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Owen Collins

"Never settle."

0 · 2,694 views · located in Beverly Hills, California

a character in “Summer Reunited”, as played by Whatsername



"There’s something about the people who knew you when you were young- before you had decided who you wanted to be. Before you knew what face you wanted to wear in the world. They’re the only ones who really know you, you know?"
— Sarah Treem, A Feminine Ending


Owen Pierce Collins

Preferred Name:


April 12th



His parents, Pierce and Kristen Collins, never should have been married. While they thought they could make a nice little family together, after only a few years of marriage, it was apparent that there was no real love between them. Kris started having affairs, which she justified to herself because Pierce was spending excessive amounts of time at work rather than with her and once Pierce found out about this, he returned the infidelity. At least his was more genuine than hers, Owen reasons. He had fallen in love with fashion designer Aimee Kachingwe, who was also married at the time. As soon as their affair was brought to light, both of their marriages fell apart and the pair ended up marrying each other soon after. Things didn't end there with the perfect "happily ever after" finish, though. His mother wouldn't have it that way. She felt like Pierce had humiliated and betrayed her, even if she had been the one stepping out first and more frequently. Kris had always been the attention-obsessed one and her true colors certainly came out in response to the affair and quick remarriage. She started a long and painful custody battle that kept the tabloids active for months. Between leaked voice mails, photos of him with his new wife during the affair, and false allegations that Pierce had abused her and the kids, Kris did everything she could to ruin her ex-husband's image and come out on top by stealing his two prized-possessions: Owen and Alexandra.

Unlike Kris, Pierce wanted the kids so they could be raised properly, which apparently wasn't on her agenda. Five million dollars was enough for her to end the ordeal and give him primary custody of the children. Although she was granted visitation rights, Owen avoided her at all costs. During the custody battle, he enrolled at a boarding school about a half-hour away and lived for the last year years of high school. He was overwhelmed by how horrible his mother was acting, how his family was being trashed by the media and how his once sweet little sister was turning into a terror. Unlike her, he was actually glad that his father had remarried Aimee. Despite her also being unfaithful in her own previous marriage, Owen found her to be nice enough and appreciated the efforts she made to get to know him and Alexandra. He had more reservations with her daughter, Tinashe, but the girl grew on eventually too and by now, he considers Aimee to be a better mother figure than his birth mother, and Tinashe to be just as much a sister as Alexandra.

For the past year, Owen has lived at the family's house in Beverly Hills. He could easily get his own apartment somewhere but feels like it's his duty to keep the house in order when his dad and Aimee aren't home, especially with the way Alexandra is acting. Besides that, he has been travelling frequently for his modelling career. He was in a few ads here and there throughout his childhood but after graduating high school, his career took off. He's been featured in numerous high-fashion campaigns and runway shows, was featured in one of Madonna's music videos, and recently wrapped up filming for a Taylor Swift music video.

Everyone has them. If there was one thing your character doesn't want anyone to find out about, what is it?

Positive Traits:
Responsible, Intelligent, Romantic, Considerate, Humble

Character Flaws:
Uptight, Opinionated, Overprotective, Stubborn, Controlling

The older brother role that he was born into is thoroughly reflected in Owen's personality. He's responsible, protective and considerate. When it comes to his loved ones, his heart is always in the right place, even if his actions are interpreted as being overprotective and restrictive. He puts a lot of pressure on himself to make sure that his sisters, are always taken care of, and can't accept the fact that they might not need him now as much as he felt they did when they were younger. He likes to think that his parents' divorce didn't affect him very much, but it made him grow up quickly. The amount of attention that the custody battle brought upon them, as well as both of his sisters' questionable behaviors forced him to be the responsible one. He felt guilty that his father had to deal with his psycho mother and the increasingly rebellious Alexandra and Shay. Someone had to be the responsible one and it looked like he was the only one willing to accept the job. Even with friends though, Owen tends to be the responsible one. He's usually the designated driver, the one making sure that no one's drinking too much or going home with strangers. It's not like he doesn't let loose sometimes, but he's not the type to go crazy with alcohol or partying, ever. Not only is he not interested in that type of lifestyle, but he doesn't want any more negative attention directed at his family.

He puts great value on his friends and family but doesn't allow many people into his inner circle. While always friendly and polite, he's reserved around strangers until he knows that he can actually trust them. The elite social circle he was raised in seems to be a dog-eat-dog world and he cares too much about the people around him to let anyone get too close and potentially hurt them. This not only involves the people he interacts with, but those that his family interacts with too. He's known for kicking guys that his sisters bring over out of the house, even if they just claim to be friends, because he either doesn't deem them worthy of his sisters, or just doesn't trust their intentions.

Maybe the most surprising trait about Owen is how humble he is. It doesn't take much to make him happy and for a guy who's made millions off of his appearance, he isn't vain or narcissistic. He's a nice guy who puts his loved ones before himself, even when they don't want or need him to.

Water sports // Lacrosse // The beach // Bacon // Pizza // Takeout Food // Driving // Sailing // Strawberries // Budweiser // Reading // Hot showers // Urban cities // Travelling // Sunday mornings // Modelling // Fashion // 90's cartoons // Homemade breakfasts

Lavender scent // Anime // Clutter // Looking at photos of himself // His mother // Golf // Coffee // Earthquakes // Country music // The problems his sister causes // Crowds // Long flights // Minivans // Jellybeans // Marshmallows

Drowning // Suffocating // Clowns // Losing any of his family members // Scandals involving him or his family // Poverty

Make amends with his mother eventually // Get married & have kids // Buy a house in Nantucket // Move to New York // Own a nightclub


160 lbs

Hair color:

Eye color:

He has a small scar on his right wrist from a surgery he had after breaking his hand as a child, but besides that, he has no other distinguishable marks.

So begins...

Owen Collins's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Christopher Rockefeller Character Portrait: Oliver McKagan Character Portrait: Aiden Chang
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When Alexa and Tinashé both disappeared early on in the night, Christopher decided that there was no point in staying at the party either. His solution was more dramatic than just going up to bed like the girls did, but in his defense, he did wait for his parents to leave before catching a ride with friends to the night club, Lure. His night was a usual night of drinking, dancing, and smoking, before he crashed at some model's mansion in Calabasas. The hangover that he woke up with at nine the next morning was enough of a sign that he had a good night. If his phone hadn't been going off with texts from his sisters and mother, he probably would have slept another five hours, but once he was up, it was impossible for him to return to sleep on the couch. His sisters, specifically Ariana, were probably already annoyed with him and though he wasn't feeling well physically, he was ready to get back to the house. He had skipped out on the first night but couldn't do that for the first real day together too.

To: Shay
What's good for today?

To: Ariana
CHILL omw back now. R u mom now?

To: Alexandra
U shouldve come out w me last night. Lure was lit

To: Colette
Should I wear my favorite shirt again today?

The easiest way to get home was a cab. It would have been too much explaining and just as long of a wait if he had called his family's driver, or one of the ones that the Collins' used. Plus, unlike many of the others, Christopher wasn't "famous" enough to be given enough attention for merely using public transportation. He had a trust fund worth more than most adults' life savings, but that alone wasn't important enough to make people recognize him unless he was standing beside his sisters or parents, or behind a DJ booth. He didn't mind it, really. Life was easier when he could blend in with the average crowd and still reap the benefits of being extraordinary.

He got home and managed to sneak upstairs, shower and get dressed by the time that the guys left for the beach. The night time brought out Christopher's wild side, but for the most part, he was a pretty laid back guy. That's why, even though he wasn't particularly close with any of the other guys, he had a good time at the beach. He was able to catch up on his sleep, get some sun and spend some time surfing with Carson. It was a good day and after Chris heard of the plans for that evening, he was sure it was going to be a good night too.

"So, Shay said we're hitting up Greystone Manor tonight," he conversed with Carson, whose car he had opted to drive in on the way home after the beach day. "The last time I was there I can't even tell you how many hot chicks came onto me, man. Models and actresses, too. I guarantee we take home at least one girl a piece tonight," he grinned. Out of all of the guys, Chris preferred Carson. He was the only one who really knew how to have fun.

To: Shay
We better put Europe to shame tn. Were almost home. U girls back yet?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Christopher Rockefeller
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After reluctantly parting way with Carson and the boys, Tinashé did her best to make the most of her day. She had decided to drive instead of taking a limousine, needing something to occupy the space in her mind since being in the back with Ariana would warrant more tension than there needed to be. In fact, if they were being completely honest, Ariana did not exist in Shay's world. Sure, Alexa having an attitude with her definitely was noticeable and Ariana hovering over her baby sister like a too-old stalker definitely had her watching them, but after awhile, Shay could hardly find it in her to give two fucks. If Alexa wanted to ignore her, then so be it. Shay had not done a thing to her. She promised not to let anything get back to Owen. She had tried to speak with her sister and actually see Alexandra's feelings in all of this. She was shot down and has been ignored. There was no point in trying to appease to a woman - because Alexandra was an adult now and needed to start acting like one instead of being the overgrown child her mother was known for being - who was obviously going to be petty. Tinashé would just be there waiting until Alexandra decided that she actually wanted to get whatever she needed to get off of her chest.

