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Seven Roses

The Forest of Meiro


a part of Seven Roses, by HereMeNow.

The largest forest in ShiroKuro. The trees are nearly colorless and planted close to each other. The ground is damp and dead leaves scatter across it's surface. Only the bravest should travel into it's depths.

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over The Forest of Meiro, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

572 readers have been here.


Locations inside Meiro Forest:
- Maso's Magic Shop
- The Radiant Hall
- The Doorway
- End of Kiseki River
- Mirror Mountains
- Holy Water Church(A pile of ruble that used to be a church. The ground around this church is moist with holy water. Riders cannot enter onto these grounds without being harmed, but the church cannot be used as a home anymore)


Meiro forest is the home of many stray vampires and other mythical creatures. At night, a light fog spreads across the forest like veil, making it a rather mysterious place. It is very hard to navigate your way through here if you do not have the nose of a bloodhound. Sight, of course, is also very useful. Unless you are lucky enough to stumble upon one of the old travel routes, you have no luck finding your way through here. The trees, like many of the plants in ShiroKuro, are nearly colorless and they rarely have any distinct features to tell them apart.
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The Forest of Meiro

The largest forest in ShiroKuro. The trees are nearly colorless and planted close to each other. The ground is damp and dead leaves scatter across it's surface. Only the bravest should travel into it's depths.


The Forest of Meiro is a part of Seven Roses.

2 Places in The Forest of Meiro:

5 Characters Here

Itami Sokatsu [18] =.= What Have I Gotten Myself Into Now..
Kuro Misuto [18] >>...You're Kind of Annoying. You know that?
Rolland Silliad [8] "I...I'm...sorry! May...maybe another t-time!"
Maycenna [7] "Here's an easy riddle for you: If you break me I do not stop working, If you touch me I may be snared, If you lose me nothing will matter. What am I?"
Tina Love [1] Purple rose here to charm you!

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Character Portrait: Kuro Misuto Character Portrait: Itami Sokatsu
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In the shadows, Kuro travels through a dark forest shrouded in mist. Her golden eyes glowing amongst the darkness as she makes her way through trees and shrubs, her feet sinking into the damp ground every now and then, causing the moss to make a soft humming noise as she picks her feet back up. Her stomach is empty from the lack of a proper meal and her skin is unusually pale, but her long dark hair and light pink lips give her the most beautiful of appearances. She comes to an area where the trees part and steps down from a root, her shoes softly hitting the rough ground, causing little puffs of dust to rise for a moment. This was the only place in the forest that the ground was dry enough not to sink by taking a simple step. As she peered at the view in front of her, her eyes saddened a little.

A few paces from the open area there is a small hill, covered in trees and moss and brush. Then as you look closer, the roots of the trees create an archway, and then you can see a large door. Kuro took a few steps towards the door, memories of her childhood long ago passing through her mind. She had come to this place many times, somehow feeling a connection with the door. She could never find out what it was exactly, and she could never understand the feeling either. Perhaps it was the almost nonexistent belief that on the other side of this door, she could finally find happiness. Kuro let out a small sigh, closing her eyes as she softly pressed her hand against the damp, wooden surface. Nothing. She felt nothing.

She let out another soft sigh, turning away from the door the same way she had done many times before and taking a few steps away from it, making her way back out of the archway of roots. When suddenly, she heard the sound of wood cracking. Kuro turned around, her eyes widening in surprise and reaching her hand over her shoulder and grabbing onto the handle of her sword. Before she could draw it, the door slams open and a bright figure bursts through the blackness. The girl attempts to draw her sword, only to feel the figure who had fallen from the doorway nearly knock her over, then the feeling of warm flesh on her lips. The scent of a human washes itself over her and she takes a couple steps back, feeling a spark of warmth in her chest. She lefts her right hand and stares in shock at the side of a black rose drawing itself on her skin, the feeling almost like fire through her body.

