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SMT: Persona 5

SMT: Persona 5


Continuation of the SMT: Persona series, Persona 5 takes place 10 years after the events of Persona 4

4,191 readers have visited SMT: Persona 5 since Trickster132 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



Which Side is the Right Side?

Note: This roleplay is open to anyone and even if you don't know what's the game is about I will provide you some links for reference. There is no character limit and you may join, please refer to note 2 if you want to be part of S.E.ES after the roleplay commencement on Sunday, March 18th, 2012


Persona 3:

Persona 4:

Note 2: As of March 21st, 2012, I will not be accepting new S.E.E.S. recruits. Your character may join S.E.E.S. at a later time, but

cannot start as a member.

Welcome to the Persona 5 Roleplay by Trickster132

Press Start


1. Overview

In Persona 5, players assume the role of students by day, Shadow hunters by night. Until that Midnight hour strikes, their lives are normal, even mundane for some; attending high school and learning to be responsible is a given priority to them and things, for the most part, are not interesting. And then the hour approaches…

“What if I told you that there are twenty-five hours in a day?”- Shuji Ikutsuki, Persona 3

Enter the Dark Hour, a period between twelve A.M. and one A.M. During that time, the outside world is greatly changed, mostly with respect to atmosphere and color. The buildings have a hue of sickly green, the night sky is now a shade of dark blue and the moon attains a light blue hue while bodies of water turn crimson. Puddles akin to blood pools will form on random surfaces as well, and all electrical appliances will cease to function. Normal humans will transmogrify into digitized versions of themselves and repeat the action that they were doing continuously during the Dark Hour. Shadows become active during the Dark Hour and will attempt to lure humans out of their digitized selves in order to feed on their psyches, turning them into one of the Lost. If an ordinary human survives the Dark Hour without being attacked by a shadow, their memories would be erased instead.

The HQ of the devious creatures has been dubbed Asgard (after Asgard, the Norse version of Heaven, another mythological location of different origin akin to Tartarus). Asgard and the World tree, has been tainted and warped. Revealing itself when the world turns dark blue, it appears in the center and perimeters of a digitized version of the island inside a computer affected by the Dark Hour, a living, thriving specter. It is said to be the stairs of Bifrost (The Rainbow bridge that leads to Asgard), a tower full of mazes and labyrinths that shifts with each waking moment. As Persona users of S.E.E.S. (The Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad), it is our duty to explore Asgard at whatever cost, to locate and destroy the pantheon of God Shadows on the full moon, and to prevent the spread of chaos and pandemonium. In addition to this, a rival group has surfaced in the midst of this crisis—they are known as Strega, and their Personae are summoned through artificial means. The motives that drive their actions remain unclear.

2. Story

In the events of Persona 3, a Persona wielder who held the wild card sacrificed himself to defeat Nyx and saved the world, but the dark hour still persisted ...

In Persona 4, another Persona wielder killed Izanami and left the town of Inaba filled with unforgattable adventures and memories of his friends.... and yet the Dark Hour still persisted...

Hanabi Island is the brother isle of Port Island, it is near the town of Inaba but it's more closer to Port Island. However, Hanabi Island has been plagued by many years of constant research by the Kirijo group during the events of Persona 3. It was a back-up island that the Kirijo group mostly used for data storage about the Dark Hour, Shadows, and The Mother of Shadows were here also. Yet more experimentation happened here—the manipulation of life, for instance. Horrible things are being constantly birthed in the Dark Hour, and the inference that the Dark hour was the key to immortality. As a result, thirteen different shadows were created and are to appear every full moon. The shadows lied dormant for many years on the island until 10 years after the events of Persona 4. They grew stronger and great numbers of the shadows dispersed throughout the island and created a diaspora to Inaba and Port Island.

Furthermore, a new, corrupted threat appears: Odin, the chief of all gods in the Norse pantheon

Odin and his comrades (Gods Shadow) plan to finish the job, a job that should've finished a long time ago, The Fall and he also plans to create a Utopia of perfect beings

Every full moon a new god is summoned to earth to wreak havoc during the Dark Hour... and to stop them, they must enter and jump into computers and/or laptops to reveal a digitized version of the island covered by a fog and mist made up of bytes and they must destroy shadows in the form of computer viruses (Trojans, etc..)

