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Ship of Legend

Ship of Legend


What if you were to venture into a ship at the forgotten parts of the docks and what you see inside is not what you expected? Now you're stuck inside and you have to find the way out but you might get killed without some help. . . CLOSED!!!!!!

2,548 readers have visited Ship of Legend since Green~Apple created it.


The Ship of Legend CLOSED


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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors

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"Stop it!" Ace whirled around to see a girl yelling at him to stop yelling at this Ammut creature. She was riding... a griffin. "Isn't there anything we can do?!" She probably meant... to save him? She jumped off the griffin, "Alpes, help him!"

"NO WAY! This is MY FIGHT! I have NEVER been EVER ANGRIER IN MY LIFE! SOMEONE'S TRYING TO SAVE ME NOW! NO! I REFUSE to ACCEPT HELP from a STRANGER! And BESIDES! How do I know that weird griffin thingy isn't my enemy either? I'm not afraid of some overweight of a croco lion hippo thingy, it may look scary, but it might not be as strong as it looks..." Ace lied at the last part. He knew this thing was strong. He didn't even know why he wanted to fight it, but he didn't ever want to back down on a fight. Especially not one with his life on the line.

He glared at Ammut angrily, ready to charge or dodge anytime. He was angrier than before, because someone had tried to SAVE him. "So... than... fatty..."

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammut Character Portrait: Kitty [or Cat] Character Portrait: Rosalie Dyeheart Character Portrait: Luca Valliat Character Portrait: Alpes the Griffin Character Portrait: Ace of Spades Character Portrait: Willow O'Connor
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Ammut lowered herself a bit and took a few steps back, not in defeat though, everything but defeat. She then sprinted forwards, into the direction of Ace, making herself bigger as she came closer, her eyes hungry. She could already smell the blood and taste the flesh and the heart of the human. But she wasn't going exactly for Ace.

If Willow would be dead, Alpes might stop and just go back and mourn for the girl, then Ammut had the free hunt, no one would really disturb her. But she might also be wrong. Alpes could open the hunt on her, but that risk, she would take, he wouldn't be strong enough anyway to defeat her. She could kill Alpes, and she would whenever she had the chance.

As she forced her legs backwards and stretched her front legs she jumped over Ace easily, he wouldn't even be able to touch her. She landed swiftly on all four paws and continued to to run into the direction of Willow. Jaws open as to quickly snap it when she touched the skin of Willow, teeth showing, eyes hungry for flesh, for human flesh, and for human hearts she so longed for.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammut Character Portrait: Kitty [or Cat] Character Portrait: Luca Valliat Character Portrait: Alpes the Griffin Character Portrait: Ace of Spades Character Portrait: Willow O'Connor
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Luca Valliat

Things were happening so fast, one second the giant crocodile thingy was hunting him and the next he was going after Ace who wasn't helping his cause and actually rendering the situation even worse by taunting the obviously pissed off creature. The girl that had been riding on the back of the griffin started yelling at the bird to help the boy and not her, Luca felt a little sorry for the bird. . . oddly. . .
Since Luca had all of his courage and guts stuck in his throat he just stood there watching all the action go by but he was safe because Kitty had pulled him up into the sky and the second he was above the whole scene he found his way back to speeking.
"Kitty!" Luca choked out a yelp of despair, "Why did you help me? What are we going to do about Ace?"
He was glad that Kitty had saved his sorry ass but now he hoped he could do something to aid Ace and the others.

Alpes the Griffin

Alpes had just gotten out of Ammut's reach when Willow slid off his back and started scolding him for not helping Ace. Alpes didn't know if he had to protest against Willow's scolding or just obediently listen to her, but Ammut was a dangerous predator with no mercy so he was going to have to be prudent and fast. He pushed Willow aside and then placed himself in front of her like a mother wolf would do to protect her cubs.
"I'll do something, but you stay here and try to not attract too much attention," he said softly and started to leave but then turned his head to stare at Willow, "Please."

"I'm not afraid of some overweight of a croco lion hippo thingy, it may look scary, but it might not be as strong as it looks..." that boy was looking for trouble, "So... than... fatty..."

