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Hanna Bealette

"Yes Sir."

0 · 402 views · located in Shrouded Earth

a character in “Shades of Penumbra”, as played by SalmaiLeore






Denver, Colorado


Hanna often has her long brown hair straightened with several layers. Black eyeliner encircles serious blue green eyes. Tanned skin covers the female with a few freckles; her Irish showing through. A scar runs across her left upper leg (about three inches long) from a previous mishap in her life. She generally wears a black t-shirt with a band-name imprinted upon it; tight against her bode. Ears are double pierced with settings of small fake diamonds in each.

Five foot six inches

Slim but with good muscle core

Hanna is quiet and generally timid. Never the first to conduct a conversation, unless absolutely necessary, she is in the background of most situations. Always watching, she is a good listener and tends to be a good information gatherer. Attitude is always hidden deep within her, but can explode at any second. Unfortunately, Hanna is very emotional. Crying is her option in every situation and that has plagued her most of her life.

+ Music
+ Reading
+ Movies
+ Puzzles
+ Watching the sun rise and set

- Crowds
- Needles
- Making people angry
- Rainy days

- Chews her nails whAen nervous
- Has to count how many times she brushes her hair
- Flinches easily

When Hanna was born, her life was fairly normal. Loving parents, a brother, and a nice large house grew to be too boring for her. At a young 13 years of age, she began fighting back, demanding more and more of her Life. Going out to parties, doing drugs, and beginning to steal, she changed her parents Life as well. By 15 her parents had gotten fed up with her and sent her to a girlā€™s camp for ā€œLife Changesā€. After spending 6 months there, she returned a new girl. She became a girl who was completely opposite of who she used to be.

While she was there they did unconventional and inappropriate things. Most of the instructors there were men and..well you can imagine. Upon one of the times she was bombarded by two of the instructors, she fought back. During the fight, one of the men cut her on the left thigh, threatening to do worse. When going home, it was explained she had cut herself while climbing a tree as one of the exercises. She learned to be quiet and never speak unless spoken to. When spoken too, there were only certain things she was allowed to say. The instructors threatened the girls there if they spoke about it, they would kill them. She never did, to a single soul.

Recently, while Hanna was walking down the street to pick up groceries for her mother, a man pulled up next to her. With a smile on his face he demanded she get in the van. Never seeing the man before, she chose to ignore him and continue walking. Pissing him off, the male got out of the vehicle and threw her inside, tied her up, and knocked her out. Eventually, she woke up inside a dark and damp room, tied to a pipe in the wall. With food sitting in front of her and a plastic cup of water, she simply began to cry.

So begins...

Hanna Bealette's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette
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Hanna's eyes opened slowly. Although barely, she was able to see past the puddled tears to see Kyros before her. This was the one who had saved her, but kidnapped her at the same time. She was unable to determine if she was better off or not. Listening to his words, her eyes looked all along him. From the hair atop his head, along his abdomen, and down to the shoes he walked in. After he had finished all his questions, she gently shook her head no. Due to the crying, she attempted to sniffle, which only caused more pain to the girl. Eyes flinched tightly closed, muscles tensed, and a small whimper was let loose.

After breathing gently to try and ignore the pain, she opened her eyes again. This time she saw him bring a box of tissues. Watching the tissues a moment, she looked back up to him. What was she supposed to say? And what were they doing here? More importantly, where was here? Eyes began looking around the room where they were stationed for the time being. Head would never move, so anything outside of that vision would not be seen.

While looking around, she had determined it would be polite to thank this male. " Thank you", she said weakly. Her voice was soft, gentle, and cracked slightly. Again her eyes looked Kyros up and down, as if trying to figure him out. She thought about what had just happened. It seemed it had happened to fast, but that it happened so long ago. She looked down at her body as much as she could without moving. Seeing the cuts, bruises, rashes, and other various marks made her sad again. Tears continued to flow as if she were a trickling stream. She knew for a fact she was badly hurt. Her breathing was still labored, but she was able to control it now that she was not sobbing uncontrollably. Eyes faded over in tears looked up to Kyros with a type of sadness he probably had never seen before. There was strength somewhere deep inside, but the sadness overwhelmed it.

