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Cyrus James

rose child of a thorn

0 · 975 views · located in Miami, FL

a character in “rose petal boys”, as played by blondehaired


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxknown around his brothers as Mary Jane.
R O Y A L T Y in the 21st century is news anchors and wine vineyard heiresses, children born with golden iphones in their grabby little hands before they can wonder if they even need it. In their world, they need everything.

L O V I N G was not the word most people would use to describe the marriage between Reid James and Malena Alcaldo. The holy matrimony was certainly economically beneficial, and for Malena, the moment their baby boy was born, all the narcissistic and unattractive qualities of her hot shot husband melted away looking into those big blue eyes.

J U P I T E R , Florida. After about five years of living in the elite of Hollywood, Malena wanted to show Cyrus a life without entitlement and privilege, one where he would learn his own values and understand that hard work brought success, like his great-grandfather when he started their vineyard. Jupiter came with his mother's siblings, his Uncle Hugo and Aunt Lola, who had their own children that were like siblings to him. They taught him that he could have everything he wanted if he worked hard for it, and his drive for travel and international career dreams sparked from them. He was taught Spanish like his cousins and he never really thought of his father, who would make Malena drive to Miami so he could see their son. To Cyrus, Reid James was just a man who brought him expensive presents on his birthday and Christmas in the expectation of Cyrus' love in return.

I T was a beautifully hot, beautifully sunny day when a man ran up on his mother looking to steal her purse and shot her in retaliation for her defiance. Her blood pooled on the sidewalk as her murderer escaped, the only thing Cyrus' mind could latch to was the wide and scared green eyes that turned on his mother's dying body before he ran off. He was no help to the police, a frightened fourteen year old whose mother just died. It rained hard the day they buried Malena Alcaldo in the hills in Spain, his father's cold grip on his shoulder as he scolded him not to cry, men don't cry.

L I F E with Reid James was a nightmare. New York was cold and Cyrus shied away from the limelight every time his father shoved him in it. Reid was not prepared for this moody teenage boy in his bachelor lifestyle, and their screaming and fighting was heard throughout his little society he'd built for himself. Everyone compared Cyrus to Reid constantly, which made Cyrus want nothing to do with his father.

A C C E P T A N C E into Fulton was his saving grace. Miami was never far from campus and his aunt and uncle always welcomed him back with open arms. There was another family he built at Fulton that welcomed him with open arms, the brothers of Sigma Chi Delta. Their bid card was disastrous for Reid James to see, being a former Fulton Beta and having just seen his fellow brother go through the same thing with his own black sheep son. It didn't matter to Cyrus what anyone thought anymore, especially anyone who wore the Beta letters. He had his brothers, and for a sparkling moment, a boy who loved him. The matter of his sexuality was still behind closed doors, but it's that very matter that lands him in the bed of a Beta wondering if he should risk it all for this new boys' heart.

So begins...

Cyrus James's Story


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Character Portrait: Maddox Izumi Character Portrait: Cyrus James
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Miami Regional Hospital.
The first time Cyrus accepted he had a crush, he immediately thought of breaking their agreement off.

He knew who Maddox Izumi was at this point. Although he found glimpses of private affection, he knew that Maddox didn’t want to date anyone, especially some boy he’d been fucking around with. Cyrus didn’t even know how he fell for Maddox so hard, but he was stuck and only the image of Maddox standing in his own doorway, waiting for Cyrus for their private night to pursue, was what kept him there. He imaged Maddox waiting all day for him to get there, and he was a fool for that.

That Cyrus would not have imagined in his wildest dreams having Maddox Izumi at his beside while he healed from an attack orchestrated by Michael Izumi. He couldn’t have pictured this dirty, still blood stained Maddox sitting by his side, shedding all the tears he had for Cyrus.

That made Cyrus cling to Maddox’s hand with all the strength he can muster, which still isn’t much. His head still spun from the lack of oxygen, but he would fight to stay awake, if only to be here with Maddox. He needed Maddox here, with him.

He knew the other boy blamed himself for all of this. Even when he came to Cyrus’ side in the parking garage, those dark brown eyes he loved so much were stained with guilt. Before he lost consciousness in the ambulance, Maddox was thinking about how he could have prevented this, it was written all over his face. But Cyrus thought of the last night they were really together.

It helped manage the pain, thinking that he hadn’t lies to Maddox. They had all the time in the world for each other, and Cyrus would fight for every painful breath to hear Maddox finally say he loves Cyrus. He knew that Maddox did, especially after everything that happened in the last few hours. But he still yearned to hear it, and would heal solely to hear him say those three words.

”I’m not
 letting you,” Cyrus answers with as much sass as he can muster, a weak smirk forming on his face. He takes a moment to breathe as deeply as he can, ignoring the stabbing in his chest from the broken rib. He turns his head towards his window, noticing Jack and Max and who he believed to be Maddox’s little but he couldn’t quite remember his name. But with Reid leaving them alone once the pain medicine kicked in, Cyrus wanted his alone time with Maddox.

He sits up slightly, wincing and forcing out a small grunt but needing to be more alert. ”I know
 you’re blaming yourself
 but,” Cyrus starts, his voice still rough and having to breathe heavily in between, but determined to have some form of conversation with Maddox. ”I don’t. I know you’re
 stubborn, but listen
 to me
 for once.” Cyrus manages a breathy little laugh, his thumb brushing across Maddox’s hand. He turns his head to completely look at Maddox, trying to push all his love and want for Maddy outweigh the pain he knows is clear in his baby blues.

 the phone call hurt worse. At least
 I get to keep you
 I still love you
 so much.” Cyrus adds, his eyes brimming slightly with warm tears.

He couldn’t handle the thought of losing Maddox to his father’s actions again. It was hard enough wondering why Maddox couldn’t look him in the eye and end things, why Maddox didn’t want him, why he was so unlovable.

This accident couldn’t compare to all the intrusive thoughts, and if it wasn’t for the revenge party, he might have lost Maddox for good. But Cyrus wouldn’t let Michael Izumi win. He would have to kill Cyrus to keep him away from Maddox, and he wouldn’t get close enough to the chance of doing it again.


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Character Portrait: Maddox Izumi Character Portrait: Cyrus James
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Even in all his bruised and battered glory, Cyrus still managed to bring out a glimpse of his usual self. Though the blonde tried to force a smile and speak as if he felt nothing, Maddox knew him well enough to know he was probably still in agonizing pain. He kept a firm grip of his hand, his dark eyes watching Cyrus’ every movement. He wanted to protest, to tell Cyrus it was okay to rest and that he’d be here when he woke up again but found it useless. Not only would Cyrus not listen and do as he pleased anyway, but the selfish part of Maddox wanted, needed, to see him awake and hear his voice even if just for a little while.

After all the tears shed, Maddox' eyes seemed to have none left. He felt the sting of Cyrus’ words as he said he wasn’t the one to blame for what happened. It’s all he’d been hearing all night, from countless people, yet the more he heard it the more he felt it be false. It took everything in him to not disagree with Cyrus and simply nod. Because as much as he blamed himself for this, he also knew it was irrational to take all the blame when Michael Izumi had most of it. It was this thought that had slowly pushed away his guilt, if only for the moment, and made way for rage. Every ounce of Maddox’ blood burned with the need to see Michael Izumi destroyed and nothing would be more satisfying than doing it himself.

The remainder of the phone call he’d been forced to make, the lies he’d had to tell, the way he’d broken the heart of the only person that truly ever loved him only fueled the flames. His eyes were dried from tears, deeper and darker than ever the moment they met Cyrus’, but the second he heard those words from the blonde again, he could feel his boiling need for revenge simmer down into a dull sting tucked away in the back of his mind. His eyes, still lined with every dark thought he felt towards his father, made sure to hold Cyrus’ gaze as his free hand came up to meet the other. The phrase quickly took form in his head, and much to his surprise, it left his lips with a certain ease. ”I love you too

Maybe to people like Cyrus, who wore their heart on their sleeve and never seemed to be afraid to love, it was no big deal. To Maddox, it was the very first he’d ever said those words and meant it. And contrary to what he thought, saying it felt...incredible. It filled his dark and loveless soul with comfort rather than fear. Both his hands held onto Cyrus’ as tightly as they could without harming him while his racing thoughts paused long enough to focus solely on the man in front of him. ”I’m sorry...for not saying it before. I just never really
” his sentence trailed off as he lowered his head slightly. There were so many sides of Maddox that the outside world never got to see, so many things he’d purposely hide from those around him, even those he referred to as friends. With Cyrus, there wasn’t much left to hide. ”I’m not as brave and confident as I seem, believe it or not.” for the first time that day, Maddox’ lips eased into a small smile, a genuine one, unlike the ones he’d been feeding the meeting attendees all day.

