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Monstrum's Asylum for Developing Monsters

Monstrum, 666 Devil Road Transylvania


a part of Monstrum's Asylum for Developing Monsters, by Lord General.


Lord General holds sovereignty over Monstrum, 666 Devil Road Transylvania, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Monstrum, 666 Devil Road Transylvania is a part of Monstrum's Asylum for Developing Monsters.

31 Characters Here

Gem Kenji [55] Don't let that innocent look fool you he eats people.
Imdius [49]
Brienne Showalter [44] Plainest of Harpies
Sen Jumin [41]
Xue Tokala [40] Snow Kitsune; Speech #0099FF; Abrasive, Quiet, Observant, Sarcastic.
Kaen Phokus [38] "Let me tell you, my cat is evil..."
Thomas [38] The cat that became a god.
Headmaster Waylan Monstrum [35] "If you break the rules, do not get caught. Get caught by a human, and hope that they kill you first."
Shame Eclipse [34] "Please... Don't ask me about my past. I don't like talking about it."

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4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imdius Character Portrait: Headmaster Waylan Monstrum Character Portrait: Brienne Tenebris Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton
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"Yeah, Kyle McLoughton." Kyle finished his words with the registrar after the woman in front had finished and proceeded to wonder around the waiting area. She said exactly the same thing as she did to the woman after all, something about a free period and the location of the headmaster's office on the map. Things would be much easier if there was even a map to begin with. However, it seemed rude to interrupt the registrar once more for an enquiry on where one could find a map, only for the bitch to point out it was under his nose. No, that'd be too embarrassing, not for a refined 'human' such as Kyle.

And that was when the woman had spoke out in general; "Er... a-is anyone gonna eat this...?", of course her followed actions made it obvious that she didn't need an answer as she proceeded to drag the man's body away. That's a bit disrespectful, that guy was a good man, joined the special forces because of his family tradition and all. This bitch can't just disappear and eat the guy, no matter what race she is.

"Excuse me, Miss." Kyle called out to the woman before giving a small pause, thinking about what he was planning on doing. Would it be considered ungentlemanly to disturb someone when collecting 'food' in some cultures of monster? He can't just point out that eating that guy is disrespectful, that would be hypocritical. Instead, Kyle proceeded to pull one of his hands out of his pocket, allowing him to cough into his fist before righting his blue tie and the strap of the large case he carried on his back [continuity error dammit, forgot to mention this in my previous post]. "I don't suppose you know how one can reach the headmaster's office?"

After several attempts of fixing the disturbed footprint, Imdius decided that his artwork of 'dickbutt' was a good enough replacement before returning back to his workplace. He still had a large amount of time before his teaching begins, and Waylen seemed to show some signs of 'I wanna talk to you'. Or perhaps it was the convenient sneeze one has when others are talking of them, and who else to talk smack about Imdius than Waylen Monstrum himself. After all, he's the only guy who has the balls to talk smack about Imdius in the first place.

And so, Imdius made another teleportation trip towards Monstrum's academy, after paying a visit to McDonalds to pick up a couple meals. It was just in time too, the student council had just been dismissed by the headmaster, leaving him alone in his office once again. And just like before, Imdius suddenly appeared in one of the chairs in the blink of an eye. Smiling casually as he placed the two McDonald's bags on Waylen's desk. "Yo, I got some time to kill, thought I'd come chill." He spoke out as he lit yet another cigarette with his finger fire, allowing his body to slump back in the chair, his leg held across the other knee with one arm hanging over the back of the chair. He was even kind enough to point the cigarette back towards Waylen, one poked out further than the others to allow him to easily pull it out. "What'd you think of the little shits I chose?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shame Eclipse Character Portrait: Sen Jumin Character Portrait: Thomas Character Portrait: Rook/Valda Sertogas
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Shame gave a light chuckle. "Sorry, it's a bad habit for me." She apologized about the whistle. Divination? She was lost at first, but then recognition hit like a stone. "Ah, yes. Divination is my next class and it looks like we both need help getting there. Heh..." Her hetero chromatic red-blue eyes traveled over to the demon boy, returning her eyes back to Thomas as he look over. "Names Shame..." She smiled kindly, holding out her hand. She was hoping to make at least one friend. And Thomas seems like a good guy.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shame Eclipse Character Portrait: Sen Jumin Character Portrait: Brienne Showalter Character Portrait: Thomas Character Portrait: Gem Kenji Character Portrait: Rook/Valda Sertogas
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"Well," Brienne began to answer the sharp-toothed boy's statement, "Getting shrapnel to the shoulder isn't the worst I've ever been hurt. Getting mad about it won't make me un-stabbed either." She had to admit that the throb in her head hadn't lessened, however. "Cooler heads prevail, and all that." Shuffling the rest of the way into Monstrum's office alongside Gem, she attentively paid attention to the headmaster's words. A job? Of all the things she expected, an actual job wasn't it.

Distracted by the thoughts of how best to allocate her resources, the harpy snapped back to reality when Monstrum started trying to balance a folder on her head. What? It slipped off of her hair repeatedly. Then he started adding bird seed to the issue. One bag. Two bags. More. Standing perfectly still, she waited until the obviously crazy man finished balancing the documents on her head.

At least the news of a free period put her a little less on edge. A nap would do her a world of good. With a gentle parting wave (to carefully avoid knocking the precariously balanced and weighted folder off of her head) Brienne scooched out of the room. After the door closed, she held her wings out in front of her like a basket, then tilted her head forward to dump the contents off. Mercifully, none of the papers slid out of the folder. Awkwardly shuffling the folder underneath one of her wings, the harpy negotiated the bird seed into one of her taloned feet. In a display of mind-boggling dexterity, she shifted the folder from one wing to the other, opened her shoulder-slung knapsack, stuffed it inside, then bent her foot back up to scoop up the bird seed and drop it on top of the mess. "I'll drop this stuff off in the council room." Well, after her nap, that was.