Kuro looks up from her hand, letting go of her sword to see who had just kissed her. A young human boy dressed in strange clothing with spiky blonde hair. "You...." She whispers softly, her voice a little shaky. "You...You human! Do you know what you have just done? You've entered into a contract with a vampire and you didn't even ask first!"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuro Misuto Character Portrait: Itami Sokatsu
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Itami took a couple steps backward, only to feel his back press up against something wooden. He looked at the girl in front of him. She had long dark hair and the strangest, piercing amber eyes he had ever seen. Where am I? He thought to himself, his eyes glancing to the side behind the girls shoulder. The only thing her could see were trees, a lot of them. The air felt musty and humid and he could already feel the slight dampness of sweat under his hair on his forehead. His eyes locked back onto the girl. She looked young and she was dressed in what seemed similar to a half-trench coat with half sleeves, something like jeans and boots, and then some kind of top. It took him a while to process what the girl had just said, then his head became more confused. "A contract? With a vampire...." he said, a little flustered. Vampire? Is this chick crazy or something? He thought to himself as he looked at the girl. "Why did you just call me a human aren't you one too? And anyway do you have any idea where I am? I was falling and then suddenly.." He tried shuffling through his memory to get what had just happened, then he blushed a little as he realized what he'd just done. "Wait a minute I kissed you!" He said loudly, his tone of voice clearly nervous. He raised his hand a little and scratched the side of his head. "Sorry about that total accident." He glanced over to the side a little, just noticing something on the top of his left hand. He stopped scratching his head and brought his hand down to look at it. A black rose? He thought to himself. "That's weird I don't remember getting a tattoo..."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuro Misuto Character Portrait: Itami Sokatsu
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Kuro watched the boy try to make sense of his situation. So...clueless... She thought to herself, her irritation growing by the second. When the boy noticed his hand and mentioned something about a tattoo, whatever that was, Kuro let out a sigh, rubbing her temples. Where the hell is this boy from? She questioned in her mind, examining the strange clothes he was wearing. They had more color than she had expected of a human, and his hair was more blonde than her younger sisters was. Then it hit her, this boy came from inside of the door. He had to of come from a completely different world. No wonder he had no idea what was going on. Still, she couldn't handle it anymore.

"You're giving me a headache." She mumbled, taking a couple of steps towards the boy and glaring up at him. "I'm going to tell you fast and simple and it would be best for you to just accept what I tell you okay." She said, her voice stubborn yet, serious at the same time. "The world you are in is called ShiroKuro. It is a land full of vampires. Though there are some other creatures as well. You made a contract with me, a vampire, and therefor we are bound together. If you happen to die I will turn into a human, thanks a lot for asking first. My name is Kuro, I'm a Rose vampire. The Eldest daughter of the Pink Rose." She said quickly and firmly, relentlessly pouring it all out. There was no time to waste. When the boy came from the door, she felt a sensation other than the one she felt after making a contract and she was certain her sisters and some other creatures would've felt it too.

She suddenly caught an almost invisible scent in the air apart from the boys strong smell. "Someone is watching us.." She said in almost a whisper without turning around. She reached her hand out and grabbed onto the boys shirt, dragging him out and away from the doorway and into the woods, keeping a firm grip on the middle of his shirt. After making it further into the forest, she let go and turned back to him. "Tell me your name." She said firmly, though her voice was a little softer.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuro Misuto Character Portrait: Itami Sokatsu
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Itami dropped his hand and looked at the girl nervously as she took a couple steps closer to him. She began to go on and on about where he was and what the situation was, although it was a little confusing be because she was talking so fast. As if he wasn't already confused enough. He was still wondering how he hadn't hit the pavement at the bottom of the tourist stop and died. Could it be possible that maybe he was just in a coma and this was some kind of freak dream he was having? Though, that was highly unlikely. If by some crazy chance he didn't die after falling from a 40 foot drop onto cement, which was absolutely impossible, he would've been crushed by the bus that fell after him. He shivered at the thought of his body being crushed under such a large vehicle, especially right in front of Kara.

