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Mumoichu Yakurei

Resentment is the start of inferiority.

0 · 449 views · located in The Naruto Universe

a character in “Naruto: New World Order”, originally authored by Shugo Seikatsu, as played by RolePlayGateway

"You're going to be my next victim? Seems like fun!"

Name: Mumoichu Yakurei
Nickname(s): Mumo
Title(s): Scourge of the Mist
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Notable Features: Heterochromia Blue and Brown

Personality: Extremely cocky and sarcastic. Will usually only participate in something he deems "fun" or "entertaining" meaning he will usually never really care for specifics. If he finds someone of high talent or chakra level Mumo will either try to take them down without a word's notice or talk another Akatsuki member into allowing him as he wouldn't want to have his fun come to an end. Lastly the only time that Mumo will ever become serious is if someone acts more powerful than what they truly are as it's like having food talk back.

Blood Type: B-
Birthday: 8/23
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 146 Lbs.
Marital Status: (Opt. Married, Single, Widowed, etc.)
Goal: It's a great goal of unimaginable importance.

History: Mumo's start into infamy started as a teen being able to use his Kekkai Genkai to absorb chakra from jutsus and people as such he would drain people dry and leave them as an empty husk to die. Later through his life he left his village as a rogue and traveled around villages and killed hundreds looting their corpses of their valuables and went on his daily life as if nothing ever happened. After a while he met up with Kootta who threw him into a genjutsu before he could dispel it and tried to drain him only to be stopped by Takezo and was impressed so he asked to join them as a factor for "fun".

Village: Used to be from the Mist
Rank: Ex-Chunnin
Fame Level:Spoken Of: Thanks to the things you have done, you are locally known.
Classification: Sensor
Clan: The Yakurei clan

Academy Grad Age: 12
Chuunin Exam Age: 15

Chakra Nature: Water
Kekkai Genkai: True Chakra Absorption

Chakra Level: Experienced: Chuunin Level of Chakra.
Chakra Control: Excellent
Hand Seal Knowledge: Experienced
Speed Level: Basic: Not very fast, average at best.
Skills and Abilities Able to use secret art of Chakra absorption. Water Ninjutsu

Signature Techniques: Many basic-intermediate Water Ninjutsu, Secret Art: Chakra Lock, Secret Art: Chakra syphon, Water Style: Grudge Rain

Paraphernalia: will found me smoking a cigarette when feeling extremely confident in a fight.
Theme Song: Down with the sickness.

So begins...

Mumoichu Yakurei's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Senshiro Character Portrait: Hakui Gekizai Character Portrait: Joruri Character Portrait: Shinmen Takezo Character Portrait: Yuki Kootta Character Portrait: Mumoichu Yakurei
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Shinmen Takezo

Meeting with Akatsuki

Takezo was actually unimpressed by Koota's jutsu. After all, he used it when everyone was willing instead of in the heat of battle. That rain was dangerous when within range. The rest of the Akatsuki were mindlessly commenting on the jutsu though he just wanted to get down to business. "Now it is about time to begin this long expected meeting of ours. The first thing that is needed to be discussed is our plan and the location of our base." He declared to the group with the intention that all would follow up.

"As for the base we need the territory to border multiple countries so that we can travel at a faster rate. I suggest either Kusagakure or Amegakure or perhaps even both in order to throw off any who my find our existence to be dangerous. Once there we will begin by taking over the city through manipulating it's politicians." He told everyone waiting for a response.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Senshiro Character Portrait: Hakui Gekizai Character Portrait: Joruri Character Portrait: Shinmen Takezo Character Portrait: Yuki Kootta Character Portrait: Mumoichu Yakurei
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Meeting with Akatsuki

"I agree that our base should border multiple countries, and having multiple bases will help with the mystery of the organization. As for the manipulation of the political figures I believe I could be of use in that matter. After all politics if nothing but a game of puppets. Whoever has the best control over their puppets wins and my control is flawless. I won't be much help in planning the location of our base I have spent most of my life in my Master's study in Sunagakure."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Senshiro Character Portrait: Hakui Gekizai Character Portrait: Joruri Character Portrait: Shinmen Takezo Character Portrait: Yuki Kootta Character Portrait: Mumoichu Yakurei
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Yawning Mumoichu looked around at everyone and smoothed out his robes. "I have the feeling that everyone here is on limited time, as I myself have an agenda to accomplish at a later time." Standing up he looked to Joruri and throws a kunai into his lap. "Use that when you want to kill someone without them knowing. It's a jutsu of mine what it does is it drains the target of their chakra. It's great because as it's a jutsu of my creation is that it doesn't leave a mark for the damned, meaning hit the target and they die a slow, painful death." Stretching his back out he continued. "I'd say that'd be my way of getting things done discreetly. Only use it when something goes wrong in your political plan such as something goes wrong.... heheh I bet their chakra tastes delicious..." After that he fell backward and lit a cigarette and smoked it without any more want or need to be in the conversation.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Senshiro Character Portrait: Hakui Gekizai Character Portrait: Joruri Character Portrait: Shinmen Takezo Character Portrait: Yuki Kootta Character Portrait: Mumoichu Yakurei
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Kootta kept his face neutral for the conversation, after all this way business.

"Having multiple bases in multiple countries would be the best option in my opinion. In addition, the security of a ninja village, no matter how minor is a massive benefit. I'm sure everyone here can agree on the fact that villages like to keep what happens in the villages within themselves." He paused a bit to let the others catch on to his line of thought.

"With Joruri pulling the strings, maintaining a hide out within a village shouldn't be too difficult. It would simply take a show of money for them to understand there's a gain. A bit of flattery and maybe genjutsu to warm them up to our side, and the key people in our way he turns into puppets. If we have to prove anything along the way, then a simple show of force might be in order to win them over." He stopped talking to pay attention to his barrier, no disturbances and then continued. " The higher ups can simply be made puppets but the lower ranks in a village will need to be bought. So a quick look at our finances is in order, meaning we need a banker. Whom I now owe an apology for having nothing to contribute at this time."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Senshiro Character Portrait: Hakui Gekizai Character Portrait: Joruri Character Portrait: Shinmen Takezo Character Portrait: Yuki Kootta Character Portrait: Mumoichu Yakurei
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"I feel I should tell you as to my skill level in controlling multiple people." Joruri closes his eyes thinking for a moment doing some calculations of his chakra and effort needed to control people. After a moment he raises his head and addresses Kootta. "I can control 5 people for up to two days if I have someone giving me food and water. Up to 10 people for about 3 hours. If the situation is immensely out of control via one of my puppets I would be able to control 30 people at most for 20 minutes. Though I would prefer to avoid this. These people being ordanary people and not ninja. Ninja are much more difficult to control I need preparation to control a ninja Chunin or higher." He smiles confident of himself. "That is what I have to offer. I haven't much money so I won't be much help in that fact."