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North Valley High

North Valley High


A high school full of drama, even a teacher is in it! A lot of dating and crushes going on, never know what's going to happen! No spots open

2,668 readers have visited North Valley High since glitter600 created it.



(Taken by Elena) Head popular girl - Her boyfriend is head popular guy, her two best friends are popular girls 1, and 2. She is oblivious to the fact her boyfriend is sneaking around, but loves him very much. (You can choose to make her head cheerleader, or just rich, or both!)
She is slightly mad at popular girl 2, because she is dating her ex (popular boy 2).

(Taken by Calvazara) Popular girl 1 - She has a crush on popular boy 1, but he doesn't show to much intrest, only flirts a little. Her best friends (head popular girl, and popular girl 2) both push her into talking to him a lot. She and popular girl 2 are the head popular girl's back up pretty much.

(Taken by Glitter600)Popular girl 2 - Has a perfect boyfriend, but, is the ex boyfriend of head popular girl. This has head popular girl slightly mad at her, but isn't going to do much about it. She is scared that the popular girls will turn on her because of it.

(Taken by Calvazara)Head popular guy - His girlfriend is the head popular girl, his best friends are popular boys 1 and 2
He secretly cheated on his girl friend with the loner girl, he doesn't know if he really likes her or not, but he might fall for her. (Your chioce, but keep the sneeking around going for a little, also you can make him football captian.)

(taken by Sameshitdifferentday)Popular boy 1 - He is best friends with head popular guy, and popular boy 2. He would go out with popular girl 1, but he's secretly dating a teacher, who happens to be married, and the drama girl's mom. They keep it a secret, for obvious reasons.

(taken by Team Forwood) Popular boy 2 - Best friends with the other popular boys. He is the ex boyfriend of the head popular girl, and is completely over her, but she may not be. He really likes his current girl friend, popular girl 2.

(Taken by ChristyLovesYou) Outcast girl - She is single, but sneaking around with the head popular guy. The only person who knows is her best friend, the outcast boy. She right now has a crush on the head popular guy, but doesn't know her best friend loves her.

(Taken by LuckyNumber24) Oucast boy - Single, but is in love with his best friend, the outcast girl. He is the jealous type, and protective of her, so he hates the head popualr guy. He doesn't want them to be together, because he knows the guy is a jerk.

(Taken byKirai-chan) Nerd girl - She is very smart, but doesn't just focus on school. She has a small crush on the nobody boy. She is shy, and has glasses, but is still pretty. She likes to keep her hair up. Her best friend is the nerd boy.

(Taken by LoveMeHateME)Nerd boy - Best friends with the nerd girl, but they both feel just friends. He also wears glasses, and he has had a crush on the drama girl for awhile. He is a little shy, but stands up for himself, and people he cares about.

(Taken by Denther-Helian)Nobody boy - No, he is not an outcast. But he hasn't made a name for himself, so he blends into the background. Oh, and he's the guy who plays the symbols in the band, the noise that goes CLANG. He also might have a small crush on the nerd girl, but is shy.

(Taken by waterbabe1) Drama girl - She isn't outgoing until she's on stage, then shyness goes away. She loves to act, and she doesn't mind being herself, as long as she doesn't stand out to much. She doesn't have many friends, but is well known. Her mother is a teacher at the school.

(Taken by ChrisyLovesYou)Teacher - She is a teacher... (obviously) and she is happily married! ... sorta. She is secretly dating popular boy 1. She is the drama girl's mother, and feels bad she is with him, but wouldn't break it off.


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"Need not to fear, my child... For it is I.... Jesus." Evelyn's eyes narrowed "wha-" then it dawned on her "Kyle stop being a jackass" she groaned down the line "Just please tell me your with Tiff and that she's not totally stoned" it sounded like a false hope once she said it, having heard the giggling down the line, letting out a sigh she looked in the mirror and rubbed her nose, wincing, "Kyle, just tell me where she is so I can come and get her, please."

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Tiffany stopped playing with her hair and turned to face Kyle, she had an amused child's face, amazed, thinking he was Jesus. "Is.. Is it really you Jebus?" She said, following him. Tiffany started to feel tired, and on top of that, she still couldn't walk straight, so she was kind of falling over the place. At least she had stopped laughing like a freak for now. Her heart slowed a little more, but was still faster than normal.