"What happened to the guy? Is he alright?" she asked with a bit of concern in her voice. Yes, she was asking about The Hunter and in fact looked worried for the condition he may have been in. Why she felt that way was unknown to her. Eyes darted between Kyros eyes as she awaited the answer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette
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"Thank you" Hanna Said Weakly. Kyros Then looked down at her, Admiring her personality. She was able to draw forth enough strength to thank me. What am I doing, If she were to notice, She'd think of me as a psycho for sure. Quickly Kyros Turned his head to face away and only peered out the side of his eye."What happened to the guy? Is he alright?" Her voice almost sounded motherly with Concern.
" I'm not exactly sure what happened to him, to tell the truth. But if he survived, Which he should had because my attack was just a cut into his Fat, he wont dare show his face around you." Kyros finished knowing he sounded a little more judgmental then he should had but the guy had Beat the girl and made her cough up blood. If that's not reason enough to kill him, then I'm not sure what is.

Kyros turned his body back to facing the girl and he drew a Tissue from the Box. He then began Whipping the remaining tears the girl had on her face, off. "Trust me, I can bet I didn't hit any Vital Organs of his. So there's a good chance he survived the Flesh wound, and is now in someones care. Your-" He stopped suddenly remembering that he didn't want to tell her of her condition.
"You should be allowed to leave here once you've made a Full recovery. Unless of course the Doctor has to get some Vitamins to give to you before you leave or Something Stupidly Similar." He said Gracefully. finishing whipping the tears of her face, Kyros put the tissue in the Garbage can in the Kitchen. "I just thought you might be curious about that." He said as he was coming back from the Kitchen.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette Character Portrait: John Arnold Character Portrait: Keeva Richmond
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Keira smiled at John, thankful that he didn't ask her why she hadn't wanted to go. She managed to get a taxi and took it straight to the apartment complex. She ran up the stairs and banged on the door. "It's me from earlier, I was drawing the flower.You need to let me in." She screamed into the apartment, hoping Kyros heard her. She had the grimoire ready at the page for a weak healing spell, strong enough to keep hanna alive for another 30 minutes.

Keeva had rampaged the city for a long while, killing 2 people and leaving another for dead, forgetting that he would turn due to her drunken state. She headed back to the apartment and feel asleep.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette
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Kyros Heard banging on he door that brought no Surprise to him once he heard a Familiar Voice. Quickly he ran to the Door Unlocking it and Opening it. "Are you just going to stand there or are you coming in?" He asked Quickly standing out of the way so she could get in fast. "Don't get me Wrong im happy to see you but, HURRY UP and get in here so I can lock that damn door." Women I swear. Sometimes they fly Through time and Sometimes they Waste it. Kyros was Being Extremely impatient and Quick with his words

The setting changes from The Apartment Complex to Shrouded Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Okada, Sasaki Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette Character Portrait: Choi, Jin Sang Character Portrait: John Arnold
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John turned to Choi "I believe she has internal bleeding, she was coughing up blood, and it wouldn't surprise me from the way she was being kicked and beat. I was planning on grabbing a bunch of blood bags, but I've only ever treated myself, and treating humans is your specialty, so I'll trust your word on what to take."

After John spoke to Keira she decided to go ahead to Johnā€™s place and look after Hannah, the abused young woman, while Choi, Ezra, and Sasaki accompanied John to the hospital. John then motioned for Sasaki, Choi, and Ezra to come. "I'm sorry to rush, but we really have to go now. Time is running out for that girl."

The group reached the hospital and Choi felt highly anxious. Hours ago Choi staggered out of the hospital after being attacked by a vampire, clinging to the last bit of life left to him. Now here he arrived once again, now as a vampire, to steal from the hospital in order to save a life. As they stood outside Choi felt himself unable to move. He felt as if he was reliving the whole thing over again. Ezra noticed Choiā€™s pale and trance like expression and placed his hand on Choiā€™s forearm. ā€œAre you alright?ā€ Ezra asked timidly.