So, she concentrated on the amazing body scrub and massage she had gotten, and the manicure and pedicure. Feeling refreshed, she had no qualm against Colette picking things out for her at the stores they stopped at, particularly in pursuit of an outfit the night. She didn't know what she was going to wear yet, so it was enough of a distraction on the drive home so that she wouldn't attempt to include her sister in conversation. She did, though, feel bad for Jamie. They stopped at two bookstores and an art show that happened to be going on, but she knew Jamie didn't feel particularly comfortable with all of them. They could get along, sure, but it was obvious that Jamie was not much of a fan of either of the Rockefeller twins. And Shay knew all about her sister's beef with Jamie. When they got to a traffic light about five minutes from the estate, Shay glanced down at her phone in the cup-holder and picked it up, sifting through the text messages. Nick Jonas was going to be at Greystone tonight...Lucas wanted her to perform one song tonight (as if!)...Chris was actually back from god knows where he had been...Ariana told Owen she and Carson made out...

Wait, what?

"Son of a..." Shay didn't even finish, the words caught on a mumble to herself as she gripped her device in her hands. Quickly, she typed out a few responses.

To: Chris
Still mad u partied & didn't warn no one.

To: Carson
Really? I'll talk 2 her

Oh, see now I've got something for that ass, she thought as the light turned green, allowing her to continue her trek back home. See, this was what she what she had been worried about. Ariana was irrelevant in her home. Ariana was irrelevant in her life. All the irrelevant girl had to do was deal with the rest of the summer. Shay wasn't doing another girl day again, that was for sure. She had not really intended on Ariana being present for it and the only reason she was was because Owen was a controlling jerk. However, despite whatever Owen wanted to argue, Ariana was still the same conniving bitch she had been when they were in school. And Owen, really? Was that really why he had been concerned about where she went last night? Because Ariana had put in his head that she had been doing anything less than resisting doing exactly what she implied? Shay wouldn't have stopped Carson if he kissed her and truthfully, some part of her had been willing to initiate it last night. However, the idea of him with Lex at the time made her timid and so she settled for cuddling. It had been innocent and she felt like Owen needed to know that - even though he really didn't need to know that - soon. As they pulled into their long driveway, Shay's grip on the wheel tightened just a bit as she fought to urge to glare at Ariana through the rear view mirror. She definitely needed to talk to her brother, but first thing's first...

She and Ariana needed to have a little chit chat.

One of the valets met her at the end of the path and Shay stopped the vehicle, smiling at a few of the staff members who came out to get the girls' shopping bags. Her eyes landed one person specifically, Nkruma. She was a nice woman and was one of the only servants outside who spoke Shona. "I bhudhi vangu kumba?" She asked, wondering if Owen was back in the house. She figured the others would be, but she needed to make sure. Nkruma made a face, tilting her head curiously since Shay didn't speak Shona unless she really was trying to keep something from other people or her mom was using it against her. "Ehe, a adzoka imwe nguva kare ne imwe madhara. A ati ino iwe uri kuenda rese kunze husikuhuno." Shay hummed at the answer, noting that the other girls were getting out of the car and beginning to head into the house. Ariana was still with Alexandra, but that was going to change real soon. Shay needed her alone, even if it meant snapping at Lex. She returned her gaze to Nrkuma while saying, "Naka. Kwanisa iwe udza iye ku sangana ini pedo motsi e kugara marumu? Pedo imwe hozi dzangu? A ne Ndino da ku reketa." She had told the woman to tell Owen that Shay wanted to talk with him, that he needed to meet her near one of the sitting rooms near her bedroom. Once the message was received, Nkruma was gone and Shay's objective was Ariana. Without a hint of hesitation, she walked over to the brunette before she could get close to the house, standing directly in front of Ariana. She smiled frostily as she said, "Hey, before you and I go back to pretending for Owen's sake, we're going to have a little chit chat. Outside." She wasn't leaving room for Ariana to get out of this. She was either going to have this talk or Shay was going to make her. That was the only choice she was going to have in this situation.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Owen Collins
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Ariana couldn't have asked for a better question that Alexandra could have asked her as the car pulled through the gates to the Collins' mansion. Alexa wanted to shop with her, get the same spa treatment with her, and of course, now she wanted her advice on fashion. Not Colette's and definitely not Tinashé's. She wanted to be around her even when they were at home, which was going to benefit Ariana even more since Owen was sure to be home by now too. Just to make sure, she decided to send him a text.

To: Owen
Hey babe, you home yet? Lex was so cute all day... reminding me of how she was when it was just us 3 at your place

AKA, before Shay came and corrupted her and ruined the tranquility of life. Ariana must have jinxed herself by even thinking of Shay because before Ariana could reassure Alexandra that she would be upstairs to help her in a few minutes, Shay stepped in front of her. At first, Ari thought that she was going to confront Alexa about being bratty all day, and Ariana was ready to swoop in and tell Shay that she had behaved well without her influence, but Shay had surprised her again today. Once more, she decided that she was suddenly big and bad enough to try to initiate a fight with her! Tinashé Kachingwe of all people, trying to give her a problem. It would have made Ariana chuckle if she wasn't caught so off guard.

She matched Tinashé's stare as her lips turned up into an equally icy smile. Did she really think that she was going to intimidate her? This short little nobody really thought that she was going to scare her by acknowledging that she was pretending to be nice to her for Owen's sake. If she wanted to chat, Ariana was all for it. "Of course," she nodded, watching as Alexandra quickly disappeared. Of course Lex was going to ditch her when she needed her the most! Alexandra's sharp tongue was going to come in handy now, and it was just her luck that she would run away with her tail between her legs now. "Owen asked me to have a 'chit chat' with you anyway, but you ran upstairs last night before I could find you. Well, before I could find you when you weren't busy with Carson already." Maybe the last line was a little low, especially since Ariana didn't know that was what Shay was confronting her about anyway, but Shay was the one who had asked for a fight. She must have known that Ariana was going to play along.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Christopher Rockefeller
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Ariana's smug expression didn't falter as Tinashé stepped towards her and went off on her tirade. It was important that she keep the smile pasted on her face for two reasons: she needed Shay to know that she was a complete joke and would never be taking seriously, and also because if she had allowed her expression to shift, it most definitely would have changed to a baffled and highly offended one. Ariana was offended. This girl, this waste of space, pathetic excuse for a "singer" girl, had no idea who she was messing with. Maybe Ariana had underestimated Shay as being the same child she stepped on for fun, but Shay was underestimating her as well. Her attitude and self-proclaimed importance might not have strayed very far from that of her twelve-year-old self, but if Tinashé really thought that she was going to scare her with this new gangster persona, she was mistaken. Ariana wasn't one for physical fighting because she was a Rockefeller. As a Rockefeller, she had an image to uphold and stooping down to the trashy, insignificant level of some wannabe star, whose last name held no importance in any real textbook was not worth it. She wasn't going to disappoint her parents any more than Colette and Christopher had already done, by punching Tinashé square in the face because she simply wasn't worth it. Here, Ariana's pride probably helped her, since there was a very minute chance that she would end up on the winning side of a fight with Shay anyway.

Despite her steady expression and unwillingness to step back even as Shay got up in her face, Ariana was caught off guard by the threatening and aggressive tone that laced Shay's voice. If it had been anyone else, she would have immediately been on the phone with her family lawyer, demanding that he get her an order of protection against the person. She would insure that their name was slandered in whatever line of work they came from, and ruin their life in a way far worse than some petty rumor could. She couldn't go that far this time, because despite finding Tinashé to be absolutely abhorrent, her family was too close to the Collins. It would be far too messy, and Ariana preferred to settle the dispute in a way that wouldn't burden her parents. So, she kept her lips sealed, allowing Tinashé to look like the complete psycho she was as she ended her rant with a haunted house level clown grin.

She watched Tinashé's small form until it was invisible behind the house's walls, and then she finally moved her feet. She didn't move far, though. Only back towards the car, where a few of the house staff were still working on unloading shopping bags. "Bring me my car," she ordered, pulling a set of car keys from her bag and tossing it to one of the young men. She had done well at keeping herself composed in the devil's presence, but that wasn't going to last for much longer. She needed to get out of there. Not for good, no, she couldn't let Shay think she had won like that, but just for now. She needed air and she was sure that even if she retreated back to her room, Owen was going to be all over her about what had just happened.

As she waited for her car to be pulled up, which didn't take long due, she decided to let a little bit of her anger out in a few texts. With Owen, she needed to get a point across. He was going to choose her, or he was going to choose his classless sister. Her pride would take a hit if she chose Shay, but she would get over it. She would move on and do better than him, maybe even sleep with Carson for revenge, but he would never do better than her.

