back to the floor in the end. "You wish, S."

The setting changes from Room 7 to Redbrooke Mall


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley Stoke Character Portrait: Snow
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0.00 INK


Snow coughed, but it was his version of a chuckle. He stared back at the ceiling, feeling a bit victorious. "You are certainly something, Ashley Stoke." His voice was a tad condescending, but it was all in good fun. "Definitely something." He flexed the muscles in his legs. They were still in pain, but it was duller and not as gruesome now. He sighed, resisting the urge to wince. "God, I'm never pushing myself that hard on the treadmill ever again." He was beginning to get sleepy. A powerful workout would do that to you. He leaned up, pulling off his shirt and throwing it to the other side of the room. He laid back down and groaned in pain.

"Fuck, that hurt. Note to self: when taking off shirt, be careful with the leg." He glanced at Ashley as he pulled his blanket over his waist and a bit over his belly button. "I'm getting tired. Thanks for the pie, by the way." He rested his head on his folded palms as he laid on the pillow.

"Goodnight, Ash...try not to dream about me too much. Though, I hear wet dreams are common among teenage girls." He smirked completely, looking at her eye to eye. "At least that what the media has taught me." He coughed again (laughed) then closed his eyes, letting himself drift to the world of dreams with that 'Half-way there' smile on his face. His back was facing her, revealing the 'With Pleasure Comes Pain' tattoo that resided on his shoulder blades.

The setting changes from Redbrooke Mall to Room 7


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley Stoke Character Portrait: Snow
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0.00 INK

"Certainly something that's freaking amazing, that is." Ashley smiled. Today, she had made progress. With what though? Multiple things, some that actually surprised her. When Snow and her first made, she made it a goal to be friends with him. And today, she sort of felt like she had gotten somewhere with that. She certainly felt more comfortable with him, which made her very pleased, and she didn't think he minded her presence that much anymore either. Besides that, she had promised herself she would try to make friends, so technically she was working on that too. Start small, with Snow, and then work on being Miss Popular. Or, not. Popular sucked. It meant you actually had to be nice to people, she wasn't very good at that.

His comment about working out made her laugh, quietly though, as if just to herself. "Next time you do something idiotic, don't come calling for me to pick you up," she teased him, careful to avert her eyes when he took his shirt off. There was no way she would be caught staring again, the first time had been bad enough. Sliding off the bed, she muttered a quick don't look before sliding her leggings off and kicking them towards where Snow had thrown his shirt. She quickly decided the shirt would be enough for her to sleep in, and crawled back into bed before pulling the blankets around herself.

"Actually dear, it's the boys that tend to have wet dreams," she made a tsk sort of sound, somewhat like a teacher would if a student answered a question wrong. "Night Snow."

A few hours later she woke up to a light knocking at the door, and pulled on a pair of jeans before slipping outside. Her shift lasted from two in the morning until the next man came at eight, not even surprised to see that she had taken both her and Snow's shift. They talked for a few minutes, him mostly just teasing her about how she was beginning to look like the living dead herself. Though she pretended to brush off the comment, it sort of made her a bit annoyed and then maybe a bit sad. It wasn't her fault that she couldn't sleep.

Around nine she headed back inside, stumbling into her and Snow's room. She didn't even look over to see if Snow was there, just peeled off her jeans and then his shirt, leaving her in a sports bra and shorts, before crawling back into bed. Though she closed her eyes, it was clear that she wasn't asleep. And she knew she wasn't going to be able to fall back asleep either, but it wasn't like she had anything else to do.

The setting changes from Room 7 to Redbrooke Mall


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elsy Tran Character Portrait: Ashley Stoke Character Portrait: Hazel King Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Adelaide Ruperts
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Hazel shook her head fondly, allowing Ade to steal a kernel or two without protest. Sharing was caring, after all. She turned her head back to Elsy. "That sounds interesting. I would share some info about myself, but the Titanic calls." She ushered Elsy to the media area. She took a seat beside Ade, offering her pillow to share. Before popping some popcorn into her mouth, Hazel glanced at Elsy then patted the spot beside her. "Okay, I am mentally prepared to fall in love with Jack. Let's do this! Ade, turn on the movie."

She chewed her popcorn and sipped her soda, with her gray eyes glued to the blank screen. She turned back to the rest of the people that were present in the room. How could she have been so rude? She could practically feel her mother scolding her from Heaven. She waved them over. "Hey, guys," she beamed like the sun. "If you want to watch the movie with us then feel free."


Snow turned in his sleep, groaning and mumbling.

"Run! Sam!" he screamed as he fought off a Crank. He thrust kicked the beast away before turning to the person beside him. "What the hell are you doing here? I said go! I'll hold them off, just get out of here." There stood, a blond hair boy with wide brown eyes and a freckled face. He was shivering with fear on the pavement of the dark parking lot.

"I'm not leaving you!" The boy cried.

"This is not a democracy, Sam. GO!" Snow slammed his shovel against the Cranks head, causing the senseless monster to fall to its death. Another ran towards him, but he held his ground, planting his feet and readying himself to swing.

He heard the cry before he was able to turn his head. "SAM!"

Snow didn't realize that he was really screaming the name until he was on the brink of tears. He shivered in his bed, clutching his sheets as if they were going to save him somehow. His bright eyes were wide and his skin was clammy, but he didn't care. The only thing on his mind was the little blond boy that haunted his dream. "Sam..." he breathed.

