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Mycah Youngfire

"This realm is so strange, I think I'm going to like it here."

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a character in “Outcasters: Third Generation”, as played by TheCrimsonLady






Mycah Youngfire

P H Y S I C A L - A G E

A C T U A L - A G E




The Sense of Me||Mud Flow


6' 2 "

200 l b s




Dragon sigil
Tribal Markings


N O R M A L - A T T I R E




Mycah is a sweet hearted, gallant and chivalrous young man, who -oddly- is also a ridiculous flirt. He's charming, and boyish, and gentlemanly. He's never far from a joke, or a smile. He has moments where he can be a bit self conscious, being surrounded by royals in a realm he is unfamiliar with. He tends to worry about overstepping his boundaries. He is loyal and friendly and would go to bat for anyone he calls a friend.

Entertaining others
Making people feel good


Losing Control
Losing Eida
Never being good enough


Self Doubt
Low Self esteem



Mycah was orphaned as a hatchling, and sold into slavery at an early age. He worked hard for the nobles of the Dragon realm, doing many laborious jobs until he reached the age of 10 when he grew into his dragon form. His dragon form had been so fierce and menacing that he was sold to the fighting pits where he was forced to fight for the entertainment of others richer then him.If he wasn't fighting, he was dancing with Fire, and entertaining the noble women It wasn't until he was about 16 when the new Dragon King dismantled the fighting pits, and set the fighters free. Most had families to return to but not Mycah so the Dragon King took him in as his ward. This Dragon King was none other then the Duke of Seelie, Thomas Vincent, who under his reign united the Four Dragon Clans, bringing about a peace in the Dragon Realm.
Asian Dragon Physiology

F A C E - C L A I M || Boo Boo Stewart C R E A T O R || TheCrimsonLadyH E X C O D E || # 8 0 0 0 0 0

So begins...

Mycah Youngfire's Story


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Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Mycah Youngfire
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"I don't know where to start, really,"She started, her gaze falling to her feet. "My uncle, Simon... He would often tell me stories of his life as a teenager, how war almost destroyed his family and... how he watched them dying around him. I guess my worries and my fears have just been eating away at me, with the news of this war to come," she said and Mycah nodded softly. It was a reasonable fear, Lord Thomas seemed to allude to war in his talks with the Queen, over the phone. It wasn't something anyone looked forward to but it seemed to be weighing on Eida the most. He wanted so to pull her into his arms and just hold her, or press a sweet kiss to her lips, let her know that everything will be alright, he'll be at her side, no matter what the outcome, but he couldn't. He couldn't bring himself to, not without permission, but it was killing him. He was of the fire, his passion burned brightly within him so he knew, so he was careful. "I don't want to watch my family fighting against each other, but my parents and my grandmother, they're standing on opposite sides. I'll lose one or the other, eventually." She said and she looked cold by the Four he wanted to pull her into his arms and never let go.
Her eyes find him, her lips twitched as if to form words, like she wanted to ask him something, say something but decided against it. At that moment, she could have asked him for just about anything and he would do it, she just had to say.
She stood up then, huffing with frustration. "I need to get out of this room," she said and offered him her hand, to which he took almost too eagerly. He wanted so to touch her, so any amount would do. He stood, curling his fingers around hers. Her hands were so soft compared to his. His were rough and calloused from his years in the fighting pit, laboring as a slave to the nobles, it made him slightly self conscious. "Take me somewhere, please. Anywhere... I don't want to waste away in here."

He gave her a soft smile and rose her knuckles to his lips, taking in the sweet scent of her. He worried a bit but he'd kissed her knuckles before, so he didn't think she would be oppose to such a thing. His lips lingered for a moment. "Of course, milady," he said and his gaze fell to the floor a moment before looking at her, a somewhat bashful expression touching his eyes as his fingers still held her hand. "Anything you ask." He said, hoping to let her know without being too forward that whatever she wanted from him, all she had to do was ask.

He then thought about where he could take her and a grin spread across his wide, revealing dimples in his cheeks. "My Lady, Have you ridden on the back of a dragon?"


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Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Mycah Youngfire
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#, as written by Kaeru

Eida's breath hitched in her throat as Mycah lifted her knuckles to his lips, and the warm smile he offered at the same time made her heart melt. She found herself returning the smile and stepping just a little closer to him, not just became it came naturally to her in such a situation, but because she felt she had to reassure him that placing a kiss to her knuckles was an appropriate and more than welcome action. "Of course, milady," he said after a moment, and Eida felt her cheeks warming, perhaps more so as he looked away - somewhat flustered or bashful. He was so sweet, her Mycah, and contrary to belief, being called a lady wasn't one of the many formalities she disliked and tried to discourage; it was almost flattering to be considered as such, though she didn't approve of its overuse.

"Anything you ask," he promptly added, causing Eida to tilt her head to one side for only a moment. The subtly hidden message behind his eyes and words alike was rather clear to her in that moment, and the ever so slight surprise that registered upon her features suggested that it was as if something clicked within her. But while she understood that all she had to do was ask, she also knew she was too stubborn and too proud to do such things. She couldn't ask him to hold her, to kiss her. She felt he should learn to take initiative, but he was too concerned with her status. It was a case of whoever meant to break their bad habits first, only then could they progress further in their relationship.

Eida was distracted from her thoughts as she saw a grin slipping across his lips, one of her own brows rose slightly, before her eyes shifted towards his dimples - the ones which worked so effortlessly to charm her - and she felt a smile settling on her own lips. She returned her gaze to his as he began speaking. "My Lady, have you ridden on the back of a dragon?" he asked, and Eida couldn't help but chuckle lightly in response, shifting her weight slightly. "I can't say that I have, unfortunately," she said after a moment, turning her head towards the window and the smile on her lips into a subtle smirk. "Although I have the strangest feeling that you're going to change that fact soon enough," she continued, almost questioning if that was his intention. The prospect of riding on a dragon excited her more than it worried her, especially with regards to Mycah; she knew she would be safe with him, at least. However, suddenly, a thought crossed her mind and she frowned deeply, her eyes finding his. "But Mycah, you can't fly in this realm, someone will see us," Eida explained, sounding a little disappointed. "The mortals... they cannot learn of our existence."


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Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Mycah Youngfire
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"I can't say that I have, unfortunately," Eida said . "Although I have the strangest feeling that you're going to change that fact soon enough," she continued, and Mycah gave her a boyish grin that faded the moment she began to frown "But Mycah, you can't fly in this realm, someone will see us,"She said, disappointment in her tone. "The mortals... they cannot learn of our existence."She told him and Mycah merely smiled, placing a hand atop hers. "I know this, Milady, I do." He told her.

"The Fae have Glamour, We dragons, have camouflage." He said, patting her hand with the one resting on top. "Come, let me show you." He said, and he lead her out of the hotel and into the large and lush backyard garden.

"I will not be able to speak, I've yet learned that skill but I will understand you, " He said, before backing away from her and his body went up in smoke. He was glad he had the foresight to wear some of his Dragon realm garments beneath his mortal realm ones. With that, the smoke swirled into a large mass, like a cloud just before a tornado, before vanishing completely. ImageIn it's place, stood a massive black dragon, it's scales shimmering with red, it's wings curled at it's side. It looked at her, blinking with it's second lids. He wanted to speak to her, tell her not to fear, but he could not, not yet, instead, his voice came in a small grunts, and huffs. He rose his massive head to her, and lowered in a way of a bow. He wanted her to get use to this form. Even among the dragons, he was rough, scary. It was why he was a fighter in the first place, even at a young age he was of the Fire and looked the part. Exceedingly rare for a common dragon, contrary to popular belief. . He didn't want her to fear him, in this form he had many scars, missing scales, and a cracked horn. His mortal form was not so battered, he was often teased for his boyish looks in his mortal form, when his dragon form was so fierce, making him a bit self conscious now. But he wanted to take his lady's mind off of the war to come, even if that meant a little discomfort on his part, that and he wouldn't mind the feeling on her legs around his body, it was likely that that was as close as he was ever going to get, so he'd take it.