Rolling her shoulders back, she shot a strange, winged salute to Gem. Hopping a bit further through the room, she noticed a map... on the wall across from Monstrum's office. It seemed an odd part of the room to place a campus map on, but at this point she didn't care. Cocking her head to the side, much like a curious falcon, she pin-pointed both her location and the location of the dormitory building. Carefully studying the floor-plan of the building, she committed it to memory after half a minute. Walking out into the hallway, she took to wing again, flapping her bloodied and clean wing a few times before doing something she rarely did - used her magic.

Though by itself, the magic wasn't particularly strong or useful, when paired with the harpy's wingbeats, it shot her forward at a speed she couldn't hope to reach normally. She almost felt bad for anyone who might be too close, as the wind-wave from her passage would no doubt muss hair, ruffle feathers, fluff fur, and send papers flying. Practically zooming through the straight halls, then using her wind to bank her turns without losing too much speed, the harpy made her way past rooms and a few confused students.

Along the way, she spotted a vaguely familiar, horned shape. And that boy from the council meeting earlier. As she flew by like a leaf in a storm, she called, "Hi, Sen! Hi, other person!" Whether or not they heard was up for debate, but the flow of her passing was unmistakable. Through her blurred vision, she also spotted the cat-eared boy she'd seen before she skipped sparring class, and some other girl. She would have waved to them as well, but Brienne didn't want to tumble out of the air.

A handful of turns later, she burst out into the main entrance, then out of the school building. Gaining height in a twisting spiral of wind, wings, and flying hair, the harpy took a moment to luxuriate in simply being outside and unconstrained. Pinpointing the dormitory building, she glided down most of the way, then flew just above the ground for the last few yards. Pushing the doors open, she wandered around for a bit before finding her room - 205. Luckily, the door was unlocked. Pulling open the round-handled door proved much harder than the entry doors, but after a few tries she managed it.

Walking in, she noticed someone asleep on the other bed in the room. Shrugging, she plopped her knapsack on the small desk as quietly as possible. Fishing through it for a pencil and some paper, she quickly scribbled out two notes. The handwriting was a bit bad, since she had to write with her foot, but it was definitely legible. Struggling to get the door open again, she moved back into the hall and slipped one under each of the doors to either side of her own room. As soon as she finished, the harpy promptly returned to her own room and plopped onto her bed for a nap.


Hi, neighbor!
My name is Brienne, from room 205. Come say hi if you want, I'm pretty friendly!

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shame Eclipse Character Portrait: Sen Jumin Character Portrait: Rook/Valda Sertogas
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Image "You may as well go ahead and put me on the committee to organize that dance as well." Gem sighed, slightly annoyed by the careless attitudes every teacher seemed to have in this place. He left the office and set to finding his way to this meeting room he'd spoke of. Chances where he'd be the only one taking this job seriously. He was going to make it work. First thing to address was the meeting room.

He found it without too much of an issue and walked right in. Sadly it looked to be a little outdated. It consisted of a large oval table and a set of chairs half of which needed replacing as well as a dirty chalk board with a penis badly drawn in the corner in sharpie. Gem grimaced and attempted to rub it off with his sleeve. "Of course it wouldn't come off." he muttered.

"Well this has got to change for one."

Gem took a seat at the head of the table. The office chair wobbled precariously on it's loose wheels but Gem managed to sit confidently on it. He rifled through his satchel and felt cold metal suddenly reminded that he'd tucked a gun away in there. He took it out and examined it quietly. "I was going to give this to the headmaster."

He smiled quietly and gripped the gun securely with both hands, his grip seeming familiar and comfortable. He imagined someone else there a figure with a shifting complexion. All the teacher's he'd had, his parents, Imidius and the other teachers, Sen and even the headmaster. "I ought to make some cursed bullets for this. Make some kind of use for this." Aiming his gun at the chalk board he imagined himself in uniform patrolling the corridors with the gun on his belt. "How does the Monstrum Police sound?" He muttered to himself. With that he stood and made his way to the computer lab dropping the gun back into his satchel as he went.

Image Tom took her hand hesitantly and shook it. "Tom." He replied a little bewildered by it all. He had to remind himself not to sniff her hand first.

"I'm not a neko by the way. Everyone mistakes me for one ever since I got this body. I'm no cute little 'nyan nyan' japanese cliche using cat puns in every sentence. I'm a cat god. Dogs will worship the ground any human walks on but cats. Cats only worship me." He smiled as if it was meant to impress her in some way. Not that being a god of cats was something to boast about. After all most cats sleep 90% of their day away. In a way he was a god of laziness. "What about you?"

He turned to walk with her down the hall. He figured if he walked in one direction eventually they'd come across a map or a teacher that would point them in the right direction. If not he'd find a spot to nap and blame his absence on a stomach ache or something. For the moment Tom seemed utterly oblivious to Sen, offering only a glance in his direction, crinkling his nose at the distinct scent of hellfire clinging to his clothes like a smoker's perfume. For the moment Tom was determined to fly under the radar of creatures like demons and dragons which generally speaking traditionally had more nefarious and powerful powers than he did. Even more so now he had the majority of his powers locked within his meat suit. A demon prince seemed like more trouble than was necessary.

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Character Portrait: Kaen Phokus
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Kaen Phokus

Since the dragon was off on is own devices, Kaen took this chance to practice his higher grade magical abilities that he couldn't teach at the school. The gym was the perfect place for it, as it has plenty of space and enough magical shielding to prevent any collateral damage. He started by heading out to the center of the gym and setting his knuckles ablaze with fire with which he punched the ground and from the impact sprouted a warlock's circle across the ground 30ft in diameter with many symbols etched into the wooden floor across the circle. Starting with the alteration school of magic, he sat on the floor cross-legged and began to meditate.