There was no need to tell Cyrus that the confident and cold Beta Prince most knew was only a very small fraction of who Maddox Izumi really was. His words had been more for himself. A reminder that regardless of how strong he tried to be, he wasn’t superhuman. He was allowed to hurt, and fear and love just like anyone else. He was also allowed to feel anger towards the person that had made it a point to make his life a living hell. ”But I’m also not as forgiving as you
” his eyes lifted to meet Cyrus’ again, giving a glimpse of the only side of Maddox he’d yet to witness. A very dark and sinister side that wanted nothing more than to see Michael Izumi slowly rot in pain and misery.

”I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you from him and I know what you’re going to say
but I’ve had enough, Cyrus.” his voice was deeper than ever, heavy with every feeling of hatred towards his father that had accumulated over the years. Maybe Cyrus wouldn’t approve, but there was no possible way for Maddox to make him understand just how much this man had ruined him. Even if Cyrus didn’t agree, even if it made him angry, Maddox was going to give Michael Izumi what he rightfully deserved. ”I swear to you, on everything that man has ever taken from me...I will make him wish he was dead.”


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Character Portrait: Maddox Izumi Character Portrait: Cyrus James
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Miami Regional Hospital.
Maddox usually didn’t spend much time analyzing Cyrus. Cyrus was hardly a closed book or a window with blackout curtains. It was usually Cyrus that spend every moment wondering what Maddox was thinking behind the mysterious smirk. Now though, those deep brown eyes were scanning every inch of Cyrus, detecting every slight flinch and wince as Cyrus struggled through the pain of being awake in his current state.

Then he couldn’t breathe again. It wasn’t the injuries in his chest, rather, the man he loved- the first one he truly loved -took his hand and told him he loved him. Using those three words he wanted to hear most.

Cyrus hadn't cried much, especially considering he was unconscious for most of it, but that causes tears to start cascading down his face. Cyrus wanted to hug him and kiss him and even scream with how much his heart pounded, but held it back to hear Maddox out. He shook his head at Maddox’s explanation, because there wasn’t a too late for them. They has all the time, no matter what Michael Izumi tried to do. ”I don’t care
 you said it now... I love you,” Cyrus answers quickly, smiling softly at Maddox. He could tell that it was words he’d never really said before, waiting for when he would actually mean them. Cyrus doesn’t miss any of the love in Maddox’s eyes.

Cyrus also didn’t miss the fire burning in Maddox’s eyes as he talked about his father. A part of him wanted to be the Cyrus Maddox expected, the one who would disapprove of wanting to ruin Michael Izumi because it wouldn’t be worth it. But the more he laid here, confined to a bed as he healed agonizingly slow from painful wounds, he found that he didn’t want that. He finally believed the worry Maddox and even Belle had for him, and though he didn’t want to admit it, he was scared of the older Izumi.

And though he wouldn’t admit it, the dark eyes that met his would see right past the pain to the fear. The same fear that drowned his voice on the phone before it was knocked from his hand, and the same look as he lost consciousness in the ambulance. ”I’m sorry
 for not listening
to you
 or Belle,” Cyrus starts, his eyes moving down to Maddox’s chest to avoid his gaze as he spoke through his fear and guilt.

Yes, he felt guilty. He was warned and didn’t take precaution. Cyrus has always been headstrong and stubborn, and now it was his downfall. ”He hurt me
 and he hurt you. So he
 he needs to
 be locked away. For
 for a long time,” Cyrus continues, looking down to their intertwined hands and biting his lip to stop any tears. Just thinking of what happened a few hours ago made his heart race and chest constrict painfully.

”And they can’t- those men- they can’t- get away- I can’t-“ Cyrus feels his breath going away, a panicking tone moving into his voice as his fingers tighten around Maddox’s as much as possible as he tries to catch his breath. ”Please- please- we have to stop- they’ll come again- we have to-“ Cyrus finally quits trying to talk, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to control his breathing over the overwhelming fear of this happening all over again. The thoughts that Michael Izumi would orchestrate more attacks until Cyrus was finally driven away from his true love.

He was so afraid that Michael Izumi would never stop and he would never be safely happy with Maddox. The paranoia gripped him fiercely; he’d never experienced a panic of this kind, except for when his mother was dying. Cyrus didn’t want to have the same fate, and something told him nothing would stop Michael Izumi until he did just that.


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Character Portrait: Maddox Izumi Character Portrait: Cyrus James
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From the moment they met, Maddox had always seen Cyrus as the bravest one of the two. While Maddox feigned courage and confidence, Cyrus had it. He’d always been unafraid to fail, which Maddox assumed is what kept him in his bed, pushing his luck with the infamous Beta prince day after day, pushing his way through the heavily guarded walls until he managed to bring love out of the boy who never knew what the word even meant. Most trembled under Maddox’ cold gaze, but Cyrus always challenged it and made himself at home in Maddox' arms. If there was fear there, it certainly never showed.

Not like this

A part of Maddox knew that the tears that ran down the blonde’s face were due to the overwhelming emotions of his feelings being returned to him just as strongly as they were given, but he also felt as if they came out of relief. Relief after fearing that the man he loved didn’t love him the same way, but finally found out he did. Maddox felt guilty for many reasons, and though Cyrus assured him that how long it’d taken him to say I love you didn’t matter, feeling like Cyrus deserved to hear it much sooner was one of them.

He kept his hands tightly latched to Cyrus’ as he allowed him some time to vent. The more he listened, the more he could feel his chest tighten. Cyrus James, his mischievous, brave little Sigma...was terrified. Maddox didn’t have to hear it put into words to know. As much as it put Maddox on constant high alert to know that Cyrus hadn’t been afraid of his father no matter how many warnings he received...he would have preferred to carry that burden a million times over and spend his days in agonizing worry big enough for the both of them than to see this...broken down and afraid version of him. Were he given the chance to choose, he would willingly take all the paranoid thoughts in the world and lived with them for the rest of his life if it meant never having to see Cyrus like this.

Maddox’ body instinctively moved onto the bed, sitting as close to Cyrus as he possibly could without disturbing his wounds. One hand stayed latched to his, while the other reached up to his cheeks, wiping away the tears that enclosed so many emotions. ”Hey, hey...listen to me-” he kept one careful hand on the blonde’s cheek, eyes locking with the sweet baby blues as he repeated a sentence he’d said a few times before, only this time with a brand new meaning. ”I’ll take care of this...I don’t want you anywhere near that man, alright?” he’d said this for the first time in Cyrus’ bedroom after a long night of drunken apologies and tears. At the time, Cyrus didn’t understand the Beta’s reasoning. Now, he understood better than anyone. ”Those guys won’t touch you ever again, and neither will he. Not as long as I’m still living and breathing

Every word spoken by Maddox tonight had been nothing but the raw truth and these weren't any different. Even if it killed him, Michael Izumi was going to rot in jail for the rest of his miserable life. The blaze in the Beta's eyes never burned out, but it subsided for a moment, long enough for him to lean in and place a careful but honest kiss on Cyrus' lips. Just a couple of hours prior. he was almost convinced he'd never get to do this again. But just like Jack said, Cyrus had always been a fighter, except now he had Maddox to fight along with him. And for once in his life, Maddox had something to fight for. "I love you...Cyrus James. More than you could ever imagine."


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Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Maddox Izumi Character Portrait: Cyrus James
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Miami Regional Hospital.
Cyrus had never felt a panic like this before.

After years of doing whatever he wanted and finding little consequence, he was hardly scared either. The wealth and power behind the James name was enough to keep away fear. Even the few fights he was involved in, he held his own and made sure his opponent wouldn’t try it again. As long as he was Reid James’ son, there was nothing to fear.

