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Midnight Rebellion

Midnight Rebellion


the Rebellion of four cities against the king and the creation of a nation

1,572 readers have visited Midnight Rebellion since chris45 created it.


Prologue- The land of Tiberen has been in turmoil since the last great war, in that war Crimeth, the land known for its strong warriors and advanced tactics was the aggressor, they wanted to rule all of Tiberen, but the alliance of Coronia, known for their advanced abilities in magic, Dregnovia, the land of the beast tribe, Gallica, the land of the bird tribe, and Florin, the land of the reptile tribe. Stopped the advancement of Crimeth and defeated them. But because of this utter humiliating defeat Crimeth was forced to rebuild all the land they had destroyed on their ridiculous campaign, this angered the people of Crimeth that their king, Fendrel, would just sit back and let this happen. The people of Crimeth revolted, because their taxes were being raised to pay off the countries debt. This drove Fendrel to do terrible things to his people, he forced his military to put down the revolt by executing any who went against him, he forced his people to pay taxes with money they didn’t have, he also forced young male and female children to join his army and be trained for war. Fendrel then decided he would get his revenge on the alliance that stopped him from controlling Tiberen, he had all the leaders of each of the countries assassinated, except for the Coronia leader, Queen Alice. This threw Dregnovia, Gallica and Florin into panic, without their leaders they were vulnerable, it also caused the people of these three countries to distrust Queen Alice, because she was the only leader not assassinated. When the three countries were finally able to put new leaders on the throne, they went to war with Crimeth, Queen Alice tried to stop this war, but the alliance would not hear of it, they couldn’t see why Queen Alice did not want them to go to war after what had happened, because their anger blinded their judgment, the alliance of the three countries were so powerful it was said you could feel the ground shake as they marched. But this was also their down fall, the generals of the Crimeth army lead the alliance into a mountain pass, and as the ground shook so did the rocks from above, causing boulders to fall down killing hundreds of the alliances soldiers. This made the alliance even angrier, they wouldn’t stop till Fendrel’s head was detached from his body. And that was exactly what happened, Fendrel was killed by his own people, because his army that he had once used to put them down, had left to fight. It left Fendrel open and the people took the chance. No one was sad about the mad king’s death, he was a tyrant and all the people of Tiberen rejoiced, the people had a brief time of peace, the peace lasted for five years, then the new king of Crimeth, Edmund, who was the general to Fendrel, decided he wished to govern more land to have more people to pay taxes. Well the land they decided to take was the land of Gondal which was land that Coronia had control over. This started a small battle that Coronia quickly won. Ashamed by his failure Edmund moved on to a new land, Angria, which was a small land, it had no soldiers only farmers and a band of teenagers known as the Midnight alliance, this group of kids managed to hold their own against Crimeth soldiers, but they couldn’t hold forever and were defeated. The land of Angria was taken over and with it three more cities, Kalya, Lavernith, and Anexia, these three cities were known as the sister cities, because they were so close and helped each other. But because of Crimeth’s powerful soldiers the cities were taken over and taxes were given to their people. Dregnovia, Gallica, Florin and Coronia all wondered what Edmund was planning, but since they couldn’t send in spies without starting a major battle they could do nothing. Crimeth stopped it’s quest for land with those four cities and they then started to build their army, mostly likely to start another war.

Main cities and countries

Crimeth- it is a somewhat large country, it takes up most of northern Tiberen. The main capital is Volren, the city is where the king’s palace is and it is guarded by a large wall. The soldiers of Crimeth are well trained and are the strongest when it comes to using weapons. Crimeth’s soldiers are the only soldiers that are riders, most common riders are horsemen, but they do have dragon riders, and beast riders and Pegasus riders.