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Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Mycah Youngfire
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#, as written by Kaeru

"I know this, Milady, I do," Mycah replied, shortly after placing his hand over hers. She felt herself smiling as he did, though it did not reach her eyes immediately. The addition of a hand on top of her own might have been an empty gesture but Eida was perhaps reading too much into it, and it was frustrating her. "The Fae have Glamour. We dragons, have camouflage," he added, before she felt the aforementioned hand patting hers, her lips pursing in response. "Come, let me show you." Despite her frustration, Eida allowed herself to be led out of the room, though Mycah might not have realised how big of a step it was for her to leave, and she walked a little unsteadily as she made her way through the halls. The fresh air hit her like a brick wall, and she held her breath for only a moment, before being taken out into the garden. She had spent many a day and night wandering around this garden, but it all seemed so unfamiliar to her now. She sighed.

"I will not be able to speak, I've yet learned that skill but I will understand you," Mycah explained as they stopped, and Eida looked at him for a moment before nodding, watching as he stepped away from her to leave sufficient room for his shift. She was at first surprised when he disappeared into smoke, and even more so when that smoke formed a mass, quickly disappearing to reveal Mycah, once again, but in his dragon form. It was not what Eida had been expecting, to say the least. She thought he might be a bit more colourful, and much less fierce, but she found herself pleasantly surprised; he seemed strong, like a warrior. As she thought this, her eyes traced over his every feature, from top to bottom, taking note of the dragon's seemingly battered body. His scars, his missing scales, the cracked horn - none of this mattered to her, because in her mind, he was beautiful. This powerful creature that stood before her, bowing his head, she could look at him forever.

A soft smile found its place on Eida's lips suddenly, and she stepped closer, placing a hand atop his snout and feeling his scales with the tips of her fingers. "So handsome," she whispered, before leaning forward to place a kiss upon his scaled face. She looked him in the eye for only a moment, before moving around and walking beside the entire length of his neck, her hand never leaving him. The impressive amount of muscle she felt as she went turned her smile into a smirk. She looked back at him for a moment as she reached the base of his neck, almost as if asking for permission to climb up, and once he gave her the okay, she proceeded to do so and - a little unsure of herself - seated herself on him. She released a heavy exhale of breath, as if the confidence she had felt only moments ago was lost on her completely. "Okay, I'm ready... I think," she said, her hands finding their place on his neck.


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Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Mycah Youngfire
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Mycah hadn't been prepared for the look of wonderment in Eida's eyes. She wasn't afraid, or confused, she seemed to find beauty in his battered body. Her hand came up, her lips parted with a soft smile, as she brushed her hand over his scales. All he could do was watch her face, memorizing the shape of it, the gleam in her eyes, the softness of her expression. He fell in love with her, that very moment. He was sure of it. "So handsome," she whispered, and Mycah's scaled rippled in respond. He wasn't sure what to do, as she pressed a soft kiss to his giant maw. He was both glad and disappointed that he wasn't in human form. He been wanting her to kiss him for the longest time, his body ached for it, but in that same instance, he was glad his body couldn't respond that way it would have were he in human form. It was then the she brushed her fingers across his neck, his scales shimmering a bit at the touch. He turned his head, as she looked back at him, and he gave a nod, seeming as though she was asking for permission. She then pulled herself up and onto his back, and settled herself. He shifted just a bit so that she was seated comfortably, but he could tell that she was a little unsure of this. He wanted to tell her that he'd take it slow, but he couldn't, so he was just as content with her letting him know when she was ready. "Okay, I'm ready... I think." She said and he wanted to laugh but instead, he just shook his head, and slowly spread his wings. It was a slow ascend, so that she might get used to the feeling slowly, and before he began flapping harder and harder. His scales then shimmered with magic, and for Eida they just shimmered but for the rest of the world and the untrained eye, he would have seemed like a glare from the sun.

He made sure the ride was easy for her, he would bank a few times to get a small shirk out of her, just for fun, but otherwise it was easy. After a while, He spotted a hill, overlooking Parkwood, there was a small patch of forest, that faded onto a cliff end, and that was where he chose to land. He lowered himself on the ground, and allow Eida to climb down. He turned to her, and shifted once again, a wide smile on his face.

"Did you enjoy yourself, Milady?" He asked, as he approached her, a little winded from the flight.


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Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Mycah Youngfire
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#, as written by Kaeru

Eida watched as Mycah shook his giant head, and she smiled down at him. She found that watching even the smallest of his movements was fascination in this form, but his impressive size naturally made her quite nervous, especially as she felt the pressure shifting behind her. She scraned her neck to see that his wings were extending outwards from his body, and she held her breath as she knew it would not be long until they were up in the air. She turned her head around quickly, her body tensing while her hands remained glued to the scales of his neck. His wings began flapping in large, loud movements, albeit rather slowly, and it wasn't long before they were in the air. She watched as the ground moved further and further away from them, before she looked up and her stomach turned. She was used to heights, but nothing like this.

As they began travelling faster, Eida felt the wind whipping through her hair and pinning her clothes to her chest. It had been so long since she had felt so free, after spending an entire week locked away in her room, and it was incredible. She felt the urge to lift her arms up, like people would often do on rollercoasters, but fought the urge simply because she wasn't strapped into a secure cart on a track, she was sitting on the back of a dragon, flying through the air and moving at lord only knows what speed. Looking down, she knew she would not survive such a fall. And it was in the split second that she had this thought that Mycah banked for the first time, causing her to grip tighter onto his body, one hand breaking free only to slap him lightly. She highly doubted that he felt it. Despite her fear, she wore a massive grin, and couldn't help but laugh every time he did it thereafter.

Suddenly they were landing, having apparently reached their destination, and Eida released a huff of disappointment, wishing they could have flown around for longer. She was enjoying herself more than she had in a long time, even before the war. She had never before experienced something so terrifying yet so fun, but Mycah was probably used to this, and the thought made her slightly jealous. Still, she managed to climb down from his neck a moment after he settled on the ground, despite being remarkably dizzy. She stepped away quite a bit, knowing that his dragon form would probably release a large plume of smoke, which it did, to reveal his human glamour. He wore such a large smile which caused one to appear on her own face as she smoothed down her hair and straightened her clothes.

"Did you enjoy yourself, Milady?" he asked, approaching. "It was awesome!" Eida exclaimed, and looked at him for a moment before her urges took over and - without stopping to think about her actions - she closed the distance between them so quickly she didn't even realise what she was doing until her body came into contact with his, her arms moving around his neck in a hug. She remained like this for only a moment, and finally allowed herself to think. She couldn't help herself, her excitement had taken over and she forgot that Mycah was always so considerate of her personal space, she had not afforded him the same kindness and respect. And so, she allowed her arms to fall only a little, her body shifting so that it was around an inch away from his. She didn't want to move too far away, she craved closeness with him. She looked up bashfully, a blush forming on her cheeks. "Thank you, Mycah. I needed that, perhaps more than I ever knew." She paused then as if to find her thoughts, her eyes tracing his boyish features with a soft smile, settling on his lips for only a moment before she met his gaze. She'd barely noticed that all this time, she had kept her hands on his chest, but even as she did, she refused to move them. "I've never felt so free before, so... alive, y'know?"


