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Secrets and Lies



a part of Secrets and Lies, by Aquamarine.


Aquamarine holds sovereignty over Robinswood, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

577 readers have been here.


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Robinswood is a part of Secrets and Lies.

4 Characters Here

Daniel Blackwood [19] Founding Family Member
Karson Robinson [19] Founding Family Member

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4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karson Robinson Character Portrait: Rachel Robinson Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwood Character Portrait: Zane Blackwood
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Dialogue Color: #f04860 || Nicknames: Dan | Danny
Daniel couldn't believe he was actually going back to the one place he promised himself he would never return to, Robinswood. All he ever seemed to cause for everyone there was problems and he knew it wasn't going to change now. He just hoped that his brother would allow him a warm welcome. Though he wasn't going to expect it after not speaking to him for almost six years.

Daniel stood on the doorstep of his brother's home, the home that Daniel also used to call home as well. With a sigh he knocked on the door, hoping that he wasn't waking his brother. It was a bit late, going on midnight within a couple minutes. Most people were in bed sleeping by now. The only ones who seemed to be out and around were the partiers or the people who just can't seem to find anything better to do. Like sleep isn't a good thing to do...please, if Daniel had the choice, he would sleep forever. That's always been one of his favorite pass times.
Dialogue Color: #fa0030 || Nicknames: Kar | Arson
Karson sat in the hospital room waiting on her mother to awaken. Earlier in the night her mother had another stroke, one that could have been life threatening if Karson hadn't caught her mother in time. The blonde hoped that Rachel would show up soon. Karson was never one to handle being alone in hospitals, not since almost everyone she loved died in a hospital with her by their bedside. It was something that she could never seem to understand. Why was it always here that had to witness their family members dying? Why couldn't it have been someone else for a change. The longer Karson sat there, the worse her feelings about her mother lying passed out on the hospital bed got.

With a sigh Karson looked down at her watch. It was three minutes to midnight and the tension in the room was just as it was the very second she stepped inside around nine that night. "Where are you Rachel?" she mumbled to herself as she glanced over at her "younger sister", whom was sleeping on the other chair like a peaceful little angel.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karson Robinson Character Portrait: Rachel Robinson Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwood Character Portrait: Zane Blackwood
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0.00 INK

Rachel Robinson
Dialogue color || fuchsia

Rae waved to her friend Shelly as she walked out of the crowded house, the party was still going in full swing, but she needed to get home so she could some sleep before work in the morning. As she got into her car, she pulled out her phone to check her messages, since the music was so loud in the house she hadn't heard it going off as her sister'd tried to call and text her. Her heart clenched in her chest as she read through the messages. She cursed quietly as she started her car, threw it into gear and raced off toward the hospital. 'Poor Karson,' She thought, thinking of her sister sitting in the hospital room with their mom all by herself. Well, Raelynn was most likely with her, but at this time of night the little girl was passed out asleep, not even a freight train could wake that girl up.

Soon, Rae reached the hospital, stopping by the information desk to get her mom's room number. She rushed upstairs, quietly opening the door so as not to startle Karson. "Hey, K," She said, an apologetic look on her face as she walked in, glancing from her sister, to her daughter, then to her mother. "How is she?" She asked, walking over to their mom's bed side, looking down at her as she reached out and took a hold of her hand.

Zane Blackwood
Dialogue color || dodgerblue


Zane groaned quietly as he heard a knock on his door. He rolled over and pulled the pillows over his head, trying to ignore it and go back to sleep, but when there was another knock, he sighed and tossed his pillow away. Zane sat up, running a hand through his hair as he climbed out of bed and stretched. 'Who in the hell is knocking at midnight!?' He thought, catching a glimpse of the clock. He pulled on a pair of pajama bottoms and walked down stairs, his bare feet quiet against the hardwood floors.

