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Soleil et la Lune

Soleil et la Lune



903 readers have visited Soleil et la Lune since BriBriBearx created it.


Sun and Moon

Within the world holds four truly unique people, each who contains the ability to control one of the elements. You would think that the four would search the earth for each other, band together, and do whatever super-humans would do. But no. Not these ones, anyway. Who knows where on the planet Air and Earth are, and Fire and Water are goofing around trying to achieve their "dreams" at an art school. Unknown to the two roommates the other's talents, they both vow to catch the attention of an entertainment scout... no matter who stands in their way.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Character Portrait: Shin YoungJae
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"Youngie-ah, we're here!"

Shin YoungJae jolted slightly in his sleep, a soft whine escaping his lips before finally sitting himself upright in the back seat of his parent's van. Rubbing the remaining sleep lulling in his almond brown eyes, he did not expect for the car ride to Kirin Unversity of the Arts would be that dreadfully.. brief. Recomposing himself until he was fully awake, the teen looked back to his parents with a child-like pout before lazily grabbing his hat from the far end of his row, placing it firmly over his head. The pout did not have particular meaning, but rather it was a small habit he had developed as far as he could remember-- why he did it, he didn't even know. "Already?" He finally managed a murmur before getting out of the car, spotting his father already lugging his things out from the trunk. Hm.. They must have been much more eager for his departure than he thought.

Whirling around to see the school and its majestic appearance left the young teen in starstruck awe,; his pouted lips forming an "o" upon realizing that the highest ranked art school in the city had indeed, accepted him. As if he had not been sleeping in the back of the van for several hours, a rush of energy surged throughout his body, smiling brightly and breaking out in a two step dance. When his passion for the arts had taken flight, this was the school he felt meant, yes.. destined to attend to pursue this pathway for his life. As he grew up, he had heard that only the talents among the talented were allowed into such a brilliant school-- it was something he felt he wanted to become a part of. According to his mother, his singing alone was enough to bring him fame but to YoungJae, having a vast vocal range just would not settle as enough for him. It was a year later when he saw some local teens gathered by his high school, stereos booming as they entertained everyone who passed by with their dance skills, the feeling of inspiration had never felt so surreal.

The teen's train of reminiscing had broken by the sudden call of his father, biting his lip slightly when he called him by his American name rather than his Korean name. "Jason, we have your things packed up and ready to go, big guy. Ah.. I remember how your mother and I met at Kirin University; the memories are all coming back to me." The proud man smiled, the sunlight's rays hitting the corner of his glasses and creating what YoungJae felt was a more than dramatic look for the old man, he chuckled shaking his head.

"Appa, didn't you major in accounting though?" The blackette smirked, taking one of his luggage in one hand and his sling over backpack over his opposite shoulder.

"Recall that I said that I met your mother here, I never said anything about attending this school." His father grinned, seeing his wife of many years coming out of the van. Of course, it was his mother who actually attended Kirin University prior to him, majoring in music studies and thus granting her the job as a music teacher at a local middle school. YoungJae's mother had a remarkable singing voice, and when he had asked why she had not pursued into becoming famous she humbly replied that she wanted only a simple life-- having her husband and her son made her happier than all the fame and fortune the world could give her. For that, YoungJae felt his mother inspiring as those dancers in his school and it would be for her would he excel.

After recollected memories and luggage gathered, the teen bid his parents farewell and continued his way into the university's dormitory. Checking in with the front desk, he was assigned the key to the room that was specially requested in his favor. It was exactly on the third floor in room 307 where his mother spent her college experience and for the next four years, would he be following in her footsteps. Opening the room's lock, YoungJae made himself welcome and dropped his things onto the couch set in the room. Judging from the look of the room, paying off all of that heavy tuition was definitely going to hold its worth; it was amazing. "Watch out Kirin, you've got a new star in the making."

OOC: Sorry if its a lot, I usually don't write this much in every post so you know. But I was unsure where to begin the story so I just had to start from settling into the dorm.


