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Guinevere Harrington

"If we were normal, If you were not the future King of anything, and I were not the Queen of anything, and we were not forced to do this as a Duty, would you want this? Would you want me?"

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a character in “Our Blood is Spilling”, originally authored by Whispering-Winds, as played by RolePlayGateway


|| Mother & Father - Broods || Lea Michele - Battlefield ||
"If Queens are not supposed to love, then I suppose I am the most un-Queenly Queen there is, I love my people, but most of all, I love him, My King."



Full name:
Guinevere Rosalyn Harrington

|| Gwen ||


Eighteen Years

|| Lady Guinevere || Her Royal Highness || Her Majesty || Queen Guinevere ||

|| Padlin ||
By Birthright, Padlin is Guinevere's to rule, protect, and care for.

|| Talwen ||
By Alliance, as soon as she is wed, Talwen will be another country under her Reign. Guinevere has only traveled there as a child, but is quickly learning how to make it home.


Hair Color:
White Blonde

Eye color:

Blue with Gold



Guinevere is known as Beautiful.
She has White blonde hair that falls to just above her mid back in cascading waves that frame her face, her blue eyes are unarguably her most distinctive feature as they also have gold within the blue making them a mystery in itself. Her skin is fair and pale and is known to be adorned by freckles in the warm summer months. Arabelle has soft, natural curves, matched with a slim fragile build.




Gwen is polite and well spoken, but filled with a quiet determination that few see. It is a well known fact that Gwen’s cleverness is equivalent to her beauty both of which she has in abundance.

Her whole life Gwen has been a fast learner, picking things up faster than other children her age; because of this She was reading at the age of four, and writing by the time she was five. Gwen also developed the skill of reading body language which gives her an advantage in many situations she has to face.

Gwen has the tact and politeness of a true lady, as it is impossible to be a Princess or a Queen at that without them, she learned those skills at a young age. Though she is polite and knows when to speak and when to not, she will voice her opinions if she feels as if she is not being heard.

Gwen is always full of love and her kindness never really seems to run out. though she has loved ones she cares for more than anyone, she is very diligent in caring for her people as well, showing them the love and kindness she believes they need to carry on. Because of this it has always been hard for her to pass judgement though as she grew older she learned how to put her feelings aside, listen to both sides of the story and come to a decision.

Gwen has a kind and rather laid back nature, she can also become your worst nightmare very quickly, threatening her family, or anyone she cares about will bring that out in her and her kind nature will disappear so fast you won’t even know what happened.

|| Fiddling with clothes/Jewelry when nervous || Being overly persistent || Believing everyone deserves a second chance ||

|| Family || Friends || Music || Books || Sunsets || Sunrises || Night skies || Stars || Romantics || Cuddling || Dancing || Children || Animals || Padlin ||Talwen ||

|| Shouting || Arguing || Being counterproductive || War || Unjust sentences || Disrespect || Being Threatened || Being to cold || Sickness || Poverty ||


Guinevere, was the first born child to King Charles, and Queen Melissa of Padlin. About a year after Gwen had come along, her Younger sister Lucille came into the world, who throughout Growing up, was Guinevere's best friend.

Gwen, spent most of her childhood at her parents side, watching and learning how to be a good ruler, but even as a Princess, Gwen's sensitive nature gave her trouble. She pitied those being punished, who shouldn't have been pitied, and listening to her Father sentence and sign the papers to end someone's life made her stomach twist.

Her duties came first, her duties to her Country and to her Family. Gwen had been engaged to the Future King of Talwen since she was merely a babe, but as a child she grew up with fairy tales and happily every afters, being forced to marry someone out of duty was never appealing to Gwen. Her mother however assured that she would get her fairy tale ending, showing Gwen how her Charles and herself were so happy when their marriage was arranged.

Gwen had started visiting Talwen and her future husband at the age of six, and continued her visits until she was around nine years old, the world at this time had became a dangerous place to be in, and it was to risky for Guinevere or her Family to travel.

Since she was about four Gwen had taken a liking to music, and had learned how to play the Piano when she was around four, she then continued on to learn how to play the Violin and the flute. In her spare time throughout her childhood, she would play any of the three instruments in order to distract herself from the world around her, from her duties, when she played she was just a normal girl, not the future Queen of anything.

When Gwen turned Seventeen, her Father fell Mortally ill, the doctors didn't know how long he had to live. Gwen had always been a daddies girl, and was crushed upon hearing the news, she spent every waking moment at his side from that moment until he took his last breath.

Gwen had little time to grieve her Father as she was quickly Crowned and thrown onto her Fathers throne. It seemed problem after problem was thrown at her, and she rarely knew how to solve them, but would often work her way around it and provide an answer.

When she turned Eighteen it was decided that she would move to Talwen, where she would eventually marry the Prince. Gwen left her home and her family, leaving her Mother to relay orders and decisions Gwen made, as she would not be returning to her home.


