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Alexandra Collins

"Shut up, Owen."

0 · 5,952 views · located in Beverly Hills, California

a character in “Summer Reunited”, as played by LaurenAFI


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"How often do you think we write our own ending before the story is even finished? How often do we give up on ourselves when our lives are just starting? Things get hard and we immediately back away and assume that means we’re going in the wrong direction, doing the wrong thing. If anything, when the waters get thick, that’s our sign to keep going."
— Rachel Van Dyken, Toxic


Alexandra Elizabeth Collins

Alexa {what she introduces herself as}
Lexi {friends/family}


June 13th


Has her own clothing line "Lex" available at PacSun

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Family Members:
Mother | Kristen "Kris" Collins | Age: 59 | Occupation: "Retired actress", TV personality, socialite
Father | Pierce Collins | Age: 59 | Occupation: Olympic gold medalist (track & field), CEO of Collins Aviation (company that sells aircraft supplies to executives and corporations)
Step-Mother | |
Brother | __ | Age:
Step-Sister | Tinashé Kachingwe | Age: 21 | Occupation: Singer. song-writer, former model, actress, dancer, producer, activist

Both of Alexa's parents had made names for themselves well before she was born. Her father , Pierce, won a gold medal at the 1976 Olympics and following that, became a household name due to endorsements. He was married twice before he met Kris, but never had children in either of the marriages. Kris was a child actor who retired when she was in her early thirties and began her career as a talk show host. When she met Pierce, they both knew that they wanted to have children and they ended up having a son and daughter together. Their fourteen-year marriage seemed stable, or at least little Lexi thought it to be, but in reality, Kris had been stepping out on Pierce for almost ten years of. At least she had been good at hiding it though. When Lexi was around ten years old, her father was caught having an affair with a married woman, who he would go on to marry.

The divorce really bothered Lexi, and still does today. It resulted in a nasty custody battle with animosity from both sides spewing into the tabloids. Although she had been accustomed to being photographed at movie premieres and events that she attended with her parents, this was the time when she fell onto the paparazzi's radar. She was still young at the time, so they were mostly stalking the family to get remarks out of her parents, but not being able to drive to the grocery store without twenty cameras in her face was a scary experience regardless of whether the questions they were shouting were directed at her or not.

The year-long custody battle ended with Pierce being awarded primary custody of her and her brother. It was an unusual decision since it's generally the mother who's given more leeway than the father, but Pierce and Kris came to an agreement where he would increase the amount of settlement money she would receive in exchange. For their own children's sake, mostly, they didn't want this being leaked to the media but as usual, the secret settlement found its way to the public. Old enough to use Google at this point, it didn't take long for Lexi to read the many articles on how Kris essentially gave up her motherhood for a few million dollars. It was devastating to the young girl, especially as she was approaching her teen years and needed that maternal figure.

Instead of blaming her own mother for it, or embracing the beautiful and renowned fashion-designer that her father had married, she blamed her new step-mother for it. She was the reason that her father had cheated. She was the reason that her parents divorced. She was the reason that her mother dedicated her attention to everyone and everything besides her. This was egged on by her own mother, too. Instead of stepping up to the plate and admitting that she too had been cheating and caused an equal amount of damage to the marriage, she refused to go out without a fight. When Lexi did stay with her, she never hesitated to share how much she despised her ex's her wife and make false promises that she would spend more time with her daughter and even return to court to get full custody of her. The vows were empty and after years of hoping that she could somehow have a normal relationship with her mother, she grew up and realized that it was never going to happen. Her mother wanted to live life in the fast lane and most of the time, Lexi was nothing more than a pawn for her to use to hurt her ex-husband. The way that she encouraged Alexandra to lash out at her father and step-mother wasn't because she truly thought them to be unsuitable parents, but because she wanted them to at least look worse than her.

Although she eventually realized this, by now, Alexa's relationship with her father and step-mother was already rough. She had grown from a bratty pre-teen to a rebellious and completely disobedient teenager who rarely followed direction and actually made an effort to do the opposite of what her parents wanted her to do. It didn't help that her step-sister, Tinashé, was also going through her own stage of rebellion and was a perfect role model for Lexi to learn from. For the first three or four years that they were living together, Lexi wanted nothing to do with the older girl and until she began to break free of her mother's influence, refused to acknowledge her as family. She saw the way that her dad embraced Shay as his own child and especially when she was feeling attention-deprived already from her mother, this only upset her more. If she was going to have to settle with having only one parent, she wasn't going to share him with anyone. However, as she got past the stage of temper tantrums and slamming doors and moved onto bigger things - partying, drinking, and the likes, she was able to not only capture her father's attention (even if it was a bad way), but also the media's.

She was probably around thirteen when she started drinking. It generally just occurred at home when her sister would be throwing a big party and she'd invite a couple of her little friends over to partake in the mischief with her. When she was fifteen, she began to get closer with her mother again, but in more of a friend-relationship than mother-daughter. The two made headlines for clubbing together and by age sixteen, TMZ had obtained photos of the two doing cocaine together in a New York nightclub. Pierce did his best to intervene and rein Alexandra in, but she wasn't interested. Not only had she developed a relationship with her mother, but people knew who she was and most importantly, she was having fun. While she relished in the attention, she didn't appreciate all of it. In the beginning, she didn't mind being followed to clubs by paparazzi if it meant that it would piss her father off, but as her behavior worsened, their presence only increased. Two car accidents (luckily, neither were DUI related), one arrest for underage possession of alcohol and a slew of older celebrity face forced her face onto most tabloid covers throughout her sixteenth year.

In a last-ditch effort to regain some control over his daughter, and remove her from her mother's influence too, Pierce sent Alexa to a rehabilitation center in a secluded area of Washington state for eight weeks directly following her seventeenth birthday. Although it was more of an emotional-counseling center than a drug and alcohol rehab, the goal was for her to return as a less impulsive and reckless teenager and one who wanted to do something positive with her life. She simply went through the motions, knowing that as long as she did, she could return home sooner. The experience definitely didn't change her behavior very noticeably, but did make her more aware of the path she was on. Upon returning home, she finished high school with a private tutor, spent two months in Europe and launched a small clothing line with the help of her step-mother. Although she's made a lot of positive process, she's getting bored and is considering returning to her old ways this summer.

Everyone has them. If there was one thing your character doesn't want anyone to find out about, what is it?

Positive Traits:
Independent, extroverted, gregarious, adventurous

Character Flaws:
Rebellious, selfish, irresponsible, moody

To those who know her, it's clear that Alexandra is an extrovert rather than an introvert. She's sociable, gregarious, adventurous and confident. Everyone has their insecurities but for the most part, at least physically, Alexandra is happy with how she looks. She savors selfies, photo shoots and and events where she can show off her appearance, and doesn't mind taking risks with her outfits and style. Her friends know her as a fun-loving and exciting girl who can't resist singing every song that comes on during car rides, and sneaking out at night to go to a party or just get In-N-Out. While she appreciates some of the finer things in life, she's simple at heart and something as simple as going to the beach with close friends can make her happy.

Her independence is something that has caused much controversy over the past few years. It's a positive trait in many aspects, since she isn't easily influenced by other people and has a strong willed personality. She doesn't mind setting new trends and standing out and is rarely a "follower" of a group. However, it can be argued that Alexandra wants to be independent more than she actually is, and that more than being independent, she's rebellious. If she doesn't want to do something, she's not going to do it, but if she's told to do something but someone of authority, she's going to do the complete opposite of what they say. It's passive aggressive, counterproductive and immature, but she's addicted to the attention and getting it in a negative fashion is the only way she really knows. She can't support herself financially and has no plans on going off to college or starting a career. Although she isn't going to be the girl who can be talked by a group of her peers into doing something, there are certain people in her life who have a big influence on her (ex. her mother) and her actions become less of her own when she's around them.

Her level of maturity depends on who you ask. When you look at the way she acts in public, you would imagine her to be a twenty-five-year-old. She's been crashing the club scene since she was sixteen, is an experienced alcohol user and even experiments with cocaine and ecstasy when it's given to her. If she's in the mood, she can have in-depth conversations with people and is well-spoken enough during interviews and such to come across as mature. The way she dresses has been a hot topic for people with nothing better to do, and overall, people tend to think that she acts too old for her age. She is only eighteen, though, which means she can be naive, reckless and immature. A lot of the "mature" things she does are done to spite her father or garner attention, both of which are more childish than they are mature. The media has painted a picture of her being the next Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton - the child who grew up too fast, with everything given to them, and will eventually take a painful spiral downward. They might not be wrong.

Vanilla cupcakes | Makeup | Bora Bora | Her car | Parties | In-N-Out | Disney Land | New York City | Miami | Concerts | Sunbathing | Dogs | Surprises | Candles | Gifts | Thunderstorms | Coachella | Massages | Buying new underwear | Italian ices | Hair dye | Fashion | Nighttime flights | Selfies

Paparazzi | Cigarettes | Snakes | Blood | Tabloids | Cats | School | School uniforms | Jelly | McDonalds | LA traffic | Frozen yogurt | Seagulls | Being told what to do | Going to the dentist | Taco Bell | Kids | Bugs | Orange juice

Going to the dentist: She's the type who needs to get sedated for something as simple as a routine cleaning
Cats: It's definitely more of a fear than just a simple dislike. She's probably not going to come over if she knows you have a cat.
Falling: She isn't necessarily scared of heights since she can fly without a problem, but she doesn't do well on ladders, cliffs, etc. where she has a chance of falling far.
The media: She's constantly a target for the tabloids and even though she tries not to ever comment on any of the bizarre rumors, it scares her that they are able to spread lies to so many people.

Her father insists that she go to college but Alexandra has no desire to go to school ever again. She doesn't know what she wants to do with her life really, but imagines that it will end up having to do with fashion or makeup.


120 lbs

Hair color:
Naturally a dark brown hue. She has been experimenting with her hair lately though, and is currently wearing it with an blonde-ombre look.

Eye color:
Brown, but she will rock blue color-contacts occasionally

Multiple ear piercings, no permanent tattoos (although she did nearly give her father a heart attack with this temporary tattoo)

So begins...

Alexandra Collins's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Colette Grace Rockefeller
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Colette indulged in a long draw from the blue substance in her glass, enjoying the way the little ice crystals were infused with the sweet fruity flavor and obvious alcohol. She had to clear her throat a bit and stir the drink in a bit more. No matter how much she loved New York and the ability to wear fall apparel, California won when it came to her favorite cocktails! Moaning in satisfaction, she did not comment or care about Carson ordering a beer. She did, however, reward him a half-hearted glare at him using Shay's nickname for her. "Don't get all sentimental on me, Koch. I'm just doing my girl a favor." She griped before taking another drink. The playful air around them seemed to be killed the second Ariana came into the vicinity and already, Colette could feel the evil aura seeping from her twin's pores.

Refraining from rolling her eyes, Colette just drank a bit more of her alcohol, knowing very well that she was trying Ariana's patience. Her sister was in too good of a mood at the moment, which only spelled trouble for Colette or anyone else who incurred Ariana's wrath, and honestly, Ariana knew how Colette felt about her. Especially at the moment given her earlier altercation with Shay and the Owen-situation that was not a situation. When she felt sated enough, Colette released the pink straw from her pink lips and turned to Ariana a rather bored expression. "When are we going to skip to the part where you really don't care that I'm here and we can stop pretending like you do?" She inquired dryly and plucked the cherry out of her beverage. Shaking the little piece of fruit on the stem idly, she added in the same tone. "Besides, false concern is definitely not becoming of you and I would think you would be all over your soul mate by now." Colette couldn't help that the word she used to refer to Owen came out with a bitter edge and turned her attention to the cherry, taking it between her teeth and snatching it off the stem.

