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A private 1x1.

1,967 readers have visited Navyn since Lilah created it.


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxN A V Y N

Navyn is a beautiful land, Its balance kept intact by the unity of the six courts and their respective lords; the Court of Summer and ruler fire, the Court of Autumn and ruler of air, the Court of Winter and ruler of water, the Court of Spring and ruler of all earthly elements, The court of Day the ruler of light, and the Court of Night and ruler of darkness. Born with the power that represents their court, without them, Navyn would fall into chaos.

It’s been seven years since everything went to hell. Seven years since the lords of the Summer, Autumn, Spring, and Day Court went missing. No one knows what happened, no bodies were found, not even a single hair. Without them to keep the balance, Navyn was cursed with eternal winter and night. Crops struggle to grow and families have gone cold. The courts have fallen, overtaken by those whose main goal is to do anything but good. The people and the world of Navyn are dying.

The Winter and Night Lord are the only two left, the only one's keeping this world from becoming nothing at all. The Night Lord had been locked away by his other Lord counterparts the year before they went missing, put into a deep sleep in which he wouldn't wake. Everyone other than the Lord of Day had misunderstood the man who controlled darkness. His land had always been riddled with the monsters that went bump in the night, and they were afraid of what he could do.

The Lord of Winter, on the other hand, was taken by those who had cast of the other Lords to Earth. Taken captive by a group of priests and priestesses who called themselves 'The Saviors', the Lord had managed to escape and since has been figuring out where their comrades had gone. Once they had figured it out, it was then that they devised a plan to get them back.

Thankfully, the plan worked.



xxxxxxxxxxasaph leva / 25 / lilahxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxserrai morgana / age / faddedfoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxelas caerwyn / 24 / lilah
xxxxxxxxxxmalakai sharin / 26 / faddedfoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxfayre dumornay / 26 / lilahxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxaroian tesfay / age / faddedfox

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asaph Leva Character Portrait: Malakai Sharin Character Portrait: Serrai Morgana Character Portrait: Aroian Tesfay Character Portrait: Fayre Dumornay Character Portrait: Elas Caerwyn
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▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁

The world was cold and dark, but it had been cold and dark for a very long time at this point. He and Malakai, the Lord of Night, remained in Navyn after all. Aroian didn't mind it too much, considering it matched his realm. He was used to the frozen world and often times, the sun wouldn't shine there for days. And considering his power was over water and ice, he was rarely cold himself. If he only had to care for his territory of Avali, he wouldn't have bothered with this whole mess, or so he told himself. As it was however, being an elemental lord meant he had to be concerned with the whole of Navyn and he had to face the facts; without summer, spring, fall, and day, the world was dying. Crops couldn't grow like this and even if his people would survive longer, they would need the harvest too. And even if that hadn't been a concern, the other courts, save for the dark court, had been taken over by the 'Saviors'.

Aroian's usually impassive features turned into a distasteful sneer. Those fanatical priest who should have been loyal to the balance of Navyn had tossed the world into the chaos. They had cast the other lords to some place called 'Earth', truly a brilliant name that one, might as well call it dirt or soil or something else unimaginative and obvious. If that wasn't bad enough, the 'Saviors' imprisoned him for 2 years before he managed to get out of their dungeon. It was truly a slap in the face and a mockery of his ability and title, and he was not about to let the wound to his pride stand. They should have never had enough power to imprison a Lord. It was why they had needed all of the elemental lords to imprison Malakai. Regretible deciion though it was now, maybe it had been a good thing. He was sure the Saviors would have cast Malakai to Earth and let Lady Asaph remain. If that had happened, the world would have relentless day instead of night and everything would have been worse. The sun would burn everything. At least with night things somewhat had a chance to regrow once they fixed the seasons.

The lord of winter shook his had, the bright and frosted strands of his hair falling forward around his face and dismantled the snowflakes that had fallen delicately on his head. He needed to stop letting his mind wander to the past. He had a task to do and finally after 5 long years, the priests still loyal to him and the other lords were ready to bring back the other lords from Earth. He'd lent them his power and all the resources that they had required but it still had taken so long to find the spell that would bring them back, and then even longer to gather up enough power to do it. It was testament to how long the Saviors had been plotting their treachery. The other lords had better thank him for this. Of course he wouldn't do anything if they didn't, but it would be nice to have a little gratitude.