Alpes was a few feet away from Ace keeping an eye on Ammut and Ace, "Hey, kid, for once in your life think about your own safty and not your loud mouth because this big creature is not the one you want to pick on."
Alpes took one step forward and knew that if he had the chance to do what he was planning he wouldn't hesitate.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammut Character Portrait: Kitty [or Cat] Character Portrait: Luca Valliat Character Portrait: Alpes the Griffin Character Portrait: Ace of Spades Character Portrait: Willow O'Connor
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"You stupid bird!" Ammut growled, watching him go in front of Willow. She was only getting pissed more and more, and no one was going to stop her if she really, really got angry. She stopped a few feet away from Alpes and looked around. She looked at Luca in the sky with Kitty, the yelling Ace, and eventually back at Alpes who was standing before Willow. She narrowed her eyes, then opened her jaws. 'First the boy, then the girl named Willow and then Alpes himself. I'll get him.'

Ammut turned around and looked at Ace. She walked towards him, slow, but ready to jump at him and grab his tiny head to break it. Her jaws open, her eyes full of hatred and hunger. She was going to eat, even if it was Alpes, she was going to eat someone in the room.

She looked up at Kitty and Luca. Luca had seemed like a good snack, then followed by the main meal of Ace and as a desert it would be Willow. But, Luca was out of reach, so she would go for main course first and see if she could get the snack later. She looked at Ace and made speed, jaws opening further, he wasn't going to escape now. She jumped and lunged for the boy.

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Ammut started charging towards him. Ace didn't have any regard for his own life, and was completely ready to die then and there. Ammut jumped over Ace, and Ace whipped around, completely confused. He was going after the other girl! What a cowardly bastard. Ace thought to himself. The griffin pushed the girl aside and stepped in front to face Ammut. Ammut halted for a second, and the griffin spoke, "Hey, kid, for once in your life think about your own safty and not your loud mouth because this big creature is not the one you want to pick on." Ammut analyzed the people around him. Ace sighed, ignored the griffin, and looked at Ammut once again.

Ace didn't know what to do. All of a sudden, Ammut was charging at him, and she jumped, Ace switched personalities at the wrong moment. Ace had no idea what to do. He did the only logical thing to do. Turn and run, screaming his head off.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammut Character Portrait: Kitty [or Cat] Character Portrait: Luca Valliat Character Portrait: Alpes the Griffin Character Portrait: Ace of Spades Character Portrait: Willow O'Connor
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Ammut was just a second to late with landing but started to run after him, quickly catching up. Once she ran beside him, she opened her jaws and snapped at his feet, in the hope to make him fall. She also swished her tail in the hope to hit him to and to knock him down, but he was going down, even if she had to chase him to the end of the world. She snapped again, just to make sure he would fall, her claws stretched, her eyes hungry and angry, this boy was going to die. She didn't care about Alpes at the second, but was completely focused on the boy. She didn't care about Willow, still focused on the boy, that was going to be her food and fill her empty stomach.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammut Character Portrait: Kitty [or Cat] Character Portrait: Luca Valliat Character Portrait: Alpes the Griffin Character Portrait: Willow O'Connor
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"I'll do something, but you stay here and try to not attract too much attention. Please."

Willow blinked in surprise. Did that just sound like Alpes cared whether or not she got hurt? But he barely knew her. Slowly, she nodded her head. Without a word, she ducked behind a table, watching events unfold. Ammut seemed focused on her prey, which was now that odd boy who had shouted at the creature. Biting her bottom lip hard, she kept her gaze on Ace who was now running away. Well, he was certainly weird. Frowning, she looked up quickly at the flying cat thing and the boy she held in her gaze and then back down to the chase. She couldn't just sit him could she?

Shooting Alpes an apologetic look, she dove from her hiding place and towards Ammut. Catching up with her, she reached out her hands and grabbed the scaly tail that swished furiously. Holding on as tight as she could, she pulled, intending to at least slow her down or get her attention. When she dropped the tail, she backed up a few steps, eyes wide as she waited for what would happen next.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammut Character Portrait: Kitty [or Cat] Character Portrait: Luca Valliat Character Portrait: Alpes the Griffin Character Portrait: Ace of Spades Character Portrait: Willow O'Connor
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Ammut was surprised to see in the corner of her eye Willow diving for her, but didn't really pay much attention. All of a sudden, she felt hands touch her scaly tail, and she snapped her head to the right to look at the person who had touched her tail, grabbed it, and was surprised to see Willow. She dared to do that, but that would be the final thing she would touch. With jaws wide open, she stopped and turned around, eyes full of hatred, and still very hungry.

''You dare to grab my tail and slow me down? Didn't you listen to your little pet Alpes?'' she growled, stepping towards Willow as Willow stepped back. She narrowed her eyes. Her tail swished furiously, and she stood a bit taller so she looked bigger. She opened her jaws and lunged forward for the girl.