In the midst of coming to the bar, she had not noticed Owen and Alexandra nearby. Or, if she had noticed, she had not found it in her to care enough. Whatever it was that set Owen on edge with his little sister depended on a plethora of things. Lex being too provocative? Alexa drinking? Honestly, it could have been anything really and she didn't want to care, opting to ignore the buzzing sensation of her phone. She didn't know that it was one of her old classmates inquiring about the two people she was trying to hook up. She just thought it was another annoying model trying to convince her that 0 was a size and that she should not have fired that last model. And she was also trying not to let Ariana get to her.


Tinashé let out a large breath once Colette had disappeared into the crowd and leaned against the back wall. As always when it came to her life, Colette was right. She was just always fucking right. No matter how much she wanted to ignore the facts, the truth of the matter was that she had to decide what she was going to do. She could either acknowledge that there was something going on between herself and Carson, or actually tell Alexandra that she was going to back off. Neither of those choices seemed easy in any way. It was terrifying to just walk up to Carson and just kiss him, especially now that Owen was there and could very well kill them both long before she could actually get her feelings or words across. At the same time, simply giving him up to Alexandra was too hard a task to swallow. So, her dilemma was set and she didn't even know what Oliver and Ariana had done yet.

The crowd obviously seemed like they were loving Jasmine, which was something Tinashé had been wanting for a long time. Jasmine Villegas had spent her entire life trying to appeal to a younger audience and she had grown up with the majority of her fans. While she tried to keep her lyrics and music relatable, she had failed to officially leave the kid scene and whenever she tried, it seemed like she was taking three steps back for every two steps forward she took. So, it was pride that filled Tinashé now as she listened to the R&B tracks she could hear her friend belting out to and dancing with. A few of Shay's dancers came backstage, and immediately she hugged her girls. Other than Rose, these had been the main females of her tour and she loved them.

They only talked for a few minutes with Shay deciding at the last minute that they weren't going to perform. She did an entire world tour and the girls had come along for the ride. She enjoyed the idea of dancing; it was her first love, after all. However, she thought she performed enough and damn it, she was on vacation! She was going to enjoy it! The girls had just left when Carson arrived, but Shay had her back turned, messing with the tablet Jasmine had left back there. Instead of messing with the blonde singer's social media sites, Shay entertained herself with a game of Temple Run, completely oblivious to Carson's presence. That was until she heard something hard landing on the hardwood table and whirled around to see her friend. Immediately, despite her earlier troubling thoughts, a small smile flitted across her face and she was about to greet him when suddenly he was there and there were large, warm hands on her waist, and then lips pressed against her own.

Warning! Warning! Pull back now! It was like an alarm going off in her head and she knew she should pull away because Owen was somewhere in the club and could pop up at any time, and Alexa was already probably plotting her murder, and...yet, Carson's lips moved against hers and suddenly her left hand was threading through the short strands of hair at the back of his head, pulling him closer. She shouldn't be pulling him closer. She should be pushing him away. Very far away. Very very far away, but she wasn't and damn it all, she didn't want to.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins
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Owen had officially won the most annoying person in the world award. First, he snatched her drink right from her hand, and then yanked her away from Carson like she was a rag doll. Alexandra was being inappropriate and she knew that. It was wrong to hold the night with Carson over his head and threaten to spill it if he didn't react the way she wanted. It was wrong for her to do that with Owen's best friend because even if he would also be appalled at Shay doing something like that, the age difference between her and Carson was steeper. She was more than five years younger than him and was at such a different point in life than he. While Carson and Shay had been friends before this week, Alexandra and Carson's relationship had never been anything real before her birthday night. He was just her brother's hot friend and she was Owen's annoying little sister. She couldn't accept that she was going to lose, though. Not when she was losing to Shay and not when she felt like she had invested too much of herself in Carson.

As Owen berated her, she began to realize that no, she wasn't really in love with Carson. Her eyes were focused on his figure rather than the raging brother in front of her, as she confirmed to herself that he was gorgeous, but she didn't love him. Not in a way that would constitute her chasing him for the rest of her life. They slept together and that was an accomplishment, but she didn't know him, and he had made it clear that he never wanted her to know him on that level. If she didn't already feel like Shay was trying to make a move on him, Alexandra honestly probably would have let the whole thing go. She would have told Owen to fuck off, spent the night drinking with Chris, and would never give Carson a second look again. There were plenty of other good looking guys who actually wanted her. Hell, two of them were living in her house this summer too! But the sheer fact that she felt like her sister was overstepping boundaries eliminated any sense of logic from her mind. Tinashé wasn't stupid. She knew that Alexa had slept with Carson, even if she had tried to backtrack yesterday after admitting to it. But that obviously didn't even slow the chemistry brewing between her sister and Carson, and the way she had caught Carson gazing at her on the stage in a trance only proved that further. If she couldn't have Carson, Shay couldn't have him either.

She let Owen continue his tirade and continued to allow her attention to drift. Now, it was to her phone, which had lit up with a text from one of her girlfriends.

From: Bri
OMG tell your sister I'm jealous!!

Attached to the text was a link to the gossip article, and Alexandra's mouth fell agape as her eyes locked in on the photo. It was dark and grainy, but her house's theater was impossible to be mistaken for any other place. And the two people snuggled up on the couch... oh, she knew who they were. This just got a lot more interesting, and Alexandra was seething. "Oh yeah? He's 'like a brother' to all of us, Owen? Well, I slept with him when I stayed the night at his place, so he's a pretty fucked up brother, if you ask me," she shot back, her voice just as outraged as his. Luckily, the club music was loud enough to draw little attention to them, but the way she yanked her arm from him was less subtle. She wasn't going to bring up the post about Shay yet because she didn't think she needed to. Owen would find out soon enough on his own, and even if she was taking a fall for admitting to the night herself, she was sure Shay would be in just as much of a predicament when he did see the post.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Colette Grace Rockefeller
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Owen was too caught up in his rant to notice Alexandra's blatant distraction in her phone but when he stopped talking and she looked up and opened her mouth... for once, he was speechless. Even Owen wasn't blissfully ignorant enough to brush what she had just said off as a lie. "I slept with him when I stayed the night at his place." The words played on a loop in his head for a good ten seconds and he had to clench his fists just to resist knocking out a club patron who drunkenly pushed past him. The testosterone and adrenaline in his body were at a point of an overload and if this were a cartoon, by now there would be smoke coming out of his ears. "He's fucking dead," Owen said at a tone that was barely audible, especially with the upbeat song that had just begun.

He was in autopilot mode as he regained his grip on Alexandra's arm and sharply pulled her towards Ariana and Colette who were standing a few feet away. "Put her in Shay's car, okay? She's leaving and I'll be out in a minute." There was no time for explanations or even a smile or gentler tone as his eyes passed by Ariana. Owen was seeing red and if he didn't get to Carson soon, he was going to snap on someone else.

The next few minutes were a blur to Owen. There were blinking strobe lights, laughing girls, bumping against bare arms sticky with sweat from dancing, and half of a red alcoholic drink that managed to spill on him in the midst of shoving through the crowd, and a bouncer that informed him that his sister was still backstage. In his head, all he could think was that he was going to kill Carson. He wanted to kill him once for even thinking of his baby sister in such a way, and then ten times more for actually sleeping with her. He had went from being Owen's best friend and right hand man to the enemy that he needed to destroy. After growing up with his crazy mother, Owen had learned that it was only he and Pierce who were ever going to have Lex's best interests at heart. With Pierce being busy with work and his new wife, Owen had taken it upon himself to be the mother, older brother and father that their dad couldn't always be. He had scared off tens of immature, bad-willed boys who tried to get with Alexandra but he never would have thought that it was his own best friend who was going to corrupt her like that.

It was like Carson was asking for a death wish, because when Owen found him back stage, it was perfectly clear that Alexandra wasn't the only sister he had eyes for. His lips were locked on Tinashé's and Owen couldn't control himself anymore. He shoved Carson off of Shay and without giving him a moment to react, his fist rattled against the left side of Carson's face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Colette Grace Rockefeller
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Owen clearly hadn't had enough of the fighting yet, because as soon as Shay responded, he turned on his heels and was back for more. "A mistake?! Fucking the freshly eighteen-year-old sister of your best friend is what you call a mistake?! Me keeping that New Years Eve party you threw back when we were in high school a secret from our parents was a mistake. Letting Lex go to that Kanye concert in Manhattan with her friends was a mistake. But this? This isn't a fucking mistake! Even if I did want to believe that what happened with Lex was a mistake, which it definitely was not, what the fuck was just going on here? He was about to do it again, round two, and he thought he could fucking get away with it too, Shay." When his rant was over and enough of his anger was expelled at Carson, he realized what she had admitted a moment earlier. She knew about this all along! Even worse, she was still willing to make out with Carson after knowing it! At that point, Owen didn't know who to channel his anger at and again, he could feel his blood boiling. "You knew about this?! You knew that this creep was staying in our house all along and you didn't even tell me? I don't give a fuck who she came to first! We both know that I raised our sister and yeah, it is my fucking business when it's my best friend who's in her pants." His anger with Shay was different than that of with Carson, but either way, he felt betrayed. Not only was she just as bad as Lex for clearly having a thing for Carson (which he was aware was unfair of him to have a problem with), but she knew about what he did to Alexandra and didn't think it was "his business".

He shook his head, allowing his hands to fall to his side as he let out a sardonic chuckle. "I can't fucking believe this. The two people who I thought I could trust... and then this..." He continued a few steps down the path he had started on before Shay's response. "You know what, you two have fun together. Go run off to Vegas and get knocked up. We can throw you and Lex a joint baby shower and it'll be a great fucking time, right, Shay?" This time, he really was leaving. His head was clouded with rage just as much as it had been when he first walked back there, but he exited with a joker-like smile on his face. Unless he was going to release his aggression on Carson, or God forbid Shay, he needed to tell himself that this was a joke. His friendship with Carson had been a joke. His sibling bond with Shay had been a joke. All of it.

His pace was much slower now than it had been when he was looking for Shay. He tried to calm himself down, knowing that having this much rage inside him was not going to mix well with seeing Lex after all of this. When he spotted the trio of girls by the front door, he tried to take a few deep breaths before approaching them. Even if he couldn't shake what had just happened from his thoughts, he didn't want to snap on Ariana. That was the only relationship that he had left standing at this point and he would be damned if he let that go. "I'm taking Lex home. Do you two want to come, or are you staying here?" The tension in Owen's voice was apparent even as he tried to suppress it. He refused to look at Alexandra and surprisingly to himself, he refused to meet Colette's gaze either. It was one of the first times that he was actually seeing her all summer and he felt... guilty that it was in this setting, at this time.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Colette Grace Rockefeller
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Ariana had to roll her eyes at Colette's response. Feigned concern might not have suited Ari, but the bitter energy that her twin constantly exerted wasn't very becoming of her either. She gave her Manhattan a slight stir before sipping it. "You might be right, Coll. Maybe it's time for you to try to act concerned about something other than a pretty dress now and again. You're lucky Mom and Dad didn't see you last night in the state you were in." Her tone was less cheerful than before, but not chastising. Colette would know merely by the words spoken then and many times before that Ariana found her to be irresponsible and careless. The drinking was a main part of it. Colette definitely went overboard with the drinks far more frequently than anyone else that Ariana knew, but it went beyond that. In a similar situation to Owen's, Ariana felt like the pressure of her family's reputation had been placed onto her shoulders. Maybe in her case, she had taken it on more than he, since she was the one actively trying to make herself look better than her siblings, but still. It was tiring to be the one who always had to make good impressions on important friends of her parents while Miss Alcoholic and Mr. Raging Hormones had fun elsewhere.