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Evelyn sounded puzzled at first, before she replied, "Kyle stop being a jackass. Just please tell me your with Tiff and that she's not totally stoned." She sighed, and continued, "Kyle, just tell me where she is so I can come and get her, please." Kyle laughed, checking his watch. 1:26. He took a deep breath and said, "Hold on." He looked behind him and in front of him, but couldn't see a sign. He thought about turning back and going through the woods, but he couldn't remember which way he had come from. Suddenly Tiffany spoke. "Is... Is it really you, Jebus?" Kyle tried his best not to crack up. Then, he noticed that she was a little wobbly. Keeping an eye on her, he brought the phone back up to his face. "Uh... I'm not really sure where we are. I don't see any signs or anything. Where is Christian?" He started walking again, making sure Tiffany was near him. "We're going to keep walking, until we see something."

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Christian sat back watching Evelyn on the phone he had no idea what the hell was going on. Evelyn groaned into the phone he could tell who ever it was on the other end they were starting to give Evelyn a slight headache. She looked at him and said "your girlfriend is starting to infuriate me" Christian laughed "you mean your bestie is starting to infuriate you. I want nothing to do with whatever is going on there" Christian knew that Tiffany could be a little much to handle when drunk so her heading out those stoners earlier he had no idea what kind of shape she was in and he wasn't sure if he wanted to know. He continued watching Evelyn as she attempted to have a conversation with Tiffany Evelyn quickly pulled the phone away from her ear "well that didn't deafen me" she rolled her eyes sarcastically as Christian started laughing again "Tiffany, I swear to god if you don't tell me-" Evelyn stopped short. "H-hello?" turning towards Christian she raised an eyebrow "Hey" she said slowly into the phone"w-who is this?" she asked Christian stood up and walked next to Evelyn trying to hear the conversation. Evelyn's eyes narrowed "wha-" she paused then said"Kyle stop being a jackass" she groaned down the line "Just please tell me your with Tiff and that she's not totally stoned" Christian knew as well as Evelyn did that Tiffany was stoned out of her mind "Kyle, just tell me where she is so I can come and get her, please." Evelyn said next Christian tapped her shoulder "Should I go get my car ?" he wasn't sure if Evelyn would want him to go with her but he was willing to leave the party with her if she wanted him too.

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"Uh... I'm not really sure where we are. I don't see any signs or anything. Where is Christian?" He started walking again, making sure Tiffany was near him. "We're going to keep walking, until we see something." Evelyn listened, she could hear Tiffany giggling in the background, shaking her head, she really did feel like that girls mother at times, especially when she got like this, they would find her, bring her home, Tiffany would probably cry and throw up the alcohol she consumed and Evelyn would sooth her best friend then when she was sober there wouldn't be as much as a thank you, it was the same most times they went out and Evelyn couldn't help but feel under appreciated in everything that she did. "Christians here with me, I had a little run in with a football player" she explained, Christian tapped Evelyn's shoulder making her look towards him "Should I go get my car ?" he mouthed and she nodded "If you don't mind leaving your party unattended? I can go by myself if its any trouble?" she spoke softly "Okay Kyle keep looking for a sign post or anything, we'll be driving around see if we can see you" she sighed before hanging up and walking out of the bathroom with Christian.

"Hey could I borrow a jacket, I forgot to bring one and it's a little chilly out" she asked as they walked down the stairs.

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She nodded "If you don't mind leaving your party unattended? I can go by myself if its any trouble?" she spoke softly Christian shrugged "She is my girlfriend. Besides I would feel bad leaving you to deal with her on your own" he left the bathroom and went to his room he got his hoodie and car keys then came back he heard Evelyn sigh before hanging up and walking out of the bathroom with him. "Hey could I borrow a jacket, I forgot to bring one and it's a little chilly out" she asked as they walked down the stairs. Christian took off his hoodie and handed it to her "Its not a jacket but it will do. I personally find hoodies to be a lot warmer anyway". Before leaving Christian had bumped into to Adam who was the basketball team water-boy, Adam and him was cool just for the reason that unlike all the other guys on the team Christian didn't treat Adam like crap. "Hey Adam. Do me a favor and watch my house I have to go locate my stoned girlfriend" Christian knew that he could trust Adam with this task because unlike all the other people at this party Adam was sober, he was always used as the team's designated driver which meant the dude wasn't aloud to drink.

After Adam agreed to look after his house Christian and Evelyn which to his family's garage, the garage contained eight cars two were missing because his parents were out at work. Four of the eight belonged to Christian he never understood why for a family of three they kept so many cars but he really didn't car, he got into his E-Class Cabriolet and once Evelyn was in he pulled out. He drove for about a minute before looking over at Evelyn "So am I suppose to be driving in any particular direction or anything".