To: Owen
I'm sorry Owen, but I don't think that I can deal with your ghetto sister all summer. I've really tried to make an effort to get Alexandra back on the right track and if you think she's disrespectful, I don't even know what to tell you about your other one. I don't even know what to think about my relationship with you now, nonetheless having to spend the rest of the summer with a girl who literally threatened to kill me. I need some space, but maybe I'll meet up with you later tonight :/.

To: Christopher
I don't want you hanging around with Tinashé, Chris. She's bad news.

To: Alexandra
Did your sister forget to fill her Valium prescription lol?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins
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Putting the bad start to the day behind him, Owen was ready to have a good day at the beach. Alexandra had finally agreed to go along with the girls after Ariana diplomatically agreed to go as well, despite Tinashé's unfriendly invitation. The girls had went on their way and Owen had left with Oliver and Aiden in his car, while Carson and Christopher drove in Carson's Jeep. Their day couldn't have went better too. For the first time in a few weeks, he felt like his friendship with Carson was back in tact, to such a strong point that he decided to just be upfront with him about Ari's earlier assertion. When Carson denied any truth behind him and Shay kissing the previous night, Owen had no reason to question him further. He trusted that Carson wouldn't lie to him and it was hard for him to even believe that his best friend could have feelings for his sister in the first place. Hearing it from Carson, that there was no truth behind it, left him feeling even better.

When the day was over, Owen felt like their day was just as relaxing as the girls' day at the spa could have been. Since there was basically no tension among the boys, or at least that Owen was aware of, he was sure that their day probably was even more tranquil than the girls. However, the fact that he hadn't received a single text from Alexandra, Shay, Colette or Ariana telling him that someone had ripped another girl's hair out of their head seemed to be a good sign. In fact, it wasn't until he had already pulled into the driveway that he got a text from Ariana, and it seemed to portray their day in a positive light. Alexandra hadn't pulled her demon stunts, apparently, and if nothing else, that was something to celebrate considering how she had acted that morning.

Before he headed inside, he responded to Ariana's text, and decided to even try to make an effort with Alexa. He was always quick to acknowledge her being a pain in the ass, and maybe it would benefit their relationship if he acknowledged her being pleasant too.

To: Ariana
Yeah just got back and that's surprising but good to hear lol. Thanks again for going and sticking with her today. Ur a saint

To: Alexandra
I heard you guys had fun. Ruin dad's bank account?

He didn't think the day could get any better and he was right, because as soon as he got to his room, there was a knock at the door. One of the staff members explained to him that Shay wanted to talk to him, and as soon as he nodded and sent her out, he received a text from Ariana. The tone of the message completely contrasted the positive one that he had received from her minutes before, and he had to sit down on his bed as he reread the message. "Ghetto sister", not knowing what she wanted to do with her relationship with him, Shay threatening to kill her... it was a completely unexpected message and he wasn't sure how to process it. Even if he did have something to respond with, he wasn't going to until he spoke to Shay. He was sure that she had done something wrong to Ari for her to sent such a heated message, but the way that Ariana referenced her as his "ghetto sister", suggested that Ariana wasn't completely innocent in it either. So, rather than continue with his plans to shower, her pulled his t-shirt back on and walked down the hall, stopping only outside of Shay's room. He would wait for her as directed, but only because he was too confused and startled by what Ariana had just said to do anything more.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Christopher Rockefeller Character Portrait: Colette Rockefeller
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Tinashé didn't feel freed by snapping at Ariana. No, the real satisfaction would have been garnered had she finally said everything she really had wnted to say - all of the hurt and pain from the years before - when they were alone. However, as she entered her home, there was a bit of a difference. She knew she wouldn't be able to fully enjoy the rest of the summer, not with the way she just ended things with Ariana. At the same time, she realized that she wasn't going to allow her to make it impossible for her to try. Ariana was not going to be the focal point of her summer, the one dark speck in a bright couple of weeks. No, Shay was going to make plans for herself and the rest of their guests, she was going to release her independent mixtape, and she was going to enjoy her time home before thinking of any tours or other endeavors in her career. However, before she could truly allow herself to relax, she needed to finish this situation.

And talk to Owen.

Who happened to actually be waiting outside of her bedroom door. Tinashé wasn't surprised by his presence, but it didn't stop her from pausing. No matter how she framed the story, she felt like Owen would choose Ariana. He had made it clear when he basically asked her to play nice with the girl she hated - the exact opposite of what Tinashé Kachingwe would ever do considering how being coy just wasn't for her. Everyone knew that Shay typically liked cutting to the chase, getting straight to the point. And no, she was not going to talk about how she wasn't exactly doing that with Carson right now. This wasn't the same situation. No, this was her considering the fact that she was sure that her brother was going to blow up on her. After all, just because Shay told her that she didn't have to inform Owen about her threat, it didn't mean that Ariana had not. And judging by the expression on Owen's face at the moment, he already knew the two exchanged words. Still a distance away from him since she had stopped, Tinashé sent out two text messages.

To: Carson
Dubai might happen after all. Sorry

To: Colette, Chris
There may or may not have been words exchanged between me & ur sister

Finally with her phone back in her pocket, Tinashé took those slow steps towards her brother, staring up at him with a blank face. "I would tell you that I might have exchanged words with your girl, but you probably already know that, don't you?" She inquired, feeling something heavy settle on her chest at the tumultuous confrontation she knew they were going to have. "So, were you not going to tell me that your girlfriend told you that I was 'making out' with your best friend? Or was that why you were asking me about where I was last night?" She asked, sliding past him to open her bedroom door and walk in. Knowing that the conversation was not over, Shay left the door open for him to follow her inside.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Owen Collins
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Owen didn't have to wait very long before Tinashé came up to her room. In the few minutes he had been waiting, he had idly begun pacing a few feet up and down the hall, but he came to a stop when she got off of her phone and came towards him. He tried to read her expression but it was blank. She didn't appear to be filled with rage, and he didn't expect her to be ecstatic, but he still wished there was something more that he could work with to try to tell what had really happened. Both of his sisters were good at turning on and off their emotions, with Shay definitely taking the cake for that, but Owen differed from them in that respect. When he was stressed out, everyone knew it and when he was happy, he couldn't hide it either. His emotions were much more straight forward and simple and he hated that the girls were able to mask theirs so well.

She was right that he had already heard about her altercation with Ariana, and about the Carson thing, but he didn't confirm either. Instead, he silently followed her into her room. He waited to speak partly because he knew that he needed to tread lightly. He had been reminded this morning that he couldn't lash out at Shay in the way that he could with Alexandra, because she would lash out right back at him, and he didn't want that. Tinashé was the sister that he actually felt connected to, despite their strong differences, and he really didn't want to be having problems with her, especially after just reuniting with her after three months apart. He also was still speechless about what Ariana had claimed had went on, and about how she seemed to be on the verge of breaking up with him. Or maybe that text was her breaking up with him. He wasn't really sure, and didn't have the heart to reread it.

Whatever energy the day of relaxation had brought him was already drained. He sat on the edge of one of the chairs adjacent to Shay's bed and allowed his eyes to follow her as she made her way through the room. If she wanted to fight with him, or get the rest of the anger she was storing against Ariana out, he was going to let her, but he wasn't going to fight back. It wasn't going to do him any good and he was too tired for a screaming match that wasn't going to go anywhere. "I didn't think that I needed to tell you, because I knew it wasn't true. She admitted that she wasn't sure what she saw and I asked Carson and that was it." His voice was quiet, quiet enough to surprise even him as he ran his hand through his hair distractedly. "But was her telling me that enough to make you threaten to kill her, Shay? I mean, I know you two have issues that will probably never be resolved, and I get that I won't ever really understand that... but she was really making an effort today, Shay. Can you just explain to me what she did to cause all of whatever just happened? Because this is the story that I'm getting, and I don't know what to think right now." He tossed his phone with Ariana's text open, onto her bed. Whether she wanted to read it or not was out of his control, but he needed an explanation. He was willing to hear her side of the story and be a good brother, but at the same time, he was still trying to fathom what Ariana could have possibly done to set her off that badly. He wanted to be fair and hear both sides out. He wanted to be a brother, the brother that his father expected him to be to both of his sisters, but at the same time, he loved Ariana and couldn't imagine losing her over something that he was convinced was petty.

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Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Owen Collins
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When they were squared in her room, Shay looked back at her brother, plugging her phone up to its charger as he began to talk. Him telling her that Ariana had not been sure about seeing Carson and Shay making out made her roll her eyes, but she was luckily turned away from her brother so that she could see that her phone was getting the charge that it needed. She did, however, turn back around to face him for the rest of what he needed to say. The pressure on her chest - guilt possibly, but not at saying what she said to Ariana - intensified and Shay shut her eyes for a moment when Owen tossed his phone on her bed. It fell with a plop that held more weight than the device probably bore and without a word, she sat on her bed and picked it up, looking over Ariana's message.