When her sister brought up Owen, a smile pulled at her lips. She really didn't mean for it to look as menacing as it did, but Colette's unfiltered expressiveness just egged Ariana on too much. Even though she had grown to have more feelings for Owen than she expected, she could never forget that one-upping Colette was the root of their entire relationship. Clearly, she had won yet another battle against her less competent sister. She paused to sip at her drink one more and before she could relay Owen's location to Colette, he was making an appearance of his own. He was dragging Lex with him though, in a manner rough enough for Ariana to raise an eyebrow. She knew that their sibling relationship was far more externally explosive than that of hers with Collie or Chris, and she rarely interjected when he berated Lex verbally but he didn't like to see her pushed towards them like a doll. She wrapped an arm around Alexandra when Owen tossed her towards them, and wanted to condemn the treatment until her eyes fell upon Owen's and she realized that he wasn't just his normal pissed self. He was angry and something told Ariana that it wasn't just him reading the post about Shay and Carson. Why would he be so angry with Alexandra if it was only that?

He requested that they bring Lex to Shay's car and stormed off before Ariana could ask him what was wrong. Her worried glance towards Colette was completely genuine, though she already doubted that infamously-selfish Colette would care about anyone's problems but her own. She set her drink down on the bar top, grabbed Lex's wrist in one hand and Colette's in the other. After Alexandra's attitude in the bathroom, Ariana was unsure if she was going to be able to get whatever just happened out of her, and she thought that the younger girl liked Colette as well. Certainly not as much as she liked Ari, but maybe enough to get her talking. She didn't even give Colette a chance to slip away before starting towards the entrance of the club. "What happened, Alexa?" she questioned as they reached the front door. She waved down one of the valet guys and requested Shay's car, silently nodding towards the distraught teenager who they knew to be her sister. She looked over at Colette as she waited for a response, hoping that her sister could come in handy for once and let her know what had just went down.

A few minutes later, when Owen appeared, Ariana wasn't sure what she wanted to do. She didn't want to go back to his place at all. She was still set on spending her summer in Huntington Beach, with or without him. He still looked irate and she did not feel like spending the rest of the night listening to him verbally assault Lex, or Lex scream and throw a tantrum either. At the same time, was she really going to abandon Owen, her boyfriend, and give Colette a chance to step in and regain the girlfriend spot that had rightfully been hers? No, Colette couldn't replace her. If she could have, it would have happened months ago. Besides, Owen was still technically in the dog house for taking so long to chase after her after Shay grilled her. "I have to be up earlier tomorrow for a meeting near Huntington, so I'm just going to take a car back there tonight." The look on Owen's face left her hesitant to publicly inquire about what the hell had just happened, especially with Alexa only a few feet away. In this light, she couldn't make out the bruised and swollen look on his knuckles, but the sweat glistening on his forehead suggested that something physical had occurred. Again, for a reason she was unsure of, she shot Colette a worried glance.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Christopher Rockefeller Character Portrait: Colette Grace Rockefeller
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It had definitely been the wrong thing to say. On every level in the world, admitting that she had known about Alexandra and Carson when Owen looked close enough to murder was definitely the last thing that should have escaped her mouth. Yet and still, it had and even her brave front was not enough of a defense for the tirade Owen practically leapt in only seconds after the words had left her mouth. Shay was impulsive, yes. That much was clear. But even she had to curse her own impulsivity and need to say anything because the look on Owen's face spoke more than the words that followed. And it was only after she had flinched away from him did they actually sink in.

And oh, they sunk in! Combined with his outrage towards for her having known about what went down between his best friend and their little sister was a disappointment and...was that disgust? Aimed at her? Tinashé swallowed back a large lump of unwanted emotion when Owen chuckled. She did not like that sound. She did not like him being as disappointed in her as he seemed. She didn't like the way she could feel her body almost shaking. This was worse than when she had snapped at him earlier and cried. This was worse when he had blown up on her for even throwing the party he had referenced. This was worse than any moment she could recall Owen being upset with her because she had never felt so much disgust from her big brother. Suddenly, Shay wasn't the big, tough bad girl who had a penchant for singing. She wasn't the tough girl who shot back whatever anyone else tossed at her. No, she was that same teenager who thought someone she had come to see as family hated her and it was hitting her that this time, Owen wouldn't turn back around to convince her otherwise. She hadn't even realized that the tears had glassed over her eyes until a lone droplet fell onto her cheek and Shay quickly swiped it away, still visibly shaking.

Get knocked up? Really? Was that what this looked like? That she was just as much of a slut as a few of the gossip-spreading blogs and holier-than-thou critics said? It reminded her of when Lacey from Buckley had said that the only good her music career would bring her was two kids, a deadbeat dad, and a welfare check. It reminded her that she had taken a lot of criticism and sardonic humor before. Had shoved it to the recesses of her mind or shrugged it off because no one could affect her. She had hardened herself too much to be broken down by a few words of criticism. But this wasn't from some overweight asshole who still kept their Star Wars poster in their room and lived in their parents' basement because they were too pathetic to do anything more than gossip about the people who had the lives they wanted. No, this had been said by Owen and on a good day, she would have slapped him or told him off. But he was gone and she was left, frozen with the icy heat of his stare and the bitter droplets of words she never thought he would say.

"...are you okay?" She said, blinking back the tears she did not want to shed before she turned to Carson again. Looking at him, all she could feel was guilt. She should have pushed him away. She should have done what Owen had asked her to do. She should have pretended. She should have pretended that she could tolerate Ariana. She should have pretended like this was going to be the best summer of their lives. She should have continued pretending that she didn't feel a thing for Carson and shoved whatever it was as deep inside of her core as she could. Because now she had ruined everything and Owen hated her. Despondently, she grabbed her jacket and phone from Carson, not even acknowledging the drink or even the eye contact he was probably trying to make. "We out of here. I a cab." Making that decision and refusing to touch him again for a random wave of paranoia that Owen might actually run back to them just because he could sense them touching, she refrained from getting anywhere near Carson and heading back out into the club. She was walking blindly and she wasn't reaching for her phone at all. She wasn't dialing a number. All she was doing was shoving past people and before she knew it, she was standing in front of Chris and some blonde, and suddenly, there were tears falling and she didn't care who saw them. She didn't care that Chris was about to get laid or that the others had left him in their haste. Go run off to Vegas and get knocked up. All she could hear was Owen's voice in her head - hard, angry and disgusted - and the tears ran faster. "I fucked up. I fucked up really bad and he hates me." She didn't clarify who hated her, she just needed one of her best friends.


Colette couldn't even fight the impulse to roll her eyes the second she heard the judgmental tone in her twin's voice. Was there a name for killing one's sibling? One's twin? Twinicide, or something like that? There had to be because she did not know if she could deal with an eternity of Ariana breathing down her neck over every little thing she did and did not do. It still bothered her, probably just as much as it bothered Chris, that Ariana decided to take it upon herself to be the perfect one and then have the audacity to judge the two of them for what they did. What could they do? They wanted something, Ariana went for it. They worked for it, she worked harder. There was no end and the fact that Ariana sought to criticize Colette's line of work - the only good thing she had that her twin had not tarnished or snatched away - had her drinking her Blue Hawaii until she heard the loud, hard sound of her sucking air through the straw. She had just been about to order a shot of really anything when suddenly, Owen was there and Alexandra was being shoved towards them. Her eyes immediately went to Owen's and she followed his line of direction keenly, noting that he was headed in Shay's direction. "Oh shit..." Colette mumbled under her breath and was ready to grab her purse and leave. However, Ariana suddenly had a tight grip on her wrist and seemed unwilling to release her.

Colette would have shouted some exclamation at her sister had she not caught the actual - wait, was Ariana actually worried? The Ice Queen - practically Elsa's twin sister - was worried? It was enough to render Colette speechless and immobile, allowing for Ariana to pull both her and Alexandra to the door like Owen had requested. Still in a flurry of confusion and concern because she realized where Owen was going, Colette pulled out her phone. She had hoped there would be a message from Shay. She would never imagine Alexandra actually telling on herself to Owen and Colette bit her lip because she had just sent Carson back there to make moves on Shay and - god have mercy! This was not good. However, it wasn't a message from Shay that made her hold her breath. One of her fellow models and the friend she brought with her to Shay's concert in Paris had forwarded her the post about Carson and Shay. A post that had been made ten minutes ago! "This is bad. This is really really bad," she said more to herself when they reached outside. Ariana was still trying to coax something out of Alexandra, but Colette's eyes were suddenly narrowing on her sister.

This had to be Ariana's doing! There was no way in hell Shay and Carson where an item yet. She had been watching them dance on that fine line for nearly a year! Probably longer, if she really wanted to stay and think about it. And now...oh God, and Owen was on his way back to them. She didn't know if Ariana had posted anything; no one knew the owner of the site. But still, like all bad things that happened to those around her, especially after Shay had pissed Ariana off, Colette concluded that it was her sister's fault. She didn't even acknowledge Owen at first when he came outside, glaring at Ariana even when her sister cast her another concerned stare. You are going to pay for this, was all she could think, as if Ariana could somehow read her thoughts. Ready to return to her friend and the club and whatever scene Owen had left behind him, Colette swiftly turned her gaze upon the brooding male, noting the harsh tick in his jaw and the fact that he wouldn't look at her. So, she let her eyes rove over him, not caring what Ariana thought she was doing. She wasn't checking Owen out. She just needed to find something - anything. And then her eyes landed on the knuckles of his right hand - swollen and purpling just a bit. She didn't need to ask what had happened.

"Oh my God, what did you do?" She asked, feeling more appalled and overwhelmed by the minute. There was no way in hell Owen could have hit Carson, right? His best friend in the entire world? Yet and still, Owen's current countenance and the swelling of his knuckles pointed her in that direction. Colette didn't wait for her sister to say anything or for Owen to say another word. She harshly snatched away from Ariana with a force she didn't even know she had, growling at Owen, "I'll find my own way back." She didn't know what had fully had happened, but she knew she needed to find Shay soon. Not sparing the trio another glance, Colette forced her back into the club in search of either Shay, Carson, or even both.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Colette Grace Rockefeller
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Alexandra rarely feared Owen. She was so used to being shouted out and demeaned that even his public condemnation didn't phase her too much. When she confessed to sleeping with Carson, his entire aura changed in the blink of an eye, though. He grabbed her arm harder than she ever remembered him doing, and pulled her towards the bar, where he promptly shoved her towards Colette and Ariana. Alexandra physically fought with Owen frequently. It was more recurrent when she was younger and she could bite and kick and punch him with very few repercussions, especially when their mother was involved. Even recently, she never hesitated to shove him out of her way if he was trying to block her from leaving the house or accessing alcohol, and yeah, he would return the aggression sometimes, but it was never enough to really hurt her. It was normally just too tight of a grip on her wrist when she wouldn't willingly do something he wanted, and it was almost always justified by her unruly behavior. This was too different though, and it had Alexa biting her lip as she looked back at her brother with fear in her eyes. It began with fear for herself. He was really angry and she was the one who had made him that angry. However, he told Ariana and Colette to bring her to the car and that he would meet them there in a minute. Before anyone could intervene, he left, and her fear for herself turned into fear for Carson. If Owen was angry enough to shove her with an unnecessary force, there was no telling what state he would leave Carson in.

