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4,284 readers have visited Nightlife since desire99600 created it.




With it's intense heat, the desert doesn't seem to be a very practical place to put a city, but still, in the middle of the sweltering desert, Las Vegas thrives. It is known above all other cities for it's nightlife because when the sun goes away, it's residents come out to play. And boy do they play. What better place for the creatures of the night to thrive then in a city that is more alive by the moonlight then it is by the sunlight?

See, Sin City is owned by these "creatures of the night", quite literally. On one side of town, lives a pack of werewolves who own every major casino, hotel, and small restaurant in the city. On the other side of town lives a coven of vampires who lay claim to every nightclub, shopping center, fancy restaurant, and strip joint.

These two groups hate each other with a dangerous passion, creating an ugly rivalry that stretches back ages. It's a dark world that exists right under the noses of thousands of humans, all of whom are too distracted by neon lights to notice a thing.

What happens when these two feuding sides collide? Will it cause a dangerous, deadly war? Or maybe something else entirely unexpected? Anything's possible in the City of Lights.



Taken by Desire99600

Girl One || Age: Appears 17 (113) || Werewolf || Falls for Boy Two || FC Emily DiDonato

Taken by Desire99600

Boy One || Age: Appears 23 (119) || Werewolf || Falls for Girl Two || FC Henry Cavill

Taken by The Toxic Cereus

Girl Two || Age: Appears 21 (173) || Vampire || Falls for Boy One || FC Phoebe Tonkin

Taken by The Toxic Cereus

Boy Two || Age: Appears 21 (171) || Vampire || Falls for Girl One || FC Ian Somerhalder




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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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The way he looked at her drove her crazy, making her bite her lip, wanting him to kiss her. He took a sip of his drink before setting it down and she kept her eyes on him. "You shouldn't of come here with anything on." He said smoothly and she raised a brow, loving the way his eyes looked over her, like he was debating exactly what he wanted to do with her for the night. He drove her crazy just in the way he looked at her. It made her want him and he hadn't even touched her or kissed her.

Ryder pressed against her shoulder slightly and she bit her lip. "Sit down." He commanded her and she let out a soft sigh, loving the way he liked to tell her what to do. She obeyed, sitting in her chair as he sat down in his, bringing her drink to her lips. "Take them off and hand them to me. You won't need them." He said as he took a drink and she bit her lip.

Natasha glanced around them briefly to make sure nobody was watching before smirking and slipping her hand up her dress, sliding her panties down from under it and down her legs. She moved quickly to get them off, not wanting anyone to see her. Once they were finally completely off, she leaned over and placed her panties in his hand. Her dress was so short and tight that going without panties made her nervous, but she did it because he told her to and it made her hot as hell when he commanded her to do things.

Asha finished off her drink before leaning forward in her seat towards him. She kissed his lips, unable to wait any longer to kiss him, placing one hand on the knee of his pants and sliding it slowly up his thigh as she kissed him, leaning even farther forward in her seat. "You going to fuck me again tonight?" She breathed against his lips with a wicked smirk, her hand squeezing his thigh before kissing him hard again.


"I do sometimes. But what do you do? Second day in a row you're out partying. Plenty of young women around here for you to snag. I'll even put in a good word." She said and he raised a brow. The truth was, he wasn't interested in the other girls in the bar. As far as he was concerned, they were boring and dull. He liked Odette. It was her he wanted to talk to and be around. He watched her as she made another drink for that other man, raising a brow at her as she took a quick sip of it.

She gave it to the guy before coming back to him. "Want a drink? On the house." She asked him, gesturing to the large bar and he smirked and shrugged. He glanced over at Natasha briefly, making sure she was still alright before turning his eyes back on Odette. He wasn't going to drink originally, but now that she was offering, he didn't see the harm in a drink or two. He was supposed to be Nat's back up if trouble started with the vampires, but she seemed alright.

"Sure." He finally answered, eyes running over her. "Just give me a beer." He shrugged, glancing at Nat again briefly before back to her. "I'm not partying." He said in response to her earlier comment. "I'm out with my sister again." He answered. "She likes to drag me away from my work to party so she can ditch me the instant some guy catches her eye." He smirked, rolling his eyes. "I don't mind too much though I guess, she tends to get into less trouble when I'm around." He shrugged, eyes running over her. "As far as you hooking me up with another girl, don't bother." He smirked. "There's only one girl in this bar worth my time." He grinned, raising a brow at her.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Snake Eyes by Mumford and Sons
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Coy
XXXOdette took a drink from the crystal glass.
"Sure" Adrian finally answered, she watched his gaze as she stood there. "Just give me a beer" he shrugged at her. Odette turned her back, grabbing a drink from the cooler. Seeing it was empty she sighed. Bending down underneath the bar she gave him a glimpse of her ass as she bent down.

She restocked the cooler as he spoke, listening to him while she did the task.
"I'm not partying." He said in response to her earlier comment. "I'm out with my sister again." He answered. "She likes to drag me away from my work to party so she can ditch me the instant some guy catches her eye." Odette could hear the smirk in his voice.
"I don't mind too much though I guess, she tends to get into less trouble when I'm around." she saw him shrug in the corner of her eye.

Odette opened up the beer with the bottle opener that was attached to the counter. She took a drink from the bottle before handing it to him. She leaned in against the counter.
"As far as you hooking me up with another girl, don't bother." He smirked. "There's only one girl in this bar worth my time." He grinned, raising a brow at her. Odette couldn't help but laugh.

"You must think your time is very valuable then, if not one other person is worth the time" she asked with a coy tone, before she moved to the back of the bar. She refilled a few of the drinks from the others surrounding the bar. She saw Ryder with the blonde girl, and she swore that she handed him something with lace. Ryder wasn't the type to visit the same woman. So the girl was an obvious surprise to her.

"I find myself curious to who this person would be"

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Content
XXXHe watched her intently as she peeled the fabric from her thighs all the way down to her leg. She looked like she didn't want to do it, but she obeyed. She did it quickly, probably to avoid being caught.

When the fabric was within his hands he grinned, sliding the flimsy fabric into his pockets. He took a drink out of the beer glass and watched her readjust herself. The girl moved forward in her seat. A moment later she captured his lips, in which he returned hungrily.
"You going to fuck me again tonight?" the girl breathed against his lips, a wicked smirk he enjoyed all too much surfacing from her red lips.

"Do you even deserved to be" he asked her with a raised brow. "Why should you get fucked? Maybe I just wanted to keep your panties and have a drink" he spoke, looking over her as he flagged Odette for another drink.

My post are going to get shitty because losing comp for awhile. Prepare for mobile

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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"Do you even deserved to be?" He asked, raising a brow at her and she smirked as she took a sip of her drink, eyes running over him. "Why should you get fucked? Maybe I just wanted to keep your panties and have a drink." He said as he gestured to the bartender for another drink and she recognized the girl as the same girl Adrian had been with the night before. The coincidence made her raise a brow, glancing across the bar at Adrian, who's eyes were glued to the girl, making her smirk. Clearly he liked the girl more then he usually liked his dates.

Natasha returned her eyes to Ryder then, biting her lip as she thought about how to answer him. "I deserve it." She finally said with a seductive smirk as she stood and moved in closer to him, kissing his lips again before trailing her lips slowly along his jaw and pressing them to his ear. "I'm a good girl, I do what you say, so I deserve it." She whispered in his ear before pulling away and taking his hand. "Besides," she shrugged with a seductive look in her eye. "You didn't invite me here just to take my panties from me." She said before pulling his hand to pull him to his feet.

"Come on." She breathed, taking his beer from him and setting it aside. She placed a light kiss on his lips as she laced her fingers with his. "Let's dance." She whispered with a smirk before pulling him away from the bar. She didn't get a chance to dance with him the night before and she wanted to. She loved dancing with guys in clubs and she was dying to grind her body up against his to the pulsing beat of the loud music.


Odette laughed and he smirked, liking the sound of her laugh. "You must think your time is very valuable then, if not one other person is worth the time." She said coyly and he raised a brow with a grin. He was going to respond, but before he had the chance, her attention was pulled off him to the others at the bar and he just watched her refill drinks, taking the moment to glance at Natasha, rolling his eyes when he happened to see her pulling her panties out from under her dress to hand to the guy she was with. He could have gone without seeing that.

"I find myself curious to who this person would be." Odette said and he was glad to turn his attention back to her, not exactly interested in watching his little sister flirt shamelessly with some man. He took a drink of the beer she'd gotten him and smirked at her, eyes running over her, admiring the way her tight dress hugged her body. He couldn't help but hope the night would turn out similar to the night before, but he didn't know with her. She wasn't easy to predict.

