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Sand N' Swords

Xian Jie Islands


a part of Sand N' Swords, by JayZeroSnake.


JayZeroSnake holds sovereignty over Xian Jie Islands, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Xian Jie Islands is a part of Sand N' Swords.

4 Characters Here

Mia Song [0] Rowdy, happy, and cute. All in one lovable bundle! Oh yeah, caution may spit fireballs.
Vivienne Couture [0] "Want some flowers?"
Alexis Zane [0] Never underestimate the power of the mind
Yan Wang [0] I Can throw Fireballs. Cause I took Karate Lessons, BIATCHKACHO.

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Yan Wang was walking to the beach. A Very tranquil area where many children and adults were playing. Beautiful women were sporting sexy swimwear. Crabs were doing battle with pets, like dogs and cats, ice creams were eaten, and fat men with beards and sunscreen white noses were being buried in the sand.

Yan Wang Sighed. At least it wasn't as bad as some other beaches he'd been to. He undid his Gi top, and tied his Black belt around his white pants, which had no waistband seeing as they were traditional karate attire. He unpacked a picnic blanket, and bought a beach umbrella, as he prepared his things for a fun day of water and training.


However, if you paid close attention, you could make a mysterious health bar appear above his head, showing HP, MP, Level, experience points, money, and a couple other things.

He was a quester.

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#, as written by Sench
"What the hell do you mean it has been terminated?!" The young man practically yelled at the bank employee. Something was going on here, something he seriously didn't like, and this sheepish woman was the closest person to let his anger out on. Although doing his best to keep his composure, he had no choice but to give up and leave soon. The last thing he wanted right now was someone calling the police.

Alexis was not in a happy mood. It was just one thing after another ever since he got to this island. The first problem he ran into was his luggage getting lost. It was inconvenient, but not exactly uncommon or disastrous. They would just deliver it later, or so he thought at first. Then things got worse. The second problem was his phone getting stolen. It probably happened at some moment inside the plane, after he put away his carry-on baggage. That was definitely worse, but still, nothing extreme. Except now his bank card wasn't working either. So he was stuck thousands of miles away from home, with nothing but some small change and a single set of clothes.

"Note to self, never go on vacation. Ever." He joked grimly with himself. While some of the things that happened could have been simple coincidences, his bank card suddenly becoming invalid was not. And thus he began to suspect that the other problems were not, either. Unfortunately, that didn't really change anything about the situation at hand.

Walking around deep in thought, he stopped when he reached some kind of beach. He wasn't really dressed for it, nor was he in the mood for fun and games, so he just took a seat on a nearby bench instead of entering the sandy grounds. What exactly was he going to do?

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Vivienne was ecstatic. The best flowers in the world were growing right where she was standing. Sure, almost everything she owned had been stolen. And sure, she was probably stuck here for life now. And sure, her parents were going to kill her. But Vivi chose to live in the moment and was entranced by these flowers. She'd never seen anything like them anywhere. So she knelt down and carefully pulled out the best dozen or so before setting them in her basket. Lovely.

Out of the corner of her eye, Vivi noticed a beach. She grinned and jumped up, brushing off her knees, and commenced to dance her way there. The thought that she should be embarrassed by everyone staring never occurred to her, but it wouldn't have mattered even if it did. A simple thought wouldn't have distracted her from her favorite thing in the world. Crashing into a person on a bench, however, would. Vivi slammed to the ground and quickly scrambled, offering the man a hand.

"I'm so sorry!" She grinned ruefully. "I was too busy dancing to look where I was going and I didn't notice you anyways and then I just kinda ran into you," Vivi tended to run her sentences together when trying to explain something, as was the case right now.

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Yan Wang was adjusting some solar powered Radio he'd found on his travels, working the device out. He smiled, and turned over, about to grab his headband. a Small set of hotdogs were cooking over a little fire.

The Karateka was about to tie his precious cloth around his head as usual, when he spotted a young lady with the most bizarre candy pink hair crashing into a young man in a suit with ghostly white hair.


...Ignoring it, he continued on the hot dogs he was making.

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#, as written by Sench
Alexis helped the girl who crashed into him up. He was going to say it was okay and that accidents can happen to anyone on reflex, but stopped himself at the last moment. He was not in the mood to be courteous to anyone, especially not to some dimwit who was definitely at fault. Seriously, what kind of idiot just crashes into people? Especially people who aren't walking or even standing around, but sitting on a bench?

"You were dancing. In the middle of the street." Those were not questions, they were statements. He did follow them with a question, though. "What are you, six?" There was another word he felt like using, but that would be just plain offensive. He was in a bad enough situation as it was, and making a girl cry would not do anything to better it.

