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Axl Nui Koi

My goal is my life.

0 · 617 views · located in Cacophony City

a character in “Soul Killers: The spirit within”, as played by Damioa


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Name: Axl Nui Koi
Powers: With his right eye gone, he has lost his power of sight, and can only activate them now in his soul form, though they have now been replaced by an ability similar to lock on, which is why he switched to using guns, and if he has to fight up close, knives.
In his soul form, he's able to control a form a light energy, though he usually just uses this to make himself faster and also makes the world seem slower around him. He can also use the light to change a certain amount of area to look like something else, or just mirrored to look that way, for if you pass the zone in which he changed you'd see the difference. Because he doesn't want to push his new capabilities too far in fear of becoming a "lost soul", he sticks to what he knows and has basically stayed the same in ways of combat. much like his past self.
Personality: Axl is bitter for his age. He can feel it and most likely, people around him can feel it. The bubbling anger he carries on his shoulder that seems to be there even when he's not even thinking about the thing he's angry about. Thus he usually snaps when having a prolonged chat and keeps his talks to a minimum. He doesn't like people and has an attitude towards most, but is still willing to put his life on the line should the occasion call.

He doesn't consider himself lost even though a lot of his actions and consequences tell otherwise. In fact, he seems to have a strong will behind his goal and is often unfazed when things don't go his verbally explained ways. He thinks about the good and bad outcomes of his actions which may be a result from him having a type of clairvoyance. However, it's hard to know what goes on in his mind. He seems strict and is constantly threatening people. However, it seems he only goes against those who go against him. He seems unforgiving, but has actually never hurt someone for his own intentions and reasons since he was a teenager.

Maturity wise, it's hard for most to tell. If you were to ask him, he'd say the question was a cop out that others his age and above use to hide their own insecurities. He doesn't look down on someone who's young or old and doesn't care if they're flamboyant or reclusive. As for himself, he doesn't really know. He spends little time thinking about himself in the way of how and what, and asks more of the, who and why. Thus he defines himself as another wandering soul. Opinion would bring that since his temper is short, he is just like a kid and he would backlash by saying most of the murders he's seen and heard of were committed by adults. Were they too not angry? This back and forth goes on with phone conversations he has with his mother who is now remarried. She makes him think about a lot of things, but has failed to make him regret anything. She didn't truly know his struggle after all and thus didn't have the right to give him such a feeling.

As far as love is concerned, Axl has never and doubts that he ever will love a person. He imagines love as being a force that leads up to tears when the one you love dies. To this day, despite having seen a lot of people leave this world, Axl has been unable to shed a single tear. He did care for people though, but he imagined that any normal person would care enough to at least call for 911 after seeing a person bleeding on the street. Though, that's the extent of his outward kindness towards individuals and is only raised a little bit when it comes to friends and family. He even left his only living friend, if you could call him that, to grieve for a loss alone. This was for completely selfish reasons and may be the only action he regretted taking.

Overall, Axl is a detailed thinking. He also wants the details from someone and when he can't be given them he deems the person unfit to talk on the subject. He, himself won't even open his mouth up about a matter unless he is 100 percent sure that all his words were facts. Thus when he delves deep into questions of humanity, holes always come up, whether it be in peoples ways of thinking about creation, scientific or biblical, or when people try to make excuses for their actions. Thus Axl is an adamant user of phrases because I felt like, or didn't feel like it. It's also the reason when asked does he love anyone, he says no, not even about his own mother, though he lie to his mother if asked by her. It's because he doesn't fully understand the feeling that he doesn't know if he felt it or not. If it is a real feeling as strong as everyone says, then wouldn't he not sleep around? Wouldn't everyone not sleep around? Or remarry? Surely it was another word based up on false ideals.

There is one thing that he does know and he knows for certain. This anger inside. The rage he feels. It's more real than anything. It pushes him. Drives him. It's even the only reason he's still alive today. It's all he needs. All he wants, is to feed it what it wants and it's doubtful he'll stop getting out of bed in the morning until he is full.

Occupation- Vagabond/Hunter
Weapon of choice
usually three items. A knife, a huge custom made shot gun he keeps on his back at night, and a silver pistol he keeps inside his coat/shirt.

He grew up in Solace City, 25 miles from where the organization When he was a child he always had to take care of his family. His dad was always between jobs and beat him and his mother. One day when he was 15, a man came to him offering him away out of the darkness. He took it. A shot. AKA Soul injector. It brings out the power of your soul. His power was the of a lightning god. And thus he killed his father. No evidence was found.

What he didn't realize though, was that by taking the shot, he made a contract to participate in the game. He participated without question. They gave him money what did he care. He didn't once he got enough kills they made him a hunter for the organization to kill rapid souls. On top of doing this, he also show new members the ropes and gives them soul points. He likes the new batch that just came in so they get extra. Of course he's giving out his too. He suspects to left with 20 after this. No matter. He'll win them back......