Upon the defeat of every God draws the Persona users closer to the head man in charge...But it also brings them that much closer to the said day the The Fall is destined to happen.

3. Background Info

What is a Persona? - A Persona (plural: Personae) is a manifestation of a person's personality, referred to as a "mask" for an individual to use to face hardship. A Persona is similar to a Shadow. Shadows are malevolent manifestations of one's inner thoughts, while a Persona is a manifestation of the same feelings but tamed and trained. If an individual takes up a resolution in his or her heart, the Persona will undergo a metamorphosis into a stronger form.

Arcana – The Arcana are the various classes of Tarot cards that categorize Personae. Each Arcana has a set magical element, and from that element, the opposite element is the said weakness. Not only does this pertain to us as Persona wielders, but also to Shadows as well. A list of them is located below. When choosing Arcana, it is possible to base your character on the traits associated with that class, though it is not necessary. For Personae, however, the rule applies.

Shadows - They are born from humans and carry with them human emotions, which are mostly negative. Strong-willed Shadows attract lesser Shadows, which later create stronger Shadows. Occasionally, a human will not transmogrify into a coffin, and will quickly become prey of the Shadows, having their minds devoured and becoming vegetative. Only those with Persona, even if they can't be successfully summoned, are immune to this effect and function normally during the Dark Hour.

The Potential – The ability to call forth a Persona. Before it is revealed, it is typically dormant within a user for quite some time. Freshmen students in the roleplay who are newly enrolled in S.E.E.S. will quickly have the opportunity to unleash their Potential.

Kirijo Group - Before the Dark Hour began years ago,the Kirijo Group discovered the existence of Shadows. Upon realizing that they had the property to manipulate time and space, the group decided to perform experiments on them to refine and acquire their powers. Their project was carried out in the man-made Port Island, where a laboratory was built for such a purpose. During the course of conducting the research, the Kirijo Group collected Shadows en masse and found out the prophecy of The Fall, or the end of the world. Accepting Death as deliverance and following the wishes of their employer, the senior scientists began rejuvenating Death, the appraiser of Nyx to descend on humanity to bring about the advent of The Fall.

During the final stages of Death's rejuvenation however, one senior researcher named Eiichiro Takeba opposed the efforts to initiate the The Fall, interrupting the experiment. As a result, Death was forcefully separated into thirteen distinct Shadows, each bearing their respective arcana, with the thirteenth shadow, Death in an incomplete state.

The fragmented Shadows went berserk, destroying the lab and everyone within it. This in turn, made a significant impact on the time continuum, creating the Dark Hour. A tower soon emerged from the ruins of the lab. This was Tartarus, considered as the lair of shadows.

4. Setting

Hanabi Island is a somewhat large and vast island. It's mostly a metropolitan city with a vast beach and coastline and the economy depends on tourism. As a result, there are many resorts located throughout the island. The education system is extremely prestigious and well-known. Sanada High School is where our protagonists (heroes and heroines) will attend school. The members of S.E.E.S will be residing in a dormitory near an isolated area of the vast coastline on Hanabi Island, The dormitory has four floors: The first is a lounge and social area; the second is where the boys stay; and the third is reserved for girls, while the fourth is where group meetings are held to discuss the status of Shadow progression. The dormitory also has an area which is a surveillance area to see if Asgard is here or not.

Anyway, Sanada High School boast high academic standards which is about 90%, the majority are honors students and students with very high test scores. It also host a variety of extracurricular activities and clubs including an art club, soccer team, track team, swimming team, basketball team, kendo club, Theatre and Drama and finally, Student Council. School blocks are divided into morning classes, followed by a free lunch period, an afternoon schedule, and the after school period, which will be given more interest (similar to Persona 3). The most commonly trekked areas around the island are the local mall, the park, the shrine, the beach, and the Hanabi Island station. They are free to visit before you return to the dorm; your curfew, of course, is midnight.
5. Persona Abilities