But this was completely different from any situation he’d ever been in. He was being hunted down for loving the only man who didn’t find him unlovable. He was attacked from all sides with no hope of defense, not only with fists but with cruel words that stuck to his brain. And he knew, even without being warned, that the moment Michael Izumi knew he survived the attack, he would be out for blood again. And that thought alone sparked his breathtaking panic.

Cyrus never allowed anyone to scare him. But he was scared, so fucking scared, of losing Maddox without being able to truly love him.

Having Maddox close was a momentary relief, a chance to catch his breath as Maddox assured him that he wouldn’t have to worry about those men or the monster he called his father. It was soothing, as Maddox was all he had for strength right now. He needed this, someone to take care of this and take care of him when it was a struggle to keep breathing.

”I love you Maddox,” Cyrus said again, but still it wasn’t enough. He wanted to say it until his lungs gave out, until the only words he knew how to say was I love you Maddox. Right now, he had to focus on getting better. He wanted to be able to sit in the courthouse when they finally arrested all the men that hurt him and watch as they were put away for the harm they did to him. They couldn’t get away with physical and mental trauma they subjected him to.

He squeezes Maddox’s hand, needing him to stay close. ”I’m glad
 you were there. My mom, she was
 mugged, when I was
 younger. I couldn’t do
 anything but
 watch her die. I didn’t
 want to die like that. I didn’t
 want to die at all
” Cyrus adds, settling back into the bed when the fatigue starts to hit him. Knowing Maddox was there, protecting him from any tricks his father may pull while Cyrus was still recovering, soothes him more than being in a secure facility. He wanted someone who knew what this man was capable of by his side.


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Character Portrait: Maddox Izumi Character Portrait: Cyrus James
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Maddox held onto Cyrus' hand as if it were the only thing keeping him afloat. He could tell the blonde was trying hard to stay awake, possibly for Maddox' sake though he hoped it was also because he wanted to. There wasn't much help he could give with the physical wounds, but if he had to reassure Cyrus time and time again that he would be there to protect him from the man that put him in the hospital, he'd use up all the air in his lungs to do so. He'd repeat it time after time until Cyrus felt secure under his care. Maddox was not invincible, not by a long shot. He'd also never had anything to fight for, nothing worse the pain and misery of facing his father. Now he did, and he would fight for Cyrus until his last breath.

Eventually, the boys outside grew impatient. Jack insisted on wanting to see Cyrus, and though Maddox would have wished to have more alone time with him, Jack had just as much of a right to be there as he did. Maybe even more so, though he'd never tell the Sigma that to his face. The moment he and his friend Max walked in, Maddox got to his feet. "I'll let them take over for a bit." he announced, though he made sure to place a careful kiss o Cyrus' head before turning to head out. He knew Cyrus would be in good hands with his Sorority brothers. Now, there was only one thing on his mind.

Reid James still stood by Cyrus' room door as Maddox came to face him. He made sure to close the door so that those inside, mainly Cyrus, wouldn't hear. "I know how to take him down." were his first words. There was no need to explain. Reid knew exactly which "he" Maddox was referring to. "I have all the proof you need to put him behind bars for the rest of his life." the hatred in Maddox' voice was more present than ever, but at this point, it made no difference. Give the recent events, he couldn't be the only one that felt this way. Maddox had the proof and legal connections, Reid had the status and power. Between the two of them, they'd make sure Maddox Izumi would rot in jail along with his goons.

That night was spent in the hospital. Oliver finally gave up on taking Maddox home to change his clothes, but instead opted to bring the change of clean clothes to him. Luckily, there was a bathroom right in Cyrus' room, which meant he could clean up without the need to leave. Admittedly, it felt nice to not be covered in blood and dirt anymore, though he would have endured it if it meant not leaving Cyrus' side. Oliver also went out of his way to bring both him and Cyrus some food, given that the hospital meals weren't exactly five-star gourmet. "The guys are asking about you, ya know?" Oliver's statement was directed at Maddox who sat in his usual spot beside Cyrus. "Especially Isaac." Maddox couldn't help but let out a quiet chuckle. He could only imagine why Isaac was making questions, and he could almost guarantee it wasn't because he was worried about Maddox. "Told them I'm not your messenger, and if they really want to know they should ask you themselves."

"Oh so that's why I've been getting so many messages you little shit." Maddox recalled his and Oliver's first meeting. They hated one another. Oliver irritated Maddox to a point he never thought possible. But over time, the two grew close until Oliver became the little brother Maddox never had. Though he was often still a brat, and a bit problematic, he was the only true friend Maddox had in the Beta house and that was worth the occasional trouble Oliver brought.

Before Maddox could respond, there was a knock at the door. When it opened, a nurse appeared first, immediately followed by a familiar face. Anabelle didn't say a word but instead rushed to Maddix to engulf him in a tight hug. He could feel her heartbeat pounding against his chest. It was probably the first time he'd seen her so...scared. "I'm sorry I got here as soon as I could." she finally spoke after breaking the hug. She then turned her attention to Cyrus, and Maddox could practically see her motherly instincts take over. "Hey are you feeling?".


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Character Portrait: Maddox Izumi Character Portrait: Cyrus James
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Miami Regional Hospital.
Jack couldn’t really tell from outside the room, but once Maddox gave them time to be with Cyrus, he could really see the extent of damage done to his poor little brother.

Jack and Max made themselves comfortable at Cyrus’ bedside as he was starting to fade, just enough time for a quick conversation. Cyrus attempts to sit up as Jack settles beside him, but the older Sigma gently pushes him back down. ”We’ll have time to talk, Cy. You focus on getting better, and then you’re gonna tell me and Max everything, because I don’t like being in the dark when it comes to my little brother.” Jack wards off any protest from Cy, which allows the blonde to lay back into his pillows but stubbornly strain to be awake for a few moments longer.

”The last few
 days have been
 a whirlwind. But
 I love Maddox
 and that’s all that
 matters.” Cyrus makes sure to get these final words out before succumbing to sleep that kept dragging him down to his healing place.

Jack and Max stayed by his side for hours, Cyrus’ words repeating in their head. The Casanova Beta, never to be tied down, had Cyrus falling head over heels, and it seems like he fell for Cyrus in the process. Maddox wasn’t giving any answers, too caught up in the guilt of bringing the attack on the blonde, and Reid James seemed just as surprised but too wrapped up in calls to lawyers to ask any questions of his own. That left them waiting for the blonde to recover and reveal the secrets he found over the past few days.

Max eventually went back to the Sigma house to update the other brothers. Cyrus was one of the prized Sigma brothers, their beloved prince and certainly the Maddox Izumi of Sigma Tau Delta fraternity. Jack couldn’t leave Cyrus, even with his father and the man he loved waiting all night on him. So he stubbornly sat at the edge of the room alone, as Maddox and his own little brother talked to each other.

Jack still remembers the first time he met Cyrus. He was a scrawny fifteen year old, but already feisty. Jack was grabbing liquor from his parents cellar and the young blonde caught him on the way out. He promised sealed lips for a taste of the stolen drinks, and the night ended with the two drunken teenagers being lectured by Jack’s mother. But they were friends since, and Jack relied on Cyrus more than he ever realized until now. He’d never had a sibling, and even if he did, they wouldn’t have come close to Cyrus. Jack was the first one Cyrus opened up to about his mother’s murder and being taken from his uncle’s custody, and Jack tried to be the family Cyrus always wanted.

Maybe that was what frustrated him about Maddox. He could give Cyrus all the love and family he wanted. Jack wasn’t attracted to Cyrus in any way, but he always wished he could somehow make him feel loved, even in a brotherly way. Maddox accomplishes this with ease; the way Cyrus looked at him and took his affection showed that for once, Cyrus felt truly lovable.

Jack must’ve dozed off at some point, because the next moment he was coherent, the girl from the coffee shop was in the room hugging Maddox. He blinks awake, sitting up in his chair as the girl speaks with Cyrus.

Cyrus spent most of the night plagued by night terrors, waking every few hours in a cold sweat screaming. Dreaming he died before the ambulance even arrived, dreaming Michael Izumi found him in the hospital, dreaming of losing Maddox again, every time he feared sleep more with the nightmare lands it was taking him to. He was thankful the next time he woke, Belle was in his room. He barely gets himself sat up when her concernsturn towards him.