"I thought it was obvious." He said, raising a brow with a grin. Of course it was her. He wasn't really interested in talking to anyone else in the bar. The women in a club as nice as Plasma were the rich, privileged type. He was rich and so was Odette, but they'd had to work for their money, he could tell that just by talking to her. She wasn't handed her life on a silver platter. Most of the other women there were the kinds of girls who lived off daddy's money and spent it however they pleased. Too high maintenance for him.

"So, what are you doing working here?" He asked, raising a brow at her as he looked her over. "I mean, unless you're the best, most high-paid bartender in the world, I doubt this job paid for that place of yours." He said casually because it was true. She had loads of money, her apartment alone made that perfectly clear, which was why it surprised him that she was behind the bar of a club. The thought occurred to him that maybe she did more at the club then bartend. Maybe she owned it. He hated the thought though because, if that was a case, that meant he'd have to stop seeing her because she was a vampire.

That's okay! They're fine(:

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Snake Eyes by Mumford and Sons
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Coy
XXX"I thought it was obvious." Adrian smirked. The woman did like the way he smiled. While she knew he could be dominated, like her - he smiled like he knew something she didn't. It was attractive to say the least.

Odette took a drink from the wine glass behind her at the bar. The bar had her favorite wine. Imported from California's winery V Sattui. She'd visited California a few times. But traveling for a vampire was a challenge. Being in the sun hurt vampires. It didn't make them melt, but it did hurt them. Like a bad sunburn.

That's why most vampires went on a night time schedule. Waking up at the sunset, sleeping at sunrise.
"So, what are you doing working here?" he asked her with a raised brow. "I mean, unless you're the best, most high-paid bartender in the world, I doubt this job paid for that place of yours." he spoke casually.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the so called "sheriff" beginning to cough at his drink before his words seemed to put the woman off. Like he couldn't control his own speech, like something was loosening his tongue. Almost like he got drunk much faster than intended. She couldn't help but smirk before looking back at Adrian.

"We all need a hobby. I may have money, but I wouldn't if I didn't work hard. I don't do sitting around on my ass Mr.Woods" she said, leaning against the bar. Everything she had in her life, she worked for. Fought for. Her apartment showed her progress. A long time ago, she was living in a sad farm house, sleeping on broken mattresses. Now she slept on a king sized bed, on the top floor of one of the highest buildings in Vegas.

"I don't really do consecutive visits Mr.Woods. Do you really want me so bad, that you wanted to see me again. I can't help but feel like you're undressing me with your eyes right now" her emphasis be the fact that he had a perfect view of her cleavage by the way she bent on the bar.

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Content
XXXRyder watched as she bit her red lips, grinning while she thought about her answer. He enjoyed putting her on the spot in this situation. He was in control.
"I deserve it." she smirked, seduction obvious in the expression. The kiss between them was brief, and the trail down his jaw set him on fire. "I'm a good girl, I do what you say, so I deserve it." she whispered in his ear, and he could only chuckle under his breath at her comment.

"Besides," she shrugged with a seductive look in her eye. "You didn't invite me here just to take my panties from me." Natasha said, pulling him to his feet. "Come on." Natasha breathed, taking his beer from him and setting it aside. She placed a light kiss on his lips as she laced her fingers with his. "Let's dance." she whispered with a smirk.

He stopped her with the rough grasp of her wrist, pulling her to him roughly.
"Darling, don't pretend you even know what my intentions for you are. Perhaps I wanted your panties so I could have some other little girl prance around in them, fuck her senseless, maybe have you watch" he said hard against her ear, his hand trailing up her thighs, a finger ghosting over her heat under the dress.

"Don't get cocky kitty. Gluttony, it's a deadly sin dear. Remember who has control" he said, knowing where she wanted to go, as she kept eyeing the dance floor. He took a final drink of his beer before grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards the dance floor, watching Odette flirt with a rather familiar looking man. That was a change. Often his cousin was no more than brooding and serious.

"Typically I don't dance, so make this worth it kitty" he spoke in her ear as they pushed their way into the midst of the dance floor, the loud music thumping through their ears.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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Ryder stopped her suddenly, gripping her wrist tightly and pulling her back to him, making her raise a brow. "Darling, don't pretend you even know what my intentions for you are. Perhaps I wanted your panties so I could have some other little girl prance around in them, fuck her senseless, maybe have you watch." He said in her ear and she bit her lip. The way he spoke to her drove her crazy and made her heart race in her chest. His hand slipped up her thigh then, a finger sliding under her dress to tease her briefly, making her bite her lip even harder.

"Don't get cocky kitty. Gluttony, it's a deadly sin dear. Remember who has control." He said and she glanced at the dance floor before back at him, watching as he too a final drink of his beer before grabbing her wrist again. He pulled her towards the dance floor and she smirked, following gladly. "Typically I don't dance, so make this worth it kitty." He said in her ear as they made their way through the dance floor. Natasha just smirked at his words.

The music was loud, thumping in her ears as she pulled him close, wrapping her arms loosely around his neck. "It'll be worth your time." She smirked before starting to dance with him sexually to the music. She spent a lot of time dancing with men in clubs, so it was safe to say she knew how to move her body on the dance floor. Her body was close to his, her hips moving fluidly to the loud beat of the music and it honestly felt beyond good. She loved dirty dancing with guys in clubs, it got her heart racing.

Nat kissed his skin as they danced, teasingly letting her lips graze his jaw, his neck, his lips, one of her hands slipping down his chest to trail his skin along the waistline of his jeans playfully while she continued to grind her hips against his. "Worth it?" She asked after a while with a smirk, lips pressed against his ear. Honestly, she loved the way it felt to dance with him, but after grinding herself up against him for so long, now she was just dying to get the hell out of there so they could really touch.


Odette's attention was pulled from him briefly before she returned her eyes to his and Adrian caught the smirk on her lips, wondering what was so amusing to her. "We all need a hobby. I may have money, but I wouldn't if I didn't work hard. I don't do sitting around on my ass Mr.Woods." She said, leaning against the bar and he nodded. He had no doubt she was hard working. She didn't exactly seem like the type to hit the clubs every night, she seemed like she had much more then partying on her mind.

"I don't really do consecutive visits Mr. Woods. Do you really want me so bad, that you wanted to see me again. I can't help but feel like you're undressing me with your eyes right now." She said and he smirked, unable to resist the urge to run his eyes over her shamelessly. She was hot, that was for sure, but there was more to her then her body and that was what he liked most about her. She captured his attention with the things she said. It was strange for him, to be so attracted to someone.

"Yes, I do want you badly." He said simply with a smirk, knowing she didn't like to cut corners, she liked to be blunt and honest. He leaned over the bar towards her a little, so his lips were close to hers, but not quite touching them. He wanted to kiss her so bad, the heat between them was intoxicating, but he held off the need. "Do you want me too?" He breathed against her lips, raising a brow, hoping like hell she'd say yes.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Spaceship by Puddle of Mudd
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Mischievous
XXXWhile she didn't spend much attention to the man that she was toying with at the end of the bar, she could see the women he talked to being put off by truthful words, instead of the lies he was previously spatting. May as well be truthful at the bar. Unlike many women there - Odette saw through most of the bullshit rather easily.
Like how she knew the man in front of her was far different then he let on. The thing about Odette was, she never let people know who she really was, so it didn't matter as much on who she spoke to. It was easy for her to kick people to the curb. Her own survival was key in her mind.
He got closer and she could only give him a devious smirk.
"Yes, I do want you badly." the simplicity of the statement much more her speed. She rolled the beaded rosary she wore between her stiletto pointed red fingernails. The necklace fell back down her chest, resting between her breast.
"Do you want me too?" he breathed against her lips, and she only replied by moving forward and capturing his bottom lip with hers, pulling it slowly as she moved away.
"Mr.Woods, don't ask stupid questions. I don't waste my time, if I didn't want you - I wouldn't be giving you my attention" she spoke with a smirk bringing her drink to her lips before refilling a few of the drinks that were empty waiting on the bar.
"After that short lived performance last night, I think it's only fair to both of us to go for round two. You seem to wear hickey's well" she spoke, her satisfaction plain in her voice, she leaned to trace the purple mark with the tip of her nail before spotting a pretty dark haired girl approach him, sitting next to him. She was interested in the situation.
"You have company Mr.Woods" she said before walking down to the end of the bar to where the man was. The women had left, but when she did, a rough grab came out to her wrist, catching her glaring at the man.
"What did you do to me?" he demanded, looking sick to his stomach now. Odette let out a sinister laugh, the hard grip on her wrist she paid no mind to.
"Nothing yet" she said under her breath, taking the grip from her wrist, easily twisting it off. Vampiric strength did have perks. She slammed it into the bar.
"Touch me again, it will be the last time you have hands" she whispered to the man who winced in pain, wide eyed at the woman, slightly nodding before scrambling from the bar.

