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Sage Fitzgerald

"You look more confused than an emu trying to fly. Need help?"

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a character in “Mount Olympus Academy”, as played by MegaKooala12


-Sage Fitzgerald-
"Think before you speak. Read before you think."
-Fran Lebowitz



Full Name: Sage Hope Fitzgerald
Nicknames: None, but she's branded as a 'nerd' for obvious reasons.
Age: 16
Godly Parent: Athena
Birthdate: March 12th
Home Town: Manchester, England (born in Bend, Oregon)
Sexuality: Heterosexual

-Books and libraries (she tends to read a lot of nonfiction)
-The color green (especially in an olive hue)
-Classical music
-Swords, spears, bow and arrows, and battle hammers
-Helping others who deserve her guidance
-Being organized and having plans
-Debates and hearing everyone’s opinions

-People who only view her as a walking library
-Public humiliation

-Execution (specifically execution similar to the style of the middle ages. Guillotines scare the living daylights out of her.)
-Having her own advice lead to someone's demise or downfall
-Spiders (arachnophobia)

Godly Traits

-Excel in intellectual pursuits
-Highly trained in combat and think faster than most demigods during combat
-Virtually unbeatable in combat against other demigods (save for the children of Ares)
-Children of Athena often have quick minds and are usually very skilled at remaining calm during stressful of threatening situations


There's nothing remotely extraordinary or unusual about Sage's physical appearance. It comes as quite a surprise for people to see that she has an average build, as most expect the child of Athena to look big, grand, and larger-than-life. The adolescent weighs 98 lbs. and stands at 5'6. She has a very slender physique, which she does not take any pride in. Her skin lacks any sign of color, and seems to glow a radiant white in the sun. Because of her skin, some people compare her to a faded daisy.

Believe it or not, Sage shares some similarities with her godly parent. Her eyes have the same transparent blue-gray hue, and her pale-blonde hair is slightly curly. Although her hair looks nice plaited or put into a ponytail, it comes out bushy and messy when it is let down. When Sage lets her hair down, she almost looks like a lion with a shaggy mane.

Sage does not tend to care or worry about her appearance. Most of the time you will find her in big, bulky sweaters and shirts. Her clothes also seem to be faded or worn out, and tend to lack color. Nothing Sage wears stands out or 'pops' to the naked eye. Sage also does not wear any makeup, as evident by her pale skin, baggy eyes, visible blemishes, and neutral-colored lips. To put it simply, Sage only tries to look her best when she absolutely HAS to. As for other details, Sage either has one of three expressions plastered on her face; stern, content, or focused. Her voice sounds smooth and elegant with a hint of an english accent. A few people say that her voice comes off as slightly bossy. When angered, the sound of her voice becomes penetratingly low and deep.


Being the child of Athena, Sage is naturally intelligent, calm, bright, creative, wise, and just. With her extraordinary gift of thinking outside the box, there is absolutely no way you can beat this girl when it comes to intellectual activities. Being a teacher's pet and an exceptional straight-A student, it is obvious that Sage puts a lot of her time into studying. You will usually find her in the library or in the academy's study hall. Her willingness to do good in her studies shows off her determination and hard-work ethic. She puts loads of people into confusion with her extensive vocabulary, and swearing in Greek or Latin. (as she is fluent in the two) Unfortunately, most gossip hounds around the school think that Sage Fitzgerald is only book-smart and clever so she can gain attention and get away with trouble. They also idly talk about how she can seem harsh, judgmental, and even bossy. Of course, kids make sure that the coast is clear before they say these things, as there is another side to her...