The setting changes from Redbrooke Mall to Room 7


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley Stoke Character Portrait: Snow
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Snow had just, he'd started screaming. As far as Ashley knew, up to that point her friend had been in a deep sleep. Well, he had looked a little bit restless, but how could someone who had seen what any of them had, actually get a good nights rest? The part that really puzzled her was that it wasn't just screaming, he was screaming someones name. First she thought it might have been someone here, but when she went through her mental list of the malls occupants, not a single Sam came up. By this time she was sitting up, thoughts still running through her head as to what could have been wrong. Her eyes flicked around the room and towards the door out of habit, making sure that no one was there.

About another ten seconds passed before her heartbeat dropped enough for her to look over at Snow. The sight of her friend literally hurt, he looked so afraid. Slowly, she pushed herself out of bed and tiptoed across the few feet that was in between their beds before kneeling down in front of him. "S-Snow?" she nearly whispered, gently touching one of the hands that held so tightly to the blankets, as if offering him something else to hold onto. "Snow," she repeated, trying to draw his attention towards her. "-are you okay?" It was a stupid question, of course he wasn't okay. But she didn't know what else she could say to him.

The setting changes from Room 7 to Redbrooke Mall


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley Stoke Character Portrait: Snow
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0.00 INK


Snow's hairs were sticking up at the back of his neck. He closed his eyes when he felt the warmth of Ashley's hand on his clenched one. He didn't want her to see him like vulnerable...weak. Still, he couldn't wipe the dread from his face. He took a deep breath before finally looking at her through the haze of tears. He wasn't crying, but he was damn near close. He held it back though as he let go of the sheets and held onto Ashley's hand.

There was silence for a good minute or two before had the strength to finally speak. "I..." his voice was deep, but shaky. "I remember..." His chest ached and he couldn't stop himself. He cried. Tears flowed down his cheek and hit his sheets. His tears were silent, but they were filled with sorrow. "Sam...he wouldn't listen. I-I told him to run, they were surrounding us. There were about six maybe seven, but they had us cornered...I told him to leave me. He wouldn't listen...wouldn't listen. They got to him. I should have given him a weapon. I should fucking protected him. I-I..." He fell silent, staring blankly at his and Ashley's interlocked hands. His tears were still quietly flowing. "Why am I still alive," he whispered softly. "I should have died that night. Not him. He was just a kid."

The setting changes from Redbrooke Mall to Room 7


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley Stoke Character Portrait: Snow
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0.00 INK

Ashley sighed and closed her eyes, unable to watch his tears fall. Snow... he wasn't supposed to be like this. He was never like this. She tried to picture the intimidating, sarcastic, arrogant boy that she had been with just a few hours ago. But she just couldn't, not while hearing how weak he sounded, how hurt. Her eyes fluttered open again and she tightened her grip on his hand. This was never something she was good at, the whole emotion thing. If it had been anyone else, she probably would have bolted by now. She just wasn't great at being- well -sympathetic.

Pushing herself off the floor a bit, she gently nudged Snow to get him to scoot over. When he did, she crawled onto the bed next to him, careful to stay on top the sheets and to make the bed move as little as possible. "It's not your fault," she said softly, already knowing that she probably wasn't helping much. "It isn't your fault that he was... killed. Or that you're here and he isn't." Was she trying to make things worse? "Can... can I do anything?", she asked, slightly hesitant.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley Stoke Character Portrait: Snow
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0.00 INK


Snow froze in place. His eyes were staring unblinkingly at Ashley. His tears had ceased and his heart rate was slowing. He was numb again...that's what wanted, right. To not feel anything, just survive and go through the motions. He pulled his hand away from Ashley's slowly, and stood up. He ignored the dull throbbing of his leg as he made his way to the door. He didn't care that he was shirtless and sweating, he just needed to get away. He needed to breathe. His hand wrapped around the door knob and pulled it open, but before he could set foot out of the door, he looked at her from over his shoulder with empty eyes. The walls were coming down again and this time they were cemented down. "There's nothing you can do, so don't even try." He said numbly then left the room without another word.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley Stoke Character Portrait: Snow
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0.00 INK

Ashley stared at the spot where Snow used to be. She didn't bother getting up, going back to her own bed. All she did was reach to grab Snow's shirt again and pull it on before wrapping her arms around the pillow. There was no way she was going to cry, he didn't deserve her tears. Anyways, she couldn't hold it against him. He had just woke up crying and Ash wasn't any help at all, she should have expected him to storm off. It still hurt though, but she would never admit that.

Some time later she forced herself to return to her own bed, tucking herself under the covers and curling up near the wall. It was always difficult for her to get to sleep, but with everything on her mind then it was practically impossible. But she didn't want to do anything else, there wasn't anything to do. Her next shift wasn't until night so it didn't matter anyways.

She wanted him to come back, mostly. Wanted him to reappear in the doorway and apologize for leaving like that. Or even be angry at her, she just wanted to know that he wasn't going to go off and do something crazy. Ash just wanted him with her.

The setting changes from Room 7 to Security Office (Entrance C)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Snow
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0.00 INK


Snow limped down the hallway until he reached the security. He sat on the edge of one of the swivel chairs, just sitting. He didn't know why he just left the room. Perhaps in was the uncertainty in Ashley's voice, or that he cried in front of her. Maybe it was the initial shock of having had a memory. Whatever it was, he didn't like it. He didn't like caring. He stared at the broken screens of the monitors in silence. He hated that he felt weak.

"Sam," he said the name. It tasted familiar on his tongue, but who was the kid? Was he his brother, cousin, friend, or just a stranger? It was scary. Though, he was a tad pleased that he was given a memory, but that angered him most was that he was now faced with more questions than answers.