Choi was slightly startled by the cold touch of Ezraā€™s skin. He was cold in a different way than the feel of coolness a vampire displays. Ezraā€™s touch was like touching someone who had just come indoors from a cold rainy outside day or a clear frosty night. Unlike the touch of a vampire which was cool like touching cold glass. Choi felt a bit shocked out of his paralyzing train of thought. He turned to Ezra slowly and gave a worried look. ā€œSorryā€¦ Iā€¦ kinda spaced out for a moment. Iā€™ll live I guess.ā€ Choi then remembered he was talking to a ghost, a person who was technically dead and buried and felt bad. ā€œOh bollocks Iā€™m so sorry! Youā€™re a ghost and I was so insensitive! I didnā€™t mean any harm please forgive my rudeness!ā€ Choi apologized sincerely.

Ezra gave Choi a silly little smile and giggled. ā€œItā€™s okay. I am dead after all. But I guess so are you if you can see me.ā€ Ezra looked down at his hand while smiling in reminiscence. ā€œThat was the first time Iā€™ve ever touched another personā€™s skin since Iā€™ve died. It was weird but it was nice at the same time. I kinda felt alive again. Thanks.ā€ Ezra smiled at Choi, a look that said that all was well. It also made Choi feel loads better and okay enough to proceed into the hospital.

Sasaki was proud that he didnā€™t have to intervene and pull Choi out of his fear. It was an achievement that Ezra was able to do that for Choi. Sasaki figured, perhaps what Choi and he needed was to live together instead of in separate apartments, and a roommate that would understand how it felt to be inhuman. Sasaki decided that he would ask Ezra if they could rent out his flat and move in with him. They could look after each other. Of course theyā€™d have to make sure that Ezraā€™s place was decent and livable but that would come later. Sasaki remembered that his first priority should be to look after Choi, Ezra and John as they infiltrated the hospital.

Choi had easy access to the different wards. He went to his office and grabbed a large bag to carry different thing taken in. The others were to wait in the lobby. Choi felt horrible about stealing blood from the hospital but it needed to be done. He fought very hard to keep from drinking it himself, a fight in which he was close to losing. Then Ezra appeared in the room with Choi. ā€œHey now, Remember thatā€™s for the lady we need to help. Please focus Choi.ā€ Ezra said in a nurturing tone. He didnā€™t realize how newborn vampires struggle with bloodlust but Choi was showing remarkable resilience.

Choi snapped out of his fixation and realized that Ezra simply popped up in the room. It was as if he had teleported. ā€œThanks Ezra. Did you by any chance just teleport in here? I didnā€™t know you could do that.ā€ Choi responded.

Ezra hadnā€™t realized that he teleported, ā€œNeither did I know I could do that. I guess there is much more to being a ghost than not being seen or heard after all huh. Brilliant!ā€

ā€œI wish I could have become a ghost when I died as opposed to a bloody monster.ā€ Choi replied in a sulky manner.

Ezra stepped closer to Choi and responded, ā€œYouā€™re no monster Choi. You seem like a very nice man. I feel very safe around you. And even though Iā€™m a ghost, people terrify me as if they can hurt me. With you I feel at ease. You seem to be the nurturing type and that requires that you be a safe, trustworthy person.ā€

Choi smiled brightly. ā€œThanks Ezra. I wish I had met you sooner. Itā€™s a shame you passed away. Weā€™ll weā€™d better get going. Iā€™ve a few more things to grab. Iā€™ll assume that you can take me with you while teleporting right? I mean Iā€™m technically dead too so it should work.ā€ Choiā€™s theory was correct. Ghosts canā€™t teleport with living beings but vampires arenā€™t alive by technicality. They grabbed what they needed and headed out with the others.

Choi opened his bag so that John could look inside. ā€œIs this alright? I grabbed all I thought I needed and could carry without taking anything that was too noticeable and easy to miss.ā€ Choi asked John.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette
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Hannah sighed gently, then began to cough a little. She was glad, for some reason, the guy seemed to be alright. Although he had hurt her severely, she still cared for his safety. She couldn't quite understand why, but she did.