By taking one glance at her, most wouldn't expect a lanky girl like Sage to be a master at combat. Having her mother's ability of fail-proof strategy has made Sage a brilliant leader and a capable fighter. Her amazing skill in the physical training and battle strategy classes dumbfounds teachers and students alike. Her craftsmanship in battle has made some fear her, some respect her, and others desperately wanting to punch her in the face. When in the midst of a fight, Sage prefers to have a bow and arrow or spear at her side. Because she is a quick thinker, she makes a suitable archer. However, she is also quite talented in the use of a spear, as the spear was the weapon of choice for her mother. She even shows prowess in the use of a sword, although she feels like a sword isn't as challenging to use as other weapons. Although she could fight cunningly if she wanted to, Sage prefers to be chivalrous in all her conflicts. She only strikes when her opponent strikes first, fights with all of her strength, mind, and heart, and then shows mercy to her defeated rival depending upon the situation.

Last but certainly not least, Sage is the queen of giving advice. In fact, she seems to appear out of nowhere when people need help. With her vast wisdom and strong sense of morale, most people know better than to throw her tips away. Despite being there for others, many people decide to approach her for help instead. Sage finds herself usually giving the answers to math homework, checking her planner to make sure she's saying the correct due date, or sharing her notes so that her peers won't fail the biology test. It comes as a bit of a surprise to Sage when someone asks her about something other than the usual academic things. Having curious, courageous, and adventurous tendencies, she'll gladly put aside her work for a while so she can go on a journey. After all, even though she does have a few people she calls acquaintances, she doesn't have any true friends, making her feel brooding and lonely on the inside. In conclusion, it's a smart move to have a girl like her on your side, and an even smarter move to have her as a friend.

As if any other day could have been better, the child of Athena was born on March 12, 16 years ago; the night of a lunar eclipse. Ryan Fitzgerald, a historian stationed in Oregon, was the father of this baby girl, whom was wrapped in a blanket of shimmering golden thread when she was born. There was something about Mr. Fitzgerald that Athena, the virgin goddess of wisdom, found interesting; perhaps his brains, his doctorate in history, or maybe just his strong will and unbreakable determination. Whatever it was, the two lovers had a child together, whom they both agreed on naming Sage.

Athena actually stayed with Mr. Fitzgerald for a year until leaving him on a snowy day in winter. By that time, he had already found a woman who would become Sage’s new mother. Mr. Fitzgerald was married to Elle Farrel when his daughter was around age three. Athena and Ryan found Elle to be just intelligent enough to raise their child right, and just ignorant enough to never believe in Sage's true origins. The rich southern belle was an excellent mother, and in owning the family toy shop, Sage got a head start in physics. Needless to say, the young demigod developed her love for academics as a small child.

Even at a young age, the blonde-haired girl knew she was something different. She could feel it even before her father told her about her true mother, and showed her the shimmering golden blanket which she was delivered upon. She would often brag about her heritage to the other kids, (who of course thought her head was full of gelatin instead of brains) and although they never believed her, the teachers found Sage to metaphorically be the daughter of Athena. She skipped the third grade, won the Oregon State Spelling Bee in fourth grade, and brought back gold trophies for her elementary school's academic team in grade five. Although things were going swimmingly for her in school, things at home were starting to turn more and more complicated.

Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald started to have arguments, which turned into fighting, and then turned into violence. Sage knew better than to start a ruckus around the household, and kept her voice shut. Her parents bickering meant no more visits to the town diner every Friday, no more going to the movies with her friends, and no more stories of Athena from her father. In fact, Athena became a banned name around the household, as Sage's constant curiosity in her godly mother led to Mrs. Fitzgeralds's unfaithfulness in her husband. She started to believe that Ryan was visiting another woman, a woman whom he described to Sage as 'a goddess'. Shortly after the divorce of her parents, one of Sage's closest friends had died due to pancreatic cancer. Sage also got her first dose of bullying, which she tried to ignore. This led to the young demigod becoming more distant from her friends than usual, residing only in the comfort of her Greek and Latin textbooks.