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Content
XXXHe was no fool on his feet. While he wasn't one to dance often, he could dance better than the other men on the floor. Being alive for years upon years had those kinds of benefits. The perks of a lot of practice. While styles changed, and the waltz was something people didn't do any longer - he could dance to the loud bass just as well.
"It'll be worth your time." he heard her say barely above the large music before she was against him.
The way she moved was intoxicating against his body. She knew how to move in all the right places, and he could feel the looks they were getting from the people around. People jealous of him, and women jealous of her. Hell, they were a good looking duo on the floor. Men around tried to compete with the way he met the movement of her hips with small thrust of his own, but he would only smirk at the failed attempts around.
"Worth it?" again he barely heard over the loud music. He smirked, her kisses on the bare skin made something spark within him. Something dangerous as well. Despite the loud sounds, it seemed to begin to tone down, and all he could hear was the beating of her pulse under her skin.
Ryder cupped her ass from outside the dress, knowing it would still be slightly sore from the night before. He kneaded the flesh before bringing the other hand down between them, sneaking between her legs to tease her inner thighs, everywhere but the place he knew she wanted the pressure. Despite the fact they could be caught at any moment, he liked the extra rush. Anything to give him the high.
"Stick with me kitty, and in a few days, you won't have enough energy to be moving like this. I'm going to make you quiver, make you not stand it. I'm going to make it so a touch can turn you wild. Do you understand?" he spoke roughly against her ear, nipping the flesh before going down to her neck.
It took all the strength in his body to not nip at the flesh there. Instead he sucked lightly, making it pink until her moved back, clenching his jaw to prevent biting her in the middle of a dance floor.
"Remember when you're begging for me to continue, you did this to yourself Kitten"

Sorry! I was gone for a trip, but I also heard the site was down. Thanks for still being here! :)

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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Ryder reached around and grabbed her ass, making her smirk at the way he gripped her tightly even though she was still sore and bruised from the night before. His other hand slipped between them and she bit her lip hard when he ran it up under her dress to tease her inner thighs, driving her crazy. His touch felt so good, suddenly all she wanted was to be alone with him, though she liked that he was brave enough to feel her up in public. It gave her the most intoxicating rush that anyone could catch them.

"Stick with me kitty, and in a few days, you won't have enough energy to be moving like this. I'm going to make you quiver, make you not stand it. I'm going to make it so a touch can turn you wild. Do you understand?" He said against her ear and Natasha let out a soft moan at his words. He nipped her ear briefly before pressing his lips against her neck, sucking slightly, making her whole body tingle before he pulled back. "Remember when you're begging for me to continue, you did this to yourself Kitten." He said and she smirked.

Natasha pulled her body tighter against his and ran a hand down the front of his shirt with a smirk. She slipped her fingertips under the hem of his shirt, tracing the waistline of his pants lightly with her fingers, teasing his skin. "A few days is a long time for me to stick around, I tend to bore easily." She breathed, raising a brow before leaning in close, pressing her lips against his ear. "Better not bore me." She whispered in his ear with a smirk, though she knew there was no way he could bore her. Not after a night like last night. He was way too addicting to ever be boring.

Natasha pulled away from his ear then and pressed her lips hard against his, kissing him roughly as she slipped her hand down lower. She rubbed him between his legs teasingly over his jeans as she kissed him. "Let's get out of here." She whispered breathlessly against his lips as she kissed him again. She was still sore from the previous night, but she didn't care. She wanted desperately to be alone with him and spend another whole night fucking roughly.


Odette leaned farther forward and pulled on his bottom lip, making him grin. "Mr. Woods, don't ask stupid questions. I don't waste my time, if I didn't want you - I wouldn't be giving you my attention." She said with a smirk as he nodded. He should have expected that. She didn't seem like the type of girl who spent much time bothering with people that she didn't have a use for. She took a sip of her drink before filling a few empty drinks and returning her attention to him again.

"After that short lived performance last night, I think it's only fair to both of us to go for round two. You seem to wear hickey's well." She said, sounding rather satisfied with herself as she leaned in and traced one of the hickeys she'd given him with a fingernail, making him smirk wickedly. He was going to respond, but before he had the chance, a dark haired girl sat next to him and Odette spoke again.

[b]"You have company Mr.Woods."
She said before turning and walking away, leaving him with the girl. He rolled his eyes and smirked before turning his attention to the dark haired girl next to him. Her name was Tess and she wasn't unbearable to talk to. In fact, she was sort of funny and there was no denying that she was very pretty. Still, he couldn't help but keep glancing over at Odette because honestly, Tess didn't interest him. Odette did.

After talking with her for a while, letting her flirt with him, and paying for her fruity drinks, Adrian excused himself from her and went to where Odette was at the other end of the bar. He glanced across the club to check on Natasha briefly, catching a glimpse of her dancing closely with the man from the night before. He turned to Odette then and leaned against the bar towards her with a smirk. "When do you get off?" He asked, raising a brow as he looked her over, eager to get out of there and spend the night with her again.

No problem! I love this RP (:

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Spaceship by Puddle of Mudd
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Mischievous
XXX"Whenever the other bartender shows up" she said simply. The man she hurt flicked her off from the door, and she only raised a brow. Smirking towards Adrian she laughed.
"Don't you have work tomorrow Mr.Woods? I doubt it's a responsible use of time to be clubbing every night" Odette scolded while cleaning shot glasses with a small cloth. Of course, this was her job. She'd rather be in the back though - in the office. Or at home, also in her office. Bartending was fine, yet tedious. She'd always been more of an introvert. Dealing with people came easily to her, sadly - she just didn't like doing so. Odette enjoyed her space. Often it was short lived anyway.

She spotted Ryder dancing, which was a comical sight. He wasn't a bad dancer in the slightest, but it was a sight not often seen. She'd give him shit for it tomorrow. Thinking of things to give him shit about, Ryder also had a few things she needed to have him take care of. His work ethic had been lacking the past week (even more than usual).

The lack of fresh blood in her system did make her feel more tired than usual. She'd feed tomorrow she decided. On some lucky bastard at the bar. She'd take them in the back room, feed, and go home. The thought of fresh blood made her mouth water. It was the best feeling to any vampire. Better than sex. Sex was a weak substitute for the substance. Hence the reason vampires were walking sex symbols even when not feeding. They all had the allure - it was something they needed. A numb existence could only be filled by so many things.

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Content
XXXHe rolled his eyes down at her, restraining the sound that wanted to pour from his lips. Instead he gripped the hand that was touching him with a rough force, throwing it back to her side.
"If you think I'll be boring, you can leave now Kitty. I'm not going to try to prove anything to you" he nearly growled in her ear. He squeezed her thigh afterwards moving his hand away after.

"Start behaving, you won't get anything if you don't" he commanded with his voice before taking her hand and moving out of the crowd. He saw Odette bartending and yet out a sinister laugh at the thought that she had to do so. He didn't feel responsible for the club in the slightest. This was her gig, not his. The money he was concerned about, but he had enough to sustain himself even if they cut him off. Odette's father was not his, and he felt no tie to the man. Odette may be his cousin, but hell, he didn't owe her anything.

When they got out of the crowd he was glad to be out of the hot atmosphere. He forgot about the warmth from other people - especially when gathered in one collective area. It was something he lacked. Vampires were naturally colder people. Due to the lack of blood at some points, and the lack of well...being alive.

He brought Natasha to the door, pushing out into the cold air. His car was parked on the side. Ryder was always proud of his vehicle. He searched his pocket for his keys and unlocked the doors of it, walking towards it.
"You ready Kitten?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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Natasha raised a brow when Ryder rolled his eyes and grabbed her hand hard, pushing it away roughly, stopping her from touching him. "If you think I'll be boring, you can leave now Kitty. I'm not going to try to prove anything to you." He nearly growled in her ear and she bit her lip. There was no way in hell she was leaving him, she was too addicted to him. He squeezed her thigh, making her bite her lip harder, loving his rough grip.

"Start behaving, you won't get anything if you don't." He commanded and Nat smirked. He took her hand and pulled her through the club then and she followed gladly, dying to get out of there and be with just him so they could fuck. They pushed their way through people until they were off the dance floor and heading for the door. Outside, it was a little cold, but not extremely so. The chilly air felt good after the intense heat of the club. They went to Ryder's car and he pulled his keys out, unlocking the doors. "You ready Kitten?" He asked and Natasha smirked.