(Subject to change as story line continues)

|| Mother || Melissa Emmaline Harrington || Female || 41 || Alive ||

|| Father || Charles Damien Harrington || Female || 41 (AT time of death) || Deceased ||

|| Sister || Lucille Kayley Harrington || Female || 16 || Alive ||

|| Fiancée || Richmond Raymand Conwyn || Male || 19 || Alive ||

So begins...

Guinevere Harrington's Story


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Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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Guinevere's pregnancy was proving to be hard on her, she had heard the first always was, as soon as she had passed the six month mark, the sickness that should have subsided was almost crippling to her. Guinevere could see the anxiety in Richmond whenever she grew ill with the morning sickness which usually turned into day sickness or week sickness. She knew what had happened with his mother and knew that was why his anxiety was so high.

"I don't think Richmond is going to like you walking around Gwen..." Lucille walked arm linked with her sisters, Guinevere just tiredly smiled at her, and Guinevere was tired, most nights she didn't sleep more than an hour, Lucille wanted to help her sister but what she did, what anyone did rarely helped. Guinevere was the perfect example of a hard first Pregnancy. "I'm feeling fine today, and the Physician said, when I was feeling fine, I was aloud to walk around."

As if on cue Richmond walked out of the Council room which was what Guinevere was hoping for, he had been so busy balancing the Kingdom and spending time with her, he seemed more exhausted then she was. "I'm feeling fine." Guinevere reassured him when he gave her a concerned look, she gently kissed him taking his hand and resting it on her ever growing stomach, she was pleased the baby kicked at just that time. "See? We are both fine."


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Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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Richmond had just turned the corner, when alas, his heavily pregnant due at any minute, wife passed the corner as well. "Guin.. what are you.." He started, and as she kissed him, he relaxed slowly. He smiled at the baby's kicking, forgetting about the fact that Guinevere needed to be laying down. "Love, I have nothing else to do today. Why don't we take a walk?" He offered his arm, and as she took it, he smiled, kissing her head lovingly. "Then, you're going back to the sleeping chambers." He said gruffly, a yawn stifling after he spoke.

He eventually made it back to the room with her, and helped her into the bed, before climbing in himself. He sat up so she could lean on him, and he would trace lazy circles on her skin, occasionally placing his ear to her stomach excited but anxiously.


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Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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Each time Richmond placed his ear to her stomach Guinevere smiled gently placing a hand on his head. Guinevere shifted at one of the kicks, most of them didn't hurt but some of them did, that one was one of them. "I'm alright Richie." Guinevere reassured not even opening her eyes, she gently placed a hand on her stomach with a small sigh.

~That night~

Guinevere had fallen asleep with ease when the sun had set, and had stayed asleep until the early hours of the morning when she was abruptly awoken by pain coursing through her stomach and radiating through the rest of her body. Not wanting to startle Richmond she waited until she was sure she was in labor to wake him.

"Richie..." Guinevere gently shook him awake. "The coming..." It seemed like almost before she could blink Doctor's and midwives flooded their room, Richmond was standing beside her which Guinevere was thankful for, her Mother and sister had also been awoken.

By the time the sun had come up and the normal day had started crying filled the room, the Physician handed the small bundle to one of the midwives. "A boy your Majesties." Guinevere smiled laying her head back on the pillow, she had hoped she would deliver a boy, a strong heir for Richmond. When the Midwife laid the small now wrapped up little boy in Richmond's arms Guinevere couldn't help but smile at how happy Richmond looked. "What should we name him?" Guinevere asked looking over at Richmond and their son.


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Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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Richmond was in a whirlwind of panic and movement, it only stopping when he held his newborn son for the first time in his arms. He was so tiny. He looked at Guinevere, smiling, and he smiled back. He'd had an heir to the throne, and he himself hadn't been in power for long.

" A name.. he needs something suitable. " He then grinned. "Liam ...Conwyn." He smiled, and kissed Guinevere's head. "Why don't you pick another name as well?" He smiled down at her, before sitting on the edge of the bed.


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Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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"Elijah." Guinevere replied softly, she carefully moved the blanket away from Liam's face, smiling as he squirmed slightly.

~A Few months later~

"Rhoden is threatening war." One of the advisers spoke softly, Guinevere shifted in her seat, glancing at Richmond slightly, who seemed to just glare at the man who cleared his throat. "You did kill their Prince, Your Majesty, the King is furious...and now that you have your own...Son..." The man stopped, Guinevere imagined for fear of continuing on, she stood up hearing Liam starting to fuss in his crib, she had asked for one to be put in the council room so he could remain with them at all times. Liam was around six months old, and was looking more like Richmond by they day. Guinevere carefully picked the boy up returning to her seat, he settled down almost immediately, nestling himself in her arms.