Cleave (Slash) – Inflicts a small amount of Slash damage to one enemy
Bash (Strike) – See Cleave. The same applies.
Double Fangs (Pierce) – Hits twice for a small amount of Pierce damage.
Agi (Fire) – See above.
Bufu (Ice) – See above.
Zio (Electricity) – See above.
Garu (Wind) – See above.
Hama (Light) - %25 chance of instantly killing an enemy
Mudo (Dark) – See Hama
Patra (Recovery) – Recovers one ally from Distress, Panic, and Fear
Tarunda (Enhance) – Lowers one foe’s attack power for a brief amount of time
There are hundreds of more powerful skills available, but they will be used as our characters grow stronger. A full list is located here:

6. Arcana

0 - The Fool
The Fool is the spirit in search of experience. He represents the mystical cleverness bereft of reason within us, the childlike ability to tune into the inner workings of the world. Associated with Hermes.

I - The Magician- Sora Isobe (played by Sora112112)
A figure with the face of the divine Apollo, the sun god, with a confident smile and shining eyes. Above his head is the mysterious sign of the Holy Spirit, the sign of life, like an endless cord, forming the concept of infinity. Associated with Apollo.

II - The Priestess- Miyuki Suzumiya (played by BekaL101)
The Priestess signifies knowledge, instinctual, supernatural, secret knowledge. She holds scrolls of arcane information that she might, or might not reveal to you. The moon crown on her head indicates her willingness to illuminate what you otherwise might not see, reveal the secrets you need to know in order to make an important decision. Associated with Hera.

III - The Empress
The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. She sits on a throne wearing a starry crown, holding a scepter in one hand. The scepter is representative of her power over life, her crown has 12 stars representing her dominance over the year, and her throne is in the midst of a field of grain, representative of her dominion over growing things. Associated with Demeter.

IV - The Emperor- Brian Ghist (played by loowman141414)
Like an infant, he is filled with enthusiasm, energy, aggression. He is direct, guileless and all too often irresistible. Unfortunately, like a baby he can also be a tyrant. Impatient, demanding, controlling. In the best of circumstances, he signifies the leader that everyone wants to follow. Associated with Poseidon.

V - The Hierophant
He strives to create harmony and peace in the midst of a crisis. The Hierophant's only problem is that he can be stubborn and hidebound. At his best, he is wise and soothing, at his worst, he is an unbending traditionalist. Associated with Cronos.

VI - The Lovers
Love is a force that makes you choose and decide for reasons you often can't understand; it makes you surrender control to a higher power. Its appearance in a spread indicates some decision about an existing relationship, a temptation of the heart, or a choice of potential partners. Often an aspect of the subject's life will have to be sacrificed. The choice to accept or deny this change should not be made lightly, as the ramifications will be lasting. Associated with Aphrodite.

VII - The Chariot- Shawn Patrick Spencer (played by ZeroTolerance)
On its most basic level, it implies war, a struggle, and an eventual, hard-won victory. Either over enemies, obstacles, nature, the beasts inside you, or to just get what you want. The Chariot has two conflicted sides to it that want to go separate ways. Only by forcing them to go together can problems be solved. Associated with Pallas.

VIII - Justice- Jonathan Darkholme (played by ViviOrunitiaFF9)
Justice is about cold, objective balance through reason or natural force. They will do whatever is necessary to bring things back into balance, physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually. Associated with Prometheus.

IX - The Hermit
The Hermit is a card of introspection and analysis. This is not a time for socializing; the card indicates, instead, a desire for peace and solitude. Nor is it a time for action, discussion or decisions. It is a time to think, organize, ruminate, take stock. There may be feelings of frustration and discontent during this time of withdrawal. But such times lead to enlightenment, illumination, clarity. Associated with Epimetheus

X - Fortune
The Fortune is all about luck, change, and fortune. Almost always good fortune. Almost every definition of this card indicates abundance, happiness, elevation, or luck. A change that just happens, and brings with it great joy. Associated with Pheobe.

