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Kaze Maix

"I want to play with you~!"

0 · 551 views · located in Abandoned City

a character in “Nyx Eterna Academy”, as played by Dementedness


Name: Kaze Maix

Age: 16

Gender: Male

HP: 250

Personality: Kaze is your tipical childish personage; he is quite naïve, and seems to bring joy to everybody else, but he seems to also be quite fiesty. It is hard to be on his bad side, but it is hard too to get out of it.

Species: Demon

Firekinetic: The power to create and morph fire to the user desire. [ AP: 20 ]
Shadowmorphing: The power of morphing shadow to the user desire. [ AP: 10 ]

Normal Dagger [ AP: 5 ]

Bio: Due to his origins, his parents told to him to hide and stay at home. If he ever wanted to get out, it much by night, when most of the humans are sleeping in their bed. They had concerns that their child would cause more damage if he actually go to school, though he proved the contrary. They remained skeptical, but let him go out of the house regularly, as long he comes back to home to specific times, and gave him a dagger; they told him to only use it if someone is attacking him. He did enjoy being with humans, though there was only one accident that happened, which forced them to move.

His parents heard about an academy that accepts people from his kind and thought it would be good idea to send him there, so they moved to where it was. Even though he seems to be 9, but he is actually 16. A curse that passed down his family causes the member of his family to grow at a random rate. They learned to live with that abnormality, sometimes affecting the development of either their body or mind, but he got one of the worst cases, and they often have to bring legal paper to prove their real age. While his parents do appears like matured people, they look to be only in their 20s. Their real age is not yet spoken.

And here starts his live in a public school.



So begins...

Kaze Maix's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Licht Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Lanyee Arashi Character Portrait: Fiama Alma Character Portrait: Chazor Drakos
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0.00 INK

Alyssa felt awkward while everyone else that had wings was taking to the sky. "I should go," she muttered without waiting for an answer. She didn't want to be that weird angel that didn't fly. She really didn't want to be that kid. It was the worse feeling ever and for once in her life she wasn't and Alyssa didn't want to do anything to mess that up.

She outstretched her wings carefully, feeling for the wind currents. Without a current she felt very unsteady and when she chose to take to the sky, she wanted to make sure that she was as secure as could be, or she would fall. With her wings outstretched and the current found she took a running start, tripped, but still managed to make it up anyway. She kind of felt bad leaving Sakamoto behind, but it was the best way to search for the unknown predator.

Alyssa arrived just in time to hear another angel's words about something being off. She cocked her head slightly and closed her eyes, using her telekinesis to sense for anything around her that was off. She felt a presence to her right but the odds were that it was just another student. They definitely weren't organized and Alyssa was not stepping up. "To the right, it could just be another student though," she said while attempting to hover but only succeeding flying around in small circles and becoming very nauseous from the height. She just had to prove she was powerful.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Licht Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Lanyee Arashi Character Portrait: Fiama Alma Character Portrait: Sakamoto Yoshitoki
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0.00 INK

Lanyee Arashi

HP: 250/250
Amused and excited


Lanyee smiled as she noticed the Angels began to fly. Soon her float ability kicked in and she reached their altitude, "It's nice to meet you Adalyn. I'm Lanyee." she said smiling as she saw the towers and how lifeless the city was, "The city seems... Almost Lifeless... And so many souls seem to have been lost here... What's going on?" she thought as she looked around slowly panning the distance, and eventually yawning, she was never a morning person, and a mission at 7:45 in the morning was hard for her. Yet she kept looking around, at the least, until she saw a living being, about 50 or so meters from her and the others position, she felt danger in his direction, she wasn't scared by this. She was exhilarated by it. Lanyee smiled before she looked at her partner, "Excuse me Adalyn, I'm going to investigate the only living being here other than us. Care to join me?" she asked before floating off towards the being in curiosity.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Licht Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Lanyee Arashi Character Portrait: Fiama Alma Character Portrait: Chazor Drakos
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0.00 INK