"Hell yes." She said with a wicked grin as she went around to the passengers side and opened the door, getting in the car. Once he got in, she leaned over and kissed him on the lips hard before he could even start the engine. Natasha let out a soft moan at the way his lips felt against hers. She couldn't explain it, but there was nothing quite like kissing him. She pulled away then and sat back in her seat with a smirk on her lips, eager to get going, dying to feel his touch again.

I'm fine, I'll see you tomorrow she quickly said to Adrian telepathically, letting him know she was alright and he didn't have to look out for her anymore. She glanced over at Ryder then. "What are you planning on doing with me tonight?" She asked, raising a brow, tone seductive. She was still sore from the night before, but she didn't care, he made her heart race and drove her crazy in the best way possible, she wanted him.


"Whenever the other bartender shows up." Odette said simply and he sighed. He hoped the other bartender got there soon then. He wanted to spend another night with her. "Don't you have work tomorrow Mr. Woods? I doubt it's a responsible use of time to be clubbing every night." She said as she started cleaning shot glasses and he just smirked and rolled his eyes. He wasn't exactly clubbing and he really didn't go out that often. Only when Natasha dragged him out really. Spending two nights in a row out at the club was pretty rare for him.

Adrian glanced across the club then to spot Natasha, making her way through the crowd with the guy from the night before. He watched them until they were out the door and shortly after that, he heard Nat telepathically saying she was alright and he'd see her in the morning. Adrian let out a sigh, glad that they'd managed to get through the night at a vampire bar unharmed. Sure, he was still there, but without Natasha there, the odds that some sort of trouble would occur were greatly decreased.

Plus, he was glad that she was leaving so he could turn his full attention on Odette and not worry about his sister starting shit with a vampire. Adrian glanced at Odette and smiled. "I don't mind losing sleep if it's with you." He shrugged simply. Sure, he had to work the next day, but honestly, for the first time in a while, he didn't care about being rested for work. He'd gladly stay up all damn night if it meant he could be with Odette, she had him hooked.

I apologize, they're kinda short

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Spaceship by Puddle of Mudd
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Mischievous
XXXOdette snickered at his response. The look of disaproval was evident on his face. Maybe she'd even stay longer to keep him waiting. She spotted the bartender coming from the back, so her fun was going to short lived. The girl sheepishly approached the bar, looking like she was going to cry. Odette gave her an expectant glare, looking to Adrian momentarily.

"Your lucky day" she said before the girl in front of her rambled about oversleeping. Odette gave her a sinister smile, yet her eyes had no warmth.
"Lets not have it happen again, I really do not enjoy taking shifts that I don't need" she spoke, the girl nodded quickly, and Odette handed her the glass that was in her hands. But she didn't move from the bar quite yet. Instead she grabbed a bottle of wine from the wooden cabinet.

"You'll be losing far more than sleep Mr.Woods" she said as she took the bottle, taking her things from the bottom of the bar. She had her purse in the office, and she paid no mind to anyone as she left the club scene to seek the momentary silence. Or what seemed like silence. It was really nothing more than the feeling of the bass in the distance, and white noise. Odette had the habit of locking her office, and when she entered she grabbed her things. She had to work again tomorrow. If she was lucky she'd be able to do it from home. Being out two nights in a row made her tired. Though feeding was something that needed to be done. She'd figure it out tomorrow.

When she came back out to the bar she saw the girl working quickly, talking up those around the bar. Adrian was still there and she jingled the keys in her hand.
"Have you changed your mind yet?" she asked with a tease in her voice, very ready to leave the annoying place.

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Content
XXXWhen he entered the car it was no surprise to him that Natasha's lips were the first thing to greet him. The hard kiss only reminded him of the control he had over her. Even though she liked to shake those newly found chains. He'd make sure she learned the rules, but enjoyed it at the same time. While rough, he was no rapist or sadist. Ryder hated such people. He always made sure the act was consensual.

Ryder suppressed the gentleman he was raised to be. His parents were gone, he didn't need to be what they expected. So playing rough with women, and expecting no commitment worked perfectly. Her words made him raise a brow, smirking as he started the car. The engine let out a small sound before he began leave the parking lot of the club.
"It's not what I'm going to do, it's what I won't" he said as if it meant nothing. He eyed her from the corner of his vision. "I think you should get ready for me. Why don't you slip your hands between your legs right now" Ryder practically ordered, purposely driving much slower now. He'd make her scream by the time they were back.

Obviously he was pleased with himself. He knew she would do as he asked, as the consequences were rather immediate if she didn't. The slow pace of the car was too slow for him, but he knew he had to drag this on to make everything work as he intended.
"If you cum, you're going to be in a lot of trouble Kitty" he reminded her as he turned the corner.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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Ryder started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, making Natasha wait for his answer. "It's not what I'm going to do, it's what I won't." He said and she raised a brow at him when he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. The look he gave her got her heart racing and made her want to do whatever he said. "I think you should get ready for me. Why don't you slip your hands between your legs right now." Ryder demanded and she bit her lip.

She loved that he told her what to do and took control of everything. Normally, Natasha wasn't one to take orders. If she actually listened to you, it was a miracle. When it came to sex, however, she liked a man who could dominate and control her. It excited the hell out of her and turned her on. There was nothing better then a guy who wasn't afraid to be rough and demanding and she hadn't met a man who made her feel so good in a long time.

Ryder drove a lot slower then he had the night before, making it obvious that he was going to drag things out and drive her insane before they even got back to his place. "If you cum, you're going to be in a lot of trouble Kitty." He said as he turned a corner and Natasha let out a small noise of frustration. He was going to drag things out and she had no choice but to obey or he'd punish her. The thought was both exciting and agonizing.

She bit her lip and pulled her dress up a little before doing as he said and slipping her hands down between her legs to touch herself for him. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the seat of the car as she touched herself, letting out breathless moans. Nat glanced over at him, biting her lip hard. "Fuck, please hurry baby." She moaned, unable to help herself. His slow driving was making it incredibly hard not to cum before they got back and she honestly just wanted him to touch her and fuck her. The longer she touched herself, the louder her moaning got, and the more desperate she was for him.


After a moment, Odette's eyes moved away from him and he followed her gaze to a girl who'd just arrived before they were looking at each other again. "Your lucky day" she said and he smirked as the girl came up and started to give Odette excuses about why she hadn't been there for her shift. He watched her scold the girl, making him raise a brow, wondering briefly if she was just a co-worker or if Odette was more to the girl.

Still, he didn't want to even consider the fact that Odette might be the girl's boss. That would mean Odette was a vampire and his luck was bad enough that the first girl he was actually interested in would be the one girl he couldn't have. He pushed the thought aside and hoped like hell that it was just him being paranoid. He watched Odette grab a bottle of wine before returning her attention to him again.

"You'll be losing far more than sleep Mr. Woods." She said, making him smirk as she grabbed her things. She disappeared in the back for a moment and Adrian merely waited for her, finishing off his drink and paying his tab with the new bartender before she returned. Odette jingled her keys. "Have you changed your mind yet?" She teased and he just smirked.

Adrian leaned in and pulled her close, kissing her on the lips. Her lips on his set him on fire and honestly made him a little impatient to get out of there and spend the rest of the night with her. "Not a chance." He breathed as he pulled away from her lips and laced his fingers in hers, heading towards the door with her. He knew he shouldn't be spending a second night in a row with her for too many reasons to count, but he didn't care. He liked her too much to go home and spend the night alone, wishing he was with her.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Spaceship by Puddle of Mudd
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Mischievous
XXXOdette couldn't help but laugh at Adrian's behavior. She knew the effect she had on people, but she could never tell whether it was because of being a vampire - or because of being who she was. If it was the earlier, it would be a real blow to her self esteem. Not that there was much honestly there.

She played the confident, independent woman well - but it was an act. Confidence wasn't something that was natural to her. Odette hated herself more than anyone else ever could. That was her Achilles heel. The fact that she could't let go of the past. She couldn't let go of what her dreams were, and who she wanted to be. Looking in the mirror now, she didn't know who the hell she was.

Odette received the kiss and reciprocated with equal amounts of passion. When his fingers laced between hers she couldn't help but feel misplaced. The touch was as innocent as they came, but also terribly intimate. Intimate in ways that she had been all too unfamiliar with. Every time she felt the feeling that she felt now, all she could think of was her old lover. Only the good moments of that life could be remembered.

When they finally opened the door the crisp night air Odette began walking towards the direction of her car. Of course it was a luxury car. Odette wouldn't have anything else, unlike Ryder who enjoyed restoring older cars. Even though she'd had the car for awhile, it's interior was as spotless as they day she got it. It was a known fact Odette was a neat freak. Her home was a clear sign of this.