Coronia- the land of the Elven people, the people of Coronia are mostly Elves, but they do have Humans and Fairies, mostly everyone in Coronia is capable of using magic, some use weapons, like bows, swords and spears. But their most powerful tool is magic. Coronia’s capitol Orithan is a village hidden in the hundred year forest. The village is guarded by the forests natural magic, any who try and get to the village to do harm to it will never find their way out in over a hundred years. It is located in the western part of Tiberen

Dregnovia- is the land of the beast tribe, the beast tribe are very kind people, they appoint their leader by strength and wisdom. The capitol of Dregnovia is Zerix. It is a desert area, the sandstorms guard the city, the desert is almost impossible to cross unless you are of the beast tribe or can fly. Located in the eastern part of Tiberen

Gallica- the land of the bird tribe, the bird tribe are strong aerial fighters, the capitol of Gallica is Drovnin, it is a island in the middle of the Golren sea, which is east of Dregnovia and Florin. The leader of this tribe is chosen by strength.

Florin- the land of the reptile tribe, the reptile tribe is strong, but they don’t flaunt their strength. The leader of this tribe is chosen by wisdom and age. The country is located south of Dregnovia.

Angria, Kalya, Lavernith, and Anexia- these four cities are a part of Crimeth, but they are located to the west of the main parts of the country, these four cities are the farthest from Volren. So few soldiers are sent to these cities. Mostly humans live here but a lot of other races have been hiding in these cities to help the Midnight Alliance take the cities back.

Main races

Humans- They are the most common, they are located in almost every country. They are the best at using weapons. But nothing else is really special about them

Elves- this race is very magical, they are capable of controlling the elements and can calm any beast if given enough time. The Elven

Fairies- they are normally about the size of a human’s index finger, but they have been known to be smaller than that. They are usually given to young Elves who have become apprentices, They are very capable healers. Some are good offensive magic users as well, but most use defensive magic.

Lytherens- they are known as were-beasts, by the humans, they take the form of humans with animal like characteristics. They are able to change into animal form at will, their agility, strength and other abilities depend on what kind of Lytheren they are. While in their human like form all Lytherens are vulnerable.

Beast Lytheren- they are the second strongest Lytheren, they are the second fastest of the Lytherens, they are very agile creatures and use their agility to their advantage.

Bird Lytheren- they are the fastest of the Lytherens, They are the weakest when it comes to strength. They can see farther than any other resident of Tiberen.

Reptile Lytheren- They are the slowest of the Lytherens, but their strength makes up for it. The dragons are faster than any other Reptile Lytherens, but they aren’t as fast as the Beast Lytherens


Trainee- they are beginners in the art of sword combat, they are trained to be fast and strike with efficiency. But because they are new to the art, they aren’t very good at it.

Hunter- They are beginner bow users, they are capable of shooting things that aren’t to far away from them. But they aren’t good at shooting things farther away. They are faster than Trainee’s and can dodge well. But they aren’t good with close combat

Recruit- they use lances and spears, they are very balanced between defense and attack. They are good at fighting in the front lines.

Squire- Though not quite as strong as Recruits, the Squires take advantage of their skills while on mounts, they use lances to give them a ranged advantage. They can mount a Horse, Dragon, Beast or a Pegasus. The horses are most common because they are easily controlled.

Apprentice- they are magic users, though they only can use one element they are quite good with it. They aren’t fast or strong, so they rely on their ability to use magic from afar. They can use their magic well in both ranged and close combat, but while in close combat they are very vulnerable.

Thief- they are good with knives, they aren’t good at throwing their knives, yet but some can do it. They are experts at sneaking and stealing. They are very versatile and are handy in any fight. They have great speed and can out run almost any other novice class

Fighter- they use their hands to take down their enemies, they are good at some types of martial arts, but they are only beginners in the arts. So they mostly use it for defense to take away the enemies weapon. They have speed equal to a thief if not greater.

Traveler- They are axe users, they are the strongest of any other novice class, but their speed leaves much to be desired. They specialize in one on one combat

Age: (18 and under, later on you can make another character over the age of 18,but for now no one over 18.)
Class: ( only for humans and Elves)
Weapon: (stick to what your class uses, you can only have two weapons. This is only for humans, Elves and Fairies.)
Animal form: ( I think we all know who this is only for)
Element: (Apprentices only)
Mount: ( Squires only, Horse, Dragon, Beast or Pegasus. Just so you know, you will have to make a post about how you make a bond with your mount.) (and the Dragons and Beasts mounts are not Lytherens, hope your not disappointed by that ^^)
City: ( the city your character lives in, MUST be either Angria, Kalya, Lavernith, or Anexia)
Personality: (optional, it will be shown in the rp either way ^^)
History: (optional, but if you don’t show it here, you will have to make your character talk about their past to some.)
Appearance: ( what they normally look like, can be a description)
Physical features: ( what isn’t shown in the picture, if you used a picture.)