Aventine watched as a few students took to the sky, one of them mentioned something feeling off and she defiantly heard. Normally she wouldn't even talk to an angel but she was in a mission and it held all priority. She let her senses roam and also felt like she was being watched. She scanned the buildings but didn't see anything.
"I feel it too, something is defiantly wrong. Do you guys see anything?" She raises her voice, though an angel should be able to hear. She listens to everything and almost let out her demon form, she was still working on that. 'ugh, if they saw what I really looked like. . . She thought silently. No one is taking charge still, and Aventine still didn't want to take over. 'After all, who would trust a demon?' She thought sadly as she prepared herself in case the group is be attacked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Licht Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Lanyee Arashi Character Portrait: Fiama Alma Character Portrait: Sakamoto Yoshitoki
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0.00 INK

Sakamoto Yoshitoki
Sakamoto fell to his knees. That was teleporting? He tried his best not to puke, only barely succeeding. "Oh, I don't like teleporting." He said to himself. He looked up to listen to his partner. "That's not exactly how my power works..." He said, but was too quiet, so wasn't heard. His partner suddenly running and taking off. Weren't they supposed to stick together? He looked around, pin pointing the others through his emotion sight. He then saw some malicious and hatred somewhere to his right, and he turned to it. It was kinda hard to see, as it was a silhouette at this distance, but it was definitely there. Fear gripped Sakamoto, as he realized that he was the closest. Yes, there was another student flying toward the thing, but she was still not as close as the thing. He turned and started rushing over to the others, hiding behind the first one he found, which appeared to be the angry guy, and pointed at the thing. "O-over there, something has malicious intent..." He used words for emotions that most people didn't know they really used. Malicious intent, for Sakamoto, generally meant someone who wants to be violent, but not because of hate, and not ferociously. Just wanted to hurt people... "I-I think that's what we need to catch." He ducked behind the guy again, too scared to notice anyone's reaction to him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Licht Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Lanyee Arashi Character Portrait: Fiama Alma Character Portrait: Sakamoto Yoshitoki
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0.00 INK

Everyone seemed to have recognized the target and Alyssa knew that if they actually planned to catch him that the best plan would be to surround and then attack, after all it would be harder to have to track him down again. She looked around for anyone else who was thinking about more than just attacking him outright. She tried to circle around the building but without any wind currents behind it she almost fell out of the sky. Instead Alyssa flew in steady circles around the building, making sure that the man that they had identified together couldn't get away without her, or someone else seeing him. She may not be able to fight but she could do surveillance and if he did try to one then she would have a very important job. And it was a good position for her since her energy fields could be thrown from very far away and still have a straight course and deal the same amount of damage than if she was right next to her enemy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Licht Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Lanyee Arashi Character Portrait: Fiama Alma Character Portrait: Sakamoto Yoshitoki
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0.00 INK

HP: 250
Aventine notices where everyone is heading and see's and angel circling the building. She realizes that her bag has not been teleported, 'I'll have to use my magic instead' she thinks to herself before following entering the building and finding the stairs, making her way to the roof. She runs straight up as many flights as fast as she could, which is pretty fast as she pushes herself to her limit. She throws open the door to the roof and narrows her eyes at the target. She watches the angel and tries to signal for her to act like she doesn't notice her. She sneaks up and prepares her power to use Bloody Rose. Moving her hands and making the signal. Her hair parts and in her use of her powers starts to change to her demon self. A tail grows and sticks out from under her skirt. Small horns grow from her head as she finishes. A large rose flashes around her hand and then folds in and shoots its petals, which have folded into small needles, and thorns at the enemy, dealing 12 AC at a surprise attack. Her tail swishes and she lets out a breath, obviously tired by the use of her demon magic. She falls to her knees but gets up, panting highly. "That used up too much of my power. . . " She lets out in a breath. She manages to keep her eyes open but is having trouble getting up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Licht Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Lanyee Arashi Character Portrait: Fiama Alma Character Portrait: Chazor Drakos
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0.00 INK

Adalyn Reeves
|HP: 250/250|

Image Seemingly everyone with wings was in the air now. They all seemed to know who the target was, and as they closed in, her keen eyes caught the shadow of a mysterious figure perched on a rooftop. Lanyee levitated up, so Adalyn flapped her wings and rose to meet her. "It would be my pleasure to join you." It had been months since she'd been in a real fight, and now, she felt thrilled.