"Mr.Woods, you're like a clingy puppy" she said with a voice full of dripping sarcasm as she entered the car. She pushed the button for the ignition and waited for him to get in. Odette, to many's surprise was actually a very safe driver. She didn't rush, yet she didn't daddle. Odette drove one handed, the other one fiddling with the radio.
"So what's your plan for tonight then? Don't you work in the morning? You're lack of work ethic is concerning Mr.Woods, I wouldn't want to get you fired" she said jokingly, yet there was an underline seriousness. She didn't want to take up too much of his time. Like her, he had a life to live.

Odette leaned over to the passenger side and trailed a nail across his jaw line, grinning as she did so. Her finger trailed over his lips.
"Why didn't I know you earlier Mr.Woods? You would've saved me many lonely nights"

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Content
XXXRyder honestly had to bite his tongue to keep from any sounds he was going to make as he watched her squirming in her seat out of the corner of his eye. He was already hard, but it just hurt as he continued watching, barely keeping his eyes on the road. Her moans filled the car, and he drowned out the sound with his music, which was really just more distracting than all hell.

So when he reached past the seat and moved her hand away, replacing it with his own. He slowed down her pace, as he wasn't going to speed up for her count. He was going to drag it on. Expert fingers went in and out of her slowly while pressing down on her clit, he was doing all in his power to make this hard for her, to make it fun for him. To watch her writhe and squirm at the simplest of touch was a reward in itself.

"When we get to my house we're going straight for my bed, and I'm going to rip that tight little dress off your sexy body" he said while looking at the road. He glanced down at her every few seconds, his fingers continuing to pump in and out of her.
"By the end of tonight dear, you aren't going to be able to move. I'm going to eat you out until you can't remember your own name" he said with harsh exaggeration by the rough pumps into her before he withdrew his fingers completely.

He put the fingers near her mouth and raised a brow.
"Care to clean this up darling?" he asked as more of a command as they finally pulled into the parking lot of his apartment.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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Natasha continued to touch herself for him until, eventually, he reached over with one hand and pushed her hand away, making her smirk. He started fingering her, going a lot slower then she had been and pressing against her clit, driving her fucking crazy. She moaned desperately and she honestly couldn't stop herself from squirming at his touch. It felt so damn good, it was honestly hard not to cum like he'd said and she knew he was doing it on purpose, wanting to drag things out and make her crazy. It was working, that was for sure.

"When we get to my house we're going straight for my bed, and I'm going to rip that tight little dress off your sexy body." He said, his fingers continuing to pump in and out of her and she was absolutely breathless. It was hard to make herself concentrate on his words with what he was doing to her. "By the end of tonight dear, you aren't going to be able to move. I'm going to eat you out until you can't remember your own name." He said, making her cry out loudly when he started to push his fingers into her more roughly. She loved the way he spoke to her, telling her what he wanted to do to her. It turned her on and made her want him that much more.

Eventually, Ryder pulled his fingers out of her and held them near her lips, making her smirk, knowing what he wanted. They pulled into the parking lot if his apartment and he raised a brow at her. "Care to clean this up darling?" He practically commanded and Nat smirked wickedly, loving that he liked to order her around. She held his eyes as she leaned forward in her seat and took his fingers deep into her mouth.

She sucked on them lightly, as she pulled back slowly, eyes on his. She leaned over and kissed his lips then. It was a short kiss, but hard and passionate. "Let's go fuck." She whispered breathlessly against his lips voice full of need as she reached down to rub him teasingly over his jeans, smirking because he was hard. Nat pulled away from him then and got out of the car, not bothering to wait for him, knowing he'd follow as she headed inside and pressed the elevator button, waiting for the elevator.


Adrian followed Odette out to her car. It was an incredible car, the kind most people only dreamed of having. He'd driven him and Natasha to the club, but he didn't mind leaving his car there for the night. They were in a nice part of town and her apartment wasn't far. He'd just come pick it up the next day. "Mr. Woods, you're like a clingy puppy." She said sarcastically as she got in the car and he couldn't help but laugh. That was certainly the first time he'd ever been called clingy, but if he was, he couldn't help it with her. He was honestly addicted.

He got in the car with her before she started it and pulled away, playing with the radio, driving at a pretty casual speed. "So what's your plan for tonight then? Don't you work in the morning? You're lack of work ethic is concerning Mr. Woods, I wouldn't want to get you fired." She said jokingly and he just smirked. Her words were teasing, but he could tell she was honestly worried she was taking too much of his time. Honestly, he loved his job and he loved working, but he'd rather be with her any day. She could never take up too much of his time.

She trailed a nail along his jaw then, making him raise a brow as she ran the finger across his lips. Even that simple touch felt incredible. She was completely unlike anyone he'd ever been with, even his ex-fiancé. "Why didn't I know you earlier Mr. Woods? You would've saved me many lonely nights." She said and that made him smile. It felt good to hear that she wanted to be with him as much as he wanted to be with her. He could tell she wasn't the type to go back to the same guy more then once.

He took the hand that was touching his lips in his and kissed it before leaning over and kissing her cheek. He would have kissed her lips, but he didn't want to distract her from driving. "Don't worry, they can't fire me at work, I'm the boss." He smirked and shrugged. "Besides, I'd rather be with you anyway." He breathed honestly. He'd never met a woman he wanted to spend so much time with before and he'd only known her two days. "So, are you going to make me beg for it again?" He asked with a teasing smirk, raising a brow at her as he dropped his hand to her thigh and ran his fingertips up it lightly.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Spaceship by Puddle of Mudd
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Mischievous
XXX"Where would the fun be if you got what you wanted right away?" she purred as his hand traveled up her thigh. Odette only controlled her breathing. She stopped the hand and placed in into his own lap once more.
"Careful Mr.Woods" she purred, gripping him through his pants roughly. "Two can play this game" she said before removing her hand and looking back to the road.

She turned sharply into the parking lot of her apartment, going to her designated parking spot. Odette turned up the radio when they parked, shutting the engine off afterwards. A wicked smile appeared on her face as she locked the doors of her car before he could have a chance to open them.

Odette's heels were on the ground of the driver's seat and in her black dress she crawled over the center console into his lap. The vampire straddled his lap in ease and chuckled as she moved her face towards his neck.
"Tinted windows are a lovely thing Mr.Woods" she said as she breathed against his neck. Odette nipped the skin there, his loud heartbeat like a drum in her ears. It was risky to be having sex while unfed still, but she had faith she could control her animalistic urges.

"There will be far more than only one round. Last night was a sad thing" she said. Odette traced the rim of his ear with her tongue, biting down on the lobe. Her hips moved ever so lightly against him. Odette's body rubbed against his roughly through the friction of clothing keeping them apart.

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Content
XXXHe watched her like an animal watching its prey as she licked herself from his fingers. When she went to kiss him he got the slightest taste of her, only the first taste of the night.

Natasha was sex on legs practically. The way she breathed, and her hooded eyelids. Down to the way she was begging for him to fuck her, yet so assured that he was going to.

So when she walked out of the car to the elevator that went up to his apartment, he only smirked as he followed. Unlike her, he was in no hurry. When he got to the elevator it about closed on his, luckily his arm between the doors stopped it from closing completely.

He pressed the top floor and once he did, his eyes flickered back to the girl who seemed to still be catching her breath. It didn't take long until he pushed her against the marble wall of the elevator, hand diving between her legs without permission. Her panties were still in his pocket, and the thought could only make him chuckle. Ryder barely touched her center, only ghosting around, never giving her what she really wanted.

Crushing his lips to hers momentarily before the elevator dinged and they were at his place, he pulled her from the elevator. His mind wasn't working straight with the woman next to him. Opening the door; for that reason; took longer than anticipated. A rough shove and she was inside when he finally got it open. The slam of the door was the next sound.

"Start stripping Kitty, it's going to be a long night for you" he said with no room for argument, leaning against the posh door with a sly grin.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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Natasha waited until the elevator arrived and got in. Ryder followed shortly after and pressed the button for the top floor before his eyes went to her and she smirked, liking the look in his eye. He pushed her up against the wall of the elevator and she let out a soft, needy noise at the way he body felt against hers, even through their clothes, he set her on fire. It made her wish they didn't have clothes on so she could feel his bare skin against hers.

Ryder moved a hand between her legs, barely touching her, driving absolutely insane. It felt good, but he was taunting her, never touching her where she really wanted to get her worked up and it was honestly working. She wanted him desperately. He kissed her hard and she kissed back hungrily, leaning her whole body into the kiss, wanting more. The elevator doors opened then and she didn't even get a second to catch her breath before he pulled her from the elevator.