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"It was awesome!" Eida exclaimed, before she moved to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, practically jumping into his arms. It was the for the briefest moment, that his arms closed around her, allowing him to feel -finally- her body against his. Just as his eyes was about to close, she pulled back, but mercifully, she'd allowed her hands to lingers on his chest. A blush reddening her cheeks. "Thank you, Mycah. I needed that, perhaps more than I ever knew." . He watched her eyes, her eyes scanned his face, making him a bit self conscious, until they fell on his lips. Was that it? Was that the sign he'd been hoping for? Did she want him to kiss her? If only she said the words. "I've never felt so free before, so... alive, y'know?" She told him and he smiled, her excitement contagious. His eyes found her lips, for a moment before rising again to meet her eyes, focusing there. "Yes, I do..." He said, fighting with himself. He felt himself twitch forward, but stopped himself before he moved much. She was a breath away from him, he could just pull her in, taste her lips. He ached for it.

"Lady Eida, " He said, resting his hand on hers. "I--" He couldn't bring himself to say it. She was a Princess. He was...Entertainment. He couldn't possibly be good enough for her. He was here to entertain her, until she said otherwise His other hand rose up, brushed her hair from her face, before -painfully- he took a step back, and looked out at Parkwood, it looks so small from here. "I find it refreshing to get away, some place high, it makes my problems seem so small compared to the vastness of the world." He said, and thought the least he could do was offer a hand. "Look." He said, holding his hand out to her so that he could show her his point of view. He stepped behind her and pointed over her shoulder, he just wanted to be close to her, without truly overstepping and maybe a little tempting on her part. All she had to do was say, and he was hers. "My current home," He pointed, his free hand on her shoulder. He then pointed to the hotel. "Yours, From here, they don't seem that far." He told her. "Mountains makes everything look this way." He said and chuckled. " I suppose, that's the Dragon in me, we're drawn to mountains." He said. "And Gold, it's very distracting." He said and moved from behind her and sat down on on the cliffs end, his feet dangling over the side. "We have an old legend of a dragon, he was so greedy for gold, he got stuck in his mountain." He said and laughed. "Those are the children stories though." He said and leaned back a little, keeping his mind from thoughts of what it would be like to kiss her, touch her, love her the way he'd so ached to do.


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Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Mycah Youngfire
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#, as written by Kaeru

Eida watched as Mycah's eyes shifted downwards, her blush deepening when she realised they were focused on her lips, just as she had focused on his only moments before. He looked away just as quickly as his eyes had found them in the first place, and she maintained eye contact with him even as he spoke. "Yes, I do..." he replied, and had it not been for the ever so slight but still noticeable movement - as if he was going to move forward - she might have replied with 'of course you do'. He was a dragon, after all. He could fly whenever he wanted to, he could be free and powerful and majestic. But he still couldn't kiss her when he wanted to. Eida felt a frown forming on her brows as he spoke again, stuttering and failing to find his words. She inhaled sharply as he lifted a hand to her face, his skin brushing against hers as he pulled some of her hair back. She felt a soft sigh escaping the gap between her lips, her eyes finding his and urging him to continue.

And, just like that, he changed the subject. Her mood had been dampened by this, as if - in some ways - she had been rejected. Was this how he felt? This situation was deeply frustrating, and it showed on her expression, despite the fact that she still listened intently to his words. "I find it refreshing to get away, some place high, it makes my problems seem so small compared to the vastness of the world," he said, and Eida nodded, looking down at his hand as it moved towards hers; she let him take it, but put very little effort into holding his hand. "Look," he began again, moving so that he was behind her. She turned her head only slightly as he went, before focusing ahead. She didn't know how to react when she felt his hand on her shoulder, so she didn't react at all. These small touches meant nothing, or he wouldn't have been making the attempt - that was her logic, at least.

"My current home," Mycah said, pointing ahead to show her the location of his home. She found it difficult not to be distracted by his arm, she just wanted to take hold of it and wrap it around herself, turn into his body... "Yours. From here, they don't seem that far," he continued, and Eida's eyes found the hotel in response, sighing at the mere sight of it. She would have to go back soon enough, she knew. She would have to leave this mountain, this beautiful place, and wander aimlessly into her room. The thought scared her more than anything else, and she felt tears glossing her eyes though she would never let them fall. Mycah was talking, she realised, and she just about managed to catch the end of his sentence. "...stuck in his mountain." He laughed to accompany his words and Eida offered a tight smile, and she turned her head so that he would not see her face if he turned around. "Those are the children stories, though," he added.

Eida wrapped her arms around her stomach, her eyes shifting around the town, then to the forests. She could live in those woods forever, she thought. It was so peaceful, being surrounded by all those trees. Perhaps it was the fae in her, or perhaps it was simply because her entire family was chaotic, loud, and destructive. She was thankful Mycah could take her away, but she wanted a true distraction. Standing atop a cliff was a new experience, and it was beautiful up here; the view, the fresh air... the company. She looked over at Mycah, and thought for a moment. All she had to do was ask, he had suggested as much, but as she always thought, why should I have to tell him? She'd never been in a relationship like this, but neither had Mycah, she had to understand that. His gentlemanliness was endearing, truly, but so much more infuriating. She didn't know if she should swallow her pride and throw her opinions away, just for his touch, his kiss. "The stories we were read as children differ greatly," she murmured, unsure if he heard her or not and - in truth - she didn't entirely care.

She didn't know when they would get to be alone again, if ever. Something horrible could happen, someone could be killed. There was a war coming, and Eida was the crowned princess of the Demon Realm. She fully expected herself to become a target, and up here, with Mycah, no one could hurt her. But all it would take down there was a patient opportunist and a single blade. The thought made her swallow, and she shook her head. I can't think that way, or I'll be stuck up here forever, she thought, before walking over to where Mycah was sat. She leaned over a little, looking straight down the cliff's edge for a moment, before she shifted and allowed herself to sit shoulder-to-shoulder with him. She began fiddling with the ripped in her jeans, much like she would always do when she didn't know what to say or how to act. She was locked in an inner battle with herself, torn between her nature and her desires.

"I don't want to go back," she admitted, her eyes finding the hotel once again. "There's nothing for me in that place... with those people. I wish I could just leave it all behind, and stay up here forever." She almost added 'with you' but promptly decided against it, figuring that they were both just frustrating each other with their feelings and sly little hints at romance, with what they wished they could do to each other in ardour. Eida was tired, she couldn't deal with it anymore; she was seriously considering giving up. If Mycah didn't mean as much to her as he did, she would have. By this point she might've placed a hand on his hand or leg, or she might've leaned into him and rested her head on his shoulder, but as it was she just remained in her place. However, while she had dropped her willingness to make the first move with regards to direct contact, she figured she could at least talk to him confidently and without worrying about what it might mean to be so forward. If she lost him for it then it was never meant to be, if he reacted well then their relationship would be better for it. It was a massive risk, but one she felt she didn't have the time not to take.

