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Representing Heat, Fire Elementals have the ability to create and control fire. They can manipulate the heat and density of the flame. They also can raise the temperature of the area around them. The fire can vary in color depending on the temperature; these colors, from coldest to hottest, are red, orange, yellow, blue and white. Orange and yellow are the easiest of the colors to create and are the easiest to control. A Fire Elemental that uses hotter flames, like blue or white, have a better chance of their attacks backfiring. Many people think the color of your “natural” flame (the color of the flame you make with as little effort as possible) depicts how strong you are. This is not the truth at all and even if you can’t make a blue flame that doesn’t mean you can’t make a yellow flame denser.

Fire Elementals do no get cold or hot. They can live in any environment, hot or cold, and their core body temperature will stay at a healthy level. They can live in temperatures well below 0 degrees Fahrenheit wearing absolutely nothing and be completely fine; they can also swim in lava or ice water for a substantial period of time ranging for a couple hours to a couple days. They cannot be burned or otherwise frostbit. These attributes will only become active when the body is in this extreme condition. They exude more body heat than others, but otherwise, they have normal body temperatures; it is purely a natural defense mechanism.


Representing Solids, Earth Elementals can manipulate anything that contains the earth. Sand, rubble, rocks, boulders, and metals are among those which can be manipulated. Some Earth Elementals will have a harder time with at least one of these types of earth. It all depends on where you live. If you are around sand most of your life you will learn that particular type of earth first and you will probably have a difficult time controlling denser things like boulders. This also occurs the opposite way. Metal is very hard to master and understand by most Elementals because of the difference in density and size, but it is very possible. Metal is something that is not known to all Earth Elementals as something that can be manipulated. Lava is also something that can be controlled. Because lava is melted rock it still has rock qualities, this makes it possible to control. It is the hardest of all earth that can be manipulated and can only be mastered if devoted to 100% for a majority of your life.

Earth Elementals are the healthiest people in the world. This is because they absorb vitamins and minerals from the earth through their body. Their immune systems are flawless and they never get sick. Because of this, they are extremely strong and seem inhuman. They also don’t need to eat much of anything; some Earth Elementals don’t have to eat at all because of how “absorbent” they are. Some will eat anyway for the taste of food because the taste is what will attract them to it. This is what leads to the “overweight” appearance of many Earth Elementals.


Representing Gases, Air Elementals have the ability to manipulate the air and control wind. This can be difficult by itself because air is something you can’t see. This makes Air Elementals’ depth perception and accuracy one to be reckoned with. Air is not the most powerful of the elements but is the most deceptive. Air Elementals can create tornadoes and cyclones and even hurricanes. These all take a tremendous amount of energy and are very hard to master since they cannot change the temperature of the air; they can just manipulate where it is going so they have to control it for the whole time the tornado is alive because if they let it go it will quickly dissipate.

Air Elementals are special in that they can never run out of air. Their body naturally creates air inside their bodies so they never lose oxygen. This makes it impossible for them to suffocate. They will never pant or run out of air when doing strenuous activity such as running or any laborious work; they will, however, become physically fatigued and tired from muscle use like everyone else. This makes these Elementals particularly lean and sometimes very muscular. Air Elementals can also “breathe” easily in extreme altitudes, they have no problem with being above the clouds, their body adapts to the density and the limit of air supply easily. They can also easily breathe underwater, though depth is their weakness as they can’t make themselves denser. They are often caught not physically breathing at all.


Representing Liquids, Water Elementals control water and can create rivers and lakes and even seas. They can also create, control, and see through fog. It is very difficult to create and control fog because it is the gas form of water. The density isn’t there which makes it hard to grasp. They can also control ice. Ice is just the solid form of water; this makes it harder to control. Water Elementals can create tsunamis that can devastate a large area. This, of course, takes a tremendous amount of energy due to the sheer size and mass of how much water is being used. Water Elementals can also fluctuate between fog /steam, ice, and water when attacking. This makes them very deceptive and very dangerous, rivaling the Air Elementals for the “most deceptive Elementals.”

Water Elementals can never become dehydrated and can make water in their own bodies. They never drink anything unless they want the taste of it. They never sweat either. Their bodies know how much liquids they need and produce or sustain from creating them out of natural bodily functions.

Special Elemental Abilities

Only a few Elementals will inherit these abilities. These abilities are usually passed down through a bloodline, but can be shown through someone without the bloodline, but these cases are rare. Some people with these abilities may never discover having them; they are unknown by most as even being in existence. These abilities are hard to understand and control and eventually master.

Fire: Some Fire Elementals can see thermally. They can see body temperatures and, if they understand it, can read those body temperatures in the brain and all throughout the body. When studied thoroughly, they can learn what an opponent is going to do. They can isolate different body parts and see through some temperatures, become “blind” to them, and read deeper into ones beyond those.