It wasn't like texting Carson would have helped since he had blocked her number, but she didn't even have time to do that. Ariana followed her brother's direction and led her and Colette towards the front of the club. By the time they reached the front door and Ariana instructed a valet driver to pull Shay's car up, Alexandra was crying. She was scared for herself. Her summer was definitely ruined. There was no way Owen would ever let her out of the house again and of course as soon as their father heard, he would agree. Alexandra wasn't even considering pulling their mother into this. Owen's fury seemed strong enough that not even their mother's influence would break it, and Lex didn't want to test it. She was scared for Carson, too. Not because she was still convinced that she loved him, but just out of general concern. And then there was Shay, who apparently really did have a thing for Carson, as made apparent by that post, and who would be feeling Owen's wrath ten times harder than she originally would have when Owen found out and her and Carson too. It would have been bad enough for Owen to hear that Carson had a thing for Tinashé, who was old and mature enough to arguably have a real relationship with him. Now, Lex had set the idea into Owen's head that Carson was just another scumbag looking to sleep with his sisters behind his back, and she doubted he could ever trust Shay's relationship with Carson after that. Not like she really care for Shay's sake. She still was the boyfriend-stealing bitch that she had described to Ariana, but she had to feel bad that Shay was going to experience the same wrath that she had just gotten a taste of.

"I don't know!" was all she could that she could manage to sob through her tears when Ariana tried to get an explanation for Owen's behavior. She didn't want to admit to being the cause of all of this, even if everyone would find out sooner than later. Instead, as soon as she spotted the truck pulling up outside of the club, she pushed past Ariana and Colette and out the door. Her hands instantly reached to cover her face as the swarm of paparazzi began snapping away, quickly noticing her distraught expression and shouting questions that she had no intentions of answering. Thankfully, one of the bouncers stepped forward and helped lead her to the car without her tear-filled eyes or hand-covered face causing her to trip before sliding behind the protection of the tinted windows. Her tears fell faster than they had in the club and she didn't bother to swipe at her wet cheeks or running nose now that there was no one around. In a fit of impulse and anger, she texted Shay. It was a move that she had enough sense to regret a minute after the message was delivered, but there was no way to take it back.

To: Shay
I hope he was worth it slut

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Colette Grace Rockefeller
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Colette's exclamation drew attention to Owen's hand which she then noticed too, was swollen and unnaturally colored. She was thinking the same thing as her twin. There was no way that Owen and Carson could have gotten into a fist fight. They were best friends. Ariana had told Owen to release the article to screw Shay over. She knew Carson would get some heat from it too, but she didn't want it to end this way. On the positive side, at least it looked like Owen came out on top of the fight since his face looked unscathed, but she didn't want Carson hurt any more than she wanted Owen hurt. This was bad, and after Alexa was no help in figuring out the source of this, she was desperately hoping that the fight had started over something other than the photo Oliver posted. Ariana had enough of a conscious to know that this was not the results she was looking for with that post.

When Colette abandoned her, Ariana decided that she couldn't stay. She had no desire to spend the night with Owen after it seemed likely that he was in a very rare violent mood, but she couldn't leave Alexandra with him to take his wrath alone, and she really was starting to worry that the post had spurred all of this. "Forget it, I'll come," she said, glaring back at the path that Colette had disappeared down. Alexandra had run out of the club a moment before, and Ariana decided that there was no point in waiting any longer. Not like she knew it then, but Carson was on his way out too and the last thing that any of them needed was for him to get to the front door before Owen was out of the building.

She was hesitant to even touch Owen at first. He seemed calmer than when he had first thrown Lex at them, but she didn't know what had really just went down and was beginning to doubt whether she actually wanted to know. When the sound of shouting paparazzi caught Ariana's attention, she knew there was no better time than now to go. She grabbed Owen's good hand and led him outside. She was beginning to wish that she had worn a jacket over the black mini dress, not only because the temperature had dropped a few degrees in the last few hours, and because the birage of flashing lights left her blinded as a bouncer cleared a path for them to get to the bar. Ariana didn't have time to consider getting into the back with Alexandra before the passenger door was opened for her and she slid in. A quick glance towards the back row showed that Alexandra was not happy and a sideways glance to Owen showed the same thing. "What the hell happened in there?!" she exclaimed, unsure of who to expect a response from first. Regardless of who answered, she couldn't keep her attention away from Owen's injured hand and the guilt that came with it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Oliver McKagan
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The tears seemed unwilling to follow through with Shay's requests for them to stop falling and she allowed herself to be pulled against Christopher, clinging to her best friend. Any other day she would have denied this happened, but today was not that day. Not when Owen probably wanted nothing to do with her, she didn't know where she stood with Carson (even though she was technically the one who had walked away), and she genuinely wanted - no, needed - to escape. Obediently and without falter, she began to talk to Chris. "Lex slept with Carson, and they both don't really know if it happened, I don't even know...but now Owen knows and I kissed Carson and Owen wants to kill him and now Owen hates me and he thinks I'm gonna get knocked up in Vegas and I'm gonna have a joint baby shower with Lex..." Tinashé didn't know if Chris could actually understand the entire story from what she gave him, but she didn't want to talk anymore. She just wanted to go somewhere safe. She wanted the music to stop and the lights to stop flashing and she wanted the people to just go away. She needed to get out of the club, at least before she wound up snapping at someone who didn't deserve it. Or worse.

It was almost as if the gods or whoever was up there was on some kind of mercy trip because Colette had finally pushed through the throng of still grinding people, shoving disgustedly at a couple that had made her their wall to shove their tongues down one another's throats and grope at each other. Glaring disdainfully at the redhead because she seemed to have an attitude, Colette had half the mind to make a retort, but Chris and Shay were spotted from the corners of her eyes. She cast the nameless skank another glare before approaching the duo, immediately taking in Shay's tear-streaked face and the absence of Carson. "Wh-where's Carson?" She asked and pulled Shay to her, noting how pliant her best friend was to her wishes. Shay was never this pliant. Tinashé shook her head as a fresh stream of tears erupted from her eyes. "I don't know...I left him...I don't know..." She felt guilty, another thing to weigh on her mind, that she had left Carson alone. He had just gotten punched by his best friend, someone he had thought was his brother, and she had abandoned him. What else was she going to fuck up in!? Colette just stared at her best friend for a moment, pensive and concerned. She didn't like this and she had half the mind to go find Owen before he left so he could see the damage he left behind. Still, they needed to get out of the club. She had seen paparazzi gathering and it was only a matter of time before they brought up the post.

"Alright," she began, ready to take charge and get her group out of here. She looked over Chris and Shay, absentmindedly thinking that she could use another drink. Matter of fact, before the night was over, she neded a few in her system because all of this was crazy. "Alright, we need to get out of here. Where's...? Her mind trailed off on the thought of one of the other guests...Carson's brother, right? Shay let out what seemed to be a whimper and a snort of amusement before answering, "Oliver." Offering her friend a brief smile, Colette turned her gaze to Chris, "Alright, Chris, go find him and..." Feeling her phone vibrate, she saw two messages. One from her typical driver and another from Carson. She chanced a look at Shay's face before going back to his message, her frown deepening. "We're going to go out to the car. Hurry up." Grabbing a hold of Tinashé, Colette dragged the singer behind her, this time more impatient with the crowd. This was why she preferred bars to clubs; less people.

It was hard not to interact with the paparazzi when the girls emerged from the club. Colette had made Shay wipe her face and lean against her more, a sign of the typical Tinashé at a party. Smashed and in need of a bed. It was a bit early for a sign such as that, but Colette didn't even have to argue. Shay was literally submissive to whatever demand she made. It made her all the more upset with Owen and all the more ready to tear the Collins' house apart. They asked several questions. "Will Tinashé confirm the rumors that she's dating Carson Koch? How long have they really been together? Do they see a future together? How does the family feel?" All questions that were none of anyone's business and Colette had half the mind to snap that when one reporter pushed a microphone in Shay's face. Luckily, Richard had just pulled up with the town car and after a show of having to heave Shay into the car, Colette slid into the backseat with her. Shay leaned against the far side of the vehicle, face pressed against the glass. In that time, Colette had begun to type out her own text messages. She didn't even know when Shay had moved to look at her own.

To: Carson
Oh, I have a few choice words to say to Owen. Look, Shay's not looking too good and I don't think it would be good to have her in that house. Can we drop her off with you? At least until tonight?

To: Owen
You and me? We're having words. Just wait

To: Ariana
I swear, if you had anything to do with this, and this isn't drunk me talking, Ariana. This is bad. This is really bad and I swear if this is your fault...

To: Chris
Hurry up before I actually lose my patience with the paparazzi. Someone posted that Shay and Carson are together and they won't leave the car alone.

Tinashé, idly glancing at her phone, fell upon the most recent text messages. No scathing last-minute I-hate-you's from Owen, but there was one from Alexandra that caused her blood to freeze. Typically, when Shay and Alexa argued, Shay snapped back at her little sister. Alexa could slam her door in Shay's face and Shay would still bang on the door and yell back at her. They could ignore each other. They could pretend that the other didn't exist. It would take them a few days or so, but eventually, they would go back to normal. This...this was new. Instead of feeling the pain from earlier when it felt like Alexandra had sided with Ariana, there was anger. Perhaps it was unfair - perhaps beneath the tears and the hurt from what Owen had said, there was an anger for him too - and she was projecting it on Alexandra. But at that point, after a night like the one she had - no, after the day like the one she had, she was through with her sister. She had said it earlier in the day like she had always done. But not this time. Which prompted her to send a message to Alexa followed by a response to Carson, who she decided was one of the few people in the situation she cared about. It was telling of her mood because Shay, who used as many short ways to say words in messages as she could, spelled out every word she had to say to her sister.

To: Alexa
Fuck you. At least I'm not the slut who lost my virginity and can't even remember. I can't believe you're actually mad at me. When your ass gets drunk ass shit and you need a ride home? I drive you. When you are getting hounded on by Owen for even living? I come to your rescue. When you ask me to keep something from him? I keep it. And you're seriously pissed over a guy that never wanted you? And I'm the slut? Fuck you, Lex. You're mad at me, be that way. Lose my fucking number. I don't care.