When Kyros mentioned her being able to leave after she makes a full recovery, she was confused. Why would she leave? She honestly had no where to go, because she did not know where she was. It was unknown to her what exactly he meant by that. However her thought process was interrupted when a banging was at the door. She flinched from the sound, which caused her to moan in pain. The pain seemed to get worse as she laid there. Her breathing was labored still, and her tears slowly continued. Mostly from the pain of course. Eyes watched Kyros run away from her, presumably toward the door. He heard a woman's voice and a males, which she assumed was Kyros. All she wanted was to not have pain. She hoped so dearly the woman was the help for that.

(OOC: Sorry it's shorrrrt. I've been busy and have had shoddy internet. I'm back though! ^_^ Let's keep this going guys! )

The setting changes from Shrouded Earth to The Apartment Complex

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette
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Keira quickly ran over to Hanna's side, she checked if she was awake. "Sweetie, you're going to have to sleep." She said, smiling weakly at her before blowing a mixture of herbs, a powder she was instructed to make, it was a strong sleep inductive. She scanned the kitchen and grabbed a bowl,she filled the bowl with water, she then set the bowl in front of the now unconscious Hanna. She found a candle and light it. She sat in front of her and started to read from the grimoire, the spell would only heal Hanna's wounds for about 30 minutes before the magic would ware off.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette
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Hanna looked at Keira as she walked over. When she mentioned, "Sweetie, you're going to have to sleep.", Hanna responded very weakily " I cannot, the pain.." as she began her sentence, she slowly drifted off into a sleep. It was strange to her , but Hanna could tell she fell asleep. It was weird. How could she have done so, so quickly? It mattered not.

In her dream, the Hunter had returned to this exact apartment to get her. Instead of him harming her, he leaned down and picked her up. He whispered to her " I am here to help you, not harm you. They will kill you if you do not come with me." Not that she had a choice, because some how she was frozen still. Eyes watched as the Hunter ran out of the apartment. Looking upon Kyros and Keira, they turned into demons that lunged out for her, sharp claws and teeth reaching for her, but she could not move.

In real life, Hanna began to sweat. It could have been from the dream, or the spell working; it was not apparent which it was.

Hanna's dream continued as the Hunter was finally able to take her to the very room she remembered when he first captured her. This time, he did not tie her up. Instead he leaned her against the wall and told her " They are demons who wish only to kill you. They put a spell on you so they could eat your soul and devour your flesh. " She shook her head in the dream, wanting to speak back to him, but she could not. The Hunter smiled. " See.", lending a hand to her cheek to gently caress it. " You are in better hands now, My Dear." The Hunter then turned into a large demon, dragging the girl into the middle of the room where she still lay frozen. He manipulated her body so her legs and arms were spread apart. The demon hunter smiled down at Hanna. As he lay atop her body, Hanna began to cry. The demon had his way with her, and her paralyzed body could do nothing.

In real life, Hanna too began to dribble tears.

Halfway through the Demon's doings, an angel came down, knocking the Demon out and onto the floor beside her. This angel looked a lot like Keira. She had long shinning blond hair. Her smile was perfect and serene. The angel offered her hand out to her. Suddenly Hanna was allowed to move. She slowly lifted her arm to reach for the angel, grasping her soft hand. As if she had wings, Hanna began to float up into the air, beside the angel. She smiled, and began to slowly float Hanna up into the skies. Hanna simply allowed this, smiling at the beauty before her.

The setting changes from The Apartment Complex to Shrouded Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezra Underhill Character Portrait: Okada, Sasaki Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette Character Portrait: Choi, Jin Sang
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0.00 INK

John had been in a deep thought as they came up to the hospital. It worried him that something could go wrong with all the innocent people inside, especially since the first hour he'd been here he already killed someone and was now rushing to save another person's life. While waiting in the lobby for Choi to get back, John constantly scanned the room, looking for any dangerous or suspicious people. He barely even noticed that Ezra disappeared until after the fact.

Choi broke John's trance as he walked out into the lobby with the supplies, "Is this alright? I grabbed all I thought I needed..." John looked through the bag, Painkillers, blood bags, and IV tubes and needles. He ran a check list through his head. "Yea, that should work."

He walked outside with the others and hailed a taxi. John showed the driver the address of the apartment building on his cell phone and asked him to hurry. They arrived in the building, John payed the driver and went into the building with the others. "Skip the elevator, the stairs will be faster." John said without stopping for a second.