XI - Strength- Takuya Uchida (played by Trickster132)
Strength is a card of courage and energy. It represents both the Lion's hot, roaring energy, and the Maiden's steadfast will. The innocent Maiden is unafraid, undaunted, and indomitable. She proves that inner strength is more powerful than raw physical strength. Those forces can be controlled and used to win a struggle. Associated with Athena.

XII - The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man is a card about suspension, not life or death. This is a time of trial or meditation, selflessness, sacrifice, prophecy. He stops resisting; instead he makes himself vulnerable, sacrifices his position or opposition, and in doing so, gains illumination. Answers that eluded him come clear, solutions to problems are found. He sees the world differently, has almost mystical insights. Associated with Penthus.

XIII - The Death
Death is not necessarily always about dying. This is a card of humility, and it may indicate the subject as being brought low, but only so that they can then go higher than they ever have before. Associated with Thanatos.

XIV - Temperance
Temperance represents merging seemingly impossible opposites. Belief that fiery red and watery blue cannot be merged may be the only thing standing in the way of blending the two. Change the belief, measure out each with care, and you can create otherworldly violet. Associated with Hephaestus.

XV - The Devil
The Devil is not really Satan at all. This is a card about ambitions; it is also synonymous with temptation and addiction. It can be a warning to someone who is too restrained, someone who never allows themselves to get passionate, or ambitious. This, too, is a form of enslavement. The Devil is about recognizing that you are only bound because you allow yourself to be. Associated with Hades.

XVI - Tower
The Tower is a card about war, a war between the structures of lies and the lightning flash of truth. It sometimes takes a shocking revelation to see a truth that one refuses to see. Or to bring down beliefs that are so well constructed. What's most important to remember is that the tearing down of this structure, however painful, makes room for something new to be built. Associated with Ares.

XVII - The Star-
The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming. Associated with Astraois.

XVIII - The Moon- Yue Miyazaki (played by kiri711)
The Moon is about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. Associated with Selene.

XIX - The Sun
A positive card, it promises days in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. It symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy. Associated with Hemera.

XX - The Judgment (Not playable)
Judgment is about rebirth, resurrection. There are wounds from the past that we never let heal, sins we've committed that we refuse to forgive, bad habits we haven't the courage to lose. Judgment advises us to finally face these, recognize that the past is past, and put them to rest, absolutely and irrevocably. Associated with Zeus.

XXI - The World (Not playable)
In the material world, this card's energy often manifests as a promotion to a higher position or an initiation to a new level of knowledge that was only dreamed of before. But this time of rejoicing and happiness, this peak of ecstasy, merely gives us a glimpse of the next mountain on the horizon. So once again you must step up to the cliff and leap off, ready to start a new Fool's journey and find what secrets lie in this new level of existence. The cycle of the Major Arcana begins where it ends and ends where it begins; start and finish are no longer the ends of straight line, but coincident points on the circumference of a circle that encapsulates your life. The present is now. The future is now. Eternity is now. Formerly associated with Nyx.

(Note: Since I don't know much about Norse Mythology, the associations of the Arcana are compared with Greek Mythology instead)

7. Equipment for S.E.E.S Members

S.E.E.S members always have...

An evoker: an instrument utilized to summon a Persona. It is shaped similarly to a gun, and the user must shoot himself in the head for the creature to be withdrawn

Alternate ways to summon a Persona:

Some S.E.E.S members may have...

Personae Boxes: These small cube-shaped boxes were developed by the original S.E.E.S Members (Persona 3), some S.E.E.S Members use this as a portable and quick way to summon a Persona. To summon a Persona, the member must have a special ring and they must put the ring into the keyhole on the center of the box, As a result, the box opens to reveal the member's persona. They can also store multiple persona but these objects can only summon up to one persona. They have a lot of colors and designs to choose from.

Personae Boxes usually look like this :


S.E.E.S Rings: Not only were the boxes developed by the original members of S.E.E.S, they also developed the S.E.E.S rings, This piece of Jewelry is not only something fashionable for all boys, girls, women and men, they can only open the wearer's boxes. It also has a built-in mic with walkie talkie capabilities in order to keep communication around all S.E.E.S members within Asgard. They have a variety of designs and gemstones.