"Mycah, I'll be honest with you because I know I can," she started, turning to look him in the eyes. "I want more from this... whatever this is. I know you believe you're only courting me and because of my title you think you need to take great care with not overstepping boundaries, but I don't have any boundaries for you to overstep." This felt strange to say out loud, and she wondered briefly if it made her sound a little... slutty, for want of a better term, but then again she could not deny the truth. She was fae, she wanted affection and she was a lustful creature despite her youthful naivety. "If this is going to work out, and I really hope it does because I'm seriously crazy about you, I need you not to be so scared about offending me. I'll tell you if I don't want to be touched, but I don't want to have to ask you to kiss me and hold me. I want you to know when I want to be kissed and held. It's awkward for me to say, 'you can kiss me now'. And it takes away from the moment," she continued, turning her head away from him as she felt she was ranting and didn't want to seem like she was yelling; she controlled the volume and tone of her voice so that it was soft and everything she said sounded more like a helpful suggestion than a command. She didn't want him to think she was scolding him, though since she knew her title was a very important factor in how he chose to act towards her. It wasn't her intention to intimidate him into being more open in their relationship, it was unhealthy as it was unfair, and she would have only been abusing her power.

Releasing an exasperated sigh, Eida placed her chin in her hands and her elbows on her knees. "I really like you Mycah... If this is going to become something, it needs to feel genuine and real. I'll understand if you don't feel the same way, but I just... I want to be loved, not courted."


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"I don't want to go back," Eida admitted, and Mycah looked up at her, following her gaze. It lingered on her home, the very place she'd trapped herself, before she'd called on him to take her away. "There's nothing for me in that place... with those people. I wish I could just leave it all behind, and stay up here forever." She said and he blinked. It was all he could do but sit there, clutching the grass beneath him to keep him from taking her into his arms. She then took a seat beside him, he could feel the warmth of her on his bare shoulders.

"Mycah, I'll be honest with you because I know I can," She began and he turned only his head, afraid of what he might do if he moved anymore. "I want more from this... whatever this is. I know you believe you're only courting me and because of my title you think you need to take great care with not overstepping boundaries, but I don't have any boundaries for you to overstep." She said and his brows twitched upward. Had he read all of those signs right? Had he ignored them, frustrating her as well as himself? No, that wasn't it. He knew how she felt, he was holding himself back, he knew that at any moment he could take her, press her against the nearest surface and dancing his fingers across her body. He wanted her to say, he wanted to know that she thought him worthy because, honestly, he didn't. She was a princess, and surely, he'd been at the mercy of many a noblewoman, it was only to entertain them, pleasure them, it was not because they thought him worthy, it was because they thought him, entertaining. He'd tried once, to make the first move, and it had not ended well, for him, t'was how he got the broken horn. He wanted to it right, he wanted her to say, he wanted to be sure that this was actually what she wanted and by the Four, it was. His beautiful faery princess, wanted him nearly as much as he wanted her. "If this is going to work out, and I really hope it does because I'm seriously crazy about you, I need you not to be so scared about offending me. I'll tell you if I don't want to be touched, but I don't want to have to ask you to kiss me and hold me. I want you to know when I want to be kissed and held. It's awkward for me to say, 'you can kiss me now'. And it takes away from the moment," She said, turning away from him, stopping her speech, fiddling with the rips in her pants. He was about to speak, tell her how badly he wanted her, how he could dream of nothing more then the taste of her lips, but she sighed heavily, and like the gentlemen he was, he stayed quiet so that she might finish. She rose her hands to her chin, resting on her knees, "I really like you Mycah... If this is going to become something, it needs to feel genuine and real. I'll understand if you don't feel the same way, but I just... I want to be loved, not courted."

He'd not been prepared for that last part and despite himself, he laughed.

"My Lady Eida," He said, his brow high on his head. "It is all that I want." He told her, turning to her fully, He didn't reach for her, she'd closed herself from him for the moment. "From the moment, I met you, I wanted nothing more then to taste your lips, hold you in my arms and never let you go." He said, passion raising his voice. "Forgive me, if I...frustrated you, I just wanted to be sure, that this was something you wanted." He said, and looked away. his long dark hair covering his face on her side. "I pride myself on being careful, respectful toward women, and while many a noblewomen wanted my company for various reasons, I only but once, attempted to...initiate matters...I'd misread the situation and it did not end well, I was not worthy of the noble girl I'd thought to pursue, though she once pursued me" He stopped and swallowed. He remembered the feeling of disappointment in his chest, when the woman who'd once wanted his company, slammed her hand across his cheek.

"From then on, I made sure never to move first, I was afraid that you may not want me the same way, not without your words, you're Fae, A Seelie Fae, a Day Faery, if you could just say, then I knew it would be true, so I waited, and Thank the Four you spoke, I knew not what I would do." He said with a light chuckled. "I wanted to know if you thought I was worthy of your love...." He said, and looked at her. "My beautiful Day Girl, I thought courting you was the best way to avoid all of that, because, believe me, I can not go a night, a moment, without thinking of you, without wondering what pleasures would be to hold you in my arms...You kissed me in my Dragon form, I thought my heart might explode." He said chuckling, before getting to his feet, and bowing at her side, offering a hand. He wouldn't bed her yet, he wanted that to be special, from start to finish, and this -for all intent and purposed- would be random, out of passion, which was fine, but she was too important to him to rush. "My Lady Eida, I would like very much to kiss you now." He told her, adding his most dashing smile, dimples and all.


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Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Mycah Youngfire
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#, as written by Kaeru

Eida was somewhat surprised, at first, that Mycah suddenly released a laugh, causing her to look at him with a sideways glance, not allowing her chin to leave her palms. At first she felt a little embarrassed, having just confessed her feelings and being laughed at for it, though she knew Mycah; it was not sardonic in the slightest. Still, even with that thought in mind, her cheeks turned a rosy red, and she looked away from him.

"My Lady Eida, it is all that I want," Mycah began, before shifting his weight and turning towards her. "From the moment I met you, I wanted nothing more than to taste your lips, hold you in my arms and never let you go," he continued, and Eida was blushing even more deeply, for an entirely different reason this time. "Forgive me, if I... frustrated you, I just wanted to be sure that this was something you wanted." Eida understood this, and nodded to indicate as much, her eyes shifting as far as they would to see that he was no longer looking at her, causing her to lift her heard from her hands, her back straightening some. "I pride myself on being careful, respectful toward women, and while many noblewomen wanted my company for various reasons, I only but once attempted to... initiate matters... I'd misread the situation and it did not end well, I was not worthy of the noble girl I'd thought to pursue, though she once pursued me." As he spoke, Eida felt sympathy for the young dragon, and with the revalation of the root of his behaviour, there came an overwhelming desire to comfort and reassure him. But in there was also a sense of jealousy at the thought that he'd shared many partners and had once loved and cared for another woman.

"From then on, I made sure never to move first, I was afraid that you may not want me the same way, not without your words. You're Fae, a Seelie Fae, a Day Faery, if you could just say, then I knew it would be true, so I waited, and Thank the Four you spoke, I knew not what I would do." She smiled along with his chuckle, but it was faint. "I wanted to know if you thought I was worthy of your love... My beautiful Day Girl, I thought courting you was the best way to avoid all of that, because, believe me, I can not go a night, a moment, without thinking of you, without wondering what pleasures would be to hold you in my arms... You kissed me in my dragon form, I thought my heart might explode." Eida had to work to recall the memory, mainly because it didn't seem all that relevant to her at the time. She kissed him atop the head to show that she wasn't scared of him, that she could look past the scars and wounds and see the beauty of his dragon form. She hadn't known it made him feel such ways, and the thought made her smile softly.