To: Carson
No, this is my fault. I just can't with this family. I don't even know where I stand anymore and I don't wanna see either of them right now. And I'm so sorry

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Owen Collins
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When Colette's eyes flickered between his swollen hand and his face with a look of utter disgust, Owen started to feel the most genuine guilt that he had felt all night. It wasn't specifically for punching Carson, it wasn't for berating Shay for keeping the Lex/Carson thing a secret, and it definitely wasn't for the future altercation he planned on having with Alexandra, but for knowing that he had just caused a problem in the group. Tension from the Ariana and Tinashé fight hadn't even simmered down, and now there was a new issue at hand which was already proving to be much more explosive than the former. Gazing down at his hand, noticing the small tears on three of his knuckles that were stained with dry blood, he tried to reassure himself that this wasn't his fault. Maybe he could have acted more rationally, but Carson had started this. He fucked his baby sister and tried to do the same with his other. Was there any real rational way to respond to a betrayal like that? No, there wasn't. Owen was sure of it. If anything, he had restrained himself compared to what he wanted to do! Once Colette got the real story, the full story and not just the half that Shay would feed her, she would see that too.

Alexandra was in luck because Ariana decided to come back to the house with him after all. He had promised Shay that he was going to ask her to leave the house for good, but at the moment, he couldn't give a fuck about what his sister wanted. He felt like he had spent his youth looking out for her, and then she turned around and thanked him by hiding something like this from him! For how long, Owen still didn't know. It could have been the entire month since it happened that she was allowing him to think that Carson was actually his friend. The thought made Owen feel sick, and combined with the unrelenting lights and prying questions, he could feel his anger picking up again. He hated it, because this monster wasn't him, but when it took him over, it was just too hard to shut down.

He slammed the driver's side door behind him as he got into the Tahoe, not even sparing the valet a look as he tossed a handful of bills at him. It was only when they had fully escaped the swarm of cameraman that he looked over at Ariana who, moments before, had asked what happened, and then in the rear view mirror at his sniffling sister. Tonight, he had no sympathy for her. Not even the tear-stained face or the weeping puppy-dog eyes would incline him to go easy on her. Carson was in the wrong, that was for sure, but he could blame Alexandra just as much for it. She had obviously felt mature enough to sleep with someone five years her senior. She could be mature enough now to deal with the consequences of it. "Go on, Lex. Tell her. Tell her about how you fucked Carson and were trying to do it again right in front of my fucking face. Tell her about how you told Shay, but the two of you didn't think that I needed to know, when the guy you fucking slept with has been my best friend before either of you even existed in my life!" He was shouting again, and his anger was being reflected in his driving too, as he slammed on the horn when it took the car in front of him longer than two seconds to move after the red light turned green.

Alexandra didn't answer. Good. There was nothing she could say, but Owen wasn't finished yet. "Oh, don't cry about it now, Lex. We're all getting sick and tired of this bullshit you pull, where you do whatever the fuck you want regardless of how it's going to affect everyone else, and then turn on the waterworks right-" He was cut off by Ariana, who, in his fit of rage, he had forgotten was even sitting next to him. "Would you stop yelling at her?!" She had never seen him this angry, and he didn't think he had ever heard her snap at anyone like that. There were times when he would overhear her barking at some inept assistant over the phone, but aside from that, Ariana always seemed to keep her cool. She would be nasty to people, that was for sure, but it was always accompanied by an icy smile. As he glanced towards her, his eyebrows inadvertently raising with surprise, he couldn't find any hint of comfort. "We get it, Owen! Everyone in LA gets it. You think you own your sisters and you can't deal with the fact that they don't want your 'help' half as much as you want to give it. She made a mistake and she obviously knows it, so would you just give it a rest for tonight?" Owen had no idea where that had come from. Wasn't Ariana supposed to be on his side? Not taking the side of Lex, and what...? Maybe even Tinashé?! It was enough to silence him, though he couldn't resist shaking his head a few times in a mixture of disbelief and at what he felt were dramatic sounds of sadness coming from the back seat.

It felt like forever, but it was no more than fifteen minutes after they left Greystone that they were in front of the Collins' estate. Owen parked the car on the driveway closest to the front door, and waved off the staff member who approached, probably with intentions of pulling Shay's car into the driveway. "I'll be in in a minute," he grumbled, his eyes set straight ahead as he waited for the girls to get out. He definitely needed a few minutes alone to compose himself before going in there, especially after seeing Colette's text message. He was definitely digging his own grave, but this was the lowest thing that Carson could have done to him and no one seemed to comprehend that

To: Colette
It's fine you can agree with everyone else that there's no problem with my best friend fucking my 18 yr old sister and then trying to do the same with my other sister. I'm the one who crossed the line I get it. All of you are fucking unbelievable.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Owen Collins
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Alexa didn't expect Shay to respond to her nasty text by begging for her forgiveness. She was not that delusional. Still, she wasn't prepared for the message that appeared on her phone shortly after she sent hers off. She read it once, twice and three times, and with each time her eyes roved over the bitter words, she decided she hated her sister even more. By the time that she tried to read it a fourth time, her eyes were too blurry with tears that she didn't want to be falling. She was mad at Shay, for sure. Her sister had clearly done something with Carson for the media to find out about it, and she knew that picture had been taken after Alexandra had confessed to Shay about Carson. The timeline of yesterday made that inevitable. Even if Shay was right and Carson never wanted her, which Alexandra was back to refusing to believe to be true, what kind of sister did it make Shay to go after him when at that point, Alexandra might have still thought she loved him. Tinashé couldn't read her mind though, and Alexandra had not made it clear that she did like Carson. Hell, she hadn't even made it clear whether she really did or did not sleep with him! That didn't stop Alexandra from mentally crucifying Shay though. Tinashé couldn't believe that she was mad at her, and yeah, the comments relating to Owen were true, but she was ready to blame this whole night on her sister. If Carson and Shay hadn't been all over each other, Alexandra wouldn't have tried to recapture Carson's attention, Owen wouldn't have pulled her aside and she never would have confessed on him. That reasoning, as twisted and faulted as it was, allowed her to point the blame back at Shay.

Her first response to Shay was another impulsive and petty one. One that she used far too often when she had nothing better to say but still wanted to get a word into the argument. It was provocative and depending on the mood the person on the receiving end was in, she could usually get a heated response. However, she couldn't just leave their conversation at that. Not with the way Shay had spoken to her as if she was in the wrong!

To: Shay
Cry about it :(

To: Shay
And FYI I do remember it. At least in my case it was when I was 18 and not what???? 13 or 14 like you

She pulled the second text out of thin air, completely making up the claim that Shay had lost her virginity at that age but if she was going to pin her as a slut, she had to do it well. Shay had had a reputation of relishing in one night stands for years, anyway. How far off could she be? Tinashé's text had struck a nerve in her because she knew that everything her sister said was right, but wouldn't admit that. She needed one more text to make her response just as powerful as her sister's...

Before she could send a final message, the voices of the paparazzi got louder as the two front doors of the car opened and then shut, with Owen's slamming louder than necessary. She set her phone down beside her, knowing that she was about to be cut down by her other sibling now too. Shay's message seemed peachy compared to Owen's booming voice. She was now sure that she had never seen him this angry before. He was being condescending and sarcastic and ruthless. She didn't dare to open her mouth and give a smart ass comment similar to the ones she had sent to Shay behind the confidence of her phone screen. Instead, she tried to stifle back the tears that sobs forming in her chest and the tears in her eyes. She wasn't as affected by Owen's words as much as she was by Shay's but she never did well with being screamed at, and especially not in a space like this, where there was no where to run. She knew that Owen was going to get his anger out verbally rather than physically now, but with the way the veins on the side of his neck seemed to be bulging, she wasn't going to test it. She was going to take his tirade with her face buried in her knees because nothing that she could say would do anything but worsen it. However, that wasn't the case with Ariana, apparently. As soon as the brunette jumped to Alexandra's defense (or maybe not so much to defend her but to shut Owen down), her brother became the silent one. The rest of the car ride, in fact, was filled silence. The sharp tension was still there but at least Owen was no longer tearing her to pieces.

She would have to thank Ariana for jumping in at some point, but when the car slowed to a stop, Alexa decided that that time was not now. She took the opportunity and bolted from the car, hurrying into the house, upstairs and into her room. She had half a mind to stop in Shay's and break everything in sight, but she was drained and exhausted and in the back of her mind, she knew that Shay was the last person who deserved anymore of her anger.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Owen Collins
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Ariana's patience was ticking away as Owen got into the car. It started with the slammed door, the constant jamming of the breaks and blaring of the horn, and more than anything the cruel way that he was shouting at Alexandra. She was definitely caught off guard when he roared about how Alexandra and Carson had slept together, and maybe it hadn't fully sank in yet, but she didn't think anything could justify the way Owen was acting. She, Colette and Christopher were no strangers to family feuds, and Ariana was almost always involved in them, but she couldn't remember them ever getting this tense. There was screaming, that was undeniable especially when it involved the twins, but neither of them ever got this heated and Ariana wasn't going to stand for it in Owen's family either. It didn't seem fair when Alexandra was clearly emotionally torn and if this was true that she and Carson had slept together, Owen was the last person who needed pity or comfort right now. Alexandra might legally be considered an adult and she certainly liked to think she was one, but Ariana knew that she was not emotionally mature enough to be dealing with this.

If anyone deserved the blame here, it was Carson. He slept with this little girl who probably believed that he loved her and wanted something real. Of course that was going to be hard for her to let go of, because this was going to be the first time that Alexandra was being exposed to how heartless boys could be. It was probably her first heartbreak and to top it off, there was Shay, making a move on that said boy! It only made things worse that Ariana had Oliver post that picture tonight of all nights, but she never would have done it had she known that this was what was bothering Lex. It crossed the line for her when Owen started taunting his sister for crying because by that point, it had gotten past him basking in his holier-than-thou persona. He was just being mean now and Ariana had sat silently for long enough. "Would you stop yelling at her?! We get it, Owen! Everyone in LA gets it. You think you own your sisters and you can't deal with the fact that they don't want your 'help' half as much as you want to give it. She made a mistake and she obviously knows it, so would you just give it a rest for tonight?" She didn't even realize that her voice had come close to being as loud as his was, but it got the point across because the rest of the ride home was silent.

She wasn't finished with him, but when he pulled up in front of the house and indirectly asked them to get out, she obliged with continued silence. Her first priority was Alexandra, who had run up the stairs before Ari could catch up with her. She sighed, knowing that there was no way she could go back to Huntington Beach tonight. She was tired and definitely didn't want to deal with all of this family drama since she got enough with her own siblings, but she couldn't leave her boyfriend and Lex in this state. She hadn't seen Tinashé since the night started and honestly, the bitch was the last of Ariana's concerns right now. Besides, from the information she got from Owen's rant, it seemed like he had a falling out with her as well and Ariana doubted he would ask her to leave for his sister's sake.

"Alexandra, can I come in?" Ariana had waited a moment in front of the girl's door before knocking, as she knew that once she did, there was no getting out of this night. Her conscious was weighing on her too heavily to leave now, especially as she continued to regret having Oliver make that post. It was now apparent that luckily, it wasn't the cause of the violence, but it wasn't doing anything to help the situation either. She cautiously opened the door without waiting for the younger girl to confirm that she could come in. "Lex, everything is going to be okay. I'll take care of Owen, alright? You didn't do anything wrong. It was just a mistake and I promise you that every girl in this house has done something just as stupid with a guy who was completely worthless." She slipped her heels off and sat down next to Lex. "Would you rather talk to your sister? I can call her and see where she is." That line alone spoke of how sorry Ariana felt for Alexandra. Since when did she have enough morals to put their sister relationship ahead of her own ego and desire to be better than Shay? She knew that the post had probably left Alexandra hating her sister but Ariana knew that if she needed someone at a time like this, no matter what she and Colette had gone through, she would turn to her sister. The fallout that the two girls had via text was unknown to Ariana, but she still. "That post... it was just a lie, Lex. You know how the media works. They'll twist anything to make a couple dollars, no matter who it hurts." Okay, the next thing was definitely her conscience speaking. "Tinashé's a good sister, she wouldn't do that to you, Alexa." Ariana didn't completely believe that herself, but she also wouldn't have imagined that she and Carson had been caught making out backstage earlier. She disliked Shay herself, but anyone who could put up with this Owen and Alexa on a normal day had to be a good enough sister.


