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Valerie Mathis

Its a strategy, legitimate or not

0 · 638 views · located in Fourth of England(or what's left of it)

a character in “Of Chrome, Steel, and Oil”, as played by Ky-Lin



Gender: Female
Age: 22
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 157 lb

-Able to sleep a full cycle in four hours
-Remembers every detail of any place shes visited

-Doesnt sit still for very long

Alterations(Cyborg bits):
She has goggles that act like telescopes, along with heat and night vision. She actually found them when scavaging around somewhere where Berlin use to be
She also has this Image
on her back


Personality: Valerie make look like the tough "doesnt take shit" type of person, but honestly she is just tired and bored. The kind of girl who hums softly to herself when no one is around because she can't stand the silence, but talking to herself would be crazy. Because of how much pride she has she can't ask for help, the words hold in her throat and she goes silent instead. Yet Valerie doesn't have any goals, she is just going with the flow of the life she landed and never has she thought to think about what there is to live for. She searches every place she is at, wanting to know every detail that could be there, she wants to never be surprised and never without a way to keep living the simple life she had. That is as close to a goal as she had. Still she talked to people, like any normal person did, there was no problem there. Her best skill besides shooting the whiskers of a rabbit 1500 meters away was that she was able to hide very well, if she doesnt want you to see her then you wont.

Sexuality: Asexual

Neurological tendencies: When she is bored Valerie will switch between the different visions that her goggles have, since you wont find her without them on her face. If they were waterproof, she would never ever take them off, but she likes to keep everyone guessing on whats under them. Valerie also tends to talk slowly, giving her the appearance that she thinks out what she is saying.

History: Valerie doesnt have an actual home, she lived with a small group of merchants that went wherever they might be able to sell anything, or scavenge it. They never actually said who was her parents in the group, or if her parents ever were in the group, all they ever said when she asked was "It takes a village."She had a hard time making friends, like anyone who moved around a lot, but she was very good at hiding and finding things when they were in short supply. Her notice to detail sharpened as she got older so she would go out to search with some of the others for things to sell or to eat, although she wasn't a huge fan of killing so she kept away from that.

Valerie never actually got close to anyone in the group, she liked wandering around and looking at "pretty" things more than she liked talking to them. She had grown to have a general apathetic feeling for people for a long time. So one day she said good bye and went off to other place, wanting to see the old ruins of all the places she was told about when she was younger. On the way she picked up skills like sniping and fighting with a knife from people she would meet in her travels, staying with some for several months until she had the understanding of them down pat. When she met Captain, she had seen him coming first, doing whatever he does. He talked her into joining him somehow and she has been with everyone sense the, befriending one of the girl scouts that came along sometime afterwards.


Weapons: Old Ntw 20, with a cute blue skull and cross bones on the butt
She has a stand for it so she can keep things steady
And of course a knife for safety

Gear: She has simple things:
-Tight jeans and tight tees to keep from snagging on things
-Boots with great traction that go just above her ankles
-Belt that holds her ammo
-Medium sized bag to hold whatever she needs carrying
-Gloves that reach mid-forearm
-Water, hunks of cheese, and bread


Rides an old Zero S Streetfighter
Not much on it other than a small chest roped on the back
It contains a tent, blanket, and the case for her gun

So begins...

Valerie Mathis's Story

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Character Portrait: Valerie Mathis
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#, as written by Ky-Lin
Valerie woke up when a couple droplets of water splashed on her forehead and she sat up quickly in surprise, breathing in a quick, sharp breath. It took her almost no time at all to spot the thing infront of her, although her goggles where stuck on thermal, and she remembered what happened before she was hit on the head. They had gone through the tunnels and been attacked, when she moved out of the way she had stupidly not checked before falling down a hole and pretty much into the arms of the things that had been shooting at her group. He also was shaped strangely, like a human but there was something different that she couldnt put her finger on.

