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a part of SOLDIER Days, by Genesis Rhapsodos.


Genesis Rhapsodos holds sovereignty over Gaia, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

405 readers have been here.

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Gaia is a part of SOLDIER Days.

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Sephiroth [1] Am I...a human being?
Genesis Rhapsodos [1] "All I want is to be a hero"

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Character Portrait: Sephiroth
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[ μ ] – εуλ 1993, late autumn, Rocket Town

Sephiroth pinched the bridge of his nose, warding off the ghost of a migraine beginning at his temples as he set the weather forecast report aside, amidst a sea of others. It was times like this he appreciated the level of technology advantage Shinra had over Wutai the most - communications was one of the most important factors in running a successful war, after all.

According to the meteorologists in Cosmo Canyon, winter rains start in less than two weeks.

Which he was not looking forward to, at all, given past experience. Winter meant stalemate for both sides, as large-scale troop movement simply wasn't possible, not in mountainous Wutai or in the secure, entrenched locations Wutai remnant forces (and sympathetic locals) had dug themselves into on the Western Continent. Which meant that Heidigger would be too happy to resume command of the army while Sephiroth was recalled back to Midgar.

And Hojo.

As long as he remained vital to the war effort, he was free of that man - Sephiroth held no illusions to his status as Shinra property. While he'd proven his value as a war machine, he was an expensive enough one that Shinra wanted all the blood they could squeeze out of him. After all, the SOLDIER program had not been able to replicate his ... success. Yet.

Out of the first year of SOLDIER candidates, only one in five had walked out of the Science Department post-procedure. And SOLDIER was an expensive, time-consuming process: Shinra's bean counters calculated that for each candidate 'processed', Shinra could have outfitted twenty regular troopers. Which made the first 20 SOLDIERs (out of a hundred 'processed' candidates) very expensive experimental troops indeed.

While the process enhanced the senses, strength and speed - supermen, in effect - it did not make them trained and experienced soldiers. The physical enhancements were not equal for everyone, either. Some SOLDIERs had taken to wearing the standard issued helms all the time because their sight or hearing was too sensitive. It was also the first the Science Department'd learned that adults took poorly to the SOLDIER process, and that SOLDIER worked on pre-teens and teenagers just into puberty best. With youth came the utter conviction of their immortality given this newfound strength, and coupled with the accelerated six-month Military Academy training before Shinra flung the first SOLDIERs into battle - apart from Sephiroth himself, there were no other SOLDIER left of that 'first year'.

And I am not a suitable measure of SOLDIER norms, if there even were such a thing to begin with.

To Sephiroth, at least, it was apparent that his own development was far beyond the mark of those 'successful candidates', probably because his own process had begun in childhood (and thus, correspondingly more expensive). Still, with himself as a goal SOLDIER candidates could aspire to, the SOLDIER program continued after he took out an entire Wutai battalion while covering the Shinra retreat from Wutai.

With a more comprehensive baseline for SOLDIER candidates, the second year would have produced a better success rate if Hojo hadn't decided to 'experiment' further given the extra funding, equipment, and specimen. More candidates were lost to 'experimental variation beyond tested parameters' (since Sephiroth had 'left' his control but for yearly checkups) than lost in the actual approved SOLDIER process. Incensed more at the lack of results and waste of his gil than sentiment over human life ("Only one in ten candidates, professor?"), President Shinra brought in Dr. Gast's other assistant, Hollander, to process SOLDIER candidates only through 'tried and true' methodology.

That's one of my worries gone, at least.

Shinra had enough men, but there weren't enough SOLDIERs. Not enough to make up the difference between the green Shinra conscripts from the seasoned Wutai warriors. It had taken Sephiroth months to regroup the scattered Shinra companies to even begin thinking about reclaiming Western Continent. At the lowest point of the war, Sephiroth had heard through the army grapevine that there was a fortress being constructed at the fishing village Junon, with its natural deep harbour, in anticipation of Wutai using Costa del Sol to bring the war to Shinra's doorstep at Midgar.

The current crop of SOLDIER were necessary, Sephiroth decided as he finished placing the color-coded pins (blue for Shinra, red for Wutai, and green for neutrals) on the map. Unenhanced troops simply didn't have the endurance or speed to keep up with Wutai units, storm Wutai fortresses, and secure a position on Wutai soil. Not only that, they needed to be trained, experienced, and coordinated SOLDIERs - which there were only twenty-six qualified, counting himself. (And of the twenty five remaining from year 2, only fourteen had any command experience as well as combat experience, and only three of those can be counted on to coordinate SOLDIER and unenhanced troops).

Science Department reports - what I'm cleared for - 3rd year, two in five success, and they have been better trained than previous years.

With a proper adjustment period of re-training for the new SOLDIERs to get used to their enhancements as well as well as rank-graduating missions before being sent on the frontlines, this time, now that he'd bought Shinra a breather. And there was even a few that had even made 2nd Class ....


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Character Portrait: Genesis Rhapsodos
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Genesis sat, staring at his copy of LOVELESS. He wasn't really reading it, he knew the words by heart, but it comforted him to hold it open in his hand. His seat bucked wildly beneath him and he looked up from his book. His best friend Angeal was seated across from him, holding his Buster Sword in meditation. Genesis shut his book and kicked him playfully, "Unfazed as always." Angeal's face broke into a smile, but he didn't stop his meditation. Genesis didn't know how he could stay so calm, he was bursting with energy and excitement. They had been on plenty of missions before, but this was different. This time I have to go all out.

Unable to sit still Genesis gazed around the troop helicopter at his comrades. There were a couple other seconds and quite a few third class SOLDIERS, but no infantrymen in sight. Of course, an elite force for an elite mission. Genesis' gaze settled on the door separating the troops from the front of the helicopter. The thought of who lay beyond the door made him giddy. Of course he had seen him many times on and off the battlefield, but this was different. Sephiroth. Now Genesis was working directly under him, and he had a chance to prove his mettle. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, there was no room for error here.

"Just go talk to him, he is never going to acknowledge you if you don't declare yourself," Angeal startled him from his musings with a surprisingly accurate comment. How does he always know what everyone is thinking? Genesis thought, not for the first time. A smug grin spread across Genesis' features. "I really have no need to associate with him. Once I show him up on this mission everyone will know who the true hero is."