Have fun and if you have any ideas please pm them to me,it would be quite helpful

*theme song*

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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Giasha solemnly listened to the others "Auknard and I...... We have no home to return to........ but each other" she felt tears welling into her eyes as Auknard tried to comfort her. All she could remember were the soldiers and the pain. She helped lead the others out of the city. Auknard had taken into the air as to not attract much attentions. Plus he could only fit down the largest of streets. As they passed by the gate she was expecting a fight but instead there were only three dead guards and a trail of blood out of the city.

Siya watched as Kaya stitched up Hashfana's wounds. She felt so helpless not being able to help. She didn't trust herself with that kind of needle work anyways.

"Thank you very much Pain. I will make sure this cloak is cleaned and returned to you later" she said carefully slipping it on. She quickly stood up and was ready to keep going for a long while.

Suddenly Kaya hunched over by a tree and began to cough violently. Siya was filled with worry and rushed to his side. Fearing he was gravely sick or worse or something "Kaya...... what's wrong, please don't hurt yourself........" her eyes were full of worry but she had no idea how to help him. Hashfana sat back down on the ground and looked back at the city in the distance. There was a very large black spot in the sky over it and it seemed to be getting closer. "Sorry to disturb you but there appears to be a dragon coming this way and a group of.....well their not soldiers." Hashfana was worried too but what could she do. Yes she probably knew some sort of brew that would help him somehow but hey, she had none of the ingredients for it.


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Siluvaine relaxed a bit, sinking from her feet to her favorite spot on Edwin's shoulder. This was all very complicated and it interested her that so many put their lives on the line for this. "Hiding does seem the best option." She agreed softly.

Arlyn glanced around at the group and smiled slightly. There were an odd bunch to be sure and it seemed like most everyone had someone else to rely on for strength and comfort. There was a slight twinge of sadness in knowing she was alone but she shut it out as quickly as it came. "Well, Don't get me wrong. The job Ferren got me was helpful but this is twenty times more interesting then working at that damned Tavern." She glanced at Ferren and giggled slightly. "No offense. I do appreciate it."


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#, as written by chris45
Edwin starts to laugh he then says to everyone “well I’m glad you all feel so enthusiastic, well follow me I know a waterfall near by it’s blocked off so the soldiers wont know about it.” Edwin then starts to walk he looks at Sil and says “ hey, you did really great, I’m glad I have you to watch my back.” Edwin then hears some rustling in the trees. A bird then flies out and he chuckles. He then hears movement that sounds like running, it couldn’t have been anyone in his group. Edwin turns around and he sees a man in white light armor. Edwin’s hand is engulfed in flames as he watches as the man runs up to the group. Edwin readies to take the man out if he is one of the soldiers.

The man walks up to Edwin and says “I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m looking for my little brother, he is riding a lion have you seen him?” Edwin points to Rowan and the man goes running toward him. The man puts his hand on Rowan’s shoulder and Rowan turns and looks. Rowan’s eyes start to water and he then hugs the man and says “ Brom what are you doing here!?” Brom smiles and says “ I came for the execution I was guarding the nobles when I saw mom and uncle Victor. They said they saw you running this way with a group so I followed. Mom wants you to come back.” Rowan then tries to speak, but Brom says “I know you can’t go back after what happened so I’m here to help protect you, I don’t care about being a soldier it was forced on me anyway so I’m giving it up to help you.” Rowan smiles and then nods. Brom then walks up to Edwin and says “ I guess you are the leader of this band of people, well my name is Brom and I’m here to lend you all a hand if you will have me.” Edwin nods and then the fire in his hand disappear and he shakes Brom’s hand. Edwin then says “ nice to meet you, we can use all the help we can get.” Brom then walks back to Rowan and smiles.