Aroian made the small trek out of his tent towards the edge of the wide sea. Currently it was blanketed with ice and snow. If one wasn't careful, they would venture out onto it and be lost for days trying to figure out where they where. All around the bank priests were milling about with their preparations. They all wore thick fur coats, gloves, hats, anything to keep the chill from seeping into their bones. Most were huddled around the fires they'd started. Aroian himself simply wore his royal uniform; a thin silk a rich dark blue and stitched with silver thread. All around the collar, hands and seams were delicately woven snow flakes as a representation of his element. He stopped walking once he reached the edge of the camp, beside the head priest's tent. He settled a gloved hand on his hip, his frosted gaze taking in the scene.

He gave a tired sigh. All of this and their work would have only really just begun. Just bringing the lords back wouldn't solve their problems. He knew that once the lords got here, the seasons would start trying to balance themselves out again and the Saviors would immediately be alerted that the lords were back. The saviors would be after them again and he didn't want them to succeed and make things worse. So, so much to do. And how wonderful it was that he had to be in charge of it all. The other lords would have no idea what was happening here. Fay would probably want to charge the Saviors right from the get-go and he'd have to reign her back. He'd never been one to want to be in charge of everything. Too much work and ankle biting, not that he was lazy or anything. He just really hated dealing with back talk and lengthy explanations. Everyone always wanted things their way or had some objection. He turned towards the tent and gave one of the support beams a knock before he entered. The immediate warmth he felt wrapping around him inside the tent made him shudder. It was suffocating for him but necessary for the priest.

"Priest Daurin, how goes the preparation for the spell? Will we be ready soon?" he asked the priest who was leafing through one of his books.

"Yes, my lord. We are actually ready. I just wanted one last read through the incantation. We have to make sure we are absolutely correct in all of the nuances and hand gestures. If you are ready, I'll call the other priests to start their line up."

"Yes. Let's get this over with. We have a lot to get done and not a lot of time to do it." Aroian left the tent with the priest trailing behind. He heard the priest calling to his fellows to take their places as he walked straight for the edge of the water. As the incantation started, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He extended his hands on either side and called up his power. The earth started to quake as the ice split on top of the water. He cleared a path of the ice so that the other lords wouldn't be trapped beneath the ice when they got here and drown. For whatever reason, the spell could pull the lords through the water more easily than any other venue. The lords were going to be freezing when they got here. He chuckled lightly at the image of the lords falling over themselves like baby leopard seals at the water's edge.

"Well...I hope this works. Come home," he called out softly into the expanse that surrounded them. "Navyn needs you." He'd never admit it to any of them, but he did care about his brethren and he missed them too, annoying as they were. He had an image of indifference he had to keep up after all. Wouldn't do to have them think he'd gone soft and 'warm'. They were like siblings you hated but couldn't help but love and tease. He really hoped that they had been safe on Earth and that the Saviors didn't do something hurt them.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asaph Leva Character Portrait: Serrai Morgana Character Portrait: Aroian Tesfay Character Portrait: Fayre Dumornay Character Portrait: Elas Caerwyn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lilah

Stupid, stupid truck!” Fayre shouted, kicking the blown tire that had made the group of friends pull to the side of the road. This truck was old, but it had always been reliable. Yeah, she had to get a couple things checked out once in a blue moon, but it never crapped out on her while she had been driving on a highway. God, her heart nearly stopped when she heard it pop. Thankfully she was going at a slower speed or it really could have been worse. She grumbled a few other choice profanities under her breath.

Asaph opened the passenger door where she had been sitting, listening to Fay curse the truck. Hopping onto the dirt side road, she made her way over to her friend. Placing her hand on her arm, she glanced down at the tire and gave a passing, “oh no…” A very stressed Fayre ran a hand down her face, turning her head slightly to look down at Asa through her parted fingers. “Oh no? That’s it?” she muttered, giving her an incredulous look. Asa glanced up at her, mouth slightly gapped. “Uhm,” she started, looking back down at the tire again, “Oh no, that’s... unfortunate?” Fayre still stared at her with the same look. Asaph decided to try again. “Stupid, stupid truck?” she offered, repeating the words she had heard the girl say before. Fayre nodded with determination, echoing with conviction, “Yes. Stupid, stupid truck.