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OOC: Not a problem! Intro posts usually tend to be longer. :) But feel free to write as much as you'd like! Mine will most surely get shorter as well.

"My name?" Max slightly tilted his head to the side, looking curiously at the girl who had asked. A couple names flickered through his thoughts, and he decided on, "Tommy. And I'm a junior." The lies rolled off his tongue with ease. He loved giving himself new personas while meeting new people. Yesterday, his name was Hayden and he was a sophomore. He figured that tomorrow, he would decide to be a senior. It wasn't often that people caught on to his name and year changes, but sometimes he'd gotten into trouble. Apparently not enough to get him to stop, however.

The female student who had introduced herself as Charlotte smiled at him. She had that air to her while she toyed with her hair--that flirty air. Max confirmed this when she went on to say, "Huh. How about we exchange numbers? Maybe we could go get coffee one morning..." Max tuned out whatever she said after that, writing down his number on a small piece of paper and then handing it to her. "Just let me know who you are when you contact me," he smiled, knowing he probably wouldn't text back or call her again. It really was too bad that he wasn't interested in the beautiful women on campus...they were really missing out, he thought. Max said farewell, gave her a short wave of his hand, then began the walk back to his dorm room.

Max had only been on the campus for a day now; two if you count the day he had moved in his stuff. He'd already met a lot of easy girls and one or two guys who looked interested, but he hadn't really gotten to know anyone yet. He was going back to his dorm to pick up his skateboard. He'd overheard from a group of skaters that KU had a skatepark somewhere on campus. He planned to ride around until he found it, or at least found a suitable place to skate for a while. He never had the time to skate these days... I should give myself more time for myself... He thought, then softly laughed at himself, probably looking out of place. No, I shouldn't.

Strolling through the common room and into the elevator, Max passed a few familiar faces to which he waved to but otherwise ignored. He fidgeted impatiently in the empty elevator, tossing and catching a few fireballs to pass the boring ride up to the third floor. Throwing one upward, he caught sight of the nasty burn scar on his left wrist. Oh, memories... The elevator doors creaked open as they always did, and he quickly extinguished the flames before anyone could see. Max made his way down the hall and found himself gawking at the paper on his door. The paper had the word "Residents" written on the top, and then two handwritten names. Max Cooper and Shin YoungJae. Max stared at the paper with confusion. "I thought I had this room to myself," he muttered.

At first, he was a bit upset that he'd have to room with somebody. As he opened the door, he found himself more curious. Shin was a man's name... right? perhaps it could be a very good thing. Or a very awkward and unpleasant situation. Within his room, he found who could only be Shin YoungJae, his stuff already laying on the couch. He was facing opposite of the door and didn't appear to have heard him come in. Trying to avoid letting the vibe grow uncomfortable or awkward, he decided to be friendly. "Hey. I'm Max. I guess we're sharing the room," he said, raising a hand to run his fingers through the hair on the back of his head. He'd already decided it'd be pointless to lie to this guy about his name and age, since they're rooming together and he was bound to find out sooner or later.


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Character Portrait: Shin YoungJae
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YoungJae had only entered the dorm for a few brief minutes and he indulged happily into the pleasure of finally having a room to himself. With this much space and privacy, all he had to do was move a few things around and bam! instant room for dance practice and to test out his water bending. Come to think of his powers, he never actually had much time to practice with it and to see it at its fullest extent. By having the room to himself, the ability would not be a bother to anyone and it would help him out a lot. He smiled slightly, rummaging through his backpack to pull out a half-finished water bottle and fixating his concentration on it-- just to be sure. As his concentration deepened, only seconds after did the contents of the bottle become a solid block of ice. "Yah!" He exclaimed throwing a playful fist into the air before taking the bottle into his hand, watching it seconds later return to its liquid state. He still had it.