"Never mind that. You don't seem hurt, but do pay attention to where you're going."

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Vivi nodded happily, unconscious of the fact that his statements were possibly an insult. "Yeah, I do it all the time. Have you ever tried it?" She giggled at the question that followed. "No, but my friends ask me that, too!" Vivi twirled around once more. "I'll try to pay attention, but it's hard when everything is spinning," She nearly crshed to the ground again, but managed to recover. Vivi grinned. "I'm Vivi, by the way. Well technically my name is Vivienne, but I think that's too long, so I go by Vivi."

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Mia was delirious, she had to be, shegazed p the sun burning upon her face, she calmly reached up and itched her ear, well just another day of freakin people out. She was a quester, an unwilling one. The native kind, but it didn't bother her. Running barefoot through a jungle and then unto the hot sand of the beach did however, she found herself playing hot potato with her feet, skipping along awkwardly in pain, her tail curled uncomfortably around her race as she tripped over a crab. Yes a crab thats how pathetic she was, sliding and landing with her face to the sky, on a picnic blanket?

Twisting she giggled, imagining her tiny status bars above her head crashing through all the food, though of course, the bars weren't physical but she liked to think they were. Noticing the man whom the blanket belonged to her eyes went wide. Another Quester! "Wee! Cool mister you'be got some health and mana stuffs too!" She gazed up at the oddly colored semi-transparent meta-physical thingys.. yes thingys. It was not everyday you saw another quester, definitely not every day.

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Yan Wang Just stared at the girl. When she landed, his setup was messed up, and his hotdogs went flying, and when they landed, the crabs stole them away to offer to the sharks as an offering. Yan Wang had a tick mark on his head, as he turned to face the girl that had just wrecked his things- Nope. Did not matter anymore. With wide eyes, he took one good look, and helped the girl up. She too was a quester, and from her swords, she was obviously a fellow lover of being 'up close and personal.' Not to mention, she was incredibly attractive, even if she almost had a six pack.

"I'm terribly sorry." He apologized. "Yeah, I'm a quester. Are you looking to start a group?"

The HP and Mana thing switched to his current question, and the choice of yes or no.

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#, as written by Sench
You could almost see a massive sweat drop appear on the back of Alexis' head when the girl answered him. "Maybe she really is not all right in the head," he thought, suddenly feeling a certain amount of sympathy towards her. He didn't think it was possible to purposefully misinterpret his words while appearing so innocent, and he didn't think it was possible to misinterpret them at all unless one was... "intellectually challenged", was probably the politically correct way to put it. The young man sighed. He had enough trouble of his own.

"Did your parents never tell you not to talk to strangers?" He asked in a somewhat bored tone. He didn't want anyone disturbing him at the moment. Well, actually, he didn't ever want anyone disturbing him, but he was in an especially foul mood that day, and the girl seemed like an especially annoying type. "I'm actually quite surprised they would let you out of their sight for a minute. The bench could have been a speeding car. And with the amount of attention you pay to your surroundings, who knows what else could happen."

Perhaps the encounter with this girl wasn't so bad. He would bring her to her parents. It should be enough of a distraction to 'reboot' his mind and help him solve his current predicament. And who knows, maybe her parents would even help him in some way. He could easily pay them back later.

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A giant, f#cking CRAB erupted from the beachwater. some people ran in fear, screaming, while some just relaxed like it was normal.


Mia, Vivi, Alexis, and Yan Wang were all launched, and SLAMMED into an invisible wall that separated them from the crab, as they each took turns to move.

The first turn was for Alexis...


Yan Wang struggled up a second, having no clue what just happened, as he rubbed his aching cheek. Then he saw a Green triangle turned upside down, floating above Alexis' head.


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Vivi tilted her head thoughtfully, thinking for a minute. "Well... No, I can't say they ever have. We live in a small town where everyone knows each other pretty well." She giggled once again. "Besides, it would have been rude for me to not apologize. That would be the human version of a hit-and-run." Vivi jumped up and down excitedly. "My parents aren't here. They're still in Morocco. I came here by myself." She grinned before shrugging. "I'm pretty sure that a car would have honked at me. Besides, I could have stopped it." Vivi didn't delve further into her immense strength, figuring that he would ask if he wanted to know.

She suddenly realized that he never told her his name. Vivi pouted and was about to whine about it when a huge crab emerged from the sea. Entranced, she was about to get a closer look when she was flung into the air and crashed into something. Vivi scrambled up, confused, and noticed the guy she'd just been talking to was there as well along with two other people she'd never seen in her life. A green triangle hovered over his head, causing Vivi to get even more lost. But for once, she didn't say anything, instead just deciding to watch and see what happened.