When he reached the door, opening it, he was surprised to see his brother standing there. "What are you doing here? Do you have any idea what time it is?" He asked, rubbing at his eyes sleepily as he looked at his brother. After just a moment, he sighed and opened the door wider, letting him come in. "You better have a damn good reason for dragging me out of bed at midnight." He grumbled at his brother.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karson Robinson Character Portrait: Rachel Robinson Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwood Character Portrait: Zane Blackwood
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Dialogue Color: #f04860 || Nicknames: Dan | Danny
Daniel sighed after hearing his brother's words and stepped into the house when he stepped aside. "I'm sorry man. I just, I had no where else to go. My girlfriend kicked me out on the streets. I'm also sorry about not speaking to you for the past couple of years. Everything has just been so hectic. Half the time I didn't even have the money to pay for the phone bill," he stated. Though just like that he noticed that he was beginning to ramble. "Sorry, um, we can talk about this in the morning. You can go back to bed if you want and I promise you can bitch at me then," he stated before turning on his heels and heading up the stairs to his old bedroom.

To his surprise everything was still in tact, as if Zane knew that Daniel would eventually come back. Though this would also give him enough time to come up with a reason for his name change.
Dialogue Color: #fa0030 || Nicknames: Kar | Arson
The very second Rachel stepped into the hospital room, a huge sigh of relief parted from Karson's lips. "The doctors say that they're uncertain right now. They have to keep an eye on her for the next couple of days before making a conclusion. But um, where were you? Why didn't you answer my calls?" Karson questioned as she glanced over at Raelynn when she noticed that she was beginning to move around. At that moment she quieted her voice to a whisper.

Karson stood to her feet and wrapped her arms around her sister before stepping back and waiting on her to answer her question. All Karson knew was that she better not have been at another party without her. If she was, then things were definitely going to be a bit um...interesting.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karson Robinson Character Portrait: Rachel Robinson Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwood Character Portrait: Zane Blackwood
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Rachel Robinson
Dialogue color || fuchsia


Rae glanced over at Karson as she spoke, biting her bottom lip gently as her sister questioned her. "I, uh, I didn't hear my phone go off. I was just hanging out with some friends." She said, shrugging slightly, it wasn't a lie, she had been hanging out with her friends, at a party. "I'm sorry, I should have been here sooner." She murmured, moving away from their mom's bed, over to the chair Raelynn was sleeping in. She gently lifted the sleeping child and sat down with her in her lap, smiling as her daughter curled up to her in her sleep. Rae gently stroked the sleeping child's hair, turning her attention back to her sister. "How are you holding up?" She asked, looking her sister over, wanting to make sure she was alright.

Zane Blackwood
Dialogue color || dodgerblue


Zane frowned at Daniel's words. Sure it had upset him that he hadn't heard a word from his brother in years, but regardless, he was still his brother and he would do anything he could to help him out. "Yeah, I'm gonna head back to bed." Zane said with a nod of his head, locking the door back before following his brother up the stairs, and slipping into his own room. He stretched, running a hand through his hair before slipping out of the pajama bottoms and climbing back into bed. As soon as his head hit the pillow, it didn't take him long to drift off to sleep again, snoring quietly.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karson Robinson Character Portrait: Rachel Robinson Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwood Character Portrait: Zane Blackwood
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #f04860 || Nicknames: Dan | Danny
After finding himself back in his room, he glanced around a bit before stripping down to his boxers and curling up into bed. It was nice to be home, even if his brother wasn't very welcoming of it right now. Though, he would accept him sooner or later because Daniel doesn't plan on going anywhere any time soon.

The next morning, he woke up around seven and got out of bed with a brief yawn. He stepped out of his room and went straight to the kitchen to get himself something to eat. He glanced around at the cupboards and couldn't help but to smirk when he saw that Zane of all people had cereal in the cupboards. Daniel always thought that without him in the house, quick things like that would be tossed right out the door. Maybe Zane was a bit cooler than he thought.

Daniel shrugged his shoulders and poured himself a bowl of cereal before sitting down at the table and began eating. This was the first thing he had in his stomach for about twenty four hours. It was a very pleasant feeling. But now he had to figure out something to tell his brother when he starts asking questions.
Dialogue Color: #fa0030 || Nicknames: Kar | Arson
Karson ignored her older sister's statement about her phone and glanced over towards her when she moved her daughter into her lap. Part of her wished they would just be able to tell everyone who Raelynn really was, for the entire family's sake. But of course, that was always going to be out of the question. She sighed as she heard Rachel's question.