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Tiffany stopped walking, her head hurt. Badly. Her feet hurt too, so she took of her shoes. "Jebus? I'm tired." She said. She saw a wall nearby, and went to lean on it, to bad her sight was still impaired, and the wall was like a foot away so she fell into a bush. "Owww..." she trailed off. She looked up at the stars, trying to remember anything, like what had happened before.
She was alone. She was on a couch. Christian was playing a drinking game. Evelyn was talking to guys. Kyle was off somewhere. She was bored. She wanted to do something fun. Then she went outside. The nobodies were having fun, they were laughing, she wanted to be laughing too.
Now thinking about it, she knew it was stupid. She knew it was a bad idea, but she just wanted to try it, tears formed in her eyes, and she started crying softly. Yes, she was crying in a bush. She had kind of forgotten Kyle was there, and he was probably pretty confused, and not exactly knowing what to do.
After crying a bit, she pretty much just passed out, more like half asleep, mumbling random stuff every now and then.

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"Christians here with me, I had a little run in with a football player.", Evelyn answered Kyle. "Who?", he asked. But she didn't hear him and responded, "Okay Kyle keep looking for a sign post or anything, we'll be driving around see if we can see you." Kyle nodded and said, "Giggity." They hung up and Kyle glanced over at Tiffany. He turned around and began walking backwards, so he could face her. "Okay. How many fingers am I holding up?", he asked, holding up 4 fingers... Behind his back. When she just looked at him, he laughed. Suddenly she stopped walking. "Jebus? I'm tired." She began walking over to a wall that were the gates for a house or something. The only house. At least from what Kyle could see. Then, Tiffany fell into a nearby bush. Kyle heard her mumble something. She looked like she was in pain. For a moment, Tiffany just stared at the sky, lost in her own little world, leaving him standing in the middle of the road, looking puzzled. He started to walk over to her, when she began to cry. Kyle stopped. What the hell?, he thought. "Hey-- Are you okay?", he asked, finishing his walk over to her. When she didn't answer, he said, "Hello?" She had passed out. Kyle groaned, and knelt down beside her. "Hey! Wake up!", he said, kind of slapping her face. Tiffany just rolled her head to the other direction. Kyle rolled his eyes, looking up. "Damn it, woman." He sighed, and grabbed around her waist, and heaved her up into his arms, letting her head just flop downward. Rather surprised by her lightness, he said, "Man, you need to eat more. I could probably juggle you." Snickering to himself, he continued, "That's what she said."

Walking, he began thinking. It must suck for Christian to leave his party to come find his stoned girlfriend. And Evelyn to have to come find her best friend. And for Kyle to have to carry his-- Uhh... Tiffany? That's pretty much all she had become to him. Just Tiffany. He wondered why, but then thought about the party. All those drunk people having a blast, while he had to come find this girl and carry her, because she was too high to continue herself. She did look in pain... Well, still. Kyle was getting cramps all the time in football, but if he tried to sit down, Coach would be on his ass like no other. Kyle laughed out loud. "That's what she said.", he muttered to himself. Should they be driving?, Kyle suddenly thought. They had both had plenty to drink. "Oh Santa Clause shit!", he cried. He tried to pull out his phone, trying not to drop Tiffany, so he could call Evelyn to tell her to get someone else to get him. But then, he saw headlights. He stopped. He wasn't necessarily scared, but he was in the middle of nowhere, in the dark, with nobody else except for an unconscious girl. Hell. I'll use her as a bat or something. Then the car began to slow down. He could vaguly make out two figures in the front seats. Christian and Evelyn! "SCORE.", Kyle said.

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Evelyn graciously accepted his hoody and pulled it over her dress, getting into the passenger side of his cabriolet she nodded in approval "nice car" she commented whilst rubbing her sore nose, they pulled out of Christians drive and drove for a few minuets before he asked if they were heading in any particular direction, shaking her head she let out a little sigh "all I know is they are near a wooded area, maybe we should head up toward Look out point, that's the only wooded area I know around here" she commented resting her head in her hand as she stared out the window, she could just tell that tonight was going to be a long night and now with herself sobered up it was bound to be even longer as she had lost the mood to drink and have fun, her intentions were now focused on finding Tiffany and getting her back to the party and then to bed, she couldn't help but feel like she was the mother of the group at times like these.

As they drove the winding road up towards look out point, Evie kept her eyes peeled for any sign of her two friends, spotting two figure ahead of them she narrowed her eyes and leaned forward in her seat "hey I think that them" she commented unbuckling her belt, ready to jump out as soon as Christian pulled the car over. As soon as the car came to a stop Evie saw Tiff in Kyle arms passed out "ah crap" she said getting out. "What happened? I she okay?" Evie asked rushing over to her best friend "Are you okay?" she asked finally, casting her gaze briefly to Kyle.