With all of his attention drawn into the water play, YoungJae nearly jumped at the sound of another person's voice sounding in the room. The blackette blinked, setting the object down and turning his head enough to come face to face with a guy who called himself Max. Was he... a visitor? Looking back at the door he had blindly left open he wanted to hit himself on the forehead; yes YoungJae, leave the door wide open so weird people could just waltz in. Fantastic. It wasn't until he heard the second part to the other male's introduction when YoungJae felt his head tilt to its side subconsciously. So this Max guy wasn't a stranger who made himself welcome into his room, but rather was sharing it with him? One of the unfortunate mishaps of the teen was that though he was precise and always in time with his dancing, when it came to anything that was beyond it, he came blindly. It could have been sworn that if this room was going to be shared, the blackette would have at least have some kind of knowledge of it.

This had to be some kind of mistake, however; his parents had this room specifically arranged so that he would have it, alone. There was no agreement that he was going to have this room shared-- not that he minded entirely but honestly, just what was this? Lifting himself off from the couch, the dancer walked over to the other to first, realize they similar in height and two, that his frame was a little slimmer than his; perhaps the gym wasn't such a bad idea after all. YoungJae's small lips curled a smile, the baby-like plush of his cheeks subtly accentuated before introducing himself.

"I'm YoungJa- ah, I'm Jason. Its uh, nice to be meet you man." It was assumed that his American name would be easier to remember than his actual name, and it was what he went by since he started going to school. Jason Shin was who the world knew, YoungJae was the other side that only his family knew. As politely as possible, he bowed his head slightly and put out his hand for the other to shake.

"By the way, ah.. you sure that we're sharing this room?"


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YoungJa-Jason, as Max was now calling him inside his head, surprised Max when he stood from the couch and towered at the same height as himself. He still seemed a bit smaller somehow. Perhaps Max could make a gym-buddy out of him. It wouldn't be the first time he'd gotten someone hooked on working out and exercise.

When Jason gave him a smile, Max had to return it. He's still got baby-fat on his face! This guy must have graduated high school at like, fifteen... Leave it to Max to judge a person's age and story wrong. Leave it to Max to judge people at all. He didn't say anything about it. "Yeah, nice to meet you too." Jason bowed his head a bit, something that Max wasn't used to seeing, but acknowledged it with a quick nod and shook his hand. "Think so, dude. The paper on the door has both of our names on it," he shrugged.

Max felt uncomfortable now, noting that he'd yet to unpack his giant suitcase that sat on his bed. It was open with clothes strewn over the edges and thrown about. He'd been living out of it for the past two days, never getting the urge to unpack. Now he just felt as though he seemed like a pig to this guy. As he gave a once-over around the room, he realized that he had one or two things on the more "public" areas of the room, which he decided that he would clean up right away. He got to work on that, then organizing his suitcase. "So where ya from? What are you here for?" Max asked, looking over his shoulder for the interesting response the cute young man was bound to give him.

OOC: Gahh, short. Sorry about that. xD


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Character Portrait: Shin YoungJae
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OOC: Don't worry about it~ :) Its good enough for me.

Are you this wasn't some kind of mistake? He wanted to ask the other out loud, but he had the right mind to recognize that such an outburst to the stranger would come off absolutely rude. Perhaps when he had his things settled in and the awkward between Max and himself had thinned out, YoungJae would call up his parents and ask for an explanation. He was sure that before leaving for their hours long trip to the university that his parents had gotten him his own dorm, perhaps he had missed out on the tidbit about sharing it with someone? All of a sudden, the idea made the blackette a little nervous as his head lowered inwardly, puffing his cheeks slightly as soon as the other walked away. Being an only child over the course of his life, sharing something with another person did not exactly stay by him so easily. It wasn't to say he was selfish with his possessions-- he was glad to share, but with someone as dare he think, ..intimate as a room with another made him feel a little uneasy. His father always did tease him about having what he called a "feminine" tendency of being secretive about his room, YoungJae pouted at the memory.