ImageEventually, Mr. Fitzgerald figured that him and his daughter needed a change. The two packed their bags, grabbed their passports, and took a flight straight to London, England. The father and daughter only planned on staying in the city until they could both get their visas, but ended up staying for nearly three years. Not only did the two reside in London because of Mr. Fitzgerald's new job and Sage's education, but also because of surprise gifts from an unexpected stranger.
It all started when a caged owl appeared by the entrance to their apartment. The cage was marked with a tag that read, "To Sage, with love, -A" It didn't take the girl long to contemplate on who had sent her the gift. Naming the owl Jocasta, Sage kept the bird by the windowsill in her room, making sure to take great care of it.

Two months later, Sage started to have strange dreams of ancient battles and a woman whispering her name. After receiving a peculiar dream that told her to open her window and unlock the owl's cage, Sage did so, and ended up chasing Jocasta across the busy streets of London. However, this ended up being a blessing much more than a curse. The owl would lead the demigod to new places every day. One day, it was a small martial arts school where a happy old man was willing to give her free lessons in exchange for riddles. Another day, Jocasta led Sage to an archery range where she found an abandoned bow sitting on the ground with arrows scattered everywhere. It became evident to Sage that her mother was trying to tell her something. She worked hard to master the art of combat, as well as keeping up with her studies. One day, the owl led her to a train station where a dirty-looking ticket blew in the wind. Jocasta caught the ticket in her beak, and handed it to Sage. The ticket read 'Manchester'.

Taking this as a sign, Sage Fitzgerald convinced her father to move to Manchester. They did, and Ryan was able to find a stable and high-paying job. In the meantime, the now adolescent Sage let her owl into the city yet again, where this time, she was led to a strange-looking pub. Inside, she met friendly strangers who recognized her as a demigod, and told her all about Mount Olympus Academy. The next day, she awoke to find that the windowsill where Jocasta once resided was barren. Not only the cage, but the bird was gone. The only thing left of her mother's messenger was a shining brown feather. Taking this as a sign, Sage knew with all her heart that this academy the strangers had told her about was a part of her destiny. Similar to moving to Mancester, Sage convinced her father to let her enroll. She has started the academy just this year, where she has fit in just fine among the other demigod students. She may only have aquaintances when it comes to her classmates, but with the teachers, she is referred to as one of the brightest demigods for her age.

So begins...

Sage Fitzgerald's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Rae Jarvis Character Portrait: Halley McClain Character Portrait: Sage Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Sybil Nolan Character Portrait: Leonard Moreland Character Portrait: Miles Endicott
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Fay had a good feeling about today as she closed the door to her room and began strutting down the hallway, an impish smirk already resting on her lips. Though she was dressed innocently enough, one could simply glance at Fay's expression and see that mischief was on her mind. Her mind began to wander as her shoes clicked and clacked against the floor. For some reason, the world felt relatively at peace. She definitely needed to change that.

As she walked towards the cafeteria, she wondered who she'd play with today. Maybe that shy Leonard boy. His meek nature was fun to mess with and the way he'd get red when she flirt with him was just soooo adorable. Or, maybe she could talk to Abby, the daughter of Ares. With her explosive temper, Fay would barley have to do a thing to set her off. She sighed, her heart fluttering at the though of it. This school needed someone to stir things up every now and again, and it was only natural for the daughter of Eris to do the honors.

When she reached the cafeteria, Fay was greeted by the scent of fake bacon, fake sausage, fake eggs, and fake...well, everything. It smelled decent, but Fay wasn't exactly in the mood for a big meal and her internal clock was correct, she needed to get to class soon. She skipped all the breakfast foods and went right for the fruits, picking out a nice, juicey red apple. "That should be good for now." She began walking to class, History, if her memory was correct, which she wasn't exactly thrilled about. Sure, she had a good grade in the class, but still, it wasn't as exciting as sparring with a son of Ares or learning how to properly severe Hydra's head. But, where there there were classes, there were students that Fay could mess with.