"If revenge is what he is looking for, why start a full out war? We have many countries supporting us, if not for their own good, for fear of our power. We are almost untouchable." The man nodded at Guinevere, looking almost sadly at the small Prince that now sat nestled in her arms, the boy would not have an easy life. "Rhoden has supporters as well...The King wants to avenge his son...he is determined." Guinevere almost laughed. "If he comes within a hundred Miles of Liam, he will have more than a war on his hands, he won't have a kingdom."


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Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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Richmond laughed at Guinevere's final response. "We have a Navy at the ready, as well as one of the largest armies nationwide, sire." He shot a look at the trembling man, and shook his head. "I dare him to get anywhere near our Kingdom. As the Queen has said, he won't get a hair on my own head, much less my son's. " He snarled, watching the man scurry out of the room. He turned to his wife.

"This is preposterous. Rhoden's King knew exactly what his son was, and nonetheless, they'd buried him a hero." He snarled, and kissed her hand, his thumb rubbing over her hand.


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Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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"There is one thing Joshua wanted that he never got." Guinevere looked at Richmond. "Me. Now, I have married you, produced you an heir, a boy nonetheless, and secured your line on the throne...You killed his son. I'd like to say the King of Rhoden is smart enough not to pursue this. But Rhoden's King has never been smart." Guinevere just sighed gently kissing Liam's head, smiling when the boy laughed a little.

"Why don't we all go for a walk in the gardens?" Guinevere offered and Smiled when Richmond agreed, she held Liam with one arm linking her fingers with Richmond's as they moved into the Garden, Guinevere kissed Richmond's cheek. "Don't look so worried, as we both know Rhoden won't step foot in our Kingdom." Guinevere reassured Richmond, she stopped carefully handing Richmond Liam, the little boy always seemed to be able to soothe Richmond.


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Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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Guinevere smiled meeting Richmond's kiss with a passionate one of her own. "As the King wishes." Guinevere smiled working on his shirt allowing him to back her towards the bed. Guinevere slipped his shirt off running her hands down his chest moving them to his back planting another kiss on his lips. She hoped this would indeed ease his mind.


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Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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Richmond woke up a few days later, after the said night, and things had been going pretty well. No guards from Rhoden had made it as far as the outer gates of the castle, so he wasn't too worried, but when he walked out of his sleeping chambers, he looked down the hall, and saw the King of Rhoden galloping down the hall on a horse. "Guinevere! Get the boy and go, go!" He yelled , and grabbed two swords off the deceased guards nearby. He kept the door to the sleeping chambers open.

"C'mon, c'mon!" He ushered her behind him, and as he fought the King, he got off the horse, and Richmond managed to protect her until she and their son were aboard. "Go!" He slapped the horse's rear, sending it off. He was going to settle this now with whatever Army he had left.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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"Richmond!" Guinevere called stopping the startled horse, only to have on of their own guards come up to her. "Your Majesty, we are to ride to Padlin, The King will meet us there." Guinevere watched the guard carefully. "I will not leave without my husband." The guard watched Guinevere as carefully as she was watching him. "Forgive me my Queen, but it is the Kings orders, the Kings word is-" Guinevere stopped him. "Law." Guinevere nodded reluctantly at the guard.

The ride to Padlin had taken two days, it usually took four by carriage but they were riding alone, and at full speed. Guinevere rushed into the castle she had called home for so many years holding Liam as close as she could, she headed straight for the head of the Royal guard. "You need to send as many troops that we can spare to Talwen as quickly as possible."

~two days Later~

"Guinevere you need to rest, worrying will not help the situation." Melissa attempted to soothe her daughter but Guinevere shrugged it off, a guard walked into the room. "Your Majesty, there is no sign of the King, though according to one of the surviving men, he fled, he should be on his way." Guinevere sighed moving to the Cradle pulling Liam's blanket further up gently running her hand over the sleeping child's head. "Or he's dead."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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It was true. Two days after the alleged attack on the Kingdom, Richmond was out in the wilderness with no steed, and blood all over him. Most of it wasn't his, but some was, and he was starting to feel weak. He was following the road to Padlin, and he'd made it to the outer gates, before just collapsing with exhaustion and blood loss.

When he awoke, he was quiet, and he looked around the room, finding Guinevere, as he laid in what seemed to be her bed. "I.. I killed.. him." He spoke harshly, and his throat was rough. His leg and arm bandaged, he smiled what he could towards Guinevere. "I'm so sorry.." He whispered, and his eyes were starting to lull him to sleep.


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Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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"Rest my love, we will speak when you are well again." Guinevere gently kissed Richmond's forehead, he had killed the King, but what she knew he wasn't aware of was his young daughter and the rest of her Fathers men had made a stronghold in Talwen, It would take another war to win Talwen back.