Of course, he did not have many objections to sharing the room with Max however; they were all just a bunch of guys, so what would be big deal? He was getting himself worked up over something so little, how silly of him. YoungJae's attention came to when he heard Max's voice calling him from another room, his brows raising from the questions. "A couple years ago I moved into the city from Busan, in South Korea." As the teen spoke, he blushed lightly realizing how much of his accent had shown as he spoke; so much for all of those years of ESL classes. He was proud nonetheless to tell anyone who asked (even if chances were that they didn't care) that he had come such a long way before moving into the city. Although it wasn't much back in his homeland, he missed it dearly. "So I lived here for about.. seven years?" YoungJae at this point was estimating, he hadn't taken much time to figure it out precisely.

"As for why I'm here, I dance. I sing a little too, but mostly here for my dancing." He added finally, stowing his hands into the pockets of his beige cargo shorts and shifting himself so he faced in Max's general direction. He had to admit that it was nice that Max was breaking the ice between them, knowing that he possibly couldn't not have done as successfully. The feel of it was becoming much more comfortable, maybe having a room mate wouldn't be so bad after all.

"What about you, man? What do you have to show KU?" YoungJae returned the question back at him, watching him momentarily collecting some of his things and organizing his suitcase. Following his example, he thought that it would be best for him to follow suit and to settle his things into his side of the room. Walking over to the couch, the teen picked up his backpack and tossing it over onto the bed sitting on the opposite end of the room. With his backpack settled, he needed someplace to storage the remainder of his things; his small eyes wandered until they came across.. the only closet in the room? There were drawers he could put his things into but considering that the closet was still empty, he took the chance and stuffed his things in there.


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Max's eyebrows raised a little and he nodded his head. He wasn't going to outright ask if Jason had migrated to America, but his accent and asian appearance made it obvious that he wasn't born here. Not that it mattered to Max; he had friends of all ethnicities. His hands continued to move about as he packed the last of his clothes into his large black suitcase. He took a seat on the corner of his bed, watching his new roommate store what belongings he could into the closet. Max supposed that left him with the one and only dresser, not that he minded. He never hung up his clothes anyway.

"Dancing," Max smiled as he turned to face him. Max enjoyed dancing, though he certainly couldn't have gotten accepted into this school for it. "What kind of dancing are you into?" He asked. He almost wondered... no, Max would never ask to dance with him. He might be confident and a decent dancer, but most likely not good enough for this guy considering the school's high standard on its dancers. Max hoped that he might some day get a chance to see Jason move, not that he would voice that.

"I'm an actor!" He said enthusiastically. "I've been acting for as long as I can remember. I'm the-" he dropped his sentence, eyes falling on the emerald green binder that rest on the end table near the couch. The green binder that held every drawing and sketch he's put his heart into since he was fifteen. "Uh," Max stood, trying to continue his sentence while he tried not to make his rescue mission seem like a big deal. "The only one in my family who is into drama." Has he seen any of them? Did he snoop through it before I arrived? He could kick himself for being so careless with his most person possession. He picked it up with a quick once-over, and it didn't appear to have been touched, but how would he ever know? Max took it back to his bed, trying not to seem possessive over it, and placed it back in his suitcase.

In meeting his new roommate, he'd almost forgotten why he'd come back to the room in the first place. He spotted his skateboard in the corner of the room, and longed to hop on it. He felt guilty already though, thinking about leaving this new guy behind with nothing to do but unpack. He sighed inwardly a bit, but was also somewhat excited. "I was going to go skate, if you want to come. I can show you around. I have an extra board on the top shelf of the closet if you know how to ride."