"Someone is watching us. She heard the girl, who had introduced herself as Kuro, whisper, then grunted as he felt a hand grip his shirt and yank him forward. "Hey wait a minute!" He yelped as he was pulled into the forest against his will, nearly falling over as he stumbled across roots and fallen tree branches. He nearly slipped a couple of times, surprised at how moist and soggy the ground was. So..strong! He thought to himself as his attempt to pull back failed extremely. When they finally stopped and she let go of him, he nearly fell backwards, barely catching himself as Kuro turned around. "'s Itami." he said, taking a step back. He felt a little awkward with her standing so close to him. Wait a minute. That was a door back there! Did I come through that? He thought to himself, turning his head for a moment but failing to see through the thick trees and fog. He turned his head back to the girl and looked at her. "That was a door right? I've got to go back and open it! That's what I cam through right? Then entered this weirdo world name shikur..or..something like that. If I just go back through the door everything will be okay again right?" He said, trying to sound casual but feeling like he sounded dumb at the same time.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuro Misuto Character Portrait: Lily May Bell Character Portrait: Itami Sokatsu Character Portrait: Kuiyen Von Duren
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Itami.. Kuro thought to herself as the boy took a step back. She could smell his nervousness around her, along with his sweat and his blood. es, his blood had some strange sent that she couldn't explain. It was extremely over powering just standing in front of him, and the confusion he was feeling made the smell even stronger. What is this unusual sent? she thought to herself, looking down a little, though not focusing on anything in particular as she pondered through her thoughts. She was confused herself. How did Itami come through the doorway? So many have spent countless generations trying to open that same door, then suddenly this...human boy comes through it like nothing. Where did he come from? Why is he here? Better yet, how the hell am I going to get out of this ridiculous contract with him? Her eyes saddened a little as painful memories began to form themselves at the back of her mind.

"That was a door right? I've got to go back and open it! That's what I came through right? Then entered this weirdo world name shikur..or..something like that. If I just go back through the door everything will be okay again right?"

Her thoughts instantly evaporated, along with the memory that was slowly inching to the front of her mind, as Itami spoke up again, sounding a little frantic. She let an irritated sigh escape from her lips and her gold eyes glared back up at him. "Geez, it's ShiroKuro. Anyway there is no way the door would just open again for you. Anyway, how am I supposed to know whether or not you'll die if you try to go back through. I don't care very much about your feelings, but I'd rather not be turned into a human. Especially when I haven't succeeded in my goal yet." She said firmly, then turned the the side a little and crossed her arms over each other and glanced over at the boy. "So whether you like it or not, you aren't going anywhere. The only reason I haven't killed you yet is because of that damn suspicion anyway. Consider yourself lucky okay." She said. With his blood smelling like strong. It might give me an advantage against my sister. She thought to herself as she looked at the boy. Then again, I'd rather not drag around a human with blood smelling so strongly. It'll sttract too much attention. Lily might know what to do about this...wait till' she finds out where he came from. She let out a small sigh, worried about how she would probably react to this surprise.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuro Misuto Character Portrait: Itami Sokatsu
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Itami felt his heart begin to sink as Kuro completely shot down his idea on what he could do. He still hadn't figured out what all of this 'contract' nonsense was about and was still wondering if this girl was, in fact, an actual vampire. She seemed a little petite and small but from earlier he could tell she was stronger than what she looked. Then there was her amber eyes. He'd never seen anyone with such piercing gold eyes before and every time those eyes would gaze upon him he would get an eerie, disturbing feeling. He also felt a little threatened when she mentioned that the contract was the only reason she hadn't killed him yet. Would this girl really kill someone? But she looks so innocent...aside from her annoying attitude of course. He though to himself, a faint frown spreading across his face. Consider myself lucky? What that I've been tossed into some freaky, dull world where vampires live and other creatures too? He felt like he was being written into some weird story book and the doorway he had come through was the front cover. He had to get back and make sure Kara was alright. He had to show her that he was still alive and there was no reason for her to be sad. This girl in front of him seemed to know a lot about whatever world he was in now, so maybe she knew something about a way to open the door again. "Listen, I'll go ahead and follow you okay." He said firmly, though his voice was a little quite. "But there has to be some way I can get back in the door and go home. A password? Maybe a key or something? The door was built and of I came through it than that means there had to be someone who created it to pass through the worlds, right?" He said, though he still felt a little strange talking like he was in some supernatural movie.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuro Misuto Character Portrait: Lily May Bell Character Portrait: Itami Sokatsu
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Kuro led Itami through the misty forest, the light gray sky indicating that it was about noon. They had been walking for quite some time now in the direction of the part of Kiseki river that crossed over into Merio Forest. They had already crossed the old travel route and were only about a mile from reaching the river from what Kuro could tell as the already damp ground was starting to become soggier. As she walked steadily on, ignoring the mud that was sucking at her shoes, she began to think over the conversation she had with Itami earlier after he had agreed to follow her.

