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Project Zero

Project Zero


The American Government made weapons for the up coming war with Europe. Then, these weapons escaped into the night. Now on the run from the Government and European spies, these 12 weapons have only each other to rely on to survive. (Open)

2,139 readers have visited Project Zero since passionriter created it.


It's the year 2020. North America has banded together because Europe has decided they want their colonies back. To help defend North America, The American Government has decided to experiment on 12 humans, making them extraordinary. These 12 humans have become weapons and each one of them controls a different element. But none of them wanted to be forced into this life.

The war has finally begun, and during a bombing, the facility is hit, creating a time of chaos, creating the perfect time for all of them to escape. They all go their different ways, either going solo, or joining together. But the Americans still need them to protect their country and lives. And the Europeans discovered their records when they invaded America. So these 12 mutants are now on the run, trying to stay out of the clutches of their creators, and the enemy.

When the mutants left, they left in pairs (NOT COUPLES!!!!!). These pairs are two people who are opposite and they must stay together (don't ask why, just follow the rules), and they can be a) a guy and a girl b) a guy and a guy or c) a girl and a girl. These are not couples, and they can run into other pairs. If your pair is a guy and a girl, feel free to make them a couple, but if your pair is a guy and a guy, they do not have to become a couple, unless you make the characters gay. I do not have anything gay couples, and feel free to make them if you want. But just know: the pairs do not have to be couples!!!!

You can choose weather you want to join the enemy, America, or stay solo. You can do anything as long as you follow the damn rules. Have fun.


Earth: Onatah Brightwind played by mistsong99
Air: Changying played by Fredalice
Water: Jem played by OldSkoolGirl
Fire: Victor Crane played by VictorCrane
Electricity: Xena played by ELECTRIKPASSION
Light: Nolen Brightwind played by mistsong99
Shadow: Akru Sheno played by niykin
Ice: Jason played by passionriter (me)
Poison: Ava Marques played by tinyartist18
Darkness: Dez played by JustQuit
Blood: Rosa played by KerriWestHelm
Lava: Sol Silicis VonChord played by Gravewood


Head of FBI: Johnny Patterson played by Fredalice
Detective: Fionn O'Shea played by DaughterOfTheNight

Enemy (Europeans)-

Head Spy: The X played by Akionakamura
2nd in command Spy: Maria played by OldSkoolGirl

By The Way: I would like more Americans and Europeans, but for right now, this is enough. If you want a spot as one of the two sides, just ask, and you can have a spot.

Nolan and Ava
Ohatah and Jason
Akru and Changying
Victor and Rosa
Sol and Jem
Dez and Xena

Character Skeleton:

Character you wish to play/element you want:
Allegiance (Enemy/American/TBD):
Description: You can do pictures (anime or real, I don't care) or written. You can also put the URL of a picture here, if you computer hates you, and won't let you put pictured on here, too.
History (not mandatory, but it helps):
Extras? (if you want):

Also, don't make your character God (perfect and stronger than anything). We all have weaknesses, so give your character a few. No one's that perfect.

I don't want to offend anyone from Europe, by the way. I'm from America, so naturally, the "Americans" in this would be the good guys to me. Just because you are from Europe doesn't mean you are a bad person. Just for this roleplay, If you are on the "Good side" you are with the Americans, and if you are on the "bad side" you are with Europe. If you want to think what ever side you are on is the "good side," I really don't care, as long as you specify which side you are on. Sorry if I offend anyone.

By The Way: Yall can start to post! Have fun!

Toggle Rules

1. No Godmodding. I want this to be fairly free form, but if you character has a weaker body, don't have them pick up a car, please.
2. Final Say. Also known as, if I declare something to be the case, don't keep arguing over it, it will just hold everything up.
3. Romance, don't cyber. Romance is great; cyber sex is not what we want here. Save our eyes, take it elsewhere.
4. Attendance. Also known as the three day rule. If you haven't posted in three days, and you haven't warned me, I will start playing your character for you. If you don't return in a week, I'll assume you're never coming back and look for a replacement for you. If you are going away, tell me first, and I'll arrange something for you.
5. No chat/text speak. Prose only, please. Write like you would for your English teacher.
6. Reservations last 3 days. If I reserved you a spot, please make you character a soon a humanely possible. I know we all have stuff to do, but try to make them soon.