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Tiffany was unconscious, yes, but she was still aware of what was going on. She heard Kyle talking to himself, and making that's what she said jokes. She couldn't see anything, or move, but she knew she was being carried. Her body was limp, and her head lolled back. She then heard Kyle say something, and then shout, a car was coming up. She then heard Evelyn's voice, talking to Kyle. She felt life going back into herself, and in one movement she sat up kind of, sneezed into her knees, and woke up. Her hand instantly flew to her head, it still ached slightly. She then looked around, Kyle, Evelyn, and Christian. She began to shiver pretty violently, because it was almost winter, and the nights were getting colder. They were still in the street, and everyone was starring at her, of course, this was all her fault. She opened up her mouth to speak, and her breath came out, you could see it in the air. "I I'm sorry." She said, letting go of Kyle, and standing again, she almost fell over, holding on to Evelyn's arm to steady herself. Her eyes started to water, it might have been because of the cold, that happened often.

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"All I know is they are near a wooded area, maybe we should head up toward Look out point, that's the only wooded area I know around here" Christian nodded turning onto the road that lead to look out point. Well this was great, he had just left his own party to go find his best friend and stoned girlfriend who was in the middle of nowhere and he was driving while intoxicated he was really hoping that he didn't get stopped by the cops because if he his parents found out about this he was going to be grounded for the next month. He gazed at the clock 2:08 am it read on the radio he had been wondering way things were so quiet and the streets so empty everyone was either at his party or at home sleeping for school tomorrow. Christian groaned to himself thinking of everything he had to do now which was find his girlfriend, get back home, kick everyone out of his house, and clean up the house before his parents returned around five and of course still be out of the house by at least six to make to school on time, just great he thought.

"hey I think that them" Christian turned his head in the direction Evelyn was pointing "Yeah that looks like them" he said pulling the car to a stop. Evelyn was out of the car first rushing over to Kyle who was carrying his passed out girlfriend in his arms. He climbed out of the car sluggishly and walked over to the group Tiffany was now up but she wasn't very stable. Christian looked at Kyle "Thanks for looking out for her. God only knows what kind of condition she'd be in if you weren't here with her" Christian said looking over at Tiffany who was using Evelyn as her balance. "I I'm sorry." Tiffany had said to the group Christian just sighed "Tell that to me again when your not stoned and your sober" he said still kind of ticked off but he couldn't be to mad with her just by the way she was standing in front of him shivering made him feel pity for her. He sighed again "Let's just all get in the car. I have to get home and get my house cleaned up before my parents get home" he turned around and walked to the car. Once everyone one was in he drove off making an illegal U-turn and driving back in the direction of his house.

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Getting out of the car, Evelyn instantly asked, "What happened? Is she okay? Are you okay?" Kyle just nodded, as Christian stepped out of his car, walking over to them. "Thanks for looking out for her. God only knows what condition she'd be in if you weren't with her." Kyle kind of laughed, not really sure if he was joking or not. He gazed down at Tiffany. Her eyes were open, slightly, looking at her surroundings. She then attempted to get down, and Kyle released his grip. "I-- I'm sorry.", she said, quietly. Her teeth seemed too be chattering. "It's cool", Kyle replied, grinning. "I think we all needed a little 'midnight' adventure." Shoving his hands in his pockets, Kyle looked over at the other two. Christian sighed and said, "Tell that to me again when your not stoned and your sober." He paused for a moment, sighing again. "Let's just all get in the car. I have to get home and get my house cleaned up before my parents get home." Kyle noticed that Christian had apparently given Evelyn his hoodie. Realizing that is was pretty cold out tonight, he took off his letterman jacket, and tossed it towards Tiffany. When, they had all clambered into his car, Kyle in the backseat, next to Evelyn, he leaned his head back. It was a rather quiet drive for the first couple of minutes... Kyle gazed over at Evelyn. She seemed to be deep in thought. She always sort of looked like she was. He wondered for a moment, if there was more to this girl that met the eye. She was obviously more mature than she appeared, getting shit done, by helping out her friends. Well... They all were. It didn't matter what everyone else thought of them, or what went through their minds. Just because they were all popular, people assumed that they were just always wanting to do something fun, or get into trouble. While this may be true... They still had each other. Damn, I sound cheesy, Kyle thought. But, the fact of the matter is, it was true. Kyle couldn't think of anyone else he could trust more than the people in the car right now.... Well... With an exception of his cat, El Spaniard.