Ferren looks at Arlyn and says “well you would give up a good job just for this, hm I think you will be interesting. This little journey wont be so bad now.” Ferren smiles Mina then pushes Ferren forward she looks at Arlyn and says “sorry about my brother he likes to think he can impress women by saying stupid things.” Ferren moves Mina out of the way and says “ Little sisters what are you going to do with them.” he looks at Mina and says “ oh yea you can throw them into the river.” Mina looks away from Ferren and marches forward. Ferren looks at Arlyn and says sarcastically “ so why was the real reason you came to save me. Was it because you couldn’t live without me.”


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(chris....You were supposed to run into my group on the road >.< )


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Siluvaine closed her eyes and smiled as she undid her hair. "Well, I'll always have your back Edwin. You did well yourself. I'm proud of you." She replied then with a large yawn, snuggled against his neck. As she started to doze off, she muttered softly. "I could go for a nice snack right now." Then like that, She was asleep, dreaming of happier things and her own little secrets.

“Sorry about my brother he likes to think he can impress women by saying stupid things.”

Arlyn giggled slightly and shrugged. "He is male. What else can you expect?" She replied before turning her attention from Mina to Ferren once again. She bit back another laugh when he commented on her being unable to live without him. Pushing back her hood, she stepped forward towards him and quickly slid one arm over his shoulder. "If I can't live without you.." She said softly, leaning in close. She stopped just shy of kissing him and smiled, then with with one quick step, removed her arm and moved around him. "You won't know just yet." She ran and caught up with his sister, with a small wave for him to hurry up.

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Tiberen by chris45


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Character Portrait: Kazi
0 sightings Kazi played by Sirk
A swordsman who trusts no one but helps all he can

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View All » Add Character » 17 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Siya
Character Portrait: Edwin
Character Portrait: Giasha
Character Portrait: mina
Character Portrait: Ferren
Character Portrait: Rowan
Character Portrait: Hashfana
Character Portrait: Arlyn
Character Portrait: Siluvaine
Character Portrait: Pain
Character Portrait: Brom


Character Portrait: Brom

Sword master and ex soldier

Character Portrait: Pain

A child theif with a painful and mysterious past.

Character Portrait: Siluvaine

Edwin's Faerie

Character Portrait: Arlyn

A young elven girl born on the outskirts of Lavernith

Character Portrait: Hashfana

A gypsy who acts in the city of Angria, famous among the citizenry for her dances of steel.

Character Portrait: Rowan

young kid looking to help protect his city

Character Portrait: Ferren

the Lytheren looking for his sister

Character Portrait: mina

Lytheren who wants to help the humans

Character Portrait: Giasha

A squire who is still recovering from wounds she suffered along with her dragon companion

Character Portrait: Edwin

the young apprentice,who longs to see the day the king no longer rules


Character Portrait: Arlyn

A young elven girl born on the outskirts of Lavernith

Character Portrait: Giasha

A squire who is still recovering from wounds she suffered along with her dragon companion

Character Portrait: Ferren

the Lytheren looking for his sister

Character Portrait: Siya

A young Lytheren trying to survive on the fringe of society.

Character Portrait: mina

Lytheren who wants to help the humans

Character Portrait: Hashfana

A gypsy who acts in the city of Angria, famous among the citizenry for her dances of steel.

Character Portrait: Brom

Sword master and ex soldier

Character Portrait: Pain

A child theif with a painful and mysterious past.

Character Portrait: Edwin

the young apprentice,who longs to see the day the king no longer rules

Character Portrait: Rowan

young kid looking to help protect his city

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Giasha

A squire who is still recovering from wounds she suffered along with her dragon companion

Character Portrait: Siluvaine

Edwin's Faerie

Character Portrait: Hashfana

A gypsy who acts in the city of Angria, famous among the citizenry for her dances of steel.

Character Portrait: Edwin

the young apprentice,who longs to see the day the king no longer rules

Character Portrait: Brom

Sword master and ex soldier

Character Portrait: Arlyn

A young elven girl born on the outskirts of Lavernith

Character Portrait: Siya

A young Lytheren trying to survive on the fringe of society.

Character Portrait: Rowan

young kid looking to help protect his city

Character Portrait: Ferren

the Lytheren looking for his sister

Character Portrait: Pain

A child theif with a painful and mysterious past.

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