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Character Portrait: Shin YoungJae
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Seconds after looking down at the neatly stacked luggage he placed into the only closet in the dorm, he slid the door closed by the slight, leaving a small enough crack for easier access for the latter. His friends called him obsessive compulsive, but YoungJae just knew how he wanted his things placed to his convenience; it wasn't a big deal to be honest. He turned to Max's voice, feeling a joyful flutter in his chest at the sound of the word "dancing;" his passion for the art could not have been stronger for a simple word to give off such a amorous reaction. Smiling, he nodded had sat himself on the edge of his bed before crouching over slightly, lacing his fingers within each other and spoke, "I do all different types of dancing, waltz, tango, modern; you name it, then I could probably have it down after an hour or two." He beamed proudly, a child-like smile crooking his petite features.

"..Well, except for ballet," He chuckled meekly, unlacing his fingers and scratching the back of his head. "I never had the hang on that, really. But my dancing is more modern, hip-hop based." At long last, the answer to the simple question had finally come to; YoungJae had to remind himself to not always give people a full description when he was being asked questions. Simple was sometimes best, he was told once by a friend a few months back-- but what good ever came out of things when they were always done so simply? Not much. Digressing from his own train of thoughts, he nodded airily and wondered if he would ever show his room mate the kind of moves he had. He then wondered if Max knew how to dance, or what if.. he was also attending the University as a dancer too. He would have friendly competition no less, and without hesitation and if it should be the case, he would challenge the other teen's skills with his own.

YoungJae felt an awkward sigh of relief being released mentally when Max introduced himself as an actor, his almond slanted eyes brightening with awe. "Wow, an actor; then you must be really good at putting on shows for people, huh?" Of course, this question could have gone two ways depending on how others were listening to it-- YoungJae might have meant this genuinely and talked about putting on plays or things along the lines, or in a rude fashion in which he subtly implied that Max had potential in being a good liar. With either implication, a light chuckle and partial smile decorated the blackette's face. So far, the other teen seemed to be a genuinely interesting guy.. whatever he was putting on a show before him or not; he was likable.

"Hm, I skate a bit.. and," He blushed faintly as he spoke, subconsciously thinking that maybe he would be to bothersome if he just palled around with the other after seconds of just meeting him. Would it be a bother to him? YoungJae's eyes met the floor, shrugging his shoulder before blinking up to meet Max's eyes again. "I guess that'd be pretty cool of you, man. I mean, if it isn't too much trouble." He added lastly, wanting to face palm to realize how girlish of him that must have sounded to his room mate.


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Max found the man's listed talents very interesting. He knew so many different styles! While Max had talent of his own in acting, his only dancing skills were found in mild breakdancing... and grinding in the clubs with friends, on occasion. He couldn't help but return a white smile of his own in response to his child-like one. He seems so innocent, he thought, but then found himself thinking it was cute in a way.

Max gave a genuine laugh. "I am good at putting on shows... I can make anyone like me," he said confidently, holding YoungJae's eyes until he realized staring any longer could make things awkward. He averted his eyes and looked around the room, getting another good look at it while he waited for his response to his skating offer.

"It's no trouble," he said honestly. He felt a little happy that he found someone on campus that could skate as well, even if they weren't on the same skill level. Max stood from his bed and noticed that he'd left the candle alight on his nightstand about four feet away. Without thinking, he waved his hand and the fire went out. His blood went cold as he realized what he had done. He quickly turned to see if his roommate had seen him, but if he had he was surprisingly calm about his extra talent. Max exhaled in relief, convinced that YoungJae had seen nothing. It was a subtle action afterall...

Inwardly shaking off the ordeal, he walked past his roommate to the closet, where he slid the door open again. As he reached up to the top shelf to reach his extra board, he was pleased to see that working his arms extra hard in the gym was paying off. Feeling rather prideful now, he pulled the board down and handed it to YoungJae. "Shall we?"

"Get off the board in the lobby!" the woman at the counter snapped. Max had decided he didn't want to wait until he was outside to get on his board, and smoothly skated across the wood panel flooring now. He looked back at the lady behind the desk and grinned. "Sorry," he said, but didn't get off his board as he skated towards the automatic doors that opened for him just in time. The feeling of the board beneath him got rougher as it began rolling across concrete sidewalk instead of wood floors. He glanced over his shoulder to see if YoungJae was keeping up okay.