Cyrus paints on a tired smile, happy to see her but still burdened by breath and staying awake through the various injuries. ”Getting better
 every hour.” Cyrus answers, immediately grabbing hold of Maddox’s hand once he’s fully awake. He was still afraid, the last dream still clear in his mind, but he works the fear out of his eyes with every squeeze of Maddox’s hand. It was almost soothing to have Belle here, her motherly presence filling him with comfort. Though they barely knew each other, they were connected by the one boy who didn’t let anyone else in.

He gestures for Belle to come closer, pulling her into a hug that won’t rustle his wounds too severely so he can whisper in her ear. ”Help me
 with Maddox
 please? He blames himself
 too much.” Cyrus asks of her, pulling away with a slightly desperate look in his eyes, and without realizing, his own guilt filling his baby blues.

He knew Maddox blamed himself from the moment the other boy kneeled beside him in the parking garage. Truthfully, Cyrus was filled with guilt himself. He was warned so many times, by Maddox, by Belle, even Michael Izumi himself, and he ignored them all because he’d always been Cyrus James the Invincible. But it was all a disguise for Cyrus James the Breakable.


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Character Portrait: Maddox Izumi Character Portrait: Cyrus James
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Belle took a seat at the foot of Cyrus’ bed, her eyes watching the blonde for a moment as they exchanged a knowing look. The mask of fear and desperation on Cyrus’ face when she’d pulled away from the hug somehow felt familiar. It was one she’d seen on Maddox many times before. She didn’t respond with words but made sure the blonde knew she understood his worry. Her gaze moved from Maddox and Cyrus to the other two boys sitting at the other end of the room. She knew Oliver well enough. She’d been the one to entrust Maddox’ care to the younger boy. As for the other, she recognized his face. From what she recalled, he’d been the one at the cafe a couple of days ago when Belle had her talk with Cyrus. And, if her memory served her right, he wasn’t a big fan of Maddox.

”Good looking out, Ollie.” her voice was soft and soothing as she spoke to Maddox’ little, earning a nod from the latter. From the moment Maddox first broke down in tears in her arms back in New York, Annabelle never stopped worrying for a second. She had been reluctant to leave Miami, and had it not been for her job, she would have stayed. However, since she hadn’t had much of a choice, she entrusted Oliver to inform her of everything that Maddox did and didn’t do. Granted, it was difficult given that Maddox never gave Oliver any details. But Belle knew her Japanese Cassanova well enough to guess what was going on. He never told either of them that he and Cyrus had officially patched things up, but based off of the few details Oliver gave her she could only guess that had been the case. Her theory was only confirmed the moment Maddox called her from the hospital with the news.

”And you” her gaze moved from Oliver to the curly-haired boy who’s name escaped her. [/b]”I need to have a chat with you later.”[/b] she made sure her words made it clear that it was an order, not a suggestion. Maddox couldn’t help but smirk. Leave it to Belle to take control of a room within just a few minutes of being there. ”I’m glad you came, Belle” the Latina’s red-stained lips curled into a subtle smile as she turned her attention back to Maddox and Cyrus. ”Me too. Honestly, I would have been here sooner but I had some loose ends to tie up.” There was a beat of silence during which Annabelle and Cyrus’ eyes met. She knew what she had to do, for both Cyrus and Maddox’ sake. ”Speaking of...there’s something I need to show you.” she got to her feet, taking hold of Maddox’ free hand while her eyes remained on the blonde. ”Mind if I steal your boyfriend for a moment? I’ll bring him right back!”

Maddox followed Annabelle out of the hospital room. She pulled him a little ways away from the door, around a nearby corner. Maddox would be lying if he said he wasn’t worried. On top of everything that had already happened, the possibilities of what Belle could have to show him had his nerves running wild. ”What’s going on
?” his eyes frantically searched her face for any signs of distress. They were subtle, but definitely there. ”Did something happen?” the brunette’s hand carefully landed on his arm as she shook her head. ”No, nothing like that.” she assured him, yet Maddox still had an uneasy feeling in his stomach. Before anything else was said, Belle reached into her bag and pulled out a small flash drive before carefully putting it in Maddox’ hand. ”Every insult, every threat, every single thing he did to you while you were in New York is captured on video inside this drive.”

A wide-eyed Maddox studied the small rectangle in his hands for a moment, but he wasn’t given a chance to react. Before he could speak, Belle was handing him something new. A large, yellow envelope which appeared to be filled with a formidable stack of papers. ”And here are all the dirty details of what he’s been doing behind the scenes. Falsified documents, bribes, drug trades? Did you know about that?” Maddox’ hands idly took the envelope, and he couldn’t help but let out a disturbed laugh. ”No this point I wouldn’t be surprised if he turned out to be the devil himself incarnate.”

Growing up, Maddox knew his father was capable of doing things not every businessman would. But with every day that passed since, he’d realized he didn’t even know the half of it. The things Michael Izumi had and would continue to do over the years only worsened and Maddox somehow always ended up in the crosshairs. The Beta boy quickly tucked the flash drive and envelope into his jacket. He had all the proof he needed to tear Michael Izumi to shreds, something he’d been wanting to do for so long. But now that it was a very real possibility, he was suddenly terrified. It all felt too good to be true as if the items hidden in his jacket were a ticking time bomb. ”Thanks, Belle. did you even get all this? The last thing I need is him coming after you too. I can’t see any more people I love get hurt! I-”

”Maddy, breathe!” her hands gently cupped Maddox’ face, their warmth giving him the slightest comfort. ”My dad is taking care of everything. We can finally end this, and you
” she let out a breath that told Maddox a lecture was coming. In true motherly fashion, Annabelle had given Maddox his fair share of lectures over the years. More often than not, she turned out to be right. Not that he’d ever admit it to her. ”You need to stop blaming yourself for this Maddy.” And there it was, the same message he’d been hearing from the moment he’d arrived at the coffee shop parking lot. Carefully distancing himself, Maddox’ feet took him towards a small bench near the wall. ”Listen, I know you’re just trying to make me feel better.” he took a seat, lifting his gaze to continue his protest but was met with Annabelle’s hand clamped over his mouth.

”No, Maddox, you listen. For once, stop being so goddamn stubborn and listen to the people that care about you!” she let her hand drop, but Maddox kept quiet, choosing to do what she asked. Belle took a seat beside him, taking one of his hands into hers. ”I get why you feel guilty, but you and I both know that even if you hadn’t told Cyrus the truth. Even if by some miracle that man had kept his word about not hurting Cyrus, which I wouldn’t have ended there.” As much as he didn’t want to admit it, Maddox knew she had a point. There was no guarantee that Michael Izumi would have kept his word. Someway, somehow, he would have found a loophole. He wouldn’t, he won’t stop until everything good in Maddox’ life is destroyed. ”You deserve a dad...but instead got a criminal, and that is not your fault. Okay?”


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Miami Regional Hospital.
Cyrus couldn’t tell what Belle took Maddox away for, but trusted her enough not to stop her even when his heart pounded nervously the moment Maddox was away from him. Jack returned to his side once they were basically alone, taking advantage of Cyrus being awake, if only briefly.

”You scared the shit out of me, James. I feel like I barely know you anymore,” Jack finally speaks up, looking at Cyrus with more concern than he’d ever seen from Jack. And it was true; Cyrus got so consumed by everything with Maddox that he’d barely seen his brothers.

”I’m sorry. Everything happened so fast and I-“ Before Cyrus could finish, Jack reaches out and cups the side of his face, stopping Cyrus from finishing his sentence. He could see that Jack didn’t blame him at all, in fact, he felt just as guilty. Cyrus knew Jack was as much an open book as anyone could be, and he found his own blame for Cyrus’ condition. Everyone thought it was their fault for Cyrus getting hurt, but he knew it was his own fault alone, and he needed to Jack and everyone to know.

”Just talk to me, Cy.”

Where would he start? Tears brimmed to his eyes, and he turns his head from Jack, gently clutching his chest. For a moment, Jack thought it was his injuries, but Cyrus raised his hand to stop Jack when he attempted to sit up and help. ”I think I fell in love the moment I met Maddox.