I'm relatively chill about things, so just follow the simple rules, so I don't have to come and make weird rules like "No killing all of the other characters in acts of cannibalism," because that is just not cool.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors

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Chang's grip tightened around her staff. "I'll go distract her, you make a run for it. I'll meet you back at the cave," she whispered. She kissed him quickly on the cheek before stepping out from behind the tree. She noticed the gun in the lady's hand, so she swept her staff low towards the ground and bringing it up like she was hitting a golf ball, which caused a strong, sharp wind to fly towards the woman's hand, making her drop the gun and let it go flying into the trees.

"There's no need for weapons," Chang said, her nerves were so high that she had unknowingly slipped into Chinese, her native tongue. "What do you want?" she practically yelled, still in Chinese. Her staff was raised slightly in back and above her, getting ready in case the woman decided to run towards her she could keep her at a safe distance.

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#, as written by niykin
Akru blushed as Changs soft lips touched his skin a shiver went up his spine then he noticed chang went out to fight the girl he practically ran out with her he looked down noticing he didn't have a shadow anymore he looked at the ground as he saw the dark black thing that once followed him every were it rushed towards the women coming from the ground forming a human-like figure then dropping back into its self in almost and instant as it hit her hard enough to through even the strongest fighter back the the dark figure disappeared returning to his side before he even had a chance to notice he looked at chang and saw she looked a little frightened he was confused about why she thought he need protection but he knew he was a weakling and that would never change but he wouldn't let her get hurt over him.

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Maria watched her gun fly out her hand. She watched it a sad look in her eyes and she lost herself in thought. She almost didnt hear the girl. She turned and looked at her curiously. "I dont speak.....that" she said shrugging. She then looked at the staff curiously but before she could say anything she felt a strong force knock into her. The next thing she knew she went flying backward. Maria acted quickly though. As soon as she felt her back hit the ground she rolled backwards (like how a ball would roll backwards) and ended up in a crouched position her hands softly touching the ground. She looked more amused than angry.

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Chang watched awestruck as the woman flew backwards because of Akru's shadow. But then she grabbed his elbow and yanked him to follow her as she ran in the opposite direction of the woman. Her staff still tightly and as she ran she kept glancing over her shoulder making sure the woman wouldn't follow them.

They ran through the trees dodging them, then when she thought they were far enough away, she slowed to a stop and looked at Akru.

"That was amazing," she breathed heavily, "I thought you didn't like using your power, but..." she shook her head, "that was just so cool." She began to laugh lightly, still amazed. She knew he controlled shadows, but she had never seen it in action before.

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#, as written by niykin
Akru run with her as she grabbed him then they slowed down coming to a stopping point as Chang said 'That was amazing,' Akru's ears turned red the she started talking about his power he looked at her his eyes kind of wide "The only problem with that is.....i Didn't do that" his hair was in his face and he need a shower badly he hated being dirty in any form he put his hands on his knee's gasping for breath he looked at the leaves under him then looked back up straightening he saw changs look of amazement still on her face and he mostly had a blank expression at this point.

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Walking a little ways behind the girl, watching her skip away the old man couldn't help the smile that crept onto his face; 'Its good to see that even after crap llike this, a child can be carefree...' As they were making it into urban sosciety he noted that things have not really changed, well except for the physical looks of things.

"So, were are we headed short stuff?" Teasing the younger one, a grin on his face.

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"No, it was definitely you," Chang said, "Just subconsciously." She leaned back against the tree, "Why didn't you go back?" she asked. She found that in tense situations people usually don't mind running and leaving someone else to do the fighting. But it was very rare for somebody to stay and help fight, thoughts about her village came back and people scrambling everywhere. Faces could be inside the smokey windows, screaming to be let out; and her father breaking in through one of those doors to save some of the people, but never coming out. Her mother putting a wet blanket on her head and running her outside, but not before a beam fell, separating the two for good.