He levitated up into the air still in his pose and stayed concentrated on his magic. He slowly formed large heavy orbs of pure force around him, four orbs in all that could hold his entire folded body in their core. The orbs began to bend gravity and get even heavier as the room began to slowly bend inward and a large amount of force began to push outwards from the pressure. When Kaen couldn't handle the strain of keeping the heavy orbs aloft anymore, he slowly released the strain and phased the orbs into nothing once more and let the gravity of the room return to normal including himself, putting him back in the middle of the circle. He released his held breath and looked at the glow of the daylight outside to judge the time.

"Ten minutes, not my best time." He stood up and recovered his strength, feeling the shockwaves of magic energy from his personal challenge resonate through the school. More than likely it would be felt by anyone with magical talent, not to mention the other teachers. It was often that he practiced magic so this wasn't a bad thing. He was however warned by Monstrum not to overdo it, since it might damage important systems that keep the school running smoothing. He took a break to re-hydrate and stretched after the high-gravity training, then walked back into the circle and prepared himself mentally for the next challenge.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Headmaster Waylan Monstrum Character Portrait: Amrit Cadfael
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As his transport drove around part of the big plot of land where the school resided. All together yet segregated by different buildings. Hopefully-- No, of course there would be signs to tell him where to get to the Headmaster's office. He did look at the monument at the front entrance of the school, he mushed his face into the window to really look at it then the clouds above. "Hm.." He took his face away and went into his waist coat inner pocket and pulled out a black silken blindfold. Tying it under his long raven black hair in a precise bow despite no one ever seeing it. As the driver opened the door, making a face at Amrit as he just witnessed him covering his eyes as he did then slowly sling out like a cat before standing upright. Amrit stretched his arms out, bones cracking in unfamiliar places, lucky he actually chose to wear his deep plum purple waist coat too. Since his spine shifted so much, his skin moved. Most people would probably be disturbed about it. One thing Amrit was not ignorance about, vanity. He was not the most.. desirable and his habits made him much less so.

He fixed his waist coat with a playful broken tune, his smile painted in slightly glossed black lip stick. He turned to the driver as he heard his singular large suit case be put down behind him. "Thank you ever so much Ser... I will call you Benjamin. You are Benjamin now." The driver blinked, having had to deal with Amrit naming him different names the entire trip which lasted four days off and on. He was only in it for the money which was in the form of flawless rubies. "Uh.. yes sir. It was good traveling with you." Amrit proceeded to sniff, getting seemingly emotional. "Oh I know, enjoy your payment~ I am going to get a job... and meet different people now. Thank you again, now, ta ta~!" He took the handle of his rolling luggage and started to lift his foot to walk when he turned back around to the driver. "My outfit is appropriate correct, Jenny?" The driver sat in his seat, sighing for a long time with a cigarette burning away faster than he could smoke it with such a long exhale before he smiled and looked at Amrit.

Amrit was wearing formal trousers, only styled like leggings just in black leather. His dress shoes were also leather with steel toe caps and a small heel. He also wore a braided leather belt with delicate chains on it and a corset under his waist coat, tied up, not zipped with familiar bows he did himself... somehow. His hair was long and well kept, reaching down to just above his backside and his arms were covered in finger less long gloves that went above his elbows. They were black and made of fine cotton with floral patterned lace over them for texture. Finally his skin was, unusual. Deathly pale yet it had a silverish shimmer to it and in warm days it would have a slight purple hue to it. But today he looked more silver, his skin usually got more colour onto it the hotter it was.

Besides his black leather multi-layer necklace that looked like a choker before a white gold pendant of two feathers was showed like a normal necklace and the rings of onyx, ruby and moonstones it was clear that he was very eccentric. The driver just sort of stared at Amrit for a long time, somehow, the longer he looked at him in his deep coloured plum purple waist coat which seemed to be the only colour on him apart from his jewelry... the more he liked it. He nodded and put his thumb up before noticing the blindfold again and spoke up. "Looking good. You will do fine. Now, I need to go, Amrit. Take care." The driver closed his door and sighed in relief before driving far... far away. Amrit just nodded and waved to the car, shouting. "Bye bye Jasmine!" He laughed a bit to himself before continuing his broken tune humming as he walked forth, walking around the monument only to stop and go up next to it.. and lick it. "Hm." He then proceeded on his way into the main office building where he was greeted by one of the staff and shown to a waiting area with his luggage.

He was sat by a child no down and everyone just stared at him. Since it was evident he was not human. No one could be so pale.. or shimmer in the light where his veins were located. He just hummed away as he waited for his interviewer. But eventually he turned to the poor unfortunate soul beside him and began to chat. "You know, the monument tastes like marble. I like marble. It is so... smooth and shiny in the sun. Also you smell like a tree. Are you a forest being?" He sighs, frowning to himself as he rests his head back against the wall, one leg crossed over the other. His left hand holding onto his luggage and the other on his knee. He closed his eyes behind his blindfold and groaned a bit. "Now you have made me thirsty.. Forest people always make me think of water.. Can you get me some water?" The boy beside him had been in tears from being told off by a teacher.. now he was confused and very worried about being seated next to Amrit. He silently walked off and sat by another person after getting a plastic cup of water for Amrit. Amrit took it, bowing his head in thanks before downing it, letting the boy go off. "Ooh.. spring water mm.."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miki Haruko Character Portrait: Randal Monstrum
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ImageAiko Nozaki
As Randal turned, Aiko prepared herself mentally for a slap across the face, though instead received nothing of the sort, her hitched breath releasing itself in a confused mumble, "M-Mistress?" her unmoving eye sockets remained wide as they always did, though would have grown wider in the embarrassment she felt upon receiving the title of 'Headmaster's Mistress', "I-I'm not" Aiko struggled to dispel the rumour and shortly gave up after noticing she likely wouldn't keep Randal's attention for long if she didn't get straight to the point.