Ignoring the parts where where Ariana called her "ghetto" and her "making an effort" in regards to Alexandra, Shay's eyes zeroed in on the fact that the bitch even had the audacity to threaten her relationship with Owen because the situation was just soooo traumatizing. Seriously? Was that the game Ariana was trying to play right now? It hurt her for him - that what he thought was a genuine relationship was being pitted against him, all because Ariana felt like her power had been threatened - that she didn't deserve to be snapped at and called out for insinuating something that had not been any of her business to insinuate on. And her adding that "she had not been sure" in regards to Carson and Shay's alleged doings was just as frustrating because it painted this perfect picture of loving concern and curiosity that Shay could not identify Ariana with. It not only made her look like Ariana was just this delicate little bird that got shot down, but it painted Shay as this dramatically cruel individual when...when...well, she wasn't. She wasn't anything like that, but she could already see Owen's brain working in Ariana's favor. Everyone always did. She could almost hear Ariana saying those words to Owen - especially since she could remember when Ariana used the same tone when the teachers inquired if she had actually locked her in the closet, to which she had replied that she had not known that Tinashé had been afraid of the dark and that she could have sworn the door had been unlocked when Shay went in there.

After a moment of silence, she finally looked up to meet her brother's gaze, levelled and fighting back whatever emotions that ran rampant in her diminutive form. "You wanna know what I think? I think that no matter what explanation I give, no matter what I do or say, you're gonna see that I was in the wrong and that I fucked up and I couldn't - for once - be the perfect sister you want me to be." Shay hated that her voice wavered on the last part of her sentence and her left hand instinctively clutched the blanket beneath her palm, as if this could be her lifeline to some semblance of control. "Did I threaten your girlfriend? Yes. Did I threaten her life? No, I barely have the heart to steal, so what would I look like killing someone, Owen?" She spat the question out, partly angry at being accused of that of all things. "And the only reason I threatened her was because unlike you, I can never play nice.

I will NEVER be able to just suck it up and pretend for anyone's sake, let alone yours. And the fact that you were pushing soooo hard for me to pretend - to NOT be me - I-I-I-I'm sorry, I couldn't do that. I couldn't lie to whoever it is I am right now and I'm sorry to tell you this, but I hate her."
Despite her best attempts, despite the fact that she rarely allowed herself to be weak in front of anyone, including her own family - a few tears had managed to seep out of Tinashé's eyes without her permission, staining her cheeks. And that fact alone - that she was actually crying over this - made the tears come that much faster. "I hate her, ok? I am partly claustrophobic and scared every day that I am going to be the same failure I was to her back then. I fucking hate her and that's not going to change, and definitely not over a few weeks. I've hated her for half of my life and you loving that bitch doesn't make me hate her less. Hell, I hate her even more for putting your relationship status in jeopardy because she couldn't handle me being upset that she would put some bullshit in your head. So, yeah, I threatened her. Not just because I was pissed that she told you a lie about me and Carson or that she just exists. But because I was asked to pretend long before you ever begged me to - back when she spat out lies for apologies only to do the exact same thing week after week just for me to be told to 'suck it up.' To 'let it go.'"

Whatever in her that suddenly made her words flow without filter and with no concern for the front Shay was known for putting up, she hated it because this honesty was too much. She had meant for this to be a simple conversation where she told him about himself and his girlfriend (if Ariana was even willing to call herself such anymore), he snapped or yelled, and Shay snapped back and told him to go fuck himself. This was different and she hated it. Hated that she was visibly shaking with rage and hurt she had kept down for years. Hated that there were tears still threatening to flow from her eyes despite the control she thought she had at the moment. She hated all of this and more than anything, she wanted this to be done and over with. Biting her lower lip, Shay wiped at her face, only minutely grateful at the water-proof mascara Colette had provided her with. She steeled her voice this time around, trying to remain as monotonous as possible in preparation for the reaction from Owen that she was anticipating. "And I'm done with pretending and I'm done with apologizing for not doing it. If you hate me now, then so be it. Go run after your girlfriend and I'll leave for Dubai before the night is out. But I won't pretend, Owen. Not for you. Not anymore."

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Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Owen Collins
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Why did everything have to be so difficult? Just when his issues with one sister seemed to subside, issues with the other and his girlfriend arose. It was just like taking one step forward and then two steps backwards. He wanted to pity himself and argue with Shay that it wasn't fair for him to be put in the middle of their drama just as much as it wasn't fair for him to expect her to pretend to be nice, but he couldn't. He couldn't find it in him to garner the anger or rage that it would have taken, especially once Tinashé started speaking. The guilt began to set in when she claimed that she couldn't be the "perfect sister" he wanted her to be, and hit even harder when he noticed the tears streaming down her face. That was the only sign he needed to know that this was bothering Shay more than he knew, more than he had imagined. The emotions related to the torment that Ariana had put Shay through years ago had clearly been pent up inside her for quite some time, and as she vented to him, all he wanted to do was hug her. He was the annoying, overprotective older brother, but he cared about her. He cared about her enough that it hurt him to watch her get so worked up over this, and then to claim that he hated her. That was the last thing he was feeling. He hated that she had stored so much rage inside of her for all of these years, he hated that it had probably come out in a volatile way, and yeah, he did hate that he was stuck in the middle of all of this, but he didn't hate her. If anything, he hated himself for not being able to fix this in one swift movement. He hated that although he knew that he should have easily chosen Shay over Ari, he couldn't make that decision so quickly. Maybe she wasn't the perfect sister, but he wasn't the perfect brother, son or boyfriend.

"If I had the capacity to hate you, I would have done so when you turned our house into an underage party spot or when you taught Lex how to shotgun a beer when she was like, twelve. Or maybe when you would call me fifteen times at three in the morning asking for a ride home from some party in Huntington Beach." If he wasn't feeling sentimental, he would have rolled his eyes at the mere recollection of all of the times that he wanted to strangle his step-sister. "You're my sister, Shay. I'm not going to hate you for having feelings that are completely valid, and I sure as hell don't want you to run off to Dubai over something like this." By now, he was on his feet and had reclaimed his phone from her bed. He still felt like hugging her, but he had never been emotional like that where it would be anything but uncomfortable. Instead, he met her gaze, hoping that it would be genuine enough for her to know that he was serious. "I don't want you to be upset but I don't want you to feel like you need to pretend to like her either. Just tell me what you want to do, where you want to go from here, and I'll do it. I'll ask her to leave, if she even plans on coming back. I'll ask her to never talk to you again. I just want this summer to work out, and if that means that you guys need space, that's fine."

He continued to mentally remind himself that he needed to be a good brother before he needed to be a good boyfriend, but it was hard. It was hard to imagine losing the girl that he had daydreamed about marrying for years, even when he knew that it was more important to put his sister first. The devil on his shoulder was telling him that he shouldn't just give up on Ariana because Shay couldn't put her differences aside. She was the one who was going to get to leave after the summer was over and continue to tour the world, while he would be left to his normal life, but this time, without the beautiful girlfriend he started the summer with. At the same time, he couldn't stop himself from returning to the night many years back, when he had driven from his dorm room at god knows what time in the morning, to pick up Shay from some party, because he knew she was in distress. He was never going to be able to stop caring about her like he had that night. She was his sister just as much as Alexa was, and he felt like it was his job to protect her, even if he loved the person he was protecting her from.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Owen Collins
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Alexa hurried up to her room at a pace strong enough to suggest that Shay was about to snap her neck and not Ariana's. She couldn't help but feel at least a little bit guilty for being forbidding towards Tinashé all day, and also for abandoning Ariana as soon as she sensed that something was about to go down. Alexandra didn't mind taking sides when she was the one who could be nasty and control the situation, but she knew better than to remain by Ariana's side when her sister had that look on her face. She was suddenly wishing that her room overlooked the driveway rather than the backyard so that she could watch, what she was sure to be an animated fight, go down. No matter what happened, she was sure that Owen was going to blame her for it. His finger always pointed towards her at the end of the day and even though she deserved it 99% of the time, she didn't think that the issue at hand now involved her. At least she hoped it didn't.

Surprisingly, Owen didn't seem to be mad at her. The tone of his text actually suggested the opposite, and while Alexa was still annoyed with him enough from earlier to not want to respond, it was relieving. As she tossed her sandals across the room and dropped her bag to the floor, she thought, for a moment, that maybe nothing bad had happened between Shay and Ari. Owen wouldn't have been texting her if Ariana was on her way to the emergency room, as Alexandra imagined. But as she lazily slid under the fluffy blankets that lined her bed, another message was received, and this time it was from Ariana. Reading the, "Did your sister forget to fill her Valium prescription lol?" message made her smirk for a moment, because it was one of the rare moments of Ariana acting like a friend and not her brother's girlfriend. It also acknowledged that she was at least alive after the altercation, which had to be a good sign, but at the same time, it clearly showed that Shay had gotten worked up over whatever happened. There was a part of Alexa that thought that her sister deserved it. She had been a bad sister to her when she didn't keep Alexandra's private confession to her a secret. She didn't stick up to her when Owen was being an ass about wearing a bathing suit in their own house. She didn't personally make her that omelet that she wanted! As she reminded herself of all of that, it overtook the part of her that wanted to feel bad that her sister was trapped in a house with a girl she openly hated for years. It was subject to change at one wrong word, but for now, she liked Ariana better.