"Yeah, um, not too well. You know how I feel about hospitals," she responded as she stood from her seat and sat on the edge of their mother's bed. She slid her hand into her's, praying deeply that she would be able to pull through this. Karson had no idea what she would do without her mother. When she leaves, all that would be left of their small family is her sister and Raelynn.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karson Robinson Character Portrait: Rachel Robinson Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwood Character Portrait: Zane Blackwood
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0.00 INK

Rachel Robinson
Dialogue color || fuchsia


The next morning, Rae woke up, her neck and back stiff from sleeping in the chair in her mom's hospital room. She sighed quietly, stretching as she got to her feet, working out the kinks in her body. She'd sent Karson home with Raelynn, still feeling guilty about not having been here for Karson sooner. She slowly walked over to her mother's hospital bed slowly, looking down at the woman, who still hadn't woken up yet. 'Hey, K, you awake yet?' She texted to her sister.

Rae glanced down at her mom once more, gently brushing the hair from her face. Her stomach growled quietly and she moved her hand away from her mom, resting it on her stomach instead. She hadn't eaten anything since yesterday morning, and even then it had just been a piece of toast. She wanted nothing more than to go to the cafeteria and get some breakfast, but she just couldn't make herself move. She couldn't bring herself to eat, not wanting to put on any weight. She had to be perfect.

Zane Blackwood
Dialogue color || dodgerblue

Zane woke up early, going for his morning run as he usually did. If he just sat around the house, he would start to think about alcohol. His mind always seemed to go to the devil of his past, the fiery liquid always seemed to be calling out to him, and he just couldn't shake it. A quiet growl escaped his lips as his thoughts drifted to alcohol even as he ran, thinking about where he could get some, how it would burn as he drank it. He quickened his pace, pushing himself faster, forcing himself to focus on his breathing and the sound of his feet pounding on the pavement.

Eventually, he made his way back to the house, sweat rolling off him. He was about to head upstairs to take a shower when he spotted his brother in the kitchen, having breakfast. He quickly changed directions and walked into the kitchen, leaning against the counter. "So, what brings you back home after all these years?" He asked, unable to hide his hostility completely. He hated that his brother left, that he never called, cutting him off completely. It was what he'd feared would happen if Daniel found out that Zane was adopted, but that secret had never come out and he still cut him out of his life. "I'm sure you could have found some place else to crash if you really wanted to. I mean, you've had no problem these past few years. Never even called to check in or anything." He said, his arms crossed over his chest as he sized up his brother.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karson Robinson Character Portrait: Rachel Robinson Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwood Character Portrait: Zane Blackwood
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #f04860 || Nicknames: Dan | Danny
The very moment Daniel heard his brother step into the front door, he knew this was the time he was dreading all night. There was no way to get through the argument that was known to start once he begins answering his questions. As he returned his attention to the stove, he flipped his pancake as he began explaining. "Well, ever since Mom died, you know the two of us were never on the best of terms. You told me to leave and never come back, so I did just that. I didn't think you would want to hear from me, so I stayed away. But here lately, I've come to my senses and found that was one of the stupidest things to ever do. I know you're angry and you can yell at me all you want, but I'm not leaving because this is my house too. Oh, and just so you know, I changed my name to Daniel. I just didn't really like the name Xavier, it's just not me," he stated, telling half the truth as he placed the pancake onto his plate and went into the refrigerator to get the syrup.

After all of his explaining, he was bracing himself for whatever angered remarks Zane had for him and he would just have to deal with how he felt. Daniel never really did like upsetting his younger brother, but what could he do? He knew he was way in the wrong this time so he had to take the consequences like a man.
Dialogue Color: #fa0030 || Nicknames: Kar | Arson
Karson woke up bright and early in the morning to the sound of Raelynn's little pitter pattering feet on the hardwood floors in the hallway. She sighed as she climbed out of bed, slid her pink slippers onto her feet and wrapped her matching robe around her body before stepping into the hallway and began looking for Raelynn. "Rae-Rae, where are you?" she questioned as she found her in the bathroom, trying to brush her teeth on her own.