"U-uhm. Your father asked me t-to.. uh, check up on you.." Aiko kept her voice low, her intention was not to embarrass him with letting the pink girl know that he required baby-sitting from a porcelain doll half his size, but her voice was so low that Randal himself probably couldn't even hear her, let alone anyone else nearby. However, letting the pink girl hear her words was the least of Aiko's worries - the fact that Randal even needed to be 'watched over' by the Headmaster's Mistress was surely a hard pill to swallow for the young necromancer, whom was notorious for his lone-wolf attitude and self-proclaimed independence. Aiko was certain she was soon to receive a verbal beating once Randal had finished chatting up the girl in pink.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miki Haruko Character Portrait: Aiko "The Doll" Nozaki Character Portrait: Imdius Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton
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ImageWaylan Monstrum
He owns this school. Behave.


Waylan stood from his desk as Imdius appeared. As the demon sat unceremoniously down in the chair, Waylan began to pace. "I've just met with the student council you chose. A chicken and some weird child. Do you think that this was a jo-" He sighed and put a hand down on the desk. "You're in charge of the dance now. Also, I need you to run some errands for me. I need a sample from the core, five shrunken heads from the Wilson family, specifically of Father Henry wilson. I need coffee from starbucks too. Venti hazlenut chocolate drizzle. all on my desk within a minute." The man then took out the contract he had been given by Imdius earlier, now signed. "there."

Randal "Flags" Monstrum


Randal narrowed his eyes as the little girl began to speak back to him, maintaining the condescending gaze as she switched the subjects. "my father sends his mistress to check up on his 'precious son' instead of getting off of his ass and keeping up appearances?" The boy's fist - still covered in a noticable amount of blood from his earlier bout - clenched. He forced himself to relax, spreading the fingers as he spoke in a low growl. "You can tell him that I am... Fine. Perfectly. Fine." The boy then turned back to the pink haired beauty. "Now. About that tour?"



Brienne stopped dragging the body as the boy the man had been escorting approached, wiping the fictional sweat off of her brow.
"The headmaster? oh, I'm actually going to go see him soon... I'm just kind of..." The Bogeyman gestured to the body. "you know. Skipped breakfast..."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miki Haruko Character Portrait: Aiko "The Doll" Nozaki Character Portrait: Randal Monstrum
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Flags continued to speak for a moment, taking Miki's hand into his own and smiling at her quite charmingly. She suddenly felt like her stomach sunk out of nervousness. He was the Headmaster's son and she felt that meant he was quite important. Miki nodded in reply to his question on whether she was enjoying the school so far or not. "U-Um." However as she was about to reply to him further and respond to his other questions, he turned to... The Headmaster's mistress? Who had been trying to get his attention this whole time.

Miki simply smiled; she was patient but more curious about what the two were talking about. This, Mistress? Seemed important too. Perhaps the secretary for the Headmaster? Her head tilted slightly to side, studying the two. She had never seen or spoken to anyone apart from her own kind before; she was uncertain about how to act and speak.

Suddenly, Miki felt Flags aura went quite, dark and ominous. She didn't know what that meant but her instincts told her he was touchy about a certain unknown subject. It surprised her however, when Flags was done speaking with the girl, he turned back to Miki like he had never been annoyed at all. That sudden change in aura was intriguing but also made her feel a bit, wary. Her big, pale violet eyes fluttered briefly, as they stared back into his, a bit caught off guard at how quickly the conversation ended between himself and the cute girl. The tour sounded like a good idea, she had already forgotten why she was looking for the Head Office to begin with, possibly curious about where her dorm and class was. "That would be much appreciated Flags, I'd love a tour." Her eyes smiled along with her soft, peach pink lips. Miki's eyes then trailed to his hand however which she noticed had blood on it. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened to let out a short gasp. "Flags! Have you been hurt?" Quite alarmed and worried now. Everyone she met seemed to be injured today; on the first day too. She felt the need to be extra careful now, no running around like an excited child at a theme park.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imdius Character Portrait: Headmaster Waylan Monstrum Character Portrait: Brienne Tenebris Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton
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Imdius listened to the headmaster's words, chuckling to himself as he described the student council members, only for his smile to fall as the head master sighed. His face fell even further as orders were thrown towards the carefree demon, his eyebrows furrowed as his mouth fell to an eccentric saddened state. "What the fuck? I ain't doing shit like that you little-" Imdius' words were quickly silenced as Walyan placed the contract on the desk, signed and all. Shit. Now Imdius has to be the bitch of the school in exchange for a ton of souls stored throughout the campus. At least it's an easy way to get souls...

Without a word, Imdius quickly stood from his chair. A fake smile plastered across his face as he spoke his words through spiteful teeth; "Whatever you say."
With that, he disappeared, reappearing within 50 seconds with everything Waylan had ordered, placing them kindly on the table before picking up his McDonald's and taking a bite into the happy meal.

The strange girl stopped in her tracks, pretending to wipe her brow as she turned to face Kyle. At least he managed to stop her, but how in hell would he manage to save the body? Of course, she was coming up with some annoying excuses of skipping breakfast, but at least she was also going to the headmaster. Kyle now has to turn this situation into killing two birds with one stone...

"That's great to hear, madam." Kyle stated, his face emotionless as his words were spoken in monotone. Perhaps this was a time to smile?
"I don't think it's healthy to eat that man. Especially for breakfast." Finally, it makes sense and doesn't suggest that Kyle's hurt by the scene. Perhaps it also shows off his gentlemanly nature, seeing as he attempted to sound like he cared.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shame Eclipse Character Portrait: Sen Jumin Character Portrait: Thomas Character Portrait: Rook/Valda Sertogas
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Shame gave a slightly nervous chuckle, falling in step with Thomas. "Well... If you didn't see the fight. I'm part demon. And wolf... Not many people see me in my wolf form, mainly in schools. She crossed her arms over her chest with a sigh, her red eye peaking from her bangs that hung over her eye. "So cats worship you huh? That actually has to be kinda cool..." She smirked, looking over at him and looked over to the other two. Her eyes locked on the prince demon and, her senses sharper as something shifted inside her. She shuddered, the hair on the nape of her neck standing.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imdius Character Portrait: Headmaster Waylan Monstrum Character Portrait: Randal Monstrum
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ImageAiko Nozaki
Aiko's eyes trailed down to Randal's fists, watching as they clenched. Aiko flinched, "R-right!" she gave a quick nod and a short bow, then backing up to her desk, taking a quick second to 'breath' before turning to look toward the headmaster's door. Imdius had entered earlier in the haze that was various staff and students rushing in and out of the main office, and Aiko hadn't seen Imdius leave the office yet, so she assumed he must still be inside.