As they got to the door of the apartment, John noticed his luggage was still out in the hallway. He pulled out his key, unlocked the door and pushed it open. He could see right into the dining room where Hanna was on the table, and Kyros and Keira standing next to her. John looked behind him "Choi, go ahead and start putting the supplies out on the table and setting up the IV and the blood bag." After finishing his sentence, John grabbed a coat hanger out of the corner of the room, and some clothes pins out of a drawer to create a makeshift IV bag holder and placed it next to the table. He then went into the kitchen, grabbed some towels and a glass of water, and set them down next to Hanna. "How's she holding up?" John asked but didn't really wait for a response before turning to Choi "I trust you more to setup the IV and insert it since your a doctor. I'll get the painkillers ready."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette
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Keira watched as the guys came in with the equipment. "She's fine, I gave her a temporary healing spell, her internal wounds are fine for another..." She checked her watched and looked back up at him. "10 minutes." She sat on the couch, she was worried for Hanna it's not easy seeing someone die but It's worse whenever you did your best to help and the wounds just take the victim. She nervously rubbed her hands, tapped her feet on the floor and prayed for Hanna's life. She walked out of the room, she didn't want to watch and so she left the apartment and sat in the hallway. She sat on the floor with her back against the wall, she began to cry. The hunters were her last hope for Humans, they only wanted to protect the human race from the dangers of the supernatural, sure she didn't agree with their methods but they protected humans nevertheless, but now she knows that some hunters are now using and hurting those they swear to protect, it made her sick.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezra Underhill Character Portrait: Okada, Sasaki Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette Character Portrait: Choi, Jin Sang
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As Sasaki, Choi, and Ezra arrived at the apartment with John, they took a look around. The yung woman that was abused by the now deceased hunter was there and seemingly alright however John and Choi were informed that this was due to Keira performing a healing spell. Unfortunately the spell would only last for another ten minutes so they needed to act fast.

John looked toward Choi who stood behind him and spoke, "Choi, go ahead and start putting the supplies out on the table and setting up the IV and the blood bag." After finishing his sentence, John grabbed a coat hanger out of the corner of the room, and some clothes pins out of a drawer to create a makeshift IV bag holder and placed it next to the table. He then went into the kitchen, grabbed some towels and a glass of water, and set them down next to Hanna. He then turned to Choi "I trust you more to setup the IV and insert it since youā€™re a doctor. I'll get the painkillers ready."

Choi quickly glanced at Sasaki for reassurance and Sasaki gave him a nod. He made sure to smile as if everything was fine, he knew that such a response would help Choi relax and work with little worry. Choi went forward and began prepping the IV. After Choi set it up he began to check Hannaā€™s Vital signs. She seemed stable but since the other young woman apparently placed a supposed healing spell on Hanna so he couldnā€™t determine if Hanna was stable solely as a result of the spell or not. This whole thing was foreign to him, Vampires, Ghosts, Hunters and witches. Choi thought to himself as he examined Hanna who lay on the table, ā€œA spell on a patient? had this happened a day ago at the hospital, while I was human, and someone told me the patient had a healing spell on her, Iā€™d have dubbed them bonkers and called the hospital psyche ward on them in a heartbeat. But here I am a Vampire seeing to a woman, who was beaten by a supernatural being hunter, that has a healing spell, cast by a witch, keeping her vitals afloat at present. If I hadnā€™t been brutally murdered and revived myself Iā€™d say I was absolutely daft out of my mind.ā€

Choi glanced over at John as he continued to ponder. ā€œI wonder if he plans to perform a medical procedure for her himself. Is this John a doctor? Does he have any medical training? He couldnā€™t have possibly called me all the way here to simply set up an IV. If he wants her treated, she would have been better taken to the hospital. This girl is human so itā€™s not like sheā€™s at risk of being discovered as a monster like me.ā€ Choiā€™s thoughts rambled in his head as he prepared things. Preparations were done and he signaled John to let him know and await further instruction.