Karson shrugged her shoulders, finding that she seemed to know what she was doing and walked back to her room to get her phone. Just as she picked it up she got a text from her sister. "Yeah, I'm up. How is Mom? Any news?" she typed the message and sent it before going down to the kitchen, beginning to make breakfast for Raelynn and herself.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karson Robinson Character Portrait: Rachel Robinson Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwood Character Portrait: Zane Blackwood
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0.00 INK

Rachel Robinson
Dialogue color || fuchsia


'No news yet, she's still sleeping. The doctor hasn't shown up yet,' Rae texted back to her sister before moving to sit down in the chair once more. She pulled her feet up into the chair, wrapping her arms around her legs and resting her chin on her knees as she watched her mom. They'd never been really close, Karson had always been their mother's favorite, but Rae didn't mind it really, she'd much rather be left alone to do what she wanted than have her mother hovering over her.

'Will you drop Raelynn off at daycare before you come up? I don't want her to see mom in the hospital like this,' She texted her sister once more. Rae had been pretty relieved to find her daughter sleeping when she'd gotten here last night. She hoped the little girl was oblivious to what was going on, but Raelynn was very smart for only being 6 years old.

Zane Blackwood
Dialogue color || dodgerblue

Zane frowned deeply at his brother's words, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Oh, don't give me that crap. We used to fight all the time, but you never took a word I said seriously. You knew better than that." He said, narrowing his eyes, not believing his brother reason for leaving one bit. "I recall you saying quite a few things in the heat of the moment too, but you didn't see me running off without a word for 10 years. 10 years, Xavier!" He shouted, his anger starting to get the best of him. "Sorry, Daniel," He corrected himself, though his brother's new name dripped with sarcasm. "I don't even know you anymore." He said, shaking his head.

"I was just a kid when you left, 13 years old. Some big brother." He muttered, turning and walking to the fridge, grabbing out the orange juice and pouring himself a glass. His thoughts flashed back to the night of that party when he was 17, the worst night of his life, he couldn't help but to wonder if things would have been different if his brother had been there for him. Now that he thought about it, he'd started drinking when he was 13, after his brother left. He frowned deeply as he shoved the orange juice back into the fridge and slammed the door shut, not even looking at Daniel.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karson Robinson Character Portrait: Rachel Robinson Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwood Character Portrait: Zane Blackwood
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #f04860 || Nicknames: Dan | Danny
Daniel could understand why his brother was so angry with him, he was supposed to take care of Zane, be there for him, be an older brother to him when he needed him. But of course none of that happened and it was honestly his fault. Yes, he should have known that Zane wasn't completely serious when he told him to leave, but for some reason he just left.

"I know there is nothing that I can say that will make this better because it honestly won't be better. I left and there is no way I can change that. I should have been here to help you through our parents death and all of the other problems that went on in your life when you were growing up. And I know this doesn't matter now, but I'm here now," he started before taking a bite from his cereal then added, "Our relationship may never be the same as it used to be and I'm not asking you to forgive me, because honestly if it were the other way around, I wouldn't forgive you either." he finished before finishing his cereal and placing the bowl in the dishwasher.

"If this discussion is over for the moment, I'd like to go change and run some errands I need to take care of," he stated as he turned towards his brother.
Dialogue Color: #fa0030 || Nicknames: Kar | Arson
A few minutes passed by before Raelynn came running down the hall and into the kitchen. "What's for breakfast?" Raelynn asked her "sister". Karson turned around with a plate of pancakes and bacon before setting it down on the table in front of her. "Do you want syrup?" she questioned as she went into the refrigerator to get her a juice pouch and put the straw inside it before handing it to her.

Raelynn nodded her head happily before Karson put a bit of syrup on her pancakes. She sat down at the table with the six year old and began eating just when her phone began to go off. She read the text messages from Rachel and responded, "Yes, I can make sure I do that." Karson sent the message and went back to eating her breakfast.

When breakfast was over she got dressed and made sure Raelynn was dressed before taking her to the daycare. Once that was taken care of she joined her sister up at the hospital to see her mother. "Have you eaten yet?" she asked her sister, hoping to make sure she does eat something. Even though the two of them never really ate much of anything during the day, she always like to make sure they ate at least once during the day. They had reputations to uphold though she was worried that Rachel was beginning to take her eating habits a little too seriously.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karson Robinson Character Portrait: Rachel Robinson Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwood Character Portrait: Zane Blackwood
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0.00 INK

Rachel Robinson
Dialogue color || fuchsia


Rae was still sitting in the chair with her legs hugged to her chest when Karson showed up at the hospital. At her sister's question, Rae hesitated, she didn't like lying to her sister, but there was no way she could even give a half truth response to that question as she had the night before. So instead, she decided to ignore the question and change the topic. "She should be awake by now, shouldn't she? You didn't see the doctor out there anywhere when you came in, did you?" She asked, glancing from Karson to their mother, hoping she'd effectively deflected her sister's attention to their mother.