She entered Mr. Guess' room, her eyes instantly running over all the faces inside. Quite an interesting bunch. Leonard was there, so was Sage, Adam, Miles, Halley, and others, but a foxish smile found it's way to Fay's face when she saw her sitting in a dark corner. She began walking to the back of the room, smiling at everyone she passed. She put down her purse and waved at Sybil, sitting down in the desk next to her. "Heeeeey." she said, dragging out the e in hey like a dead body . Her lips contorted into a twisted grin as she looked at the daughter of Hades. "So. How's it going?"


"What the hell is a Manchurasian-candied nut? That sounds like a weird sexual position." Tricks pouted slightly when Q shot down his proposal that the milk shakes were chocolate. He didn't spend much more time thinking about it, however, because he got distracted by Quentin's wiggling eyebrows and the arm around his shoulders. "Oh stop it!" Tricks feigned embarrassment, playfully making his voice higher and more feminine. "You're making me blush!" He giggled slightly before continuing. "Well, yesterday I watched the Beyonce documentry and realized that she has to be a goddess. She's just too perfect to be mortal. Then, I wanted to watch Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunter on Netflix, but Rabbit wouldn't stop talking and I just turned it off before I even made it 10 minutes in. Uhhhh....Oh! I got Injustice: Gods Among Us and I could totally beat your ass with Harley Quinn. I think I might go on a run later. Or I could finish Hansel and Gretel. But I kinda want to watch Pitch Perfect again. Or Mean Girls. Is that still on Netflix? It should be. It's a classic."

He scrunched his nose slightly at the sight of Quentin making his coffee. It wasn't because of all the sugar and creme he put in was just because it was coffee. It didn't matter how many packets of splenda and milk he used, anytime Tricks drank the bitter dark liquid, he'd spit it right back into the mug. The son of Eris looked back at Q when he said the other guy didn't show up for Fishi-cuffs, or whatever he said they were going to do, and nodded silently. "Yeah. Oh and I forgot to tell you." He stared gravely at Q and looked around, as if someone was listening. "I've been ordered to kill you. Turns out, your dad pissed off my mom, so she kinda wants to- you know, get back at him by killing one of his sons." He slunk over to the counter that had Q had fixed his coffee at and grabbed a handful of sugar packets and shoved them into his pocket for later. He took another one and ripped it open before looking back at Q. "I forgot my ceremonial knife in my room though, so I guess you can live for now. If you want to."

He stuck out his toungue and poured the sweet white powder into his mouth. It shocked his tastebuds, but in a good way, and he gave Q a large toothy grin. When the subject of class came up, Tricks bit the inside of his cheek. Did he really want to go? Everyone else probably would. But there was just so much he could do if he skipped. He could- Well....He could find something to do. "You should go to class." said a light voice from behind Quentin. "Shut up, Sunshine! No one likes you!" "You're a very mean person." Tricks sighed, cartwheeling over to a basket of fruit, from which he took an apple and a banana. He skipped back towards Q, quickly peeling the banana and taking a bite before offering his arm to Q. "I'm ready when you are, Bud." he said with a wide, goofy grin and a full mouth.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Rae Jarvis Character Portrait: Halley McClain Character Portrait: Sage Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Rose Gracey Character Portrait: Saoirse Zuri Marisabel Smyth Character Portrait: Leonard Moreland
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Abby Rae Jarvis

Rage, white hot and paralyzing consumed Abby as Wesley walked smugly away from his unwelcome seat at her table. She hated how easily he got under her skin, and she tried her best to cool the murderous wrath that was currently trying to take hold after Wesley had effectively blackmailed her into being his entertainment for the evening. She’s be willing to bet the prick just wanted to watch Abby squirm out of her element for a couple of hours in a room full of people she had next to nothing in common with. It seemed like the kind of crap Wesley liked to pull. Screwing with people’s heads was his specialty, and she had no doubt this was his aim now. Once he was out of sight, Abby quickly yanked the fork she’d embedded in the table out, setting it down with perhaps more force than necessary, though she’d mostly fought down the urge to throw it at his retreating back like a knife by that point.