Some part of her doubted their approach, being so direct and in the open. If all of us were called to handle this, that person might be powerful. Adalyn decided to stay back a little, if too many people go in at once, it might harm the rhythm of the group, and we could lose him. She would be ready if things got bad. She notices a girl transform into a demon, and collapse after attacking. She flie over and lands on the rooftop, helping her up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Licht Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Lanyee Arashi Character Portrait: Fiama Alma Character Portrait: Chazor Drakos
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0.00 INK

Aventine's mind has trouble fathoming why this angel is helping her up, but she doesn't care for now. They may be considered enemies, but right now they're on the same team. She accepts the girls help, and thanks her afterwords. Normally she wouldn't use that attack, but as her weapons were in her luggage, she was unable to use her less daunting skills. Panting heavily she stays standing, but probably cant attack again. "I used my best move first. You and the others will have to take it from here, I used the majority of my power." She says, losing out to a fit of coughing. "Sorry that I'm not too much help." She says before walking to the door back into the building and leaning against the wall next to it, about to pass out. She doesn't even have enough power to change again, but that might be for the best. After all she could hit someone with her horns or tail. Her eyes barely stay open as she watches the others.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Licht Character Portrait: Lanyee Arashi Character Portrait: Chazor Drakos Character Portrait: Sakamoto Yoshitoki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by -Naomii
「488/500 HP」

Before the unknown person could fall off the building, he held on to the edge and pulls himself up. "One attack and the demon is already close to fainting. Weak." He sighs.

The setting changes from Downtown to Anime


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Licht Character Portrait: Lanyee Arashi Character Portrait: Chazor Drakos Character Portrait: Sakamoto Yoshitoki
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0.00 INK

Lanyee Arashi

HP: 250/250


Lanyee heard the man, and that was something that now ignited her ability in anger, "Releasing Arn Magmata!" she thought as her Reaper formation took over, her scythe uncovered and was now in her hand. Her eyes darkened from a sapphire blue, to a deep, blood red, her hair grew more pale to a more lighter pink, and finally her wings had sprout into their 2.136 meter wingspan as what she calls her midnight gown came over her body and clothes as she floated where she was, "[color=pink]You have committed a crime. Your punishment shall be decided by me. Surrender now. And I may not kill you.[/color" she said in a much lower and menacing tone than her normal tone, she waited for the response as she floated about 6 meters from the man.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Licht Character Portrait: Lanyee Arashi Character Portrait: Chazor Drakos Character Portrait: Sakamoto Yoshitoki
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0.00 INK

Kaze Maix

HP: 250/250


Image When Kaze realised that they already found the person that they need to capture, he quickly dragged his attention to where the guy was, looking at the battle. The person that dealed him damage was already about to faint, he quickly too in action. He flew down to the stranger like a torpedo, but silently, and he grinned. There was something changed about Kaze; normally, he seemedd to be happy as joy, but now, it seems to be happy for killing. Hoping that the stranger didn’t noticing him, and he grabbed the guy behind him.

He cling to the person shoulder, wrapping his arms around him as he used both of his feet so the guy slip away from the border of the roof, leading them to freefall. Kaze folded his wings to gain the maximum speed, and due to his tiny frame, he slipped a bit down on him, as that he will take the shock of hitting the ground for him. As they both hit the ground, he didn’t know if the person was dead, unconscious or alive, but he quickly laid the body down, knelt down on his shoulders and took out his dagger, pointing it to his throat. It wasn’t a sign for him to surrender, but a sigh that Kaze wants to kill that guy, even though the mission was to them to get theguy back to the academy. Kaze was a demon, and he wasn’t experimented with his more insane side. However, he stayed there, glaring intensly into the guy’s eyes with his crimson one, making sure he doesn’t move as he smirked softly.

The setting changes from Anime to Downtown


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Chazor Drakos Character Portrait: Aventine (Ave for short) Gertrude Klinoss Character Portrait: Unknown
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0.00 INK

Adalyn Reeves
|HP: 250/250|

ImageAdalyn looked at the demon girl next to her and smiled. "What are you sorry for? You did amazing." She helped her up and ruffled her wings. "Guess we'll take it from here, you just focus on regaining your strength so you could get back in on the action." She pause and turned back to her. "My name's Adalyn by the way." Running to the edge of the roof, she stood in front of the strange figure, as the dragon guy landed on the roof.