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Ammut ran towards him, they were running side by side now. She snapped at his legs, and suddenly...

Ace, being on his good side still, saw that the girl had grabbed Ammut's tail. Ace realized it was now the girl who was in danger. "You dare to grab my tail and slow me down? Didn't you listen to your little pet Alpes?" Ammut growled. She opened her jaws and lunged forward for the girl. Ace saw this coming. He had the craziest idea, he jumped on top of alps and grabbed her neck area that was right after the mane. Ace's face was now stuck in some hair, but he had a firm grip on the scaly part of his head.

"Oh great, now what am I going to do?" he realized that the girl had freed Ammut's tail, so with one whip, he would be down on the ground. But hopefully Ammut was all brawn and not brains. But Ace highly doubted it.

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(( Heya people, so as we all know there is a very angry and very dangerous carnivorous beast so i was wondering if anyone was thinking of dying and creatuing a new character to join back in if they wanted . . . btw, Rosalie is quitting the roleplay so if anyone wants to take her character or something you are more than welcome ;) ))

Alpes the Griffin

Ammut had been faster than him to action, she pounced for Ace but Ace had done the smart yet not so intelligent lookin gthing, he ran for it but Ammut kept going after him like a blood thirsty monster whihc was pretty much her whole mentality. Before Alpes could spread his wings and fly ontop of Ammut to stop her from devouring the boy Willow did the very stupid thing and grabbed Ammut's tail. Since Ammut changed targets from Ace to Willow Ace jumped onto Ammut so that she couldn't eat Willow, but now Alpes wasn't going to let anything else happen to Willow. He ran at twice the speed of a cheetah and slid sideways so that he could grab Willow with his talon and push her away from Ammut.
"I love how humans never listen to what we ask them nicely to do," he scolded Willow, "now it's between you and me Ammut."
He grabbed Ammut's tail in his beak and closed down on it tightly then lifted both talons up so that he could jabb them into Ammut's thick hippo skin but he first through of warning Ace, not that he cared for his safety but Willow didn't want anything bad happening to him so he didn't have a choice.
"Kid, let go of the big angry hippo and go join Willow!"
He didn't have the time to make sure if Ace had listened to him, he had to get his talons into Ammut before she could move away.

Luca Valliat

In a way, luca was very happy that he was down on the ground because he didn't want to have to face the danger of being chased by. . . that's right! Ammut! She's the beast that lied down next to the judgement scale in the Judgement Room of the afterlife in Egyptian mythology. Luca remembered his teacher talking about it in history class. Ammut was the monster that ate the hearts that weighed more that the feather of truth on the other side of the scale, but that meant that if this was the same Ammut than the only person she trully obeyed to was Osiris the ruler of the living and the dead.
Luca watched the struggle between Ace and Willow and Alpes and knew that he had to try what he had in mind even if it didn't work maybe it could atleast give the griffin enough time to get Ace and Willow away.
"Osiris! I invoke the god of the living and the dead, Osiris!" Luca yelled as if he hoped the god would appear in front of him or something.

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The big griffin grabbed Ammut's tail, but Ace couldn't see very clearly with this gigantic main covering his head.

"Kid, let go of the big angry hippo and go join Willow!"

Ace looked at the big griffin, he was here to help, and so Ace would accept it. He jumped off Ammut's back as the griffin clawed into Ammut's skin. He grabbed Willow's hand, and told her, "Come on, let's go!" and dragged her over to Luca, and pulled the kid and the girl hopefully somewhere else that was safe. Ace wasn't just caring about his own life (remember he's still on his good side) he wanted to help the griffin, it pained him to leave, but the griffin didn't want anyone to die, so Ace respected that and tried helping out.

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Character Portrait: Ammut Character Portrait: Alpes the Griffin Character Portrait: Ace of Spades Character Portrait: Willow O'Connor
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Willow expected death. In fact, she was ready for it. Shutting her eyes tight, she braced herself for the pain that would undoubtedly come when that monster got a hold of her. But it didn't come. Peeking through her eyelashes, she watched as Ace jumped onto Ammut's back. Well, he'd certainly come along leaps and bounds. Blinking in surprise, she didn't see Alpes lunging towards her. He pushed her backwards, away from the fray. She let him. Willow no longer wished to protect or help anyone. Death wasn't an option for her now.