At least, he thought he would. No, Axl never had the chance to participate and the 31st selection of the soul tournament. Usually having to take care of the rapid souls, with one bad move on his part, he allowed someone to get too powerful. Completely underestimating the persons soul form, he and a few hundred individuals were murdered as a result. Not just the participants had to die that day, but innocent bystanders, witnesses, and one of his partners. Axl himself, almost died as well, but thanks to Asher and the remaining combatants, the devil was put down. To this day Axl wonders how could someone's soul form cause the slaughter of close to half a thousand.

In intensive care, inside the HQ of the S.O.I, a government funded company that disguises itself by day as a chemical center bent on finding cures for long life diseases and the master hold of the all things to do with the soul tournament, he was given another serum injection and told that if he survived he'd be able to get even more than just a petty wish of death. As a surprise to most, both he and Axl survived, but as for himself, he couldn't tell what was different. He'd hope to get his eye that he lost back or even the powers he lost, but it seemed he'd have to make do without them. He suspected this new "second serum" to be dangerous in some way. It had to be. So he left the organization, thanking them for nothing and stopped using his powers until he was called back.

Same man, different company. Being recruited again and in such a way really rubbed Axl the wrong way. He knew the people behind the soul competitions didn't respect him or anyone, but to call him back like this. He's now determined to show that he's no puppet that can be pulled to perform any old action. He does what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants, even if it kills him. Even if without a doubt, it will kill him.

Soul form and human form
In his soul form, Axl takes the form of a tall man with sharp gold nails, a mask that resembles knights armor with bladed antennas, and bladed shoes that replace typically flat and normal feet.
His powers are increased speed that almost resembles teleportation to the naked eye, light manipulation which can also be compiled into a strike or blast, and having the ability to phase through the smallest of cracks, which he calls cracks in reality.
His soul form also manifest a dual bladed, double edged soul with a big ring that he uses as a source of his biggest attack or just a knuckle guard.

Authors guess on what his soul form now means: Axl's soul form seems to take all his anger and wrap a shell around it, just like he does, though because of the flames making the body inside the armor which can only be seen from the eyes, it's hard to tell. Wearing all white and gold may be telling of how he thinks of himself or sees himself. He may think he is all powerful, or that nothing can stop him. It could also just be a telling of something that not even he knows. White is the good, which he does see himself as, but gold represents greed or a god level of being. He may deep down consider himself the end all be all, which is dangerous for not only him, but the people around him.

However, the weapon he uses in his soul form can mean unity, since his hand guard is a fully connected circle. It could mean he's one with himself and is willing to be one with the people around him. The swords that come out of the circles says that he is willing to sacrifice unity for justice and the fact that one sword is bigger than the other are representations of the force he's willing to use and the force he has used in the past. It could also be because of his weapon choices in his human form. Once carrying a long guardless sword and now carrying a knife instead.
Reason why you accepted the "gift" and entered the tournament

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Battle theme. Anything you think is bad ass that compliments character
Asher Evans- Axl has a deep rooted respect for the man and is willing to do favors if asked, however, Axl keeps himself from making friends with him, going as far as to avoid him during days off, something which he recently just started doing. This isn't because of any change between the two's character, it's just that Axl doesn't like seeing a person and all their personalities that they express on their face, just to see them die and make one last face of death. He's rather fond of the man figuring that it's the same feeling he'd have if he had a brother and thus Asher is the only person to make him feel guilty. Not because of something he said or an argument, but because Axl knows deep down, it wasn't right to leave him all alone in Solace. Part of Axl's never again guarantees that if they were in the room of death together, he'd die before letting Asher die.
Elizabeth Sorrow- So far not much is known about her from his own encyclopedia of thoughts. He remembers sharing a glaring glance back in his teenage years of monitoring the tournament. He was always one to glare at the new and old meat, but her glare even made his own twitch. He never had the chance of fighter her in the tournament and doesn't regret it, because he knows for certain he couldn't beat her without actually trying to kill her. He questions to this day if he could even do so if he tried and settled on not having to find out a long time ago.
Burgers, smokes, booze, and silence
dislikes Sweet foods/treats, obnoxious people who feel the need to share their ideals, sheeople
good aim
can take a lot of pain and force himself through
Chronic smoker- Doesn't smoke chronic, just smokes a lot more than the average person.
Sometimes irrational
Anger problems that causes anxiety problems which causes adrenaline rushes that may in the future cause heart attacks
Doesn't open up to almost anyone
Flaws character wise
Axl isn't the type of person to be anyone's friend or best friend. He finds it hard to care about people because of examples of his past and examples he can make up in the form of what if scenarios. That isn't to say that he can't change because another flaw of his is that he's human. Thus always changing.He's also a little insensitive, though he does have a fatherly side to him.
"I may not be able to rewrite my story, but I can change the way I tell it from now on."

So begins...

Axl Nui Koi's Story