Usually, being an angel, she could sense the level of power someone had. The problem was, when she tried to sense his power, she felt a void. She couldn't tell anything about him, and it worried her. "Who ar--" Before she could finish her sentence, the young boy with wings torpedoed out of the sky and latched onto the figure. This took her by surprise, but she smiled.

Suddenly, the boy dragged him back and the two were leaning off the roof. She reached out to stop them from falling, but all her hands grabbed was air. Leaning over the edge of the roof, she watched as the two free fell, hurtling towards the ground. Quickly, she jumped off the roof, keeping her wings in to get speed as she went down after them.

((I'm unsure if the free fall really happens so ill add more when I know for sure ))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Chazor Drakos Character Portrait: Aventine (Ave for short) Gertrude Klinoss Character Portrait: Unknown
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0.00 INK

#, as written by -Naomii
「478/500 HP」

The impact from hitting the ground left the person breathless and gasping for air. It took a few seconds to recover his senses and realize what was happening. A different demon glared down at him while pointing a sharp dagger to his throat. He couldn't help but laugh. "I suggest you don't... unless you want your friends to explode to pieces."He managed to say, nodding towards the small group that stayed on the ground. About thirty Puppets started to awkwardly walk out of the shadows casted by nearby buildings and surround the group. "They are highly explosive, kid."

The setting changes from Downtown to Anime


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Chazor Drakos Character Portrait: Aventine (Ave for short) Gertrude Klinoss Character Portrait: Unknown
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0.00 INK

Adalyn Reeves
|HP: 250/250|

ImageAdalyn free fell, and at the last second, extended her wings to land on the ground softly. Ruffling her wings, she lightly put a hand on the young demon's shoulder. "Alive, remember?" She said in a soft tone. She switched to train her sapphire eyes on the figure on the ground, who turned out to be a young man. "What do you mean explode?" Her gaze shifted when she heard something. Puppets were coming out of the shadows, and were surrounding the group on the ground. She was about to attack them, but stopped herself as she heard him say they were explosive. "How could we not have noticed all those puppets in our vicinity?"

"Don't underestimate us. We're more capable than you think." The one thing she didn't want was to show him any weakness or defeat. The problem was, how do they attack puppets that could explode and hurt us all? An idea popped in her head and she looked down at their target. "Now to test out my theory."

Grabbing a puppet, she leaped into the air and flew a safe distance above the group. Tit started flailing and swinging mechanically in her arms.Then she grabbed her locket, which turned into a large silver sword. She stabbed the flailing puppet and closed her wings around herself as protection as it exploded. She fell down, and managed to flap once above the ground to land on her feet. One down. "That wasn't the best idea..." She said, as she picked a singed feather off her wing.

The setting changes from Anime to Downtown


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Licht Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Lanyee Arashi Character Portrait: Chazor Drakos Character Portrait: Aventine (Ave for short) Gertrude Klinoss
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0.00 INK

#, as written by -Naomii
Misaki Amaya
【250/250 HP】

Misaki was finally teleported to the city. She never liked being teleported since it always makes her dizzy. Taking a deep breath, she looks around and finds herself surrounded by creepy puppets in black dresses. She stopped herself from shrieking. "Oh god. they're moving... t-they're moving... the puppets are moving by themselves. What is going on?!" Misaki took another look around. A reaper was attacking the puppets, something exploded above, and the puppets are closing in on the group.

Misaki held her hand out and a bow with arrows appeared. She guessed that the puppets had to be destroyed so she started to shoot at them. When the arrow made contact with one of the puppets it explodes, the flames of the explosion engulfs Misaki in the process.

【240/250 HP】


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Licht Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Lanyee Arashi Character Portrait: Chazor Drakos Character Portrait: Aventine (Ave for short) Gertrude Klinoss
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0.00 INK

Aventine notices and Angel shoot one of the creatures, only to be engulfed in flames. She pushes herself off the wall and jumps off the building, landing a few feet from her. She stumbles over, as quickly as she could, and wraps her arms around the girl attempting to both block and put out the flames. The fire burns her tail and she screams out in pain. She stays there until the fire disappears, then falls over and passes out.
HP(at beginning):250 HP(At end):220


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Licht Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Lanyee Arashi Character Portrait: Chazor Drakos Character Portrait: Aventine (Ave for short) Gertrude Klinoss
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0.00 INK