Rae got to her feet and stretched, running a hand through her bedraggled hair once more. "I'm gonna go see if I can find the doctor." She said, turning and heading toward the door without glancing back at her sister, worried she may see through her attempt at avoiding the question.

Zane Blackwood
Dialogue color || dodgerblue


The frown never left Zane's lips as his brother spoke. When he asked if they were done, Zane shook his head. "Yeah, do whatever you want." Zane said, walking out of the kitchen with his glass in his hand, heading upstairs toward his room. Once in his room, he sat down on his bed and took his time relishing the orange juice. Everything made him think about alcohol, even this. As he savored the taste of the juice, he could imagine the extra burn it would have if he'd added vodka to it.

Once he finished his juice, he set the glass down on the nightstand, deciding to take it down to the kitchen later. In the meantime, he needed a shower. He grabbed some clean clothes and slipped into the bathroom, trying to forget all about his brother's impromptu visit, to forget about the abandonment he'd felt when his brother left. Zane quickly stripped out of his clothes and stepped into the shower, taking his time and letting the hot water wash over his body, relaxing his muscles.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karson Robinson Character Portrait: Rachel Robinson Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwood Character Portrait: Zane Blackwood
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #f04860 || Nicknames: Dan | Danny
Daniel sighed and stepped out of the kitchen and went up the stairs into his bedroom. He took a look at himself in the mirror and mumbled to himself, "Maybe it was a mistake returning home." He slid his fingers through his hair before trekking his way over towards his bags he has yet to unpack and pulled out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before sliding them on over his bare skin. After sliding his shoes on, he grabbed his keys, wallet, and cell phone off his nightstand and headed out the door.

Daniel climbed into his new vehicle, the only vehicle that was ever placed under his new identity and sped off into town. It really was strange being back after so long. So many things have changed, people have changed, especially Zane. But maybe a lot of his changes were because I left, he thought to himself.

After a couple hours of running his errands, he parked his vehicle in the parking lot of Par-Tee, one of the bars in town and climbed out before locking the doors behind him. Daniel made his way into the building and took a seat at the bar and ordered a glass of bourbon whiskey.
Dialogue Color: #fa0030 || Nicknames: Kar | Arson
The very moment Karson heard her sister's subject change she just let out a sigh and shook her head, "No, I didn't see the doctor and yeah, she should be awake by now," she stated as she took a few steps closer to her mother just as Rachel stood to her feet and began to step out of the room.

Karson nodded her head at her sister's words before returning her attention to her unconscious mother, she hoped that she would be alright, that she hadn't slept her way into a coma. It's already bad enough that her mother had a stroke, she didn't need to end up in a coma. Karson wasn't sure how much more of this she could handle. Once their mother passes away it would be Rachel, Raelynn and herself left in the Robinson family.

With a sigh she sat down on the edge of the bed and held her mother's hand. "Please stay with us," she whispered, "I'm not sure if we can handle being alone or losing you, you're all we have left," she finished as a single tear ran down her left cheek.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karson Robinson Character Portrait: Rachel Robinson Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwood Character Portrait: Zane Blackwood
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0.00 INK

Rachel Robinson
Dialogue color || fuchsia

ImageRae breathed a quiet sigh of relief once she was in the hallway. She glanced up and down the hall, but saw no sign of the doctor. As she walked down the hall, she ran her fingers through her hair once more, doing her best to detangle it without a brush. After a while of walking down the hallway, still not finding the doctor, Rae decided to go outside, get some fresh air. She knew she probably shouldn't leave her sister alone with their mom, not sure what was going on, but she just needed to get out of the hospital for a little bit.

