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Keira Richmond

"I gave up nothing for my sister, because I had nothing back there."

0 · 411 views · located in Shrouded Earth

a character in “Shades of Penumbra”, originally authored by MoonlightWraith, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Keira Richmond (Key-Ra Rich-Mund)

Race: Human

Age: 19

Looks: Pretty

Original Place of Birth: Northern Ireland

Gender: Female

Keira has mid-length blond hair, reaches her shoulders, which is often plaited and put to one side or straight with a small plait on one side. She has brown eyes and often wears either a pair of skinny jeans with a red top, jacket and converse or a knee-length skirt with a tank top, cardigan and pair of boots.

Height: 5'4"

Build: Slim with light curves

Personality: Keira is the shy, quiet one of the twins, she'll speak to a person if they talked to her but that's about it. She is also highly intelligent and she has a tendency to get confused when trying to correct someone and ends up coming across as a 'know it all'. She has great respect for everyone, gay or straight, black, white or asain, Christian or Jewish.

Likes: Books, peace & quiet, swimming, some current music but majorly classical.

Dislikes/Phobias: Fire, loud noises, the dark, current music i.e. dubstep and some pop songs.

Quirks/Flaws: Quite the loner and very easily scared.

Weapons/Items if any: She always carries around her grandmother's journal.

History: Keira grew up in Northern Ireland, she also has a twin sister, Keeva, but they are very different. In fact, Keira believed she was more different than anyone, due to a unique ability to see dead people, this made her seclude herself even more, knowing everyone would think she was weird. However, Keira did attended one of the most prestigious grammar schools in Belfast. She wasn't very popular and spent most of her time reading, her favourites being fantasy and/or mystery ones, finding one with both was perfect for her. When snooping around her attic one day she found her grandmother's old journal, well it looked like a journal but it was written in latin at some parts, other parts were ingredients and step-by-steps guides and the last section was primarily a glossary of supernatural beings. It was that very same day, Keira found out her sister was a vampire and so she and Keeva ran away.

So begins...

Keira Richmond's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette
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Kyros's Left handed grip on his Backpacks Shoulder Strap Tightened to the Point that Kyros Cracked his Knuckles. He slipped his arm Off the Table and Into his Backpack it passed through something and Grabbed a Water Bottle Shaped Thing "I Know. But the Worst kind Women are the Abusive one's. You'd Be surprised How many there are, One gave me a Scar on my back. The Little Shit Had Taken a Knife Down it."
Kyros Told the Man as he Whipped his Forearm Blade and Moved back Slicing the man enough to hit Vitals in a two Liter pop bottle length Cut that slid through his Gut and into the wood of the Counter. There was a Loud THWAK but few people Noticed. Kyros Quickly Looked over his Shoulder at the Keira and Ran Past the Man Picking up the Injured Girl and Yelled "THE MANS BLEEDING!QUICKLY SOMEONE GET HIM A CLOTH." Kyros yelled Looking back At the girl."Come on!"Kyros Ran to the Door Opening it for Keira The bar guy ran to the Man when he Heard there was Blood. "God I've done it now..."Kyros Thought as the Adrenaline Started getting to him. The Blood Started Running down his blade towards his Hand as he Held the Girl in his Arms with his Foot in the doors path.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette Character Portrait: Keeva Richmond
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Keira watched as Kyros attacked the man, a hunter, in a bar filled with people who couldn't resist fresh blood and the people that would kill someone that harmed their own. Keira ran after Kyros and out the bar, "Do you realise what you have done?!" She shriek at him. "That bar was neutral, no fighting at all, but with the addition of fresh hunter blood, vampires won't be able to resist and the hunters will have to react!" She looked at the girl he was carrying. "What was he doing with you? He was a hunter, what did he gain from hurting you?" Her voice heavy with sympathy and her hand placed gently on the girl's shoulder."We should take her someplace safe, my apartment is close and it's able to keep a vampire locked in or out, so it's pretty safe." She suggested to Kyros. "Unless you can think of anything?"

Keeva rushed back in when she smelt the blood, "He's so juicy." She mumbled as she slowly edged towards the bleeding man, she knew the other hunters were there but she couldn't care less about them, she just cared about feeding and fresh blood.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette
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The large man gasped for air as soon as the knife slit him. Eyes widened and head slammed down onto the counter. Hands released from their natural fist, attempting to grab at something. One had reached for his wound, trying to stop the bleeding. The other hand reached for anything at the counter, but simply spilled his beverage. He knew very well what would possibly happen, so he attempted to stand. Legs lifted him, but gave way, slamming his body onto the ground. The view he got, he realized his attacker had his bait. Lips parted to yell at the man, but nothing emitted. F##k he thought to himself as he slowly closed his eyes. Not being able to move he realized his predicament.