Elas had stayed in the back seat of the truck, barley cracking his eyes open from the nap he had been taking. It’d had been a long trip so far from their town. They were going a couple of states over since Asaph was supposed to preform a piano piece at a fairly well known concert hall as apart of some recital. She said none of them had to attend, but Fayre had volunteered both him and Serrai to go. She said it would be a good weekend vacation. He didn’t mind much either way, but he knew how Asaph got a little nervous performing, most especially in front of friends.

After a few minutes of nothing happening, Elas sighed and cracked open his eyes. Turning his head to glance at Serrai in the seat beside him, he mumbled, “I hope they’re not just standing out there just staring at it.

Sliding out of his seat and opening his door, he made his way around to the side of the truck where the damaged tire was. Low and behold, both girls were standing there with linked arms, heads cocked as they stared at the tire, mumbling to themselves. Crossing his arms, he questioned them, “has anyone called a tow truck yet?” Asaph's blue eyes snapped up towards him as she quickly fumbled to grab her phone out of her pink dress’s pockets. “Nope, but I’ll do that now!” She quipped, as she began walking a little ways away, scrolling through it until she held it up to her ear.

Shaking his head slightly, he bent down to closer inspect the tire. “I’m assuming there’s no spare tire?” He questioned, looking behind his shoulder to the black haired girl. Fayre shook her head as she grumbled, “that was the spare tire.” Nodding his head, he looked back at the shredded rubber. “Ah.

Soon enough, Asaph bounced back over, triumphantly holding her phone up. “Alright! Good news is there on there way, bad news is they said it’ll be over an hour, which in their lingo will most likely be three.” Fayre threw her hands up dramatically, groaning out, “Just our luck. What are we supposed to do for three hours!” Elas just shrugged his shoulders.

I think the truck is safe here for now,” Asaph commented, as she pulled her long blonde hair up into a pony tail. “Might as well just hang out on the beach?” The highway was along the coast line, making for a picturesque drive. Might as well wait it out while watching the ocean. As the others agreed, all four of them made their way down a small man-made trail, down to the water line.

After about an hour of waiting and doing almost nothing, Asaph boredly hopped along a bunch of rocks at the edge of the shore, making her way onto a larger rock slightly away from the others. Peering over the edge, she could see the light blue of the shallow water meet the deeper blue colour, signifying a deep drop off from the shallow edge. “Be careful, Asaph!” called Elas in a monotone voice from his spot laying on the beach. It was summer and the heat was stifling him. He really wasn’t one for hot weather. Turning her head to look at him, she gave a teasing smile as she called back, “What’s the worst that could happen?” What a way to jinx it.

As soon as her sentence cut off, a wave crashed against the large rock and washed over her feet where she stood at it’s edge. Like an odd grasp, the water pulled her off the rock face as she plunged into the biting cold water. Letting out an inadvertent scream, water filled up her lungs as she kept getting dragged down, down, down, unable to swim up no matter how much she thrashed.

As soon as Elas heard the splash of water and noticed the absence of Asaph’s form, he was up in action right away. Racing over towards the rock face she stood at before, he peered down just in time to see a glint of blonde hair before it disappeared completely. He barley heard Fayre ask, “what the hell happened?” as she quickly approached behind him before he jumped in after Asaph. A pulling sensation overtook him, and soon enough he felt himself sink, no matter how hard he tried to pull himself back up again.

After about a minute, Elas’s broke through surface as he took in a large gust of air, his lung screaming at the piercing cold. Somehow the water was much cooler than when he had first jumped in and- why was there ice?

Before he had time to even glance anymore at his surroundings, a gasping breath behind him drew his attention. Turning around in the water, he saw as a drenched Asaph tried to scramble her way up onto the ice, unable to get a grip. Holding his breath, he dunked back under the water and grabbed her waist, hoisting her up a bit so she could get out of the freezing cold water. Surfacing again once she was fully up, he grabbed the hands she had outstretched as he scrambled up to the ice himself.