Ezra stood with a smile on his face as he watched the chemistry between Choi and Sasaki. The two seemed to make a pretty sharp couple. Indeed the situation in the flat was serious and slightly tense with the injured young lady there and all, but Ezra couldnā€™t help but enjoy the company. It had been so long since he had been able to talk to people and be around others who could actually interact with him he almost couldnā€™t get enough of it. He wondered what would happen when this situation was over. Would he go back to being a lonely and forgotten ghost haunting his old flat? Ezra shuddered at the thought.

Sasaki turned to Ezra and asked, ā€œExcuse me, Ezra is it?ā€ after Ezra nodded with a shy yet excited smile Sasaki continued. ā€œI was wondering if the flat that you wellā€¦ haunt, is vacant of ā€˜livingā€™ occupants?ā€

Ezraā€™s face beamed and he answered without hesitation, ā€œYES! Itā€™s free, totally freeā€¦ um I mean vacant. Yup! Why are you looking for a place to stay?ā€

Sasaki was relieved to see Ezraā€™s eager response. ā€œActually yes. I think Choi and I will be wanting to move in together and after meeting you, I thought you could use some company as well. Iā€™ve heard stories about ghosts that are alone and unremembered being doomed to fade away like the morning mists. We need a nice place to lay low for a while and you could use some people who know that you still exist so that you will exist. What do you say?ā€

Ezra was a bit unsettled about this new information regarding ghosts. He definitely didnā€™t want to fade away into nothingness. He extended his hand for a handshake. ā€œI accept! Iā€™ll tell you the name of my former publicist, he handles the renting of the property. Heā€™ll be the one you should call about renting it out. Iā€™m excited!ā€ Ezra hopped in place a couple of times in excitement. He wouldnā€™t be alone anymore.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezra Underhill Character Portrait: Okada, Sasaki Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette Character Portrait: Choi, Jin Sang
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Kyros's mind had Shut down and Now that it could Properly Asses the Problem, the room was Filled with people trying to save the Girl. "I accept! I'll tell you the name of my former publicist, he handles the renting of the property. He'll be the on you should call about renting it out. I'm Excited!" A voice Rang through the room as it seemed The girl was Fine. The two Men from the Bar were starring at A wall it seemed, and from thous Kyros Cocked his Head Back trying to Figure all this Out.

Maybe, they Saved Her and are just Chatting?.... With who though?.... Agh, Better Idea! Who's all here? Kyros Scanned the Room quickly as his Eyes Flickered upon hitting each one. Okay...The Bar guys, That Flower Girl, The Recovering, and Limo Person..... Oh well that Just helps Fit the Puzzle Pieces into Place. The girl on the Table was Quite and Breathing Heavily, as Ky peered around the Room once more feeling Uneasy. Something Didn't Fit. What is it that I'm missing?!

Kyros Was so caught up in the Confusion that He didn't even realize that Choi and Okada were Vampires. Every time Though Kyros Scanned the Room he couldn't see Ezra but Stopped to Stare at the Spot for a Moment. Better yet What's happened? His thoughts felt like they were Piercing his Arm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette
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Keira stood up and returned to the room to see if Hannah's condition had improved but nothing new had occurred since she had sat outside the apartment. She lifted her grandmother's grimoire and began to read it, awaiting Hannah's condition to improve. She whispered a few of the incantations, one of which caused some small fireworks to fly from her finger tips and another that made flowers grow around her feet. "Sorry." She whispered before just reading her grandmother's stories, one of which involved the other Covens from the UK, Keira read it closely, the main Northern Irish coven had become suspicious of one of the English covens, scared that they had started to dabble in Dark magic. She read further on and began to see increasing reason as the why the coven was suspicious and why even now, the Covens of England and Northern Ireland had a hard time convening together. She put the book back in her bag and went to watch over Hannah, she had a damp towel in her hand and started to dab her warm forehead with the cool towel. She held Hannah's hand, even the ill need comfort. "We'll help you." She whispered to her. "You won't need to worry about the man that hurt you, you're safe with us."