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She was mulling it over, accepting his hand up as she brushed her self off smiling. She looked up at his bars again goggle eyed as they changed to a yes and a no "Yeah sure I.." That was apparently all she needed to sa, the yes flashed and then before she could do anything else, her and the man went flying and smacked into something hard. She wanted to stab it, she stood but when she tried to move she couldn't.

"What's the?!" She looked around and saw two others, completely somehow failing to initially realize the giant crab, she tried moving again. An encounter, of course. Except this time it wasn't her starting it. Looking over to the center she saw their antangonizer, a giant freaking crab. Great, just when you think being hot, sweaty, and covered in sand couldn't get anyworse, she could very well become literal sea food.

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#, as written by Sench
"By yourself? Are you serious?" Alexis couldn't believe his ears. What kind of stupid irresponsible parents would let a kid travel halfway across the world on their own? Especially a kid like this. Were they trying to get rid of her inconspicuously or something? There was no way, absolutely no way someone like her could take of herself. It was unsafe even for a smart kid of her age to be on their own in a foreign country, but this girl? She was so oblivious to just about everything that she probably wouldn't survive even a single day in this place, when it wasn't even considered a dangerous one.

The young man was about to scold her some more when something completely unreal happened. A huge crab creature just burst out of the water. The next few moments were kind of jumbled and Alexis didn't quite get what happened. But he had no doubt this kind of thing was not normal. Assessing the situation logically, he quickly decided it couldn't have been anything but a dream. He was pretty sure he had no irrational fear of crabs or little girls, so he decided it wasn't a nightmare. And if it wasn't a nightmare... A bolt of lightning jumped off the hand he raised and struck the massive crustacean. It visibly flinched in pain, but didn't seem too eager to just disintegrate.

"This is... peculiar." Alexis commented, looking himself over. His dreams were usually somewhat different. But it had to be a dream, surely, because a giant crab like that could not exist in reality.

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Yan Wang Clapped. The Team Mage had finally moved. Now, the triangle was over his head. He started to charge up his energy, and rushed up to the Giant crab with a barrage of punches. ... re=related

Halfway through, he was slapped back to the others by a pincher. Yan Wang grumbled, and watched the Arrow point now above Vivi.

The martial artist blinked.

"We're doomed..."

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Vivi bristled at the comment and glared fiercely. "I heard that!" She hissed before facing the crab once more. "Jerk," This was more of a mumble to herself now. Vivi tilted her head slightly, thinking for a moment, before a grin slowly spread across her face. She knelt down and pulled seemingly random pieces of metal out of her basket. Vivi swiftly connected them and a rifle appeared as if by magic in her hands.

She quickly aimed at one of the crab's pinchers. It would help if they were disposed of first. Her finger pressed the trigger and bullets shot out towards the pincher. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to completely destroy it, but it was definitely permanently damaged. Another round and it would probably be taken care of. She noticed that the triangle above her head had moved on to the other girl, so Vivi lowered the rifle and grinned again. "Oh, how I've missed this thing."

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(Don't have too many guns already, you're only level one. :3)

Yan Wang was surprised by the girl's ability to use her guns. It was mostly self taught from his guess, but with training, she could probably become a master of Gun Fu. Seeing as Mia would take care of it, he walked over to Vivi, prepared to apologize for what he'd done, as the sand felt funnier now under his toes, and the invisible wall made things so difficult.

"I'm Sorry I doubted you, miss. Your proficiency with a firearm is to be admired. Have you considered learning parkour, acrobatic training, or just plain out Gun Fu? It's a deadly combination, and I'm sure you'd be great with it. Oh, by the way, Name's Yan Wang. Karate dude at your service. I can throw fireballs N' Shit. :D"

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She blinked, all of this was but for some reason she wasn't overly shocked. The lightning definitely dazed the giant beast, and the puunches, well something was leaking out of it, something funny. The thing she didn't expect was the gun, the gun? I mean yeah, because lightning always shoots out of people's hands.

She wrinkled her noise as it fired off, fiddling with her ear, its pincers becoming crippled. She looked over at the girl, the triangle left her head which meant. She looked up sighing. She reached back for her sword and then stopped, the thing was heavy and so far powerless stupid quester that had it. Instead she reached for her short sword, unsheathing it she charged forward, lunging it into the crabs skull and twisting. The weakened creature really hadn't a chance and she felt like that third wheel in the operation. She furrowed her brow as the tightness of the situation seemed to dissolve, knowing it was dead she repeatedly stabbed it laughing, until it simply, shattered, or more or less vaporized. She was dumbfounded.

"What the...." She was ignoring the tidbits of conversation behind her, instead she pulledback her hair and itched her cat like ears. So that was what an encounter was like.