She had been a little surprised at first, but then felt a little relieved. Even if he had refused to go with her, she would have dragged him to her younger sisters garden anyway. She couldn't take the risk letting him wander around like a lot baby deer in a world where his kind was nearly the bottom of the food chain, apart from rabbits, squirrels, or the occasional moose if lucky. After Itami had gone on about how there must be a way to open the door again, Kuro had started to feel that longing she used to have a long time ago to live in a different world than this dull, lifeless one. Was there really a way to open The Doorway that has been sealed for so long?

"A password? Maybe a key or something? The door was built and of I came through it than that means there had to be someone who created it to pass through the worlds, right?" Those words repeated themselves over and over in her head as she walked on. Although this human was far inferior to herself, she had to admit he had a point that someone had to have created the door for some reason. Itami was absolute proof that there was something else on the other side of the door, not just a dirt wall. A key...I swear I have heard something about a key before..Lily gets all the good news. Perhaps she will know something about it. As she pondered through her thoughts, they finally came to the only river that flowed through ShiroKuro. Sure, in the mountains there might be a few little streams or puddles, but Kiseki was the only river. Kuro let out a sigh and knelt down on the mossy river bank, cupping her hands and placing them under the calm, cool current, then taking the water up to her lips and drinking the cool liquid.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuro Misuto Character Portrait: Rolland Silliad Character Portrait: Itami Sokatsu
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Rolland started to cross the large ShiroKuro bridge, finally reaching the end of the structure. As he looked about at the end of the bridge, he took a deep breathe, touching his back, assuring himself with the touch of the small violin on his back. He nods, he hoped that Tina would be at the Radiant Hall, he knew that something was wrong, he only hoped that he wasn't late. Automatically, tears started to flow down his cheeks as his mind started to think about the worst. A life without Tina, meant a life that wasn't worth living. He wiped the tears away quickly, a determined, yet fearful expression face. He continued to walk forward, his shoulders stiff, his shoes squelching upon the ground with each step. Soon enough he started hearing voices, immediately he goes behind the nearest tree, peeking over the trunk. His eyes widened as it was the Black Rose herself. He immediately stiffened and wondered what to do, gripping the the trunk of the tree for comfort. He opened his eyes, dismissing as much fear as he can. Slowly, Rolland walks forward from his tree, seeing the two over there. He calls out nervously, his knees almost buckling at the sound of his own voice.

"He-he-hello....?! Miss...?! Mister...!?"