The setting changes from Shrouded Earth to The Apartment Complex

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezra Underhill Character Portrait: Okada, Sasaki Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette Character Portrait: Choi, Jin Sang
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After scanning the table and making sure all the basic preprations were ready John walked over to the front door, opened it, and dragged one of his suitcases in. He opened it up and pulled out a leather bag with a red cross taped on with red tape. He set down on the table surgical equipment such as a scalpel and a suture kit. He looked up to Keira and to the group standing in the other room "I dunno if you wan't to stay to watch the surgery, it'll be a little gruesome. I'll come get you from the hall or wherver you go when we are done in here." John retrieved a small oxygen tank from his suitcase and attached the cord of a mask to it and put the mask over Hanna's face. He handed a pair of gloves to Choi and put some on himself.

He began to give Choi a quick briefing "Just as a quick note if I hadn't said anything before, I believe this girl has internal bleeding, she had been coughing up blood when I first saw her and I was told she was being physically abused. I only have medical knowledge from surviving as long as I have, I really know nothing about performing surgery on the internal body, so that is why I need you to help. Once we find the source of the bleeding I can handle suturing, unless you would feel more comfortable doing it. With all that being said, I am ready to begin operating whenever you are."

-The scene fades to black-

The setting changes from The Apartment Complex to Shrouded Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezra Underhill Character Portrait: Okada, Sasaki Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette Character Portrait: Choi, Jin Sang
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John retrieved a small oxygen tank from his suitcase and attached the cord of a mask to it and put the mask over Hanna's face then he handed a pair of gloves to Choi and put some on himself. He began to give Choi a quick briefing "Just as a quick note if I hadn't said anything before, I believe this girl has internal bleeding, she had been coughing up blood when I first saw her and I was told she was being physically abused. I only have medical knowledge from surviving as long as I have, I really know nothing about performing surgery on the internal body, so that is why I need you to help. Once we find the source of the bleeding I can handle suturing, unless you would feel more comfortable doing it. With all that being said, I am ready to begin operating whenever you are."

Choi was a little nervous about performing an operation for internal injuries while outside of an emergency room. He had hoped that they had the proper tools and equipment needed and that the room was properly sterilized. He was also a bit worried about controlling himself throughout the surgery. He was indeed a new born vampire now, for Choi looking at Hannah right now was difficult like turning down a delicious meal when youā€™re starving. Not to mention, in a few minutes she would be opened up and operated on, there would be visible blood to entice him. Choi prayed to God that he kept it together.

Choi replied to John, ā€œWellā€¦ I would feel better about this had we been treating her in a hospital, the chances for her receiving a bacterial infection in her surgical wounds is greater here. Therefore we must try to sterilize the surrounding space as much as possible.ā€ Choi the paused and took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. ā€œSecondly, I feel I should warn you. I am a newly turned Vampire, andā€¦ I donā€™t know what I might be driven to do at the sight of her blood once we begin. I donā€™t want to hurt her or anyone else. However please stop me if I do flip out, but donā€™t kill me. I know it might sound selfish but I donā€™t want to die either.ā€ Once that was settled the two began operating.
-Fade to black [for the surgery process]-

Meanwhile one of the humans present, Kyros, stood staring across the room in Ezraā€™s direction looking quite puzzled. Sasaki had not noticed, but Ezra looked in Kyrosā€™ general direction and caught eyes with Kyros. Ezra quickly felt awkward. He turned back to Sasaki while taking quick glances at the man staring at him. ā€œWhy is he staring at me that way?ā€ Ezra had completely forgotten that he was referring to a human that could not see him.

Sasaki smiled and then chuckled, ā€œHeā€™s actually staring at me talking to what appears to be thin air. Youā€™re invisible to him remember. Butā€¦ I think he can actually hear you, so you might be one step closer to being seen by the living.ā€ Sasaki looked over at Kyros smiling. ā€œYou should try talking to him. He might be able to hear you, also it would help me not to look crazy in front of strangers.ā€ Sasaki added with a smirk across his face. He had run into a few ghosts in the past, some were invisible to the living beings around them but others seemed to be able to be seen by the living sometimes, and unable to be seen the next. Sasaki didnā€™t know why this sort of phenomenon occurred or not but he knew that Ezra had a chance at being seen given the right conditions, whatever they may have been.