He opened the door before shoving her into his apartment roughly, making her smirk at him as he slammed the door behind them and she turned to face him. "Start stripping Kitty, it's going to be a long night for you." He said, leaning against the door with a grin on his lips that made her heart race. Nat didn't argue. She reached back and grabbed the zipper of her dress, sliding it down before letting the dress fall to the floor, leaving her naked seeing as he had her panties and she hadn't worn a bra that night.

Natasha smirked at him before closing the distance between them and pressing her lips hard against his, leaning up on her toes to kiss him better. She pulled his shirt off quickly before he could stop her and pressed her body right against his as she continued to kiss his lips, moaning at the way his skin felt pressed against hers. She slipped her hand down between them, fingers undoing his belt and the button of his pants before smirking against his lips and sliding her hand into his pants and boxers. Nat rubbed him quickly as she trailed her lips along his jaw and neck slowly, loving the way it felt to be with him. Everything about him made her feel good.


"Where would the fun be if you got what you wanted right away?" She responded, voice a soft purr that he loved. She moved his hand off her thigh, returning it to his own lap, making him smirk. "Careful Mr. Woods." She said, gripping him through his pants roughly, causing him to let out groan. "Two can play this game." She said, pulling her hand away and he just smirked. She drove him nuts, but he liked it.

Finally, they reached her apartment and parked. Odette cut the engine, but before he could get out, she locked the doors and he raised a brow at her. She climbed over the center console into his seat with him so that she was in his lap, straddling him and he grinned wickedly at her. She wanted to fuck in her car. He places his hands on her hips, liking the way she felt against him.

"Tinted windows are a lovely thing Mr.Woods." She said as she breathed against his neck, forcing him to hold back a shiver at the way her cold breath felt against his skin. He couldn't get enough of her. Every little thing she did drove him wild. She nipped the skin of his neck and he did his best to control himself because even that made him want her badly.

"There will be far more than only one round. Last night was a sad thing." She said and he smirked. He'd gladly go all night with her. She teased his earlobe, her hips moving against his as her body rubbed his, making him crazy. Adrian brought a hand up and laced his fingers in her hair tightly, pulling her lips roughly to his. He couldn't help it, he needed to feel her lips against his and when he wanted someone as much as he wanted her, he tended to get a little rough.

He slipped his other hand up her thigh, under her dress, continuing to kiss her roughly, loving the taste of her lips. His fingers moved her panties aside and he started to touch her lightly, teasingly, wanting to drive her as crazy as she drove him. "Don't worry." He breathed against her lips as he used his grip on her hair to pull her head back some, moving his lips to her neck, trailing them along her skin. "I can go all night." He breathed against her skin teasingly as he continued to touch her.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Spaceship by Puddle of Mudd
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Mischievous
XXXOdette let out a gasp of surprise when his fingers tangled in her hair. The possessive act was different from the night before. She didn't mind in the slightest though. So when he pulled her into a rough kiss, she could only reciprocate the action. Odette nipped at his lips, tongues fighting for a battle of dominance. The vampire would fight for the dominance in any situation. Including sex.

"I don't know if I remember this from yesterday" she murmured before she was breathless. Odette grinned like a predator at the light teasing, though a rare moan escaped her lips. Another gasp escaped her when her head was pulled back once more. She pushed him hard into the leather seats, her hand gripping him through the denim. Her other hand snaked up the white shirt. Nails raked over his chest and in their wake leaving red trails.

"Were you just withholding this part of you yesterday, or is this a special occurrence?" she hissed as her head was still pupped back, his lips against her neck making her shiver.

Odette picked up the movements of her hips rubbing against him, and in the process, grinded harder of his fingers. A sharp breath was inhaled. Searching the sides of the seat she moved the seat further back. A second later she was unzipping his jeans like she had all the time in the world.

Seeing him through the fabric she leaned her head down to lick over the head, blowing hot air through the clothing.

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Content
XXXIt didn't surprise him when she didn't have anything on, but the sight of her did something to him that he couldn't quite describe. When she closed the gap between them he tsked. Before he could really do anything her aggressive moments to get his clothing off were successful.

As soon as her hand was in his boxers however, he let out a low groan. It took him moments before he grabbed her hands and moved them to the wall to pin them over her.
"We've been over this. I'd stop being naughty if I were you. Did you ask to touch?" he whispered roughly against her, cupping her sex almost violently.

"Just for that, you aren't going to be cuming for even longer Kitty. Each time, I'm just going to get you to the edge. Licking, teasing, fingering you until you want to scream" Ryder had no censor for his dirty mouth anymore. With each of the words he sank down lower and lower onto her body. He released her hands, but gave her an almost threatening look - like he dared her to try anything.

He sucked his way down her naval, little marks able to recount his path. All until he got to her center and darted his tongue out in one long languid stroke, watching her. God, she was already so wet for him. He let another stroke across her before biting her thigh.
"Remember whose in control Kitty"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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Natasha smirked when Ryder let out a groan, liking that she could make him feel good too. She rubbed him faster, but before long, he grabbed her hands and moved her against the wall, pinning them tightly over her head, making her smirk at him, knowing she'd irritated him, but kind of liking it. "We've been over this. I'd stop being naughty if I were you. Did you ask to touch?" He whispered roughly, gripping her almost violently, making her take in a sharp breath, biting her lip.

"Just for that, you aren't going to be cuming for even longer Kitty. Each time, I'm just going to get you to the edge. Licking, teasing, fingering you until you want to scream." He said, moving lower and lower as he spoke, causing her to let out a soft whimper at the thought of him teasing her and not letting her cum. It was agonizing, but exciting at the same time. She'd had a hard enough time in the car on the way there though so she knew he'd make it hard on her. As he moved lower, he released her hands, but gave her a look that told her she better not try anything, making her shiver slightly.

He sucked his way along her skin and Natasha's breathing picked up rapidly, knowing what was coming. He let his tongue stroke across her teasingly and Nat let out a sharp moan, loving the way it felt and wanting more. He teased her with his tongue again, earning another moan from her before he bit her thigh and she bit her lip hard. "Remember whose in control Kitty." He reminded her.

Natasha nodded eagerly, not wanting to fight him for control, more then happy to let him dominate her. "You are. You're in control." She whispered breathlessly, pushing her hips harder against his lips, wanting more. "Eat me out baby." She moaned, glancing down at him, biting her lip. "Please." She whispered desperately, begging him to continue pleasing her with his tongue, wanting more then a few teasing strokes.


"I don't know if I remember this from yesterday." Odette murmured and he smirked at the small moan and gasp that escaped her, loving the sounds she made and wanting to hear her make more. She pushed him harder against the seats, gripping him through his jeans and he let out a groan. Even through the fabric of his his jeans, her touch was like pure fire. Her other hand slipped up under his shirt, her nails raking his chest. Adrain let out a hiss, enjoying the way her nails felt across his skin and trying to control himself.

"Were you just withholding this part of you yesterday, or is this a special occurrence?" she hissed and he just smirked when she shivered. Odette's hips started to grind against him faster and harder then and he grinned at her sharp inhalation when his fingers rubbed harder against her. She moved the seat further back, allowing them more room before slowly unzipping his jeans, making him crazy. She was fucking incredible. He couldn't get enough of her.

She leaned her head down to lick over the head, blowing hot air through the clothing and he couldn't hold back a shiver, letting a groan slip out as well. Adrain flipped them swiftly and moved the seat down even farther then so she was practically flat on her back under him, the seat angled upwards only a little. He smirked down at her as he pushed her dress up over her hips and hooked his fingers under the hips of her panties. He pressed his lips roughly against hers then, slipping her panties off.

His lips ran along her jaw as he ran one hand up her inner thigh between her legs and the other up her body to grope her breasts through the fabric of her dress. "I told you last night, I'm not usually the one begging." He whispered against her skin as he nipped her neck with his teeth and slipped two fingers inside of her, fingering her slowly, wanting to drive her crazy and make her want him as much as he wanted her.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Spaceship by Puddle of Mudd
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Intrigued
XXXOdette let out a surprised sound when she was flipped beneath him. It then hit her that this encounter would be a struggle for dominance. That was a challenge she liked, as many would just let her have her way, or she'd just let them have theirs. Most likely she was using those people to simply feed. Like she wanted so desperately to do now. There were moments she felt the animalistic urge claw through, and she had to shut her mouth to avoid doing something regrettable.