To: Ariana
She's a psycho

To: Shay
Did you forget to fill your Valium prescription????

Sending the text was probably unnecessary and mean, but she felt like she needed to regain a little bit of pride after readily backing down moments earlier when she left Ariana's side. This was her way of reminding Shay that she was still mad at her, and an unspoken way of telling Ariana that she agreed with her. However, if Alexandra had known that just a few doors down, Tinashé had been pushed to the point of tears over the whole thing, she definitely wouldn't have had the guts to hit the send button.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Owen Collins
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Once the words had finally finished spilling from her lips, Tinashé found herself unable to continue to look at Owen, wiping at tears that kept springing to her eyes despite that not being what she wanted. Can you not be a little bitch? She snapped at herself mentally. This was why she had told hrself to be tougher - had made herself tougher. Because she hated this...this more emotional and unpredictable side. She didn't know who this girl was that cried so freely, that allowed her feelings to come forth, unbidden and without two fucks about her wanting to be tough. At least, she didn't know this girl too well. She seemed like a completely different person than who Tinashé was, some far off persona who was probably better than who she was now, but she'd rather deal with herself than deal with this girl. This girl was too weak, too much like the old Tinashé. And she had done whatever she could in order to make that side of her go away.

She couldn't even stop herself from flinching when Owen first began to talk, the deep timbre of his voice a shock to her when the silence had just been filled only by the sound of the small sniffling she had been doing. His listing off all of those old memories made her want to laugh - made her want to grin at the thought of her frequent calls to get bailed out of trouble - but all the emerged from her throat were tiny whimpers she hated herself all the more for. The sounds were pathetic and she mentally punched herself for the sign of weakness. So caught up in her self-deprecating thoughts was she that Shay's body automatically tensed when Owen came to get his phone, not relaxing an inch even when he pulled back to stand upright. Tugging at her lower lip thoughtfully, Shay fought back the impulse to continue not staring at Owen and finally met his gaze, wary about what she would see in his gaze. They seemed serious enough...maybe with a hint of a sadness - for Ariana or for her, she could not tell. But it was his words that made her feel like one-hundred percent shit.

What she wanted him to do? He would ask Ariana to leave? It was more selfless than Shay cared to believe she deserved and it was all the more reason for her to leave. She obviously didn't deserve to belong here and sure, she hated Ariana. But she didn't hate Owen and while she couldn't stand the idea of being under the same roof as Ariana, she hated the idea of her brother suffering because of her. That had been the vow she made to herself years ago when her parents separated and it felt like Kudzai and Thulani were forgotten in the whole ordeal. What she promised herself as she grew closer to Owen and Alexandra, and they became - not just siblings by a marriage none of the kids originaly wanted - her real brother and sister. And it was because of that that she turned her gaze away and said, "Don't...don't do that. You're making me hate me more than I already do." Welp, there went not being so fucking honest! And damn her voice for sounding so fucking frail. "I just...need a little time. You should probably just go see your girlfriend. You love her and I can't...make you not be with her. I'll text everyone that the plans are cancelled and they can just do whatever they want."

Not wanting to continue this anymore, Shay slid off of her bed and walked back to the nightstand, hearing the ping of her phone at the new text. She didn't pick it up, just peered down at the screen only to see a text from Alexandra. She didn't care that Alexandra was probably still pissed at her or even that she seemed to know what was going on. All she could focus on was what the implication of her taking Valium meant - that Ariana had already gotten to Alexandra and there was just one more person she cared about that hated her. Because regardless of what Owen said, she still believed that he did and now Alexandra did and Carson probably would too and -

"Fuck!" She cried, hands gripping at the sides of the polished wood nightstand. It sailed in the air just a moment, hitting the ground with a dull thud followed by the sound of her phone clattering to the floor as well. Feeling more tears that she didn't want Owen to see clawing their way to her eyes, Shay simply hurried to her bathroom with the excuse that "I need to wash my face" tossed over her shoulder at him, and she slammed the door shut behind her, sliding against it as she fought to tamper down on her frustrations.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins
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Stupidly, Carson had switched his phone onto silent mode as he made his way into the house. His legs still felt like they were covered in sand from being at the beach and he needed to get the smell of salt water out of his hair, so the shower was his first stop. His phone rested on his bed when Tinashé responded to his text, saying that she was going to talk to Ariana. If only he had his phone on hand, maybe he could have stopped her. Their confrontation would have happened eventually, but when he emerged from the shower twenty minutes later to find that text, followed up by one saying that she might actually go to Dubai, he knew something had went down. They had left off on fairly good terms that morning, and then he tells her that Ariana was trying to paint them badly to Owen, and now she suddenly wanted to return to Dubai. Carson couldn't imagine Ariana genuinely being able to intimidate Tinashé in the present day, but maybe she had. If it had been the other way around, it would have been Ariana wanted to flee the house.

To: Shay
I'm not letting u leave me here. Wat happened?

He didn't know that Shay's phone was currently somewhere on her bedroom floor, probably feet away from Owen, while she barricaded herself in her bathroom. When she didn't answer within a few seconds, he decided that he would go find out what had happened on his own. He was wearing nothing more than a towel around his wait but her room was only a few doors down... he was sure that he wouldn't run into anyone on his way there. And he didn't run into anyone on his way there, but as soon as he jiggled her bedroom doorknob open, he regretted it. He could hear Owen's voice before the door was even fully open, but it didn't sink in until the door was open and there was no turning back. It was probably the worst possible type for him to show up in Tinashé's room, let alone in nothing but a towel. He needed an excuse, and he needed one fast, or else Owen was definitely going to question Ariana's claim about them making out. "Hey, man. Hope I'm not interrupting anything," he glanced around the room, noting that Shay was nowhere in sight. He had to play it cool, had to make it look like he had some reasonable explanation for barging into his sister's room in a towel. "Do you have that cologne you were talking about that Ari bought you in London? I don't know where I put any of my stuff and I need something to work with if we're going to Greystone tonight." He tried to laugh it off as if he were Christopher earlier in the car, having a normal guy-to-guy conversation. He needed cologne to pick up girls. Girls that were definitely not his sister. But why the hell was he coming to Shay's room for that? "I was going to ask Chris, but Nkruma said you were in here so I figured I'd ask you first." Was he sounding too guilty, like he was overcompensating? Maybe. He needed to change the subject. What he really needed to do was get the hell out there and put on clothes, but he wasn't thinking straight enough to turn to that logic. "Is she alright?" He lowered his voice now as he realized that Owen had been talking to the closed bathroom door, which was probably where Shay was.

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Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins
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Even when Shay insisted that he shouldn't ask Ariana to leave, he felt like it was going to be necessary. He would feel like a complete jerk if he let Tinashé because of this incident. This was her house just as much as it was his, and she had every single right to feel comfortable in her own home. It made a hell of a lot more sense for Ariana to leave than it did for Shay to be forced out because of this whole ordeal. Besides, if it ever got back to Pierce and Aimee that he had allowed Shay to run off to Europe because of this, well, he would never hear the end of it from them, and would never feel okay with himself either. "I'll go see her when I know that you're okay," he replied quickly. Even with his mind continuously reminding him of the way Ari had left their relationship hanging by a thread in that text, he wasn't going to leave Shay in this state. It wouldn't make him a good brother, and he probably already wasn't being a good boyfriend by not replying to Ariana's text right away anyway.

"I'll text everyone that the plans are cancelled and they can just do whatever they want." He shook his head, but didn't respond right away. He knew that Shay had been excited for the night as of this morning. Her mood had clearly been destroyed, but what good would it do for her to sit around here and make herself more miserable? Or give her a chance to actually run off to Dubai? Even though Owen hadn't exactly been eager to drag the whole crew to one of the most exclusive clubs in LA, he would do it if it meant bringing back some good vibes to the group. His sister's focus had already shifted to his phone, but he decided to try to persuade her not to cancel the plans. "Don't cancel them. Come on, everyone was excited to go. Even Oliver was talking about it tod-" He was caught off by the sound of a small bang at she knocked something over. Maybe he should have just let her be. He doubted his presence was doing anything but make her feel more emotional, but with Owen being Owen, he felt like he had to make this right somehow.

That desire became impossible when she locked herself in the bathroom. He raised a hand to knock on the door, ready to ask her to come back out, but what good would that do? He hadn't seen Shay so emotional in years, and he doubted that she was used to feeling this way either. Maybe it would be better if he just let her relax and give her the space that she requested. Ariana was probably far off the premises by now. Them getting into another fight was one thing that he didn't have to worry about, so maybe this would be the calm after the storm. "Alright, Shay. I'm going to go, but text me in a little while and I think you should reconsider cancelling your plans. Even if you and Colette just do something, or you and Chris, I think it would be good to get out and have fun." With that, he turned to leave, but before he could take more than one step, the bedroom door opened to a sight that Owen definitely didn't want to see. A soaking wet Carson, naked aside from a towel wrapped around his waist? What the hell? Maybe Owen was more naive than anyone thought him to be, because just as he readily accepted Carson's rejection of the rumor about him and Shay, he didn't speculate any further when Carson explained why he was there. Even if he did want to get analytic of the story, he didn't want to do it standing in front of his barely clothed best friend. "Yeah, it's in the top shelf of the cabinet in my bathroom." He stepped towards Carson, only pausing when his friend looking towards Shay's bathroom door with concern. "She's... yeah, she's okay, I think." He nodded his head towards the hall and as they both stepped out of Shay's room, he gently closed the door behind him.

