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Songs of a Restless City

Upper City


a part of Songs of a Restless City, by Lord General.


Lord General holds sovereignty over Upper City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

397 readers have been here.


A place where the rich frolic and all needs are answered. Law enforcement is looking for the stray mongrel to toss back into the trash heap that is the bowels
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Upper City



Upper City is a part of The City Called Dark.

4 Characters Here

Mr.Shadowfax [10] "Have you heard the songs on the gentle winds at night?"
Carson Wells [8] "Help the poor? I tried that, and look at them now. If you want to make a living, you have to make it yourself."
Circe Marks [7] "Life. Death. What does it matter? They don't affect me"
Alois Danube Snatch [7] "The difference between an economic government and a political government is this; politics don't have consumers"

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#, as written by Drafted
Thoughtlessly thanking the 'driver', Carson stepped out of the cab. Appraising the building for a moment, he entered and began climbing. He whistled as he walked down the hall, counting off the rooms. As he reached the eighth door, he stuck a hand in his pocket and knocked upon the door with the other.


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(Miss)Ter Shadowfax

The door swung open to reveal a petite woman about Carson's age. She was - in every meaning of the word - cute. She wore nothing but a towel and a scowl "What are you doing here?" she said in a sing-song voice, obviously pissed off at being interrupted. The apartment behind her was a warzone chaos and organization. Some parts looked uninhabitable disorganized, while others looked untouched. The clothing Mr.Shadowfax had worn that day was tossed on a half-buried couch


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#, as written by Ever
She shakes her head, walking away from the door where the unfortunate events had occurred earlier, the door that concealed the man that could change everything. Frowning she heads down the stairs and eventually exits the building, ignoring the odd stares she was receiving from the other employees Mr. Snatch had hired. She shudders slightly as the wind blew, colder than before and she couldn't help but send a quick glance over her shoulder at his imposing building, knowing it wouldn't be the last she saw of it. Flipping up her hood, she walks down the almost abandon streets knowing all of the shortcuts she had to take to get to her apartment the quickest.


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#, as written by Drafted
'"Oh, I, uh..." Carson stammered, ashamed and confused. The woman had caught him completely by surprise, and it was all he could manage to keep his eyes on her face. Noticing the clothes, he put the pieces together. Getting his wits about him, he managed, "Sorry, I was sent here by Mr. Shadowfax and I's mutual employer. I suppose this is his home. Is he available right now, or is this a bad time?"


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Mis(s)ter Shadowfax

"Kid, are you dense or just stupid?" She moved away from the door, disappearing into a bedroom at the far end. "Snatch wants you to bunk with me? Okay, 'partner'. Here are the rules. Inside be ten. Anything in the fridge without a name on it is free game. Goes both ways." there was a shuffling sound. "The guest room's pretty untouched, so don't worry about sleeping arrangements." She came out in a black tank top and black jeans, walked over, and smacked him. "And that's for thinking I'm pretty."


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#, as written by Drafted
Carson blinked owlishly, rubbing his cheek, completely blindsided. How had she known that? After stepping inside hesitantly, he looked around. Comparing the clothes on the half-submerged couch to her, he rearranged his mistake. "Oh. Sorry, I didn't realize. Is there a reason you put all that on?" He gestured towards the outfit, "To be unrecognizable when you're not wearing it, or something?"


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Mis(s)ter Shadowfax

"Did you recognize me, smart-ass? that means it's working." She responded to the answer he didn't speak, taking out a cigarette - a pleasure many people could not afford, even among the echelon of upper city. She lit the precious stick of poison and took a drag from it, reclining on the plush couch. "well? what are you waiting for? Make yourself at home!" She ordered, tossing an e-book at him.


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#, as written by Drafted
He caught it, dumbfounded. He looked around for an unoccupied piece of furniture, settling for a chair that had managed to avoid being in one of the clutter-stricken zones of the apartment. He sat down and began skimming the reader for a minute, strangely embarrassed. Setting it aside, he looked up at her. The cigarette wasn't the ideal starter, but it would have to do. "Those aren't good for you, you know. You or your wallet."


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Mis(s)ter Shadowfax

"It's hell. life, I mean. you have to enjoy the little things; no matter how much they cost." She took another drag and yawned before falling sideways. She was laying there, and Carson could see down her shirt. She was passed out


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#, as written by Drafted
He leaned back in the chair, watching her for a moment. She really was pretty. After a few minutes had passed, he stood and retrieved the cigarette. He puffed at it curiously, and shortly found himself grimacing in regret. He put it out and set it in an ashtray, then looked back to the sleeping Shadowfax. After finding a blanket and pulling it over her, he made his way into the guest bedroom. Once his pockets were emptied into the end table, he pulled off his boots and laid back on the bed. He fell asleep easily.


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#, as written by Ever

She finally reaches the lit apartment complex, easily jogging up the several flights of concrete stairs. She was in such a haste to get home that she didn't even bother a small "hello" to most of her neighbors who were outside their doors doing various activities. Once she finally reaches the 5 floor, she pauses outside door 105 briefly before taking out her card and swiping it on the card reader lock. Getting the green signal and stepping inside, she slams the door behind her, isolating herself from the outside world.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alois Danube Snatch Character Portrait: Mr.Shadowfax Character Portrait: Carson Wells Character Portrait: Circe Marks
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An alien but wonderful sight greeted Circe when she stepped into the tiny apartment she called home. Upon the metal table sat a vase filled with water as pure as crystal. Twelve slender, green stems shot out of the water like pillars of some ancient forest, topped with blood red roses. The thorns of the roses were all perfectly jagged, like the teeth on a saw, and the leaves were the richest green imaginable. There was a card just beneath the base of the vase, and her name was inscribed upon it in bright gold calligraphy - actual gold plating, not just colored ink. Alois Danube Snatch did, in fact, have more money than God.

