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Playing With Time | Reboot

Playing With Time | Reboot


| ACTUAL roleplay! | More Inside | Literate Roleplay | Digital high five if you read the whole thing |

1,055 readers have visited Playing With Time | Reboot since Fear The Cat created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

i made the other one, so it's still my roleplay. but here it is anyway: the reason the other one died was because i was having some major internet problems at the time. i couldn't keep in touch with other members or keep anything moving, so it ended up dying before it started. i felt really bad and really like the idea, so decided to try again.


Playing With Time

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тαкє υѕ

January 19th, 5006, was the date of their funeral. The funeral for the three young, ambitious, and brave souls that made up the Core's newest (and most inexperienced) squad. Competent, yes, but skilled? No. They weren't ready for the Goddess's wrath. And so, they died at her hand. Alike many times, the Core had no excuse. It was their fault for sending their most inexperienced squad into the heat of battle. They should've known that the squad wouldn't have been able to take said heat. Just like they should've known for all the other similar cases. You know, it wouldn't be so bad if the squads at least managed to save their targets. But no. The to-be-rescued burned along with the Core's mediocre squads. It's no surprise that the people of Nearth became fed up. How were they supposed to survive in this hostile land if their protection couldn't protect? The fate of the world rested on their shoulders, and yet, they were slouching.

The Core knew that they needed to prove themselves, and they needed to do it fast. But how could they? The public was too steamed, too fed up with their failure to give them another chance.. The only hope the Core could cling to was sheer desperation. They could only hope that out of fear and rashness the people would turn to them one last time, crying for help, leaving their life in the Core's hands once more. And the Core could only hope that when that moment came, they'd do something for once and save that life... without burning themselves in the process.

And boy, did that day come. It just didn't come in the way most expected. It wasn't on a very eventful day. The few squads that the Core retained were fraternizing in the lunchroom, discussing their doubts about the company, most likely. That's when three screams stained their ears, screams so familiar, forming words so familiar: "Don't let her take us." The words of the three latest recruits as the Goddess of Time dragged them into what is best known as hell.


If there is one word to describe the Goddess of Time, it is angry. She's been angry ever since the day humans set foot on "her land." But the humans had no choice. Earth was becoming overpopulated and they were running out of resources, and not to mention, space. So in their time of need they looked to the sky. They searched for a habitable planet somewhere out there among the stars and spotted what would be named Nearth, has in New Earth. The poor with no homes or foundations were the first to volunteer to venture onto this new planet. Those seeking adventure, thrill, and something new volunteered as well as some scientifically inclined figures. Everyone had their own reasons for brandishing new lives on this Nearth planet.

Though those reasons were soon forgotten when the Goddess's anger was unleashed upon all of them. It had a subtle start. It started with mirror monsters. Monsters that lurk on the other side of your reflection, waiting to consume you whole. They imitate you, your body, your mind, and your movements. They stare into your soul, and when they're ready, when they've memorized your movements, they strike. They strike without warning. They crash out of the mirror and grip your neck with an airtight grip. They choke your soul into unconsciousness and take over while you scurry to regain your composure. But by the time you wake up, your control is lost. You are the mirror monster's new accessory. An accessory that the Goddess of Time will gladly use to her advantage. Mirror monsters bow to the Goddess, so if you're being controlled by one, then so do you.

While the people of Nearth settled into their new home, unaware of the Goddess's presence, she built an army of reflections (what mirror monsters are called once they've take over one's body.) Once she had what she thought was a sufficient amount, she began launching attacks on the humans. The population of Nearth dropped drastically as people were replaced by reflections or killed by someone who'd been turned. Nearth needed a savior. And fast.

That's when the Core was introduced. They were to act as protection for those who couldn't protect themselves. There were three divisions in the Core: there were the scientists, the tacticians, and then there were the fighters. Each division was made up of squads. Each squad was made up of three people, each supposedly talented in their division. The scientists researched the Goddess's monsters, the tacticians, working alongside the fighters and scientists, designed attack plans, while the fighters acted out these attack plans.

At first, the Core was extremely successful. They were able to quickly and effectively fill their ranks with smart and skilled volunteers. It seemed like everything was under control. In fact, the amount of attacks gradually decreased soon after the upbringing of the Core. Everything seemed to be running smoothly... Until one fateful day, the Goddess launched a fearsome attack from their (pun intended) core.

