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My Hero!!



a part of My Hero!!, by JayZeroSnake.


JayZeroSnake holds sovereignty over Tokyoronto, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Tokyoronto is a part of My Hero!!.

7 Characters Here

Zane Araki [2] 'We don't apologize, that's just the way it is'
Masami Sato [0] The Star of Talent and Beauty
Kari Hitachi [0] The Childish Star of Nature
Primrose Nova [0] The Shy star of Healing
Hissori Araki [0] "Do you... do you know what it's like being slowly locked inside yourself?"
Takuma Araki [0] KICK HIS ASS, SUGURU!

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Kuraaku Araki's eyes shot open in annoyance, turning to face his father, Takuma Araki, shouting the nickname the man gave to Kuraaku, which was 'Suguru.' The teen climbed out of bed to reveal he was wearing a mere pair of pants, and his wristbands, slowly snatching his freshly cleaned, white headband, Takuma walking outside, and shutting the door, leaving Kuraaku to fetch a newly ironed uniform with a note from his father, stating that he loved his son, and he had to get his ass out to go train with his brothers again, as usual, tossing on the baggy dark blue pants, and a pair of grey socks, followed by his signature red t-shirt, and the long coat, also taking a scottish blade for reasons unknown, as he walked out to see his father with a shit eating grin.

"=_= I don't wanna train today…" He groaned. "I'm still tired from the last training session!"

"Nonsense! Your brothers got up (seemingly) fine enough."

"But they're faggots, and you ended our training like, two hours ago. We barely got any sleep!"

"Shut up and get the hell downstairs, Suguru."


Kuraaku rolled down the stairs painfully to find a bowl of cereal apparently for him, before seeing his beloved pet dog, Iggy, wearing a bib, hop up, and start snacking away. The teen turned, totally NOT ignoring his brothers, as he found himself an old, single poptart to start nomming, followed by him grabbing a can of 4Loko from the fridge, and chugging it, before grabbing about five more, knowing his superhuman training would prevent him from getting drunk, but still give him the 'fuel' which would give him great power, in order to get through the day, and all thanks to this alcoholic energy drink.

Then he had like, a dozen more six packs of the stuff, as he laid his head down on the table, totally out of it…

"Bros…I like…like…" Kuraaku began, looking at his other two adopted siblings. "Told the old man you were like, faggots…and…and…moreloko 4loko…."



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Zane had taken a 45 minute power nap. He seemed rather coherent for a sleep deprived 17 year old, but he was running on fumes. Which did not bode well for anyone picking a fight with him today. However, he would never take it out on his family. As much as the old man irritated him, he still cared deeply for him. Zane had already showered and was in the kitchen setting out bowls of cereal for everyone. He nodded to Hissori when he meandered into the kitchen. Not too long after he heard the old man in Kuraaku's room 'motivating' him to get his ass up.

When Kuraaki entered the kitchen Zane glanced at him. He shook his head as Iggy hopped up and started eating Kuraaku's cereal, then at Kuraaku's incoherent babbling.

"You're loko alright," Zane said picking up bowl Iggy so generously emptied into his stomach. He brought it to the kitchen sink and cleaned it without a word.


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Primrose sat straight up, her head bursting with pain from the overly loud alarm clock that sat on her bed side table. Without hesitation she chucked it across the room and watched it break into a million pieces It was crappy anyway.. she thought. Surprisingly she found the strength to rise from her bed like a zombie and get ready for school. Primrose marched into her bathroom taking her time showering and changing before going next door to to her sisters rooms and knocking on their doors like crazy (She didn't bother with their 'mother'), she was like their alarm clock. The second she thought that she thought of the alarm clock she had chucked and flinched. Primrose ran down stairs and began preparing lunch boxes for her sisters and her, sometimes she felt like she was the oldest sister with the most responsibilities, waking her older sisters up and helping the get ready for the day. She sighed and shook the thought out of her head, it wasn't like anything would ever change.


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Hissori's dreams had consisted of masses of color that were oddly disturbing, all telling him things that he could not understand. Suddenly his mental clock went off and the guy sat up suddenly from an apparently sound sleep. Hissori's stomach growled at him to get a move on, finally something he could understand. For why was all the furniture in his room seemingly out of place? His brows furrowed in confusion. But whatever. The food was calling him, even if that was the only coherent thing going through Hissori's head at the moment.

Thinking of other things, he mechanically donned his usual attire; an inhumanly neat outfit that stumped the smartest of them. Hissori power walked towards the kitchen, looking swift and purposeful. Only his family would be able to tell his mind was blurred and cloudy to all things despite food at the moment, from the blankness in his gaze and the dark circles ringing his eyes.

After he had his grapefruit fix, Hissori's mind began to clear. He gazed in disapproval at his brother's alcoholic start of the day, but started to work on his cereal. Hissori had long given up wondering how he could possibly drink that much without getting drunk. "You know, if you drink too much it'll spoil your health." Not that the old man had left them much to begin with. Sure, the training had made them strong, but it wore him and his siblings down. Hissori smiled wryly, but his eyes diligently glowed with sadness. Too bad he could no longer remind his dad of that fact daily anymore.