“I loved the challenge. Behind locked doors, I could see how far the Casanova Beta, the womanizer, the man always with a girl on his arm, would go with me. A man from a rival fraternity who had nothing to offer but ‘just one night’. Which turned into a lot of nights of me telling myself I wasn’t foolishly in love. I didn’t know if Maddox would stop me from loving him, even if he never felt the same. He did
 eventually break my heart, you know, but then, then he fixed it and he became my boyfriend and, and I told him I loved him- I always have- and his father found me, offered me money- fuck I should have- been careful- it’s my- fault-“

This was not the Cyrus James Jack knew anymore. As he took his friend in his arms, silencing his panic and comforting him, he was learning more about who his little brother was now. He’d fallen so hard for Maddox he’d forgotten he could be hurt. Jack knew the invincibility one could feel when they first fell deep in love, though Jack’s first real love ended with a glass of wine thrown in his face and never seeing Maya Wilmington again. He wouldn’t let Cyrus reach the same fate, and would make that clear to Maddox.

Once Cyrus was calmed, Jack promised that he would not let Cyrus blame himself for this any longer, and they would make sure that the real guilty people would be punished for this. Max replaces Jack at Cyrus’ side to cheer the blonde up as Jack joined Maddox and the girl in the hallway.

He did not look at Maddox with the same contempt as before, nor the girl that seemed to know more about this than Jack ever did. He first sighed, and brushed a hand through his hair. ”I’m
 sorry for the way I’ve been acting towards
 well, the both of you.” Jack starts, seeking to lift the weight from his heart knowing how he’d written off the two of them from the start without thinking they would have Cyrus’ best interest in mind possibly more than Jack did.

”Cyrus has given me some details about, uh, you two. After everything that’s happened, I don’t care as long as you keep him happy. I know you blame yourself, Maddox. But you need to stop, because that boy laying in the hospital bed in there loves you too much to ever blame you and believes all of this is his fault. He’s- fuckin’ panicking because of this and I- shit, I’ve never seen him-“ Jack starts to tear up himself, and turns away to brush them roughly away and take a few stabilizing breaths.

”Whoever did this, they need to pay. Not you. Not him. It’s those men that hurt him, and the man who ordered them to do it.”


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As difficult as it was for him to admit, Maddox knew Belle was right. From the moment he’d seen Cyrus laying in a pool of his own blood in the coffee shop parking lot he’d been convinced it was his fault. Somehow, someway, he could have stopped what happened. But it was foolish to ever think it’d be possible to bargain with a criminal. Whichever way it was done, Michael Izumi would win.

As a kid, all Maddox wanted was a family. A real one. But his father only cared to make a carbon copy of himself with the clean slate he was given, lashing out when things didn’t go his way. His mother never cared enough to stop him, and eventually stopped caring all-together and left. Maddox had to teach himself how to be a normal person. He never had a father, much less a dad. Belle knew this well, and never forgot to point out how Maddox deserved better. That was something the Beta prince wasn’t sure he agreed with, but as far as who was to blame for all this, the answer was clear. Although Maddox couldn’t shake off the guilt entirely, still feeling like he was responsible in some way, Michael Izumi was the constant variable in every formula for disaster. Annabelle seemed to understand this even better than he did.

”Maybe you’re right
” his words were still shrouded with insecurity, and Belle didn’t fail to notice. ”No maybe, I am right.” she placed a hand on her shoulder, adding a soft squeeze for extra emphasis. Her eyes were kind, yet firm, like a mother giving her son an important life lesson. ”And the more you blame yourself the more worries you’ll give Cyrus.” her words resonated deep within Maddox. As difficult as it was to not throw blame, the main focus right now should have been Cyrus and his recovery. That much he could agree with. He added a silent nod, a way of letting her know he’d heard her loud and clear.

A sigh left his lips as they both go to their feet, his body and mind urging him to go back to Cyrus’ side, [color=ed2939]”Thanks B.”[/color] If Maddox had ever met anyone more selfless and caring than Annabelle he certainly didn’t remember. She nodded, a tender smile tugging at her lips, and turned back towards Cyrus’ room after deciding she’d done her job. Maddox had expected to walk back into Jack demanding answers from Cyrus as he had done just a few days ago but instead was met with Jack himself. The scene of him standing in front of them, a look of defeat paired with hesitant gestures was not one Maddox had anticipated. But what truly left him speechless were the words that left the guy’s mouth. Jack Botham, apologizing? To Maddox of all people, when just two days ago he wanted to disfigure his face.

Belle must have noticed the shock in Maddox, because she didn’t hesitate to respond. ”That’s exactly what I’ve been trying to tell Mandy here for the past fifteen minutes.” the hands that rested on her hips slowly relaxed with a gentle breath before being placed on each of the boys’ shoulders. ”Look...I obviously don’t know Cyrus as well as the two of you’s obvious to me that he’s a fighter. He will make it through this, but he’s going to need to be surrounded by peace and the people he loves most.” Maddox’ eyes wandered to Jack for a moment. He knew the guy’s relationship with Cyrus well enough. They were like brothers. All Jack wanted was to see his little brother happy, and that was something Maddox could deeply relate to. ”So, I’m going to need you both to forget about this whole Sigma versus Beta bullshit. Forget about whatever problems you’ve had in the past. That boy in there is terrified, and he needs you. Both of you.” emphasis was added to the last three words as Belle’s gaze moved from Maddox to Jack. ”Do you think you can do that...for Cyrus?” Her hands then dropped to her sides as she took a step back, leaving room for a signal of truce.

There was a beat of silence before Maddox outstretched his hand to Jack. He never had any intentions of being his enemy. Life just hadn’t worked in their favor. ”I can do that.” Belle gave the two a moment before gently patting Maddox’ arm and gesturing towards the hospital room door. ”Good, now go on. I promised I wouldn’t keep you long. He’s probably worried.” Maddox didn’t need to be told twice. He’d take any opportunity to be right beside Cyrus, right where he belonged. He thanked Belle one more time before making his way back into the quiet room and taking his place beside his blonde once again.

He very carefully took the boy’s hand in his, his eyes meeting the baby blues he’d never grow tired of. [color=ed2939]”How are you feeling?”[/color] he decided to leave aside the contents of the conversation he’d just had with Belle. That was the last thing Cyrus needed to be worrying about.


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Miami Regional Hospital.
There was nothing Jack wanted more than to see his little brother safe and happy. And if that meant apologizing to Maddox Izumi and accepting he would be a constant in not only Cyrus’ life, but his own, he would do it. Still, it was obvious Maddox hadn’t expected him to say anything that just let his mouth, and honestly, Jack didn’t either. It was good that the girl stepped in, as he wasn’t sure what to say either.

She was more in charge of this situation than Jack realized. While Jack was thinking of all the things he would do once he got his hands on Maddox, and Maddox filling his head with a guilt only meant for Michael Izumi, this girl was the only one truly thinking about Cyrus. That’s what Jack had to do too, think of Cyrus’ best interest. So when Maddox’s hand slid out to shake his, Jack took it wholeheartedly, turning what was a basic fraternal rivalry into somewhat of a friendship. Or at least an acquaintanceship, friendship might be too strong of a word now.

Then Maddox left, and it was just him and the girl. Jack took a moment to study her, the long black hair and soft blue eyes that reminded him of Cyrus. They were certainly darker in hue, but the way she looked at Maddox and at Cyrus earlier, there was the same softness he so often saw in Cyrus’ eyes. He met her eyes now, finally speaking up. ”I don’t think I’ve met anyone who can talk to Maddox so plainly like that. Everyone at school acts like he’s royalty.” Jack starts, chuckling slightly. If anyone from school saw him like this, they would really see him for who he is, but Jack wasn’t sure they’d like the real side of Maddox Izumi.

”That’s why I didn’t get why Cyrus was so into him. Cyrus’ father was from the same fraternity, and they’ve never been on good terms. But this must be the side of Maddox Cyrus has always seen, hidden away from the rest of us.” Jack continues, turning to look at the couple. Maddox was already seated by the bed, talking with Cyrus with their hands clasped together. There was still a part of him that worried about the relationship, but it was slowly fading. ”If I keep Cyrus in line, you’ll have to do the same for Maddox. Deal?” Jack adds with a little tease in his voice, extending his hand out to the girl.

Inside the hospital room, Cyrus immediately clutches to Maddox’s hand, relieved to have him close again. Maddox’s first question was the same he’d heard from everyone. ”I’m getting better. Your handsomeness is healing me.” Cyrus teases softly in his raspy voice, trying to push back all the fear and anxiety and enjoy his boyfriend’s company, if only for a few minutes.