Speaking of them, when she tried to change the setting on her goggles Valerie learned that her hands were tied to something behind her. It felt like something metal, and the things that had her tied seemed to be some sort of leathery material, although it was also old and grimy. She moved a little so she could lower her head to her knees, shifting her goggles to change the setting, she was starting to feel a little sit at not knowing what everything looked like. When it was done she looked up to see the thing's red hair, blind eyes, and its metaphorical trophy for being the ugliest mug to have ever been seen. She could also tell that he knew that she was awake, and probably attempting to escape somehow.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Lowe Character Portrait: Steven Cade Generich Character Portrait: Valerie Mathis Character Portrait: Lenn "Stylus" Angelo Character Portrait: Sanya Cabaret Character Portrait: ACD-P001 "Azazel"
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Trigger was vaguely aware of when the Captain and Nomad arrived to aid them. It was no more than a flash of movement in her periphery. She was actually about to point one of her guns in their direction when a brief flash allowed her to see their facial features. Without more than a small, sadistic grin she turned her attention back to the sewer rats as she had grown fond of calling them. Shooting them over and over in the same general area. When the fighting finally came to an end Trig had to shake her head multiple times until the blood roaring in her ears subsided. When her bloodlust cooled she turned her head to listen to the Captain. He was asking if any of them were injured and she was about to say no when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her shoulder. She looked down to realize that she had been shot during the fight, she was so caught up in ending their lives that she hadn't noticed how close they had come to ending hers.

The blood could clearly be seen, even through her shirt and jacket and it was flowing down her exposed stomach. She raised her right hand "Just a little cut over here sir." Looking towards Stylus she said "Think you can patch me up once we get back to camp, this is my shooting arm." Truth is they were both her shooting arms but she needed them both for her style of combat to be effective. She made her way around the medic and the robot and stood over the rat Captain had shot in the side of the head. He was making quite a lot of noise and she had half a mind to shut him up herself but the Captain had kept him alive for a reason, they needed to find out what had happened to Camper.

"Camper was standing beside me during the fight sir and then she just, vanished. One minute she was there and then the next, nothing. I tried calling her but she never answered me. That girl was cool under fire so either they snatched her while the rest of us were distracted or she fell. There are holes all over this place and the foundation isn't very sturdy so it's pretty likely that she didn't see where she was and fell into one of these holes." She nudged the still screaming rat with her foot, "Think he'll talk?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Cade Generich Character Portrait: Valerie Mathis Character Portrait: Katy Jackson Campbell
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The road raced under Katy as she drove down to the old city, she was still far out but it wouldn't be more than twenty minutes.
The country side was lovely, Humanity gone for the most part did earth wonders. What residential buildings were still standing were slowly being dragged down by creeper vines or poison ivy that had gone unchecked for years. Trees had sprung up, forcing their way through the stone covered landscape.This created a strange effect, much like the mountain homes in Afghanistan the once out of place pentagon silhouettes of homes were swallowed by the woods, only now defined by windows and the spars bit of paint that contrasted the otherwise natural pallet of the land.

It was a suburban area that she was riding through, or had been at one point. Her mind however was else where.
IN her mind she was replaying the events of forty minutes ago. Had she shot the child , or was it the car rolling over that had killed the kid... Katy' mind pictured her self sitting in the van..

Her husband sitting next to her yammering on about something that no longer existed, something his father had told him about.
There was a loud crash as the front of the dash board exploded in shards and powdered glass, The man, he husband was reduced to a torso pushing the peddles, and warm dead hands clutching the steering wheel. They didn't even have time to understand what was happening before the second round came, ending her life as well in a similarly gruesome manner. The weight from the mans hands would cause the car to roll over and start the rolling over of the car.

Katy thought more on the car it's self. She remembered there being two seats in the back, the bits of gore and what not had either come from the parents or she had grazed the kid. No, if she had even grazed the kid they would have died in the back of the car, it would have caused to much trauma and hydro shock wouldn't allowed their body to function correctly. They would have seized up in the back and drowned in their own blood... Part of Katy wanted to go back and see what had killed the kid then. It could have been shrapnel flung by the anti material round, bracketing off causing fragmentation behind the first two bodies.
That would explain how they managed to crawl out of the van... Tho the odds of something rolling around with the them and impaling them was more likely.

'Yeah, I didn't kill that one....'

She nodded to her self a little, following the convoys trail, she was close now, only a couple minutes away. A couple minutes away from Camper and the Captain.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Lowe Character Portrait: Steven Cade Generich Character Portrait: Valerie Mathis Character Portrait: Lenn "Stylus" Angelo Character Portrait: Sanya Cabaret Character Portrait: ACD-P001 "Azazel"
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"Alright, on your feet!" The captain yanked the filthy blood stained tunnel rat to his feet by the collar. The man wailed and whimpered still grasping at the place where his ear had been, The captain grabbed one of his blood spattered wrists and yanked it behind his back followed by the other. "You're coming with us to answer a few questions about where my comrade is and exactly how many of you cretins are down here."