Hissori sighed, got up, and began cleaning his dish. Looking over at his two brothers, he shook his head to himself. These two were the only ones left?


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"Why, Usa-chan, would you like another sugar plum cake?" Kari skipped over to the overgrown rabbit, setting another small cake on his plate. Bubblegum gum bubbles floated in the air around them, candy cane trees grew off to the side. At the giant tea table, Kari smiled at all the smaller bunnies sitting in chairs, who smiled back and continued taking dainty sips of their tea. Except Usa-chan, who snatched up his sugar plum cake and rammed it into his mouth. "Usa-chan! What bad manners!" Kari laughed, and the rest of the rabbits joined in. "You should really watch your table manners-"

Kari jerked up rail straight in bed, already huge eyes widening at the door as it shook on it's hinges. She groaned and hugged Usa-chan close to her chest, it's long pink bunny ears sticking up around her chin, making her look more like a child then she already did. She wanted until the door stopped rattling and Primrose walked away- for obviously it was her, waking them up, like always- before she exhaled long and loud, blowing strands of her chestnut hair from her eyes. She calmly folded back her covers, swung her legs out onto the cold floor, then turned and made her bed, setting Usa-chan on the pillows comfortably.

Donning her usual school attire- though her stockings were pink instead of white, a little touch she had added for the past month or so,- Kari gathered her hair into pig tails and tied them off with little pink bows. She popped on bubblegum lip gloss, and skipped into the hall, eagerly hopping into the kitchen.

"Moooorning Prim!" She noticed her sister packing lunches, like always. She opened the kitchen window, grinning as the cool morning breeze swept over her. A stray leaf twirled from the air and landed on her outstretched hand. She blew gently on it, and it sailed back off into the air. She turned and swung open the cabinet, giving the accumulated foods a blank stare before grabbing a box of Crunch Berries. She turned back to the window, draping herself over the sill to dangle halfway through it. Kari stared out at the sky while she munched on cereal straight from the box. What a beautiful morning.


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Kuraaku eventually snapped out of his trance a bit, and gave Iggy a pat on the head, followed by his grabbing of some scrambled eggs from his father, and some pop tarts.

"Alright boys!" boomed Takuma. "Today's training regiment is outside in the forest: I want you to run 724km without a sweat, and kill 30 cougars barehanded, and tear the scalps of some say, 100 goblins each of you, plus an additional 100 from all of you combined, for a total of 100, with nothing but your bare hands, and a knife!…"

Takuma spat into a nearby spit pot for dramatic effect.

"And I WANT my scalps!"

then he walked away, Kuraaku cracking his knuckles, the surefire sign that something, or someone, was gonna die.

"Let's go, guys! Our next adventure awaits!"


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Primrose had just finished the lunches when Kari walked in "Hey Kari" she smiled, she shivered as the breeze rolled in. "Is Masami awake, it's like her to sleep in like this, she calls it her 'Beauty Sleep'" Primrose rolled her eyes. She slid each lunchbox into their bags and turned to Kari "You look awfully pink today, anyone you're dressing up for?" She pulled up a chair next to her "And by that I mean, any boys?"


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#, as written by Michca
Masami's eyes didn't move when the door had shook from the banging of her sister.
Why must they always do this? I need my sleep so that I will glow in the mornings. I guess when she goes away I'll stay in for a few more minutes and then get up.
After the door had ceased banging and the minutes passed Masami forced herself out of bed but as beautifully as ever. She changed into her fancy blue school uniform and out up her hair. She stared at herself in the mirror with here unnatural red eyes and gave a devilish smile to herself.
"Beautiful as the usual."
She went downstairs, sat down and began eating all perfectly (as always). She took a bite and tried to block out all the noises around her.
Why can't it be a little quieter around here?
Masami sighed and gently pat her mouth.
"I'm done for now." She then grabbed here bento box. "Thanks Prim I'll eat some at lunch."


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Kari blushed and pulled back from the window to make a face at Primrose, and stick out her tongue.
"Duh, No!! I just like pink silly!" She set the cereal back on the counter and pouted. "No boys in either of our grades are more then.... shallow oafs!" She giggled and turned as Masami walked in, sitting down at the table quietly, making a pointed decision to ignore Kari and Primrose.
"Morning Masami...."
Several minutes later, the eldest sister rose and grabbed her bento box, speaking for the first time that morning.

"Oh! Yes, thank you Prim!" Kari grinned and shouldered her bag after Primrose put her box in it. "Can we walk today? We're early anyway! Pleeeeease, I know a path through the woods if you think we'd be late, and it only takes a few minutes to get to school that way!"
She quickly grabbed her satchel from the stairs, checking for her camera and journal before returning to the kitchen.
She pulled a puppy eyed look at Masami, knowing she would take more convincing then Primrose would.