Rae made her way toward the sidewalk that went along the road, glancing both ways. A little way down the street, she caught sight of a bar, par-tee. With a hesitant glance back to the hospital, she made her way down the sidewalk, to the bar. She ran a hand through her hair once more, making sure she looked presentable before stepping into the bar.

Rae made her way up to the bar and sat down on one of the stools. "I'll have a sour-apple martini," She said to the guy behind the bar who quickly got her her drink. She sighed quietly, looking down at the drink for a moment before picking it up and taking a long drink.

Zane Blackwood
Dialogue color || dodgerblue

ImageZane stayed in the shower until the water ran cold. He then got out, dried off, and got dressed, pulling on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He walked back into his room, grabbed his empty glass and took it back downstairs to the kitchen. Once he made sure the kitchen was clean, he glanced around the house looking for something else to do.

When he couldn't find anything to do to keep himself busy, he decided to head off to the hospital. He'd started volunteering there not long after the accident, hoping that he could somehow pay back a little bit for what he'd done. Of course no one knew the reason why he volunteered, and no one really asked, just figuring him to be a humanitarian of sorts.

It didn't take him long to reach the hospital, find a parking spot and head inside. After glancing at the clock, he headed toward the cafeteria, figuring they may still be in the middle of delivering breakfast to the patients. After talking to the volunteer coordinator for a few moments, Zane had a cart full of trays and made his way to the elevator to go up a few floors and deliver the food. The last room he went to on the third floor, he found a blonde woman sitting on the edge of the bed, holding an older woman's hand, seeing tears on the younger woman's face made Zane hesitate, not wanting to interrupt. "Um, hi," He said, with a small smile as he set the tray down on the table.

Zane really didn't want to intrude, but he couldn't stand to see a woman crying and he definitely couldn't walk away from one. He almost asked her if she was ok, but quickly realized how stupid that question was before he had a chance to ask it. He glanced at the older woman in the bed once more, seeing that she appeared to be asleep, he realized that there must have been some sort of mix up in the kitchen as the woman clearly wouldn't be eating breakfast. "Have you had breakfast? I could leave the tray here if you'd like," He offered, even though it was technically against hospital regulation for family or friends to eat the patient's meals.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karson Robinson Character Portrait: Rachel Robinson Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwood Character Portrait: Zane Blackwood
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #f04860 || Nicknames: Dan | Danny
Daniel sat there at the bar, continuing to get lost in his thoughts and sipping on his drink. It wasn't very long after he took his seat that an attractive blonde stepped into the bar and took a seat a couple stools down from him and ordered a sour apple martini. It was early and usually there weren't any females at the bar this early in the day. He grew curious at the reason why she was there. With a soft sigh he glanced over at her with a friendly smile and spoke, "I take it you had a rough morning," he stated, breaking the silence between the two of them. The bar was almost empty, only six customers including himself and the female he was making conversation with. Though Daniel was honestly surprised that there was a bar open this early in the morning. Most bars never opened until any time after noon.
Dialogue Color: #fa0030 || Nicknames: Kar | Arson
Karson sat there for a couple minutes just staring at her mother's aging face; no matter how old she got she was always beautiful, something she hoped she inherited from her mother, she was interrupted by a volunteer stepping into the room with a food tray. She wiped her face and released her mother's hand as she glanced over at the male. He was an attractive male, there was no way to deny that.

"Have you had breakfast? I could leave the tray here if you'd like," she heard him speak into the room filled with nothing more than beeping machines. She nodded her head at his question, "Yes, I've had breakfast. Thanks," she responded. "How long have you volunteered here?" she questioned as she studied him a bit more. After a while she began to realize that he looked familiar, from where she wasn't exactly all that sure.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karson Robinson Character Portrait: Rachel Robinson Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwood Character Portrait: Zane Blackwood
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0.00 INK

Rachel Robinson
Dialogue color || fuchsia


Rae glanced over as a dark haired man, a few stools over, tried to start up a conversation. "Yeah, you could say that." She said with a nod of her head, taking another sip of her drink, eyeing the guy curiously. "What about you?" She asked, looking him over. Robinswood was a pretty small town, and she wasn't sure if she'd seen this guy before. "D'you just move to town?" She asked curiously.