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Evelyn felt some relief when Tiffany sat up and looked around "I I'm sorry." She said, letting go of Kyle, and standing again, she almost fell over before holding on to Evelyn's arm to steady herself. Evelyn shook her head "you had me so worried! Don't ever do anything like that again" she scolded lightly, saving her lecture until tomorrow, when Tiff would be sober and remember it, looping a hand around her best friends waist Christian spoke "Let's just all get in the car. I have to get home and get my house cleaned up before my parents get home" he said turning towards his car, that did sound like a great idea, Kyle tossed his letterman jacket towards Tiffany and Evie wrapped it around the girls shoulder, helping her into the front seat of the car before climbing into the back, next to Kyle.

Christian did an illegal U-turn in the road but she was just too tired to even care, taking the pins out of her long hair she shook out the curls before running a hand through her hair, leaning her head against the window she closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again, she felt Kyle's eyes on her, turning her head towards him she smiled warmly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. The journey back to Christians was relatively quiet, she didn't really take part in the conversation that the others were having, before they pulled into Christians drive Evelyn leaned "I'll help you clean up" she smiled "do you think I could take one of the guest rooms?"

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Christian parked the car back in garage he didn't wait for the others to get out, walking back to the house he saw serval drunken passed out on the front yard two couples making out and a bunch of boys that seemed to be about to fight. On the way back Christian considered letting the party go on a little longer but as he walked into his house and saw all the crap that was all over the place he knew he was going to need all the time he had left to get this house in order before his parents returned and to be honest he really wasn't in the mood for this party anymore. Christian turned on the sprinkler system setting off the sprinklers in thr front and back yard just in case there was anyone back there. Then he walked into the living and pulled out the speaker wires he heard the drunken mumbles and groans of his guest and he didn't care about there complaints he stood on up on the coffee table and cupped his hands around his mouth "Well I hope you all had a good time but the party is over" he shouted polietly. He waited for a moment and not seeing anyone moving he decided to try again to get the message across "Everyone get the fuck out of my house unless your staying to the clean the fuck up" he yelled in his not so happy tone. He watched as people hurried out of the house I guess no one wants to help clean up he thought with a slight laugh.

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Tiffany pulled Kyle's jacket tighter around her. It was slightly warm from him she guessed and she put her hands in the pockets. It was big on her, but that was nice since it was cold. She sat in the passenger seat, and leaned her head against the window. She pulled her knees up onto the seat too, and hugged them to her body. She turned to Christian, who seemed pretty focused on driving. She looked down. She felt really bad. She wasn't always this crazy, but she was lucky to have amazing friends like them.
When they got to the house Christian went off to start cleaning up, when Evelyn walked away Tiffany turned to Kyle, "Kyle?" she started, "I'm sorry you had to miss the party to come save me." She looked away, then continued. "Thanks Kyle." She stood there for a second, then walked towards the house.

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When they had pulled up, Kyle stepped out of the car, and shivered. Diggity damn. It was cold. There were several people outside, on the front lawn. Christian had already gone into the house, probably to get everyone out, Kyle guessed. He turned around to look at the girls making their way into the house. Tiffany stopped for a moment, turning towards Kyle. "Kyle?", she said. "I'm sorry you had to miss the party to come save me." She paused. "Thanks, Kyle." She waited a second, before turning and heading into the house. Kyle laughed quietly. "Heh. Save... Not bad.", he said to himself, shaking his head.

"Everyone get the fuck out of my house unless your staying to the clean the fuck up.", came Christian's voice from inside the living room. Suddenly, everyone began to make their way out of the house. Out of all the people rushing out off the property, Kyle was able to make out Shelby, in the mist of the group. She gave him a worried look. Trying to get past everyone to get to her, someone knocked into him. Kyle was about to say something, but thought better of it. When he finally got over to him, she blurted out, "Somebody planted drugs in the house! The cops are on their way!" Before Kyle could react to what she said, she sprinted off. "Yo, what the fuck!", Kyle called after her. He knew Shelby could have a sick sense of humor at times, and although this wasn't that 'sick', it still wasn't funny. He quickly reached into his pocket, and searched for Shelby's contact. When he found it, he opened a text message. Shelby, please tell me that was just a fucked up joke. Christian will be in deep shit, if what you said is true. Who the hell did it, anyways? He clicked send, and took a deep breath. The lawn was vacant now. Kyle strained his ears and could hear sirens off in the distance. "Oh shit!", he cried. He leaped into the doorway, to see the others had already begun cleaning up. "Somebody planted drugs! They called the cops!"