In her train of thought, she almost hadn't noticed him standing up suddenly, her head tilted upwards to look at him as he leaned forward in a bow. He extended a hand outward to her and she looked at it for a moment, before gently slipping her hand into his and using it to help lift herself up from the ground. "My Lady Eida, I would very much like to kiss you now," he said, and the smile that accompanied his words could have knocked the breath straight out of her, as well as the thought that she would finally get to kiss him, to feel his lips on hers and his arms around her, shielding her from the world. While she could think of a fair few things she might've said to him in that moment, she couldn't bring herself to get any of them out, so she merely nodded, mostly out of habit that she thought she had to confirm it before he would actually do it. She felt herself stepping forward, meeting the wamrth of his body with her own, her hands - including the one that had been resting in his - were now positioned on his chest with the lightest touch.

She felt nervous suddenly, as if she hadn't been waiting for this moment for an entire week. This would quite clearly not be her first kiss, but it would the most meaningful, the most long-awaited. Mycah was something else entirely compared to others, and nervousness at the thought of being with someone was a foreign concept for Eida. She wasn't one for maintaining relationships, but she wanted one with Mycah as she did with no one else. The thought made her wonder - only briefly - if she loved him yet.

As Mycah leaned down to kiss her, Eida felt herself shifting her weight and pushing herself upwards to meet him, her eyes closing just before their lips met. It was as if she instantly melted into him, her hands moving up his chest and her arms slipped around his neck, pulling him to her and holding him in place. She wasn't going to let this end any time soon, and it was well worth the wait.


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It felt like an eternity as she gazed at him, her hands on his chest. Surely she could feel his heart racing. She came to him, closer, and he leaned forward, and she leaned upward, and their lips met. At first, the kiss was like a question, soft, feather like, but as her hands moved up his chest, sliding around her arms around his neck, it was no longer a question, passion rose in his chest, and he pulled her closer, his hand slipping around to the back of her hand, his other moving to her lower back, practically lifting her into him. Her lips were sweet against his, just as he'd imagined they would be. His lovely Day girl, she felt like the morning sun, her kiss was like liquid fire. He was of the Fire, but he had to hold himself, back, even though her kiss was intoxicating, like the Faery she was, it was all he could do just to kiss her, as the hand on the small of her back, fought the urge to slid under, and caress the skin he knew would be soft. He tilted his head, pressing for a deep kiss, both of his hands slid to her hips, though the one at the back of her head, took it's sweet time getting there. He loved her too much to rush things, but he wanted very much to lay her down in the soft grass, and explore every inch of her, instead he settled with moving his lips down her jaw, to her neck, and collarbone, and lingering between the two, with each breath taking in the taste of her, the smell of her and committing it to memory. As much as he didn't want to rush, he did know that she was right to worry, there was a war coming, who knows when and if they'd get another chance at this.

His lips still against her neck, he stopped his kiss. "My Day Girl, If you'll have me...I'd like very much to...." He let his hands finish his sentence by curling his fingers into her shirt and slipping beneath, his fingers tantalizing the skin beneath, all the while, his lips went back to their original mission.


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Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Mycah Youngfire
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#, as written by Kaeru

Eida could feel Mycah's arms suddenly slipping around her as they both became more comfortable in each other's embrace, one hand on the back of her head whilst the other positioned itself against the small of her back, holding her in place as if he thought she might blow away in the wind. It felt nice to be held in such ways, and aside from the pleasure of feeling his firm hands pressed to her body, she also felt secure - for the first time in a good while. Eida relaxed into him and felt the slightest urge to smile against his lips, up to the point where he tilted his head and pressed for a deeper kiss, causing a strong heat to settle on her cheeks. She had been waiting so long for this moment, she didn't know yet if she'd be strong enough to stop her fae nature if this kiss would continue for much longer, and with that thought came the sensation of Mycah's hand moving almost painfully slowly from the back of her head, down her back and finally placing itself on her hip, joining the other. Meanwhile, she shifted one of her arms down so that her hand was placed against his chest, this time with enough pressure that she could feel the impressive muscle beneath the fabric of his tunic. What she wouldn't give to feel his skin beneath her palms.

All of a sudden, Eida felt Mycah's lips leave hers and with a frustrated sound, she opened her eyes, only to close them almost immediately as she felt them return to her skin, trailing against her jaw and workings their way down to the space between her neck and collarbone. And for the first time, she released a gentle sigh, the arm that was still around his neck shifting only a little so that her fingers could work through his long hair, taking enough of a hold that she could force his head in place, unwilling to let him stop. Though he pulled away again and Eida could have slapped him for it, had he not spoken so sweetly to her. "My Day Girl, if you'll have me... I'd very much like to..." he began, but didn't finish the sentence, which might have frustrated her if his hand hadn't suddenly made contact with the skin of her lower back and his lips found their place on her neck once again.

She knew she shouldn't let this continue, that it was foolish to rush things with the first person she'd cared about to this extent. But she couldn't stop, it was impossible by this point, and with the acknowledgement of this also came an old thought; they might not get the chance to be alone in this way again. It could have been that as soon as they set foot on the ground once more, something terrible might happen to either of them, and Eida would regret nothing more than not taking advantage of this opportunity. The location was beautiful, and her company even more so. This was, in her mind, perfect - and Mycah wanted the same things she did. She saw no reason why it could not be, and so she made the decision in that moment to let it proceed, if not to prompt it along. Her fae nature had been begging her to let it take over and she would finally allow it, a small smirk slipping across her lips.

The hand that had been resting upon his cheek was now moving to his chin, forcing his head up as she found his lips again, taking hold of the lower one between her teeth and tugging gently on it. Meanwhile, her hands shifted downwards, working on the buckles of his tunic, of which there were three for her to get through before she could reveal the athletic form beneath. She wondered briefly if she should just rip it open, she wanted to, but she liked this tunic - it looked good on him. And any time he wore it thereafter would only remind her of this day. She looked up at him with a challenging stare and a subtle smirk toying with her lips as her hands found his bare skin. Her hands moved from his abdomen, trailing a path up his torso until she reached his shoulders, slipping the tunic off in the process. She leaned into him again, shifting her head so that she could place a series of soft kisses down his jaw, her fingers exploring every inch of his torso, before one hand began shifting towards his slacks, smirking against his jaw as she kissed him.


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Mycah hadn't been prepared for Eida's directness, though he never known her not to be. It excited him, the way she took his lip with her teeth. A small chuckle broke from his parted lips as her hands moved down his chest. He allowed himself to watch her while she was distracted, her fingers finding each one of his buckles on his tunic and freeing them. Her fingertips dancing over the planes of his chest, and torso. Her eyes found his, defiance and mischief behind the clear blue orbs, and a smirk to match. He smiled in return, unable to do anything else. She wanted control, and she would have it....for the moment anyway. Her hands moved up his chest, and over his shoulder, tugging his tunic from his body. He watched as she tossed it anyway, fire burning in his chest at the way he'd soon get to pleasure her body. She moved to him, leaning in to press kisses to his jaw and his skin tingled with delight, all the while her hands moved downward, stopping at his slacks. Mycah decided it was her turn, and seized her hands, not hard, but quick enough to give a little start, a devilish grin graced his features, as his hands pulled her too him, one moving to brush a stray hair from her face, following the hair to her shoulder, her side all the way to her hips, and teasingly under the swell of her lower back and he lifted her up and ,clean off her feet, Her backside resting on his forearm, while his other hand grabbed his tunic, before walking them away from the cliff's edge and over toward the forest, where the grass would be soft. He then lay her down, her dark hair spilling into the soft green grass, before he hovered over her, his eyes watching hers, before he kissed her once more, his hands moving down to free her from her clothes.

Later that Evening....

Mycah lay with Eida on his chest, his fingers dancing in her hair, while he looked up at the stars, his head resting on his other arm, he was back in his slacks but his chest was still bare, she seemed to prefer him that way. He had her body covered with his tunic, though she lay otherwise naked, it kept her modest should someone Sighted see them.