The captain growled threateningly into the man's good ear as he tied his hands behind his back. Aside from the constant wailing the man made no sign to show he heard, understood, or cared about the Captain's threat. Captain didn't care, the man would grow to fear them in the end. He wadded up a peice of scrap cloth that he tore from the man's own clothing and stuffed it in his mouth to shut him up. "Hey, doc, he won't bleed out on us from the ear will he?" He called over his shoulder then he turned to answer Marcus' inquiry. "We're going back up. Too many wounded to go splitting up again and I want to learn all I can from this cretin about where Camper might be. I want all of you who don't need patching up to grab a meal and check supplies for torches and the like. It's getting dark soon and those tunnels will be pitch black, anyone with enhanced sight is going with us as soon as I get a peep from this guy."

It was just as the group reached the stairs up that Captain heard movement. He stopped the group and signaled for absolute silence. He flattened against the wall forcing the captive to stay with the group and crept over to grab a look at the man that was ascending towards their camp. "Marcus. Knock the guy out he looks like a scavenger from the surface." Christ threats are popping up everywhere all the sudden....maybe I made a mistake bringing the group here.

Meanwhile in Camper's cell, the awful looking man had gotten to his feet. He was tall and thin but somehow a threatening aura manage to emit from his rickety frame as he drew a curved knife from his belt. The filthy blade glinted weakly in the dim glow of backup lighting. He ran his knotted, scarred fingers over the flat of the blade, eyeing Camper with a filthy glare, drinking her image in with his strange clouded eyes. "You're a beautiful girl, you know. I don't often have a beautiful girls visit me here. Usually it's filthy men. That's alright though.....I will only enjoy carving you out more....if you don't tell me what I want to know."

He approached Camper and crouched until he was face to face with her. His cat claw sharp knife scraped across the skin of her brow and down the side of her face to her jawline, his rancid breath blowing into her face with every steady breath he took. "How man of your people are there?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Lowe Character Portrait: Steven Cade Generich Character Portrait: Valerie Mathis Character Portrait: Lenn "Stylus" Angelo Character Portrait: Sanya Cabaret Character Portrait: ACD-P001 "Azazel"
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Leylla finished skinning the animal she recently caught. The animals are getting more cautious., sooner or later she would have to move to another hunting ground and leave the animals at peace for a few months. She proceeds to debone the animal carefully, leaving the bone on the legs, stowing the rest of the meat in a small plastic pouch. She placed the skin in a makeshift bucket with a strong smelling, yellow solution. That should set the skin, she could make another leather patch with it once it's finished. She chuckled, she knew saving piss would come in handy.

There was the sound of tires crunching on rocks and the hum of an engine from the distance. Leylla's ears strained to hear more sounds. She stayed low and hidden behind the foliage, you never know if they're fast on their feet and start attacking before asking questions. She peeked out the small openings to see a bike closing in from the distance. The person riding it seems to be following a trail.

'Transportation, she may be part of a group,' She turned around and swiftly started packing away her supplies. 'I can ask her to guide me to another hunting ground, then i can leave.'

Grabbing the bloody legs, she packed everything into her motorcycle and drove after her. As she gets nearer, Leyla chucks one of the legs at the bike hoping that she would slow down enough to hear her.

"Do you mind if i follow you to the next hunting ground? I would appreciate it if you don't attack." Leylla accelerates to catch up. "I'll bail once i'm there, I just need to move to the next grounds."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valerie Mathis
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#, as written by Ky-Lin
Valerie looked the man/thing up and down, soaking in all the detail that he could give her by just standing there in front of her. She didnt really know how she felt about one of the only compliments she's ever been given being followed by the mentioning of carving her. For now it was just unsettling, given the situation she is in at the moment and also the fact this really was one of the only compliments she's gotten.
Really, I need to work on that or something
she thought as she raised her eyebrows, "What the fuck is his problem anyways?". As he got closer she could smell him and his rancid breath, pretty sure it could peel paint off of one of the cars if he tried hard enough. She was able to get a good look at him, after sliding the goggles against her shoulder quickly to normal, nasty teeth and filth along with everything else.

Not really one to enjoy having people be in her space, Valerie scowled at him and her eyes watched the knife slide down her skin. It was actually fairly soft and cautious, not actually breaking the skin. The threat still made her grow cold and she swore she could feel her stomach jump right up into her mouth. Her colleagues and her had been shot at, she was kidnapped by the same damn things that had shot at her, and now this jackass was holding a knife and telling her to give away info about people she was able to stand. Curling one side of her mouth in a hated sneer and gently moved her face away from his knife. Quickly she lifted her leg as hard as she possibly could up and towards where the things crouch should be. Val kept her eye on the knife and used her foot to step down on his hand to take it away from him if she could.