Asaph sat there coughing up salt water, trying to speak as she sputtered out, “where… are-” Elas cut her off as he awkwardly patted her back, shivers racking up his body. “No idea.” Moving her head to look at him more fully, concern flooding her eyes, she questioned hoarsely "you okay?" He nodded his head, before turning to look back around as he heard more splashing. Watching as two familiar female heads popped up, he moved towards the edge again. Outstretching both his hands, he stated in a commanding voice, “come up before you freeze.” Fayre in her shock completely ignored his outstretched hand as she pulled herself up with the power of a thousands suns. Flopping onto the ice, she crawled over to Asaph and wrapped her body around hers, hollering rather unashamedly and loud, “why the fuck is it so cold!” as she tried to steal the coughing girls heat.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asaph Leva Character Portrait: Serrai Morgana Character Portrait: Aroian Tesfay Character Portrait: Fayre Dumornay Character Portrait: Elas Caerwyn
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0.00 INK

Hex Code ::#00688B
Hex Code :: #00C5CD

Hex Code:: #003300
Hex Code :: #3F9E4D

"Ugh, what now?" Serrai muttered under her breath when Fay had pulled them off to the side of the road. They'd made several stops at this point and Serrai had a feeling that they were never going to make it to the recital on time. Poor Asaph was going to miss her performance and she was going to be abashed and upset. She hated it when Asaph was upset. The youth reached up and pulled the head phones out of her ears and leaned over Elas a little to peer outside of the car. She'd felt the car shutter but hadn't heard the dreaded pop thanks to her blasting music. Had Fay hit something on accident? She wouldn't put it past her. Or maybe the car finally decided to die. "We should have taken my mom's car like she offered," she mused. Ah well. Hind-sight was 20/20.

Serrai pushed her purple black hair away from her face as Elas decided to wake up from his nap and save the day by telling the other two girls to call for help. Not wanting to be left out and sulking in the car she slid out of the passenger side beside Elas to look over the tire. Dang. She gave a whistle under her breath. She was glad they hadn't been going the speed limit after all. Had they been going faster, Fay may have tipped the car and they'd be having a very different discussion. And they'd have to wait for 3 hours to get the tire replaced? Yep! They were going to miss Asaph's recital. Things never went smoothly, did they?

At the mention of hanging out at the beach, she shrugged. "If you are sure that is a good idea. I mean, make sure your phone is on loud so we don't miss the services. I am sure they won't wait for us and will be hard pressed to get them back out," she cautioned. Staying by the car seemed like the better option, but she supposed going to the beach wasn't too bad. What else were they going to do? She glanced at the water and then the car. They could see up the ramp so when they saw the car approach, they could always hurry back, so at least that wasn't going to be a problem. She'd just have to watch for it because she didn't trust Asaph and Fay to notice the car if they all didn't hear the phone go off.

Serrai hurried after her friends then and made it to the bank. She crouched in the sand near a puddle among the rocks where there were some shells and began to investigate them. Some were broken, but they were really pretty. Serrai managed to pick up one corn-shell that was a rather pretty blue when she heard Asa cry out. She tucked away the shell and looked up confused. Where was Asa? And that is when she saw Elas leap into the water. Alarmed, she rushed to the water's edge beside Fay and looked into the water. She didn't see Elas or Asaph. Had they been dragged down? Being a track swimmer, Serrai had full confidence in her own swimming abilities so she dove in after her friends hoping to help Elas bring up Asaph. She heard a splash behind her as Fay also leaped in. Serrai had a sinking feeling. They were all in the water and potentially in danger at this point. Fay should have stayed up on land. Serrai turned to try and indicate as much but then she felt the tug of the water around her. She struggled against the current but she and Fay were pulled deeper and deeper. And then the tug seemed to vanish. Serrai shot for the surface, grabbing Fay in the process to bring her up to the surface as well.

The closer they got to the surface, the colder the water became. They broke the surface and Serrai was freezing. Her body was shivering and her breath came out in a fog. Something wasn't right. How the hell was there ice on the water? The beach had been hot. She looked up when she heard Elas and watched as Fay scrambled up onto the ice. Serrai reached for Elas's outstretched hand and with his help pulled up onto the ice. She hugged herself, teeth chattering. What the hell was this? Had she hit her head or something and was now off in dreamland? Gods it was freezing! They were going to get sick, drenched as they were.

Then the ice that they were around cracked in what appeared to be a perfect circle, giving them enough room to kneel beside each other. Serrai clung to Elas, afraid they'd all tip into the water. The still water suddenly created a small wave and shoved the ice forward. Serrai gasped, head whipping around to make sure everyone hadn't fallen off the ice block as they began to move. It didn't make sense at all! The random wave was pushing them towards the shore. The closer they got, Serrai noticed figures standing all around and the blinking fire light. Warmth! People! They were saved! One man was standing in the water, hands on his hips. There was a smirk on his lips as he watched them.