The girl flinched when Kyros lifted her from her position. Moaning and a slight screeched echoed from her throat as his motions moved her wounded side. Now that she was in his arms, her hair had moved out of her eyes. As Kyros headed for the door, she was able to look back at her captor. Seeing he was on the ground and clearly bleeding , actually made her feel bad. No.. she commented in her head. At this point a woman placed a hand on her shoulder, again causing her to flinch. Listening to her words, "What was he doing with you? He was a hunter, what did he gain from hurting you?", her eyes attempted to look up at her, without moving her head at all. Eyes darted around the woman's face, then closed, not responding. A tear dripped down her cheek and fell off, splattering upon the floor below them. She knew this meant she was free of her captor, but now she had another. Fear rushed through her core again, unaware of what would happen next.

The setting changes from Shrouded Earth to The City Streets

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette
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"Do you realize what you have done?!" Keira Shrieked at Kyros. "That bar was neutral, no fighting at all, but with the addition of fresh hunter blood, vampires won't be able to resist and the hunters will have to react!" Kyros's Face looked At Keira Coldly. "What was he doing with you? He was a hunter, what did he gain from hurting you?" Her attention was now on the girl."We should take her someplace safe, my apartment is close and it's able to keep a vampire locked in or out, so it's pretty safe."A moment passed as Kyros thought about what he was going to say "Unless you can think of anything?" "If your apartment's close and can keep a Vampire out, Then that's probably our best bet seeing as how That Old Bastard Was using her For bait. We can chat more when we get there" Kyros was fully aware of what he did and what would happen but if those other hunters were smart, they'd Run.
"With how he was treating the girl she could had bled from anyone of those Beatings." He wanted to say it but it could wait so he left it in the back of his mind. "Ready to leave when you are." He said it with the girl still in his arms able to run. "Your going to be Okay" Kyros reassured the girl he was Carrying with a whisper and a Soothing Voice.

The setting changes from The City Streets to Shrouded Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette
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The girl looked up as she heard the male's soothing voice. Eyes looked through her messy hair, at his own eyes. A few more tears rolled down her cheek. Despite his soothing tone, she seemed very scared. Slowly, she closed her eyes again and moaned gently, as if disagreeing with the current situation. She knew the Hunter was bleeding still and that was the last thing she wanted to see.

The two who began helping her kept speaking of things called Vampires and Hunters. She had seen television shows about these types of things. All myths; stories that were told for fun. Of course the first to come to mind was that of Dracula. She thought that perhaps these people were on drugs. The idea of these things being real had to be a hallucination. She may not have been with the abusive man any longer, but now she was with a couple druggies. Honestly thinking, she was not sure which would have been the better choice.

Suddenly the girl coughed within her mouth. A quick shriek emitted from her, forcing lips to open and a small splat of blood to land within her hair, on her skin, and a little upon the male holding her. She inhaled deeply, forcing it to stop at a painful point. Exhaling she moaned from the pain. A few more coughs and she rolled her head to the side, attempting to face down at the ground. Still blood spit from her mouth in small amounts. A few drops hitting the floor and landing on both her and the male. The sudden movements of the male had caused more internal bleeding. Another deep inhale to catch her breath and the pain surged through her some more. A moan and suddenly she realized the sounds around her began to fade. She could not help but to think she was dying. The pain, the echoing within her ears. She figured she would be dead. Eyes squinted closed and suddenly everything when blank for her. Her form became a little bit heavier within the males arms.

Despite her thoughts, the girl was not dead. The shock of pain piercing through her nerves had finally reached her brain and caused her to pass out. Tears and blood now stained her form. Unfortunately, nothing she wasn't used to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malice Whateley Character Portrait: Ezra Underhill Character Portrait: Okada, Sasaki Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette Character Portrait: Choi, Jin Sang
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Ezra Underhill (At his Flat)

Ezra dropped a heavy object while in his apartment. He happened to hear the tenant that lives in the flat above him stirring suddenly. “Uh Oh. Maybe they heard that
” Ezra said aloud. He could hear the footsteps of the tenant above leaving his or her flat and heading downstairs. Ezra couldn’t help but feel a strange and bad vibe approaching the door to his flat. He immediately felt a little afraid and decided to hide in the next room. Ezra was a ghost and couldn’t be seen by humans that were alive so he usually had no problem standing, sitting and being among humans because he knew the living couldn’t see the dead. But this was the first time he felt differently, the first time in a whole year that he felt the need to hide from someone.