Aiko didn't want to be rude by interrupting, but usually the Headmaster didn't seem to mind her presence, and she didn't hear any shouting from the other side of the door - Aiko gave a short knock with the back of her hand, her glass knuckles creating a dangerous sounding tap against the wood.

"S-sir.." Aiko's quiet voice echoed from the inside of her soul, it had a hint of rust to it, her tone evident of her aging soul inside of the doll casing she'd possessed on her day of death, "Y-your son is.. h-he says he's doing perfectly fine." Aiko stationed herself by the door, her head low in respect as she awaited her invitation to officially 'enter' the room, she felt it rude to charge into the middle of what was likely an important conversation. It seemed ok, however, to take a quick peek up at the Headmaster's desk, spotting a very familiar looking pile of paperwork, with the equally as familiar Headmaster's signature at the bottom.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shame Eclipse Character Portrait: Sen Jumin Character Portrait: Gohan Naudeus Character Portrait: Thomas Character Portrait: Rook/Valda Sertogas
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Gohan backed his way in through a side door both bulky arms occupied carrying a large wooden crate with holes in the sides the size of quarters. He was a huge beast and had to duck to slip his head inside before turning to face down the hall. The box he held was tall and his chin rested on the top of it keeping it steady as the thing inside moved restlessly, causing it to shake.

"Out of the way, please!" He shouted, his gruff voice booming as he clumbsily eased his way past Thomas. Thomas took several steps back, guiding Shame away as well on his side of the hallway subconsciously tugging her by the sleeve, not really thinking on the gesture. Gohan made to move past the others in the hall. "Oi! You too, kid, step aside!" He demanded towards Sen who happened to be directly in his way. His small wire rimmed glasses slid awkwardly down his snout causing the minotaur to pause and wriggle his nose trying to push them back. Every movement he made seemed to be....awkward. It put an image to the phrase 'bull in a china shop' and he constantly knocked his elbows and tail into things as he passed them. The clothes he wore, a simple dress shirt and a tie along with short slacks that only went to his knees do his odd bovine hooves all seemed messy and rather informal for a teacher's attire. He fumbled with a particular door not far around a corner before he turned to call back to them. "O-oi, one a' you give me a hand here."

Thomas looked on warily and with great curiosity. He'd never seen a minotaur before, he'd always assumed they'd look more frightening than the beast before him. Gohan by comparison....looked kind of like a bumbling oaf.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miki Haruko Character Portrait: Aiko "The Doll" Nozaki Character Portrait: Imdius Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton
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ImageWaylen Monstrum
He owns this school. Behave.


Waylen waved his hand in dismissal as he picked up his coffee, bringing it to his lips and tasting it, before grumbling that there was too little cream. "be sure to go watch the children during the free period." The man then kicked back in his chair and picked up the flesh-bound tome on his desk and began to flip through it as if it was an issue of Cosmo, rather than the mind-warping, omniscient journal of a mad man."And send Aiko in. I need her help with something"

Randal "Flags" Monstrum


Randal chuckled softly and took the girl's hand before he began walking, heading out of the L-shaped main building. "of, no. That's not my blood." He gestured to the main courtyard, adorned with the main fountain that linked it to the aquatic passageways beneath the school - so designed for Kelpies, merfolk, undynes, and other aquatic monsters that called this school home. "Here, this is the main courtyard. You can tell by its location near the cafeteria and the tables that this can be used for meals of various types. That entrance over there- He gestured to a larger set of buildings, labeled as the school store. "- you can purchase supplies and glamoures. The gnomes inside also offer a postal service if you want to send mail back home." The boy gently lead his pink haired companion towads the next area, a large greenhouse near the northeast of the campus. "This is the garden. all of the fruit and vegetables inside are available for students to consume. Feel free to stop by any time, honestly. Behind that, there's a shooting range. Don't ask why, father likes guns. I could spend hours showing you around. is there anywhere in particular you wish to go?"



The Bogeyman rocked on her heels for a bit before sighing and dropping the body. "you're quite right. I suppose I should start watching my figure anyway. would you like to go get something while we wait for the headmaster to become available? I hear that there's a food court that's open all hours of the day..."

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shame Eclipse Character Portrait: Sen Jumin Character Portrait: Brienne Showalter Character Portrait: Gohan Naudeus Character Portrait: Thomas Character Portrait: Gem Kenji Character Portrait: Rook/Valda Sertogas
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Sen simply continued to watch the two students, studying them curiously. He found the cat boy to be quite cute, almost looking at him with perverse intentions behind his eyes. His little day dream ended shortly however as he could hear a flapping sound in the distance. "Hm?" Sen turned slightly to see what caused the sound only to see the harpy moving at quite a fast speed in his direction. The Demon's expression turned to one showing disgust as she whizzed by, causing his long black hair to fly all over the place. Strands on odd places, entangled in his horns. "Dammit Brienne!" He yelled out to her down the hall as she greeted him as she passed him. Sen couldn't help but grin a little; what a comical, clumsy girl.