Abby had always had a short temper, but lately it had been morphing into something that was less controllably, which was terrifying to think about. Children of Ares didn’t exactly have great track records as far as losing control went, and a part of her was seriously concerned that one of these days she wasn’t going to be able to get a handle on the anger, and someone was going to get hurt in a permanent way. She’d been combating this by upping the ante on her workouts, which oddly helped to calm her in ways nothing else could, and mostly that helped. Abby wasn’t sure what was making her more volatile lately, maybe it was the increased contact with her godly father, or hell, it could be the resent unwanted drama in her personal life, but either way she knew it was something she needed to get a handle on. Even someone as stubborn and rowdy as she was could recognize that losing yourself in a haze of red with the overwhelming desire to hear bone crunch beneath your fist wasn’t healthy.

Abby stood up from her table abruptly, and started heading for the door. She felt more in control of herself when she was moving, and her first class would be starting soon anyway. On her way out the door, Rose caught her eye, her gaze offering an open invitation to talk. Rose was probably the closest thing Abby had to a real friend here, and there was a part of her that wanted nothing more than to turn around and walk over to join her table and talk to her about everything she’d been dealing with lately. But Abby wouldn’t. Rose didn’t deserve to have that kind of crap dropped on her, and while Rose was unquestionably a good listener, Abby wasn’t very good at sharing. So instead she sent Rose a reassuring smile, though she was afraid it probably looked more like a grimace than anything else, and headed towards her locker. Abby didn’t really do homework per say, so she kept most of her school stuff in there. Grabbing her bag and history book (which occasional moonlighted as a pillow during class time), Abby headed toward Mr. Guess’ room. When she entered, she noticed there was already a group of students gathered. Normally, Abby would have headed toward the back corner, but as there already seemed to be a crowd, oddly enough situated around the painfully shy Leonard, she was forced to look elsewhere. She sure as hell wasn’t going to be sitting next to Sybil and Sage, Abby wasn’t in to mood to deal with thinly veiled disapproval or hostility, so she began scanning the room for open seats that would leave her with the least amount of people to deal with. When she spotted Xavier sitting with a very uncomfortable looking Halley, Abby almost groaned. Halley wasn’t anything close to a friend to Abby, but there was something fragile about her that always sent Abby’s protective instincts into overdrive. There was just something about watching Xavier harass her that reminded Abby of a helpless kitten being dunked in a bathtub, and it had her moving before she could think better of it. She dropped her textbook perhaps more loudly than necessary on the desk on the other side of Halley before claiming the seat. She shot Xavier a warning look exuding the vague menacing air that all children of Ares could pull off when they wished to, but refrained from comment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Halley McClain Character Portrait: Sage Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Sybil Nolan Character Portrait: Leonard Moreland Character Portrait: Miles Endicott Character Portrait: Xavier Richards
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#, as written by throne
Miles Endicott III

The incipient anxiousness was held in check by a far more powerful emotion: disgust.

Miles' usually blank face looked much more severe as he surveyed the “offerings” of the cafeteria. His lower lip curled outward. His upper lip pulled back, and his small nose wrinkled ever so slightly. He might as well have just walked into a room full of mimes. The sound of his perfect teeth grinding together might have been audible as he watched Adam scoop up nearly half a day's worth of calories (most of it from fat) and a week's worth of salt in one fell swoop- never mind the nitrates and other preservatives that likely went into the “curing” process used for the meet.

He distracted himself by seeking anything resembling something he might eat. Scrambled eggs? Not even if they weren't from powder. Sausage patties? Even worse than the bacon. Hash browns and home fries? The worst offenders by far were the donuts and bagels.