He didn't want to talk about Shay only a few feet away from her, especially with her already being so unstable. "She just really can't stand Ari being here, I guess, and they must have exchanged words. Now Shay wants to go back to Dubai and is more emotional than I've seen her in the past five years combined, and I think Ariana broke up with me. I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do, man." When they reached Owen's room, he quickly rummaged through some drawers until he found the cologne, and tossed it to Carson. He did want to talk to him about the problem and was more than willing to accept some advice, but he preferred talking to a fully-clothed Carson. "I need to shower too, but if you want to try talking to her, feel free. Maybe she'll be willing to listen to someone else, since she already thinks I have a bias towards Ariana."

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Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins
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Carson felt a little bit guilty when Owen was so ready to believe the reason for why he had came into Shay's room. It probably had to do with how uncomfortable it would have for them to get in an argument while he was sporting just a towel, but still, Owen trusted him like a best friend supposed to. Carson tried to remind himself that he wasn't lying to Owen, since he had only denied kissing Shay, not cuddling with her or liking her more than a friend. Still, maybe he owed it to his best friend to be open about that. He was going to find out at some point and it would probably make the situation a lot easier to deal with if it was him being honest about it, and not Ariana sharing the information to spite Shay again.

He had to follow Owen out of Shay's room and down the hall to his, because it wouldn't have made any sense for him to suddenly not need the cologne now. He was glad, however, that Owen did discuss the whole Shay issue once her door was closed behind them. "I can't blame Shay for not wanting Ariana to be here. Even though all that shit went down years ago, it still must be really... unsettling, to have someone you hated in your home of all places." He personally didn't think that Ariana was much of a threat, especially not now that Shay had grown up, but it wouldn't have been right for any of them to dismiss it that easily. To act like she would be able to pretend that Ariana hadn't made it her mission to ruin Shay's childhood, and that they could suddenly put that behind them now. As he thought about it, he realized that it really was messed up and unfairly, he wanted to blame Owen. Owen must have heard more about the bullying situation than Carson, but even Carson didn't think it was right for Owen to have agreed, or probably encouraged, Ariana to come stay with them. At the very least, it was selfish.

But he had to be Owen's friend before he was Shay's, at least to Owen's face, and when he brought up Ariana breaking up with him, Carson noticed the stress and sadness in his voice. "Shit... that really sucks," was all that he said, though. He wasn't used to relationship problems because for him, it was really rare that a relationship ever extended beyond sex. He had had two girlfriends in high school, but that was it. From then on, it was only casual sex with no strings attached and Owen and Ariana now were a person example of why he stuck to that.

He took the bottle of cologne from Owen and stared at it with a puzzled expression for a split second, before remembering that he had asked for it. Luckily for him, Owen changed the subject from his issues with Ariana back to Shay, and surprisingly, welcomed him to go talk to Shay. He needed to talk to her because there was no way that she was leaving him for Dubai, and he did want to console her, but he didn't want to sound too eager. Plus, who knew if Shay would even want to talk to him! For all he knew, she was going to blame the whole situation erupting on him just as much as he was blaming himself. "Alright, yeah. Maybe I will," he nodded thoughtfully, taking the silence that followed as a welcomed cue for him to leave.

He hurried back to his bedroom where he put on clothes, a long overdue move. When he glanced down at his phone again and noticed that there was still no reply from Shay, he didn't know what to do. Maybe she really wanted to be alone and just get all of her thoughts and emotions in order. Carson was sure that Owen had probably pissed her off even further, like he tended to do to his sisters when he attempted to fix their problems. At the same time, he felt like he needed to try to talk to her, even if it did end in her telling him to get out. So, a minute later, he was back down the hall, but this time, knocking on her door before trying to go in. With his luck, this time it would be Alexandra on the other end, and at least now he'd have a chance to run if he heard her voice. "Shay? It's Carson. Can we talk?" he called out in a hushed tone through the door.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Christopher Rockefeller
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Forcing herself to take calming breaths to keep unwanted tears at bay and hopefully, force them back into her system, Shay rested the back of her head against the door. She chose not to respond to Owen, hoping that he would just leave. That was what she wanted. For everyone to leave. For her to leave. The bitch in her head called her a coward, reminding her that she was constantly running away from her problems like a scared little girl. That she would hide out in some remote location - Dubai or maybe even that space in her mind - and not look back until there was no other choice than to face her demons. And maybe that part of her was right for both of those things, leaving California and leaving this weeping mess in her bathroom sounded so much better than being in the situation she was in. Shay had the right mind to get up when she heard Carson interacting with Owen on the other side of her voice and her breath caught in her throat. Oh God, no! He was the last person she needed to se like this. She didn't care if her makeup look ruined or if her hair was slightly disheveled from the hands she had shoved mercilessly into the locks. No, she didn't want Owen to see her like this - tear-stricken and frail and just no! So, she willed herself silent, wiping her face and just breathing in the silence until she felt like both guys were gone.

When it felt like she was finally alone, Tinashé slowly stood and walked over to her sink on autopilot. Running warm water in the faucet, she took the alcohol swabs from the cabinet and began taking off the little bit of makeup she had been wearing. Once that was accomplished, she splashed the water on her face, trying to rub away the salty stains of hurt and rage that had already seeped into her skin. Turning off the sink, she grabbed one of the smaller towels and dried her face, taking only a few moments to take in her appearance. She looked only a little paler, but her nose was reddened a bit and her eyes were still red and puffy. A beautiful masterpiece, she joked sardonically. Throwing the cotton towel down, she turned and swung the bathroom door open, exiting the bathroom. Upon her return to her then empty bedroom, Shay glared idly at the nightstand she had knocked over, her eyes specifically falling onto the phone that fell just a few centimeters away from it. Kicking off the sandals she thought she had taken off when she and Owen first came in, Shay snatched it up and bypassed her nightstand altogether, plopping herself on her bed as she peered through her messages. She wanted to reply to Carson, and he was sincerely her first option in people to talk to. However, even after seeing Chris' message - which brought a small smile to her face - her mind went back to Alexandra's text. Sighing, Shay sent out the only two responses that felt normal enough and weren't filled with the emotions she had been privy to in the last few minutes.

To: Chris
Yeah, whatever

To: Lex
That's how u feel? Then fine. Don't talk 2 me 4 da rest of the nite if u kno whats good 4 u. I am done w/ ur attitude and u r the least of my worries right now.

At this point, Shay was not going to entertain her sister's attitude. Not for tonight. Especially if Owen and Chris still thought it would be a good idea for everyone to go out. No, Alexa was upset with her over not taken her on tour, which was foolish in and of itself. This was one thing Shay could not have snuck her sister on and she was tired of trying to justify her decision. There were only two people in this house she felt like she ever truly owed answers to and they were the people who owned the property. Second, Lex was upset about something else, maybe the whole Shay-telling-Carson-that-she-knew. Not that Tinashé could care at that moment. As she had specified in the message, Alexandra's pissy mood and overall negative energy were simply the least of her worries. Lastly, Lex made it clear which side she was taking in this. She showed her allegiance to Ariana since the only way Lex would have come up with a line like that would have been if someone else had fed it to her, and there was no other person at the time that could possibly do such other than Ariana Rockefeller. And Shay was tired. She always came to Alexandra's defense, particularly against Owen and sometimes against their parents. She allowed Lex to get away with a hell of a lot of shit, some things she looked back at with a bit of disappointment in herself for being softer than she should have been. But now, and perhaps Shay was more emotional than she wanted to currently acknowledge, she was finished with Lex. Not indefinitely, but definitely for the night. She needed space.

Growling to herself, Shay tossed her phone back down and went to pick up the nightstand, flinching in surprise when she heard the knock on her door. She had half the mind to yell for the person to go away as she walked over, but then she heard Carson's voice. Biting her lip and a hand on the doorknob, Shay rested her head against the door. She should tell him to go away. Should assure him that she was fine and make sure that he told the others that she would be ready in a half an hour. Surely, she would be fine and he had nothing to worry about. But even she didn't believe that and despite the protests she could feel clawing their way up her throat, Shay slowly opened the door, offering Carson a smile smaller than the one she typically gave him. "Hey, CJ." There was no cheeriness or lightheartedness in the greeting and she hated it, but it seemed this was all she could afford. "I know...I know that you talked to Owen. I-I'm fine, ok? I'm...fine..." Not wanting to look at him anymore, Shay turned and walked back to her bed, leaving the door open. Once there, she crossed her legs under herself, playing at her fingers. " he ok?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Christopher Rockefeller
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Owen had some nerve not calling her withing thirty seconds of her text being sent to him. She didn't look back as she raced down his long driveway at a speed likely to kill a maintenance worker if they dared to step off of the lawns they watered. She was furious, and even more so when she reach the end of the driveway and glanced in her rear view mirror before pulling past the gates. He wasn't running after her. He had chosen his disgusting, loser, gangster sister over her. Was he out of his mind? Either that, or he killed himself after she threatened to beak up with him. No one in their right mind would choose that piece of trash over Ariana Rockefeller.