After Ariana interrupted what was beginning to be the best night of his life, Oliver had decided to test his luck and tried to find another girl who might have been drunk enough to be into him. In a club filled with gorgeous models with long, silky legs and guys with rock hard abs and designer clothes, Oliver had no chance. No matter how many drinks he put on Carson's tab, no one would give him more than a few looks after their glasses ran empty and a taller, better looking guy walked by.

The guilt he felt over the post he had been blackmailed into making, combined with a night filled with rejections left Oliver desperate to go home. He so wished that Jamie had showed up just so he would have a reason to leave early, or maybe in an even better case, not showed up with at all. After nearly twenty minutes of searching, texts from Colette and Christopher explained why he couldn't find a single one of his friends in the club. They had all left! It didn't really surprise him that he was left behind. Aside from Jamie, he wasn't exceptionally close with any of the others. Even when it came to Carson, Oliver knew that he was closer with Owen and Shay, and maybe even Colette, than he was with Oliver. It didn't really bother him, but being stranded in an unfamiliar club left him a little resentful without the knowledge of why everyone had left in such a hurry. Christopher claimed that "shit went down", but that didn't explain much. The text from Colette was even more unexpected. He didn't think she knew his name, let alone his phone number, but he could never be upset with a girl texting him. Especially not when it was a Rockefeller girl who was texting him with a motive other than ruining someone's life!

To: Chris
Okay I'm leaving now

To: Colette
Sure! I'll be home in 10 minutes!

Excited that Colette needed him for something, no matter what it was, Oliver had an extra skip in his step as he hailed a cab. This late in the night, there was little traffic on the way home and it did only take him ten minutes to return to Tinashé's house. He considered running up to his room and changing clothes, maybe spritzing on some cologne, but what if he missed her? What if she came in and decided she could get help from someone else? No, he would wait on the steps for her. Colette needed his help! He wasn't going to mess up that opportunity! So, unaware that Ariana and Alexandra had just ran up said steps in tears and that Owen was lurking further down the driveway with rage, he optimistically perched himself on the edge of one of the bottom steps and waited.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller
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When her bedroom door slammed shut behind her, Alexandra attempted to run to her bed without turning on her light. She knew the way to the path by heart, having stormed into her room countless times after evening events with her brother went awry, or even after a night of drinking when she simply didn't think to put the lights on first. However, now the normally-smooth path was interrupted as she tripped over the shopping bags from their earlier excursion, which had been brought up while they were at dinner. It forced the tears out of her heavy eyes as she kicked the bags out of her way in anger. Absolutely nothing was going her way tonight. She couldn't even make it onto her bed, instead opting to sit on the floor with her back resting against the side of it.

Fuck Carson, fuck Owen, fuck Shay, fuck everyone...

Every bad thing that had happened to her tonight was really her fault, but she didn't want to accept the blame for it all. Not when it had spiraled out of control so quickly and she couldn't have stopped it if she wanted to. She didn't want any of it to happen this way, but she still hated Carson for rejecting her, Owen for being... Owen and everything that came along with that, and Shay for being such a bitch, even if it was justified. In Lex's eyes, Shay didn't know that she really didn't love Carson. For all she knew, Alexandra was set on marrying the guy and there she was, snuggled up on the couch watching a movies with him moments after the confession! Calling her a slut still made Alexandra cringe, but she tried to justify it to herself.

The soft tap on the door immediately indicated that it wasn't Owen on the other end, and Alexandra only pulled herself off of the floor and sat on her bed. She didn't answer Ariana, just waited for the girl to come in on her own. As long as her raging maniac of a brother wasn't with her, she mind Ariana coming in. Even if she liked acting like she never needed anyone's help, right now she did want someone to talk to and with both of her siblings clearly being out of the picture, Ari would have to do. Her voice was the gentle and reassuring thing that Alexa needed right now, and while she insisted that she would deal with Owen and that she wasn't alone in doing something stupid with a guy, she began to feel better. Somehow, that was what she needed to hear. Alexandra prided herself in being independent, but recently, it didn't seem like a trait she had. On her birthday, she had been so hurt by her friends teasing her for being scared to have sex that she slept with Carson, and now, all it took was Ariana insisting that it was understandable for her to almost believe it.

"No, Shay doesn't like me anymore," Alexandra responded with little emotion. She considered adding "because she's a slut", but it wasn't necessary. Ironically, Ariana was the one who was actually acting somewhat civil towards Shay and Alexandra didn't know if she would reciprocate the smirk she wanted to give with it. She ran a finger under the bottom of her eyelids, hoping to fix the makeup that was surely smeared by now. Her eyes seemed to be out of tears, and she wasn't really sad enough to cry anymore anyway. What happened, happened, and as long as Owen stayed away, maybe the storm would finally be over. "And it's not a lie. Didn't you see the picture? She's all over him, and if you had only seen her at dinner..." her voice trailed off, still lacking any real emotion. Now that she was sure she didn't want Carson for herself, it was hard to feel sad. The resentment towards her sister and Carson was still there towards regarding her nonexistent feelings for Carson, but she wasn't heartbroken. Right now, more than anything, she was tired. Not just physically, but emotionally. The car ride with Owen had been brutal, the past month trying to win Carson over had been draining, and now, the thought of how screwed up the rest of the summer was going to be just made things worse. "He didn't want to sleep with me." The random statement broke the silence, but it was obvious who she was referring to. "I mean, I think... he thought I was someone else." It was true that Alexandra's recollection of that night's events were better than she had claimed at first. She was drunk, but no where close to where Carson was. However, she was so desperate to prove that she was mature enough to have sex that she didn't even care when Carson called her Kayla more than once during their time in bed. It was mortifying to think about now, but she was still feeling fairly numb and her voice didn't indicate any hint of shame. If anything, there was confusion there. "Why do boys even like Tinashé?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Colette Grace Rockefeller
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Neither of the girls spoke as they got out of the car, and Owen appreciated that. He didn't want to snap at them any further. It wasn't who he was. Doing it with Lex on a normal day, over something as trivial as her outfit being too revealing or her attitude being poor was nothing compared to what tonight had entailed. He had been pushed to his limit, and he snapped. Maybe he had snapped on the wrong people. He didn't need to shove Alexandra into Ariana and Colette or guilt Ariana into coming back to the house and ruining her night. It was possible that he maybe could have sugarcoated what he had said to Tinashé. Still reeling from the night and especially the state he had been in when speaking with her, he couldn't even remember what had exactly been said. However, he knew that she had known about Lex and Carson for some time and didn't tell him, and that reminder alone justified whatever it was that he had said.

Anger had been the dominant emotion all night, but as he shut his eyes and rested his head back against the headrest, attempting to cool down, the betrayal set in. Carson had been his best friend forever. Literally. For as long as Owen knew how to socialize, it was Carson who he considered his favorite friend. They were like brothers, and maybe it was wrong to expect Shay to look at him like a brother too, but Lex? Alexandra had known Carson for her entire life and just as she was his little sister, there was no reason that Carson should have ever seen her as anything more than that either! Five years was a big difference when she was barely legal, and the thought of them together in bed was repulsive. The mere thought of it made his stomach churn. Who does that? Who does that with someone's little sister? It was something that he couldn't wrap his head around, especially when that someone was the person he had trusted more than anyone. What Shay had done was almost as bad as that, too. The fact that she his the secret from him made him feel like she was an accessory to the crime, like she supported it. And honestly, the way that her arms had been wrapped around Carson's neck made it hard for him to believe any other scenario. She knew of the sickening act, yet still found it appropriate to shove her tongue down his throat. She was just as bad.

He didn't even know what to think about Alexandra and it was her that kept him seated in the car for long enough for Colette to show up. He knew that even if he spent hours out there, his anger would return in full force the second he laid his eyes upon his little sister. Owen wasn't an abusive person or even a violent one. His outburst earlier had been so out of character that looking down at his torn and swollen knuckles startled even him, but why did she have to be so stupid? He didn't think that he would be able to talk to her without grabbing her shoulders and trying to shake some sense in her. She was never going to learn and apparently, even being as overprotective as everyone claimed Owen was, didn't keep her from being so shameful. He knew that even if she let him do all of the talking, at this point, all it would take was one smug look for him to want to smack it right off her face. If Shay thought she was done with her, there was no words for what Owen was feeling.

He had received Colette's text a little while ago so he was expecting her to show up at some point, but he really didn't want to talk. She was one of the few people left that he hadn't snapped at (if his earlier text wasn't being counted), and he didn't want to snap at her. Still, the way she yelled at him through the open window was already testing his patience. He had cooled down over the past few minutes, but not enough for him to return to his normal self. "I'm really not in the mood, Colette." He knew that wasn't going to be enough for her to leave him alone. She was too strong willed to do anything other than what she wanted to do, and after a sigh, he knew that one way or another, she was going to get an explanation out of him. He grabbed his phone from the car's cup holder and stuffed it into his pocket before gently pushing the door open, careful not to hit her, and stepping out. "Besides, shouldn't you be hanging out with Mr. and Mrs. Koch? Planning their wedding or something?" There was no way to hide how bitter he was feeling, and he could feel his blood beginning to boil again. He just couldn't get over the wrongs that he felt the two of them had done to him. "There's nothing to even explain, Colette. You don't have a sister like Lex who's going to be in and out of rehab for the rest of her life, so you don't know what it's like to have to spend all of your energy trying to steer her away from trouble. And that's why you wouldn't understand what it's like to have your best fucking friend do something so... unthinkable to her! Of all people, Carson..." he shook his head, knowing that there was no way to rationalize what Carson had done, even if he wanted to. "I know you're going to take Shay's side and that's fine, I get you're her best friend, but what she did was so fucked up too... and then to go and kiss him while she knew exactly what he had done to our sister... it's just unbelievable... you wouldn't understand it." He probably wasn't giving her enough credit. She had her own family issues with Christopher and Ariana. She had to know how dealing with unruly siblings felt, at least to some extent, but there was a part of Owen that didn't want anyone else to understand, because as long as no one else could put themselves in his shoes, his response couldn't be judged. And because the continuous glances at his knuckles were already making him judge himself for it, he didn't want anyone else's disgrace either.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Christopher Rockefeller Character Portrait: Oliver McKagan Character Portrait: Colette Grace Rockefeller
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It was harder to read Alexandra when she wasn't wailing with sorrow or slamming doors in anger, but Ariana preferred the toned down state of emotions over the first option. Not only did they have enough of that tonight with Owen, but she was never comfortable with people acting overtly emotional. For her, swallowing her feelings had always been easy and since she rarely dealt with anyone comforting her, it was hard for her to do so towards other. It would be a fair argument to say that she was also fairly cold and didn't care about other people's problems or feelings, but now with Alexandra, that wasn't the case. If it had been, she wouldn't have stood up for the younger girl in the car moments before. Still, it was definitely easier for her to deal with the problem when tears and sobs were not involved.