The ice slab stopped moving when it reached the stranger's feet. Aroian leaned down a little, his eyes wandering over each of them. Serrai could hear the cheering of the others around in the area. What was going on here? Why were there so many people here? And where the hell were they? This couldn't be the beach and she was too cold for this to really be a dream.

"Well about time," Aroian chuckled. "Welcome home. I'd say you were missed, but that's a relative word. It depends on who you ask." Aroian turned just as one of the priests hurried over with thick heavy blankets made from the leopard seal coat. Aroian reached a hand out to help the lords get off the ice then. Serrai hesitated when Aroian reached for her, making Aroian arch an eyebrow. "Prefer freezing in the water?" he asked her. Serrai shook her head and accepted his hand, as cold as the ice they were sitting on. "I suggest you all take off your water-logged clothes before you wrap the coat around yourself, least you get it wet as well. Won't peak, promise." The priests all turned away, save for a few that held up a long cloth to block them from the others so they could take their clothes off. Aroian himself turned away once they were all safe on land. Serrai quickly ripped her wet clothes off before grabbing one of the coats and shuddered. Oh that was sooooo much better. Her extremities were still cold considering they weren't in the blanket, but it was still far better than being wet.

"Thank you for saving us, but where are we? Who are you? How did you know we were here?" Serrai asked the blue haired man.

Aroian frowned and he turned back towards her. Who was he? Where were they? How could she ask him that? He glanced at the other lords who also looked puzzled. There was no recognition in their eyes. What had the Saviors done to them? His heart sank. Had their core been removed? Did they have their power? Had the gifts been given to unborn children to restart the cycle? If that was true, they were all fucked. The babies when they were born were going to be defenseless and useless. He couldn't ask them to help him for obvious reasons.

"By the seven winds, please tell me you learned what humor was on this Earth place and are joking! You're home. This is Navyn. The edge of your territory in fact, Serrai. I am Aroian, Lord of Winter. We just spent the last day and half standing here to bring you 4 back. You don't remember anything? Nothing at all?"

Serrai frowned at Aroian as memories flashed in her mind. She vaguely remembered a territory full of lush forests and life, Illei territory. A brief flick of recognition touched her gaze as she looked at Aroian. She sorta remembered talking to him before; of storming out of some castle with him laughing behind her. "Sort of? I am confused... if this is Illei, where are the forests and meadows?"

"Thank the divine you 4 aren't going to be completely useless."

"Hey!" Serrai growled at him, "You jerk!"

"Look, we have a lot to discuss. The more you remember, the better. I hope. Now lets get you 4 out of the cold. It won't do to have you all die now that you are here." Aroian sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. If Serrai was slowly remembering, maybe the others would as well and once they remembered, maybe their powers would too. Maybe in the end this was a good thing. If their power was dormant, that meant the seasons weren't going to be changing yet. That would buy them more time. "Come on," he said and motioned for them to follow him towards the high priest's tent. His own tent was cold after all and the point was to get them warm.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asaph Leva Character Portrait: Serrai Morgana Character Portrait: Aroian Tesfay Character Portrait: Fayre Dumornay Character Portrait: Elas Caerwyn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lilah

Asaph heard the small cracking sounds before movement jarred her position. Trying her best to push Fayre a bit away so she could see around the girl who currently blocked her vision from seeing anything other than the cool ice below, she questioned in a tone giving away how freaked out she was, "what's that noise? Fayre-"

"Why are we moving?" Fayre squeaked, holding on tighter to Asaph as shivers racked her body. "Elas, why are we moving?" Fayre commented again, wildly turning her eyes onto the drenched boy. Asaph made a soft motion to move away from Fayre's death grasp once more, but she just clung on tighter. Elas uncharacteristically rolled his eyes as he gritted out "Fayre, I haven't got a clue," between his chattering teeth. It was peculiar, he'd give her that. He didn't remember there being that strong of a current from his time spent in the frigid water, so what was propelling them forward now? There had been no change in the wind. There also had been no cracks in the ice previously. How peculiar it was that the ice would break in a perfect circle around them.

Elas must have noticed the sound of cheering at the same time Serrai had, as his head snapped up to look at the shore line ahead of them. There was no doubt in his mind they were not on the same beach they had been on before. How was this possible? It wasn't. He hadn't even remembered swimming back up to air. He had just remembered sinking. Maybe he really had drowned and this was some weird after effect of not enough oxygen to the brain? He was surprised at how cognizant he was of his own thoughts and senses if that were the case.