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As people slowly stumbled their way out of his house Christian started being up empty beer bottles that was littered on the ground. The house was really quiet with the speakers off and for a moment Christian actually started to convince himself that he would be able to get everything done before his parents got home, but that fantasy was quickly shattered when he heard the sound of police sirens in the distance. Kyle ran into the house seconds later and yelled "Somebody planted drugs! They called the cops!" and just like that Christian knew his life as he knew it was over. The few people who had actually started cleaning dropped what they were doing and jetted out of the house followed by the others running from the back. Naturally Christian considered running too but honesty were would he run, he had no where to go unlike everyone else he was already home and thanks to who ever the genius was behind this master mind plan his ass was busted.

It took only ten minutes for five police cars to roll up on his mother's not so clean now yard and for the officers to bust into the house. By now the party goers where all gone no one really wanting to get busted for being intoxicated at a wild, unsupervised teen party. Eight officers walked around the house to leading two big ass German shepherds around Christian tried to tell them that his mother wasn't much of a dog person and that she wouldn't be happy about to big dogs shedding their fur all over the house but they had warned Christian that it was best for him to just not talk giving his current situation. So he just sat down in his crappy looking living room as one of the officers kept "watch" over him.

Thanks to mutts leading this drug search the cops found marijuana, cocaine, meth and ecstasy. A tall cop who looked to be about 5'11 with a bald head, a thick mustache and a pot belly that one only got from consuming too much beer with too little exercise got walked over to him holding up a bag of white powder "Is this your cocaine young man" Christian glanced at the bag then at the man's face "Dude am fucking rich. Crack is for poor people." he said folding his arms and sitting back the cop wasn't amused. He yanked Christian up off the couch "So you wanna be a smart ass huh" he said shoving some device in Christian's mouth "Blow dumb ass" Christian rolled his eyes and blew into the strange beeping thing after a couple of seconds the cop removed the test and read the number then he looked up at Christian " 0.22 I say that makes you legally intoxicated and seeing as your a minor and there are no adults here I think you should come with us down to the station. You can call your parents when we get there" Christian just sighed "Your a fucking dick you know that" he said being pretty pissed off at this point. The officer just laughed putting the cuffs on Christian he escorted him to the car. Christian took a seat in back and laid his head against the cold glass window he closed his eyes as the sirens turned on and the car drove away.

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Tiffany had kept walking towards the house, everyone seemed to be rushing out pretty fast, either because Christian yelled at them, or something happened. Things happened pretty fast, everyone was gone, and then Christian was being taken away by cops. Oh. My. God. She thought, She held her head in her hand thinking, what she could do. She then had an idea, rushing to Kyle, she was slightly out of breath since she ran to him, and was still tired. "Kyle, I have, a lot of cash, in my car." She said between breaths, "We can, bail Christian out." She looked at him, then looked around for Evelyn. "If i don't have enough, i have my check book." She let out a long breath. Calling Evie over, she told her the plan too. They rushed to the car. "Um... Anyone know the way to the police station?" she asked.

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Evelyn heard the sirens when she was in the back yard checking to see if there was any damage, luckily apart from the empty cups and beer bottles everything seemed to be in good condition, aside from one pool lounger which was currently in pieces floating in the pool, rushing back into the house when she heard dogs barking, she was utterly shocked to see Christian being led away in handcuffs "what the fuck?" she mumbled to herself, tonight had certainly been eventful. Tiffany came rushing over and told her that they were going to the police station to bail Christian out, Tiffany started heading towards her car but she grabbed her by the arm and shook her head "You are not driving, I will" she said sternly "And when we're there let me do the talking, as your not exactly the most tactful and patient person" she said to Kyle and then looked at Tiffany "any you're stoned out your freakin brains Roberts" she stated before walking towards her Mustang.

"Um... Anyone know the way to the police station?" Tiffany asked and Evie simply nodded "yes, now let's go."

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Kyle watched in a sort of helplessness state, as he received a call from his mom. He attempted to rush her as she continued to ask him where he was and what he was doing, as he hadn't told her earlier. "ALRIGHT, mom. We're fine. I'm spending a night at Christian's. His parents said it was okay-- No, no. You can't talk to them, they're asleep-- I know it's 3 in the morning! Christian has clothes I can wear for tom-- MOM!" Eventually, he got her off the the phone. By that time, Christian had been shoved into the car, as they drove away. The cops came up and asked them some questions, and took a couple more kids to jail. Luckily, they didn't get to Evelyn or Tiffany, otherwise, they probably would've been riding in the back of a cop car by now, as well. They had Kyle breath into the Breathalyzer and discovered that he wasn't drunk. They told him to go home, and he said he would call for a ride, although he had his car in Christian's driveway. He pretended to talk on the phone as the last police car drove off.