Guinevere rocked Liam back and forth, she was in her Mothers chambers as Richmond was in hers and the doctors had demanded to tend to him. Guinevere looked over when the door opened. "Your Majesty. The King has Awoken." Guinevere nodded heading back to her room, her Mother had offered to take Liam while Guinevere tended to Richmond. "How are you feeling?" Guinevere inquired picking up the cloth in the bowl of cold water at his bedside, ringing it out carefully dabbing his head. "You look better than you did Richie."


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Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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Richmond was sitting up when Guinevere came into the room, and he watched her face as she dabbed his head. "Yeah, I feel better knowing you're safe. And Liam. Where is the boy?" He asked, seemingly nervous, but he was too weak to defend anything.


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Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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Richmond was sitting up when Guinevere came into the room, and he watched her face as she dabbed his head. "Yeah, I feel better knowing you're safe. And Liam. Where is the boy?" He asked, seemingly nervous, but he was too weak to defend anything.


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Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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Richmond sighed tiredly as he looked at her soft eyes. "You're so strong." He said after he listened to her about the walls around the castle. "I had to make you leave, you know that, right? i had to die knowing I saved you." He smirked at her, and held her hand with his weakly.


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Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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"I know." Guinevere replied gently kissing him. "But you didn't die.." Guinevere smiled.

About an hour later Melissa returned with Liam. "There's my Handsome boy." Guinevere smiled taking Liam from Melissa, she thanked her Mother wishing her a goodnight before going back over to Richmond, she sat down carefully sitting Liam between herself and Richmond. "Daddy's back." Guinevere smiled gently kissing the boys head.


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Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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Richmond chuckled, and ruffled the boy's hair easily. "Hey buddy. " Liam smiled, and hugged his father slowly, as if he touched him, he'd fall apart. Richmond chuckled, and hugged him back lovingly. "I love you both." A smile tugging at his lips, and he leaned up to kiss Guinevere.

A Few days later, Richmond was at least able to move around Guinevere's castle, as it was foreign to him. He usually just followed his wife around like a pup until they made it to what he assumed was the throne room, and they'd speak about the subject of their own castle.


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Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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Guinevere sighed walking up the steps taking her place in her throne, she looked over at Richmond who sat in her Father's throne before turning to her mother who was standing at her side. "Proceed." Guinevere said softly, placing her hands on her lap, the Head of the Royal guard stepped forward from the small crowd of Advisers all people Guinevere knew well as she had grown up with them.

"My Queen." The man bowed, turning to bow to Richmond as well, but he eyed Richmond as if he were not trust worthy. "Princess Lucille has been found and is on her way as we speak. As for your home in Talwen, the Princess of Rhoden has taken complete control, we hear most of the Advisers and Lords of the court managed to escape, though some perished in the battle protecting their Queen and King. Her army is small but is armed with some of the most dangerous men known to this world, it is clear Rhoden has Support, dangerous support. At this time we have no chance at winning back the castle or control of the country without loosing the rest of our men, which would leave Padlin vulnerable and easy to attack."

"I trust with time we will be able to come up with some sort of plan?" Guinevere asked her eyebrows raised. "Of course my Queen, but out main concern as of now is keeping you and your Family protected. If you loose reign of both countries, you will be nothing but a threat and immediately executed." Guinevere nodded. "I understand, but as we have a chance, I want out best minds figuring out how we are going to regain control of Talwen." The Man bowed again. "Of course my Queen."


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Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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He couldn't help the feelings he felt as the guard explained what exactly was going on in his home country. He missed it more than he thought he would have, and he longed to gain back his Father's estate, which he was entitled to. As Guinevere commanded the guard, Richmond managed to stand, and nod briefly to the two of them, before disappearing into the hallway, and into the room they had Liam in. "Dada!" He squealed excitedly, and lifted his arms towards the man approaching him.

Richmond smiled as he took the boy in his arms and sat in a stool nearby, bouncing the child on his knee happily.


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Character Portrait: Richmond Raymand Conwyn Character Portrait: Guinevere Harrington
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Guinevere watched Richmond leave her stomach twisting. "Is there something wrong, your Highness?" Guinevere shook her head standing. "No, not at all. Let me know if or when anything changes." Guinevere kindly nodded at them leaving the room, she moved through the hallway, stopping when courtiers said hello, they hadn't seen her in over a year and were glad she was back.

"Are you looking for the King, your Highness?" A young maid asked. "Yes, I am." The maid smiled softly. "He's in the nursery with the Prince. I saw him go in there a while ago." Guinevere thanked the Maid walking towards the nursery, she opened the door, smiling seeing Richmond with Liam.

"Mumma." Liam giggled seeing Guinevere, Guinevere smiled going over kissing the boys head sitting beside Richmond putting her hand on his shoulder kissing his cheek. "Are you alright?" Guinevere asked softly.