His attention returned to the two as they walked past Sen. Glancing at him ever so slightly. He simply offered them a devious smile as they seemed to be avoiding him. Or perhaps he was just getting ahead of himself as usual. The Demon stood there for a moment, simply thinking of what he should do now; he'll catch the other two off guard when they have no choice but to talk to him. His thoughts were cut short however as a voice caught him off guard, asking him and the others to make way. Sen moved out of the way of course, not wanting to come in contact with someone lower than himself. He studied the quite, interesting character who seemed to have his hands full. He couldn't help but give off a dull expression, judging and underestimating what seemed to be a teacher, a Minotaur too. This expression formed when he asked for help. "How weak and incapable. Relying on others is just pitiful." Sen replied before reluctantly opening the door for the teacher.

It seemed the cat boy had stayed around a little long from being curious of the teacher. Sen decided to walk up to him casually before leaning down in a belittling fashion towards the male, looking deep into his eyes. "I'll be having a chat with you later. You can't avoid me." His lips curled into a cocky grin that gave off the impression Sen's intentions were bad. He wasn't trying to intimidate him exactly, he was just playing around, but he was seriously going to have a chat with him later.

With that said he left the three, continuing on his way down the hallways, more or less exploring the school now. As he wandered around, a familiar smell caught his attention. What he sensed was someone he wasn't very fond of. Curiously he peered into what seemed to be a computer lab only to see Gem inside. Alone. Sen glared at the male from the doorway before entering the room, closing the door behind him. He leaned against the exit with his arms cross, simply frowning at the guy. "Wow you really are super nerdy huh?" He could only assume Gem was the type to work hard. He seemed like he took things quite seriously and it annoyed Sen. He couldn't help but feel envious of how others seemed to think he was better at leading than Sen. "Don't tell me you're going to play teacher's pet the whole year." Sen had no reason to be in the computer lab, he just wanted to tease Gem and possibly get on his nerves.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shame Eclipse Character Portrait: Sen Jumin Character Portrait: Gohan Naudeus Character Portrait: Thomas Character Portrait: Gem Kenji Character Portrait: Rook/Valda Sertogas
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Gohan merely chuckled at Sen's insolent remarks. "Maybe so boy, perhaps I'll ask for your help again in the future. For a demon you seem quite willing to be of help." He gave Sen a jovial smile and went on to put the box on the teacher's desk in the front of the classroom. The beast inside hissed angrily at the sudden vibrations and what looked like the tongue of a snake flicked out of one of the holes in the side.

Tom had not expected Sen to go up to him. The motion made his eyes widen slightly and he looked around to see who he was walking towards. When he turned back Sen was leaning close to him. The scent of demon was thrust into his face causing him to wince. His ears flipped back against his scull almost. He trembled despite his shame for doing so, he knew Sen was fucking with him but a cat will always be a cat. Sen made it clear his intention to speak to him, the fact that he couldn't hide from him, probably knowing full well that was what had gone though his head at the sudden gestures. Thomas gaped like a fish and gave an unintelligible response before everything went black.

Thomas had not passed out. His view had been obscured by his own clothing as his form faltered, popping into the shape of a cat almost as if he'd always been the cat and the human form had been an illusion. The pile of clothing writhed and his small black head popped out of a sleeve. His eyes looked furious, annoyed, and the agitated twitch of his tail mirrored his embarrassment. 'In front of everyone too!' He struggled out of the sleeve, trailing his shirt across the floor a ways before slipping free and scampering down the hallway. 'How embarrassing! Shame probably thinks I'm an idiot thanks to that jerk!' He mewled angrily as he passed through Sen's retreating legs, hoping to cause him to trip. He slipped into the library and hid with ease among the jungle of bookshelves. He'd go back to normal eventually he just had to calm himself. He wasn't sure it was the best idea though since he'd be naked. Thomas hid between books, his little kitten's body trembling with Adrenalin, tail flicking back and forth with unease. He'd just have to wait until the hallway cleared out and sneak his clothes back.....somehow...

Gem peered over his glasses only emphasizing Sen's own point. His soft lavender gaze took the demon in with little interest as the light from the computer screen reflected in his glasses. Gem pushed his glasses up and smirked, continuing with his plan. "Teacher's pet? Hardly. Unlike you I'm going to actually do something to take control of this place." He glanced up at Sen and a dark smile graced his deceptively innocent looking complexion. Gem was a siren, it wasn't hard to see that he'd play whatever song necessary to get the people to dance his way. Including Sen if necessary. He leaned back and let Sen observe his work. "To rule, you need an army don't you?"

He had a poster, or rather the layout for one. It looked like a club recruitment, or rather a recruitment to Monstrum's Campus Police. The color schemes vaguely brought to mind the Nazis with all the reds and blacks and Gem's image plastered across the front. "I'll need a General for my army though..." His eyes glimmered as he glanced at Sen, wondering if he'd take the bait for second in command. He'd get some power sure but he'd be taking orders from him, the guy he lost against.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shame Eclipse Character Portrait: Sen Jumin Character Portrait: Gohan Naudeus Character Portrait: Thomas
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Shame was caught off guard when the Minotaur drove through their path, Thomas pulling her by her sleeve. She felt sudden heat rise to her cheeks for some odd reason, her hair falling in her face. When she didn't feel Thomas' hold any longer, she felt somewhat empty, looking for him around her. That was when she suddenly looked at her feet. She saw a small cat scramble across the floor with clothes in the spot where he left.

The girl blinked and looked back at the clothes. It smelled like Thomas. The little wolf in her mind growled, the black floor under her wolf figure showed emptiness. No reflection. She cursed at the wolf figure of herself in the back of her mind and picked up his clothes, catching his scent and shifted, holding the cat's clothes in her jaws as she dashed to the cat, following the scent. She figured he might need clothes. She ran right through Sen's feet, her body low to the ground as her feet dashing before her.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiko "The Doll" Nozaki Character Portrait: Imdius Character Portrait: Headmaster Waylan Monstrum Character Portrait: Brienne Tenebris Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton
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Imdius clicked his tongue at Waylen's orders, he seemed to have grown a sudden dislike towards the headmaster. Although, he never expected him to sign the contract so freely. The man always seemed to be someone which was high on pride, refusing to sell his soul to a demon, even if it's just to order him around. This contract basically threw every kind of messing around with the headmaster out of the window, effectively making Imdius' life much more boring. Now he could only mess with the students and other teachers. Oh yeah, Sen, he's a good start for venting his anger...
With a smile, Imdius complied, nodding without a word as he left the room with a smirk.