”Did you know that it takes nearly two entire days for your body to digest a single bagel?” The question was obviously rhetorical; simply his way of putting that information out into the ether. After a few more moments of scowling, he finally settled on a meager fruit cup and a bottle of water. Even his disapproval was starting to become more animated; most days, he simply drifted along the line, staring through the food rather than at it, his features blank and vacant. ”Meanwhile, even if you're tempering your diet with nutrient dense food, that block of carbs is just sitting in your gut, interfering with the absorption of everything else, feeding your body cheap, easy energy.” He wasn't being particularly quiet, and had earned himself some very dirty looks from the cafeteria staff. His indignation and a life spent not noticing those who served him allowed him to ignore the ire easily enough.

Still, the fact that Adam could eat such unhealthy fare only made Miles consider his appearance further. By all accounts, Adam should have been sporting a face covered in pimples swimming in grease. Youth and perhaps a matter of divine genetics kept him slim and clear, though. Miles had no expectations that being the offspring of Hades would leave him similarly endowed. He wanted to look young forever, and he wouldn't do so by dint of inheritance.

He acquired a slim plastic fork and was content to walk to class in silence, every so often spearing a somewhat mushy piece of fruit on the tines of his temporary weapon. Amusingly enough, a fork was quite close to one of the weapons associated with his father; everyone knew Zeus' lightning bolt or Poseidon's distinctive trident, but very few knew the symbols associated with Hades. Miles and most of his siblings chalked it up to bad PR. Some went so far as to claim that their uncles had exerted their considerable influence over mortal affairs to [i]suppress[/i[] their father's historical footprint.

It was an interesting thought to be having as they walked into Mr. Guess' classroom. With a light flick of his wrist, Miles sent the empty plastic cup in a loose, wobbly toss toward the trash can by the desk. It rebounded off the rim, nearly tumbling out, but with a simple curl of his finger, Miles caused the shadow cast by the desk to congeal ever-so-slightly, becoming just solid enough to “knock” the refuse back in. His lips twisted into a brief smile, and then his expression was stony once more.

He nodded cordially to Sage, and couldn't help but let his gaze linger for a few seconds on Leonard. The children of Athena were the only worthy academic competition that their massive extended family had to offer, and as such, they deserved a bit of respect. He watched as Adam slunk toward the sunlight and bonelessly slouched into his desk, shaking his head by fractions.

Others were filtering or had filtered in as well. Halley, Xavier, Sybil. Miles made his way toward the front of the room, taking a seat in the front row, but toward the door rather than the windows. Laying his backpack down gently on the desk before him, he began to meticulously remove his notebook, his pen, and his texts, arranging them on the desk before him with a degree of precision that suggested architectural plans and astrological alignment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Rae Jarvis Character Portrait: Halley McClain Character Portrait: Sage Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Sybil Nolan Character Portrait: Miles Endicott Character Portrait: Xavier Richards
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#, as written by **Ava**
Halley McClain

It seemed the class should be starting about then although many more students filtered in filling the seats quickly. Something turned Halley away from her phones screen and it was Abby Jarvis. Wow, she wants to sit here? But as soon as Abby slammed her books down almost harshly the Hephaestus girl knew it was not to have a casual conversation. In fact it was to possibly meant to ward off Xavier. And Abby was good at giving looks, she glared at Xavier threateningly. Of course Halley would need to thank Abby later for that but, know was not the time. Quickly she tucked her phone into her backpack pocket and pulled out a history note book. Then she looked up to Abby pulling out a packet of gum. To the fragile little girl candy or gum was a great way to thank some one so with courage she shyly asked "Want a piece?" It wasn't a best friend treaty Halley was asking her to agree with. Just a piece of gum that might confirm she wasn't completely alone in this world of Gods and Goddesses. Have at least one person she could count on if necessary.

Class was going to start soon, that is as soon as Mr. Guess made a point to quite everyone down. It seemed he wasn't quite paying attention. The class was full Halley noticed Adam, Miles, Fay, Sage and Sybil in a group talking. So many people