A dark look crossed over her eyes, and a tear escaped her eye, she wiped it away and tried to pass it off as wiping sweat. She made sure she was composed again before trusting herself not to melt down just by speaking, "We should probably head off again before that lady tries to follow us." She stood up fully again and slowly started to walk, her fingers rubbing together as she tried to calm her nerves and memories and keep in control until they were in a safer spot.

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"..1," J.P said, he aimed for the guy's shoulder, though it was hard since his partner was now being held hostage currently. Eventually he found an opening, but the sound of a strong breeze, though there was none, slightly distracted him and he hit his partner's shoulder as well as the man's. Both cringed in pain, so J.P used tit as the time to grab his partner and run into the forest, leaving his bike on the road and not caring.

"I heard a strange wind coming from over here," J.P whispered to Fionn as they ran, "I think it might be one of the experiments." When they got to about the spot where the wind had come from J.P first noticed spilled foraged food on the ground in a jacket and footsteps in the dirt; he looked around more and noticed the woman in red was on the ground as if she had been knocked over by a couple of the kids. J.P smiled at this.

"Hurry up or you and your partner over there aren't going to get any of the kids," J.P said. He turned and ran in the opposite direction of the woman knowing that's the direction the experiments would've taken. When in danger it's human instinct to run as far away from them as possible and that always was the opposite direction.

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Maria watched at the kids ran off. She turned around and saw the other guy run too. She was going to follow them but first she scooped up her bag and walked toward the woods taking her time to search until she finally found it. Maria shuffled her feet then took off running the way the kids went. At her speed she would probably catch up to them soon.

Jem grinned. "Well first we need rest. Im tired!" she said. "Then we need to introduce you to the 21st century" she smiled. She looked around not knowing where to begin. "So first lets go there! No there!......Wait were still on the run." she sighed. There was no time for fun and games. Jem shrugged it off anyway turning back to Sol. "Rest is a defintely though" she said wiping a bead of sweat off her forhead.

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Rest, fine. But the qestion stays as to were? "Yes, finding shelter is a good first tactic. So, we should look around, first for a place to rest for a few, then for a pawn shop to get rid of any crap that I nicked that we will not need." Then he started to rub his back, 'This inscesant pain in my back should be looked at as well. It deffinitly isn't old age that's for sure...' "First things first, we should look for an empty or condemed building, maybe ask around about one under a guise of city planners or something. If not, then we can just look around... Though it may take a while, this is a pretty big city..." looking around at the building, most of which were quite large compared to what he was used to. "Are all cities this big now?" Walking down the side-walk when he noticed something... empty, the place was empty... "We won't have to worry about people any time soon, when we escaped that building there were nukes going of, that means that this place has in all likelyhood; been evacuated." Looking around, no cars or people, though it was almost noon. "Lets pick a place to crash the, I'll leave that to you my young friend." He said as he continued to follow her once more.

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Jem noddded. She began to walk into town. She looked around ad spotted a inn. "Just our luck" she said smiling. She walked inside the building. Unfortunately though Jem had no money. She waited for Sol again. Maybe he would have some money. She looked around. The inn wasnt great but it wasnt crappy either. She sat in a chair and looked down. She didnt like all this running around and hiding. She just wanted to rest. She couldnt wait to this whole mess blew over. Maybe then things would finally go back to the way they were....

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Turning in circles as she walked, Rosa frowned deeply. It was way too peaceful out here now that she was away from her prison. Did no one survive to come after her? Certainly it was quite the explosion but she had imagined someone would have followed soon. As she thought this, she hugged her teddy and turned around running smack into a tree.

Looking up she realized it wasn't a tree but a girl with extreme white hair. Stepping back quickly, she raised an eyebrow. She doesn't look like one of the guards....