Earth: Some Earth Elementals aren’t born with the ability to manipulate earth; some are born with the ability to create life. This type of ability has been classed as its own Elemental group, called Wood Elementals. In reality, it still has to do with the earth due to the fact that it is a solid thing. These “Wood Elementals” cannot, in any way, shape, or form, do anything a normal Earth Elemental can do besides absorbing nutrients from the earth. These special Earth Elementals are very rare and there hasn’t been an established technique and understanding of this ability. This creates a racist view on these Elementals and makes them hide their ability and only use it for very modest uses. There have been some records of some Earth Elementals mastering this ability, but they are long forgotten and some claim them to be myth.

Air: A few Air Elementals have the ability to sense everything around them. They know what is behind them and how far away they are. They can sense these things through the activity in the air, such as movements, breathing, and even blinking when they get sensitive enough.

Water: A few Water Elementals can heal almost any injury. They can heal anything from scratches to an impaling. They replace tissue with water and bones with ice that will not freeze anything around it and won‘t melt from the body heat. The water keeps the same function that the tissue would and becomes almost like a “flexible crystal.” Ice takes the place of bones. They can remove cancers and tumors and take mental x-rays of the body to know where internal injuries are. Water Elementals cannot cure death, only lethal injuries that have not yet kill the victim. They are incapable of creating necessary internal organs for they cannot create functioning parts of the body, only manipulative. This skill takes years of experience and is extremely hard to master and most Water Elementals with this ability do not learn to fight because it takes a lifetime to understand and master.


Elementals can both create their own energy to use in the execution of attacks and other moves, but they can also absorb it from natural sources. Meditating on/in the natural places where they absorb energy will allow them to absorb more than just standing there, or, for example, fighting in that area.

Fire: Fire Elementals can absorb energy from the sun, though they can still absorb energy from the moon since it is the reflection of the suns energy, which makes the energy produced at a much smaller scale. During a full moon, they get a fourth of what they could get during a clear day. During a new moon, they get no energy. If they concentrate, though, they can absorb energy from the stars, though that is only a minuscule amount. Fire Elementals can also absorb energy from others’ fire attacks. This is very complicated and usually only done by masters, because it requires them to reverse the flow of the normal way energy is moved throughout the body. Natural fires also release energy that can be absorbed.

Earth: Earth Elementals get their energy from the earth itself. Stone and sand gives the most energy to them though they can still get energy from soil and plants. Standing on a mountain has the most effect.

Air: Air Elementals absorb their energy from the air around them. They get more at sea level, because this is where the densest air is, rather than at high altitudes where the air is much thinner.

Water: Water Elementals receive their energy from bodies of water. Moving water gives more energy than stagnant water does. So oceans and seas give the most while ponds and small lakes give the least.

The amount of energy an individual can hold, absorb, and how fast they can absorb it depends on their training and concentration along with intelligence and physical strength.

Fire and Water both use stored Energy when fighting as Earth and Air are free to use the "physical" Element itself. Fire and Water Elementals create their Elements out of thin air while Earth and Air Elementals use what's around them. This means: Earth and Air don't absorb energy, they use it and manipulate it. Fire and Water have the extra step, most of the time, of having to create their Element. This does not mean Earth and Air Elementals cannot store energy in their bodies, it's just not as useful to them.

Fighting Styles

Each Elemental type is thought of as being a certain type of fighter. It is thought by the general Elemental population that Fire should be Offensive and Fast, Earth Elementals should be Powerful and Durable, Air Elementals should be Quick and Smart, and Water Elementals should be Defensive and Deceptive. This is only true, however, if your Zodiac sign coincides with this. You will also do well in the combat style that goes with your Rising Sign and Moon Sign. So, for example, if your Sun Sign is Pisces (Water), your Rising Sign is Gemini (Air), and your Moon Sign is Scorpio (Water), then you will exceed in Knowledge and do very well in Slight and Technique regardless of what Element you are. Though, it is not restricted to that particular combination.

This fact makes every Elemental very different and unique in every Elemental Type. This is not how it is looked at by society though, which restricts many Elementals in their learning process of their Element.

Offense (Aries): How quickly and often you attack.
Power (Taurus): How powerful your attacks are.
Sleight (Gemini): How well you can dodge attacks and how well you can deceive opponents.
Defense (Cancer): How quickly and often you defend.
Resolve (Leo): How much determination you have to win.
Tact (Virgo): How well you make decisions during stressful situations.
Consistency (Libra): How long you can sustain a constant power level and skill during a battle.
Technique (Scorpio): How well you attack opponents or defend against them.
Accuracy (Sagittarius): How well you can hit difficult targets.
Endurance (Capricorn): How much damage you can take and how long you can last doing anything strenuous.
Speed (Aquarius): How quickly and efficiently you move.
Knowledge (Pisces): How well you know your own weaknesses and strengths as well as others’, other Elements, and weapon techniques.