There was a knock on his door and then it opened. It was a young woman. She had long blonde hair and looked like nice person. Yet Ezra couldn’t escape the feeling she gave off, something strong and seemingly magical. She didn’t notice him hiding in the other room and she eventually left the flat. Ezra was curious and afraid at the same time. As she left Ezra decided to follow her. The young lady returned to her Flat for a moment and then eventually emerged to leave the building. Ezra slowly trailed her out of the apartment complex and into the streets. He was extremely nervous. This was the first time in several months that he had left his flat since returning to it after becoming a ghost. Being outside was a frightening experience. No one could see him trailing the young lady in the night. He just wanted to make sure that he wasn’t seen by her.

The young lady eventually reached an odd looking bar. The name read Penumbra. Ezra had never heard of that place before. The crown coming in and out of the place seemed a bit strange. It was very different than your usual bar hoppers. Ezra didn’t immediately follow the young lady in but waited outside across the street from the bar. After about ten minutes his curiosity got the better of him and he c=decided to cross the street and head in.

As Ezra walked into the seemingly divided bar half of the room looked at him strangely and the other half seemed not to notice him at all. He didn’t think anyone could see him. He was a ghost after all. He walked past the large crowd of people but something seemed different about them. These weren’t normal people. They most certainly weren’t ghosts either.

Choi Jin-sang, Okada Sasaki, and Ezra Underhill

After Choi finished his story, Malice’s eyes flew open. “You were turned TONIGHT!? Then what the hell are you doing here! Okada! You should take this boy out for REAL blood. LIVING blood!” her eyes had changed colour as she spoke, standing up from her chair and slamming her fist on the counter. “You can’t have this processed crap for your first meal!” She laughed slapping Choi on the back, ignoring the looks from the bartender and the nearest hunters.

"I mean, unless you can learn to control your bloodlust and walk in sunlight, you're kinda screwed." Keeva added.

Raising an eyebrow Malice blew a plume of smoke into the air. “Hmph, jobs are superficial. We kill people every day, they generally carry money themselves anyway, why bother pinning yourself down like that? It only makes it easier for hunters to find you.” She glanced over towards the hunter side of the room, they were apparently getting to the too drunk to care stage now.

Choi felt a little disheartened to hear that the sun was really a no go for Vampires. He loved his job. He would be heart-broken without being able to heal people. “Perhaps I can work the nightshift
” Choi replied. He needed to make money. He lived comfortably and was definitely used to a upper middle class lifestyle. To downgrade in life quality wasn’t an option if he could help it. Choi was also a little confused when malice mentioned that there was a difference between the blood they were drinking and the blood one attained when on an actual hunt. “Processed
?” Choi said quietly.

Sasaki wasn’t too happy at the prospect of hunting and killing for blood. He had hunted and murdered before and hated how good it felt to kill and drain another. He had vowed to control his urges and settle for the processed and purified blood which mostly came from animals rather than killing people to sustain himself. Yes it wasn’t as physically satisfying, but it made him felt much better morally. Sasaki replied, “Well
 I didn’t want to make things harder for him than they needed to be. Once you taste the fresh blood from a human’s veins you have a hell of a hard time settling for processed blood. I wanted my love to never have to go through that if at all possible. I want to safeguard as much of his humanity as possible.” Sasaki spoke in a slightly embarrassed manner.

“Thanks Love. I love you.” Choi said as he blushed. “I’ll say no to the hunt. I don’t want to tear out someone’s throat if I don’t have to.”

There was a large man that entered the bar with a seemingly distraught woman. This man treated the woman very roughly and it was quite attention grabbing. Choi and Sasaki looked over and frowned. “What’s that about?” Sasaki asked in a snide manner. Choi was very concerned. The large man dragging the poor woman behind him, walked right through Ezra because he had not seen him. Sasaki took immediate notice of Ezra. “あぼäșșはćčœéœŠăȘ。。。(ano hito wa yuurei na- that guy’s a ghost
” Sasaki said.

Ezra looked was a bit overwhelmed by all of the people. He had been alone for so long that crowds scared him. Sasaki excused himself from the group and grabbed Ezra gently by the are, leading him over to the rest of the group. “Hi there. Sorry to just drag you over but you looked like you could use some assistance. I’m Sasaki Okada. Nice you meet you.” Sasaki introduced himself.

Ezra’s eyes widened. It was the first time, since his passing, that he’d had physical contact with another. It felt nice. “You
 you can see me
?” Ezra asked sheepishly.