A part of him knew that it was that she was Fae why her love had been so passionate, so much better than he'd experienced but a bigger part knew that it had been because she'd wanted him as much as he'd wanted her. He wasn't just entertainment, a way to pass the time, every touch he felt how much she cared, and he hoped to the Four that he'd done the same, matching her passion with his own.

He looked down at her, curled up against him, wrapped in his tunic and wondering if he should say it. The words that were in his heart, the words that fueled his every kiss, touch, caress, even the small nips of his teeth to her skin.

He wouldn't say them, not yet, he knew, but still, he wanted to be sure that she felt the same. He didn't want to frighten her off after just receiving her the way she'd allowed. He was of the fire, he felt all of his emotion strongly. He just allow himself to enjoy the silent bliss, that was just being with her.


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Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Mycah Youngfire
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#, as written by Kaeru

Eida had lain beside Mycah for a good while before either of them even considered moving. She felt herself enjoying the peace, most notably the silence. She hadn't experienced anything like this in a long time, so she was at first very grateful for it. And it was, of course, Mycah's suggestion that they travel to the Dragon Realm for a visit; he seemed excited to be able to share that part of himself with her, she noticed, and she was happy that he felt he could do so, though she could have stayed on that mountain for an eternity longer.

As she stepped through the portal back into the human realm, and the negative energies hit her like a ton of bricks, her expression dropped to one of utter dismay. She shivered against the cold air and wrapped her arms around herself as a result. "I could have stayed in there forever..." she murmured, finally allowing herself to turn to him. She looked up at him with sad eyes and an even sadder smile. "Next time we go, we have to stay longer... Like a realy, really long - preferably permanent - vacation." Eida turned on her heel slowly and began walking towards the hotel, before a warm hand took a hold on hers and turned her again, pulling her close. "Every day with you, is a vacation," Mycah told her, clearly using his natural charms and flattery to attempt to make her feel better about herself. She blushed as she came into contact with him but she couldn't bring herself to genuinely smile, and she tried to hide this by leaning up and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "You're sweet to say such things, my Mycah," she replied, "but being here... I hate it. I just want to be somewhere else. Anywhere else."

There was a long pause before Mycah sighed. "Let us go and see what is happening, and if..." Another hesitation. "If your family allows, I will take you back, you could live in the palace with myself... And Lord Thomas," he finally piped up, as if he was unsure of himself or worried that by saying such things he would perhaps be giving her false hope - because there was a chance it could not be. And she understood that, he had no real right to extent invitations to anyone and everyone he pleased. He had his limits, being a Ward. Eida nodded, though she decided that she would be mindful of this. She reached up and brushed her fingers against his jaw. "I'd appreciate that, truly, but don't worry if it cannot be... With any luck we will figure something out," she explained, before shifting her gaze to the hotel for a moment, sighing. "There's so much negative energy surrounding it tonight... I think something's wrong here," she mumbled, looking up at him with a concerned frown, matching Mycah's own. "I sense it too, Day Girl," he replied, before taking a few steps towards the hotel. "Stay here, I'll see what's going on," he told her, before giving her a quick kiss and moving swiftly towards the hotel to investigate. She watched him until he disappeared inside, before huffing out a cold breath and wrapping her arms around her stomach.

It was then that she felt it; pressure shifting behind her. She barely had time enough to turn and see what was happening, before four or five sets of small, dark hands gripped onto her clothing, pulling her back with such an immense force. Panic setting throughout her entire body, she just about managed to let out a horrified yell before she disappeared through the portal. Hopefully someone, anyone, would have heard her - else they might think nothing of her absence.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Mycah Youngfire Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Bertoldo Ettore
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The Next Morning

Erieda sat with Sunday curled up on her lap, having cried herself to sleep, while Erieda could do nothing but sit there and stroke her hair. She couldn't blame the girl, Erieda wanted to scream, cry, fuss and fight, there was nothing she could do but the one thing she'd been having the hardest doing; Trusting Alexander.

It was as if the Gods were testing her, putting her in a position where she needed to trust him, trust that this was not a ploy, not a trick, he would come back with Alexis, and un-corrupted himself.

The thought alone was enough to have her mind spinning.
She looked down at the small girl on her lap, curled up like a kitten her head resting no her thigh, her face still a bit red from crying, and wondered how she was going to take the news of Alec. Surely she wouldn't be pleased but what she be just as a fool as she had been for Alex? Knowing he was no good for her, but loving him anyway but then if Alexander could change, so could Alec?

But what if he didn't? He was gone so long, what if that's what he wanted, what if he set this up? What if, all of this was just a ploy to break from Alec's control and take the Remei over himself? Then what? She would have played right into his hands. If only she could have gone herself, then perhaps this wouldn't be so hard. She could see it.

Just then there was a somewhat frantic knock at door, it was so loud that it startled the sleeping Sunday. "Grandmother?" Sunday mewed. "Shh, Rest, child," E rieda said before standing up and making her way to the door

She got there just as the door was banged on again so she flung it opened to find a frantic and wide eyed Mycah.

"Mycah?" The boy was panicked, his sharp eyes wide with fear and anger, his entire aura burning so hot she had to step back from him, as if she might catch fire. His's breathing was quickly and smelled of accelerant. He was a fire dragon after all.

"She's gone!" The boy shouted. "One moment she was there, the next she was just....gone....I heard her call out, but I only had time to turn." He told her, taking her arms. "They took her, I saw them...demon hands on my day girl." Mycah's hands were buring, and Erieda had to swallow back her fear. She was a Dryad, Fire was just as bad as Iron.

She shrugged him off and he dropped his hands, seeming to pull himself together enough to realize he was touching the Queen of All Fae.

"I'm sorry, I-"

"It is alright, Mycah, you speak Eida, yes?" Ereida shook it off, though her skin was slightly red, but it faded quickly.

"Yes, You're Grace,"

"Alexis is missing too, taken as well,"

"There were no demon hands on Alexis, Grandmother." Sunday's small voice called out from behind them, peeking from behind the wall the connected the foyer to the common area where she'd been sleeping.

Erieda clicked her teeth. "What is happening, Grandmother, I'm scared." Sunday whimpered and Erieda honestly, didn't know what to tell her. "Your Grandfather assures me that he will bring her home, Sunday." She said, and then turned to Mycah who seemed to be looking for the same answer. With Eida gone, her worst fears have come to pass but this struck her as odd. If Eida had the same abilities as Alec, it hadn't shown, moreover, he would have just taken her the same way he took Alexis, so there was no need for demons...This had Victoria written all over it. Alexander said she had a habit of going of script. This might just be her doing. Nevertheless, she was bound by her words, she simply could not go, even if she tried to, she would be blocked.
"Mycah, you are a figher yes?""

"Aye, You're Grace."

"You can find Eida, then."

"I can't create portals such as yourself, You're Grace, I'm just over a hatchling." He told her and Erieda sighed. "I know, but, you're love for Eida burns brightly, I can see it, and I feel it, You can fight them."

"I can open a portal for him, Grandmother....You said demon hands took her...Where they grey?" Sunday said and Erieda's eyes went wide, Sunday must have come to the same conclusion but took it a bit further.

"Aye, they were, Sweetling." He told Sunday and Sunday sobbed. "Oh no.....Not her...They have her." Sunday began to bawl, covering her face, which didn't help Mycah at all. He moved to Sunday and knelled so that she might look at him but she didn't. "Who has her, Sweetling, who?" He asked and Erieda moved to Sunday, holding her to her chest. "Incubi, Mycah...."