It irked her even more that Alexandra and Christopher had both managed to respond to her before her own boyfriend could. She was angry, offended and to her own surprise, upset. She had started dating Owen to prove a point to Colette but it would be a lie to say that he hadn't grown on her. She wouldn't genuinely say that she loved him, but only because she was cautious with that word. Love meant dependence, in her mind, and she wouldn't depend on Owen or any man, regardless of how invested they acted in her. This was the perfect example of why she felt that way - because even when someone acted like they loved her, it was never real. It never meant that she was their first choice all of the time, and even if this time it wasn't another love interest taking her place, it was someone. Boys swooned over Ariana all of the time, but the good ones never lasted and Owen had just joined that list of men.

She had started driving with no real destination in mind, but as she merged onto the highway heading south, her family's Newport Beach home became her destination. It was going to take her at least an hour and a half in with traffic to get there, but she didn't care. She was in no rush, and with the radio turned up as loud as the speaker would allow, she tried to calm herself down. It didn't work, though. Being alone wasn't good for her, because she had no one to force her to keep herself together in front of. Before she could stop them, tears were streaming down her face, and she was lucky that rush hour traffic allowed her to stop her car for a good five minutes. She was barely composed by the time the cars in front of her began to regain pace, but at least she had time to send out a couple of texts.

To: Christopher
It's not funny, Chris. If you were a good brother you would listen to me on this.

To: Alexandra
I can't be around that house right now. Way too many bad vibes :(. Sorry for leaving you with that monster.

When her phone rang, and the Bluetooth in her car picked it up and showed that it was Owen calling, she didn't move. She didn't reject the call, but let it ring. When it silenced, she was only able to enjoy her music for another ten seconds before his name flashed on the screen, and again, and again, before she finally answered. Or at least accepted the call, because she refused to speak until he did.


She waited a good thirty seconds, partly for dramatic effect and partly to make sure her voice wasn't going to be shaky when she did answer. "Yes." She decided that she should have waited longer, because if she had said more than that one word, she was sure it would have been apparent that she was crying. In their entire year of dating, she was sure that she had never once cried to Owen about anything, and she definitely didn't want to cry to him, about him.

"Ariana, look, I'm really sorry. I know that Shay probably said something that was really bad but I promise she didn't mean -"

"She did mean it, Owen. If you're calling to try to apologize for her, just hang up now, okay? I didn't clear an entire two months of my life to deal with being berated by some five-foot brat. And I know she's your sister, and that's why I tried to be nice to her. I really did try, Owen, because I care about you, obviously more than she does, and I wanted you to have fun this summer. But it's just not worth it for me to stay there, to stay with you, if I'm going to be threatened for doing absolutely nothing." And now, fueled by emotions, she was convinced that she really hadn't done anything. She had warned Owen that his best friend was making a move on his sister like a good girlfriend would do. She spent an entire day with his problem sister like a good girlfriend would do. And then she was verbally assaulted by that ghetto bitch.

"Can't you just come back so we can talk about this in person? Please, Ari. Or just tell me where you are and I'll leave right now and come. I don't want to do this over the phone."

She wanted him to choose her, but she hated how desperate he sounded as he plead for her to return. It wasn't fair of her to do this to him, but she had to. She had to make a point to him, to Colette, to Shay, to everyone. "There isn't anything to talk about, Owen. You either side with me, or you side with her. There's nothing to reason and no excuses to be made for how she acted. I'm on my way to my house in Newport, so if you decide to choose your girlfriend who's been nothing but loyal to you and your family, you can bring your things with you and we can enjoy the summer like we planned. Otherwise, I'll send someone to get my things and you can delete my number from your contacts."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Ariana Rockefeller Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins
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Owen put off responding for Ariana for as long as he could, because he honestly had no idea how to reply to her message. She said she needed space and that she would consider meeting up with him later, which suggested that maybe it was okay for him not to respond. At the same time though, he was sure that this was one of those confusing times his father had warned him about years ago, when girls would say one thing and mean the other. She probably did want him to say something even just to validate her feelings, but he didn't know how to do that without severing ties with his sister. Even after departing from Carson and taking a fifteen-minute shower, he was still perplexed on what to say, but by now, he had the energy to dial her number into his phone.

Five rings later, and he was sent to voice mail. He didn't want to leave a message because he still didn't know what he was going to say, and he wanted to hear her voice. Owen needed to know that she was okay and that their relationship was okay. As he called her a second time, he managed to simultaneously get dressed, and with the third call, dry his hair, before she finally answered on the fourth try. He was so used to the person on the other end responding with "hello?" first, that he wasn't sure that she had actually answered when he was met with silence.

"Ariana?" he asked.There were faint sounds of cars in the background, but the silence suggested that maybe he had lost service or he had somehow reached her voice mail again. After a few grueling seconds, he got a "yes" to acknowledge that she was on line, but nothing more. He didn't need anything more than that to know that she was upset with him. If she was just annoyed or even angry, he was sure he would be getting an ear full of rage, but her bare response and shaky voice showed weakness and vulnerability that he wasn't used to from Ari. It only made him feel worse about the situation. Maybe Shay was more out of line than he thought she had been.

He needed to somehow explain this and make things better without making either girl into the villain. They both hated each other, that much was well known, but maybe if he could just get Ariana to see where Shay was coming from, they could mend what had just happened. "Ariana, look, I'm really sorry. I know that Shay probably said something that was really bad but I promise she didn't mean -" When she cut him off mid-sentence, he knew that wasn't going to happen. She wasn't going to meet him half-way in this one, and her final words proved that. She hung up before he could even respond, but he replayed her words a few times in his mind as he stood frozen next to his bed. She had given him an ultimatum: her or Shay. He could pack his bags and spend the summer with her in Newport Beach, over an hour away, or stay with his family here, and lose her as a girlfriend and friend.

Owen should have expected a proposal like that, but even after watching Shay break down and hearing Ariana's voice on the phone, he didn't think it was this bad. He was sure that he had gotten through to Shay even just a little bit, and that this could all be solved within the next few days. He and Ariana could stay out in the guest house and maybe spend fourth of July in Catalina or fly out to New York for a few days to distance the girls enough to still make a summer together work. He considered telling Ariana that he couldn't leave his sisters, to how he wanted to spend the summer with his friends as he planned, or that his parents would fly back home if they knew that he was leaving the house in Shay's hands. It wouldn't be right to leave everyone alone here, because he was sure that if he did, chaos would ensue. But was he supposed to give up his relationship with an amazing girl because he felt like he needed to be responsible and take care of everything? Everyone in the house was legally an adult. It wasn't his job to babysit them. Maybe this was what he needed to finally let go a little bit, to free himself of all of the family pressure that he had accepted when his parents divorced.

Barely paying attention to what he was taking, he stuffed a bag with some clothes and necessities, and his mind was made up. He was going to spend the summer with his girlfriend. He hadn't completely thrown his old self to the wind, as he was hoping that within a few hours, he could talk some sense into her and they would return to Beverly Hills, but for now, he was going to do what he needed to do to win her back. He sent out a couple of texts before sending someone to bring his car to the front of the house, before pulling off in it.

To: Shay
Hey u feeling okay? I'm omw out rn but lmk when you guys are going to Greystone. Might meet up with you. If not plz make sure Lex doesn't do anything stupid. Plz.

To: Carson
Hey I'm going to spend the night with Ari in Huntington Beach I think. Look out for my sisters tn if I don't see you?

To: Alexandra
Don't be a brat to Shay tn, ok? She's not feeling well.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Christopher Rockefeller Character Portrait: Oliver McKagan Character Portrait: Aiden Chang
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"Alright, see you in a little," Carson replied as he headed out of her room. It didn't sound awkward coming out of his mouth, but this state of over thinking that he had fallen into tried to convince him that it was. As he slowly turned down the hallway, he wished he had acted more passionately. He didn't have to push her against the bed and tear her clothes off, but pulling her face closer to his and kissing her back would have sufficed. Even a more thorough response to the kiss would have been enough. It would have been better than him pulling his hand away from hers and changing the subject some scared fourteen-year-old boy. He would redeem himself tonight, though, he decided. Tonight was going to be fun and he was going to make sure that Shay not only cheered up, but that she knew that they were going to make this summer count.