Rolland half hopes that they heard him, but he also hopes they didn't, so they'd walk away. But he's also hoping that they won't rip his head off.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuro Misuto Character Portrait: Rolland Silliad Character Portrait: Itami Sokatsu
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Itami let out a loud sigh of relief as they finally stopped at a river and he plopped down onto his knees. How can this girl walk for so long and not even have the slightest change in her breathing! Not to mention the fact that she isn't even sweating when it feels 200 degrees outside and the humidity here is ridiculous! He let out another sigh and then looked up as the she knelt beside the river to scoop up some water and take a drink. "hmmm" Can vampires even sweat? ....And if she's a vampire why is she drinking water? I guess I would prefer it that way. Itami picked himself back up off the ground and walked over to stand on the river bank a little further down from where Kuro was. He bent over, scooping up some water with his hands, then straightened back up and splashed the water onto his face, smiling as he felt the cool liquid spread itself over his skin. Suddenly he heard a voice, almost like a whisper, calling out to them. "What the.." He mumbles as he turned around and scanned the trees, spotting a young man who looked to be a little older than himself standing a few paces back. "Kuro, there is someone over there. I think there talking to us." He said curiously, turning his head to look down at where she was kneeling.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuro Misuto Character Portrait: Rolland Silliad Character Portrait: Itami Sokatsu Character Portrait: Tina Love
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Rolland willed himself to stillness, staring at the two people sitting together. He heard him talk, to the woman with black hair. Shivers darted down his spine as he realized, that the woman none other than the Black Rose herself. He looked at Itami, curiously, wondering who this person was. It was obvious to Rolland that it was no vampire, that the air about him seemed vaguely familiar. He started to walk closer, holding his Violin close to him, his steps suddenly stopping. Rolland shakes as he spots a flash of black. He looks to the top of his left hand, eyeing the purple rose tattoo given to him by Tina. His eyes widen as he looks to the near identical black tattoo on the other individual's hand. Rolland starts to think to himself, his heartbeat increasing, A…a contractor…like me….I thought I was the only one….I thought that Tina and I were the only…Rolland shakes his head, quickly starting to take a few steps back. He didn't want to deal with any of this, it was just too much. All he wanted was Tina, he didn't want to meddle with the Black Rose's business. A small spark of his purple tattoo surprised him, he bites his lip.Tina's probably back at the ballroom, he thought. Rolland apologizes, before darting off into the forest, stumbling over a few rocks and roots, "I'm sorry! Maybe another time!!!!". He curses himself, once more, unable to stand up and actually talk to people…Tina's going to be so mad at him once he gets ho-

Rolland trips over faceplanting onto the forest grass. He gets up, looking at the bow of his Violin, the middle of the long piece of wood slightly chipped. He frowns, as his eyes stare at it sadly, not moving, whimpering slightly.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuro Misuto Character Portrait: Hotaru Fukimato Character Portrait: Rolland Silliad Character Portrait: Adelayah Mabery Character Portrait: Itami Sokatsu
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The huge wolf was swimming with the same energy and speed. They were in a part of the river that was near the Forest of Meiro. Adelayah got used to what have happened to her, got sober from the fright and let the wolf go. It kept swimming forward. The young woman turned to the opposite way so she could go back to Red Woods. However, she stopped and noticed far from her the Black Rose. Adelayah didn't know much about the Roses. She saw that there were two humans near Kuro. Addie have seen the one with the violin around, but didn't know him personally. The other one seemed strange to her, like he was new in Shirokuro. She kept looking for a few more seconds.

Something bit her leg. The girl shot it with a few arrows, but that only made the creature let her leg go. Adelayah started swimming furiously towards the Silver Lake. The story with Kiseki Pond have repeated. It bit her again and pulled her under water. She punched it in the face, getting rid of the bite, got on the surface and tried to get out of the river. However, the creature bit her arm and pulled again down. It also pulled forwards, so they were already in Silver Lake. The whole chasing process continued for long time. Then she fainted. The creature pulled her down again. Her limbs were bleeding. Then for some reason the sea animal grossed out and left the uncountious human who got to the surface, leaving bloody tracks in the water. At least she wasn't bleeding much and had around a few hours before the lack of blood in her body becomes a problem. Her uncontious body was floating peacefully, her black hair was swimming like a jellyfish. Adelayah got near the Red Rose's Mansion.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maycenna Character Portrait: Kuro Misuto Character Portrait: Rolland Silliad Character Portrait: Itami Sokatsu
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#, as written by Skwidge
A branch swayed downwards before pushing back up into its original position. However, the Sphinx who had caused the disturbance had already been deposited on the lower branch before it snapped back up. Her eyes flicked to and fro, scanning the door before her. Her nostrils flared softly as she took in the recent, and very strange, scents. There was definitely a new human. Her eyes dilated momentarily as she zoned out, her thoughts completely shifting to such a long time ago. It's happening again. That scent... it's familiar. But I can't place my finger on it. It's been too long....

They've moved on. That bloody Black Rose. Such a pain, must she do these things? A smirk twisted her lips, and she jumped onto the next tree, following the much fresher scents of the human male and the Rose. May made quick work of the distances, and she rested along a top branch her eyes boring into the blond one's head. A wicked smile cascaded onto her visible features, and she silently slithered down the tree, making sure to keep her scents in check, and her ownself behind leaves. But, there was another boy? Her eyes narrowed. Oh wonderful, the Purple Rose's little slave. At least he's- Ope, nope, there he goes, falling over himself again. She tilted her head, her ear flicking silently as she watched his pathetic flailing.