It turns out more than half of the people who volunteered to join the Core were reflections, plotting to kill all those who dared avoid the Goddess's wrath. Only a few people survived the attack, though those who did suffered from abhorrent wounds.

As one could probably assume, the Core fell at this turn of events. And damn, did they fall hard. The residents of Nearth immediately blamed the Core for their carelessness in not being able to detect the reflections. They blamed the Core for all of their grief, their troubles, and their new found worries. While the few left of the Core tried to recover from the traumatic experience, the only comfort they got along the way was the fact that they weren't alone and the scathing comments of the scared public.

With nothing to pull them back up and the public's faith in the Core dissipating fast, it's not surprising that they never fell out of the hole the Goddess dug for them. The hole only kept getting deeper and deeper, farther and farther away from the light that was already so faint.

After the Core's downfall, the attacks from the Goddess dramatically increased in frequency and intensity.


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"Don't let her take us."

Seconds after the screams sounded, three members of the Core underwent a vision. They saw three kids, the same three kids, clawing at them, as if trying to cling to them. The three members felt the four kids' fingers graze their skin, felt the kids' blood as it smeared onto their skin. The screams sounded again, though this time, they said something else.

"You can still save us."

After that followed several pleas to be saved, before the scene before them faded into a red limbo. What seemed like seconds was hours later, when they awoke in cold sweat and with new found hope. They reported their visions and claimed that it was the three kids who had died much earlier. They argued that if they could save the kids, then they could save the Core from their ultimate downfall. The un-doing of their death could reboot the Core and spark hope in the people of Nearth.

The leaders of the Core couldn't agree more. They bid that the three members go and find the supposedly dead kids. The only question was, how? That answer was quickly found when the few scientists left scrambled to find an answer. They referred to older data on reflections, mirror monsters, and their ways of killing. Whenever they killed someone they abandoned the old body (by committing suicide,) deeming it useless because it had been found out. Mirror monsters lurk in reflections when they're not inhabiting bodies. They wander around in the realm better known as the Realm of Reflections. When they've just finished with a body, they return to this realm by creating a portal that lasts for about two or three days. The portal forms at the last reflection of the body. So if they were just looking in a mirror and died, then the portal would be said mirror. Referring to this data the scientists suggested that the four members try reaching the three kids through the portal. It had only been a day since the kid's deaths, so it was very likely the portal was still up... However, it was very risky to dare and enter said portal. It'd never been done, and there was no telling how many mirror monsters lurked within. But the three were convinced to do it. Why? Well, rumor has it that the three members had some personal relations with those kids... They'd do anything to get them back.


Hello, and thank you for reading this far! You get a digital high five from the GM herself. Awwww yeah. Anyway, so that's the general plot of the roleplay. The roleplay-able characters are the three members (more can be added if necessary, though five is max), whether they were originally in a squad together is up to you guys, their relationships are up to you guys as well. Lovers, good friends, acquaintances, good friends, enemies, who knows? You know! Or... You will know. ANYWAY! So each member has a tie to one of the three (or five...) kids; therefore an urge to save them. And disregard the word 'kid,' it doesn't necessarily mean they're young. They can be older than your character, for all I care. I'd go change that but it's one o' clock in the morning and I'm too excited to finish this and get some shut eye, so... Whoops. The roleplay will basically be them searching for said kids, or, companions, I'll say. I'll explain the details of the Realm of Reflections in the OOC. It'll have its own little topic. How cute.

Now, since you've read this far, I'm assuming you're going to reserve a character, so... Here are the character positions so far: (Yes, I will allow people to compete for roles if necessary. Though only two compete per spot. Side note: try to keep the genders balanced. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for an all-girls squad, but I don't think that would work in our favor. Too many 'she' pronouns, you know? Plus many other reasons I'm too lazy to list. And oh yes, one last thing. When reserving, include your (anime only) FC if accessible, what division your character is in, and your character's relation with one of the kids. Each character gets their own retaliative/friend/lover/kid/something.)

| Iris Starna | Female | Member #1 | Childhood Friend/Love | Science division | Belarus; Axis Powers: Hetalia | Taken by yours truly. |

| Name | Gender | Member #2 | Relation | Division | Face Claim | Open! |

| Kara "Echo" Fennel | Female | Member #3 | Brother figure | Tactician division | Λ-11-; BlazBlue | Taken! |

| Name | Gender | Member #4 | Relation | Division | Face Claim | Open! | *

| Name | Male | Member #5 | (Adopted into family with an) Older Brother | Fighter Division | Jonah Mar | Reserved by one person! | *

* These are only for extra people who'd like to join the roleplay. First three must be filled first.