Glancing at the clock above the bar, she couldn't help but to worry about Karson, hoping she's not too upset that Rae left her alone at the hospital again. She'd just needed to get out for a bit, to shake the dreadful feeling of the hospital and try to shake the hunger from her mind.

Zane Blackwood
Dialogue color || dodgerblue


Zane studied the blonde for a few moments before answering her question. "About five years," He said with a small shrug of his shoulders. He glanced down at the older woman once more, his eyes catching the sight of her wristband, seeing the name. "Robinson? You're a part of the founding family?" He asked, glancing back to the young woman once more. "I'm Zane, Zane Blackwood. From the other founding family." He said with a small chuckle, hoping to make the girl laugh, though knowing with her mom in the hospital, there wasn't really much to laugh about.

Zane was quiet for a moment, glancing between the two women, "What happened? If you don't mind me asking," He said hesitantly, not wanting to upset the young woman, just curious, and wanting to help out in anyway if he could.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karson Robinson Character Portrait: Rachel Robinson Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwood Character Portrait: Zane Blackwood
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #f04860 || Nicknames: Dan | Danny
Daniel sighed and shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah, I have a feeling my mornings are going to be rough for a while," he responded. As he sipped from his drink, Daniel was asked if he was new in town. "Technically. I left about ten years ago for personal reasons then just returned last night. My brother wasn't all that happy about the surprise," he explained. Daniel just hoped she wouldn't make him have to lie about things that happened in his past. It was already bad enough he was lying to his brother for the reason he changed his name, he didn't need to put himself in a deeper hole by lying to the rest of the town.

But maybe that was the only way to keep his secrets. If his brother found out he killed people, Daniel knew for sure that his brother would no longer want him around. Especially since he lied to him about it to begin with.
Dialogue Color: #fa0030 || Nicknames: Kar | Arson
"Robinson? You're a part of the founding family? I'm Zane, Zane Blackwood. From the other founding family." She was shocked that he had been in the Blackwood family, he definitely didn't seem like the rest of the Blackwoods she had met in the past. At that moment she wasn't exactly sure what happened to all of them. After a while, Karson just stopped seeing them around town like she used to.

"Yeah, I'm Karson Robinson," she introduced before returning her attention back to her mother. Though she was taken by surprise when he asked what happened to her. But she wasn't sure why she was, Karson knew the question was bound to come up sooner or later. "Um, she had a heart attack last night. I came home and found her on the floor in the kitchen unconscious. Doctors say she's in a coma," she answered.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karson Robinson Character Portrait: Rachel Robinson Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwood Character Portrait: Zane Blackwood
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0.00 INK

Rachel Robinson
Dialogue color || fuchsia


Rae raised a curious eyebrow at his words. "You two don't get a long?" She asked curiously. She knew that she and Karson had their fights every once in a while, but she loved her sister regardless, and couldn't imagine not being close to her. Before the guy had a chance to answer she shook her, "Never mind, it's none of my business." She said, giving him a small smile as she took a sip of her drink. She was intrigued by this man, but didn't want to be too inquisitive and scare him off. "I didn't catch your name. I'm Rachel, but everyone just calls me Rae." She said, offering a hand out for him to shake.

Zane Blackwood
Dialogue color || dodgerblue


Zane frowned at the young blonde's words. "I'm sorry, this must be really hard on you. You're here by yourself?" He asked, his frown deepening as he glanced around the room, seeing that the girl was in fact alone. He thought back to the woman he'd killed in the car accident, wondering about her family, they must have been devastated. He never looked into it, not wanting to face what he'd done head on like that. He knew that if he looked into her family, the guilt he felt would be substantially multiplied. "You really shouldn't be alone. If you want, when I finish delivering these trays, I could come back. It's a part of my job anyway." He said, smiling at her, not wanting her to feel weirded out by his offer or that he was going out of his way to do it.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karson Robinson Character Portrait: Rachel Robinson Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwood Character Portrait: Zane Blackwood
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #f04860 || Nicknames: Dan | Danny
Daniel smiled a bit when she told her name. He placed his hand into her's and shook it gently as he introduced himself, "Daniel, Daniel Blackwood," he stated. He then pulled his hand back to himself and sipped from his drink. He couldn't believe he ever decided to come back, much less back to that house. He knew Zane wouldn't have been very happy about his sudden appearance after ten years and nine without even speaking to each other.