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"... I can make anyone like me,"

YoungJae grinned politely, his small lips curling as he mentally agreed with the other upon that comment-- it was true, and only after a few minutes with the guy! But it was things like that he could not dare say aloud without making the situation any more awkward that it probably was already. As kind and polite as the young teen was, it never guaranteed that he could make social situations any less awkward than he might have set them. He chewed on his bottom lip subtly, looking up with a adolescent stare to Max before watching him averting his gaze; he hoped that he had not already made things awkward between them. "I bet. Maybe one of these days, I'll see you owning the stage with those acting skills." He chuckled at last, sitting himself into an upright position before taking notice on something a little.. out of place.

Did he just wave his hand randomly?

He blinked twice just to be sure he had not been seeing things in that second, standing up and walking over towards the closet where Max offered him his extra skate board. Standing alongside of the other male, he looked back into the dorm and to his surprise; that candle-- the light was just on seconds ago! But that could not have been right either, the blackette thought as his eyes wandered over to a shut tight window. There was no wind coming into the room, and Max's hand movement would have barely made the candle's light flicker at his range. He felt himself swallow unevenly, looking away from the scene to thank his room mate for lending him the extra skate board. This all had to be some weird act of coincidence, right? He must still be groggy from his hours long nap in the car, and he was over analyzing things-- that should have explained it, for now. "Let's go,"

It had been barely seconds of leaving out the room when he saw Max already getting on his board and skating freely in the halls of the dormitory. YoungJae's almond eyes widened in surprise, humored by his seemingly free spirit and chuckled; this should be fun. Dropping his board to the floor, his attention was brought to a white sign that hung outside of their door with both of their names written over it. "I guess he wasn't kidding.." YoungJae said aloud before getting onto his board and skating off to catch up with the other. After hearing the receptionist chiding him for no skating in the lobby, he could only smile and skate on until he reached the outside. In all honestly, it was out of his element to do something like this, mainly because it was because he knew better than to do so. Why he was doing it; he was not entirely sure but it felt right in that moment-- perhaps this was what it was like to live a little? That being the case, he needed to do it more. YoungJae had a glimpse of Max's head before picking up the space and catching up as best as he could, despite that he had no idea where he was going.

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Character Portrait: Shin YoungJae
Character Portrait: Max Cooper


Character Portrait: Shin YoungJae
Shin YoungJae

"Open your heart, and let the music go into your soul."


Character Portrait: Shin YoungJae
Shin YoungJae

"Open your heart, and let the music go into your soul."

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Character Portrait: Shin YoungJae
Shin YoungJae

"Open your heart, and let the music go into your soul."

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Re: [OOC] Soleil et la Lune

Sorry it took me! My character is up. I like your character by the way! :) I have to do school before I can write up a post, so if you'd like to make the first post, you're more than welcome to. <3

Re: [OOC] Soleil et la Lune

All right, I'll just go and do that then. ^^

Re: [OOC] Soleil et la Lune

Oh, I intended to go ahead and submit them. Sorry about that. :)

Re: [OOC] Soleil et la Lune

I don't mind it being public, just saying. c: And did you want characters submitted or should we just go along as we had said in inbox?

Re: [OOC] Soleil et la Lune

Aw Thanks :) I hope you and your friend have a good 1x1 in the meanwhile

Re: [OOC] Soleil et la Lune

Thank you. :) I'll think about making a public version but the theme and vibe I want to achieve for this story is just better off 1x1. If I decide to make a public version and my partner would be cool with me doing it (she came up with the actual plot and such), you'll be the first to be informed. :)

Re: [OOC] Soleil et la Lune

You should have made this public it sounds good :(

[OOC] Soleil et la Lune

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Soleil et la Lune"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.
