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Soul Searching



a part of Soul Searching, by hero-of-ages-vin.


hero-of-ages-vin holds sovereignty over Aithia, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Aithia is a part of Soul Searching.

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Ahdrim [2] "Some people are so quick to trust a priest. It's amusing....and perhaps a bit gratifying?" *blush*
Zephyr Crimson [2] "I will get her back! No matter what Valtre!"
Lenna Crimson [2] "I will not help you! My brother will come for me!"
Queen Valtre [2] "I will have what I want and nothing will stop me."
Aurora Cecelia Serah Beatrice Leer [0] She will die by my hand for him.
Virani [0] "Valtre WILL fall"

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Character Portrait: Queen Valtre Character Portrait: Zephyr Crimson
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The faint click of her heels could be heard as Valtre pased around her chamber. She liked the sound of the marble under her feet. She found it comforting. She knew they would be late. She knew where they were. She knew they had the girl but still Valtre was worried. He soul was fighting hard against her today and she was running out of energy. This girl was the only solution.

Valtre stopped suddenly, her men had arrived. She quickly left her chamber and climbed the tower steps to meet them. Inside the main entrance the men had laid the girl on the floor and were catching thier breathe when Valtre arrived. "You should have brought he straight up to my room! I need to keep her close if I am to benefit from her gift!" She shouted at the men. She moved closer to the girl and felt a great healing presents. Valtre allowed herself to exhale loudly. Her soul wasn't thrashing against her anymore. Everything in her felt at peace. "Now let's get little Lenna up to my room so I can find a way to keep her close." She said, her soul already calculating the best way to do this.


The wind pushed him forward as he raced towards the town of Bandock. How could he have not noticed? She had been gone for almost a week now and Zephyr had done nothing. She had gone out to visit a friend in Lilycove and said she would be back in four days. Zephyr had assumed she lost track of time or simpl stayed a few days extra but when he went to check on her, the place was in ruins and her friends were dead. He had immediatly head home to consolt his mother's divination book. She had always used to find him and his sister whenever they were children and he could use it now. That's when he found out. Queen Valtre had his sister and now he was alone. He wouldn't stand for it. He would get his sister back. He arrived in Bandock in huge whirlwind and went to gather supplies.


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Character Portrait: Ahdrim
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Ahdrim sat in a tavern, slowly sipping at a cup of ale as he waited. He hadn't been there long, and he knew his wait wouldn't be much longer. Scanning the astral plane, he could feel Zephyr's approach. The boy was in Bandock. It was only a matter of time before he came looking for a meal, and everyone recommended this place above all others.
Ahdrim sat back comfortably. He was in no hurry.


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#, as written by Belynta
Virani walked through the town and struggled not to curl her nose up in disgust, the place stank worse than a dung heap to her sensitive nose. Though not a large town by any means there were still far too many people for her liking and she longed to be back in the woodland. But she would never succeed in bringing Valtre down if she did not seek out new information and leads into the Queens comings and goings. Virani knew from experience that the best place to learn news was at the tavern and she headed there now. She gained a few curious looks as she passed, people noticing her leather armour or the almost unnatural grace she possessed when moving. Virani hardly noticed and when she did she paid it no mind. She was used to people staring and as long as they did no more than that she was fine. She had noticed several taverns in the town in the time she had been here but she had already tried the poorer taverns and had gleaned nothing so today she was going to try the more upmarket ones. Starting with the tavern that had the best reputation in town.

She pushed the heavy wooden door open and stepped inside automatically checking the room as she did so, noting any exits and where everyone stood or sat. She had not survived as long as she had by being cautious. She was in luck as the tavern was almost full at this time of day. She chose one of the few remaining empty tables, one where she had her back to the wall and settled down to watch and listen. With her enhanced hearing she could pick up all the conversations in the room and it was just a matter of listening for anything that sounded interesting. She made sure that she ordered an ale the next time a tavern wench passed so she did not look too out of place and settled back to listen.


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Character Portrait: Lenna Crimson
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It had all happen so fast. She had only gotten there. Ylanna was happy to see her. Her mother too. It had been so long since she had seen her. She remembered the men showing up. They yelled her name. Ylanna's mother said to hide. They killed her. It got foggy then, and cold. Screams and flames. Loud sounds and crashes. Then everything went black. It was cold. Lenna's eyes fluttered open and closed. Someone was yelling and she was cold. Where was she? Where was Zephyr?


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Character Portrait: Queen Valtre Character Portrait: Zephyr Crimson
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Zephyr sword clacked against him as he moved through Bandock. Everything he needed was in a pack hanging on his back. He decided to get something to eat from the tavern and say goodbye to his friend Crystal. The two of them had been friends for quite some time now and he couldn't leave without telling her what was going on.

Zephyr pushed down the dusty street, making his way with the townspeople. He spotted the tavern and pushed his way in causing the door the creak on its hinges. He saw Crystal at the bar tending to another customer. She turned to see who was at the door and smiled. Zephyr approached her quickly and sat down.
"Shall I get you the usual, hun?" Crystal asked.
Zephyer shook his head. "I need a good meal. I'm leaving and I'm not sure when I'm coming back."
Crystal frowned at him but quickly had the cook fixing something. She turned to Zephyr. "What's going on dear?" She asked obviously concerned
Zephyr gave a quick glace around trying to see if anyone was ease-dropping then he lowered his voice just below a whisper. "Lenna has been kidnapped by the Queen!"
Crystal looked him in shock. "What on Aithia could the Queen want with Lenna?" She asked using the same lowered voice.
Zephyr shook his head again. "I don't know but it's obvious she needs her for someting. I've decided to find Lenna and bring her back home no matter what."
Crystal nodded know she could never talk him out of it. "Please be careful and don't die!" She gave him a light kiss on the forhead and gave him his meal.


Valtre admired her souls handiwork. Now that it wasn't fighting against her at all, she had full control again. Lenna was held suspended inside a faint purple orb that would follow Valtre wherever she went. Valtre could even have the orb and the girl shrunk for convenience if need be without harm either one of them.

She wondered how her spy was doing. She had given them all the information that they needed to take care of the girl's noisance of a brother but she would just have to wait for that information to present itself. She looked at the girl and smiled a devilish smile. She gave the orb a prod and watched and the girl woke up from her slumber. "Good morning my dear."


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Character Portrait: Lenna Crimson
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Lenna opened her eyes. Everything was shaded with a dark purple color. She blinked and looked around. Where was she? How had she gotten there. She began to move but felt constrained within an orb. What?

"Good Morning My Dear." A voice said.

Lenna looked around until she was face to face with the woman to whom the voice belonged. Lenna gasped. It only took her a moment to figure out that the woman in front of her was the Queen.

"Queen Valtre. Where am i? Why have you brought me here?!" Lenna yelled trying to move towards her but only to be trapped again. She beat her fits against the orb. It was no use. She was trapped. Tears began rolling down her cheeks.

"Let me go!" She yelled.


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Character Portrait: Ahdrim
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Ahdrim glanced over at the young man who had just set down beside him.
"I couldn't help but overhear.." he indicated his pointed elven ears that betrayed his heightened senses.
"Mind if I join you? It so happens that I also have business with the queen, and you never know. A priest's blessing may do you good in your travels"
He smiled benignly as he straightened the priestly cross he wore about his neck.
"I am Ahdrim by the way."