Before leaving, Imdius noticed the doll standing at the doorway, waiting for the two's talk to finish so she could talk with the headmaster. Cute, she's such a kind and caring person for waiting patiently... Kinda.
"Looks like she's already here!" Imdius stated as he patted Aiko on the shoulder, giving a stance of 'Fucking save me please' as he walked by. Heading into the hallways to mess with the first student he comes into contact with.

Kyle nodded with approval at the girl's actions, finally, she understood. Well, not really understood, but she was convinced not to mutilate this man's body. It's still something. However, her words quickly stabbed Kyle in the chest, she had beaten the gentleman to offering to grab some tea. That was his job, he can't just let the woman do the deciding, that's just not gentlemanly.
Showing a face of disappointment and objecting is even worse though, so instead, he smiled a nice warm fake smile. Turning around on his heels as he moved his arms behind his back. "Certainly, I would be honoured to go grab some tea with such a gorgeous woman like you." He replied, silently celebrating that he managed to repeat the words of a spy movie he had seen in the lab. This line was certainly the words of a gentleman, there's no way it could fail.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miki Haruko Character Portrait: Imdius Character Portrait: Headmaster Waylan Monstrum Character Portrait: Randal Monstrum
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ImageAiko Nozaki
Aiko stood nervously by the door, flinching slightly as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at the man and saw a very distinctive kind of look, an expression that seemed like it was a plea for help - Aiko looked around the office, were they under attack? Aiko suddenly seemed more panicked than usual, her eyes rattled within her porcelain skull as they checked each and every corner of the room for any sign of potential death, fortunately it seemed there were no threats, for now.

Aiko stepped forward and brushed off her uniform, loose specks of dust and frost sprinkling down from her skirt, having gathered there as a result of all the havoc in the other room. "S-sir" she attempted to clear what she could of her non-physically existent throat as she addressed the Headmaster, always wanting to make a good impression before him, "I-I spoke to your son, m-mister Randal. H-he says he's doing fine." her voice wavered slightly despite the professional appeal she tried to uphold, she felt as if she hadn't fulfilled her mission correctly, having been shrugged away by the Headmaster's son due to his interest in the pink-haired girl. Aiko continued, her eyes falling down to the contract she'd seen laid out on the table when she had entered, "D-did you need me for something else, Sir?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miki Haruko Character Portrait: Randal Monstrum Character Portrait: Amrit Cadfael
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Ah that's a relief. Not his blood. Wait. Not his blood?! At first Miki was relieved until she realised what Flags words actually implied. Had he harmed someone? That's what she began to believe as she swallowed nervously. Flags distracted her from her thoughts however when he held her soft hand and began walking down the hallway.

Miki looked back, noticing the room was quite empty except for some odd looking man with a blind fold on. He was quite tall too. Very tall actually and slender. A teacher perhaps? But why was he blind folded? Eventually the man was no longer in her sight as Flags began showing her around the school. Her grip was not so tight around his, she was nervous and not exactly used to making any physical contact with others. She felt she had a lot to learn about different races and cultures. Miki would be sure to study hard.

First was the main courtyard. Miki studied the area in awe "Wow! This place is huge!" The whole school is huge. Miki started to worry about how she would remember her way around. There was no way she could make it through the year with shoes on. They just complicated things. Miki took in every beautiful detail of the courtyard as she listened to Flags, making a mental note about where to buy things and use the postal service before they moved on to the next location.

Miki felt that Flags was quite gentle, more gentle than she would have thought considering he had another person's blood on his hand. Once they reached the greenhouse, Miki's eyes lit up and she beamed with much excitement and happiness; her grip on Flags hand suddenly became quite tight; she felt like a little kid in a candy store. "Oh my! This place is beautiful!" She exclaimed. Listening as Flags explained everything was free for the students to consume. "Really? Wow this school has everything!" Her pale, violet eyes sparkled with admiration, she was certain she would spend most of her time in the greenhouse where she felt most comfortable. Flags continued to speak of the shooting range, letting out a short chuckle in reply to him.

Flags asked if there was anywhere specific she wished to go or see. "Hm... I would like to see where I'll be staying. Dorms I think they are called?" Miki nodded to herself as if to confirm her own question. She felt much more comfortable now, felt like she didn't have to be so cautious. Although she really should be, she was far too happy over the greenhouse. "So I can finally take these stupid things off." She continued, pointing to her shoes.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sen Jumin Character Portrait: Gem Kenji
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Sen couldn't help but hate how calm Gem was, how level headed and patient. It was annoyed him that Gem was hard to irritate. He wanted to get a reaction out of him, anything besides his usual smug attitude. Sen couldn't help but be a bit surprised however when Gem said he was going to take control of the place. "Oh?" His interest in Gem suddenly piqued.

Gem spoke of a army and Sen remained silent to allow Gem to elaborate. As Gem continued to talk, Sen walked over closer to Gem, behind his seat. When Gem finished with the suggestion of having Sen as the General for his army, Sen suddenly grabbed the head of the seat and leaned forward, with force pulling the chair closer to himself with Gem on it. His face was awfully close to the side of Gem's who would no doubt be able to feel and hear Sen's breathing. He was firstly insulted by the fact that Gem thought he was low enough to obey him and take his orders; a Prince does not take orders from a peasant, unless he's using them. He thought about it, thought that Gem currently in his position had more power over the school than Sen because of his leader of the council status. In the end they would be using each other for their own personal gain. Hopefully, he'd use Gem all up and be successful for his plans. "Sounds like a beautifully wicked plan Gem." Sen purred as a devious grin formed. His eyes glancing towards the computer screen, revealing the Nazi looking poster Gem had been making with his face on it.