The design of the S.E.E.S rings usually look like this:


S.E.E.S armband: Armband that is wrapped around the area of the upper forearm, it says S.E.E.S and show that you belong to the squad

The appearance of the armband:



8. Character Skeleton

Code: Select all

    [b]Age:[/b] (16-19 for most of S.E.E.S., but there are exceptions allowed.)



    [b]Affiliation:[/b] (S.E.E.S., Strega, Other)

    [b]Appearance:[/b] (Anime pictures allowed, but a description is mandatory.)

    [b]Extracurricular Activity:[/b] (School elective(s))

    [b]Personality:[/b] (A few sentences.)

    [b]Hobbies:[/b] (What you like to do in your free time.)

    [b]Dorm Room Description:[/b] (Customize your dorm! A tab for your room will be added once your character is stored.)

    [b]Bio:[/b] (Optional, give a basic rundown of your life before now.)


    [b]Persona Name:[/b]

    [b]Persona Appearance:[/b] (Describe this, too.)

    [b]Persona Arcana:[/b]

    [b]Skills:[/b] (Two elements, one weakness.)

    [b]Theme song:[/b]


I would like to give credit to Tæfarós for his Persona 3 Roleplay and the reference (layout and interface) since I haven't played Persona in a long time
I would also like to give credit to Vaiyn for the Persona 5 Roleplay idea, there wasn't anything on there really so I wanted to continue his idea and spiced it up with Tæfarós' Persona 3 reference and my ideas

Have fun :)

Toggle Rules

1. Standard RPGateway rules apply. Plot twist!

2. I am your humble GM. Do not argue with me and I am the all-seeing eye to this place

3. No godmodding of any sort. Don’t make me go Megidolaon all over you.

4. I do not care how literate, how long or how short your post is but please do not irritate me with one-liners, it just shows that you've no passion for the roleplay at all.

5. Given the nature of Persona, romance is definitely encouraged. Just be sure to keep within the guidelines of what’s allowed. Common sense is common sense.

6. For the sake of convenience, PM your profiles to me. I will let you know if you’re in.

7. Check the rules often, I might change some things here and there

8. (MUY IMPORTANTE) Please post regularly (1 to 2 days of posting), I had people post once and then jumped ship on the roleplay, if you do not post for 3 days after your recent post, this tells me that you're only here to disrupt the space-time continuum of this roleplay and show no commitment whatsoever

9. If you’ve read everything, write “Pursuing My True Self” at the top of your sheet.

10. I want original characters, please don't have a character that's the "son of Yukiko Amagi" or a character that acts like , looks like and is similarly named "Junpei"

11. Personae from the Persona series is OK but I prefer your own original persona, in other words, make up your own and try to experiment a bit

12. When posting, please focus on one part of the day (eg. Morning), don't focus on all of the parts of a typical Persona 3 day in your post (Morning, Afternoon, Night and Dark Hour)

13. Lastly, do have fun, and don’t forget to mingle with your fellow writers. Persona is about relationships, after all. :)

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors


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You nervous? About tonight?

Sora sucked on his coffee, feeling the caffeine's effect almost immediately against the backdrop that was his exausted mind and body. Once the slight surge had past, he considered her question, "Nervous? No. Scared for myself and others around me? Yep. What happens, happens. No avoiding someone getting hurt, if they're careless. It's just another big game for me. If we do our best, we have no reason to worry about the outcome."

Sora was uncharacteristically serious. And Miyuki knew just how much this as unlike him...


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0.00 INK

" you're scared? Interesting...", Miyuki retorted, deciding to mess with Sora a little. Even if she was just as scard about tonight. Yeah, she'd been on patrols, but this was going to be a proper mission, and she wasn't really comfortable with summoning yet. She could fight, sure, and anyone that knew her, or had seen her fighting would know how lethal she was with a hockey stick, or a knife, but these were Shadows they were fighting now. As much as she hated to admit it...she was always a little nervous about that...


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0.00 INK you're scared? Interesting...

