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Hideaki Nakano

"Is death really the end of everything?"

0 · 683 views · located in Inaba

a character in “Persona: A Secret Kept”, as played by 13thSyndicate



"There may be no rest for the wicked, but that's just because only the good die young."

⌈Full Name⌋
Hideaki Nakano

Hide; Funsize*; Honors Student
*Only to Shizuka




⌈Face Claim⌋
Jude Mathis, Tales of Xillia 2

Reflected Image

⌈Height & Weight⌋

⌈Hair Color⌋

⌈Eye Color⌋

⌈Distinguishable Facial Features⌋

⌈Physical Description⌋
Hide is a short young man with medium-length black hair (styled, deliberately, into an 'artful' mess) and bright orange eyes. He can usually be seen with a large grin on his face, and when not in school, wears a white coat that evokes images of a lab coat over a semiprofessional ensemble of orange-and-black polo shirt, black undershirt, and red-and-brown pants.



Persona(s) :Image





Dark / Bufu


Light / Agi



|Combat Style|Image

A good complement to Guardian, Arawn does a combination of front-line attacks and Ailments, such as Poison, and, as he grows, others. Associated with the Bufu ice element, he can spellcast as well, but that is not where his strong points lie. Like most Death-arcana Persona, he specializes in Dark-aligned attacks.


In Welsh mythology, Arawn is the lord of Annwn, the hall of the dead. Despite negative associations of death deities in other lands, Arawn was not seen as evil - instead, merely a facet of the cycle of life. In fact, Arawn became good friends with a Welsh hero after a misunderstanding involving some of Arawn's hounds, when Arawn asked the hero to take his place while Arawn journeyed the mortal lands. When Arawn returned, he was pleased to find that the hero had not only done a good job running Annwn, but had not betrayed Arawn's trust by sleeping with his wife. The realms of life and death are said to have existed in harmony since.

Inner Soul

⌈Habits Quirks⌋
✩Head-pointing || When thinking about something or recalling a memory, Hide often puts one finger to his temple in thought.
✩Tangents || When asked to talk about something, he'll often take a while to get to the point, and when making a point, he'll also give lengthy, in-depth explanations.
✩Fluster || Hide can't talk to girls - he gets very flustered when asked direct questions by women he finds attractive and doesn't know how to flirt at all.

♄School || Unlike most teenagers, Hide enjoys class and learning about things.
♄Computers || Whether tinkering with them or utilizing them, Hide loves electronic anything.
♄Risks || Strangely enough for a nerd of his caliber, Hide likes doing risky things and taking risks, pushing himself to the limit. He's a bit of an adrenaline junkie.
♄Rain || He finds it soothing and relaxing.

✖Boredom || He always has to be on the move or doing something. Being idle gets to him.
✖Being Told What to Do || Especially if it's his sister. He doesn't seem to mind authority in a class or work environment as much, though.
✖Snow || It's all the bad things about rain with none of the good points, and colder.

✖Hospitals || Despite his expressed interest in being a doctor, hospitals give him the creeps. Even the thought of going in one makes him nervous or uneasy, and he won't read/watch/play any novels, movies, or games that take place there, especially horror-genre. He claims "Hospitals are where people die."
✖Outliving His Friends || Hide thinks about death a lot, and one of his deepest-seated fears is that he'll live longer than his friends or loved ones, leaving him alone at the end of his life.
✖Commitment || Hide is afraid of committing himself wholly to a task or individual, even in the smallest of ways. The only thing he really commits to are his love of learning and pursuit of knowledge. "If you never truly commit to anything, it can never leave you behind."
✖Hurt || At the root of all his fears is his fear of being emotionally hurt; Hide never, ever wants to be left behind by another person.

✖Leaping Before Looking || For an honors student, Hide thinks very little about his own actions sometimes. If a situation surprises him or requires immediate action, he'll usually jump in without thinking.
✖Unafraid of Death || The prospect of dying doesn't seem to bother him at all; he's very cavalier about situations that could put his own life in danger and he can come across as a death-seeker.
✖Idealist || He's always willing to see the best in people - and sometimes, it keeps him from seeing the worst in them.
✖Only Now Is Real || Hide lives entirely in the now. While it keeps him distracted from wallowing in the past, it also means his plans for the future are very vague, almost to the point of nonexistence. This ties into his leap-before-I-look attitude, as well, giving him a bit of the "YOLO" mentality.
✖Connectionless || Hide doesn't connect with people on a 'deep' or 'personal' level, because of his fear of being left alone if something bad happens to them. He lives a shallow life to try and isolate himself from things that might cause him pain.

⌛When he was a young child, both of his parents died while protecting him; he blames himself for their death.
⌛He feels that if he dies, he'll make up for their death
⌛He believes that God won't let him die, because living is his punishment for their death.

Hide is a young man full of warring opposites. On the one hand, he's studious, nerdy, and has a love of books and knowledge, while on the other, he's constantly pushing himself and testing his limits, showing a callous disregard for his own health and safety in the process. He loves his little sister more than anything, though he tries not to show it. When talking to people, they are often surprised by the strength of his convictions about people, but he can also come across as shy or scatterbrained. He is always quick to believe the best in others, but quicker to believe the worst about himself.


⌈Romantic Interest⌋
None yet

When he was just a small child, around six years old, Hideaki and his sister were just being put to bed when their mother heard an odd sound in their house. She told the pair to stay put, and went to investigate... and didn't come back. A loud sound echoed through the house, the sound of a scream. Terrified, Hide persuaded his sister to come with him to check it out.

When they did, he saw it - his mother struggling with a strange man, his father on the floor, bleeding. When his mother caught sight of the two, she hesitated, before fighting back with all her might. The man was larger, and overpowered her. He doesn't remember both of the rest.

The police, and the aunt who he and his sister now live with, say that Hide's sister Shizuka got in the middle of it, somehow. She was injured, and their mother moved to protect her. That's when the man killed their mom, and ran away into the night. No one seems to know why he ran. He was never found.

Ever since then, Hide has withdrawn away from people, trying to isolate himself from others. He received some counseling as a child, but not much, and has since ceased going. Instead, he throws himself into every risky or dangerous opportunity that comes his way, absorbing himself in his studies, keeping constantly busy and occupied to help him forget.

He's not entirely sure what Shizuka thinks of him... but he tries to pretend he doesn't care. Live in the now. Forget the past. Don't worry about the future. That is his way of life.

[ Other ⌋

So begins...

Hideaki Nakano's Story