Maycenna hopped down onto the grass, immediately approaching the boy, her ears back gently, and her claws half out. "So it is you." Her voice was soft and easy flowing, her eyes scanning over the back of his blonde head, waiting for him to turn and make eye contact. One claw dug into the earth momentarily, and she sat down, her eyes widening, yet hidden. That's where it's from. What are the odds? "Let's play a game, little human. You'll like what I have to offer, I promise."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maycenna Character Portrait: Kuro Misuto Character Portrait: Rolland Silliad Character Portrait: Itami Sokatsu
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Kuro rose from where she was kneeling beside the river and scanned the trees. Itami was right. There was somebody out there and she could tell from the smell that it was human. She only spotted the dark-haired man for a moment before she heard him call out 'maybe another time' and then run off into the trees. With the sound of crushing leaves and a few breaking twigs, it was easy to tell that the man had fallen down. With a light sigh, she started walking towards the trees where the sound had came from. She wasn't too worried about him but if by any chance word got out that she had a contractor, she'd have some problems. If the man had seen the rose on either her or Itami's hand, she'd had to get rid of him. Just before she reached the tree line, she heard a voice behind her. Turning, she took a couple of quick steps forward and grabbed the collar of Itami's shirt and pulled him backward onto the ground beside him. She reached her left hand over her shoulder and, unsheathing her sword, pointed in in the direction of the sphinx sitting in the grass. "This little human belongs to me." she said stiffly, her gold eyes glaring. "I know he looks stupid but that's why I'm here. We aren't interested. Why is a stray sphinx out wandering around in this part of the forest any who?" Kuro asked, her tone of voice clearly cross. Though she was still worried about the human from before, the sphinx was a little more to her concern. So annoying...his blood must be pretty strong smelling if a sphinx is interested. Then again he does have that helpless look to him. No doubt he would easily get caught up in such a tricky creatures silver tongue. Even so, it was still rather suspicious this sphinx would come out of nowhere with an offer straight for Itami. Something wasn't right about this situation. There was also the faint smell of blood in the air but Kuro brushed it off.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maycenna Character Portrait: Kuro Misuto Character Portrait: Rolland Silliad Character Portrait: Itami Sokatsu
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"Hey wait a minute you don't have to go!" Itami called out as the person in the trees turned and ran, only to hear the sound of him falling. He watched as Kuro stood up and began walking towards the trees. He hoped she wasn't going to do anything to harm the person. He had barely spent anytime with her but she was already really intimidating. "Let's play a game, little human. You'll like what I have to offer, I promise." He turned around at the sound of another voice and his eyes widened a little at the sight a few feet away from him where an animal was sitting in the grass. Though, he couldn't really tell if it was an animal or a human. He was a little dumbfounded at first, wondering if the creature had really just talked to him or if he had imagined it and it was about to turn him into its next meal. "Wh-What?" He managed to stamper just before he felt a rough tug on the back of his shirt and he fell back onto the grass with a loud hmph!

It took him a moment to regain himself and he sat up from where he was laying beside Kuro and rubbed the back of his head. When she finished talking to the creature in front of them he looked up at her. "What the hell was that for!" he growled, not bothering to pick himself back up off the ground in fear that Kuro would probably just knock him back down anyway. He turned his eyes back on the creature in front of them. A sphinx? Like in those weird mythical stories? he thought to himself as he looked at the creature. Now that he got a better look at it, it seemed to have a female face, yet, the body of a lion. It also had a pair of feathery wings and ears on the top of its head. The girls face, he had to admit, was rather attractive but the body was really strange to him. "Kuro who is that?" He questioned, though keeping his eyes on the sphinx. All thoughts of the person in the forest from earlier simply left his train of thought.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maycenna Character Portrait: Kuro Misuto Character Portrait: Itami Sokatsu
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As the sphinx spoke to Kuro he let out a small sigh and picked himself back up off the ground, figuring that there wouldn't be much point for the vampire to push him back down anyway. Plus, she was a little occupied at the moment and didn't look like she was much enjoying the sphinxes company. This made Itami a little nervous too, but something about the lioness in front of him made him want to trust her and go with her instead of staying with Kuro. She seemed much more friendly anyway. Itami;s eyes moved from the sphinx to Kuro's face. She was glaring at the animal/human with her sword at the ready. The hostility she was giving off even made him want to take a couple of steps back so if she did decide to attack he wouldn't be in the way of her swinging blade.