But if this were real, God, he hoped those people weren’t apart of some weird cult thing.

As soon as the ice chunk all four of them floated on stopped at a smirking boys face, Elas steadied his position and straightened his back, trying to study the boy. Meanwhile, Asaph was still struggling to even get away from Fayre’s grasp. Fayre, noticing the people finally, loosened her grip long enough that Asaph pushed herself away from the girl’s arms and nearly toppled over into the now shallow water. She was too busy talking deep inhalations of breath after nearly suffocating a second times today after being shrouded by the other girl, that she hadn’t even looked up to notice the people until the boy in front of them spoke. Whipping her head up, her bright eyes considerably widened and Elas noted the nervous and confused look that crossed her features.

As Elas and Asaph took his offered hand, Asaph being the only one to offer a tiny “thank you,” Fayre, probably the wariest of them all in this situation, made a pointed effort to ignore his offered hand to try to get off the ice herself. Unfortunately, her efforts failed as her foot slipped on the surface and she landed with a splash in the cold water once more. Quickly scurrying up with a proclamation of, “shit, I hate the cold!”, she ran up to land and she was the first one to strip off her sodden clothes without so much of a care in the world as to who saw before slipping on the warm coat, and burying her face half into it.

Elas and Asaph made their way to stand on either side of Serrai as Fayre was to busy in her own world trying to heat her body back up. Elas was about to ask him what exactly was going on before Serrai beat him to the punch.

Neither Asaph nor Elas could make much sense of Aroian’s words. Elas was a little offended that he would suggest they were being humorous in the first place, as this was not a funny situation in the slightest. Fayre, on the other hand, made an audible snorting noise once he introduced himself as the ‘Lord of Winter’. Sure, she thought, sarcastically saying under her breath as if on instinct, “oh yeah, and I’m the Lord of Summer.” Elas shot her a disapproving look, while Asaph used her elbow to hit her in the side, giving her an equal chastising side eye.

As they made their way to whatever cover they had set up, Asaph scrunched up her nose as she tried to figure out exactly where she’d heard the term Navyn before. She was positive she’d never heard of a town or place like that before. “You said this place was Navyn?” Asaph questioned, stepping up to walk alongside the blue haired boy. “And what did you mean before when you said welcome home? We’ve been here before, haven’t we?” Asaph couldn’t get over the overwhelming feeling of nostalgia. She swore, even the air in this place seemed familiar.

From behind her, she heard Fayre scoff, “it sounds like some made up place to me.” Elas, as much as he hated to agree with Fayre, got the point she was going for. Nodding his head, he said, “I’ve never heard of a region named Navyn. What country is this in, or rather what continent?” Still, none of this was making any sense to him. Fayre muttered not-so subtly, “who cares, they’ll probably just going to chop us up into little pieces anyways.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asaph Leva Character Portrait: Serrai Morgana Character Portrait: Aroian Tesfay Character Portrait: Fayre Dumornay Character Portrait: Elas Caerwyn
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0.00 INK

Hex Code ::#00688B
Hex Code :: #00C5CD

Hex Code:: #003300
Hex Code :: #3F9E4D

Aroian sighed and rubbed his temples. Why couldn't anything be simple? Now he had to reexplain what Navyn was, who they were. He didn't want to baby sit them! He wanted to get everything back to the way they were and forget this mess had ever happened. And their personalities were different, had always been different from each other. He supposed it was all related to their elements. How was he supposed to get Fay on his side, especially? She was his complete opposite, and he knew that she was going to protest him at every turn. He really had his work cut out for him. Why me? he wondered. Though he may hate the task however, being the only one to remember might have been a good thing. He was the most level headed. At least in situations like this. Thanks be to the calm patience of the water.

Aroian decided not to answer any of their comments until they were all inside the tent. He sent away the priest for now. This was a matter only for the lords and he didn't want more priests knowing things they shouldn't. He closed the flap and made sure to stoke the fire before he took off his gloves and opened the collar of his shirt to get some air while the other lords warmed up. He turned to look at each of them then. They all had changed though he supposed he had as well. They weren't children anymore. They all had an age in their eyes now. He hoped that meant they had gotten passed their squabbling from before.

