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Camp at Beruna


a part of Narnia, by jjmurph.

Welcome to Beruna!

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The Camp at Beruna is one of the many camps of the resistance. Beruna is one the largest camps because Beruna is one of the only river crossings in Narnia.
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Camp at Beruna

Welcome to Beruna!


Camp at Beruna is a part of Narnia.

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Karissah Mercedes [0] Hi! I'm Karissah! I'm 16 and live at Cair Paravel. I work as a handmaiden for Queen Lisnia and my big brother, Noah, works at the palace as well. I have a very bubbly personality and want to be a model or singer when I grow up.

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#, as written by jjmurph
Lucas walked back into Beruna after collecting firewood. It had been a long day. King Peter had left for a couple days so he had to go back to normal chores. Which included: laundry, setting up more tents, and his least favorite collecting firewood. Lucas had to be careful when he left camp, never know if a Calormen scout will see you. Beruna has a bunch of guards and scouts and you have to go through a bunch of check points to get in. Lucas just wishes the Calormens will leave. But he knows they are going to have to work and work hard to get that. Lucas arrived back at the tent he and Sholn shared. It was small, but all they needed. We barely spent any time there anyways. As we were mostly in King Peter's tent helping him.

Lucas woke up in his hammock not knowing how he had gotten there. He must have fallen asleep after the long day. He wondered what woke him up as he was still very tired. Then he heard it again! It was a horn blowing! King Peter must be back! Lucas jumped out of his hammock, threw on some clothes and ran out there to meet him. He noticed Sholn had already left with out waking him up. Lucas arrived at Peter's tent just moments before Peter arrived. "Welcome back King Peter." Lucas said as he and Sholn knelt. "None of that you hear? Out here we are equals. You have been with me long enough to know that." Peter said as he walked into his tent. Lucas and Sholn followed him inside. "How did your meeting at at Dancing Lawn go? If you don't mind me asking." Lucas asked Peter as he started to dust. "Splendid! We have over 700 new swords made by the dwarves at Beavers Dam! And the centaurs up at Eagle's Nest have been working hard on making more bows and especially more arrows. We have a shot if we could just get a few more people." King Peter said excitedly. "I'm sure more will come eventually. Is there anything I can get you?" Lucas asked as he finished dusting. "Maybe just some wine and a little food." Peter replied sitting down on his chair. "One second Sir I'll be back with that in a moment." Lucas said as he walked out of the tent. Sholn stayed there in case Peter needed anything.

Lucas walked over to the rations tent. He walked in and told the clerk he needed some wine and some shepherds pie which was Peter's favorite. The clerk told Lucas to get out of his tent. He said no one gets wine we are in a war. Lucas tried to reason with him. "But sir, this isn't for me. It's for King Peter." Lucas said trying to change the clerks mind. "Yeah and I'm the tooth fairy. Get out." The clerk said grabbing Lucas by the collar and throwing him out. "What am I going to do now?" Lucas thought to himself. He walked around the corner of the tent and saw King Edmund. "Yes! Edmund will help me." Lucas thought to himself as he walked up to Edmund. "King Edmund? Can you help me with something?" Lucas asked as he walked in front of Edmund. Edmund's guards started to get in my way, but Edmund shooed them away. "What do you need Lucas?" Edmund asked. "Well King Peter wants some wine and shepherds pie, but the rations clerk won't let me have anything. Says if I don't tell the truth he's gonna take all my rations away." Lucas said concerned because he didn't want to get in trouble with Peter, but he also didn't want to go with out food. "Let me have a word with him. I can be uh persuasive sometimes." Said Edmund as he walked into the rations tent. "My King. How can I help you?" The clerk said bowing as Edmund walked in. "I hear you won't let this boy have what my brother needs." Edmund said trying not to sound mad even though he was. "This boy is a thief trying to take rations away from our soldiers." The clerk said spitting on my face. Edmund grabbed the clerk by the collar. "Look here. That boy is no thief he is King Peter's servant. And my brother wanted the wine and pie."Edmund said angrily. "But...but...that can't be?" The clerk said confused. "It can be and it is. Now I suggest you give Lucas here what he wanted while you still have a job." Edmund said leaving the tent. The clerk handed me the wine and shepherds pie. "Here you go." The clerk said as he turned and went in the back angrily.

Lucas walked back to Peter's tent. "Here you go sir." Lucas said handing Peter the wine in the finest goblet, and the shepherds pie on the finest plate. "Why thank you Lucas." Peter said happily as he leaned back savoring the wine. "Why did it take so long? The rations tent is only a couple minutes away." Peter asked Lucas. "There was a bit of an incident but don't worry King Edmund fixed it." Lucas said as Sholn whispered in his ear asking what happened. Lucas whispered back to be quiet he would tell him back in their own tent. "Well that's good. Now Lucas and you too Sholn, I've been meaning to ask you something. How is your swordsmanship?" Peter asked both of them. "Well sir I can use a sword. But, I do prefer the bow." Replied Lucas. "I'm not very good with the bow, but I do love the sword." Sholn replied. "Well good. Narnia will need you both. And so will I, boys I want you next to me in battle. Only if you want to though. Don't let me force you." Peter said putting his hands on the boys shoulders. "I would be honored sir! My father was a captain in your army sir, and so was Corl. Corl taught me how to use the sword." Lucas replied honored that Peter would even ask. "I would love too sir!" Sholn added. "Well it's settled then. Let's go see what you boys can do." Peter said as he finished his food and walked out of the tent heading towards the area where we practice our fencing. Lucas and Sholn looked at each other for a second then followed him.

Peter, Sholn, and Lucas arrived at the practice area. There they saw Prince Jason. Since we were uneven, Sholn partnered with Peter and I with Jason. "Hello Prince Jason." Lucas said as he walked over to him pulling his sword out of its sheath.