Suddenly, Evelyn Tiffany rushed over to him. "Kyle, I have a lot of cash, in my car." She was breathing heavily. "We can bail him out." Looking around, she said, "If I don't have enough, I have my checkbook." Kyle laugh, whole heartily. "Tiff. It's okay. Christian is going to be okay. It's all going to be--" Evelyn had gripped Evelyn's arm. "You are not driving, I will.", she said seriously. Kyle gave her a "what the fuck" look, as she went on. "And when we're there let me do the talking, as your not exactly the most tactful and patient person." Turning towards Tiffany again, she continued. "And you're stoned out your freakin' brains Roberts." Unlike Tiffany, apparently, Kyle didn't take well to being bossed around like this. No matter how serious the situation was. Whether it was out of spite for Evelyn or just realizing that Christian's parents were going to be home in a couple of hours, Kyle said, "No, I'm going to stay here, and clean up as much as I can." Saying this, he headed back into the house. Gazing around at the mess, Kyle just stood still for a moment... "Fuck me, Freddy."

He began cleaning up.

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Tiffany sighed, know this was pretty true. She wasn't in the best condition to drive. Evelyn and her had rushed to Kyle, telling him too. She guessed what Evelyn said must have pissed him off, so he kind of stormed away to clean up. She grabbed Evelyn's arm, "No time to waste i guess, lets go." They both ran to the car, and hopped in. Tiffany looked through the glove compartment. There was about $600. She took it out, and fit it into her purse. She put her seat belt on, and she had already handed the keys to Evelyn, so the were driving somewhat fast. Evelyn was probably the safest one of them, and probably the smartest.

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"Hey smart ass ! Get up. Were here" the pot belly cop said loudly. Christian felt the cold breeze of autumn's air hit his face it was pretty breezy out and he had given his hoodie to Evelyn and hadn't been able to grab another one before being taking out of his house. He stumbled out of the car exhausted Christian was really at this point wishing that this whole day had been a dream turned nightmare and he would wake up in his bed but unfortunately for him this was no dream but it sure was his nightmare. The cop took Christian into the precinct and sat him down in a holding cell, there was a couple of other people in a cell. That being two hookers, some bloody dude who looked like he just got his ass beat and then just so really quite strange chick he figured she was probably crazy or something so he kept his distance. He took a seat in a corner of the cell away from the rest of the people, he just couldn't figure out how a party that started off so well turned into such a disaster.

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#, as written by Elena

Quinn pushed the doors open of the house, her black skin tight dress was just past her ass, and her her was out and straightened, falling just past her boobs. She held her black purse in hand and she was already getting glances from everyone, girls surrounded her commenting on her outfit, her make up and her dress. She grinned and thanked everyone, walking around and dancing with a few guys and her boyfriend a couple of times, until she took way to many drinks, and was getting very tipsy, until she heard the sound of police sirens and that was her cue to get the fuck out of the house, Quinn pushed past people, making her way out the back door, but walking was too much for her until she fell passed out behind a bush, her whole world going black.

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Character Portrait: Destiny Greene
0 sightings Destiny Greene played by ChristyLovesYou
Confusion is my best emotion.
Character Portrait: Rikki Akina
0 sightings Rikki Akina played by waterbabe1
"Things work out best when I keep to myself..."
Character Portrait: Mrs. Gabriella Akina
0 sightings Mrs. Gabriella Akina played by ChristyLovesYou
I know it's wrong, but it feels right.
Character Portrait: Zach Vestin
0 sightings Zach Vestin played by Denther-Helian
I'm better off alone most of the time

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View All » Add Character » 15 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Tiffany Roberts
Character Portrait: Kyle Sherman
Character Portrait: Quinn Lopez
Character Portrait: Gretchen Willson
Character Portrait: Christian McCall
Character Portrait: Achilles Jared Smith


Character Portrait: Achilles Jared Smith
Achilles Jared Smith

"Please call me A.J, it's easier than saying Achilles"

Character Portrait: Christian McCall
Christian McCall

High School is .............. Complicated.

Character Portrait: Gretchen Willson
Gretchen Willson

"I dont like to listen to my parents...I'm just terrified of disappointing them..."

Character Portrait: Quinn Lopez
Quinn Lopez

I own this school, You got a problem with that?

Character Portrait: Kyle Sherman
Kyle Sherman

"Oh come on! Admit it. She's hot."

Character Portrait: Tiffany Roberts
Tiffany Roberts

I was named after the jewlery store. Suprised?