After the panic attacks started, he was worried he would start to see more of Maddox’s father in him. But it seemed to be the opposite; even though he knew how similar they looked, he could only see his Maddy, the boy that loved him so dearly and blamed himself for every wound his father left. The blame would go away eventually, especially with Belle getting through that stubborn head better than Cyrus could.


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Annabelle couldn't hold the giggle that came in response to Jack's last statement. If she had to be honest, he did have a point. Maddox sometimes needed a little extra guidance, but she wasn't going to tell him that. "Maddy isn't a bad guy..." she said, one hand running through her brown locks. "I've known him since he was five years old. He was a sweet boy. Still is." she assumed Jack wouldn't believe her, but the side of Maddox he'd seen, the side everyone at the university saw, was one big defense mechanism. She let her body lean against the wall, her bright blues looking up at the curly haired boy.

He never had any kind of family, he was never allowed to have friends. Somehow, I got lucky. He lived locked up in his house and the things his dad has done to him..." her voice trailed off, not wanting to get into too many details. It was Maddox' business to tell, not hers. But she could only hope Jack understood. He had now seen first hand what the man was capable of, not only towards Maddox but towards everyone around him. After a moment of silence, Belle stood upright, her hand resting on Jack's shoulder. "Thank you for what you said to him earlier. I know we got off on the wrong foot back at the restaurant so I propose we start over." she said, outstretching her hand towards him but almost instantly taking it back. "Of course if you hurt my Maddy I'll be forced to kill you." she added before offering her hand once again.

The hospital room was rather quiet. Reid and Oliver were there but didn't say much of anything. Maddox lips twisted into somewhat of a smile. Just as Belle and Jack had said before, Cyrus was one hell pf a fighter. The flirtatious comments seeping out of his battered body made Maddox feel a little better, not a significant difference, but enough for now. His thumb traced circles over Cyru's hand, his dark browns never leaving the baby blues. There was a deeply rooted sadness behind them. A sadness that came from a very young age, but had always been hidden behind forced smirks and flirty banter. Now it was bare for Cyrus to see. He sincerely hoped the blonde wouldn't take it too seriously. "Tell you what else will help. Food." he said suddenly, remembering that Cyrus hadn't had a decent meal in a while. "What do you want to eat? Anything you want, your wish is my command."

Before Cyrus could respond, a loud ding came from Maddox' phone. He assumed it to be someone from the Beta house, so he opted to ignore it. But not even a second later there was another one. With a sigh of defeat, Maddox pulled out the mobile device. He'd expected to see one of his brothers' name on the screen, but instead saw the one name he never wanted to see again.

Michael Izumi
I heard Cyrus was sevrely injured. I sincerely wish him a speedy recovery. I do hope nothing like this happens again.

Maddox couldn't tear his eyes away from the small screen in front of him, unsure if he was actually seeing the message correctly or if his anger towards his father was playing tricks on him. But the words were permanent, staring back at him from the speech bubble. "Son of a bitch!" he cursed so low it almost resembled a growl. He let the phone fall on the bed beside Cyrus as he sprung to his feet, his mind focused on nothing other than finding Michael Izumi. Before his mind could catch up, his body was already rushing out of the hospital room.

"Woah, Woah, woah, hey, what's going on?" Belle's voice came almost instantly, her hand gripping onto Maddox' wrist. The Beta boy made no attempts at stopping, but Annabelle was just as persistent. Even in all his rage, he knew better than to push her. "Let me go, Belle!" his voice almost echoed down the empty hospital hallway as he attempted to get away from Belle's grasp without hurting her in the process. "Okay, Maddy- calm down!" her eyes met his. Instead of the bright blues he knew so well, they were now a sea of desperation and nerves. But the anger rushing through Maddox' veins refused to let up. "I've been calm all my life, Annabelle. I've had it!" despite his common sense screaming at Maddox to let things go and take the safer, more legal route, his anger and urge to hurt his father just as much as he'd done screamed much louder.


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Miami Regional Hospital.
Cyrus was thankful that Maddox’s mind seemed to be eased from his talk with Belle. Some of the guilt had been erased from the dark browns Cyrus found himself lost in most of the time, replaced with a sadness he’d never quite noticed before but now couldn’t unsee. He was momentarily distracted by Maddox’s offer of food. The thought of having some real food made Cyrus’ stomach growl. Before he could make any decision, Maddox’s demeanor immediately changed with the text that came in on his phone.

Cyrus forced himself upright in bed, ignoring the pain as Maddox stalks out of the room. He can see Belle stopping him from the window, and then looks to the phone left on the bed. Against his better judgment, he picks up the phone and reads the message.

His entire body froze with fear. Michael Izumi. He knew the man orchestrated the incident, but was still surprised to see this. Did he know where they took Cyrus? Was he coming to the hospital? The paralyzing feeling in his body was replaced as he started to shake and his breathing picked up. He forgotten how terrified he could become, and he wondered if he’d ever been this terrified before. Reid must have noticed, as he came to Cyrus’ bedside and placed a hand on his shoulder. ”Cyrus-“

”I have to go-“ Cyrus interrupts in a panicked voice, his eyes darting between Maddox and the door. ”He knows- where I am- he’s going to come- they’ll hurt me again- I can’t- I cant- Maddy please-“

His haphazard breathing gets louder as his voice does, unable to keep his voice down with the amount of terror that coursed through him. In his mind, Michael Izumi was only moments away, or one of his other henchman was coming to finish the job. And Maddox was so far away, he felt miles away from Cyrus, unable to protect him if anything happened. He didn’t want to be stuck in this hospital bed when the time came, and tried to slowly move from the bed even when his body and his father protest. ”Cyrus you can’t-“[\b]

[b]”I can’t stay here- I need Maddy- we need to go now- please-
Cyrus couldn’t get his breath back, couldn’t think, all he knew was that Michael Izumi would do anything to keep him away from Maddox. He manages to stand up despite the obstacles, alerting the nurses as well when the pulse monitor falls from his finger. He just needed to be closer to Maddox, to be protected again because no one knew the man like Maddox did.


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Miami Regional Hospital.
Some of the panic subsided once Maddox was in the room. There was safety in the hands around his hips, in the soft voice assuring him that Maddox was here and he wouldn’t let his father hurt him. But he forgot one thing. He could only promise not to let him hurt Cyrus again.

Cyrus almost physically pushes that thought away, trying to calm his exploding heart as Maddox makes eye contact with him and brushes a tear from his eye. As his chest starts to slow from the rapid heartbeat he worked himself up into, he starts to notice his surroundings. No longer looking for imaginary goons coming for him, but the concerned faces of his family and friends- and Maddox’s friends. He bites his lip, bowing his head as his cheeks start to redden. ”I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to worry anyone.

He slowly moves back to the bed, with the help of his boyfriend and the nurse eager to get his vitals monitored again. She offers to get Cyrus cold water, and brushes by Reid as she’s exiting. ”I’ll have the doctor put in for a psych exam, see if we can get some help for the PTSD symptoms he’s experiencing.”

Cyrus clings to Maddox’s hand even when he’s finally laying in bed again, only slight shaking by this point. ”You felt
 so far away. I know you’ll protect me but
 what if you’re not there?[/color Cyrus admits softly, not wanting to look Maddox in the eye even when there were days he would have killed to see those beautiful brown eyes. He lets out a soft laugh, looking at Maddox’s hand in his. [color=#c28285]”I don’t need you to be my bodyguard, Maddy. I just- I don’t want that man to take you away from me again. I’ve barely had any time to really love you.”

Of course Cyrus was scared, but that’s what worries him the most. When he was laying in the parking garage, it wasn’t the insults or steel tip boots that hurt him the lost. It was the thought that Michael Izumi would keep him from Maddox for good. That man spent Maddox’s entire life denying him of anything good and Cyrus was determined to be one good thing in Maddox’s life. Even if the thought of being around that man made him lose his breath, he wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of leaving Maddox.

”He won’t win. We will.”