#, as written by -Naomii
Misaki Amaya
【240/250 HP】

Misaki falls to her knees as she coughs uncontrollably. She did not expect the puppet to explode or cause much damage. It probably could have done a lot more damage if Aventine wasn't there. She hears a thud behind her and quickly turns around and crawls next to the girl who was unconscious on the ground. "No, no, no this is not good."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Licht Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Lanyee Arashi Character Portrait: Chazor Drakos Character Portrait: Aventine (Ave for short) Gertrude Klinoss
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0.00 INK

Kaze Malx | 250/250 HP | Mood: mixed | Starting log\\\\\\\\\\\\\

By what he said, it was almost daring him to kill that guy, but he shook his head. With the help of the angel whom the name wasn’t given, he got back to his senses, but still took the man in hostage. “I don’t think that they are dumb enough to kill themselves..." He smirked with confidence, glaring at him with his soul-peering eyes, giving in a small grin. He beat himself in the head to almost have failed the mission, and just looked at the angel with no name, smiling softly, but he didn’t let his guard let down. He wondered, though, how they are going to transport him back to the academy, but his thought soon changed as he heard an explosion.

He saw Adalyn getting out of the smoke from an explosion, surely caused by one of the puppets. He gasped softly, wondering if see was okay, but it seems that she is alright as he stood on her own. She sighed in relief, still having the enemy in his mind as he looked at his team, now wondering whether they will be able to defend themselves or not. He knew how to fly, and how to use his dagger. Beyond that, he doesn’t know what is the extend of his powers. He had to be honest with him; he doesn’t know if he had any powers at all. Although his thoughts were soon shaken off as more explosions happened. He gasped more as it seems that more members of his team was damaged by the puppets.

Now, he didn’t know what is happening to him. There was an emotion, yes, but which one. It wasn’t happiness… not eagerness… not calmness… it was something that was so foreign to him. The problem is, even his body it was foreign, and so it was fought like a disease. Although, he hoped that his team will be okay without him. Besides, he felt that he is the best position right now; holding off the enemy to do anything more. He just wished that no puppets would come near him, and hope that the others were alright. Soon, his bracelets was half marked, like if it was the crack that were usually found when attaching one of those, especially when they fit snuggly to the skin. It always happened when Kaze felt panicked, but in the way that he wasn’t sure what to do. He never knew why it did that.

HP: 250 | End log ///////////

The setting changes from Downtown to Anime


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Lanyee Arashi Character Portrait: Aventine (Ave for short) Gertrude Klinoss Character Portrait: Unknown Character Portrait: Misaki Amaya
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0.00 INK

((I can't delete this post :C))

The setting changes from Anime to Downtown


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaze Maix Character Portrait: Adalyn Reeves Character Portrait: Lanyee Arashi Character Portrait: Aventine (Ave for short) Gertrude Klinoss Character Portrait: Unknown Character Portrait: Misaki Amaya
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0.00 INK

Adalyn Reeves
|HP: 245/250|

ImageThe scene was chaos, there was no other word to describe it. She saw as another angel was engulfed in flames, and when the demon girl saved her from most of the fire, she passed out. She knew she should stay with the demon boy and the target to make sure he doesn't escape, but she needed to help her. Quickly running over to her unconscious body, she lightly touched her forehead with two fingers. Her eyes glowed a light blue for a moment as she used her 'Angel's Touch'. She looked at the angel next to her. "I'm sorry, that's all I can do," she said softly. She ran back to her former position near the target and the demon boy.

While he watched the hostage, she stood making sure no puppets came near them. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a small cluster of puppets nearing them. Lanyee was busy attacking the other puppets from the air. Taking a few steps, she sent a barrage of air slices at them. Then, as fast as she could, she pushed the demon boy to the ground and crouched over him, surrounding the both of them with her wings to protect them from the simultaneous explosions. After she felt the heat decrease, she lifted herself up and looked apologetically at the demon boy. "Sorry, they were getting too close," she explained. She paused for a moment to ruffle her wings to cool them down. She looked back at the young demon with a puzzled expression. "I just realized I never introduced myself. I'm Adalyn, what's your name?"

HP: 245 - 10 = 235/250