He was in the middle of writing a mass text to Oliver, Aiden, Owen and Chris, when he got a text from Owen. Apparently, he was on his way to Huntington Beach to spend the night with Ariana. Carson didn't think that was the best option, but that was his "I love Shay" side talking. If there were no feelings there, he would have clearly agreed that Owen needed to dig himself out of the deep hole that he was in with Ariana. Even if he did think that it wasn't going to help the situation if he kept bowing down to Ari's every request, it was going to benefit Carson tonight. He, Shay and the others could all go out and have a good time and Carson wouldn't have to worry about Owen finding anything out, or questioning his interactions with Tinashé. He really couldn't have asked for a better ending to a not-so-good situation, and he didn't even feel guilty hoping that "if I don't see you" would end us as definitely not seeing him.

To: Owen
Go get ur girl back dw about stuff here.

To: Chris, Aiden, Oliver
Leaving for Providence in 30

To: Shay
Make me not feel like the worst friend in the world and tell me I'm not alone in being kind of glad Owen's not coming?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Christopher Rockefeller Character Portrait: Oliver McKagan
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Emerging from her bathroom once more on an impulse, Shay returned to her bedroom with her toothbrush sticking out of her mouth as her brain considered all that she could wear for the evening. Unlike Colette, whose main attire typically consisted of dresses, she wasn't in the mood for such. Casual was always a go-to style for Tinashé and she prided herself on not being too dressy or constricted. At the same time, now feeling a bit freer at the thought that Ariana either was going to officially not acknowledge her presence like Shay was going to do to her or that Ariana just wasn't going to be present for the evening's activities, she felt that she still wanted to show off a little skin. She deserved to be a bit sexy tonight, right? So, she opened her closet door and rifled through the assortment of clothing, deciding firstly on the pair of Balmain heels. The classic French manicure and pedicure treatment she had gotten while they had been out were fitting enough to not seem too showy. Smiling at her selection, she glanced over at her phone, set the shoes before her bed, and then picked it up, still opting to ignore the message Alexandra left for her.

At first, she didn't know what she wanted or could say in regards to Owen leaving. Her mind immediately went to one conclusion: he was going after Ariana. And it infuriated her - enough that she was ready to curse her brother out via text message. Unlike Owen, Tinashé had never been in love. She had never known the luxury of having someone - and being had - without the fear of being treated like an item or that they could very easily leave. That fear, along with the insecurities she tried to keep from the forefront, made it near impossible to put her heart on the line, but she did know one thing. Love wasn't supposed to be like this. It shouldn't make you someone have to choose between family and them. It wasn't about not acknowledging one's own failures and flaws, and putting the relationship on the line for something as petty as an argument with someone else. Maybe she needed more experience to tell Owen that, maybe not. But, in Shay's mind, love should never have an ultimatum. And the fact that Owen had chosen - that her had chosen her stung - but Shay was too ready to have fun and forget than to allow his naivety and stupidity ruin her night. She just hoped it wouldn't bite him in the ass.

To: Owen
Fine. Have fun.

To: Carson
Idk. At least we can say he won't suck the life out of tonite.

To: Lex, Colette, Jamie
Leaving for Providence in 30

Once those messages were sent, Shay plugged her phone back in and then returned to the bathroom to empty her mouth's contents and finish brushing her teeth. Afterwards, she was undressing and then hopping in the shower, willing the night to roll over like the steaming jets of water that soaked her body.

Time: 9:30 pm

Providence was as impeccable and delicious as ever. The artisanal cheeses and crackers were paired with a decadent wine, the lobster ravioli had been filling, and at the moment, Shay was nursing a generous serving of sorbet, brimming with satisfaction and a sudden explosion of energy. With the negativity of Ariana at the back of her mind and pointed ignoring her sister's attitude with her, Shay found herself enjoying the night and had spent a considerable time during their dinner sharing stories of her tour and hearing about everyone else's stories about the past few months - hell, year - that they had all spent a part. Giggling a little at the overall enjoyment of the night, Shay felt good and she damn sure knew she looked good too.

Once out of her shower, she had decided on a black Chanel jacket and short set. The woven material was surprisingly thinner than it appeared and she allowed the jacket to remain buttoned up for the time being, though she knew she would take it off later in the midst of dancing to reveal the white tank top underneath. The pairing had been a simple enough ensemble that she felt comfortable and in her zone, while the show of seemingly long legs - elongated even more by the heels adorning her feet - allowed her to feel sexy and carefree. For simple jewelry, she had decided on a multi-strand gold necklace from Versace that had tiny medallions with the brand's emblem, changed her nose stud to the small nose ring, and an edgy ring for the middle finger on her left hand. Her makeup consisted of wine red lips and concentration on the eyeliner, resulting in a cat-eye appearance. Overall, she knew she looked like a million bucks and hoped, though hopefully not too noticeably, that Carson had noticed. Not that you are care too much, her mind reminded her tauntingly to which Shay flicked it off. She was done with going with her head at the moment. She was ready for the night to begin.

"Thanks again," she said, handing the check along with her credit card to their waiter, who smiled congenially and departed to take care of her payment. She didn't ask if any of the others wanted to play, this felt more like a treat than anything else. Turning her attention back to the others with an inquisitively raised brow, Shay asked with a lascivious grin, "So, who's ready to get this party started?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinashé Kachingwe Character Portrait: Alexandra Collins Character Portrait: Carson Koch Character Portrait: Owen Collins Character Portrait: Christopher Rockefeller Character Portrait: Oliver McKagan
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In Owen's text, he had said that he was going to spend "the night" with Ariana. Carson doubted that Ariana planned on it just being a night, though. If she was upset or angry enough to run away to her family's home an hour away, he doubted that she had any plans on coming back. That didn't really bother Carson. He had always gotten along well with Ariana, but if her hatred for Shay was going to get him into trouble, he was more than glad that she wanted to stay away too. Owen was a good enough guy that Carson could see him wanting to appease his girlfriend and spending the summer there with her too, but he wasn't sure if that was realistic. Surely his parents would have doubts about him leaving the rest of the gang at their house. The slew of house staff made it impossible for too much trouble to go down. They weren't going to burn the place down or be ransacked by thieves, but Carson also knew that Owen was trusted more than his sisters when it came to being responsible, and putting safety over fun. Even if Pierce and Aimee were okay with it, Carson wasn't sure if Owen would actually want to be away from everything. Ariana was a trophy girlfriend, but Carson thought that at least for him, that thrill would wear off eventually. That would be especially true if she put him in the same hard spot that she was putting Owen in, with choosing her or his sister.

He felt bad for Owen, but not bad enough to not be excited for the night. It was going to be the perfect opportunity to show Shay that he was all-in if she was, without having to worry about him or Ariana trying to ruin that. Alexandra might prove to be more crazy than she had already shown herself to be that morning, but he was hoping that his words had finally sunk in. They seemed to, at least, since he got through the Providence dinner with very little contact from her. Things were civil and he doubted that anyone, aside from maybe Shay, knew how uncomfortable he felt around the eighteen-year-old, but he preferred avoiding her as much as possible. It was apparent that he wasn't going to be able to try to be nice and normal with her, because she would take that as him wanting more, and that was the last thing he wanted. Thankfully, the Wild King Salmon he ordered was large enough to allow him to have a mouth full of food for most of the night. He laughed along at the wild stories Chris and Shay shared about their Europe trip, joked about how Colette had tried to make a move on him when he showed up in New York a few months back, and helped himself to as much of Shay's lobster ravioli as he could when she wasn't looking. The night was good and fun, light and easy. Something he was sure wouldn't have been true had his best friend and his girl friend tagged along. Regardless of preferring their absence, Carson felt the need to text Owen. Maybe it was to genuinely check in on him, or reassure himself that he was a good friend, despite struggling to keep his eyes off of Shay throughout the entire dinner.

To: Owen
How's everything going?

When the meal was finished, Carson was just as ready as Shay and Chris to get the night started. Once they got to the club, he was sure that Chris would wander off to find some girl to woo, as he had spoke about in the car ride back from the beach. Alexandra would hopefully take advantage of Owen's absence and get drunk enough to wander off. He could encourage Oliver to use that to his advantage to speak to Alexandra without her sober and sensible side shutting him down. Aiden was never a nuisance, so Carson wasn't bothered by the idea of him hanging around, and just as they were standing up to leave, Jamie said her own car was waiting for her. She wouldn't be going to the club with them because she needed to make sure Rose was okay, after her sudden disappearance that morning after claiming to have the flu. He doubted Jamie's excuse as much as everyone else, but her presence didn't really affect him. She definitely was closer to his step-brother than he, and Carson saw it as one less person to get in the way of him spending time with Shay.

Once the check was paid by Shay and they were on their way out, a wave of confidence passed over him. It was probably Owen's absence getting the best of him, but he was brazen enough to grab a hold of Shay's hand, despite the others being only feet away. It wasn't like he was pushing her against the wall and tearing her clothes off, but maybe he was trying to make up from his 'friends' remark earlier. "You better not ditch me for a Jonas brother tonight."