"You're 'interested'? Forgive me if I'm not ecstatic." He said, as he considered other things that interested her. Pain inflicted on males that hit on her was a particular favourite of her's. A safer approach is to gain her trust, as a friend, and hope that she eventually decided that you were tolerable enough to date, maybe. She was about ifs, buts and maybe. If you couldn't deal, your problem. But the only reason Sora could even know all that, is because he didn't hit on her, unless he was joking. Even


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0.00 INK

"I'm not asking you to be happy about it. The main thing is that I'm happy.", Miyuki replied, taking a sip of her coffee while checking her phone. She couldn't be bothered taking her laptop out here, and besides, she had linked the two systems, so that whatever was on her laptop could also be accessed on her phone. She was good with technology like that. And had been faced with a lot of time on her hands last summer. So she had decided to tinker with her phone a little, and this was the result.
Looking back up to Sora, Miyuki wondered, for the millionth time, why the hell she hadn't killed him yet (this morning's incident not counted, as it had been unsuccessful).


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Sora rolled his eyes as Miyuki retorted. He could never win with her, and he knew it. So did she. That was the annoying part...

Drinking some more of his coffee, Sora knew that the calm of day wouldn't last. He knew that the Dark Hour would come. And then...well, then it would be time to fight...for their lives. To protect those who don't know. And never would. Anyone who dies in that time is only remembered by the for the bravery that they shown. Everyone else would remember them for their actions in the waking world. Sora knew that it was for the best that that was how it worked. Panic, hysteria, other similar words. That what would happen. Normal people have a tough time accepting a gradual change. They would be able to take learning the truth as well as the certain individuals that have been entrusted with it...

The more he thought about tonight, the more he felt time drag by. He just wanted to get things over with. To see what they were all fussing over. The optimist part of him told him that it wouldn't be as bad as they though. The realist part of him reminded him how often the optimistic side was wrong...


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rarikou
"Are you prepared?" Enya asked herself, as the night began to grow. Soon, the dark hour would rise, and she would go forth, preparing to isk her life and limp. To prepare herself, she took an evoker pill, and placed it under her tounge, ready to swallow and forcefully evoke Aphrodite."

She sighed, half wishing hr headaches never existed. After first expriencing it, she realizd that ignorce truly was bliss. Thre were a few people talking nearby, but she didn't anwser them, instead focus on what may lie ahead.


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Character Portrait: Takuya Uchida
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0.00 INK

(I'm gonna fast forward, since, I realize that my approach in the Persona 5 roleplay is not effective)

As Takuya finished his coffee that he bought from the new coffee shop. He critiqued the taste of the coffee, it was sweet and bitter, the combination worked well but the aftertaste didn't quite get into Takuya's good books when it comes to coffee. In other words, the aftertaste didn't leave a lasting impression. Anyway, the dark hour was near and Takuya was determined to stop the shadows from harming the innocent civilians of the town.

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Asgard by RolePlayGateway

The Tower of the Accursed

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Character Portrait: Miyuki Suzumiya
6 sightings Miyuki Suzumiya played by BekaL101

Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana
15 sightings Enya Katryiana played by Rarikou

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Takuya Uchida
Character Portrait: Sora Isobe
Character Portrait: Aurora Aiya Ritzuki


Character Portrait: Aurora Aiya Ritzuki
Aurora Aiya Ritzuki

One step at a time thats all we can do...or is it

Character Portrait: Sora Isobe
Sora Isobe

"Okay! Let's do this!"

Character Portrait: Takuya Uchida
Takuya Uchida

"You don't understand how hard it is to live with nothing but yourself"


Character Portrait: Sora Isobe
Sora Isobe

"Okay! Let's do this!"

Character Portrait: Aurora Aiya Ritzuki
Aurora Aiya Ritzuki

One step at a time thats all we can do...or is it

Character Portrait: Takuya Uchida
Takuya Uchida

"You don't understand how hard it is to live with nothing but yourself"

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Character Portrait: Aurora Aiya Ritzuki
Aurora Aiya Ritzuki

One step at a time thats all we can do...or is it

Character Portrait: Sora Isobe
Sora Isobe

"Okay! Let's do this!"

Character Portrait: Takuya Uchida
Takuya Uchida

"You don't understand how hard it is to live with nothing but yourself"

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