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As the days crawled by, the hospital stay began to feel slightly less taxing for Maddox and before he knew it, Cyrus was being handed his discharge papers. He was sent home under strict orders to “rest and relax” which Maddox was in full agreement with. He’d already planned on taking Cyrus under his protection from the moment they stepped foot outside the hospital doors. Though it gnawed at his insides to accept it, he’d have to leave the legal matters up to Reid. For now, at least. He and the older James both agreed that Maddox’ priority should be to tend to Cyrus’ wounds, both physically but most importantly, emotionally.

While at the hospital, Maddox had discovered the nurse speaking to the doctor about Cyrus’ probable need to see a psychologist. He knew for a fact that his blondie would not be keen on the idea for more reasons than one, and if he was being honest, Maddox wasn’t either. Cyrus didn’t need a therapist, he needed time, care, protection and unconditional love. All of which Maddox could provide. Using his skills of persuasion, he’d convinced both the nurse and the doctor to discard the idea with the on condition being that should Cyrus’ mental state become worse, Maddox was obligated to alert the hospital. The young man agreed to the terms, but silently swore to himself that he wouldn’t allow things to get that far.

Much to his relief, Cyrus’ anxiety seemed to dwindle after just a few minutes of being with Maddox in his penthouse. The latter made it clear that Cyrus was not to leave the apartment complex, alone or otherwise. Even if it meant passing out from exhaustion, Maddox would make damn sure Michael Izumi never came near Cyrus ever again. This brought on the need to be creative in order to balance his classes, his job and his position as Beta all while taking care of whatever his boyfriend may need. Adrenaline and pure will power got him through the first several days, but come the end of the week, Maddox was beginning to feel the effects.

”Let me do it.” Annabelle’s voice came from behind him, almost as a whisper, before she carefully took the dirty plate from Maddox hands and continued to wash it herself. ”You’re my guest, Belle. I should be tending to you-” Maddox immediately argued, his sentence shortly followed by a stifled yawn. Belle’s hands came to a pause, her brights blues tainted with concern as she turned to face him. ”No, you need to rest. Jack is taking care of Cy for now, and I can take care of the kitchen. You just go sit down and relax.” Though he parted his lips to protest, another yawn escaped Maddox. Deciding it was futile to argue against Annabelle, he quickly washed his hands with an exasperated ”Fine” before leaving the kitchen area.

Cyrus and Jack sat on the couches, both seemingly satisfied by the meal Maddox had made for them. Annabelle had announced a few days back that she’d be dropping by for the weekend, and Cyrus thought it a good idea to invite Jack for dinner during her visit. Had he asked a few weeks back, Maddox would have blatantly rejected the idea, but the sight of Jack apologizing to him in the empty hospital halls had been deeply engraved into the back of Maddox’ mind. He’d seen a side of Jack he never knew existed, not to mention how much he cared for Cyrus. That’s something they could both agree on. Annabelle had no objections to the plan, which is what brought them to tonight. A quiet dinner between just the four of them. Well, about as quiet as a dinner with both Annabelle and Jack could be.

Maddox had made it through the night rathered energized, but now, as he claimed his seat on the couch beside Cyrus, his exhaustion and lack of sleep began to settle. He remained silent, allowing Jack and Cyrus to carry on with their conversation while using every ounce of strength he had left to keep his fatigue from being too obvious.


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Maddox’s apartment.
Cyrus was thankful to finally leave the hospital, even if he still felt unsettled. The creeping anxiety was becoming a normal feeling, which wasn’t something he wanted but was better than all the panic.

That was one thing he never thought he’d experience. Some of the nurses took him through some exercises if another were to occur, along with his physical exercises to make sure his body was healing, physically and mentally. The bruises were fading and broken bones put back into place, but the constant nightmares and trying to catch his breath were still steady. He’d had a similar experience when his mother passed, but he never had to worry about the random mugger coming back to finish him off. He knew as long as he stayed with Maddox, he would never get off Michael Izumi’s hit list.

This caused a fire in Reid James that Cyrus had only seen once before. He’d sent his legal team after the mugger who killed his mother, only for the case to go cold with too little evidence. But the cameras in the garage would show the faces of the men Michael Izumi hired, as would the coffee shop where Cryus was bribed to end his relationship with Maddox. All the pictures they took of his wounds, the baseball bat dropped at the scene, all they needed was to connect the hit to Michael Izumi and everything would be over. And Reid would make sure that he was connected; he was hardly off the phone the last few days Cyrus was in the hospital, and had made many plans for meetings with lawyers and getting the older Izumi detained.

That left Cyrus in Maddox’s care to heal, which he wasn’t complaining. There was were he wanted - needed - to be, to have some sort of peace of mind. Maddox’s apartment was a safe haven for him, where he’d spent many nights alone with the younger Izumi and planned to spend many more. He also had no complaints about not leaving the apartment alone. He wasn’t sure when would be the next time he’d feel safe anywhere alone.

Jack offered to stay with Cyrus anytime Maddox needed to go to class or had obligations to Beta, so long as it didn’t conflict with his own clinicals or Sigma events. Though the Sigmas were much more lenient on Jack and Cyrus’ absences while Cyrus was healing. The Sigmas had gotten their own prince with Cyrus, and his presence was sorely missed by the other brothers. Jack had hardly left Cyrus’ side, only when Maddox didn’t look too exhausted from all the drama of the attack, and found himself in the Beta’s apartment now. If anyone had told him he and Maddox would be at the same dinner table together with Cyrus as the Beta’s confirmed boyfriend, he would have laughed it off.

It was obvious even to him that Maddox was exhausting himself with caring to Cyrus’ needs. Cyrus saw it very plainly, which made his stomach turn with guilt. He didn’t listen to his or Belle’s constant warnings, and now Maddox was running himself dry tending to Cyrus.

As Maddox sat beside him, he could practically feel how tired the other boy was. He gave Jack a look while they spoke, one he used plenty of times when he wanted to be alone with a potential fling or current. Now, he just wanted to be alone with his boyfriend, who was putting too much energy into him. Jack took it well, standing from the couch and stretching. ”Well, I have clinicals early tomorrow so I need to get home. You gonna be alright, Cy?” Jack plays along, walking towards his keys. The blonde confirms, leaning in to Maddox and snuggling on his side.

When Jack’s back is turned, he whispers in Maddox’s ear, ”You should come to bed with me, you haven’t been getting much sleep lately.” Cyrus makes it clear with his tone that he’s not accepting no for an answer, and leans his head against Maddox’s shoulder, feigning his own tiredness if that would help get the stubborn Beta to sleep.


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Character Portrait: Maddox Izumi Character Portrait: Cyrus James
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Maddox believed he was doing a good job at hiding his exhaustion, and perhaps at a certain point he succeeded, but it was getting to the point where he couldn't even fool himself. Cyrus caught on quickly, as he usually would, but Maddox wasn't quick to give in. He said nothing as Jack got to his feet, claiming he had clinicals and had to dip out. Maddox knew the reason behind the whisper that came from Cyrus afterward though he easily played it off with a smile.

Before he could respond, Belle presented herself into the living room. She threw a quick glance in their direction, exchanging a look with Cyrus that Maddox knew meant "make sure he gets some sleep" before directing her attention towards the Beta. "I'll be headed out too, I've got my flight back tomorrow and I haven't even packed!" Belle's alarmed tone of realization brought a soft smile to Maddox' face. He pushed himself onto his feet, not quite ready to say goodbye to her. Annabelle's visits were always short-lived. Maddox understood why. She was a very busy woman and even so, she still made time to come visit him often. Especially now, after everything that happened. When she wasn't present in person, she was calling or texting to make sure they were okay.

"Want me to call you a cab?" almost immediately, the brunette's hands flew up in protest before resting on Maddox' arms. "I can do it." she assured him. Maddox had no doubt in his mind that she could handle herself, but she was his guest, his sister. It felt like his duty to make sure she got back to her hotel safely. Despite her reassurance, he couldn't help but worry. Belle seemed to sense it and took a step back, bright blues flickering in Jack's direction. "Or if it'll make you feel any better, Jack here can take me." she added, volunteering the Sigma boy with a bright smile. Maddox almost had to laugh at her assertion, knowing that Jack would ultimately have no choice but to agree. "I don't know if that's any better." he teased, his smile faltering for a moment as a yawn overtook it.