She adjusted herself from underneath him, moving around on the slightly angled seat. The fabric of her dress pooled at her hips, and her red lace panties were pushed down to the ground.
"I told you last night, I'm not usually the one begging." he whispered against her neck before he nipped it, making her grin. The smile was short lived until she bit down on her tongue as he slipped the fingers inside of her. The slow pace drove her mad, but in the most delightful way.

"If you ever think I am going to beg Mr.Woods, you'll be here for a very long time" she replied to him, rubbing further the bulge in his underwear. Odette slipped her hands to the rim of his boxers and pulled them down his hips in an unceremonious fashion. She gripped him and began stroking his length, her thumb massaging the head frequently.

Odette had never been a girl to beg, for anything. It was the whole vulnerability thing she had a problem with. That was showing weakness. Because while she was spending day two with this man, she was convinced it was only for the sex. Relationships weren't in question for her.

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Husky
XXXRyder had always been an observant guy. Despite his brash and wild behavior, he did notice the little things. Like how he brushed against a nipple and she hitch her breath, or as he kissed his way down the quivers her body emitted.

So when he could see her losing control as he tasted her, he grinned wider to himself. Her breathy voice conceding to his every word made him harder than he already was. He was almost in pain because of how much he needed to release himself, but he was determined to prolong the encounter.

Finally wordlessly obliging to her wishes, he began lapping the wet folds. He brought his hand down to spread her further, his tongue finding her clit and flicking it with short movements. Ryder only moved back for a moment, licking his lips before endulging himself once more. Two fingers went inside of her as he continued to tease her clit with his tongue. He pumped in and out roughly.

Once he began feeling the shivers of her orgasm coming on, he dropped the act immediately, pulling away from her. He watched her with deadly eyes as he stripped the rest of his clothing off. Her hands had drooped down from where he originally slammed them, and to enforce the position he put his large hand over both of her wrist above her head. His other hand grabbed his cock and slid it between her folds, never pressing into her.
"Don't you dare cum" he chastised as he continued.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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Natasha was glad he didn't make her beg anymore. He started to pleasure her with his tongue and she leaned against the wall and closed her eyes, letting out breathless moans at the way it felt. It was obvious was experienced. He knew exactly how to make her knees weak. He used a hand to spread her further, as his tongue flicked over her clit and her moans turned into gasping breaths as she moved her hips slightly against him, loving what he was doing to her.

He only stopped for a brief moment before going right back to eating her out, tongue teasing her in all the right places as he slid two fingers inside her at the same time and started to finger her roughly. She tried to hold back from cuming, knowing he'd punish her if she did, but she started to tremble and moan loudly because what he was doing felt so damn good. Just before she came, however, he pulled away from her and she bit her lip hard, breathing heavily.

He kept his eyes on her, gaze dangerous, making her want him so bad it hurt as he pulled the rest of his clothes off before using a hand to pin her wrists firmly to the wall again. He slid himself between her legs so his hard cock was pressing against her, teasing her, but not pushing into her and it drove her crazy. "Don't you dare cum." He chastised as he continued, and it was honestly hard as hell because she was so worked up and sensitive that every small touch lit her on fire.

Natasha let out whimpering moans, unable to help herself. She started to grind her hips against him and her breaths came faster and faster as her moans got more and more desperate, wanting to cum, but at the same time, not wanting to disobey him. It was torturous in the most incredible way. "How much longer are you going to tease me?" She asked, her voice needy. "I want your cock inside me baby." She whispered with a smirk, hoping her dirty words would make him want to fuck her already as she started to grind her hips even faster and moan louder, twisting her wrists in his grip.


"If you ever think I am going to beg Mr. Woods, you'll be here for a very long time." She replied, making him smirk, knowing she was probably right. He could tell she liked that he was a little more rough then the night before, but at the same time, she wasn't going to roll over and give him control. He'd probably never get her to beg and he'd never completely control her. It drove him fucking crazy, because he was used to having total control, but he honestly loved that with her, things were different.

She rubbed him over his underwear, making his jaw clench tightly to avoid any sounds he wanted to make at the way her touch felt, even through the fabric of his boxers. She pulled them down then and started touching him and Adrian couldn't help but let out low groans as he pressed himself harder against her, enjoying her touch. She lit him on fire in the most incredible way. No one had ever made him feel so damn good or gotten him turned on so quickly.

He continued to move his fingers in and out of her slowly as she touched him, letting it go on for a moment, enjoying the way she made him feel before he took hold of her hands and pinned them down over her head tightly, smirking down at her. His fingers moved faster as he held her eyes, wanting to drive her crazy before he kissed her hard on the lips.

Finally, he released her wrists and pulled his fingers out of her, letting his lips run along the neckline of her dress. "You don't have to beg." He breathed against her skin before pulling back a little and pulling her forward so he could slip her dress off over her head. He slid a hand up her spine and unclipped her[ bra before sliding that off as well and pushing her back down against the seat. "But I'm not going to either." He smirked, lips teasing her breasts, sucking on a nipple. All he wanted to do was fuck her, but he wanted to hear her moan and make her really want him first, even if she didn't beg for it.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Spaceship by Puddle of Mudd
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Intrigued
XXXHer head was spinning, and she was still. Unlike her past one night stands, he touched her in ways she didn't remember. There was nothing;to her anyways; that was intimate or passionate about the act - but it was wild. She could hear the strained groans come from him, and she loved the way he tried to hide this by clenching his jaw.

His fingers kept pumping in and out of her, as her hand slid up and down on him. His face contorted to the pleasure, as did hers. Odette bit her lip to the point of drawing blood, blood that wasn't her own. When her tongue darted to clean up the trick of blood he caught her off guard with pinning her hands above her.

If she really wanted, it would be no hard feat to escape his grip. She was a vampire after all. Odette let his believe that he had her pinned, she was simply curious to how it would play out. It was something different.

It was a blur to how she ended up naked, and how he was almost naked on top of her."You don't have to beg." he breathed, and she could barely let out a breathy laugh. "But I'm not going to either." he smirked at her before he began playing close attention to her breast. She let out a small moan when her nipple was in his mouth. Her body instinctively arched up for him to take more of her.

Roughly she grabbed his ass, putting nail marks into the flesh before she found a vulnerable moment to flip them once for her to be on top. Sliding her hands down him, she removed the pesky boxers he was wearing before she gripped the back of his neck, capturing him with a forceful kiss.
"I wouldn't assume that Mr.Woods, the night is still young" she whispered before sliding herself against his cock, hitting sensitive spots on her, yet for neither of them, what they would really want.

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Husky
XXXHer reactions turned him further on, even more so than the act itself. Watching her close her eyes are fall deep into ecstasy was the greatest thing any man could feel. He was doing this to her.

Natasha's wet cunt slid faster against his cock and he let out a low growl, wanting to just plunge inside of her. His cock was practically twitching with need. He rolled one of her perk nipples between his finger before pinching it, keeping a hold of her wrist with the other hand. He raised an eyebrow at her when she spoke.
"How much longer are you going to tease me?" it sounded like a plea. He laughed blatantly, releasing her hands, and using a hand to grab his cock, sliding only the head into her before pulling out.
"As long as I want" he replied, continuing the action that was driving himself crazy as well. "I want your cock inside me baby." she only continued, her smirk showing that she wanted an effect on him. And God did she have one. He pushed all the way into her terribly slowly. Once he did he exited her completly, stroking her cunt with his dick once more.
"Inside your dripping cunt? You're soaked Kitty, all for me. I could put it in your tight ass, or in that hot mouth. I have so many options" he said, flicking a nipple with a devious smile.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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The way he teased her made her fucking crazy. She wasn't sure anyone had ever gotten her so worked up before, but she was absolutely desperate for him. He teased her nipple and taunted her by sliding only the head of his cock into her, making her need him. After she spoke, he finally pushed himself into her, going so slow, her body started to tremble and she let out soft moans, loving the way he felt inside her, wanting him to fuck her hard.

He pushed all the way into her before pulling out completely, continuing to rub himself against her teasingly, making her bite her lip hard. It was so hard to control herself. She wanted to finally cum and she wanted him to fuck her senseless, but if she tried to take control, he'd punish her. The way he rubbed her with his cock was agonizing in the best way.

"Inside your dripping cunt? You're soaked Kitty, all for me. I could put it in your tight ass, or in that hot mouth. I have so many options." He said, flicking her nipple and she couldn't help but shudder and let out a low moan at the way he spoke to her. She liked that he wasn't afraid to be rough and kinky or to say dirty shit to her, it turned her on and made her heart race.

"You can fuck my ass or my mouth later if you want." She moaned, honestly finding it difficult to speak with what he was doing to her. He'd released her wrists so she reached down and started to rub him quickly, knowing he'd gotten irritated the last time she'd touched him without asking, but wanting him to just fuck her already. Besides, if he was a little irritated, he'd just be rougher and she liked it rough.