Mycah looked as if he'd be sick, the way his olive skin blanched as he stood. "You have to hurry, Mycah." Sunday sobbed, and outstretched her hands. "Before they hurt her like they hurt me...." She sobbed, tears streaming down her face, but determination in her eyes as a small swirling portal opened up, just on the left of them and Mycah nodded.

"On my honor, I will bring her back, and I will make them pay, for her and you, Sweet Sunday." He told her, with a nod to Erieda, he jumped through the portal and it closed behind him.

Erieda never felt so helpless before in her life. Sunday was weeping in her arms yet again and there was nothing Erieda could do about anything.

"Shh, Sunday, Mycah will bring her back, this I trust." She said but Sunday still sobbed no doubt the memory of the Incubi still fresh in her mind.

It was then there was another frantic knock on her door. What, in the name of the goddess is it now?! she wondered exasperatedly.

"The door's open." She called out, still trying to shush the sobbing Sunday, when an all too familiar presence entered the hotel.

"Oh no, Not now...."She muttered, if he heard it or not, she couldn't say but she didn't have time for this now.

"Bertoldo, what are you doing here?" She said, knowing she looked completely exhausted.


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Mycah landed in full dragon form in the demon realm. The large beast of a demon roared, just in case his love was close enough to hear. He knew he had to hurry, the sweetling Sunday told him who had her, and what they would do if given the opportunity so he took to the skies.

The demonic air was foul but that only made it easier to catch Eida's sweet faery scent. His large wings flapped loudly as he sped through the air, tracking her scent was like being led by a will 'o the wisp until. he spotted where it was lingered. He was about to dive when suddenly he was taking fire, arrows firing up at him. He roared, as one lodge between his scales. He took a deep breath, mixing sulfur and brimstone, natural to him in this form and with a click of his teeth, the mixture ignited. Fire rained down at the demons, they all hissed and roared, as they burned, and he just kept on flying until he found the tower were Eida's scent was.

He landed at the top of the tower and took mortal form. His arm was bleeding but he was otherwise alright. He took a deep breath, steadying his breathing as he knew he had to get to the lower floors, and he was at least 70 stories up. He heard the demons coming, so he rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck, before darting forward with a wild roar.

Three Days Later

He finally made it to the last floor, the demons hoards just kept coming, and he kept fighting, but even for all his rage, and worry, He knew he could only last so long. Breathing hard, sweaty and covered in bite marks, knife wounds and at least one broken rib, Mycah would allow himself to stop, not until he found her.
It was taking too long, three days it's been since he started this, fighting demons for three days straight, no rest, nonstop fighting. He managed to eat, but that was in his dragon form and his dinner had been demonic flesh.

He turned down the last corridor, forty something demons stood between him and his Day girl. He was so close he could almost feel her.

With that in mind, he found his second wind, and they all eyed him. He rose his hands, clenching his fists into his stance, and scanned the room.

Four of them rushed him at once. One came at him, his elbows flying at his head, but Mycah dodged each blow, ducking once, and threw a fist into its chest, and throat, shattering the bone and in that same moment, he ducked a coming fist from another one, he came up, blocked the fist, and sent his knee into its chest, while another reached out, with a blade. Mycah dodged, snatched it's arm, twisting it violently the other direction, freeing the blade from its grip, the creature roared, falling to a knee, Mycah took this chance to grab ahold of its head and snap it's neck.

That same moment, a demon came from behind him, sending a fist into his jaw, Mycah fell into the wall beside him, seeing stars for a moment, but shook it off, and finding the blade he'd freed from the other demon, and came up, two fisted, and slammed it into the demon's neck.

The demons, all looked worried, but that came rushing at him all at once, not giving him a moment to breathe.

At one point, a demon came at him, and while he dodged one blow, its elbow struck true,, but Mycah recovered quickly, reaching out and grabbing an arm, twisting it around its back, dislocating the joint, before turning himself around, and sending his found blade into its chest twice before sending kicking it so hard in the chest, it dropped dead at his feet. Another demon whipped out a long tongue and it wrapped around his neck, squeezing tight but Mycah grabbed the thing, yanked it toward him, and sliced the tongue off at the mouth.

After about an hour of that, Mycah was wheezing, bleeding from all sorts of cuts, bruised beyond belief, covered in a mix of red and black blood, but there was two more left.

Two demons stood between him and that door and whatever horror he was sure lay within.

Mycah urged the demons on, his black hair hanging down in front of his face, slick with sweat.

The one demon sneered, as if it knew Mycah was on his last leg so it darted forward, and swung, but Mycah took his by surprise, blocking his fist, with lightning speed, and twisting its arm, and sending a short fist into its joint, the demon came in with the other hand but Mycah did the same, send his fists in to its body, satisfied with the sound of breaking bone, then spun it around, to send a knee into its back, and knowing it was over the moment his knee went straight through to the front.

The other demon who'd seemed to be waiting for the other to finish Mycah off, snuck up from behind, grabbing him by the face, in hopes of breaking his neck, but Mycah, leaned back, drew up his legs, and used the weight, to flip the demon over and slam it hard into the ground, Mycah wasted no time as he slid on his knees, grabbing the stunned demon and sending its head into the ground over and over until there was nothing but demonic grey matter where it's head use to be.

Mycah roared out his victory, having killing an army of demons on his own, fire burning in his blood, he went to the door, and kicked it so hard the wood splintered.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" He roared, inhumanly but was struck by the sight before him. It was enough to stop him in his tracks.

He looked at her, her clothes torn to shred, her body bare for him to see, sitting on the bed. He knew what happened, or atleast he thought he knew because he couldn't explain what was happening.

Surely he was just exhausted, blood lost, and he was almost certain he'd been poisoned, so maybe he just saw it wrong because she was petting the creatures, as they were curled up on her lap, like a loving pet.



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Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Mycah Youngfire
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#, as written by Kaeru

For three days, Eida had been trapped in that room with the Incubi. She counted the first two as they passed, praying and pleading that someone would come for her eventually, that they would take notice of her absence, but she had since lost hope in such thoughts. On the first night she screamed and protested, tried to fight them off with all her strength but they were too much for her. On the second night she gave up on protesting, seeing it as a futile effort; she'd been reduced to little more than a limp body for them to throw around, as if she'd been pushed to her limits. But by the third night, she was ready for them when the time came for them to resume their activities, like something had clicked within her mind, changing her - for better or for worse, such was unclear. By the end of the third night, the tides had turned, and the Incubi were instead at her mercy. Whatever Victoria's plans for her had been, they worked for the most part. Eida's power had been unleashed, but so had something else; something much darker within her own mind.

Eida sat upright against the backboard of the bed, her eyes trained on the door with sounds of an altercation happening right outside. She wore a very slight smirk as an Incubi had draped itself over her lap, she had a hand placed on its head, brushing her fingers along its leathery grey skin as if she were petting it. This was her creature now. She felt smug, perhaps, that she'd managed to tame Victoria's beasts, though they were no longer such. The others were strewn about the room, but most were close to her and she didn't mind too much. They were cold, emotionless beings but they'd been fun... on the last night, at least.

The door suddenly swung open, and Eida tilted her head to one side as her eyes settled on Mycah, roaring and covered in blood - both his own and that of a demon. She ran her tongue along her lower lip, watching him carefully as the Incubi in the room shifted and hissed with the presence of another male. "Eida?" he questioned, and this elicited a very quiet chuckle from the girl, she placed her hand on the Incubi's shoulder and guided him aside so that she could move off the bed, her eyes never leaving Mycah. There was nothing in the room for her to cover herself with, aside from the bed sheets which were covered in blood and... other things. Not an option. And so she walked up to him, completely bare, and placed her hands on his chest, smiling with fake innocence. "Yes, Mycah," she told him, her voice barely stronger than a whisper. He felt weak against her palms, and she knew whatever adrenaline had been keeping him standing was faltering. "You came for me but you're weak, you should rest for a while," she continued, "come, I'll heal you."

