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Lucien Alamancie

"Let me play you the song of my people."

0 · 283 views · located in The Sword Coast

a character in “Seasons of the Lich”, as played by RolePlayGateway


n a m e s a k e :
¬ Full |birth| Name: Lucien Alamancie Image
¬ Spoken |used| Name: Lucien
¬ Acquired |aliases| Names:

n u m e r i c a l :
¬ Appearing Age: 23
¬ Factual Age: 112

s o c i o l o g i c a l :
¬ Class: Bard
¬ Profession: Performer, Playboy, Philanthropist
¬ Alignment: Chaotic Good, Avandra
¬ Marital Status: Single

b i o l o g i c a l :
¬ Height: 5'9"
¬ Weight: 140
¬ Hair: White
¬ Eye: Ice Blue
¬ Skin: Ashen
¬ Body Art: None
¬ Scar Tissue: None

¬ Genetics: Moon Elf from Northwest Faerûn, the High Forest
¬ Race: Elf
¬ Attributes: Night Vision, speaks Elvish and English (Common)
¬ Immunity: NA

m e n t a l l i t y:
¬ Demeanour: Outgoing, friendly, flirtatious, inquisitive, naturalist, impulsive, courageous, tenacious
¬ Tendencies:unpredictable, foolhardy, sly, curiosity killed the cat, cocky

a r s e n a l:
¬ Offence: Mountain Storm
-- type: Staff
-- paragon: Metal tipped, Ancient Oak
-- enchantments: Resounding: produces a concussive shockwave on impact.
-- other: Anything else we should know about it?

¬ Offence:
-- type: Throwing Knives
-- paragon: Silver-coated steel
-- enchantments: Phasing: Phases through solid objects, walls, and cover to hit the target
-- other: Anything else we should know about it?

¬ Offence: Name of weapon if acceptable.
-- type: Short sword
-- paragon: Silver-coated steel
-- enchantments: Lightning
-- other: Anything else we should know about it?

¬ Defence: Name of armor if acceptable.
-- type: Armor
-- paragon: Leather with a cloth cloak
-- enchantments: NA
-- other: Neutral colors, inconspicuous, makes it easier to blend in to crowds and relevant environments

This also applies to helmets, shields, and bracers
Copy and paste the temp above if you have them
and fill it out or any other type of defence you have.

b a t t l e c l a d:
¬ Upper Body: Grey/blue cloak with hood, waterproofed and reversible. Reverse side is grey/green
¬ Full Body: Leather, light grey/blue
¬ Head: None unless he puts up his cloak hood
¬ Arms: Leather grey/blue bracers
¬ Waist: None
¬ Feet: leather boots, waterproofed

a t t i r e :
¬ Casual
¬ Feet: leather boots, waterproofed
¬ Legs: Emerald green clothe pants
¬ Hands: none
¬ Upper Body: Emerald green cloth tunic which can reverse to be sapphire blue, gold silk undershirt

p r o f i c e n c y :
List what weapons you are proficient with. Fighters, barbarians,
rangers, assassins & paladins may have up to four. Bards, clerics
and druids may have up to three. Sorcerers may have up to two.
Monk: You use martial arts only.
¬ Staves
¬ Daggers
¬ Throwing Knives

a c c e s s o r i e s :
If you possess them, please list any of the following: Misc accessories, rings, boots,
amulets, belts, or bracers, and describe any of their enchantments.

Harp (Passive): Can induce an overpowering calm, almost indoctrinating effect depending on amount of focus and power used
Amulet of Understanding: Can understand what people are saying, no matter the language.
A pouch in which he keeps the various implements for his spells

f e a t s:
Please list your feats taken from the abilities book. You have a maximum of 10. Fill out when the spell book is available.

s p e l l s:
Lv. 1
Identify: The spell determines all magic properties of a single magic item, including how to activate those functions (if appropriate), and how many charges are left (if any). Identify does not function when used on an artifact, those require people of great expertise and knowledge.
Grease: Covers a solid surface with a layer of slippery grease. Any creature in the area when the spell is cast must have tremendous reflexes and balance, or simply fall.
Cure Light Wounds: Heals the subject of all minor wounds, such as cuts, gashes, sprains etc.

Lv. 2
Alarm: Sounds a mental or audible alarm each time a creature of Tiny or larger size enters the warded area or touches it. A creature that speaks the password (determined by you at the time of casting) does not set off the alarm. You decide at the time of casting whether the alarm will be mental or audible.
Glitterdust: A cloud of golden particles covers everyone and everything in the area, causing creatures to become blinded and visibly outlining invisible things for the duration of the spell. All within the area are covered by the dust, which cannot be removed and continues to sparkle until it fades.

So begins...

Lucien Alamancie's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caine Abel Character Portrait: Caleb Beth-dagon Character Portrait: Veilyn Glannath Character Portrait: Aletrayu Habretta Character Portrait: Azrael Zakesh Character Portrait: Araina Narthanellyn
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Lucien Alamancie

Cloak Wood, it was a nice enough place. There was always some sort of adventure to be had, all one had to do was walk in the woods for a day and some sort of encounter or confrontation could almost be assured. Still, Lucien was a wanderer at heart. Wonderlust was his birthright as a Moon Elf, and keeping camp in seclusion for a month was about all the bard could handle. It would have been alright had they actually been in a city, there were lots of different things to do in cities. But he had been all through these woods already, he knew the secret spots, the hidey-holes, and he was already a well known figure at the various wayfarers' inns within walking distance. He was at one such inn now, enrapturing the patron's of the inn's bar with his harp.