Of course, Kari just wanted to be outside instead of on a bus. She couldn't care if she had to walk alone, but she would prefer with her sisters.


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#, as written by Michca
Kari began to beg to walk through the forest to get to school since they were "early" getting to school. She began to make puppy eyes at Masami and she just stared.
"I guess we can go. I need some fresh air anyway. Plus Prim must go I'm afraid she may get lost or something. So hurry up if you want to walk, Kari."
Masami began to walk out the door. She honestly didn't like the outdoor too much but her sister seemed to want to like she was going to die if she didn't. She rally did need to get out anyway to help her complextion. If Kari and weren't going to walk out of the door in one minute Masami decided that she would go ahead without them.


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"Yes!!!" Kari shrieked happily. "Thank you Masami!!"

She sprinted over to the door, pulling on her shoes, then back to the kitchen, snatched her school bag, and was racing after Masami in seconds. Her eyes were bright as she soaked in the sun light easily, spinning around in the in the door to call to Prim before sprinting off into the grass-avoiding the sidewalk. The road and walk went right up against the woods, before curving away into another direction. It took longer to take the road, especially if you knew the short cut in the woods.

"C'mon the path is down this waay! Prim hurry up!" She added in a yell, knowing the youngest sister would hear. As she waited, Kari skipped over to a tree, chattering happily to the squirrel she knew was above.

It was a talent Kari had had since she was young, being able to talk to animals, and understanding them. It may be weird to others, but Kari fond it perfectly natural... Though she made sure no one other then her family knew about it.

Kari struck up conversation easily- Squirrels were generally friendly, and liked talking.

"Morning! How's your day been?"'
Quite well, thanks for asking! May I ask, are you human?
"Of course, silly, why would you ask that?"
Humans generally can't speak to animals! My, this is interesting!

The squirrel scampered down to sit on a branch eye level with Kari, who smiled at it.
"Whats your name?"
Well, I'm called Brimtail by the families nearby. Who are you sweet human?
"I'm Kari! And I'm waiting for my other sister so me and Masami- that's her, the pretty girl right there- can walk to school! We're going through the woods!"
Oh, I'll climb by you! I like you Kari! Let's be friends!

Kari giggled and smiled at Brimtail. "Okay, Brimtail! Lets be friends!" She looked over at Masami. "Masami, this is Brimtail!"


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Zane followed the motivated Karaaku out the door, making a mental check if he had everything. Which he did. His aura gave off a whispers of pain if anyone pushed his buttons. He didn't want to train, nor go anywhere near the rest of the idiotic populous. This was what his day to day life no consisted of. Training, school (Most days), protecting people who can't protect themselves. Which then took over his thoughts for a moment, how come people couldn't protect themselves? It seemed idiotic to rely on others to protect you and they didn't always come through. He scratched the back of his neck in irritation, lack of sleep did nothing to help his mood. He just hoped no one was stupid enough to pick a fight with him today because there would be no leniency at all today. He glanced over to Hissori who was walking next to him.

"The old man keeps getting nuttier every day," Zane said with a chuckle. He didn't expect Hissori to reply, he knew well enough the condition that plagued his brother. If anyone messed with Hissori because of it, that was something that had a tendency to send Zane into a rage. He usually had to be pulled back by one of his brothers when that happened. He'd been suspended quite a few times because of it, but the school wouldn't dare expel him. His dad was Takuma Araki, that tended to open a lot of doors.


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#, as written by Michca
Before Masami knew it Kari had already run out the door and was talking a squirrel.
Sigh. How childish can she get? At least we'll be going through the forest.
"Masami, this is Brimtail!"
Masami looked at the small rodent that was swishing its fluffy tail.
"Yes? Hello Mr. Brim..."
Masami wasn't quite sure what to say since she doesn't have the ability to talk to animals like Kari so she just turned around to avoid embarrassment and wait for Prim.
Ok now if she doesn't come in 20 seconds I'm definitely going.


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Kuraaku put a hand on his forehead to keep the sun out of his eyes…

"Bears ahead!"


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Hissori strode in step with his brothers, giving a rare laugh in response to his brother's very true comment. Though, however, any thought of his father was still stained with the fact that Hissori could no longer communicate with him. The guy glanced swiftly at his brothers. They were the world he was limited too, an ever shrinking world at that. Hissori shuddered slightly, but stopped when he heard Kuraaku's notification on bears. Now what weere they supposed to do today again? Something about giant cats, little beasts, and running. Bears? No... no bears.

"Oh joy. The one thing we aren't supposed to kill in our animal endangering training just happens to come by."


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Kuraaku had let out a hearty laugh, cracking his knuckles, and doing a couple quick stretches.

"We'll just wrestle them. Bears are nothing to our might!" Roared Kuraaku, running into the back of a bear with a headbutt, and pulling the creature into a fireman's carry, before tossing it back into the ground, his intentions totally non-lethal.