"They're friends, Lex. It's okay for them to watch a movie together. I'm sure Colette was on her way in to watch with them too," she rubbed her arm reassuringly. Ariana didn't know that Carson and Tinashé were as into each other as they were, but she knew that the pair weren't quite friends. At least not in the same realm as her and Carson being friends. With her own guilt looming over the timing of the post, she had to downplay the little she knew about the pair. It was only right, especially considering how Lex went on to confess that not only did she doubt Carson wanted to sleep with her that night, but he apparently thought she was some other girl too! That was bad and Ariana knew the feeling first hand. She had been asked to her senior prom by some guy that she had no feelings for, but agreed to go with because he was attractive, and because she knew that Colette had been hoping he would ask her. She was a virgin at the time, vowing to save herself for "the one", but after a few tequila shots, her inhibitions must have flown out the same limo sunroof that her bra did, because she ended up having sex with her date in the back seat. And what were his first words when it was all over? "Wow, Colette, that was amazing." Needless to say, that boy didn't even show his face the next day at their graduation ceremony, but it stuck with Ariana. Being able to relate that with what Lex was feeling gave her a better understanding of the situation, and why Alexandra had a right to feel hurt by her sister stepping in so soon after Carson used her like that.

What was strange, was that Alexandra didn't look so hurt or offended. She didn't sound it either, and before Ariana could answer, she moved on to questioning why boys liked her sister. That was a question that tested Ariana's nice streak. There were countless underhanded remarks she could give to that inquiry, but while Alexa's earlier comment made it apparent that she and her sister were not on good terms, she hadn't asked this question in a way that seemed like she wanted Ari to cut her Shay down. "Why do boys like Tinashé?" she repeated, trying to plan a careful response. It was the last question that Ariana ever expected to get, since Alexandra knew good and well that she and Shay did not get along. "On the surface level, she's obviously pretty and they probably like her music. You know that I don't know her well, Lex, but I'm sure there are other things about her that people like... If you mean Carson, though, than I don't have a real answer for you. She's closer in age with him than you are, and they've been friends for so long, so I would imagine that they can just relate to each other on a different level than you and Carson can." As she peered down at her phone and noticed the time lapse since she last saw Owen, she decided she needed to find him before he did another reckless thing. She stood up and looked back at Alexandra as she slipped her heels back on. "But I really don't think there's anything there, Lex, so don't worry, okay? Why don't you get some rest and we can figure all of this out tomorrow?" She offered the girl a soft smile before gently closing the door behind her. The house was silent and Ariana only imagined that that meant that Owen was still outside.

On her way downstairs, she found Oliver waiting at the bottom. It was a peculiar sight considering that no one else was around and the steps never seemed like a popular hangout spot. However, seeing him reminded her of what she had been meaning to text him since the car ride. "Take down that post," she demanded quietly, glancing around once more to make sure that no one was in sight. He looked back at her in surprise and his eyes anxiously followed her as she stepped down and stood in front of him. "What? You just told me to post it! It's already been reposted all over the internet!" It was obvious that he was feeling guilty about it too, but Ariana didn't care about how he felt. He was the one who had been snooping on Carson and Shay in the first place and even if she hadn't been there, he would have done something with that photo at some point. "I don't care, take it down. Say it was Rose sitting next to him. Say he was some other guy. Make something up, Oliver, be creative, but get that post off of your page now." Her voice was still little more than a hiss but her tone was sharp enough to cut through steel. He was right, the rumor had already taken off and removing it from his page wouldn't do much good, but she didn't want that traced back to either of them and it being gone would at least lift a small amount of guilt from her chest. "Okay, okay!" he replied quickly, pulling out his phone and deleting the post in a quick movement, as if he had been contemplating doing it himself all night. "Good boy," she smiled condescendingly as she continued past him and towards the front door.

Now, on to the hard part: dealing with Owen. She lingered in the foyer for a moment as she pulled out her phone to double check that the post was gone, and send out a couple text messages. She hadn't heard from Christopher or Colette since leaving the club, and was curious about how Carson fared in all of it as well.

To: Carson
What happened?

To: Colette
Speak with Alexandra tonight or tomorrow. She said Carson didn't even know who she was when they slept together and Collie, I'm sure you have experience being in her place. I need to deal with Owen anyway

To: Christopher
You better be home in 15 minutes. Tn is not the night to be pulling your shit

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Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Christopher Rockefeller
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Alexandra took Ariana's advice and decided to get ready for bed after she left. She was physically exhausted, emotionally drained, and too scared to face Owen to even consider leaving her room. It was possible that he had calmed down by now. He seemed to get enough rage out in the car that she didn't think there could be that much anger left boiling inside of him, but at the same time, this wasn't something that she was used to. Owen ranting and raving was nothing new, but Owen ranting and raving about her sleeping with Carson definitely was, and none of their past altercations could even compare to his reaction tonight. She hoped that he would have calmed down by now, but she didn't know and wasn't going to risk it.

To: Chris
Are you still out? Wake me up if you come home tn. Shay is the biggest bitch alive and Owen beat Carson up. This summer is so fucked up already

She sent her message to Chris, who had been absent for most of tonight, as he had done yesterday. She was jealous of him, since he was probably still out having a good time, but she also needed someone who understood her position. Ariana was being especially nice tonight, but if anyone understood having an overbearing, perfectionist of an older sibling, it was Christopher. In some ways, he had two. Even if Colette didn't reach the impossibly high bar that Ariana set for the Rockefeller kids, she was a lot more successful and driven than Christopher was. She followed his text with a few to some of her girl friends who had wanted to meet up with her earlier at Greystone, and then changed into pajamas. After all of the bridges she had burned tonight, it was in her best interest to just go to bed. If she stayed up any longer, she might have worked up the nerve to send yet another nasty message to her sister or tried reaching out to Carson, and that was the last thing that anyone needed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Christopher Rockefeller
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Friday, July 3rd | 10:00 A.M. | California

"So, what did he say?" Colette inquired after finishing up the piece of cream cheese-slathered bagel she had accepted as a part of her morning meal. Her phone, just like Tinashé's, was on speaker setting so that they both could move seamlessly. Colette sat at the same kitchen table they had already congregated at yesterday, back when things were as simple as Shay not liking Ariana and not wanting to pretend to like her for the sake of brothers whose names will not be mentioned. Colette still felt the sting of Owen's outburst last night and while she had been annoyed with the prospects of telling Ariana all that she knew, at the time, it had felt good to unleash some of the frustration on someone. And for once, it felt like her sister would actually listen to her. Even if it wasn't a situation that had as much to do with them.

"He said that we all handled the situation wrong," Shay explained as she whisked the contents of the bowl swiftly. She had woken up at around eight, feeling not well-rested but not exactly tired either. She could have easily gone back to bed, snuggled up to a sleeping Carson but compulsivity forced her to turn her phone back on only to see various texts from interviewers, her manager, a few friends who did not know her and Carson were together, and Pierce. The last one had her scrambling out of bed as quietly as she could to call him back. The conversation lasted thirty minutes, what with Shay's hesitations, but Pierce wasn't going to be sated until he knew everything that she did. He had been told the rumors of her dating Carson, tried calling her the first time and received no answer, called Owen who also did not answer, and had decided to try her again. He originally thought Owen was just upset about that and told her to let it pass, but Shay's reluctance led to his questionings and then the truth coming out. The silence had been deafening, but she was able to walk away from it knowing that at least Pierce didn't hate her. He was disappointed in all of them, particularly Carson and Alexandra, but they all played a role in how it came out.

"He said that he's not sure if he wants to kick Carson out of the house like Owen, but he also doesn't want there to be any more fights either," she admitted, checking the skillet she had laid out to see if the butter had melted. Carson actually did live in a bachelor's pad and there were more frozen products than actual food items. Luckily, she had scrounged up enough to make pancakes and put grocery shopping on the list of things he needed taken care of. "Has he told his psycho son that?" Colette snapped and set down her strawberry mimosa a bit harder than she expected after taking a demure sip. Unlike what Owen thought, she did understood why he was angry. At the same time, he was being overdramatic and that said something when the definition of overdramatic called someone on it. Shay chuckled and poured a decent amount of batter into the skillet before carefully setting the bowl down so that she could focus on the cooking pancake. "What's wrong, Bitchlette? I'd think you love a more passionate side of him." If looks could kill and Colette could actually see Tinashé, the singer would probably be sprawled out on the kitchen floor. "You just better be lucky that I can't stab you through this phone with my fork," the designer growled and Shay could only laugh, preparing herself to flip the pancake since she could see it browning along the edges.

After the talk with Pierce and smaller one with Aimee, who Shay could feel preening over the phone at the idea of Shay and Carson (she apparently saw that coming!), Shay was surprised to see a text from one of her drivers. After Colette had dished everything to Ariana, the sisters went their separate ways with Ariana reminding her that alcoholism was never attractive. Colette couldn't even offer her a hint of a witty retort in pursuit of a Sangria and the hot bath she had nearly fallen asleep in. Once morning came, however, she could not remain in the dark embrace of unconsciousness for she had never been really tired. Instead, she rifled through Tinashé's closet, appalled at the selection despite recalling placing a few of the items in there. She made a mental note to send Shay more clothes before deciding on a decent enough outfit to send off. The driver thought it would be best to have someone else drive Shay's clothes while he brought her truck, just in case she decided to drive home. He rode back with the other individual. Still choosing not to wake Carson up considering the fact that it wasn't even passed nine in the morning yet, Shay hopped into the shower, minutely grateful for Colette knowing to pack her toiletries. Dressed and pretty much make-up-less, her stomach grumbled with a hunger for food.

"So, are you still in hiding or are you coming home, missy?" Colette inquired, skewering a piece of pineapple on her fork. She inspected it beneath the warm rays from the sun that peeked through the large windows before plucking it off the utensil and into her mouth. Shay pulled the first pancake off of the skillet to a separate plate and set to making the second while answering, "I'll be over soon." Colette beamed. "Good. You owe me a spa slash pool day, and we need to make these fourth of July plans before tomorrow," she said, playing with a small cube from her assorted fruits bowl. "We all need some kind of distraction after last night's disaster." Shay hummed in agreement. "We'll figure something out." She flipped the pancake, smiling at the golden shade it held. "Good. Hurry back home with your boy toy so we can knock his socks off with this bikini I picked for you." Shay pretended to make a disgusted face, though she was only jesting. "Uh, bossy much?" Colette only grinned and replied, "Wouldn't love me if I wasn't! Smooches!" Shay wrinkled her nose on a laugh before making a loud smacking noise with her lips as if she kissed Colette through the phone. A second later, the conversation was over and she was fully concentrating on making breakfast.

Colette, meanwhile, decided to text both Alexandra and Oliver. Walking into the mansion last night to see Oliver while still with Ariana did not make for an environment where she could grill Oliver for information. Plus, her back-and-forth with Owen and having to tell Ariana everything left her not in the mood to play nice, which was how Shay wanted her to interact with the college kid, so she had left it alone. She had also left Lex alone, partly because of the text she had belatedly seen from Ariana and also because of how Lex treated Shay. Now, however, it was the perfect time to talk to both before the evil twin and his Royal Douchebag returned. She also wanted to know where her brother was.