Character Portrait: Kyle Sherman
Kyle Sherman

"Oh come on! Admit it. She's hot."

Character Portrait: Achilles Jared Smith
Achilles Jared Smith

"Please call me A.J, it's easier than saying Achilles"

Character Portrait: Christian McCall
Christian McCall

High School is .............. Complicated.

Character Portrait: Gretchen Willson
Gretchen Willson

"I dont like to listen to my parents...I'm just terrified of disappointing them..."

Character Portrait: Quinn Lopez
Quinn Lopez

I own this school, You got a problem with that?

Character Portrait: Tiffany Roberts
Tiffany Roberts

I was named after the jewlery store. Suprised?

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Quinn Lopez
Quinn Lopez

I own this school, You got a problem with that?

Character Portrait: Tiffany Roberts
Tiffany Roberts

I was named after the jewlery store. Suprised?

Character Portrait: Christian McCall
Christian McCall

High School is .............. Complicated.

Character Portrait: Kyle Sherman
Kyle Sherman

"Oh come on! Admit it. She's hot."

Character Portrait: Gretchen Willson
Gretchen Willson

"I dont like to listen to my parents...I'm just terrified of disappointing them..."

Character Portrait: Achilles Jared Smith
Achilles Jared Smith

"Please call me A.J, it's easier than saying Achilles"

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Most recent OOC posts in North Valley High

Re: [OOC] North Valley High

OMG GUYS! I am so sorry!
This has died :(
I thought it had, so i left it alone.
I'll post in, and try to get it back alive again.
I feel so bad :(

Re: [OOC] North Valley High

Okay well, there was the party, Christian was getting drunk, Evelyn was talking to guys, Kyle was talking to a girl, Tiffany was being alone, and Destiny was like doing drugs. Tiffany joined the nobodies and destiny, and got lost and was wondering in the woods. Kyle found her, and Christian and Evelyn came and picked them up. They all went back to the house and the cops came and took Christian away, so Evelyn and Tiffany went to bail him out. You could probably post about being at the party, then leaving, or not going at all and what you did i home. Hope that helped. (:

Re: [OOC] North Valley High

I feel really bad i totally like neglected this story. Anyone want to tell me what happened so that i can just like jump in somewhere?

Re: [OOC] North Valley High

Hahah Tiffany's coming to savee you.

Re: [OOC] North Valley High

@ Sameshitdifferentday

lol Thanks.

Well I hope everyone made it home okay because Christian is off to the big house, well the precinct.

Re: [OOC] North Valley High


Your last post was fucking hilarious.

Re: [OOC] North Valley High

Oh! also, you can godmod the teacher, i dont mind, or just tell me when you want her to post...

Re: [OOC] North Valley High

Glitter is actually my friend, she lives up the street from me, and i made her start this lol. She only posted once, and i had posted throught her acc before. -_- so its always been me. hahah

Re: [OOC] North Valley High

Oh, and @Christylovesyou

Did you just adopt the Tiffany chick or something? Because, I thought it was glitter600's character.

Re: [OOC] North Valley High

Sorry about the kind of short posts, but I can't really make them very long at this point, without godmodding.

Re: [OOC] North Valley High

im soo sorry! I didnt know it was still going... I already post for tiffany, and destiny so ill do that now...

Re: [OOC] North Valley High

Well, I'm going to try to not let this one die.

Re: [OOC] North Valley High

I have been a little busy with school, applying for colleges, and getting a job. Im back and ready to write though. SORRY GUYS

Re: [OOC] North Valley High

Hey, I hope you don't mind, I went ahead, and just jumped us to the end of school. I just realized we have been moving at a rather slow pace, considering we have over 100 posts, and we still haven't moved out of the first day of school.

Re: [OOC] North Valley High

Back again sorry about that school kept me busy

Re: [OOC] North Valley High

Sorry about the absence guys, but have no fear....

Mr. Cool is here.

Re: [OOC] North Valley High

Ok guys my computer is totally fried but i refuse to not post. I will have to post off my ipod,nook,and phone but i cant always get on with those so it might take a while for me to actually post. I am promising you guys that no matter what i will at least post once or twice a week.

I will not let you guys down i promise.

Re: [OOC] North Valley High

glad you're back! (: and just a heads up, crushes were just for starting, so you can like whoever you want, since some people have left.

Re: [OOC] North Valley High

Thanks LoveMeHateMe....Sorry guys i know i was on today and could have probably posted is really complicated rigth now but things are starting to settle down so i should be able to post more often. See you guys tomorrow...or today for some of you. :P