The setting changes from Shrouded Earth to The City Streets

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette Character Portrait: John Arnold
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0.00 INK

John slowly opened his eyes, sitting in the back seat of the chauffeur's car whom had picked him up from the airport. He pulled out his phone and pulled up the GPS app on it, he could see that the Penumbra Bar was just a few blocks over.

"'Scuse me sir, could you let me out here?" He asked of the chauffeur. John got out of the car, told him to drop his suitcase off at the apartment, and gave him the money he owed and a tip. Walking to the sidewalk in the direction of the bar, John checked the time before putting his phone back into his pocket. Midnight. Perfect time for everything. He thought to himself. John observed all the people he passed by, there weren't many out now because it was so late, a lot of them were vampires. He could read guilt, hunger, pain, mischief, and other assorted emotions, all over their faces. Stopping for a second before continuing, he looked up at the moon. It'll be full in a few days, guess I'll find out then if vampires are the only creatures that live in this city.

The closer he got to the bar, the more the air smelled of blood. He heard yelling a block over and picked up his pace. The first thing his eyes caught as he round the corner was guy with a girl in one arm, and one at his side. Then John noticed the blade on his arm, the blood that dripped from it, and the noise that was coming from the bar.

John felt an urge to draw his sword, but didn't just yet. "So, uh, you wanna tell me what's going on here?" He said to the man as he walked closer.

The setting changes from The City Streets to Shrouded Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette Character Portrait: John Arnold
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0.00 INK

Kyros examined the Figure that was Approaching him. "Play nicely" He thought to himself keeping in mind he was Almost face to face with a What seemed to be a Vampire who like to use Swords. "Long story short, A hunter walked into the Bar." Kyros hesitated before continuing. "Dragging the girl you see in my arms by her hair. Simply He abused her Repetitively upon entry and Told me she was Bait for Vampires. I reacted and Took the girl, This one Followed saying I could Take her to her Apartment. She's Started Coughing up Blood just Moments ago... And I believe she has Some Internal Bleeding, Now she's Fallen Unconscious." Kyros Finished Fairly Intimidated by this Approaching Vampire. "A sword....Controlled Blood Lust? Gotta Hand it to him He's Smart." Kyros Made Note of this and Held his Facial Expression as a Straight Emotion less Face.

"I'm not looking for a Fight" Kyros Thought. "You've Examined the Sounds I presume and Can put together The Puzzle of why there's Blood on my Blade." Kyros Spoke Clearly to the man. "Any day your Ready to Lead the way to The closest Hospital" Kyros Muttered to Keira with his eyes Fixated On The Vampire.

The setting changes from Shrouded Earth to Penumbra Bar


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malice Whateley Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette Character Portrait: John Arnold Character Portrait: Keeva Richmond
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Keira watched as Kyros confronted the vampire that just approached them, when he turned to Keira and asked her to take them to the nearest hospital. "Trust a hunter to think the hospital was a good idea." She looked at the girl, "The hospital will ask questions, questions we can't answer." She smiled at the vampire. "Basically, he just stabbed a hunter, making him bleed in a room of vampires, if one attacks the other reacts." She looked around the immediate area. "Where's Keeva?" She walked to the door of the bar and walked in just as Malice grabbed hold of Keeva and pulled her back. "What are you doing?!" She yelled.

Keeva was powerless against Malice, she was older and hence stronger, but it didn't stop her from slapping and kicking her as hard as she could. She then heard her sister yelling and tried to make herself seem the victim. "Help me, she's insane!"

The setting changes from Penumbra Bar to Shrouded Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malice Whateley Character Portrait: Lee JinSeuk Character Portrait: Ezra Underhill Character Portrait: Okada, Sasaki Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Keira Richmond
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"The girl is right" John said to the group "There isn't much time to debate about what to do, because we have someone here who is dieing, but the hospital isn't the right place to go." He pushed with his words, trying to get them moving. Then the girl who spoke to him went into the bar after someone named 'Keeva.' Speaking to the man in front of him "Listen, this girl you saved isn't going to be around much longer to appreciate your good deed, your best bet is to trust me on this. I just got an apartment in this city, I'll have the chauffeur come pick you up and take you there. Just lay her on the bed or a couch or something, and I'll be back soon with some medical supplies." John whipped out his phone and called the chauffeur "I need you to pick me up at the bar, right now."

A few minute passed and a black limo pulled up. The driver's window rolled down. As John handed him three $100 bills he said "Take these two to my apartment as fast as you can, let them in and make sure the door locks when you leave. The girl is feeling very sick, and she should rest, very soon." He turned to face the man again, "It's your choice whether you trust me or not, but again, it's in your best interest to do so, I'm going to go see if anyone in the bar is a doctor."