I like to let people design their own skelly. That way, everyone's character skeleton is unique and pretty in their own way. I'll add the things you need to include, and I'll let creativity take its wing when you create the character yourself. Please make it shine! The prettier your character sheet is the more likely I am to accept it. One of the best parts of looking at skellies is looking at how pretty they are...

You'll need to include:

  • Their full name.
  • Their age. (Age range is seventeen to twenty nine.)
  • Their love interest, if any. Character relations must be discussed amongst roleplayers before the start of the roleplay. There will be a relationship thread.
  • Their division.
  • Their relationship with their companion.
  • Their face claim. (Anime only! And yes, EVERY character must have a face claim. If your character fits the futuristic setting I will love you forever.)
  • Their sexuality.
  • Their height.
  • Their weight.
  • Their scent.
  • Their habits.
  • Their quirks.
  • Their hobbies.
  • Their likes.
  • Their dislikes.
  • Their fears.
  • Their weaknesses.
  • Their strengths.
  • Their weapons.
  • Their personality. (Two paragraphs at the VERY least, please. I want details! I WANT EVERYTHING!)
  • Their bio. (I want two paragraphs at the VERY least and I want details! I'll love you forever if you tie the kid-person-thing into the bio.)

More shall be added if I think of anything. Keep an eye on this list.

You're welcome to add a few things!

Toggle Rules

Ah yes, rules. You can't avoid them, can you?

  • Don't g-mod, please.
    No one likes a g-modder so please, don't be one. Leave the controlling to the Goddess, yeah?
  • Have fun.
    This is probably the most important rule on here. We roleplay to have fun. That is law. If you're not roleplaying to have fun, if you don't roleplay and achieve fun, then you are breaking the law. Do us a favor and don't break the law. Have fun, goddammit. Also, when you're reserving, list the name of your favorite song! And post a funny gif.
  • Keep fights IC.
    Fights IC stay IC. Please don't take fights OOC, and make everyone uncomfortable! No one wants to hear you quarrel, let alone be in the quarrel. Next password instruction: mention my favorite song when reserving.
  • Be committed.
    No one likes someone who bails. It ruins the entire roleplay for everyone. It creates what you call a dead roleplay. That's the last thing I want. So if you're going to be out for a while, if you have to bail, please, at least tell me. It may not seem like it, but it does soften the blow. And try to be committed to this roleplay, okay? I understand you have a life outside of this website. I do, too (lies.) But try to post at least three times a week, if not more.
  • Be literate.
    400 words a post, at the very least. No acceptations! (I check >:S) And please, have decent grammar and spelling. It's not that hard to click the little red line, is it? I understand a few mistakes now and then, and they're fine as long as they don't mar the quality of the post.
  • Have fun.
  • Reservations.
    Reservations last for 48 hours. If you submit a WIP, that's fine, and you'll get 48 more hours to complete it. And I do keep track, so don't think about slacking! Also, if given a good reason, I will give out extensions.
  • Cursing is allowed.
    I don't mind cursing. You can curse like a sailor for all I care. If that bothers you, then I guess this isn't the roleplay for you. There's nothing else to say here. By the way, my favorite song? Currently (this is always subject to change), it's We Own The Night by Dance Gavin Dance.

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Iris Starna
Character Portrait: Kara "Echo" Fennell


Character Portrait: Kara "Echo" Fennell
Kara "Echo" Fennell

"I am... still... here. Please... don't... let me... forget...!"

Character Portrait: Iris Starna
Iris Starna

"Sometimes endings come far too late... Like yours." ((MWIP; everything subject to change))


Character Portrait: Iris Starna
Iris Starna

"Sometimes endings come far too late... Like yours." ((MWIP; everything subject to change))

Character Portrait: Kara "Echo" Fennell
Kara "Echo" Fennell

"I am... still... here. Please... don't... let me... forget...!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Iris Starna
Iris Starna

"Sometimes endings come far too late... Like yours." ((MWIP; everything subject to change))

Character Portrait: Kara "Echo" Fennell
Kara "Echo" Fennell

"I am... still... here. Please... don't... let me... forget...!"

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