"Do you accept my proposal, or do you not? I have the answers to some of your most important questions. You need not worry about the outcome. It's mostly win win. It will be an easy game, I promise. It'll be fun, don't worry!" Itami looked back at the sphinx, a little confused at how he should answer. The part where she said that she had the answer to some of his questions was really tempting, but the game thing, he had to admit, sounded a little suspicious. Still, the only thing he could think of right now was finding a way to get home. He glanced down at the ground for a moment, hesitating, before clutching his hands into fists and taking a step forward so that he was standing a little bit close than Kuro. "What's the game?" He asked the sphinx curiously, completely ignoring the suspicious feeling he was getting.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maycenna Character Portrait: Kuro Misuto Character Portrait: Itami Sokatsu
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#, as written by Skwidge
The feline then spread her form along the grass, stretching before coming into a position on her stomach, laying down. She tucked her paws under her chest, and then smiled back up at the boy, her tail curling around her haunches. "The game is quite fun and pretty simple! All you have to do is answer a riddle. Every right response, I answer any question you have to the best of my ability. And, being a sphinx, my knowledge is very well off. Now, the riddles will start off extremely easy, then they will progressively get harder. Supposedly anyway, it depends on my mood, of course!"

Maycenna tilted her head to the side. "But, if you get any wrong... then I'll probably have to eat you." She smiled cheerfully at him. "Just kidding! I'm sure you're a super smart kid, much like your-... well, I'm sure you're very smart!" Her ear flicked, and she locked eyes with him once more. "There will be five to ten riddles, the last most likely having the response as answer to something that will reveal a lot more about me and my knowledge. So, what do you say? Want to play with me?" Her tone was very easy-going and childlike, eager to play a game with this boy and enjoy herself. The only problem was really the Black Rose staring her down, but she ignored her.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maycenna Character Portrait: Kuro Misuto Character Portrait: Rolland Silliad Character Portrait: Itami Sokatsu
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A bright smile spread across Itami's face and he gave a small chuckle. "Riddles huh? Sounds kind of fun!", he exclaimed, relaxing a little as he plopped down into the grass sitting Indian style. Like my what.. the boy thought to himself as he went over what the Sphinx had told him. "If you really do have the answers I'm looking for, then sure, I'll play along." he said casually with a smile. He was happy that at least someone in this dull world was nice and not confusing. Well, the sphinx was a little confusing but at least she was friendly. Apart from his so called 'contractor' and the random person earlier who just ran off and might even still be laying on the forest ground not too far off behind him, the sphinx seemed to be the only one who seemed to know what smiling was and knew how to talk to him right. "I am a little curious though. If you aren't going to eat me, what does happen if I happen to guess a riddle wrong? oh! that's right I didn't ask what your name was!" Itami said quickly leaning back a tiny bit and supporting himself with his hands behind him in the grass. "I'm Itami and the rude one is Kuro." He said, instantly regretting calling Kuro rude.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maycenna Character Portrait: Kuro Misuto Character Portrait: Itami Sokatsu
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#, as written by Skwidge
"I know who the Rose is boy." May smiled once more, her gaze keeping with his intently. "Now for our first riddle. If I say 'Everything I tell you is a lie,' am I telling you the truth or a lie?" The sphinx splayed one paw over the other, a pretty smirk on her face as her ear twitched. "Five to ten riddles, if you get one wrong, we start over. The riddles will get harder and harder. Oh, and Kuro cannot interfere." Now a wicked smirk cascaded onto her face, her eyes remaining on Itami. "My name must remain a secret for now. Though I shall probably give you a riddle with the answer to my nickname." A wind blew through the surrounding trees, causing them to creak and groan. "It's truly a shame that it's so dull and boring here."