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Alexander Penterdon

"Perfection is just another means of control."

0 · 74 views · located in Seaway

a character in “Perfection”, as played by TheFlag


Full Name: Alexander Vincent Penterdon Image

Nickname: "Alex is simple enough, eh? I mean it's better then Alexander.

Age: "Being perfect for a year, and not a zombie? Worth it." 17

Gender: Male "Don't let my feminine charms get you, I'm a guy."

Appearance: Alexander's appearance is fairly standard, he's on the tall side 5'11" and his body is also well toned defining his muscles as not an ounce of fat clings to him making him quite imposing on sight. His skin tone is fairly pale, but his skin is darker around his body. Alexander's facial features are rough to say the least, his lips curl outwards revealing blindingly white teeth, along with his elegant ski slope nose which perfectly fits his face perfectly, his cheekbones are also fairly pronounced giving him a certain gleam other then that his face is smooth, except for the rough 5 o'clock shadow which clings to his face. Alexander's hair is fluffy and is often described as uncontrollable, he has to normally brush it down several times a day, it's a dark auburn brown which splits often giving it, its own individual vibe. Alexander's eyes are a chilling blue which can easily enrapture people who gaze into them, they almost seem to glow, but is easily proven false if put into a pitch black room. Alexander's general demeanour is laid back allowing people to easily relax around him, however when angry he simply loses it and his previous demeanour is gone, replaced with a angry scowl which sits on his face which seems to be enough to intimidate most. Alexander's clothing style leans towards jackets and jeans, he is almost never seen in just a t-shirt he dons darker colours such as black, brown and grey. He is currently wearing a brown hoodie with a black leather jacket overcoat, his legs are clad with a pair of stone washed jeans, with a leather belt fastened around the waste, on his feet are a pair of running shoes.

Personality: "Since I'm not a happy zombie, I get to retain my individuality lucky me." Alexander is laid back and open minded, not really caring about others decisions unless the effect him directly. Thinking it as arrogant to just judge others he'll give people a fair trial, and even if they prove themselves to be a bad person he'll give them a chance to redeem themselves. Alexander's sarcasm is a form of relief and is often used to lighten his current situation, he may joke about what's happening but underneath he's scared deeply and putting on a charade to throw others off his true feelings. Alexander also holds moral terms in regard, such as loyalty and honour once someone has befriended him he'll stick with them, as he always says a friend is for life. However he'll disregard most of these traits in regard to survival, he'll do anything to survive the deadlier the situation the more his instincts kick in refusing to let him give up. Alexander is fairly impatient and cannot stand waiting, even for the most menial of things time begins to pass slowly when he thinks about it and this frustrates him to no ends. He is quiet and reserved when needs to be but his brash attitude will begin to shine through, and he'll begin chatting away. Alexander is naturally a charismatic ladies man, that shows no shame or embarrassment in any situation, as he always finds time to try and seduce the ladies, due to never being embarrassed he thinks this applies for everyone, and will insult people most of the time, because he is able to brush it off so easily he thinks insults don't effect people. Alexander's temper is mild, and he never gets properly riled but if angry he will begin to lose control of his common sense and other emotions will slip leaving his anger in wake, but as said to piss him off that bad you'd need to do something pretty bad. Alexander's education is fairly advanced as he has always tried to advance his intellect, he often concentrated on Science and is quite skilled in most divisions of it.

Power: "The act of moving something without touching it is a powerful ability." Telekinesis, Alexander can move thinks at will. He can lift a lot more heavier things with this ability, he can also bring telekinetic energy into reality, for example he can make a purple barrier which pulses but is actually there he can also create telekinetic bolts. When he preforms this ability his hands and the object he's moving will glow an unnatural purple.

"I like everything, okay I tell a lie."
~Dark Pulses

"Dislikes? Well that isn't very tough."

Fears: "Me scared? Ha! Good one."
~Being Betrayed

History: "History is meaningless I mean it's history." Alexander's family were the Artisan types who were professional painters, and they had quite a bit of money so Alexander seldom went hungry his family instilled his unique outlook on life and the way he should perceive the world as he held them very dear to his heart. After going through his educational transition, he was planning to be some type of Physicist as he held a certain love for Science at the age of 16 during his perfection he chose Telekinesis as defying gravity held some sort of thrill in his mind, however after going through this for a short while he felt some emotional imbalances but that eventually passed and his emotional state returned to normal during 17 he began to notice things about people, how they acted with some sort of uncanny optimism and frankly it began to annoy him eventually the stress built up he began seeing the things wrong with the world, that actually he and everyone else wasn't perfect that this, was a façade of some sort he began researching into this, while trying to keep up with his studying, he however fell behind in studying and this became his obsession trying to find out why everyone was different, he noticed a few who were like him who felt what he considered 'normal emotions' but the majority of people were weird it was like all the dim aspects of their personality were almost non-existent. He eventually went to many Doctors with his findings which was of course disregarded as mad superstition, and of course a few days later he disappeared from existence, taken away and in a new unfamiliar place.

Playlist: TBA

Other: "That's just about every detail, enjoy!"

So begins...

Alexander Penterdon's Story