Eye Color

Eye color in Sobetsu is determined by the Sun Sign of the individual. This is a good way to get closer to determine they’re personality and also their best form of combat. Some believe there are mutations with those that have eye colors that don’t reflect their Element, however, this is untrue.

Earth Sun Signed individuals will either have Hazel or Brown eyes. Those who have a Virgo as their Sun sign are sometimes “Wood Elementals” and are born with Hazel eyes whereas the rest of this particular population is born with Brown. Those born under Fire Signs will be born with Red or Amber eyes. Red eyes are only given to those who’s Sun, Ascendant, and Moon Signs are all Fire Signs with the rest of this population is born with Amber colored eyes. Those with Red eyes are looked upon as “pure.” People born in an Air Sun Sign will have Green or Gray eyes; Gray being more common than Green, though for no particular reason. All of those born with a Water Sign will be born with Blue eyes.

The Seasons

The Zodiac is known as "The Seasons" and the seasons are based off these. The names of the Seasons are just what the Zodiac signs represent. The beginning of Summer is "the Season of the Ram (Ram's Season)," the middle of Summer is "the Season of the Bull," and the end of Summer is "the Season of the Twins" and so on. The "New Year" is called the "New Seasons" and ends with the Season of the Fish and the beginning of the Season of the Ram (the year begins with Spring (end of March) and ends with Winter). The order of the Seasons is above, in the Fighting Styles section.

Relating to our own calendar: Months are Season and follow the Zodiac rather than the numbers we dedicated to them, Season are occasionally called Terms, and the New Year is the Seasons. The Elemental Elders mark the beginnings of each of the Seasons which tend to never follow a set length of time and is based on the weather and its conditions.

The Masters can be called the "Master of Knowledge," "Master of the Fish Season," or "Fish Master."


Ranks are a division of power, strength, and ability in the realm of Elementals. These ranks are normally divided into age groups, but the true definition of each rank has to do with one’s ability in their Element. There is no restriction from age for what rank you can be. For example: a 7 year old can be a Master and a 40 year old can be a Novice. These are indeed possible, but not usual. The latter is more likely to happen than the first example, however. Tests are to be taken to determine one’s rank.

Novice: Basic understanding and minimal control is necessary to be ranked in the Novice level. Usually reached at age 6-12, basically you know what your element is and you can make it happen in some way.

Apprentice: A more complex understanding of the element is required and better control, in size and complexity. This Rank is normally obtained from ages 10-15 (during middle school time in one’s life). Now you have more knowledge of your element and you can keep a constant stream of energy to control your element, as small as it may be.

Journeyman: Usually obtained from ages of 14-20, this stage in rank is given to those with more proficient knowledge and control of an element. Usually high school knowledge is needed, and most people peak at this level. They should be able to fight their own element with some complexity. Weaponry should be introduced now.

Expert: Around the time of college, ages 18-30, is when one might becomes an Expert. An Expert is able to hold their own against any other element and knows how to fight against any kind of opponent. Weaponry should also be presented though not proficient in, just well enough to defend yourself well against Weaponry attackers.

Master: This stage in Rank is done by one’s self. There is no schooling or education for this rank. This rank is only given to 12 individuals in all the land. These people are Masters of their Sun Sign’s fighting style and, thus, there is one of each Zodiac sign. Element does not matter here only skill with your particular style that no other in the land has accomplished. These Masters are also judges when naming new Masters who replace the existing one that they are trying to master themselves. This is done through a simple showing of the skills and actually fighting the current master in that particular fighting technique if they are present. Winning or losing has no meaning here, only how well you demonstrate your skill and how well you fight against someone of your caliber.

Mage: The essence of knowledge and wisdom within your element is who you are. Knowing each combat style and their techniques, and being able to adapt to any situation. No strength or actual proficiency in any combat style is necessary, only knowledge is necessary to become a mage. There are only 8 of them, 2 for each Element, and they are known, collectively, as the Elemental Elders.

All of these Ranks are not restricted to age; the ages given are just the average spans of when each Rank is awarded. Each Rank is determined by skill and knowledge and will be measured by the lower of the two. Mages are the exception in this case, though, since they are usually very old and unable to fight with much strength. This doesn’t mean they can’t fight, they just won’t move, but an attack isn’t going get past them.

Kyoujin (Assassin's Hand)

They kill those who've wronged them, owe them money, have power, or they just don't like. They are ruthless but efficient and good at their job. It was started by Sonoda and he is the one in charge. This has caused several civil problems within the organization, but that's no problem as the members have no problem cutting down those who oppose Sonoda and those faithful to him.