"This place is Navyn. It is not any place on Earth. You are not from Earth. You are from Navyn. You were sent to Earth and apparently your memories have been stolen from you. There is a cult here on Navyn, called the Saviors. They seek to take Navyn under its rule, and thus far, they've succeeded. Now with you all back, we can try to reestablish order before Navyn dies in relentless winter and night. Fay, though you joke, yes, yes you are the Lady of Summer and fire, my direct opposite in element and season. Serrai, you are the Lady Spring, controller of earth. Elis, the Lord of Autumn and wind. Asaph, you are the Lady of the Day and anything within the realm of light. Lord Malakai is your direct opposite, being the lord of night and shadow.

"As I mentioned, this world is locked in winter and night. We were the only two left on Navyn so the balance tipped towards our elements. Just to be clear, that means no day, no summer, no spring, nothing warm and growing. Plants are dying, buried beneath the snow and without the light's nourishing. No rich soil giving nutrients to all things living. People are starting to grow sick and die from the lack of plant life and the animals too are dying of starvation in the forests. Each court looks like an extension of my territory at this point. We need each other to balance the other and keep Navyn stable. If you were killed, that element and season dies with you until a new lord or lady is born, hence why you are all breathing and not dead. The cult knew this and so sent you away from Navyn to keep you under raps and though the seasons have tipped, your seasons and element still exist. Questions?"
Oh why did he open himself up to that? Oh boy. "Ringing any bells yet?"

Serrai just gaped at him. There was so much information and her head was spinning. Lady of Spring? Power over the earth? Balance and a cult? She didn't know what piece of information she wanted to grapple with first. There was just so much.

"Everything you are saying sounds like a fantasy. It is crazy! How can I be born here, have power over the earth? I distinctly remember growing up on Earth and last time I checked, I couldn't move a pebble. Secondly, if there is a lord for each season and whatever and we all need to be together, where is this other lord you mentioned? Thirdly why the hell were you and this other lord allowed by this cult you mentioned, to run around? They'd have to know you would go on plotting to fix the situation," the facts just didn't quite add up!

Aroian clenched his fists. It was a subject he really didn't want to discuss. "We trapped Malakai in his territory a year before the four of you were sent to earth. It made leaving Malakai here convenient while Asaph was sent to Earth. So he is here, but trapped and most likely royally pissed off. And we need to release him because we need him, but we'll get to that bit of the story when you 4 stop doubting this place even exists. As for me, I don't know how I was picked to remain, but the point is, they sent you 4 to Earth and captured me. I wasn't left roaming about as you so eloquently put it, Serrai. I managed to escape 3 years ago. Since then I've been looking for a way to get you guys back here. And remain at large. My castle was attacked just as I had gotten back to grab a few supplies but they were unable to catch me again. I've avoided going near the courts so they wouldn't have a way to track me."

Aroian's face softened then and he gave a weary sigh as he looked at the other lords with a new light in his eye. "Look... I know this is all hard to believe but it is true. I wish I had all the time in the world to remind each of you who you really are, but as it is, time is short. I need your help. Navyn needs your help. Your courts and your people need you. I will do what I can to remind you and help you remember, but I don't have time to argue each point with the 4 of you. That would be exhausting and our energies are better spent elsewhere. Will you guys just agree to help and try to remember? As I said, we need to free Malakai and that is going to be a fighting match for us to get him to agree to help us. I don't know how long that is going to take, nor if we'll actually get his cooperation because of what we did all those years ago now. Our only card we can play with him is the well-being of his court. They'll need the seasons too. Can I count on you, limited memory and all? Or was this all a big waste of 3 years?"

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Navyn by Lilah


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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Malakai Sharin
Character Portrait: Aroian Tesfay
Character Portrait: Serrai Morgana
Character Portrait: Asaph Leva
Character Portrait: Elas Caerwyn
Character Portrait: Fayre Dumornay


Character Portrait: Asaph Leva
Asaph Leva

to wait and watch at the wayside, where shadow chases light.

Character Portrait: Malakai Sharin
Malakai Sharin

"They day of reckoning will come and you won't have the shadows to shelter you."


Character Portrait: Malakai Sharin
Malakai Sharin

"They day of reckoning will come and you won't have the shadows to shelter you."

Character Portrait: Asaph Leva
Asaph Leva

to wait and watch at the wayside, where shadow chases light.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Asaph Leva
Asaph Leva

to wait and watch at the wayside, where shadow chases light.

Character Portrait: Malakai Sharin
Malakai Sharin

"They day of reckoning will come and you won't have the shadows to shelter you."

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    on Sat Jan 06, 2018 10:26 pm

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