Sliding her hands across his shoulders and down the lengths of his arms, she took his hand and guided him towards the bed, where she pushed him down onto it from the end and also climbed onto it, sitting between his legs while her hands hovered over his abdomen. This was surprisingly easier now, with her sudden boost in power, and before she could even focus on pouring healing energies into him, her hands glowed a deep green and her blue eyes shifted into a similar colour. This wouldn't heal his wounds completely, he still needed time for that, but hopefully it would give him the energy to get her out of this place, however he could. And just like that, the glow around her hands dulled before disappearing completely, and she opened her eyes, looking down at him with a smile and a tilted head, before she leaned down and hovered over him, a hand either side of his head. "Feeling better, love?" she asked, almost sweetly, while the Incubi continued to hiss and circle the bed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Mycah Youngfire
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Mycah watched as Eida climbed off the bed, not caring that she was naked before him and pressed her hand against his chest. She smiled eerily. "Yes, Mycah,." She whispered, and her touch made him even more weak. He knew of the Fae and their ways, and while Eida always had that allure, it was stronger then he was prepared for. "You came fore me, but you're weak, you should rest for a while," She told him. "Come, I'll heal you."

Her hands moved to his shoulders, and down his arms, and there was not he could do to stop it, completely at her mercy. If he wasn't so weak, and so concerned, he would have put her on the bed himself, and honestly, he thought of it still but while his body was weak, his mind was still strong. He knew that this was not his Day Girl, she wore her face but this was dark. After what she surely been through, he didn't blame her.

She lead him to the bed, the bed where he knew she'd been taken from him, and shoved him onto it, before crawling up and over his body in a way that even in his weaken state made his body react positively. He wouldn't touch her, but by the Four he wanted to. Her hands on his abdomen made him swallow hard. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came of it but a carnal grunt. Soon, his desire was replaced by blissful energy, enough to make him sigh in relief, and his eyes rolled back into his head as his energy returned to him, his body burned hot, the black and red blood evaporating against his skin. When she finished, he opened his eyes to see her looking down at him, smiling cheerfully. Her hands on other side of his head, fingers entangling in his dark lock, as they were splayed out like a spider's web. "Feeling better, love." She asked, and Mycah was losing the fight with himself, looking at her, bright blue eyes, filled with want, and need. His hands came up, sliding up her thighs that rested on his legs, they reached around to the swell at the small of her back, and gripped, as he leaned up, overcome with her Allure. His lips a breath away from hers. She was his, she'd said as much, all his, those soft pink lips, smooth skin, gentle curves, it all belonged to him.

It was all he could think of at that moment, as his fingers danced over every curve of her body. Mine, mine, mine, mine was all he could think as his hands moved down to the back of her thighs and prepared to flip her on her back and take what was his until he heard the hiss of the incubus.

Suddenly, he snapped out of it, hip tossed her off of him and backed away, clutching his head. "Eida, By the Four, Forgive me." He said, shaking now, unable to bring himself to look at her. He'd almost....she didn't say the words, she didn't tell him, no matter what she was doing, she wasn't herself and he nearly taken advantage of that...or her.

He felt sick, and then suddenly very angry. He turned it all on the Incubi. Roaring, his body ignited and he shoot flames all directions, the pillar of flames hit each Incubi and they were dust in an instant.

"Eida...Forgive me, I do not know what came over me." he said and dropped to a knee, his head bowed, hating himself for what he'd nearly done to her. After what she'd been through.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Mycah Youngfire
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#, as written by Kaeru

As she felt Mycah's hands sliding up her thighs, his fingers dancing over her bare skin, she shuddered with delight and caught her lower lip with her teeth, her eyes focusing solely on the want in his as he stared up at her. With her allure turned all the way up like this, she knew she was having a severe affect on his desire, and truth be told she hadn't intended to do such things to him, but the way he burst into her room, covered in blood and looking so dangerous, she simply couldn't help herself. It was amazing the first time, but even then he had not touched her with such need in his eyes as he did in that moment, this was something else entirely and she was loving every moment of it, even more so as he leaned up and gripped onto her soft skin, causing a small moan to escape her. She was half tempted to go the rest of the way but she wanted him to take it, to steal the kiss from her while she was at his mercy.

However, in a quick flash she was on her back, eyes widened with shock as she looked up to see him backing away. Amidst the anger and pain of being rejected so suddenly, she also felt a little relief, but it was short-lived as she sat herself up with a deep frown. "Eida, by the Four, forgive me," he spoke, and she remained quiet for the longest moment as he switched from whatever this emotion was to the same blind rage that made her want him so badly in the first place. Suddenly flames were shooting across the room, too fast for her eyes to follow, but the smell of burning flesh was almost immediate and it was bitter and sickly. She let her legs hang off the bed, her feet brushing against the ground as she looked at him, still unabashed but slightly more dismayed. A pout weighed on her bottom lip as she looked up at him, feigning childlike innocence and upset. "Pity... They were fun," she murmured, and looked down at her feet for a moment before she stood from the bed and looked down at Mycah. Part of her original self made her want to walk over, kneel before him and cup his cheek, to reassure and comfort him in his pain and regret, but she couldn't. She felt playful, she wanted to tease him... She wanted him to want her enough to take her without second thought. He could regret it later, Eida wouldn't.

She walked around him and out the door, only stopping to look over her shoulder and check if he was following her. "I'm sure you'll make it up to me," she cooed. "You can start by getting me out of this hellhole, I suppose." She continued walking but really she had no idea where she was going, she hoped that Mycah would take the initiative and guide her in the right direction.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Mycah Youngfire
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Mycah tentatively looked up as she spoke. averting his gaze the moment he saw her naked body once again. he could still feel her skin on his hands, and wanted desperately to feel it again. "I'm sure you'll make it up to me," She said. "You can start by getting me out of this hellhole, I suppose." She said and Mycah rose, his eyes still on the ground as he walked behind her, Demon bodies surrounded them, and he wanted to tell her not to look at that, but every time he looked up, he saw her, the sway of her walk mesmerized him. He opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't. He had to tell her she needed clothes, he wanted to ask her if she were already, clearly she was not, something happened, beyond the obvious, but he couldn't formed the proper thoughts, looking at her made it worse.

He looked down at himself, so that he might give her his jerkin but it was covered in demon blood. He turned back to see the room and the bed, the sheets would be suitable if she wrapped it properly. "Eida..."he called, and the moment she looked back at him, her eyes struck his in a way that he was fully under her spell. His tense shoulders dropped, before he walked up to her, having lingered a few steps behind, and grabbed her by the hips, roughly, much too roughly then he ever would have, and shoved her against the wall. He was breathing hard, as he looked at her, as if she were a large plate of food and he didn't know where to start first.

"Mine....All mine, mine, mine, mine...." The young dragon licked his chops, her naked skin like liquid gold. He couldn't stop himself, as his hands moved again behind her, gripping her flesh, before he leaned in and kissed her hard, lewdly, wanting, as his gripped her soft flesh hard, his rough kisses moved to her jaw, neck, shoulder and downward until he couldn't anymore.

He didn't want to do this, he would hate himself, but her faery magic was too strong for the weakened dragon.