Daniel lifted the glass back into his hand and downed the rest of it before requesting another refill. After all these years of drinking, he grew a high tolerance of alcohol. He does get drunk, but it takes him a little longer than it used to.
Dialogue Color: #fa0030 || Nicknames: Kar | Arson
"Yeah, my sister was here. She stepped out for some air, probably grabbed something to eat," she answered as she stood to her feet with a sigh and began walking around the room. She needed to stretch her legs a bit. When she heard his offer she was a bit shocked but nodded her head. "Oh, um, sure. If it wouldn't be a problem," she answered.

In Robinswood it was very rare to find kind people these days who did something for someone else without something in return. People these days always wanted something, no matter what it was they tried their best to get it even if it meant taking advantage of someone. But Zane, she wasn't sure what he would get out of staying in the room with her, so she felt it was nothing but a kind thing to do.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karson Robinson Character Portrait: Rachel Robinson Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwood Character Portrait: Zane Blackwood
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0.00 INK

Rachel Robinson
Dialogue color || fuchsia

Rae's eyes widened slightly at Daniel's introduction. "Blackwood? As in the founding family, Blackwood's?" She asked surprised. She faintly remembered hearing people talking about the Blackwood's eldest son running off, but she was only thirteen at the time and had her own things to deal with. She didn't really listen to the town gossip. "So, the prodigal son has returned, huh?" She said with a small laugh, teasing him as she took another sip from her martini.

Rae glanced at the clock, thinking about Karson, hoping that she's ok, at the hospital by herself. A quiet sigh escaped her lips as she looked down at her drink. She was the oldest, but here she was, at a bar, trying to drink away her problems, while her baby sister was at the hospital looking over their sick mother. 'What kind of example are you setting for Raelynn?' She thought a little sourly as she quickly downed the rest of her drink. "I should get going." She said, getting up from the bar stool and pulling a few bills out of her pocket to pay for her drink.

Zane Blackwood
Dialogue color || dodgerblue


"Not a problem at all. Like I said, it's a part of my job." Zane said with a smile. "I'll be back after I finish my rounds." He said, giving a small wave as he walked out of the room, leaving the breakfast tray on the table in case Karson changed her mind or her sister wanted something to eat. He walked off down the hall, delivering the rest of the breakfast trays before taking the cart back downstairs to the kitchen.

Once he was done, he made his way back upstairs to Mrs. Robinson's room. He gave the door a quick knock before opening it and poking his head inside. "Hey," He said, giving a small smile as he slipped inside. Zane walked over and sat in the other chair, watching Karson as he did, trying to judge for himself how she was holding up with all this. "So, does this happen a lot?" He asked, nodding toward the comatose woman. "I mean, her being in the hospital." He clarified, doubting she'd been in a coma a lot.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karson Robinson Character Portrait: Rachel Robinson Character Portrait: Daniel Blackwood Character Portrait: Zane Blackwood
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #f04860 || Nicknames: Dan | Danny
Daniel sighed and finished his glass when he heard her talk about his 'disappearance'. He nodded his head at her words, "The very same," he stated before looking over at her a bit. He should have known his disappearance would have circled around the town. Questions were going to be coming at him from all directions and he had to make sure he always kept up with the same story or he would end up getting caught in his lies and maybe even placed in jail for the things he had done.

"I should get going," were the next words he heard her say before finishing off her martini and placing a couple bills on the bar. "I'll see ya around then," he stated as he watched her walk out.
Dialogue Color: #fa0030 || Nicknames: Kar | Arson
Karson nodded her head at his words as Zane stepped out the room and continued his rounds. The whole time she was left in the room with her mother, all she could really manage to do was stare at her mother's blank expression and wonder where Rae had been. She's been gone for about an hour now. It usually didn't take this long for her to grab something to eat if that was where she ended up going.

After another twenty minutes Zane returned and sat down in the empty chair. "So, does this happen a lot? I mean, her being in the hospital." she heard him question, breaking the silence in the room. Karson nodded her head as she spoke, "It happens far more than I'm comfortable with," she responded before finally letting go of her mother's hand and standing to her feet to walk around, stretch her legs a bit.