"Fuck my cunt." She breathed as she pressed her lips hard against his. The kiss was a little messy because she was so worked up, but it was still hot and passionate as she rubbed him faster. "Oh fuck, please. I want you to pound the hell out of me so bad." She begged, biting his bottom lip with her teeth, hoping her touching him without asking would make him want to give in and fuck her, but knowing it could backfire and make him punish her instead.


Adrian loved the way her breathing quickened and the small moan she let out as he teased her nipple. She arched her body against him and he couldn't help but smirk against her skin. He liked making her feel good and hearing her moan. She grabbed his ass roughly with his nails and he let out a hiss of breath. Everything she did to him was incredible. He'd gladly spend every damn night in her bed if she let him, she was amazing.

Adrian smirked wickedly when she flipped them again so she was on top of him, loving that she liked control. It wasn't something he was used to. He hadn't ever thought he'd enjoy a woman trying to control him, but it got him hot and made him want her. She slipped off his boxers before kissing him hard and he kissed back just as roughly, loving the way it felt to kiss her. "I wouldn't assume that Mr. Woods, the night is still young." She whispered as she started sliding herself against his cock, and he groaned, not wanting to wait much longer.

Adrain kissed her skin and tried to control himself as he trailed his lips along her neck and jaw and his hands ran along her spine. His lips went back down to her breasts, teasing the other one this time as he slipped a hand down between them, putting more pressure on her clit. Eventually, the way she moved her body against his was too much, he honestly couldn't wait. He had to have her.

Adrian kissed her lips again as he slipped inside her, letting her stay on top and have the control, but gripping her hips tightly, knowing they'd probably bruise. He pumped his hips against hers and pressed his lips against her ear. "Fuck me baby." He breathed in her ear with a smirk, lacing one hand tightly in her hair, the other still holding her hip tightly.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Spaceship by Puddle of Mudd
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Intrigued
XXXShe hadn't been touched like this...ever. Even thinking back, she honestly couldn't remember such a time. There was of course a spectrum of good and bad lovers she'd had, but nothing like this. It almost made her wish he could stay.

Such thoughts were going to turn her off though, so she only kept herself in the moment, grinding against him, letting out long sighs at the feeling. Odette wasn't one to moan easily, she did moan ever so often, but she wasn't the most vocal of women.

Wordlessly he slipped inside her and her head fell back momentarily before she looked down at him, only laughing.
"You are easy to persuade" she said as she set the tempo tortuously slow for the both of them, the rough grip he had on her was bound to leave a mark. Odette didn't care, because she had left her fair share of them by now.

She let out a gasp as they moved, she hadn't tested her car for such activities, but the luxury vehicle was holding up fine. The music was largely drowned out by the sounds they made, and any passer by would have no trouble pin pointing the activity.

"Who knew Mr.Manly-Man would be so easily taken" she growled, leaning forwards as she moved on him to nip at his neck, sucking the skin there. How easy it would be for her to taste him now, to make the night daresay magical.

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Husky
XXXThis were going as planned all until she slipped her hand down, grasping him. He leaned into the touch only for a second, basking in the feeling of possible release. Ryder then growled, violently smacking her hands away and using both hands to pin them to the side. He stepped back in the living room, holding her by the wrist.

"I told you the rules, now you're waiting even longer. Bad girls don't get to cum" he said roughly in her ear, yanking her down over his long coffee table. He positioned her quivering legs to be on the floor, and the rest of her on the table, essentially bending her over the furniture.

"How do you think you deserve to be punished kitty? Maybe I shouldn't let you cum at all" he threatened as he took a hand back a promptly slapped it onto her ass, when his touch was gone it left a large red mark on her skin. With no warning he slipped two fingers into her. He quickly moved his hand against her, removing it completely before slapping her ass once more.

"You better think of a good enough consequence kitty"

I apologize, I've had terrible writers block as of late

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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Natasha smirked when he leaned into her touch, loving that she could make him feel good too, but she didn't touch him for very long until he growled and smacked her hands away. She bit her lip hard when he pinned her hands, knowing he was going to punish her, dragging things out even longer then he already had. Ryder pulled her with him into the living room and Nat went willingly, wondering what he was going to do to her.

"I told you the rules, now you're waiting even longer. Bad girls don't get to cum." He said in her ear and safe couldn't help but let out a desperate whimper at the thought of waiting even longer. He was driving her fucking crazy, but in the best way possible. He yanked her down then, bending her over the coffee table and she bit her lip hard, liking how forceful he was. The position left her exposed and vulnerable for him to do whatever he wanted to her and she loved it. It turned her on.

"How do you think you deserve to be punished kitty? Maybe I shouldn't let you cum at all." He threatened and she shook her head at the thought of that. She wanted to cum so damn bad. She'd already been holding back for so long. The thought of not cuming at all was agonizing. He slapped her ass then and she let out a sharp cry as the sharp smack stung like hell and there were still bruises there from the night before, making her skin even more sensitive. Still, as bad as it hurt, it also felt good. Natasha had always loved a little pain. It was why she liked things so rough.

Without warning her, Ryder slipped two fingers inside get and started fingering here quickly. His quick pace felt so damn good, her moans were loud and she pushed her body against him, wanting more. It was so hard not to cum, her body was actually trembling as he fingered her. No one had ever made her fall apart so completely that she was quivering like that. It was amazing. Eventually, he pulled his hand away though, not even giving her a second to catch her breath before smacking her ass again, causing her to cry out and squirm a little at the sting of the slap. "You better think of a good enough consequence kitty." He said and she tried to think of something, but it was honestly hard to concentrate with how badly she wanted him to fuck her.

She propped herself up a little and glanced over her shoulder at him so she could see him, pushing her hips back against him and spreading her legs a little farther apart. "Spank the hell out of me." She breathed, hoping he wasn't serious about not letting her cum. She wanted whatever punishment he was going to give her, then she wanted him to fuck her and finally let her cum. "Make it hurt to sit down for the next week." She breathed, glancing at him, wondering if he was going to punish her like she'd said or do something else entirely. "Then fuck me senseless." She moaned desperately, practically begging him to get on with it, wanting him so bad, it hurt.


Adrian watched the way her head fell back before she looked down at him with a laugh that only made him smirk. "You are easy to persuade." She said and he just groaned and closed his eyes, gripping her hip even tighter. He let her set the pace, moving so slow it was both incredible and agonizing at the same time, but no matter how badly e wanted to take over and speed things up, he didn't. For the moment, he honestly enjoyed the slow movement of their bodies.

He smirked when she let out a gasp and he let out deep, satisfied groans. He'd had good sex before, hell, he'd had great sex before, but no matter how many girls he'd been with, none of them compared to her. She was absolutely amazing. After over a hundred years of living, he was sure he'd experienced the best sex could possibly be, but he had been wrong. She was far more intoxicating then any girl he'd ever slept with, which was a pretty long list.

The music was still playing, and it was turned up loud, but compared to the sounds the two of them made, it was practically inaudible. "Who knew Mr.Manly-Man would be so easily taken." Odette growled and he laughed at her words, enjoying the way she liked to tease him. She leaned forwards, nipping at his neck and he let out a soft growl. As much as he enjoyed it, her slow pace was driving him crazy.

Adrian used his grip on her hips to speed things up, pushing his hips against hers faster and rougher, letting out low groans at the way she felt. He grabbed her hair tightly and pulled on it so that her lips were pressed against his, kissing her hard as they fucked, enjoying the taste of her lips. He honestly wished the night didn't have to end. The two of them were so damn good together.

That's ok! Everyone gets it every now and then

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Odette Vasile
Character Portrait: Natasha Woods
Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
Character Portrait: Adrian Woods


Character Portrait: Adrian Woods
Adrian Woods

"Life is fucked up."

Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
Ryder Vasile

"All I have is all the time in the world"

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods
Natasha Woods

"Pretty, but dangerous."

Character Portrait: Odette Vasile
Odette Vasile

"There's no lie in her fire"


Character Portrait: Natasha Woods
Natasha Woods

"Pretty, but dangerous."

Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
Ryder Vasile

"All I have is all the time in the world"

Character Portrait: Adrian Woods
Adrian Woods

"Life is fucked up."

Character Portrait: Odette Vasile
Odette Vasile

"There's no lie in her fire"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods
Natasha Woods

"Pretty, but dangerous."

Character Portrait: Odette Vasile
Odette Vasile

"There's no lie in her fire"

Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
Ryder Vasile

"All I have is all the time in the world"

Character Portrait: Adrian Woods
Adrian Woods

"Life is fucked up."

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