Ezra hesitated for a moment. This was the most heā€™d learned about himself as a ghost since becoming one. He nervously stepped toward Kyros and spoke. ā€œUmā€¦ excuse me. Can you see me or hear me? Iā€™m Ezra Underhill, whatā€™s your name?ā€ Ezra felt a little more confident after Sasakiā€™s encouragement. He somewhat reminded him of his former best friend Darren whoā€™d always encourage Ezra to be brave and try to do things he was too afraid or nervous to do. Darrenā€™s encouragement always made Ezra feel like he could do anything. Ezra missed Darren deeply. Ezra began to feel more comfortable and less anxious. He was fading into visibility to those that were living, Ezra hadnā€™t noticed but Kyros surely would.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezra Underhill Character Portrait: Okada, Sasaki Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette Character Portrait: Choi, Jin Sang Character Portrait: John Arnold Character Portrait: Darren Gottschalk
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Ezra Underhill, Okada Sasaki, Choi Jin-sang

A short while later, Ezra, Sasaki, and Choi had left the flat where Choi helped Hannah. As promised Sasaki and Choi escorted Ezra to his home. Ezra had one of the best nights of his afterlife. He didnā€™t really want it to end, but they were nice enough to escort him home and he didnā€™t want to infringe on the two any further. Ezra opened the door to his flat, his face brightly smiling like a little child. ā€œThank you both so much for such an exciting evening. I really enjoyed meeting you two. Please donā€™t forget to call my, wellā€¦ former publicist and landlord Darren. Heā€™ll set it up so you guys can move right in here!ā€ Ezra could hardly contain his excitement.

Sasaki and Choi smiled as well. Ezra was like a breath of fresh air. He seemed to be a fairly simple and sweet young man. Such genuine innocence was not often found in the world outside of children. ā€œIā€™d definitely like to thank you Ezra. You made a very difficult evening go smoother. Iā€™d like to call you a friend if you donā€™t mind.ā€ Choi extended his hand to shake Ezraā€™s.

ā€œWhy of course we can be friends!ā€ Ezra replied as he leapt forward to hug Choi. ā€œwhy donā€™t you guys come in and check the place out. See if you actually like it before you call the landlord.ā€ Ezra suggested trying to suppress his outward happiness.

ā€œThatā€™s a good idea. I think we will.ā€ Sasaki replied as he patted Ezraā€™s shoulder.

The guys looked around and they liked very much what they found. The flat was very neat and spacious. It was quite studiously designed. Everything held a modest feel to it. ā€œThis place is perfect for Ezra and it would suite Choiā€™s tastes just fine as well.ā€ Sasaki thought to himself as he assessed the space. Sasaki turned to Ezra and with a great smile said, ā€œErza itā€™s perfect! Since itā€™s late now Iā€™ll give this Darren a call in the morning. Hereā€™s my mobile number, you can call me anytime.ā€

Ezraā€™s smile faded for a brief moment. ā€œOh, I donā€™t have a mobile phone, at least not since I died.ā€ Ezra began to perk up again, ā€œYou know how it is. You kick the bucket and then everyone starts rummaging through your stuff trying to figure out what to do with it, or whoā€™s gonna benefit off of itā€ Ezra said with a nervous giggle. Then Ezra pondered aloud for a moment, ā€œBut then again I suppose youā€™ve never had to attend your own funeral because you didnā€™t really have oneā€¦ oh bother Iā€™m sorry. I guess you donā€™t know and now I sound like a total muppet.ā€ Ezra slumped down in his recliner chair.

Sasaki began to laugh full-heartedly. He enjoyed Ezraā€™s energy it was very disarming. Such energy required on to simply be themselves without regret to produce, and it encouraged others not to put on airs as well. Sasaki, after chuckling, spoke in giggles, ā€œYouā€™re absolutely fine Ezra. Thankfully Iā€™ve never had to have a funeral yet alone watch it. That must have been tough. Well weā€™ll be in touch, nonetheless.ā€

ā€œGreat! I canā€™t wait for us all to be flat mates!ā€ Ezra cheered. He could help but think about this as a double blessing. Heā€™d finally be free of daily loneliness and heā€™d have an excuse to see Darren more often, maybe even talk to him again.

[Sorry for the double posting but I needed to continue on., Cookieraidereng, i'm not sure if you all are continuing. If so my apologies for writing my characters forward. but I figured I waited a while.]