To: Chris
Catch any STDs while u were out?

To: Alexa
Come eat breakfast w/ me. Owen and Shay aren't here.

To: Oliver
Evrything was so hectic last nite and I didn't want 2 b mean 2 u. Can we still talk?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Colette Grace Rockefeller
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0.00 INK


Thursday had been had enough that Alexandra genuinely hoped that when she woke up, all of it had just been a dream. When she reluctantly rolled onto her side and found three missed calls and a slew of new text messages, she knew it wasn't. Like last night, however, she didn't have it in her to start crying or even caring very much. That would probably change when she called her father back, as he requested in the first and only voicemail that Alexandra chose to open, but for now, oh well. Her brother was a crazy maniac, her sister was a backstabbing slut, and as Ariana said, Carson was just a worthless boy. Alexandra was a professional at giving the cold shoulder and she decided that she couldn't let Tinashé ruin her summer. If Shay wanted to cut her out, Alexandra would cut her out even better. Owen would probably prove to be a bigger problem since he was most likely looking for a confrontation and explanation, but Alexandra would deal with that when the time came. For now, she needed to take control of her summer and make sure that her fourth of July weekend went well.

It was only nine-forty-five when her phone woke her up and she was tempted to turn it on silent, roll over and go back to sleep, but decided otherwise. The fact that Owen hadn't woken her up the night before led her to confidently believe that he had left before she fell asleep. She had no reservations with completely ignoring Shay if she were in the house, and since she was already awake, she decided to take advantage of being home without Owen. All it took was two days of him and Shay being back for her to feel like she needed a vacation. For now, a morning by the pool would have to do. Her plans of doing so yesterday had been interrupted by Owen's insistence that she follow Shay's scheduled plans for that day, and they all saw how horrible that turned out. Today she was going to do things her way... after breakfast with Colette. Alexa had slipped into a bikini, tossed her hair into a messy bun, grabbed her phone and earphones and was ready to relax poolside when she got a text from the Rockefeller.

She was already planning on stopping in the kitchen for a light breakfast and she really had nothing against Colette, so it didn't seem like a harmful idea. She was about to respond with a confirmation that she was on her way down when her phone blinked with another message. This one was from her mother, who according to her very active Instagram account, was in New York for the holiday weekend.

From: Mom
I knew my baby had good taste in boys ImageImageImage

The text was a perfect representation of how different her parents were. Normally, Alexa would have screenshotted the conversation and forwarded it to her father, insisting that he was overreacting and that Kris approved of her actions, but again, she didn't have it in her to care. Her mother was irresponsible and reckless. What good, responsible mother would respond to her daughter losing her virginity in such a way like that? She was probably just excited at the potential of Alexandra marrying into the esteemed Koch family. Either way, Alexandra just exed out of the message and headed downstairs.

There was never a time when Colette didn't look perfect, so Alexandra wasn't surprised to find her in her normal, preppy attire. She, again, didn't feel out of place in just a bathing suit, but was glad that Owen wasn't there to humiliate her again for it in front of people. "Who else is here?" she asked as she took a seat across from Colette. Her earlier text message had indicated that neither of her siblings were home, but said nothing about Oliver, Carson, Ariana or Christopher. She was certain that Carson would never be showing his face in their house again, but the other three she was less sure about. On her way in, she had requested lemonade, cereal and strawberries, and it took less than a minute for it to be placed in front of her. She didn't want to bring up Shay or Owen, since she still planned on pretending neither of them existed, but when her phone vibrated against the counter with a call from Aimee's number, it had to be addressed. She rejected the call, switched her phone on to silent mode and glanced back over at Colette. "Your slut of a bff told my dad on me, you know."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Christopher Rockefeller Character Portrait: Colette Grace Rockefeller
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0.00 INK


Shay's body tensed up momentarily at the sound of Carson's voice, not out of anxiety or fear, but the awareness that there was another presence near her. Only a moment later, she tossed him a grin over her shoulder before reverting her attention back to the stove. One plate, a short stack of pancakes, was already finished and she was working on the last pancake for the second stack. Which was obviously hers since Carson nabbed the one on the counter top. "Well, when your step dad calls you twice, it's kinda hard to fall back asleep. And no, Colette sent one of the staff here with some stuff," she replied wistfully, flipping the pancake in the skillet before chancing a real look at Carson.

He still looked tired, she noted even after giving him a small smile at the approval of her food. Yesterday's memory still lingered in the air all around them, even if she had told herself that she had scrubbed away the hurt and grime of her brother's anger away in the shower. However, it still remained and even more-so, it was still going to be apparent than Owen hated her and Carson. He would probably be even more pissed when he found out that they were...that they were whatever they called themselves. Which was something she honestly wanted - no, needed - to know. "CJ..." For a second, the words didn't come out and Shay's gaze returned to her cooking pancake. Giving herself a little time, she scooped it out of the skillet and onto her plate before sliding the still heated pan into the sink of warm soapy water. She ignored the hiss of hot metal touching liquid in favor of turning fully to the now seated Carson.

She had kissed him last night as a means for suggesting that she was with him. The real question, though, was if he was with her. After all of this, knowing that there would be drama with Owen from here on, she didn't doubt that Carson would want to just call it quits and run. Hell, she wouldn't be surprised if everything that happened alerted him to the fact that maybe he didn't really have real feelings. Maybe it was just lust and maybe Shay was overthinking everything too, she didn't know. But she didn't want to keep it to herself either. So, putting on her big girl pants, she stepped close to him until she had slid between his legs, the height he was currently at allowing her to do such. Biting her lower lip, she didn't look up at him for a few seconds before finally dragging her eyes to his. Finally, words came out and at some point she sped up, but all she could care about was that they were said and that hopefully, she wouldn't get the answer she anticipated. "Look, I know a lot happened yesterday, and I know things happen in the heat of the moment and if you didn't mean them, that's fine, I won't fault you. I just...what are we? Because if we're anything, it's gonna be bad and if you don't want this, then..."


To: Chris
Answer ur phone

To: Chris
I'm gonna keep this up until u answer me

To: Chris

Colette might have actually begun pestering her brother purposefully, especially if he had went out with whomever he had managed to bag last night. She was still a bit upset with him for choosing a lay over his best friend. Chris wasn't some overly-emotional or sentimental guy, but she didn't expect him to be so heartless. Shay had literally been crying in his arms - the same girl who hated when she cried, in any situation. So, it spelled bad and the fact that he ignored that in favor of getting fucked by some random little drunk bimbo annoyed her, and so Colette felt justified in getting on her brother's nerves. Still smirking at her phone and awaiting a response from either of her original two contacts, her gaze fell on the last notification of a message exchange between herself and Owen. Knowing Shay, she was not going to tell her step-brother that Pierce was looking for him and she didn't blame her. She also didn't doubt that Owen would be trying to avoid his father at the moment. At the same time, and blame it on her for caring a bit more than she should, she couldn't help but contact the idiot, though she left the message as detached of her usual quips as she could.

To: Owen
Rise and shine, ur Dad called. Perhaps u should call him back, no?

Setting her phone down, Colette turned to smile at a kitchen staff member who refilled her strawberry mimosa, smiling appreciatively. She honestly did not anticipate Alexandra coming down for breakfast with her, but the invitation had been extended and she would have liked at least a response. She also would have preferred Oliver's presence by now, but she was trying to be a bit patient. In her musings, she almost did not notice Alexa coming into the kitchen until she head the eighteen year old ask about the others in the house. Colette primly uncrossed and crossed her legs, taking her glass in her hand as she smiled at the youngest Collins member. Last night, Colette might have actually snapped at Lex. She might have called her out on being so damn selfish and for putting her sister in such a horrible position when it was really her own fault. However, after all of that stress, all she could do at the moment was play it sweet. It wouldn't be the first time she had acted. "Just you and me, and Ari and Oliver. Your brother left last night, good riddance." Colette said the last part with a larger drink of her mimosa and set it back down.

She raised an eyebrow at Alexandra's ignoring whomever she was calling her, perhaps Pierce or Aimee? Those would be two people who would call only to warrant such a reaction. Shay wasn't calling Alexandra any time soon and Owen wouldn't call. He would probably snatch her up like he did last night. Her eyebrow probably twitched a bit at the sound of Lex insulting Shay, but Colette took a page out of Ariana's book and allowed her gaze to rove over the brunette before remarking, "My slut of a best friend bought that bikini. I remember because I helped her pick it out." It was more on a thoughtful note than anything else, but also as a reminder that Lex shouldn't be turning on the only person in the house who played as her ally and, playing with the pieces of fruit on her saucer, Colette added frostily, "We're also not talking about my friend if you can't delete the insults from your vocabulary. The last thing you two need to be are one another's enemies when your brother is acting crazy." With that part said, Colette's gaze returned to Alexa's. "So, how are you feeling? Now that everything's out in the open? Last night was...something."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Colette Grace Rockefeller
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Alexandra sipped her cool lemonade as she took in Colette's words. Aside from Owen shoving her into the Rockefeller twins last night, this was one of the first times that she was actually speaking to Colette one on one since the summer started. She quickly remembered how different she was than Ariana, despite the two constantly being compared with one another. Colette always knew exactly what to say, and how to say it to get a rise out of someone. She was quick witted with a sharp tongue, someone that Alexandra doubted could ever lose in an argument to anyone, aside from Ari, maybe. At the same time, it was clear that the sisters were twins in more than just their appearances. The way that their eyes roved over people and basically exclaimed that they were judging them, the way that they could both speak in such icy tones as if it were their second nature... they had some shared mannerisms that were impossible to skip over.

Alexandra was satisfied when Colette confirmed that it was only them two, Ariana and Oliver in the house. As long as Ariana hadn't been convinced into joining Team Owen over night - which didn't seem likely, considering he was out and she wasn't, her day would be peaceful. It would be especially peaceful if she could get her hand on one of those mimosas Colette was currently sipping. Her lemonade was not going to cut it all day, and especially not when Colette reminded her of how she was going to take Shay's side. Typical. If she was lucky, maybe Ariana would want to spite Colette enough that she would take her side for that reason alone. She remained silent though, because it seemed impossible to talk about her sister without hurling an insult in there as well. She idly stirred her spoon in the bowl of Lucky Charms. Alexandra hated milk and refused to even eat her cereal with it, and like a five year old, she only ate the marshmallows out of this particular cereal. Her justification was that the small bowl of sliced strawberries that accompanied the cereal made it a balanced breakfast. Colette's quick change from reprimanding her for trash talking Shay to asking how she was caught her off guard, but it seemed genuine. As she pondered a response, she came to the sudden realization that Shay and Carson were both gone, which obviously meant they had spent the night together. Ariana was wrong. It took her a while to come to the full conclusion, but now she saw that they were something. "I told Tinashé that I liked him and the next night she fucked him." That wasn't exactly true. Alexandra hadn't even admitted that they had actually slept together, though her ambiguity that night and later admittance to Owen had confirmed it. Plus, she didn't know if Carson and Shay had spent the night together but it didn't take a rocket scientist to put those pieces together. She somehow managed to keep her emotions suppressed still, and only picked her gaze up from her cereal to glance at Colette blankly. "How would you feel if Ariana did that to you?"