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Chang felt someone run into her and she stumbled to the ground. When she looked up she saw a woman a little older than her, but holding a teddy bear close to her. She looked skeptically at Chang as she pulled her self off the ground, she didn't even bother to dust herself off.

"Are you okay?" she asked the woman, she wasn't wearing the usual uniform that the guards did, so she figured that she was safe and that this woman wasn't a threat, but still she kept her guard up in case she was like those others who were chasing them. She suddenly remembered the woman in red and grabbed this new woman's arm and began to pull her along.

"We have to keep moving, there's people behind us," Chang said.


J.P kept running, adrenalin rushing through his veins and when he saw a group of three up ahead, one with brilliant white hair, but a young girl, he knew he had caught up with the experiments. He grabbed another type of gun from his pouch, it was actually a grappling hook, and aimed it at the white haired girl's staff, figuring that she would use it as some sort of weapon against him.

He took the shot, the grappling hook catching on easily to the girl's staff. He smiled and yanked it from her hand. She turned around a scared look on her face, but it was gone and now it was just blank. The young girl took up a Tai chi position, all her wait on her back leg.

"Give me back my staff," she said, her accent becoming thicker with a native Chinese the further in her sentence.

He smiled and knew he was taking a chance saying this, "Then why don't you try and take it from me little girl," he said. Her eyes narrowed and she sped off towards him as the speed of wind, she was just a blur, but he was good at his timing. He held a net behind his hand and he waited for another second before throwing it at her. There was a burst of wind as she tried to blow it away, but the holes prevented that little trick and soon the net was wrapped around her. She struggled against it.

J.P walked over and put his shoe on her and smiled deviously, looking down at her, "Nice try, but I know all about you Changying." He looked up at the others, "As well as you two, Akru and Rosa. If you want to save your friend you may follow, but then you'll end up like her." He grabbed the end where her feet were and began to drag her away. He knew most if not all of the experiments and their "powers" because he had originally been the one to help the security, though they hadn't listened to him at all on his points of interest. 'And now they want my help,' he thought to himself, 'Of course they do because now they know I was right all along'.

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Fionn clutched at her shoulder and leant against a nearby tree. She hadn't been able to keep up with J.P with the pain in her shoulder. She took a deep breath and slid down the trunk so that her back was leaning against the bark. Then she proceeded to tear some of the material from her shirt and tie it around her shoulder with her free and and her teeth. She winced as she tied the knot and she put pressure on the wound to try and stop the bleeding.

After a few minutes and reached into her bag and pulled out a notebook and pen, taking notes on what had happened so far, it was like a diary for her, although she had made a code which disguised what was written inside. Once she had finished, she put the book and pen away, pulling out her pistol and standing up, starting to head in the direction J.P had been before she had gotten separated from him.

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Character Portrait: Akru sheno
0 sightings Akru sheno played by niykin
Character Portrait: Fionn O'Shea
0 sightings Fionn O'Shea played by DaughterOfTheNight

Character Portrait: The X
0 sightings The X played by Akionakamura
A job is a job

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View All » Add Character » 16 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Xena
Character Portrait: Victor Crane
Character Portrait: Jem
Character Portrait: Dez
Character Portrait: Nolen Brightwind
Character Portrait: Rosa
Character Portrait: Sol Silicis VonChord
Character Portrait: Ava Marques
Character Portrait: Maria
Character Portrait: Onatah Brightwind
Character Portrait: Jason


Character Portrait: Jason

"Please, just keep talking. I can't stand the silence."

Character Portrait: Maria

"Lock and load buddy" *Says while shooting*

Character Portrait: Ava Marques
Ava Marques

Whispering tongues can poison truth.

Character Portrait: Sol Silicis VonChord
Sol Silicis VonChord

Insanity learned through many days of torture, horror, and despicable acts, sounds fun, no?

Character Portrait: Rosa

β€œOf all writings I love only that which is written with blood. Write with blood: and you will discover that blood is spirit.”

Character Portrait: Dez

"......, You should go f**k yourself in the a**hole, loser"

Character Portrait: Jem

"Hey you need a hand?"