John walked in just as things were settling down, he came up to the group which now included the girl who spoke to him. Tensions looked like they were flaring as one girl got shoved by another, and they shouted back and forth, but he wouldn't wait for them to settle it, "I apologize for cutting into whatever is the problem, but I really need to know if any one you are associated with a hospital. I really need to get to one, and not for myself" he spoke while looking across the line of people sitting at the bar.

The setting changes from Shrouded Earth to Penumbra Bar


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malice Whateley Character Portrait: Okada, Sasaki Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Choi, Jin Sang Character Portrait: John Arnold Character Portrait: Alcyone Green
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Malice Whateley

Malice bared her fangs at Keeva’s struggling form, luckily escaping the new-turn’s flails, although a well-placed scratch cut across her cheek, a small trickle of blood marking out a quickly healing trio of lines. “You need to learn when to fight and when to step the fuck back!” she growled up at the young woman.


Malice turned towards the sudden outburst but didn’t otherwise relinquish her hold on Keeva, she could feel the spells effect taking hold around her, she was all too familiar with Alcyone’s spells. Slowly Malice lowered the girl back to her feet giving her a push for good measure. “Your sister needs to learn her place!” She snapped as Keira burst in, “And you should be careful who you threaten mortal!”

As soon as the spell was dissolved from around her, Malice marched angrily back towards Alcyone. “She will do as she’s told or I will personally remove her
” her cold eyes gradually returned to their emerald green. “And her sister.” She answered in passing to Alcyone’s command, not that she particularly listened to the witch normally but Malice had always had a great respect for the traditions of war and neutrality was one of the fundamentals.

She took to her seat again, downing her glass and calling for another from the nearby barman.

"I apologize for cutting into whatever is the problem, but I really need to know if any one you are associated with a hospital.”

“Hmph, looks like you might still be able to continue your pointless career after all Choi.” Malice stated, tossing coins at the barman, her tone more sarcastic then before.

She glanced over to the slumped form of the hunter who was still bleeding heavily upon the bar. “Seems like a terrible waste to me. All that blood and it’s just spilt on the floor, if it weren’t for the hunters we could always drag him outside and finish him off.” She mused, more to herself since Okada was not a mortal drinker and Choi seemed entirely against the idea altogether.

((OOC: Just as a thought people, don't forget to tag the place you're in. The box is in the top right corner of the post box in the 'Posting' tab.))

The setting changes from Penumbra Bar to Shrouded Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malice Whateley Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette Character Portrait: John Arnold Character Portrait: Keeva Richmond
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0.00 INK

Keeva got up off the ground, growling softly to herself. She watched Malice march up to the witch on the bar and turned to leave, instead she was met with a slap from her sister. "Learned to control it, had you?" Keira shook her head and noticed that the guy from earlier was now at the bar. She walked up to him, her face worried, "Do you know where the 2 people I was with went?" She was more worried that if Kyros took her to a hospital, A) they wouldn't make it and B) They'd ask questions.

Keeva snarled at her sister for slapping her before leaving. When she left, she felt her anger boiling and a bloodlust suddenly swept over her and she decided to hunt alone, she was in a mood to play with her food before she ate.

((I posted in the shrouded Earth because the 2 of them are in different places, or should I just have posted in the city?))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malice Whateley Character Portrait: Ezra Underhill Character Portrait: Okada, Sasaki Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette Character Portrait: Choi, Jin Sang
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Ezra Underhill, Okada Sasaki, and Choi Jin-Sang

 you can see me
?” Ezra asked. However the others seemed a bit un-phased and unsurprised by this discovery. Erza was very confused, more so than before.

 Yes.” Malice answered bluntly, shifting in her seat as though she’d just been asked if the ground was beneath them. Ezra was truly baffled however the others seemed a bit un-phased and unsurprised by this discovery. Erza was very confused, more so than before. He had no clue that ghosts could be seen by Vampires and Werewolves or most all other supernatural beings for that matter.

The sound of a blade and the gasps of someone being injured broke the conversation, causing Malice to swing herself around. "This man’s bleeding! Quickly! Someone get him a cloth!"

Ezra, Sasaki and Choi were confused as to exactly what was going on. “What’s going on?! What just happened?!” Ezra questioned in a panic.

Sasaki replied, “It looks like someone couldn’t stick to the rules and didn’t keep their damn attitude to his or her self. That human hunter has just been brutally slashed.” Sasaki was not at all happy to see the scene that unfolded before him. He didn’t drink freshly drained blood anymore, however when freshly drawn blood was in the vicinity, it was hard to keep himself under control, even though he looked so composed on the outside.