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Yan Wang blinked. He was surprised by the skill of the girl who was armed with the short sword, totally ignoring her failure with her much bigger broadsword because she finished off the Crab monster

"It should have taken at least 3-4 more turns, maybe more to kill that thing! D:" He noted, incredibly impressed, as he grabbed the catgirl, and squeezed the ever-loving shit out her from appreciation of her strength, imagining the two of them conquering all who opposed their godly power.

"Fight alongside me!" Demanded Yan Wang. "And Bare My Successor, who will be stronger than both of us combined! :D"

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#, as written by Sench
"Alright, I take it back. Compared to that," Alexis said to Vivi, pointing at Yan Wang and the catgirl that was caught in his clutches, "You are completely adequate and of enviable mental capability. Even despite the fact you are carrying a rifle in your bag." Having said that, he calmly walked over to Yan and Mia and kicked the guy in the ribs to make him let go. It felt pretty good and certainly helped him release some stress. Frankly, things were not making any sense for him, no matter how he looked at it. He wasn't an idiot or a crybaby, but he didn't feel comfortable when there was something he couldn't understand. And this situation was just full of nonsense.

"Now that that's over with, would someone mind explaining to me what exactly just happened?" No matter how he looked at it, everyone except him seemed as if it was nothing out of the ordinary. Perhaps not entirely common, but nothing to be shocked about. Alexis wasn't satisfied with that. Anyone who didn't have his degree of self-control in this situation would be freaking out, so he at least deserved to know. He had a number of theories about things, all of them related to him not being awake at the moment, but that wasn't satisfactory. Whether he was having a weird dream or actually lying in a coma somewhere, he wanted to figure out the meaning behind seeing something like this.

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Yan Wang felt the kick to his ribs as he landed in the water, and drifted back on shore. This guy looked to be some kind of goddamn pretty boy. And in a suit no less. with anger flared, and a need to lay down some serious pain, Yan Wang laughed at the obliviousness of the boy before him, before Punching him in the face, scolding him for not knowing over being kicked in the ribs.

"You must have lived under a rock most of your life, friend. These things happen all the time with people and creatures of varying size and shape, and powers, all over the world. It's just the Xian Jie Islands have them more than other places."

Then he got serious.

"But the real question is finding a questing group..."


"Oh Well! Good Luck!"

And he walked off.

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She didn't know whether to be flattered or outright scared when she was life-crushingly ebraced. She was saved from trying to think of a smooth way to work herself out of the situation when the mage kicked the man, Yan Wang, in the ribs. It seemed to be a momentary distraction, and the returning punch to Alexis' face looked, well painful.

"Are you okay?" She asked sweetly, reaching out to touch his face as Yan Wang left. She was concerned because not only did he just kick a man who looked like he could break him in half, but also did it seemingly selflessly without fear of reprecution. At that same time she instantly drew her hand back, knowing that if all this unnerved him, talking to a catgirl would probably be just as bad. "Thanks!" She managed to blurt out as she began to turn and walk away as well.

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Vivi blinked at the boy who had just introduced himself as Yan Wang. The person who had just insulted her was now asking her about something? She gave a small snort before giving him a curt reply. "I'm Vivi, and I'm fine with just my guns," Vivi didn't really forgive people that said they were doomed because of her. She was impressed at the catgirl's skill and was about to say so when Yan Wang went mental. It lightened her mood immensely and Vivi began giggling. She gave the one boy she'd met earlier a small smile at his comment. "I guess I'll take that as a compliment."

Her grin faded when he punched Yan Wang, however. Didn't he just see how he had been punching to crab with his bare hands? He must have not thought it through very well. Vivi scowled at Yan fiercely. "You leave him alone!" She was probably so protective since he was the first person she'd met on this island or something. Vivi wasn't worried about him punching her. Even if he did, she had a gun... And someone who could shoot lightening out of his hands. He probably wouldn't do anything if Yan did hit her, but the thought still comforted her. Vivi gave the catgirl a smile. She seemed nice enough. "Are you really going to go with him?"

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"I wa sjust going to go... somewhere" She giggled some, shrugging. She stopped when Vivi talked to her, she sincerely didn't know where to go but it didn't feel right sitting around staring at the two. "Just where that is, well I'll find out along the way" She grinned some, her giggles dying out as she looked back out to the ocean.

"Although if there are more crabs like that around, I probably should stick around. I don't want to be caught alone. You wanna come with?" She asked with an innocent cock of her head. Even though she just met the girl, and she carried a gun around, she didn't seem all that malevolent. Hell, she'd feel safer knowing that she had someone with a gun walking around with her.