Character Portrait: Victor Crane
Victor Crane

A quite young-man who enjoys his fire powers more than he would like


Character Portrait: Maria

"Lock and load buddy" *Says while shooting*

Character Portrait: Victor Crane
Victor Crane

A quite young-man who enjoys his fire powers more than he would like

Character Portrait: Sol Silicis VonChord
Sol Silicis VonChord

Insanity learned through many days of torture, horror, and despicable acts, sounds fun, no?

Character Portrait: Ava Marques
Ava Marques

Whispering tongues can poison truth.

Character Portrait: Jason

"Please, just keep talking. I can't stand the silence."

Character Portrait: Rosa

β€œOf all writings I love only that which is written with blood. Write with blood: and you will discover that blood is spirit.”

Character Portrait: Dez

"......, You should go f**k yourself in the a**hole, loser"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Sol Silicis VonChord
Sol Silicis VonChord

Insanity learned through many days of torture, horror, and despicable acts, sounds fun, no?

Character Portrait: Maria

"Lock and load buddy" *Says while shooting*

Character Portrait: Jem

"Hey you need a hand?"

Character Portrait: Dez

"......, You should go f**k yourself in the a**hole, loser"

Character Portrait: Ava Marques
Ava Marques

Whispering tongues can poison truth.

Character Portrait: Jason

"Please, just keep talking. I can't stand the silence."

Character Portrait: Victor Crane
Victor Crane

A quite young-man who enjoys his fire powers more than he would like

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Most recent OOC posts in Project Zero

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

For the NaNoWriMo, just for clarification.

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

I just signed up!!!

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

Omg! I'm sooo sorry I've been MIA for so long, life has just been super hectic for me lately and I hope you will have me, as I come back to roleplaying with my tail between my legs( figuratively of course) and my head hung in shame, because I would love to dive back into the stories that I left behind.
Thanks and apologies,
P.S. is anyone else doing Nanowrimo?

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

I'm finally back home, now to catch up on what I've missed

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

I am sooooo sorry. forgot about this is all the randomness of the last two days

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

Alright I will work on that after work. Don't have the time to type a response at the moment.

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

Hey Kerri now would be a good time for Rosa to run into Chang and Akru.

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

Ok, I have to say I LOVE this Halloween theme they have going on here!!!!!

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

Sorry, I'm being thrown off the computer now, and I was just about to post... Perhaps Maria could shoot Fionn to take her out of the roleplay for a while. Anyways... See you guys in a week

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

Works for me, cause I left her standing at the building watching it burn. lol

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

Rosa could possibly catch up with Chang and Akru here pretty soon if you want. Maybe when they're running from the Europeans and Americans, which might happen here pretty soon, they could run into each other, literally. And I think run into each other so hard they give one another bruises. ;P

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

Anyone need someone to interact with? I am having a hard time deciding what to do with Rosa

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

I don't mind which, I'll see what happens in the couple of days before I go away though

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

You could always have her get injured somehow, forcing her to be out of commission for a while. Like she got shot multiple times, had to be in the hospital for weeks, or something like that, or I could find some one to play her. Which ever you want.

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

Just a heads up, as of Friday I will being going away until the 30th, so it is unlikely that I'll be able to post. I need some way to take Fionn out of the roleplay for a while, unless someone wants to play her until I get back

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

don't worry, I should have been posting, too. Just take your time, and tell me next time, kay?

Btw, in you signature, it says you are white. Well, I'm black. :)

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

srry for not posting, I was kind of waiting to see how you would post for jason and how tinyartist would post for ava as well as perfecting my posts :)

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

Ok yall, here's the deal. Since some of the chrarcters are not posting, you can interact with anyone, and anywhere. They also haven't givven my reasons, either, so have fun, and go for it!

Free for All, time baby!

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

Anyone up to interacting with Ava?

Re: [OOC] Project Zero

You don't have to worry about that, we only drank a few Smirnoff and it was kind of late at night.