Choi was having a very hard time controlling his impulses. He could feel his whole body trying to lunge at the bleeding hunter. He didn’t want to but it was like his body had a will of its own. Sasaki quickly wrapped his arms around Choi’s waist to restrain him lightly. Choi was fighting to remain calm, a fight in which he won.

"Take these two to my apartment as fast as you can, let them in and make sure the door locks when you leave. The girl is feeling very sick, and she should rest, very soon." The man said to the Driver. "It's your choice whether you trust me or not, but again, it's in your best interest to do so, I'm going to go see if anyone in the bar is a doctor." A man said. He seemed to be a Vampire. "I apologize for cutting into whatever is the problem, but I really need to know if any one you are associated with a hospital. I really need to get to one, and not for myself" the man spoke while looking across the line of people sitting at the bar.

Choi was hesitant to speak up. After settling his initial reaction to the bleeding hunter he didn’t think it was a good idea for him to be near the man. He could ditch the urge to kill him that floated around in the back of his mind.

“Hmph, looks like you might still be able to continue your pointless career after all Choi.” Malice stated, tossing coins at the barman, her tone more sarcastic then before. Choi seemed to give a slightly startled jump at the sound of the suggestion.

She glanced over to the slumped form of the hunter who was still bleeding heavily upon the bar. “Seems like a terrible waste to me. All that blood and it’s just spilt on the floor, if it weren’t for the hunters we could always drag him outside and finish him off.” She mused, more to herself since Okada was not a mortal drinker and Choi seemed entirely against the idea altogether.

Sasaki nodded his head in agreement with Malice. He didn’t feed, he drank. However that didn’t stop him from feeling bad about wasted blood. Sasaki gave Choi a nudge of confidence. “You can do it love. Just focus on the life in need of saving and not his blood. You’ll be fine. I believe you will.” Sasaki encouraged Choi.

Choi finally spoke. “I’m a doctor. However I have no supplies here. It would be difficult for me to treat him without the proper equipment. Are you opposed to taking him to a hospital?” Choi asked as he stepped forward. He was beginning feel less threatened by the site of the blood, which was a good sign.

The setting changes from Shrouded Earth to The City Streets

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Choi, Jin Sang Character Portrait: John Arnold Character Portrait: Keeva Richmond
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Keira did not care if she was invited or not, but she followed after John, she hopped over the decapitated body and followed the man. "We may need more than a doctor." She told him as they waited for Choi. "I can take a cab to your place, do what I can to give you more time for getting the stuff you need. What's the address?" She took out her phone, ready to call for a taxi as soon as he told her the address.

Keeva walked down the streets, "God why does this town empty so early?" She sighed as she through another empty beer can into a bush. She lifted the last can to her face. "Last one and I'm not even tipsy." She sighed and threw the beer can at a park car, smashing the windshield. "Oops..." She said to herself sarcastically. Just her luck that a police officer was watching her. He approached her but he didn't get to say anything, seeing as how Keeva had bit into his throat, draining him of blood. Her face was covered in it as it sprayed and her eyes were a horrid and empty black. "Hungry!" She cried. "So very hungry!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: John Arnold
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"No, I need you to come with, you're going to help me with the distraction in the hospital." John replied to the girl. He found it interesting that she seemed completely unphased by the now headless man she stepped over. He peeked inside the door of the bar to see if the doctor was coming. "There's no time to wait for him to decide." John muttered to himself. He pulled out his phone and looked up the nearest hospital.

"It'd probably be a good idea to explain to you what my plan is." He said, looking over to her. "Plan A is that the doctor comes with us, when we get to the hospital he brings you in and takes you straight into an emergency room, and I follow. Plan B is if he doesn't come with, we'll go in and immediatly ask for someone to take us to an emergency room."

"Whichever happens, my cover up is acting as your concerned boyfriend, and once we get a room, I'm going to go and find the supply closet and steal some blood bags. Plan C is if something screws up and our cover is blown. Your main priority will be making it outside to the front of the hospital until I get out there, from there we go to the apartment."

John turned to start walking to the hospital "C'mon, we gotta walk fast."

The setting changes from The City Streets to Shrouded Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezra Underhill Character Portrait: Okada, Sasaki Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Choi, Jin Sang Character Portrait: John Arnold
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(OOC: I edited my original post and added parts of' post for continuity reasons.)

Choi Jin-Sang, Ezra Underhill, and Okada Sasaki

Choi, Ezra and Sasaki watched and listened as John looked over to the hunter, his face into the bar. "I'm not looking to save him. I'm looking to save the girl he dragged in here" he turned to look at the doctor who came up to him "I don't have time to debate about this with you, I need you to take me to the hospital and let me into the supply closet. If you don't help, I'm going to go and break into it anyway, but that will create much more of an ordeal."