They wear all black, ninjaesque clothing but it differs from person to person. There are ranks within the organization, but these are kept secret and not identifiable on the clothing. Each specializes in some type of combat. They rarely work in pair and almost never in groups, but when they do they aren't afraid to fight dirty, which is how they do things to begin with.

Life in Sobetsu

Life in Sobetsu is very rural and peasant-like. Farming is the main source of food, and is done within each family. Markets in this land contain foods that families grow and catch (fish) to trade. Bartering in Sobetsu is the way to obtain goods. There is a general knowledge of how much something is worth of something else, but it is not stated or written out officially. There is no money, only worth.

The only technology in Sobetsu are clocks and trains. There are no vehicles because everything is relatively close by. Trains were invented during this time, but just as a means of transporting goods to different areas. The trains are manned by Earth and Fire Elementals, since heat and coal are needed to run them. There are no communicative inventions because people are very close nit, and don’t travel very often.

Housing is very simple. Normally huts or shacks are used to eat and sleep in, but that is because that is all they are used for. People are normally outside, even when it’s raining. The beds and sheets are all handmade by the family or traded through the market.

Education is a privilege, but not necessary. Anyone can go to school, but it is not required by law. Mostly Elementals will make their way to a school. Normals will only go to school if they can, if their life styles allow it. Elementals will learn the techniques necessary to become a good fighter, but they must also learn normal academics. Normals will become efficient in these academics since they are not Elementals and have nothing else to learn.

Elementals learn and become stronger with there element so they can fight against enemies, whoever that may be. It could be another Element or it could be a group, like the Assassins. Otherwise, it would be worthless to learn about your element. There always seems to be an enemy though; one always presents itself.

The law in Sobetsu is minimal, but keeps much peace in the land. There is no killing allowed, ever. Wars themselves are illegal, and both sides of the war will be imprisoned equally. The Elemental Elders try to keep as much peace as possible. Bargaining is up to the individuals trading, there is no law or limit interfering, nor will one ever be lawfully made. Those that do make a rule or chart comparing items will be fined and even imprisoned. Children must be in the care of suitable parents, which is judged by authorities; those in conflict of this rule will have their children stripped from them.

Imprisonment is done by those given the authority to do so by higher authorities, all the way up to the Elemental Elders. They do not have set uniforms, though some regions will make them for these individuals. They do not have an official name to them, but they do have regulation badges to identify themselves apart from others. These badges are also very hard to duplicate since, in the past, people have tried to make them and pretend to be these officials and put people who have personally wronged them in jail, or to get into the group and contain information that may help them in a villainous way. Weapon mastery is required to become an authority figure.

There are maps at the bottom of this post and the next one.

Society in Sobetsu

Society in Sobetsu is mostly very friendly and accepting. Sexuality is looked at as a minimal concern for most and accepted by all. They believe that love is love, and there is/should be nothing to define that. They are also very family-orientated.

They are, however, very prejudice about each element. Fire is aggressive and mean, Earth is strong and big (physically), Air is quick and precise, and Water is decisive and agile. Fire Elementals are usually jerks, and pick on others, Earth Elementals are stupid and dull, Air Elementals are morose and intelligent, and Water Elementals are outgoing and rash. This is the normal conception of each Element, and even pushed on by themselves.

Elementals have a hard time getting along with any other element simply because they are not the same element and thought of as “weaker” or “stuck up.” Fights in schools happen all the time due to this fact, and even in the streets. Other elements in, say, a Water city won’t be given a fair opportunity in almost anything unless the individual giving the opportunity is accepting. This is the common social issue in Sobetsu; accepting other elements.

Normals aren’t looked at too highly by Elements, but, ironically, it is reciprocal. Normals are generally smarter and well thought out more so than Elementals, but Elementals are dangerous and they can also be power-hungry, but it’s the majority, not all of them. For this reason, only Normals can take a place in office and authority. Normals are normally more level-headed and have better judgment than Elementals. They look out for the greater good. This, of course, is another stereotype among Normals because some Elementals are passive and kind and some Normals can become malicious and power-hungry.

Note: Movements are not required to make the elements do what you want them to do. They are also made out of thin air.

2 additional classes that I did not go into detail are Normals (those without elemental powers) and Weapon Masters (those who have mastered at least 10 different types of weapons, they can either be Normal or Elemental).

Time period is in the colonial period with no hints of real technology or advancement of age. There is no desire among the population to advance.

Oh yeah, I'm using Japanese naming but feel free to use whatever you like. Different languages would create much more texture with each character, however.

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Trace Grey

Journeyman user of Air

Character Portrait: Kaito Sakamoto
Kaito Sakamoto

Expert Fire Elemental from Toushin


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Trace Grey

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Character Portrait: Kaito Sakamoto
Kaito Sakamoto

Expert Fire Elemental from Toushin

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Kaito Sakamoto

Expert Fire Elemental from Toushin

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Trace Grey

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