As the city called Dark aged another day, with the turning of time and the ending of the solar cycle, the sun dipped below the far off smokestacks of restless power plants. Clouds of poisonous rain gathered over head as the marred moon came into view, the various mining operations upon its surface visible by the scars that cast no light. Slowly, the noise of traffic died down and the upper city came to a rest. In only a few hours, the top of the world resembled nothing more than a gilded ghost town of old. Silently, new figures - rejected by the light of day - crept from the monasteries which they had paid for. Their faces were cloaked in macabre masks of tormented faces; wearing the guise of sinners. In unison, the mothers of solas began to sing their banshee song and move from door to door, ready to send any who opened up for them to meet their lord.

Roughly an hour after night had fallen, a mother of solas made to knock on the tiny apartment door of Mister Shadowfax and Carson Wells, then thought better of it and moved along.


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#, as written by Drafted
Carson awoke slowly, his body wracked by an odd pseudo-pain borne of unfamiliar comfort. He stumbled off of the bed, stretching luxuriously as his joints popped. Gradually, he remembered where he was, his mind switching it's fog lights on as he went through a quick mental recap of the previous day. He blearily exited the bedroom, homing in on where he surely felt food should be located, and promptly tripped over a pile of clutter. Letting out a hushed string of curses hardly suitable outside of a lower city bar, he stumbled upright and sheepishly found his way to the fridge.


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#, as written by Ever
Circe's eyes flutter open due to watery sunlight that was shining directly on her closed lids, making it impossible for sleep to entice her any longer. Giving a small huff of annoyance, she pulls her form into an upright sitting position, wincing as the "IV" in her arm tugged slightly in protest at her sudden movement. With a small sigh, she turns off the energy supply machine before tugging out the small tube from her arm, stretching in delight at being fully charged. Without bothering to fix the lopsided pigtails, Circe swings her legs out of bed before getting up springily. Making her way to the kitchen, she hums softly the tune of 'London Bridge', her feet barely making any sound. Smiling broadly to herself, she walks right past the roses before freezing in her tracks, smile still on her face, and turning her head to look at them. Suddenly a scowl replaces the now disappearing smile, eyes narrowing at the bright red flowers. She knew exactly who they were from and she despised it.

Giving a slight shake of her head, she goes about doing the daily chores of the apartment: cleaning, paying bills, making food, washing clothes and other activities of the like. After a few hours of these mindless chores, she pauses in the middle of the room giving a small, exhausted sigh. "Its only 11:30 am..." she muses, slightly pleased at her progress. Giving a quick, disgusted glance at the roses, she turns her head to look out the window muttering "It'd pay good money, Circe.."


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Mis(ster) Shadowfax
There was only a slight change in the air pressure around Carson before the kick landed at the back of his knee. as he dropped, a black gloved arm slid around his neck, wrapping him in a tight and effective headlock. "Always check every corner for assailants. Whether or not you see the gunman in the corner is a matter of life and death" Shadowfax whispered - using a teasingly seductive tone - directly in his ear before releasing him.


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#, as written by Drafted

He grunted in surprise as he realized what had happened. He blushed slightly as he turned, quickly looking her up and down. "Uh, yeah, right. I guess I'll look out next time I'm stumbling around the apartment." He rubbed his neck where her arm had wrapped around it. "Are you planning on jumping me like that often? That was more than a little humiliating."


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Character Portrait: Mr.Shadowfax Character Portrait: Carson Wells
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Mis(Ster) Shadowfax.

"I plan on doings things like that until your little mistakes don't happen anymore. Comprendé?" She stretched. Right now, she was wearing nothing but very tiny yoga shorts and a tank top - all black, as always. She pushed Carson away from the fridge and opened it, pulling out some milk. Milk was a very high rarity. Most people who lead companies in the upper city couldn't afford milk.


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#, as written by Ever
Circe's head snaps up hearing a loud rap at her front door. Giving a small frown at the disrupting noise, she sets down the bills she was reviewing before scooting the wooden chair across the laminated flooring. Making her way across the tiny apartment, she opens the door to see a rather distraught looking man dressed in a professional black suit. "Um...Mi-miss Marks..correct? Blinking, she stares at the man with emotionless icy eyes before he continues, obviously in discomfort under her stare " your...presence for a noon luncheon... I'm here to drive you.." He trails off seeing the cyborg raise one eyebrow and,relishing in his confusion, flashes him a half smirk. A small chuckle escapes her as she gives a slight nod of her head "I'll be out in a few seconds then." Closing the door, a triumphant smirk bursts onto her lips as she almost prances back to her bedroom, changing into her "professional" outfit. "So.. he's caved huh?" Making her way back to the door, she ignores the driver's surprise at the sudden change of her apparel and brushes past him.

Before she knew it, she was back in front of the wooden oak doors from the previous day. Sending a glance over, she frowns seeing the hole had been patched up and she couldn't help but miss opening in the wall. Giving a small sigh, she starts to shift from foot to foot in the silence of the hall, getting bored.


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Character Portrait: Mr.Shadowfax Character Portrait: Carson Wells
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#, as written by Drafted

Carson sighed, smiling inwardly. Suddenly very aware of the fact that he was still wearing his clothes from the day before, he began contemplating if he would be getting another set any time soon--after all, he wasn't about to wash his only set with Shadowfax around. He watched, closely, as she opened the refrigerator, and cocked his head at what she had pulled out. The carton was almost alien to him, as there had been none like it in the lower city. "You can afford milk? Really?" He laughed softly in wonder, making sure to give her plenty of room as he did so. He didn't intend to be taught any more 'lessons' before he had even gotten breakfast.