Choi wasn’t too happy about the thought of letting the man die or breaking into the hospital for this person. It was la bit of a dig on his integrity as a doctor. He was very upset about this whole ordeal. He was robbed of his humanity, possibly of his job and life. Would he be reduced to drinking processed blood in a bar and stealing supplies from his hospital for other vampires like John? Choi didn’t answer yet.

"If it weren’t for the hunters we could always drag him outside and finish him off.” John heard one of the other women say as he had walked up to the bar. "Allow me to do that for you." With this he walked up to the half dead hunter, grabbed him by the back collar of his shirt, and pulled him off the bar stool, he landed on the ground with a *Thump*. As John pulled him outside a younger hunter stood up and started reaching for his gun. John stopped and looked him in the eyes "Don't. This is better for both sides" and continued.

Ezra was terrified of what was about to happen to the half dead hunter. He clung to Sasaki’s arm, as he seemed to be a neutral and safe guy to cling to. Ezra felt like the world had gone to Armageddon while he was locked away in his flat the whole year. There were vampires and werewolves, hunters and Ghosts like him. It was all overwhelming. Ezra knew he wouldn’t leave Sasaki’s side, if he did he’d be too afraid to move at all.

John got to the door, opened it and rolled the man out onto the sidewalk, turned his head halfway back to the bar with the doctor and said "C'mon, if you want to save someone's life." Letting the door slam behind him, John unsheathed his katana and put an end to the hunter's misery, his head rolled into the street.

Choi’s eyes widened in shock as John dragged the dying hunter outside and killed him. Choi didn’t care for this man’s attitude and disregard for the life of the hunter at all. The hunter was supposedly a bad man but still he was living and life should be preserved. However Choi couldn’t accept the fact that he was now technically considered dead and not living. That was hard to handle. It was too late to do anything for the hunter but perhaps he could help the girl. Choi turned to Sasaki and said, “I will help. I will go to the hospital with them. Please come with me.”

Sasaki replied with a smile rubbing Choi’s shoulder, “You didn’t have to ask love.” He then turned to Ezra and said with a gentle smile, “You my ghostly friend should tag along to. I don’t really see you hanging about here.”

Ezra nodded in agreement after scanning the bar one more time. “After all of this would you mind taking me to my home? I’m a bit afraid to go back there alone. I bet this sounds really stupid of me.” Ezra asked timidly.

Sasaki replied calmly, “Not at all. Don’t you fret. We’ll stick with you all the way. Besides, I’m interested in knowing how and where a ghost lives.” Sasaki chuckled. He liked Ezra. Ezra gave Sasaki the impression of a gentle and non-threatening guy, one you could trust.

Sasaki, Choi and Ezra headed outside and followed John and Keira. Sasaki took a moment to ask Ezra about his situation. He found out that Ezra had been living alone in his old flat for a year since he died. Usually ghosts only exists for a moment before crossing over to the afterlife. However, every now and then one does not pass over due to unfinished business. It was then that Ezra spotted an flash of light. Anyone that was not human or technically alive would have seen it. The dead hunter was not a ghost. He stood there next to his lifeless decapitated body looking very angry. The huge ghost fumed with rage as he glared at John. “

“YOU FUCKING CHOPPED MY BLOODY HEAD OFF!!!” the Hunter’s ghost screamed in rage. Before he could do anything a large metal door appeared on the wall outside of the Penumbra bar. It was the Hunter’s door to the afterlife. He turned toward the door in confusion and opened it.

“Excuse me Miss. You shouldn’t look into that doorway. You’re a living being. Looking into death will reap bad things onto your life.” Ezra warned Keira not to look into the door. He had never had an encounter with a doorway to death before but for some inherent reason he knew to warn her. Perhaps some things just came naturally to ghosts.

The ghost of the hunter opened the door, flipped John off, and walked through it. Ezra could see and feel the darkness on the other side. The Hunter would not be going anywhere good it seemed. The door faded.

Ezra, Sasaki and Choi hurried to catch up with John and Keira as they headed to the hospital. It was then that they overheard John's plan.

"It'd probably be a good idea to explain to you what my plan is." John said, looking over to Keira. "Plan A is that the doctor comes with us, when we get to the hospital he brings you in and takes you straight into an emergency room, and I follow. Plan B is if he doesn't come with, we'll go in and immediatly ask for someone to take us to an emergency room."

John continued. "Whichever happens, my cover up is acting as your concerned boyfriend, and once we get a room, I'm going to go and find the supply closet and steal some blood bags. Plan C is if something screws up and our cover is blown. Your main priority will be making it outside to the front of the hospital until I get out there, from there we go to the apartment." John turned to start walking to the hospital "C'mon, we gotta walk fast."