Then the boy was there, snatching up her head and tugging her away from the fight. He'd definitely changed his tune now. But she went willingly with him, retreating to a safe distance from Ammut and Alpes, but still so they could see how the battle panned out.

"Thank you," Gasped Willow, glancing at him for a mere second. "You saved my life back there."

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammut Character Portrait: Kitty [or Cat] Character Portrait: Luca Valliat Character Portrait: Alpes the Griffin Character Portrait: Ace of Spades Character Portrait: Jester Character Portrait: Willow O'Connor
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My, my, my looks like ol' Ammut is having a hoot, the look on all the little human's faces is priceless, Jester chuckled to himself, he had been following everyone for quite some time now, watching all the humans react to all this wonderful craziness, but still I want to have some fun with them and I won't be able too if they're all dead as a door nail. So emerging from out of the corner still in his illusion of nothingness, he swaggered through the dissarray to the girl that the overgrown chicken Alpes had called Willow and the boy wgo had just hopped off the grumpy hippo. He extended the illusion to them, creating 'clones' in their place to avoid suspicion. He stood proudly before them, a strange grin across his skeletal face and made an elaborate bow to the two humans. "Why hacen't you humans gotten yourselves into a pickle throwing contest you can't win, tut tut. You should be more careful." He boomed with his low grating voice, his illusion would make sure no one could hear or see them, he had veen using it before and no one seemed to hear his fits of laughter before. "Now don't bother trying to talk to any of these nunptues for the mean time they're under an illusion were they can't hear or see you except your dopplegangers." He chuckled as he pointed his scepter towards the other two.

"Now walk through that door over there before I change my mind and join in with the killing." And with that he walked away from this group and started to float towards the neko and human, extending his illusion also to them and copying them again. "Yes, yes you didn't know I was here now go through the door while you can." Despite his trickster ways he hated having to explain himself more than once, he could hace done the whole room but there was more chance creatures like Alpes abd Ammut would realise something was amiss and tgat would ruin his entire plan. Now that he had warned all the humans he supposed he would have to warn the griffin as well, he casually strolled towards the fighting beasts and leap frogged his way onto the griffins back removing some of his illusion so Alpes could hear him as he whispered to his head (he didn't know where a griffins esrs where so he safely assumed the head) "Now listen you over grown chicken the humans are now safe but you'll have to go against all your pride and instinct and trust a complete lunatic." He couldn't help but to release a loud laugh at himself and did so for seceral miments before pulling himself back together. "Now in a few moments I want you to retreat through that back door there, see? The humans will be in there despite what you may see." After teling him that Jester jumped back off the griffin and skiped his way to the door.

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Character Portrait: Luca Valliat Character Portrait: Ace of Spades Character Portrait: Willow O'Connor
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"Thank you," the girl said, "You saved my life back there," Ace said awkwardly, "erm... no problem?" as though the whole situation was just a dream or something. Ace sure hoped it was a dream. "Why hacen't you humans gotten yourselves into a pickle throwing contest you can't win, tut tut. You should be more careful." Ace turned towards the voice... but there was no voice. It seemed to be coming from somewhere, but Ace just didn't know where.

"Now don't bother trying to talk to any of these nunptues for the mean time they're under an illusion were they can't hear or see you except your dopplegangers. Now walk through that door over there before I change my mind and join in with the killing." Ace completely didn't know how to react. What is this nonsense?! What the hell is going on here? another person joined the group? "Yes, yes you didn't know I was here now go through the door while you can." Ace didn't know whether or not to accept this... now go through the door. Whatever. Ace indicated for Willow and Luca to come, he switched personalities again... and slammed the medieval door open with his foot, into a great... big... dinning room with gigantic windows illuminating the tables.

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Willow was about to respond to Ace, when everything around them darkened. An odd figure appeared before them and she gulped, taking a step away from it. A white skull shone in the blackness, two gaping holes where his eyes should have been, another where a nose should have rested. And those teeth. There was no skin, only fragile bone. No muscle, only nothingness. Willow shuddered, biting her bottom lip from anxiety. The skeleton-like creature was wearing a Jester's costume. Weird. Perhaps this was Death itself. Perhaps when it opened its mouth they would all die. Before it could speak, she regained her courage and looked over her shoulder for the Griffin, Alpes.

"Alpes!" She shouted over and over, but to no avail. They were cut off. Slowly, she turned back to the skeleton-creature, with a slight glance at Ace. They were trapped and there was nothing they could do about it. When instructed, she didn't move for a second, until Ace started forwards. Hesitantly, she followed him, though she didn't take her eyes off the creature as it spoke to Luca and Kitty as well. The door was kicked open and they were inside a large Hall. Blinking in surprise, Willow started forwards.