This would ideally be his last performance in the area, the Bloodsails would be moving on in the morning, so he was going to soak up all of the attention and admiration he could. Apart from wandering from land to land, exploring, experiencing, and seeing, he loved to have an audience to play for. There was simply noting like it. The thrill of having an audience, the gratification afforded by demonstrating his skills to impress others and garner their admiration.

Eventually, the crowd of patrons dispersed to their bedrooms, some called by their internal clocks, others by their lovers and mistresses. For his part, Lucien stayed in the tavern room, resting in a booth against the wall. Slipping easily into the trance-like state of the reverie. His was not a troubled rest, this time his visions were of a past performance, this one in a city square. Such visions were far and away the most common. Though less pleasant one were beginning to become more and more frequent, especially after the outbreak of the plague.

Lucien roused himself from his reverie in the early morning hours. It was still dark out, but he decided it was about time to return to camp. Wouldn't want to miss the departure. And come to think of it, he still hadn't received the mission details. He hoped Caleb, or Zaccheus would fill them in soon, the anticipation was killing him. As Lucien walked back to camp, he idly strummed at his harp, the sound filtering through the woods. After a time, he arrived back at camp. Seeing most everyone around the fire he approached as well, calling out in a bright manner, "My my, aren't we all up early?" He had caught Caleb's call to mobilize, but his gear was already packed, he was always ready to go off exploring and adventuring at a moment's notice. It would seem he had arrived just in time to set out.

The setting changes from The Sword Coast to Faerun


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caine Abel Character Portrait: Caleb Beth-dagon Character Portrait: Veilyn Glannath Character Portrait: Aletrayu Habretta Character Portrait: Azrael Zakesh Character Portrait: Araina Narthanellyn
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#, as written by Celedia

The setting changes from Faerun to The Sword Coast


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caine Abel Character Portrait: Caleb Beth-dagon Character Portrait: Veilyn Glannath Character Portrait: Aletrayu Habretta Character Portrait: Azrael Zakesh Character Portrait: Araina Narthanellyn
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#, as written by Celedia
Emerald orbs surveyed the scene around the campfire as the druidess stood apart from the others, seeking the comfort of the trees lining the clearing rather than the people within. Her right shoulder rested against the gently curved trunk of a hiexel tree, one of the two arbor oddities that existed in Cloakwood. The tree itself was easily identifiable, bearing a green, waxy wood and marked by oval shaped leaves and sparse branches. While the others began to pack their belongings, Araina slung her staff into its sling upon her back, turned and then rested her hand against the tree as if sensing something about it.

To the others, it may look like she was praying, and they wouldn’t be far from the truth. She was, in fact, asking the tree for the use of its wood since it may prove useful in their journeys. Hiexel wood burns and produces a thick, black smoke that is oily and chokes those that breathe it in, making it useful to drive off enemies or light signal beacon fires.

A soft green glow seemed to shimmer between her palm and the bark whilst several branches fell suddenly to the ground. The druidess smiled, a slight curvature of petal pink lips as she stepped back and bowed towards the tree.

Ask and you shall receive…. Her thoughts were casual as she picked up the wood which had been cast off and took a length of cloth from one of the many pouches hanging loosely from her leather belt. Winding the strip carefully about the small bundle of switches, she secured them tightly then hooked the free end of cloth around her belt so that the pack of hiexel kindling hung against her hip as well.

It was only then that she meandered closer to the fire, green eyes still regarding the flames with subtle hostility before lifting up once more to regard her companions. They were an affable lot, mostly. Caleb seemed an archetypal strong and silent type- beautiful enough to be amongst the finest in the human cities yet choosing a life on the road. In fact, it seemed odd that most of the people she traveled with were each eye-catching in their own way.

The monk, Aletrayu, was exotic in appearance yet had a calming quality that extended to those surrounding her unlike Brolo, the fire mage, who tended to incite the darkest emotions in others. Azrael and Lucien were closer kin than they appeared. Both the moon elf and half elf exhibiting the sort of charismatic life-loving attitude that most of her long-lived species seemed known for. What good was an extended life if one didn’t enjoy themselves? It was a mantra that many of her elven kindred shared and she couldn’t fault them for such an attitude. They laughed frequently and flirted shamelessly but were both formidable when the situation called for it.

Their darker elven brother, Veilyn, was equally charming but she could not overlook the innate hostilities between their people. The constant warring between the sun-kissed races and the shadow-tainted hordes left little love between them and even when a drow left the Underdark to venture up onto the surface, he or she was still usually discriminated against. Still, she tended to love or disdain all living creatures with equality, so she treated the dark elf as casually as she did any of her other party members. That even included the human, Caine. Despite her predisposition to abhorring the human race for the atrocities it commits on a regular basis against Nature, she tried diligently not to fault him for the acts of his people especially since she would be required to travel extensively with him.

Her thoughts had once more gave way to the reality set before her as the others began to circle once more about the fire. Everyone seemed to be laden with packs and bags of various weight, causing her to inquire, “Do any of you require assistance with your things?” Her voice once more issued throughout the quiet campsite, a melodic lilt affecting her tone the way it did for most woodland elves. It was an honest inquiry, for the druidess had little of her own to take with her. The various herbs and foodstuffs that she gathered were carried in the pouches hanging about her hips, her weaponry was a light enough load and she required no tent or bedroll. Having lived over a century living off only what nature provided, she was adept at procuring what she might need with the occasional aid of the Forest Father.