Choi was not at all happy to hear what exactly John had planned. He almost stopped dead in his tracks. However Sasaki gave Choi a nudge forward so that he'd continue on. "Remember, this is more for the young lady that hunter killed than your need to continue being a doctor. I don't feel this vampire means any disrespect toward your job but he wants to help the lady that been wronged regardless of the consequences. Just keep your eyes on the prize here and the other things won't bother you. Don't worry love I and our ghost friend here are right beside you all the way." Sasaki was sure to give Choi a gentle and warm smile, it usually helped him feel at ease.

The group caught up to John and Kiera. “Alright. I’m not a fan of stealing from my place of work but I’ll help you for the sake of the young lady. What are her general health concerns, do you know? It helps so that I’ll know what supplies to gather.” Choi asked John.

The setting changes from Shrouded Earth to The City Streets

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezra Underhill Character Portrait: Okada, Sasaki Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Choi, Jin Sang Character Portrait: John Arnold
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Keira nodded to him with a slight smile. "I suppose that plan isn't entirely stupid." She shrugged and watched as the rest of the group approached. "Are you sure you'll need me? You do seem to have an entourage." She smiled when she noticed the group. She recognised 2 of them but there was a new guy, he seemed familiar to her, but she didn't know where she had seen him before, she shrugged it off believing he just had 1 of those faces or she had seen him In the bar before.

She surprisingly noticed the white light and heard him say, "Excuse me Miss. You shouldn’t look into that doorway. You’re a living being. Looking into death will reap bad things onto your life.” She then tilted her head. "Then maybe you shouldn't look into it either." He didn't seem like a vampire but he could have been a werewolf, but just to be safe she assumed he was human. She looked at the door and recognised it as well. "I've seen that door before." She said, then she noticed the dead hunter was now a ghost and it was his door. She looked away from the door just to be sure she didn't bring bad things into her life. When she looked back up, the door was gone and so was the hunter, she looked back at the guy who told her to look away and nodded with a smile. "Thanks." It was then that she noticed his difference, he was dead and hadn't passed on, he was a ghost. She turned to John, her face worried and a little scared. "I can't go to the hospital." She told him. "You have this group, I'll go to the apartment and do what I can for her." She couldn't tell him why but she had to hope he'd just let it go, she couldn't go tova place that probably had more dead in it than the bar behind her and she couldn't cope with it, last time she did it didn't go to well.

The setting changes from The City Streets to Shrouded Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezra Underhill Character Portrait: Okada, Sasaki Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Choi, Jin Sang Character Portrait: John Arnold
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John turned to Choi "I believe she has internal bleeding, she was coughing up blood, and it wouldn't surprise me from the way she was being kicked and beat. I was planning on grabbing a bunch of blood bags, but I've only ever treated myself, and treating humans is your specialty, so I'll trust your word on what to take."

He then turned to Keira as she spoke. John could hear the nerves in her voice and it showed a little on her face, he was going to say something but stopped himself. He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and a pen and wrote down the address of his apartment and handed it to her. "I can't guarantee that the boy will let you in, but we should be there shortly."

John then motioned for Sasaki, Choi, and Ezra to come. "I'm sorry to rush, but we really have to go now. Time is running out for that girl."

The setting changes from Shrouded Earth to The Apartment Complex

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette Character Portrait: John Arnold Character Portrait: Keeva Richmond
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Keira smiled at John, thankful that he didn't ask her why she hadn't wanted to go. She managed to get a taxi and took it straight to the apartment complex. She ran up the stairs and banged on the door. "It's me from earlier, I was drawing the flower.You need to let me in." She screamed into the apartment, hoping Kyros heard her. She had the grimoire ready at the page for a weak healing spell, strong enough to keep hanna alive for another 30 minutes.

Keeva had rampaged the city for a long while, killing 2 people and leaving another for dead, forgetting that he would turn due to her drunken state. She headed back to the apartment and feel asleep.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyros Character Portrait: Keira Richmond Character Portrait: Hanna Bealette
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Kyros Heard banging on he door that brought no Surprise to him once he heard a Familiar Voice. Quickly he ran to the Door Unlocking it and Opening it. "Are you just going to stand there or are you coming in?" He asked Quickly standing out of the way so she could get in fast. "Don't get me Wrong im happy to see you but, HURRY UP and get in here so I can lock that damn door." Women I swear. Sometimes they fly Through time and Sometimes they Waste it. Kyros was Being Extremely impatient and Quick with his words