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Ammut growled angrily at Alpes as he grabbed her tail and tried to turn around. The kid jumped off and she felt talons sink into her skin. She growled, furious, no one did that! With her big, and powerful hind legs she tried to kick Alpes, wanting him to release. Once he released, she looked around the room but almost all the people were gone. But, there was still one girl hiding. She grinned and ran towards the girl.

Ammut pinned the girl down and growled. She could see the fear in the girl's eyes, which made it only better. She opened her jaws and feasted on the girl.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammut Character Portrait: Kitty [or Cat] Character Portrait: Luca Valliat Character Portrait: Alpes the Griffin Character Portrait: Jester
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Luca Valliat

His use of the name Osiris had absolutely no effect and now he felt more embarrassed than anything else, he wished so badly that it could have helped but then something happened. Everyone disappeared, the girl Willow and the guy Ace. . . they had vanished into thin air.
Maybe Osiris actually exists and helped me! Thought Luca with so much hope.
Then a freaky clown appeared next to Luca and Kitty who was still holding onto him. Luca almost called out for his mother, if there was anything Luca feared it was when people just popped up next to him and even worse when it was a skull faced joker. . . who spoke, "Yes, yes you didn't know I was here now go through the door while you can."
Luca was more lost than ever but he poked Kitty hoping that she would do something because he had no idea what to do except to get far away from the very creepy lunatic joker.
"Kitty, I think we should listen to. . . um. . ." Luca didn't know how to call him and he wasn't going to know right away because the clown left in long gazelle strides until he landed on the Griffin's back.

Alpes the Griffin

Alpes dug his claws into Ammuts flesh and held on tight until he was flung away by the massif and angry beast. Ammut glared around searching for prey but everyone had disappeared and Alpes had a bad feeling about who made them disappear so suddenly.
Please, not him, pleaded Aples.
"Now listen you over grown chicken the humans are now safe but you'll have to go against all your pride and instinct and trust a complete lunatic," it was him, Jester, "Now in a few moments I want you to retreat through that back door there, see? The humans will be in there despite what you may see."
Alpes knew that Jester was a complete deranged case but he also knew that he didn't really have another choice but to trust him and he couldn't think about it too much because now was his only chance. Ammut had decided to feast on a girl with flowers in her hair, she hadn't been careful and hadn't tried to hide. . . she was Ammut's first meal. . . Aples didn't want to know who was going to be the next.

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Ammut ate the girl happily, feeling already much better, but tasting blood, also made her feel more hungry. And she was out for more prey, no matter what. As she pulled out the heart and ate it, she left the rest, half torn apart body, to turn around and look for someone else, but the only thing she saw was Alpes. Although, she thought someone else was there too, and that made her angry. She couldn't see the other person, but could feel its presence. She looked back at Alpes and growled at him, making herself ready to launch herself at the creature, wanting more blood to be spilled and fill her mouth. And more hearts to be devoured, that's what she wanted.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitty [or Cat] Character Portrait: Luca Valliat Character Portrait: Alpes the Griffin Character Portrait: Ace of Spades Character Portrait: Jester Character Portrait: Willow O'Connor
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Practically dancing his way through the door he stopped as he came infront of the humans, he grinned that unnatural skeletal grin of his again at them and made another grand bow to them. "Hehehehe you're safe now.... for the time being, unless I want to play skip rope with your lower intestines then you better run for your dear little lives but I doubt I'll get bored enough for that rather grissly end to happen." His low voice, sounding like the old stone of a mauselium door slamming shut. "For those of you who don't know who I am you can merely call me Jester or Skully McSullster from Skulltown of Skulltonia's second cousin of his mother's side." And let out a long bout of deafening laughter, floating into the air as he did so holding his sides as if there were about to burst, Alpes soon walked into the room much to the fool's pleasure. "Ah so you actually came you big chicken, I thought you're senceless pride would get the better of you." He said as he floated towards the grim looking griffin, his empty socketts staring into those beady eyes Alpes. "How was the dobblegangers death convincing huh? I thought so." And with that he began to wander off dancing and humming a tune to himself before returning to the group. "Now I want what you lot want to get of this ship and I know most of the way so you wee ickle humansies can let me stay with you and help you out or I bring hell to your doorsteps and out pop the intestines." He began to laugh again but stopped suddenly to ask. "So what's it going to be?"

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