Sen adjusted himself so he was leaning on the chair more comfortably as he studied and judged the poster. "Wow you work fast." Was that a compliment? Sen made a disgusted facial expression as he realised it kind of was. Ew, don't encourage him. "But your face looks stupid, no surprise there." Smooth, yes you saved yourself from looking nice Sen. His words earlier was a subtle way of telling Gem, yes I'll help you take control of the school. He assumed it was obvious. "After these posters obviously go up around the place, what's next hm? Wait?" Wait for some people as twisted as them two to join. Sen was fairly confident he could get some on board out of pure intimidation.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shame Eclipse Character Portrait: Sen Jumin Character Portrait: Thomas Character Portrait: Gem Kenji
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Image Gem let a smile crawl across his face despite the crawl of discomfort that spread by way of uncomfortable tingles across his back and where Sen's breath brushed against him. He hated him being that close, there was no doubt about it. Gem was a control freak and he didn't give Sen permission to waft his demon scent all over him like that. It was odd. Gem couldn't definitively say that the scent itself was unpleasant this close. It was distinct. There are those out there that loved the scent of certain woods burning, it was close to that but hellfire burned in more than one way. The scent of a burning soul was something else entirely. Gem fought the desire to turn and throttle him and kept his relaxed pose, a master at physical deception. His heart however thudded rebelliously coupled with a very familiar hunger.

"Yes, we wait, and recruit where we must. There are hundreds of teenage monsters out there who are pent up and just want the chance to beat someone down. What better way than to give them the authority to do so. I'll have to dress it up pretty for the teachers and headmaster though so they accept the idea. I'm sure I can get Imdius to sign off on it. He'd be giddy over the idea and no doubt he'll find it cute that you're actually taking the initiative."

Gem grinned his cutest, most innocent smile and looked over to Sen. A blush even spread across his cheeks in an overtly, almost nauseatingly human fashion. He was so close! He brought a hand up and ruffled Sen's hair cutely paying no mind to the various horns sticking out from it. Gem couldn't help but think that it reminded him of petting a young sheep. "Its a good thing you don't have curly hair, Sen. You'd never escape the teasing."

Suddenly a thought spilled from his lips, unbidden. "What would you do if I started to eat you right now?"

It had to have been, at least slightly unnerving. With Gem's hands entwined with his long black hair gently gripping at a horn, smiling his cute, slightly dopey innocent smile. At that point Gem turned in his seat, his knees drawn up so that at any moment he could have leapt up and tackled Sen to the ground his teeth at his throat in moments. Gem let go of Sen's horn and placed a hand on the side of his face, still with that smile on his face. He leaned forward until he was as close as Sen had been moments ago, his breath against his ear. "All you've done so far is underestimate me, demon prince. Keep at it and I may just loose interest and kill you. Don't make it so easy by being so comfortable around me."

Gem then...licked his face. He just wanted to see what he tasted like. Just a small, sudden lick like one you'd do to a siblings hand if they were trying to keep you silent for some reason. Right on the cheek. Gem chuckled and sat normally in his chair. "I hope your insides taste better than your outsides. It'd be a waste of good flesh, honestly."

It was barely a compliment but he lent it to him. The face of the devil is a pleasing one, one to lure the hearts and minds of sinners from all walks of life. He had his father's looks one supposed. So what? Sen was attractive he'd let him have that at least. It would be a waste if he tasted like ash all the way through though. He wondered vaguely if Sen would have the brains to see through his threatening facade. Gem doubted it greatly.

Meanwhile, Thomas had taken to grooming himself on a couch in the library. It was empty and he was pretty sure no one saw him slink in there. He let down his guard for the moment and sat curled up combing through his soft black fur with diligent swipes of his tiny barbed tongue. He really did look like some average stray. A well groomed and fed stray with all parts intact. He picked bits of dirt from under his claws using his teeth before hopping down and taking a quiet tour through the aisles. The hall would clear soon he hoped. He could slink back out, transform back and slip into the nearest bathroom. It would be smooth and flawless. 'Stupid Sen.' he thought frustratedly. He'd figure out a way to pay him back for all that.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shame Eclipse Character Portrait: Thomas
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Shame paused every once in a while to make sure she was going the right way. Her hetero chromatic red-purple eyes dim from the shadows. Her bangs hovered over her red eye as she kept her head low, Thomas' clothes held in her jaws as she nudged in to the library. She sniffed into the air and let out a muffled bark, breaking into a sprint aimlessly. She hoped for him to appear out of no where since the library was so big. Her black fur waved through the air as she rushed through the library swiftly. Shame stopped to take a break and looked over to her right, spotting the cat cleaning himself. She let out another muffled bark, trotting over to him with her tail thrashing.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaen Phokus
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Kaen Phokus

A black cat ran through the hallways with a stick-note in it's mouth. All the teachers knew it as Kaen's cat, but many of the students it passed in the halls had no idea about this and tried to pet or capture it. The cat evaded all of it's pursuers with a feline acrobatics and ended up outside the gym that Kaen was practicing in. It didn't take long for the teacher to exit the room, the roar coming from inside along with some flames leaking out of the door as he exited. As he slammed the door everything was cut off from the outside world and he leaned against the door in relief. A low meow turned his attention to his cat and the sticky-note from the staff room with a message for him.

He lowered himself to let his cat climb up to his shoulders as he took the note from it and read the message. It told him that his order for his new pocket-dimension had arrived. With gleeful abandon he made his way to the front of the school and met the deliverer of the package. Strangely enough it was a succubus who was delivering the package, which made Kaen a little suscpicious about the source. He signed for it anyway and waited until the demon had left before returning inside to set up the dimension in his office. Hopefully nothing would go wrong.