There was that fondness in Annabelle's eyes again as she gently cupped his cheeks. "Okay, I have to go but please Maddy, please take care of yourself." she raised a warning finger and added "I mean it!". Maddox responded with a quick salute and a yes ma'am before they shared a hug. She then made her way over to Cyrus, whispering something Maddox didn't quite catch, before giving him a hug of his own.

The moment the door shut behind her and Jack, Maddox knew Cyrus would use all of his power to get him into bed. Still, he thought it wouldn't hurt to get in one last protest. "Let me just work on my paper for a few minutes then we'll go to bed.". He grabbed his laptop and sat beside Cyrus on the couch all in one breath, hoping that if he did it fast enough, the blonde wouldn't be able to stop him.


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Character Portrait: Maddox Izumi Character Portrait: Cyrus James
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The art of being stubborn had been one Maddox mastered from a young age. Despite his knowledge of how much Cyrus wanted him in bed coupled with his body’s pleas to rest, he fully prepared to protest if Cyrus denied him some time with his school work. Thankfully, there was no need for it. Thirty minutes he could work with. He closed his eyes for a fraction of a second, taking in the blonde’s kiss to the forehead, and sent him away with a nod. His dark orbs didn’t miss the impromptu strip show he received in the comfort of his living room couch, and although Maddox knew exactly what the boy had been aiming for when he decided to do it, against his better judgement, he decided to cut his thirty minutes down to twenty five. Maybe twenty, who knows?

Once Cyrus had vanished into the bedroom, Maddox’s gaze focused once again on the laptop in front of him. The first five minutes passed in a blur. He did manage to get some sentences written down, however with every tick of the clock sitting on the wall behind him, the simple task of reading became increasingly more difficult. At a point, Maddox read the same sentence a minimum of ten times and still hadn’t the slightest idea what it said. Two more sentences down and his vision began to blur. A sudden wave of fatigue rushed over him. He froze, eyes shutting closed for a few seconds. He let his head rest on the back of the couch, breath shortened slightly as he did everything he could to regain senses.

The fatigue slowly subsided, leaving behind an undeniable exhaustion. Stronger than anything he’d felt all week. With a sigh of defeat, he let his computer close with a soft thud. Setting it aside, he got to his feet, taking a moment to stabilize his limbs. Ignoring the subtle dizziness, he dragged his feet towards the bedroom. By the time he got there, Cyrus was already in bed. After kicking off his shoes, Maddox decided washing up before bed would require too much energy. His body mindlessly slipped under the sheets beside his blondie. His head, which felt much heavier than should be natural, rested on the younger boy’s shoulder.

His body and mind continuously begged him to rest, but his heart kept him awake, fingers carefully tracing over a scar just above Cyrus’ collarbone. ”We have the court date tomorrow...”. Along with dinner, Maddox had himself a couple of glasses of wine. Certainly nowhere near enough for his words to be as slurred as they were. Despite it all, his need to comfort Cyrus remained high above anything else, including his self-care. After a beat of silence, Maddox lifted his gaze to meet the pair of baby blues that made every moment of exhaustion worth it. ”will you be okay to go?”


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Character Portrait: Maddox Izumi Character Portrait: Cyrus James
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Maddox’s apartment.
Cyrus had dozed off before Maddox joined him in the bed. Although he was cleared to leave the hospital, he still had a lot of healing to go. Thankfully, breathing through his nose wasn't as much of a challenge as it used to be, especially with his ribs healing up nicely from the bruising they sustained. The worst was his fingers, which were starting to regain the feeling but still tingled when he tried to use them. The physical therapist told him that it would take more time because of the fragility of the bones. But even his head was healing from the concussion and the mental effects seemed to be subsiding.

His eyes flutter open as he feels Maddox slip in beside him and rest on his shoulder. As the other boy traces one of the many new scars, Cyrus thought about what tomorrow would bring.

He would see Michael Izumi for the first time since he attempted to bribe Cyrus in the coffee shop, just hours before he planned a vicious attack on the blonde. As much as he wanted to spend the rest of his life without seeing that man's face again, they would eventually need his testimony. That also meant Michael's attorney could scrutinize him and possibly send him into another panic attack.

Cyrus catches Maddox's eyes when he looks up at him, asking if he's okay to go. He bites his lip, grabbing onto Maddox's hand and rubbing his thumb along them. If he were honest, the thought of being that close to Michael Izumi again terrified him. But, he knew Maddox was running himself dry worrying about Cyrus and he didn't want to add onto that. He takes hold of Maddox's cheek, smiling weakly at his boyfriend. "You and Reid have put so much effort into this. I want to be there." He manages to sound somewhat confident in his decision, trying to hide his nervousness.

A part of him wondered if it was the right decision to appear for more than his testimony. There were still plenty of visible bruises, which would show his attacker how much of his handiwork was still left on Cyrus. Some of the scars would never go away, especially the mental instability. He'd gotten himself under control since his attacks in the hospital, but he would never feel safe in a parking garage again. He'd always look over his back to see if one of his attackers was sent to terrorize him again. He had a feeling not even being in prison would stop Michael Izumi from trying to ruin his son's life.

But looking at Maddox gave him every reason to keep going and fight. It didn't matter how much he still hurt. It didn't matter if he could try to attack Cyrus again. All that mattered was that Cyrus loved Maddox and could make him happy. The Beta prince deserved so much love, and Cyrus was determined to give him every last bit he could.

"And I want you to get some sleep, okay? I can't have you exhausting yourself because of me." Cyrus gently scolds at Maddox, sliding down so he can wrap himself across Maddox. Not only did it comfort him to have Maddox's warm chest to lay on, it also prevented him from any midnight breaks to work on missing schoolwork. "And I promise to wake you up if I need help, so don't try to pull that card. I'm sleeping and so are you."

It wasn't difficult to fall back asleep. He barely woke up enough for Maddox to settle in beside him, and now that he was properly on Maddox's side using him as his favorite pillow, his own sleepiness takes the better of him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maddox Izumi Character Portrait: Cyrus James
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After deciding there was no need to fight his body any longer, Maddox let himself drift into a deep sleep, waking up only seconds to shift closer to Cyrus for added warmth. The sun’s rays had peaked through the bedroom blinds around seven in the morning, bringing with it the muffled sounds of a busy city day. Maddox struggled to wake up. Half his mind begged for sleep, while the other knew he had to prepare for the long and undoubtedly stressful day ahead of them.

He’d woken up a bit before Cyrus, with just enough time to shower and make breakfast for them both. Choosing to ignore the unsettling feeling in his stomach, Maddox set down to eat with his boyfriend. Cyrus was a bundle of nerves, that much was obvious to Maddox from the moment the younger had walked into the kitchen. Maddox would be lying if he said he wasn’t feeling them himself, but he’d sworn to protect the blonde with every fiber of his being, both physically and mentally and he would stick by that. He never missed an opportunity to tell his boy it would all be okay, even if he himself wasn't too sure about it. They’d gathered enough evidence to bring down the tyrant, but Michael Izumi was nothing short of a mastermind and Maddox had no doubt he’d have some dirty tricks up his sleeve. Whatever it took to continue to make their lives miserable.

The younger Izumi often wondered if he was truly worth all the trouble he was giving. Every thought, every recount of the events lead back to the same question. He knew Cyrus could be just as stubborn as he, but living through something like this, sticking to Maddox despite everything being against them couldn’t be out of pure stubborn will. He often thought about how much easier Cyrus’ life would have been without him, even if it meant the opposite for Maddox.

After learning they’d be accompanied to the court by a couple of bodyguards hired by none other than Reid James himself, Maddox lead Cyrus into their room to get dressed. There was an underlying uncertainty as the two boys pulled on their best suits, not knowing what the rest of the day would bring. As Maddox gathered their belongings, there was a soft knock at the door, the Beta paused, eyes scanning Cyrus for a moment before heading over to open it.

Belle’s bright blues smiled the moment she spotted Maddox. ”Hi! How are my favorite boys feeling today?” she took Maddox’ silent invitation to step inside and the door was closed behind her. There was a short pause as she looked over the two, eyes brimming with love. ”Well don’t you two look dashing!” Maddox smiled, taking his place next to Cyrus. ”Ready for the battle.” he didn’t feel nearly as confident as he sounded, but if that’s what it took to comfort Cyrus then he’d have to do what he was best at. Pretending.